View Full Version : Children and transsexuals - can we have them?

05-15-2007, 04:32 PM
In a previous post, we discussed the possibilities of transsexuals
becoming pregnant.


In this post; http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2/magi43/baby-14.gif

What is particularly significant is that these agencies and others
have gone on record and outlined policies allowing transsexual,
gay or non-heterosexual couples the oppurtunity to adopt.

Further, if it is in the best interest of the child, (which is a customary
term, and always a consideration) and all other things being
equal, there should be nothing precluding a 'non-traditonal' family
from the adoption process

Thus if a couple has the financial wherewithal, and can provide a child
with a stable living environment, there shold be nothing to hinder them
from doing so.

This is a win-win for all. The child wins, as she gets a loving, nurturing
home. A committed couple wins because they now have a childrearing
option that they might not have had otherwise.


American Bar Association (2003, 1999 and 1995)

On gay and lesbian parenting. The American Bar Association adopted the
following position statement in Aug. 2003:

"RESOLVED, That the American Bar Association supports state and
territorial laws and court decisions that permit the establishment of legal
parent-child relationships through joint adoptions and second-parent
adoptions by unmarried persons who are functioning as a child's parents
when such adoptions are in the best interests of the child."

On gay and lesbian parenting. The American Bar Association adopted the
following position statement in Feb. 1999:

"RESOLVED, that the American Bar Association supports the enactment of
laws and implementation of public policy that provide that sexual
orientation shall not be a bar to adoption when the adoption is determined
to be in the best interest of the child."

On child custody and visitation. The American Bar Association adopted the
following position statement in Aug. 1995:

"BE IT RESOLVED, that the American Bar Association supports the
enactment of legislation and implementation of public policy providing that
child custody and visitation shall not be denied or restricted on the basis
of sexual orientation."

Child Welfare League of America (1988)

The Child Welfare League of America's Standards of Excellence for
Adoption Services states:

"Applicants should be assessed on the basis of their abilities to
successfully parent a child needing family membership and not on their
race, ethnicity or culture, income, age, marital status, religion,
appearance, differing lifestyles, or sexual orientation." Further, applicants
for adoption should be accepted "on the basis of an individual assessment
of their capacity to understand and meet the needs of a particular
available child at the point of adoption and in the future."

CWLA source document

Voice for Adoption (2006)

The board of directors of Voice for Adoption passed the following position
statement on discrimination in Sept. 2006.

"Voice for Adoption believes that children deserve every opportunity to
have a permanent, loving family, and that ruling out prospective parents
through discrimination limits children's options for permanency."

"We oppose policies and practices that discriminate against prospective
parents, including but not limited to discrimination based on age, race,
ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, marital status, family size,
disability, medical condition, geographic location, employment status,
occupation (including employment in the child welfare system), and
educational attainment."

"We support making decisions about approving prospective parents and
matching waiting children on a case-by-case basis, based on the
strengths of the family and the best interests of each child."

National Association of Social Workers (2002)

The National Association of Social Workers approved the following policy
statement at in August 2002 at the NASW Delegate Assembly.

"Legislation legitimizing second-parent adoptions in same-sex households
should be supported. Legislation seeking to restrict foster care and
adoption by gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender people should be
vigorously opposed."

Source: Social Work Speaks: National Association of Social Workers
Policy Statements, 2003-2006.

North American Council on Adoptable Children (1998)

The North American Council on Adoptable Children issued a policy
statement in 1998 (amended April 14, 2002) that states:

"Children should not be denied a permanent family because of the sexual
orientation of potential parents. Everyone with the potential to
successfully parent a child in foster care or adoption is entitled to fair and
equal consideration."

NACAC source document

If interested please take a moment to peruse the rest of the site.


05-15-2007, 06:14 PM
I want to have a baby actually. Adoption would be the way for me to go.

I would be such a good mother. Haha I hope.

05-15-2007, 07:32 PM
I want to have a baby actually. Adoption would be the way for me to go.

