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View Full Version : HELLO MOTO: Do you use TXT messaging? lol

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-22-2007, 11:28 PM
Over here in California, People are crazy text messaging with people. I was told that txt messaging technology came to the US late. Back in 95-97 people in asean countries were already doing it.

So my question is: Who on here does text messaging?

Do you enjoy it? Yes/No?

I personally think its alright. What bugs me about it is that some people uses it like instant messenger. And if you dont reply to them immidiately you get flooded with more messages like "Wussup? Are you there?".."Are you there?".."Oh I see how it is"

As if you have nothing better to do than just text message away while doing your groceries? :roll: LOL People should know that if they dont get a reply in the next 5 minutes (tops) that means your busy..either taking a crap, eating, doing your laundry, groceries, whatever and should not be upset about it! :evil:

It drives me mad when my phone vibrates and beeps every 2 minutes. :x



Mista Bone
05-22-2007, 11:30 PM
I text...specially at work cause I dont work at a desk with a computer...so I cant instant message. I also text when I crap...lol...whats wrong with that...just make sure I put it down to wipe...so it doesnt fall in the toilet...LMAO...I crack myself up.

05-22-2007, 11:31 PM
Text messaging is great. What isn't is that people don't know how to use it. Don't send me a text message it took you ten minutes to compose if you can just call and tell me the same exact thing in less than five seconds. As is the case with all technology, fools always find a way to make it a step backward rather than a leap forward.

05-22-2007, 11:34 PM
You know what pisses me off? When I get this message out of the blue:

"Call me."

WTF?!? Why the fuck didn't 'u' just call me in the first place instead of texting me to call you so you can feel all...what exactly?

btw, I never call them.

05-22-2007, 11:35 PM
shoot yeah, its all fun with the blackberry but GOD! i cant text worth a shit on a cell phone. :lol:

05-22-2007, 11:37 PM
I don't even own a cell phone...lol

Alison Faraday
05-22-2007, 11:40 PM
wve bn txtng hre snce th erly 90s nd th nvlty ds evntly wea off. u gt usd 2 it.

jst u wt as nxt 2 cm 4u wil b vid msgng. ;-) th UK hs hd a pub cell net snce th 80s. wre quit advncd lk tht nd cnt blve it tk u so lng. :-)

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-22-2007, 11:41 PM
I agree. There's some advatages using text messaaging say for example you are meeting friends at a club and cant seem to find them. LOL Text message them instead of calling because the music is so loud you wont be able to hear anything! Haha..

But on everyday life, well..people need some ettiquette when sending others text messages. And be respectful knowing people do work and cant be playing text messages back and forth with them the whole damn day!

Another thing thats highly irritating about TXT messaging are people who text message eachother who are in the same room. LOL :evil:



05-22-2007, 11:42 PM
Not a fan of texting. Don't like getting them, hate having to write them, unless I can connect the phone to my PC and type away.

I don't get many, 'cos people know I won't reply for a week or so but I hate talking to someone and hearing there phone buzz every few minutes.

Prefer email, chatrooms, taking on the phone and meeting people up.

05-22-2007, 11:45 PM
wve bn txtng hre snce th erly 90s nd th nvlty ds evntly wea off. u gt usd 2 it.

jst u wt as nxt 2 cm 4u wil b vid msgng. ;-) th UK hs hd a pub cell net snce th 80s. wre quit advncd lk tht nd cnt blve it tk u so lng. :-)

LMFAO! :lol:

05-22-2007, 11:51 PM
wve bn txtng hre snce th erly 90s nd th nvlty ds evntly wea off. u gt usd 2 it.

jst u wt as nxt 2 cm 4u wil b vid msgng. ;-) th UK hs hd a pub cell net snce th 80s. wre quit advncd lk tht nd cnt blve it tk u so lng. :-)

Yeah, I know- I was in the UK back then.

Kind of sucks that one day everyone might be writing like this. I figure by then the Eastern Europeans and Japanese will be speaking and writing English better than the Brits and Americans.

Alison Faraday
05-23-2007, 12:04 AM

I'll be honest though, I absolutely hate text messaging. Driving at 90mph down the motorway while writing one is an absolute nightmare!! Especially when you make a spelling mistake!!

We're now using mobiles more than we do landlines. Personally I hate the things for what they represent but they are handy. I still do exchange hand written letters with people, some in business even. Call it a revolt against modern technology even.

My personal mobile SIM I've had since April 1999. It's a PAYG phone with no contract and I put about £5 on it a month. The current handset is one of these;

My old one was one of these;


05-23-2007, 12:06 AM
i have only had a cell for like 10 months but i am a T9 master :twisted:

05-23-2007, 12:09 AM
When I mastered T9 (which took all of 5 seconds) I began to appreciate text messaging. There's certain people that prefer text messaging (hint hint) it avoids the bullshit conversation and cuts to the chase.

