View Full Version : "Heroes" Season Finale: Decent or Disappointing?

05-23-2007, 01:00 AM

Just wanted to get opinions on the season finale last night, which I personally found something of a letdown. Sylar dies that easily? Really? Come on! (I'm ignoring the fact that one of the last scenes shows a trail of blood and no body, where Sylar has previously been lying "dead"). And Nathan flying Peter into orbit so he could prevent the city from being destroyed... Tell me why Claire shooting Peter would've been so bad again? I mean, it would've stopped him from melting down, Nathan would have lived (if, in fact, he's really dead), and with Peter having Claire's ability to regenerate, he'd be alive too (of course, we all know he survived the blast). A big disappointment as far as I'm concerned. How about you?

05-23-2007, 01:42 AM
Interesting....The way I saw it Syler did survive as seen by the bloodtrail leading to the open manhole cover. I was hoping Hiro chopped off his head like in Highlander.

The Peter/Nathan thing. The way I looked at it if Claire shot him in the head he really would've died. A bullet fragments and there's no way they would've been able to pull a bullet out of his brain the way Claire pulled the shard of glass out of his head. I'm not sure how fast Nathan can fly, but it's completely plausible for Nathan to get up to fifty-thousand feet and drop Peter and then just fly away. Peter can fly too remember.

Not disappointed, not the best season finale cliffhangers though.

05-23-2007, 02:07 AM
The way I looked at it if Claire shot him in the head he really would've died. A bullet fragments and there's no way they would've been able to pull a bullet out of his brain the way Claire pulled the shard of glass out of his head.

Yes a bullet fragments, but I imagine a tree branch shoved through someone's skull does too, no? So, with a the tree branch having been pulled from Claire's brain a ways back, immediately returning her to life, I have to imagine that had Peter been shot in the head, he'd have been able to pull through following a surgical extraction. I mean, in the morgue, they just pulled out the branch... they didn't do any follow up to get any splinters out, so the "fragments" argument? I don't see it.

I'm not sure how fast Nathan can fly, but it's completely plausible for Nathan to get up to fifty-thousand feet and drop Peter and then just fly away. Peter can fly too remember.

Yeah, I figure Nathan dropped Peter off and got the hell out of there, too. However, as you've said, Peter can fly too... So why didn't he? A friend and I have debated this issue most of today, with him concluding that with Peter being unable to control Ted's nuclear energies, he couldn't utilize another power, such as that of flight, which would indicate that Peter can only use one ability at a time. I don't know... I'll have to watch a few episodes again, as I seem to recall him doing otherwise.

05-23-2007, 02:22 AM
Bullet Fragments/tree branch.....we're talking about fictional mutant powers here. Haven't seen the episode where Claire gets shoved since it aired, but I'm thinking it's not quite the same as a bullet breaking up into three or four pieces and scattering. Not a Crime Scene Investigator tho'. You could argue that the piece of glass could've broken when it entered Peter's head.

I definitely think Peter can only access one power at a time. Particularly when he seemed to be trying to control the pyrokinesis with everything he had. I also think Nathan saving him was to make himself look good, so he definitely got out of there.

05-23-2007, 02:26 AM
Good points, all around. While I realize we're talking "fictional mutant powers" here, what I've been wondering is why Peter could control Ted's power originally (albeit with some concentration), but when he absorbed it from Sylar he couldn't? Ahh... science fiction. Always something that doesn't quite add up. :)

05-23-2007, 02:33 AM
That's the thing, I don't think he absorbed them from Sylar. I think in the process of kicking Sylar's ass he got so pumped up on adrenaline he couldn't control them. He got pissed off when he read Nathan and Mrs. Petrelli's thoughts and had a flare up.

Ted eventually learned how to control them, but whenever he got angry early on he couldn't. Sylar could control them because his power allows him to understand how they work. Peter though is much more emotional.

Rationality vs. Emotion, that was the theme of the entire season.

05-23-2007, 05:28 AM
Decent from a writer POV, good from a fans POV. They left with some questions so the series can continue, but they also made some thing a little more fucked up then they started. 6 out of 10 from me.

