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View Full Version : Are transsexuals too complicated?

05-23-2007, 06:18 AM
dont give up so soon...there are plenty of non-complicated trans-girls..even on this forum.

ya got Kelly Shore, Crayons, blackmagic....the list goes on..

05-23-2007, 06:21 AM
For me they are. Gonna go back to GG's and put trannies in the "friend zone".

Oh shit......


Three pages....at least.

05-23-2007, 06:23 AM
dont give up so soon...there are plenty of non-complicated trans-girls..even on this forum.

ya got Kelly Shore, Crayons, blackmagic....the list goes on..

Blackmagic isn't a transgirl... as he's once again put a halt to the process. Just wanted to keep things accurate.

05-23-2007, 06:37 AM
Well, obviously they were just a sexual kick for you anyways. So, they luck out, sly! ;)

05-23-2007, 06:38 AM
I'll tell you who's complicated....................... Fat Chicks; THAT'S RIGHT FAT CHICKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fat chicks always have a fucking complex, regardless of the amount of $$$ they have, the cars they drive, they always find some shit to complain about. If they get some slimmer than them guy that's interested they somehow find a way to fuck it up.

YEAH FAT CHICKS SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-23-2007, 06:55 AM
Well lets face it, love is complicated in general!!!

05-23-2007, 06:58 AM
Seriously, we should get an instruction manual or something. All women are too complicated. Well, not all, but a good majority of them. in the end though they're worth it. I say stick it out. I have.

05-23-2007, 07:11 AM
Hope you got a high quality blow-up doll, Sil, and not one of those cheapo ones with the seams that cut you the hell up while your trying to get yours. Kabuki put me on to some nice ones... You should hit him up if you're looking to upgrade. And yes, these really are dolls, and yeah, they really are expensive... $5K a pop, as I understand. :lol:

05-23-2007, 07:15 AM
Wheres the TG doll?

05-23-2007, 07:21 AM
Yes, they are.

Their personalities are some unholy mix of a flaming gay dude and High School Prom Queen.

But they have cute buttholes, so we deal with it.

05-23-2007, 07:39 AM
Hope you got a high quality blow-up doll, Sil, and not one of those cheapo ones with the seams that cut you the hell up while your trying to get yours. Kabuki put me on to some nice ones... You should hit him up if you're looking to upgrade. And yes, these really are dolls, and yeah, they really are expensive... $5K a pop, as I understand. :lol:

Wow! The second pic, looked like real GG's at it!


Shining Star
05-23-2007, 08:10 AM
Hope you got a high quality blow-up doll, Sil, and not one of those cheapo ones with the seams that cut you the hell up while your trying to get yours. Kabuki put me on to some nice ones... You should hit him up if you're looking to upgrade. And yes, these really are dolls, and yeah, they really are expensive... $5K a pop, as I understand. :lol: Compared to what? Algerbra? Taking the LSATs?

You get out of life what you put into it, and anything worth having is worth working towards.


05-23-2007, 08:14 AM
About the same a GG....both are fucking bug nutz as far as im concerned..

Fetish Fanatic
05-23-2007, 08:23 AM
ill make this simple for you. Women are complicated as hell. Transexuals pretty much are women, there for either way your gonna get some complicated creatures lol

05-23-2007, 08:37 AM
For me they are. Gonna go back to GG's and put trannies in the "friend zone".

A Message that only applies to those who want to build a Ts Love Nest...

You are so so so so so so so so so so so so so right

Photographed over 400 girls for my lingerie fetish sites...got attracted to Ts in Hawaii abou 8 years ago...

Slowly turned to looking for only TS...cost me my wife of 12 years...

Took me years to find a Ts that actually wanted to stop "selling it or playing the field" (yes I have the $ to help my Ts so she does not have to sell it to put food on the table or pay the rent)

Went to the Philippines for months searching...found out no love there..only want you to be their daddy

Went to Sweden for one Ts that I brought from Cebu to Sweden coz could not get her to the USA...to find out that the Hottest Ts I have ever seen was the biggest cunt to her sisters & anyone that was not as hot as her.