I will admit for me it's just a crutch until the U.S. wakes the fuck up and allows cellular communication via realtime camera communication, something Japan & Europe are progressing in but we are dormant in.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-23-2007, 12:12 AM
I recalled my 1st cellphone was that of a motorolla flip phone with a sim card as big as a creditcard that I bought right out of college. I also had a pager back then. When I moved to the US, I took my cellphone with me and took it at a local ATT center in MN..Unfortunately they told me that they dont have "sim" technogy yet back then. :evil:

How can a country so advanced be so far left behind? And this was back in 95. LOL :lol:



05-23-2007, 12:22 AM
For those who like to converse in proper english, T9 text input (like all other similar versions before) sucks. None of my favourite words are included. Try keying in things like pusillanimous, monotreme, nematode, ambidextrous, aphrodisiac, androgenous, zygote. Even simple words like penis and wanker are not recognized although- curiously- orgasm and orgasmic both are.

30,000 words? What a load of bollocks! (also not recognized).

Go on, try it here:

It does suck, doesn't it?

05-23-2007, 12:39 AM
No I dont use text messaging if I dont need to. I prefer to call up and talk to a person I need to have contact whit. But people seems love to sms to me I got 5 of them only today. I answered only one.

05-23-2007, 12:41 AM
I've never texted anyone, but then, if I put 3 minutes of use on my cell phone per month, that's a banner month.

Mainly, I just hate phones, was never big on them, even when the only option was POTS.

05-23-2007, 01:02 AM
Like Alison in the UK, it is old news here. In fact, we are second only to Finland when it comes to mobile usage. Anyway textin is part and parcel of everyday life now, you don't even notice it. I think it is very useful, as it allows you to contact a person no matter where they are or what they are doing.

05-23-2007, 01:04 AM
I use text messages when my service is sporadic....or I enter any building at school, since I will invariably lose signal. Just a more convenient way for me to communicate when I can't make calls for real.

05-23-2007, 01:05 AM
For those who like to converse in proper english, T9 text input (like all other similar versions before) sucks. None of my favourite words are included. Try keying in things like pusillanimous, monotreme, nematode, ambidextrous, aphrodisiac, androgenous, zygote. Even simple words like penis and wanker are not recognized although- curiously- orgasm and orgasmic both are.

30,000 words? What a load of bollocks! (also not recognized).

Go on, try it here:

It does suck, doesn't it?

what phone do you use?
My smartphone allows me to add any word I choose to it's database and if I want to type it in later it's there..........

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-23-2007, 01:18 AM
people seems love to sms to me I got 5 of them only today. I answered only one.

LOL :lol:

I hear you. Its hard trying to type on soo little keyboard! :twisted:



05-23-2007, 01:23 AM
Hey, hara, whats your fone number I wanna send you a text message!!!

05-23-2007, 01:25 AM
I rarely send text messages. Unfortunately, I receive them constantly from friends and business associates. One word: annoying.


Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-23-2007, 01:51 AM
Hey, hara, whats your fone number I wanna send you a text message!!!

LOL Ha! It's still an NJ phone number Deng and I aint giving it to you. :lol: ;)



05-23-2007, 01:56 AM
i love texting im obsessed with it

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-23-2007, 02:39 AM
i love texting im obsessed with it

LOL You're like my sister. All she does when she is home is text message all night. Ill be trying to sleep and she will be like punching the keypads of her cell. It get's really annoying after awhile..just like what AIM makes that sound when people sends you messages online..ugh! So I just tell her to stop it already! LOL :lol:



05-23-2007, 10:07 AM
For those who like to converse in proper english, T9 text input (like all other similar versions before) sucks. None of my favourite words are included. Try keying in things like pusillanimous, monotreme, nematode, ambidextrous, aphrodisiac, androgenous, zygote. Even simple words like penis and wanker are not recognized although- curiously- orgasm and orgasmic both are.

30,000 words? What a load of bollocks! (also not recognized).

Go on, try it here:

It does suck, doesn't it?

what phone do you use?
My smartphone allows me to add any word I choose to it's database and if I want to type it in later it's there..........

Some kind of Samsung. No idea what the model is- I'm not too fond of mobile phones. Before that, it was a Nokia- again, no idea what model it was. I don't think I can add any words to its database. It's not a smartphone. You could say it's a pretty dumb one. I just use the phone to talk to people and take snapshots so I never really needed one with lots of features.

I guess I'm just happier typing on a keyboard than pressing those little keys. I'm also not too fond of things like "C U 2morrow" and "L8R". When I want to send a message, I hook up my phone to my PC and type away, in proper sentences. My friends tell me I'm the only on they know who texts in proper English.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-30-2007, 01:14 AM
Those short TXT (text) messages drives me nuts too LG!