I would be such a good mother. Haha I hope.

You're a such a cutie

05-15-2007, 07:44 PM
true, but the girl in your avatar is smokin'

05-15-2007, 08:40 PM
I want to have a baby actually. Adoption would be the way for me to go.

I would be such a good mother. Haha I hope.

Luna, I believe that you would be a great Mom. :wink:

Just don't do what some of the HA members
Moms have done to them.



05-16-2007, 12:45 AM
is your question one of legality or physicality

if you are asking if a transsexual can get pregnant,then unless it is possible to transplant an entire female genetalia including ovaries felopian tubes uterus etc....then the answer would be no

SRS surgery restructures the tissues from the male organ to creat a vagina ,but there is no way to change the testicles into ovaries

General Disarray
05-16-2007, 12:46 AM
I want to have a baby actually. Adoption would be the way for me to go.

I would be such a good mother. Haha I hope.

I wish I had a nice mother

05-16-2007, 12:57 AM
You're a such a cutie

Thank YOU. Haha.

true, but the girl in your avatar is smokin'

Who me or the girl on michneo's avatar?

Luna, I believe that you would be a great Mom.

Just don't do what some of the HA members
Moms have done to them

Thank you Peggy.

and I wont shake the baby. lol

05-16-2007, 01:05 AM
is your question one of legality or physicality

if you are asking if a transsexual can get pregnant,then unless it is possible to transplant an entire female genetalia including ovaries felopian tubes uterus etc....then the answer would be no

SRS surgery restructures the tissues from the male organ to creat a vagina ,but there is no way to change the testicles into ovaries

This is addressed in eye-watering detail here;



05-16-2007, 03:52 AM
I have no doubt that some of the women that post here would make good parents. I see some people that are intelligent and sensitive here. However, being a parent is a difficult art. There is no one quality that makes a good parent. One could love a child too much and not apply enough discipline. I have a child who is grown, and I wish I had done a few things differently.

One thing I know, is that even someone on here who we might think is wrapped to tight, might make an excellent parent. You just never know. Certainly not everyone who is a natural parent makes a good parent. I used to work with parents who had been accused of abuse or neglect. There were some terrible stories.

05-17-2007, 05:55 PM
If I ever were to adopt a kid, I would only adopt a transexual kid.


05-17-2007, 06:32 PM
If I ever were to adopt a kid, I would only adopt a transexual kid.


05-17-2007, 06:54 PM
I seriously doubt most tgirls could be a parent let alone a great one and thats not a knock but just plain realitty.Being a full time mom is a 24/7 committment to making sure there childhood is worth remembering when they grow up and have there own children.My 2 kids were raised properly in a very loving home,and they will never judge people nor make fun of them because there different and that will hopefully be passed on to there kids as well.And ya i know im so lucky to have the honour and responsablitty to nurture them in a world thats always changing but the one thing will always remain the same and thats the love we share with each other.

05-17-2007, 07:13 PM
In a previous post, we discussed the possibilities of transsexuals
becoming pregnant.

The possibility is zero, dumass.

Keep it up and you'll replace Al Sharpton as the person who proves on a daily basis that Abe Lincoln was 100% correct when he said: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth thereby removing all doubt". 8)

05-17-2007, 07:40 PM
In a previous post, we discussed the possibilities of transsexuals
becoming pregnant.

The possibility is zero, dumass.

Keep it up and you'll replace Al Sharpton as the person who proves on a daily basis that Abe Lincoln was 100% correct when he said:

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth thereby removing all doubt". 8)

Perhaps you should take your own advice. :roll:

05-17-2007, 09:35 PM
Forgot to say, I would only adopt a transgendered teen, no babies or little kids. I can't stand them.


05-17-2007, 10:00 PM
Forgot to say, I would only adopt a transgendered teen, no babies or little kids. I can't stand them.

Vala, exactly my point

05-17-2007, 10:37 PM
Forgot to say, I would only adopt a transgendered teen, no babies or little kids. I can't stand them.