Came back to the USA ...had to finally help a CD become a TS "aka Nikki" (took me 2 years before taking picture 1)

If Nikki ever leaves me...I will never give my heart to another ts.

Which does not leave me much coz GG do not do it for me anymore.

Take me back 8 years and I would have never taken picture 1 of Ts 1

Bottom Line...keep Ts in the Realm of Fantasy...they are not like GG (GG have a natural instinct to want to build a Nest)


05-23-2007, 12:37 PM
Are not al of us complicated in one way or another? :roll:

05-23-2007, 02:09 PM
It depends on what you mean by 'complicated'.

Some transwomen are very dysfunctional, have issues,
a warehouse full of baggage, and always have a 'gotdayum'

With them, if it ain't one thing it's another, same shit,
different day, basically for some their motto is;


For other women, they work on their problems, solve
them, move on to the next challenge.

Their lives are complicated in a different way.


It's all about choices, yours and theirs.

C'est la vie. :shrug

05-23-2007, 02:54 PM
Well, obviously they were just a sexual kick for you anyways. So, they luck out, sly! ;)

Thanks for the input whatsupwithat! Now let me go have fun with my blow up doll, with the pussy blown inside out :lol:crazy bastards lol

05-23-2007, 03:11 PM
It depends on what you mean by 'complicated'.

Some transwomen are very dysfunctional, have issues,
a warehouse full of baggage, and always have a 'gotdayum'

With them, if it ain't one thing it's another, same shit,
different day

Sadly enough that defines a good percentage of the 'Women of Woodside'

Over the past year I've seen transsexual sisters (yes actual sisters, twins almost) fist-fight outside a club because one was jealous of the attention the other one got.

I've listened to another rant & rave about how she got some thugs to break this other girls leg and right arm because when they were roommates she slept with her then b/f while the girl was out at some hotel working a client.

I witnessed (and I apologize in advance for saying it this way but it's the truth) a crossdresser wanna be streetwalker get kicked out of a bar because the other girls were laughing at her to the extent that the DJ killed the music, the bouncers were afraid to go near her, and 6 cops had to escort her to the back of the Ford Econoline to take her to the precinct and even they looked scared.

I watched a chick many of you guys have asked me about because you saw her in party pictures smack her then b/f on the side (she has a live in b/f at her flat) in the face in the middle of a club because she was flirting with some guy across the room and while she was doing that his ex (another chick many of you have asked me about) came up to him and JUST TALKED.

I'm sure there's alot more, those are just fresh on my mind..............

05-23-2007, 03:26 PM
Hope you got a high quality blow-up doll, Sil, and not one of those cheapo ones with the seams that cut you the hell up while your trying to get yours. Kabuki put me on to some nice ones... You should hit him up if you're looking to upgrade. And yes, these really are dolls, and yeah, they really are expensive... $5K a pop, as I understand. :lol:

That dolls looks quite necrophilic to me...and, Ottorocket, there`s a TG doll as well, I saw it somewhere on the Net...
About complicated Tgirs - well, yes they are...it`s so GG`s!

05-23-2007, 06:04 PM
yeah they might be complicated but Angelina Jollie was so simple to figure out

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-23-2007, 06:12 PM
JWBL a cheating bf is never a good thing...and it doesnt help any that he is cheating with your best friend or sister. That's the WORST thing any guy could do to any girl or tgirl! I hope she smack them both good!! ;)




05-23-2007, 06:27 PM
It depends on what you mean by 'complicated'.

Some transwomen are very dysfunctional, have issues,
a warehouse full of baggage, and always have a 'gotdayum'

With them, if it ain't one thing it's another, same shit,
different day

Sadly enough that defines a good percentage of the 'Women of Woodside'

Over the past year I've seen transsexual sisters (yes actual sisters, twins almost) fist-fight outside a club because one was jealous of the attention the other one got.