05-23-2007, 08:52 PM
Not enough deaths for a finale. Sylar supposedly escaped down a manhole, when they gave us one if not two possible super villians in the future (1. some evil guy who can see into your mind or at least the little girl's mind, 2. Petrrelli grandma, if she is in the organization and has super powered kids she likely has a power and she has evil motivations). The only likely death was Nathan, that one has no guarantee being that there was no body, even with bullets to the chest, Parkman and DL did not die. The worst was building up to the Sylar death for forever and a day and he supposedly escapes. I think the series didn't adequately describe all of his powers, in an early episode he got shot in the chest got back up and flew away, then later in the jail he supposedly died and came back to lock up Bennet, so I think they needed to tell us how powerful his regeneration power was.

I think the reason Peter lost control was because he unexpectedly absorbed a new power (strength from Nikki/Jessica), my friend thought just because he lost control while wailing on Sylar.

My last pet peave is Hiro going to 17th century Japan. I hope to god they don't spend more than one or two episodes in the past, I don't want to read subtitles all episode for 20 episodes.

For a series that claims that it will be new stories and alot of new characters each season, they didn't do a good job of killing people off.

05-23-2007, 09:57 PM
I have a sneaking suspicion that Sylar's body was retrieved by this "ultimate bad guy", and that we'll find this person has the ability to return the dead to life, among other talents. That said, we can expect that Linderman may return as well, as the character is too central to the story to simply die off that easily. As for Hiro... I also hope he doesn't spend too much time in the 17th century too, as I don't see how that can possibly be significant in the development of the main storyline. What I am looking forward to next season is what we all know is coming... a flashback to when Mrs. Petrelli and her husband, Linderman, Mr. Nakamura and Simone's father were "heroes" themselves. That's going to be a kickass episode or two, for sure.

05-24-2007, 01:35 AM
Not convinced that Linderman will return, but I could see Mrs. Petrelli taking control of the rest of the organization. I think Mr. Nakamura is in all likelihood a splinter off of that original group. Hopefully he will remain mostly good. I think that flash back will be pretty cool if they give it to us. I expect Hiro is in ancient Japan because of Kensai, I think he uses that to master his power or something.

05-24-2007, 01:39 AM
It was mediocre at best. Hopefully Lost does it better. My thoughts on the finale:

1-neither Peter or Nathan is dead for reasons mentioned above.
2-Hiro's father IS the famous 17th century warrior. Unless Sulu dies before they film season 2.
3-Sylar will end up working for Mrs Petrelli's organization since they have the same goals.

Linderman dead? Sure. Why not. Mrs. Petrelli seems more evil to me. Malcolm MacDowell can't be a cheap expense and he's expendable. Maybe he comes back in flashbacks.
What is Nikki's power? Channelling the dead?

05-24-2007, 02:16 AM
Good, not great. There were some nice subtle touches, like the way the two kids played off each other ("It won't work." "Yes it will." Smile of innocent acceptance which is so childlike), or Claire escaping by plunging to the street: she's certainly grown in confidence.

The high points and my guesses:

1) Peter survives, but it takes a long time to regenerate from being blasted to smithereens (take a lesson from Wolverine)

2) Nathan survives if he was smart enough and quick enough to let Peter go as mentioned (though I really don't like his character and won't mind if he's gone for good)

3) Lindeman is history: at least I hope so. Healing himself from severe brain trauma is quite different from healing others; that would give him Claire's power

4) Sylar is alive. Of course he is. When does the supervillian really die?

5) Parkman lives (the bullets lost enough inertia to only cause minor injury is my theory)

6) Mrs. Petrelli takes over Lindeman's spot as mentioned

7) Hiro's father is the kensei of legend (or so says Matthew Gilbert of the Boston Globe--I found it hard to tell), and his power is immortality

8 ) Nikki/Jessica's husband (I forget his name) survives or he would've died already

9) we learn a lot more about Simone's father, a nice mystery to unfold

10) we learn about the mysterious character who can see Molly when she thinks of him

11) Peter has always lacked focus and control; he's been learning and improving, but the exploding hands scene while confronting Sylar was simply overwhelming

12) Nice Jack Kirby reference ;)

05-24-2007, 03:42 AM
it's all about the cockroach, man...