"i can't stand them" don't you think that is to much hatred?

05-17-2007, 10:40 PM
Can transsexuals have them? Yes, I know a number of transsexuals with children either their own or their partners and they seem to make great parents. There is no reason that a transgendered parent shouldn't be able to bring up children the same as any other parent, straight or gay.
However, their are many issues which would need to be addressed during the child rearing, mainly at what point does that child find out that Mom used to be Dad (or vice-versa) because no matter what you think, that child will find out at some point and the implications on his/her life are on how and when you tell them.

I think more importantly, is "Do transsexuals have the right, to have children?". For that, I'd say absolutely not. I read diatribes and legal action about how it "is my right to have a child." all the time. It's not.
It's not anybody's right and a female who is infertile also does not have that right. If they can work out a way to have a child (either medically or through adoption) then good for them (and hopefully for that child) but they do not have a over-whelming "right" to bear a child.


05-17-2007, 10:48 PM
Can transsexuals have them? Yes, I know a number of transsexuals with children either their own or their partners and they seem to make great parents. There is no reason that a transgendered parent shouldn't be able to bring up children the same as any other parent, straight or gay.
However, their are many issues which would need to be addressed during the child rearing, mainly at what point does that child find out that Mom used to be Dad (or vice-versa) because no matter what you think, that child will find out at some point and the implications on his/her life are on how and when you tell them.

I think more importantly, is "Do transsexuals have the right, to have children?". For that, I'd say absolutely not. I read diatribes and legal action about how it "is my right to have a child." all the time. It's not.
It's not anybody's right and a female who is infertile also does not have that right. If they can work out a way to have a child (either medically or through adoption) then good for them (and hopefully for that child) but they do not have a over-whelming "right" to bear a child.

seanchai now thats a very impressive and informative post and one i agree with whole heartedly,i see ggs with kids every day who dont deserve them its sad really but remember one thing,its not a right to have children its a privalege

05-17-2007, 11:37 PM
In a previous post, we discussed the possibilities of transsexuals
becoming pregnant.

The possibility is zero, dumass.

Keep it up and you'll replace Al Sharpton as the person who proves on a daily basis that Abe Lincoln was 100% correct when he said: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth thereby removing all doubt". 8)

The probability may be zero (given present medical knowledge), but the possibility is not. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth thereby removing all doubt"? Indeed. Fool.

05-17-2007, 11:38 PM
Can transsexuals have them? Yes, I know a number of transsexuals with children either their own or their partners and they seem to make great parents. There is no reason that a transgendered parent shouldn't be able to bring up children the same as any other parent, straight or gay.
However, their are many issues which would need to be addressed during the child rearing, mainly at what point does that child find out that Mom used to be Dad (or vice-versa) because no matter what you think, that child will find out at some point and the implications on his/her life are on how and when you tell them.

I think more importantly, is "Do transsexuals have the right, to have children?". For that, I'd say absolutely not. I read diatribes and legal action about how it "is my right to have a child." all the time. It's not.
It's not anybody's right and a female who is infertile also does not have that right. If they can work out a way to have a child (either medically or through adoption) then good for them (and hopefully for that child) but they do not have a over-whelming "right" to bear a child.


As far as when I would tell my child that I have a penis. Immediately after I see that my child understand things a little better.

I want to start talking to my child about sexual reproductive organs around the age that my child starts asking questions, of course it differnt for every child. I was very imformed of differnt sexualities, and the reproductive organs, I knew what the word intersexed ment and about sexually transmitted diseases and how babys were created when I was only 6-9 years old. I was taught all of this because my mother wasnt ever even taught about periods or baby's or penises. She got pregnant with her first child when she was 13 and she didnt even knwo that she wa pregnant until someone told her. She wanted her children to be well informed. She talked to us about rape and things like that.

I dont want to make up names for my childs private parts. I would tell them their actual name, penis/vagina. If my child were to start making assumptios that girls had one thing and boys had another. I would tell my child that having a specific genitalia doesnt mean a specific gender. I wouldnt ever have been my childs dad.