I've listened to another rant & rave about how she got some thugs to break this other girls leg and right arm because when they were roommates she slept with her then b/f while the girl was out at some hotel working a client.

I witnessed (and I apologize in advance for saying it this way but it's the truth) a crossdresser wanna be streetwalker get kicked out of a bar because the other girls were laughing at her to the extent that the DJ killed the music, the bouncers were afraid to go near her, and 6 cops had to escort her to the back of the Ford Econoline to take her to the precinct and even they looked scared.

I watched a chick many of you guys have asked me about because you saw her in party pictures smack her then b/f on the side (she has a live in b/f at her flat) in the face in the middle of a club because she was flirting with some guy across the room and while she was doing that his ex (another chick many of you have asked me about) came up to him and JUST TALKED.

I'm sure there's alot more, those are just fresh on my mind..............

JWBL, are you talking about the Roosevelt Avenue girls or someowhere else. Any decent clubs there? It has been some years since I was in that area.

05-23-2007, 06:36 PM
JWBL a cheating bf is never a good thing...and it doesnt help any that he is cheating with your best friend or sister. That's the WORST thing any guy could do to any girl or tgirl! I hope she smack them both good!! ;)




Cheated while she was out turning a trick.
Makes the whole thing a bit more complex and, indeed, dysfunctional to me.

05-23-2007, 06:44 PM
All I've got to say is, some of the tgirls I've personally met, I recognized weren't quite right from the start (emotional problems, "gotdayum" problems as Peggy said, etcetera), while others took me a few minutes to figure out, and yet others days or weeks. Only once have I interacted with a TG who was what you'd call "together" for any real length of time. So, I'd say that when dealing with GGs you have a lower percentage of having these problem, as while I've had this come up with GGs too, it sure as hell doesn't happen anywhere near as often.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-23-2007, 06:51 PM
JWBL a cheating bf is never a good thing...and it doesnt help any that he is cheating with your best friend or sister. That's the WORST thing any guy could do to any girl or tgirl! I hope she smack them both good!! ;)




Cheated while she was out turning a trick.
Makes the whole thing a bit more complex and, indeed, dysfunctional to me.

I agree. The girls..the one turning tricks and her friend Plus her supposedly bf are all diysfuntional! Cant argue with that. The only thing that made her bf cheating the WORST was cheating on him using her sister/bestfriend (he could have picked any other girl but her bestfriend/sister). ;)



05-23-2007, 06:54 PM
JWBL a cheating bf is never a good thing...and it doesnt help any that he is cheating with your best friend or sister. That's the WORST thing any guy could do to any girl or tgirl!...

he...or she? Typo again?
I must disagree on cheating is bad by default - why?
There`s different form of doing that..the worst is, by me, emotional
cheat or being with someone while your "heart" is belong to another...the one that bothers me less is the one I may describe as BANG & GO or strictly physical...hey, we`ve all got some animals instict within!

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-23-2007, 07:04 PM
JWBL a cheating bf is never a good thing...and it doesnt help any that he is cheating with your best friend or sister. That's the WORST thing any guy could do to any girl or tgirl!...

he...or she? Typo again?

Yes it's HE I believe..I was refering to her BOYFRIEND Balcanoid and he isnt a she! :evil: Maybe you read the whole sentence wrong? LOL Get off my hair! :roll:



Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-23-2007, 07:19 PM
There`s different form of doing that..the worst is, by me, emotional
cheat or being with someone while your "heart" is belong to another...the one that bothers me less is the one I may describe as BANG & GO or strictly physical...hey, we`ve all got some animals instict within!

And..emotional or not..CHEATING is still CHEATING! Irregardless of the facts. ;)

It's only called CHEATING when two people enters an LTR type of relationship. If there isnt a relationship..its simply called being "promiscuous". ;)



05-24-2007, 01:44 AM
For me they are. Gonna go back to GG's and put trannies in the "friend zone".