Here's a few:

SMS Text Messaging Abbreviations:

Anything - NTHING
Are you OK - RUOK?
Are - R
Ate - 8
Be - B
Before - B4
Be seeing you - BCNU
Cutie - QT
Date - D8
Dinner - DNR
Easy - EZ
Eh? - A?
Excellent - XLNT
Fate - F8
For - 4
For your information - FYI
Great - GR8
Late - L8
Later - L8R
Lots of love/laughs - Lol
Love - LUV
Mate - M8
Please - PLS
Please call me - PCM
Queue/cue - Q
Rate - R8
See/sea - C
See you later - CU L8R
Speak - SPK
Tea - T
Thanks - THX
Thank you - THNQ
To/too - 2
To be - 2B
Today - 2DAY
Tomorrow - 2MORO
Want to - WAN2
What - WOT
Work - WRK
Why - Y
You - U
Happy/Smiley - :-)
Angry - :-||
Very happy - :-))
Confused - %-)
Tongue tied - :-&
Sad - :-(
Saintly - O:-)
Laughing - :-D
Crying - :'-(
Surprised/shocked - :-O
Screaming - :-@
Kiss - :-*
Pig - :@)
Clown - *:-)
Wink - ;-)




05-30-2007, 01:19 AM
yey i do, i set up a service even for an old friend of mine who is a movie buff as i am.

i scan thru the tv guide and then send him the "movie of the day" -message (time, channel, name, genre)

apart from that i use it to send out requests or data to co-workers

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-30-2007, 02:24 AM
yey i do, i set up a service even for an old friend of mine who is a movie buff as i am.

i scan thru the tv guide and then send him the "movie of the day" -message (time, channel, name, genre)

apart from that i use it to send out requests or data to co-workers

I hear ya. Unfortunately, I'm not fond of it. I had a slight accident involving cellphone and text messaging awhile back (2 1/2 months ago) trying to get my damn cell out of my bag. :evil:

So it annoys me when I get any txt messages.



06-02-2007, 12:58 AM

not only do i use text messaging a lot, i also check out THIS board on my mobile phone lol.

besides, i use yahoo messanger also on my mobile. its clumsy tho but when thers no computer within reach and i see some friends online and i got some time to kill....

one recent development that is VERY annoying: sms/text-message/MMS-SPAM!

06-02-2007, 10:21 PM
I don't use TXT msg - I use TS msg....


Hara_Juku Tgirl
06-04-2007, 11:45 PM
Speaking of text messaging..I recently gotten a new cellphone. A Samsung Blackjack so Im wondering if anyone had the same exact phone? And from your experience is this is good one to have?




06-04-2007, 11:48 PM
the blackjack is a cool phone, go to howardforums.com to get some new wallpapers and etc. for it

and send me some text messages

06-04-2007, 11:51 PM
I personally hate it. I learn a lot about someone who would rather communicate with you the first time by texting or email. Exemplifies certain qualities I don't like in a person.

Also, I hate it when people text while driving. To me, it's a form of impaired driving as one doesn't actually process what they see on the road when glancing up from their cell. Plus the swerving all over the road at 11am is a dead giveaway - texting or an alcoholic starting the day early.

Bottom line, I have no use for it. If something is so important that it has to be said now, then phone the person. If it's not then don't bother me.

06-04-2007, 11:52 PM

You wanna talk to me or say hi, bloody do it in person, not on some bloody bleeping green screen.

Nothing worse than taking a load of friends out for dinner and having one of them texting all night, jesus, how rude. (Even worse when its a 'date' doing it - hey guys?)

Hara_Juku Tgirl
06-05-2007, 12:06 AM
the blackjack is a cool phone, go to howardforums.com to get some new wallpapers and etc. for it

and send me some text messages

Great! Thanks JWBL. Ill check out that wallpaper forum when I wake up (nap time!). ;)

Oh and you need to gimme your number for me to be able to txt ya. :P



Hara_Juku Tgirl
06-30-2007, 11:29 AM
Hmm..More HOT phones!





07-01-2007, 12:43 AM
Fuck no-- people have gone fucking crazy!!! Do you have to communicate with someone 24/7???!!! Call me on the fucking phone. If you can't get me, to bad, so sad. No one needs/will get that much access to my life.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
07-01-2007, 01:45 AM
LOL :lol:

But for those who likes to send TXT messages..Here's a website where you can TXT message your friends cellphones (any USA carrier) for FREE:





07-01-2007, 05:29 PM
I hate the whole texting thing. I will neither send nor receive! I feel it is an excuse to avoid "proper" communication.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
07-02-2007, 06:49 AM
I hate the whole texting thing. I will neither send nor receive! I feel it is an excuse to avoid "proper" communication.

:P How about those peeps with no free nights and weekends CORVETTEDUDE? Txting is cheaper than talking and using air time. LOL ;)



Hara_Juku Tgirl
08-31-2007, 07:06 PM
Fuck no-- people have gone fucking crazy!!! Do you have to communicate with someone 24/7???!!! Call me on the fucking phone. If you can't get me, to bad, so sad. No one needs/will get that much access to my life.

LOL Fair enough. :lol:
