View Full Version : Yahoo transgendered chat

05-23-2007, 03:57 AM
does anyone know how I can find it on yahoo or any other site.

05-23-2007, 03:58 AM
does anyone know how I can find it on yahoo or any other site. For yahoo you go to groups then transgender

05-23-2007, 03:59 AM
They still have Yahoo chat?

05-23-2007, 04:01 AM
They still have Yahoo chat? yeah silly lol

05-23-2007, 04:04 AM
I think they suspended the Member made chats until further notice. I just used it today

05-23-2007, 04:13 AM
be prepared for a room of bots, bootcodes, yahoo chat vox laggers, which have the capability of crashing many a pc

05-23-2007, 04:20 AM
Before there was MySpace...there was Yahoo chat. I met plenty of people that way back in the day...lol

07-24-2007, 09:39 AM
Before there was MySpace...there was Yahoo chat. I met plenty of people that way back in the day...lol

Things were different back in the day, on yahoo chat, especially when they still had the member created rooms. It wasn't bad you could actually meet some one. Now in a room with 50 people there are very few chats actually taking place and my biggest complaint is the trans gendered room filled with these robot profiles of "Girls" not Tgirls ......"GGs" and the purpose to front for one of a million webcam pay per sites. They have the icon that they are available for Cam but you never get to see their cam because they don't exist. Its almost as bad as the young Filipina Tgirls on AFF webcasting. When you start a simple chat it takes maybe all of 2 minutes until they are coercing you to send $100 oops too much ...$75 ....still a little steep...maybe $50 closer closer....$40 hmmmmmm ....ok ok $30 western union for a private show...I mean 18 yrs old and I beginning to think this is offered as a standard high school course in the Philippines...You know ... "How you too can succeed , and gain financial freedom with 3 simple things: Webcam, Western Union and American Suckers 101" its an elective not required

Wow that was kind of out of nowhere...sorry ...I guess I had to get it off my chest

07-24-2007, 10:03 AM
lol no seriously it REALLY is like that ^^

again you guys should use either the room hara made that is in my signiture or the ts room on gay.com

get off your faggy high horses and realize that there are a billion other rooms that have nothing to do w/ being gay... and you dont even have to use the gay.com site to chat once you sign up.

07-24-2007, 10:19 AM
lol no seriously it REALLY is like that ^^

Yes Its really like that .....how pathetically funny huh?

07-25-2007, 12:33 AM
Before there was MySpace...there was Yahoo chat. I met plenty of people that way back in the day...lol

yahoo chat was the shit back in the day...now i wont even go near it

07-25-2007, 12:50 AM
I have been unable to use yahoo chat rooms also. But I agree that it was getting really stupid toward the end anyway. I got rid of AOL, only good things on there were the chat rooms.

Can anyone recommend any chat services out there? There must be some. Would also be nice if they allowed webcam chat.

09-30-2007, 09:36 PM
Before there was MySpace...there was Yahoo chat. I met plenty of people that way back in the day...lol

yahoo chat was the shit back in the day...now i wont even go near it

Yep, I remember when one could go in yahoo! and have a good time chatting about anything, make your own room and so on. Now it's just pre-made rooms with mostly spammers, porn 'bots, and so on.

*pictures all the undercover cops trying to hit on each other* :lol:

09-30-2007, 11:56 PM
Go to Yahell's Cultures & Community / Groups.

You now need to click on a link then enter the code to get into a yahoo room. It's supposed to cut down on the bots.

Have fun chatting with the 55 year old crossdressers!

Hara_Juku Tgirl
10-01-2007, 01:47 AM
Its almost as bad as the young Filipina Tgirls on AFF webcasting. When you start a simple chat it takes maybe all of 2 minutes until they are coercing you to send $100 oops too much ...$75 ....still a little steep...maybe $50 closer closer....$40 hmmmmmm ....ok ok $30 western union for a private show...I mean 18 yrs old and I beginning to think this is offered as a standard high school course in the Philippines...You know ... "How you too can succeed , and gain financial freedom with 3 simple things: Webcam, Western Union and American Suckers 101" its an elective not required

Lmao..Well blame the PI government for so much red tape, graft and corruption within the system hence life in the PI gets harder and harder it seems! LOL Atleast, If they asked for $30.00 then you should be able to see something worth it than just their faces!

I heard from awhile back that those webcam whoring business were busted my the Pnp. LOL