For me it ain't a problem, I never have been and probably never will be seeking a LTR with one. I'm just in it for the fun. :D Life's just too short to agonize over Bullshit!

Hmmm come to think of it the streets of Thailand look more and more interesting to me, their TS's seem less complicated and more fun maybe? I'd sure enjoy finding out.....

LOL, I'm sure ANY Transsexual outside of America is "easier" to deal with. Esp if you're an american. Though every part of the world has it egomaniacs and thieves/bad apples, but in general, way less of a headache.

I say go for it.

05-24-2007, 02:08 AM
LOL, I'm sure ANY Transsexual outside of America is "easier" to deal with.

I havent found the European or Asian t-girls particularly easy to handle.


05-24-2007, 02:38 AM
So there is no confusion let me explain, and I'm sorry I didn't explain this clearer...................

Girl A, had a live-in b/f and Girl B lived in the same flat in another room. Basement basically separated via Home Depot plywood paneling........
Girl A left to go do an outcall and Girl B snuck into Girl A's bedroom, and basically did the do with the live in b/f. Don't ask me how they got caught, I think there was an argument and it came out later on. But I already explained the rest, lol.

Not for nothing but that live in b/f bullshit is a whole OTHER topic. I mean you have to be a strong minded muhfucka to watch your supposed g/f get dressed slutty, leave the room she was laying in bed with you in. Go to another room and lock that door and get pounded by a client while your b/f (who cant turn the tv or stereo up louder) has to endure listening to you either fake it or really take it.

05-24-2007, 02:38 AM
LOL, I'm sure ANY Transsexual outside of America is "easier" to deal with.

I havent found the European or Asian t-girls particularly easy to handle.


I could understand Euopeans but Asians? Care to elaborate on "handle"?

05-24-2007, 09:00 AM
Had an LTR. She was an absolute asshole many times. Thought the world owed her. Not only that, she was a scam artist. Owed everyone money. Nevertheless I thought we'd be married by now. I did love her.

05-24-2007, 09:01 AM
Had an LTR. She was an absolute asshole many times. Thought the world owed her. Not only that, she was a scam artist. Owed everyone money. Nevertheless I thought we'd be married by now. I did love her.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-24-2007, 09:09 AM
Hmm..If it would make you feel better..she looks like a tgirl version Jerry Seinfeild. You're way better off without her bklynboy. ;)



05-24-2007, 09:24 AM
Hmm..If it would make you feel better..she looks like a tgirl version Jerry Seinfeild. You're way better off without her bklynboy. ;)




05-24-2007, 09:28 AM
She also cheated on me - alot (found out after the fact). Too bad I took care of her for four years.

What a kick in the teeth. That's why I don't date.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-24-2007, 09:37 AM
Hmm..If it would make you feel better..she looks like a tgirl version Jerry Seinfeild. You're way better off without her bklynboy. ;)




Im not trying to be mean by any means Legend but the guy needs some sympathy. Ok so I take that back!
She looked like that guy on Mad TV Michael McDonald. Is that better? LOL





05-24-2007, 09:47 AM
TS arent complicated, I am complicated!!!

I think that if enough of the girls had guys come at them for real and take them seriously, they would not be so complex... It would be about the same as genetically born girls.

But hey, like I said, love is always complicated!!!

05-24-2007, 10:09 PM
bklynboy, let me assure you that this was probably for the better....

05-25-2007, 05:28 AM
The problem with her is I did take the relationship for real, thought I would have a loving wife by now. It was about love and I took a lot of grief for it. Now I know not to waste my time. Doesn't matter if its this board, or j-date, or any dating sites. It is what it is. And to those people who think they are owed for their lot in life, I say grow up. Everyone has difficulties to oversome.

At least she was a hot fuck.