I would tell my child that I have a penis and that girls can have a penis or vagina and or both. Also that that apply's to boys aswell. I would also tell him that most people wouldnt understand so that they might not want to just blurted out to anyone.

I would want my child to have a free open mind. I would talk to them about how there are homosexual/heterosexual/bisexual/pansexual people everywhere and that its natural and normal. I wouldnt be a parent that wouldnt talk to my child about STD's as soon as I think the time is right.

But that is just what I think I would do. And as I said every child is diffent. I dont have a set plan on when to tell them I just think that I would talk about the subjet briefly to them when they were growing up.

This is a very hard topic for me to discuss as I can imagine it is for alot of people. Simply because it is very complex on how to raise a child and there isnt a set formula anyone should completely follow.

05-18-2007, 12:15 AM
Forgot to say, I would only adopt a transgendered teen, no babies or little kids. I can't stand them.


"i can't stand them" don't you think that is to much hatred?

Not when you've been around crazy, whining, screaming, bouncing up and down never shutting the hell up kids it isn't.


05-18-2007, 12:21 AM
Forgot to say, I would only adopt a transgendered teen, no babies or little kids. I can't stand them.


"i can't stand them" don't you think that is to much hatred?

Not when you've been around crazy, whining, screaming, bouncing up and down never shutting the hell up kids it isn't.


That behavior is the fault of the parents, NOT the kid.
Your anger is misdirected.

05-18-2007, 12:32 AM
I very much agree with Luna's take on it...its what i would have posted.

05-18-2007, 01:27 AM
Forgot to say, I would only adopt a transgendered teen, no babies or little kids. I can't stand them.


"i can't stand them" don't you think that is to much hatred?

Not when you've been around crazy, whining, screaming, bouncing up and down never shutting the hell up kids it isn't.


No offence but with that attitude its gonna be hard for you to adopt kids period yet alone a teen,kids are like sponges in a sense they soak up everything and if they are bad it's mainly because of bad parenting not the kid.

05-18-2007, 02:10 AM
All I know is, if I were Vala's kid, I'd never give her any problems, for fear she'd make good on her threat to send me to "time out", and shove me up her ass. :wink:

05-18-2007, 02:37 AM
Forgot to say, I would only adopt a transgendered teen, no babies or little kids. I can't stand them.


"i can't stand them" don't you think that is to much hatred?

"HATRED"? You silly cunt Legend. :lol: thought I was emotional. Remember to eat, you're getting all 'hypo-glycemic' on us

I think more importantly, is "Do transsexuals have the right, to have children?". For that, I'd say absolutely not. I read diatribes and legal action about how it "is my right to have a child." all the time. It's not.
It's not anybody's right and a female who is infertile also does not have that right. If they can work out a way to have a child (either medically or through adoption) then good for them (and hopefully for that child) but they do not have a over-whelming "right" to bear a child.

YUP. Agree totally and i think it applie to anyone, TS or "GG". Really , there are enough people in this world already. If you or your partner cannot have kids because one is TS or INFERTILE, sorry but you can't have kids and shouldn't be allowed to buy babies, artificially inseminate, etc. If there is a couple that can't have kids, there are plenty that need adopting.

05-18-2007, 02:45 AM
If you or your partner cannot have kids because one is TS or INFERTILE, sorry but you can't have kids and shouldn't be allowed to buy babies, artificially inseminate, etc.

concluding with:

If there is a couple that can't have kids, there are plenty that need adopting.

Is it just me, or is he saying one thing, and then another?

05-18-2007, 03:00 AM
Can transsexuals have them? Yes, I know a number of transsexuals with children either their own or their partners and they seem to make great parents. There is no reason that a transgendered parent shouldn't be able to bring up children the same as any other parent, straight or gay.....

I think more importantly, is "Do transsexuals have the right, to have children?". For that, I'd say absolutely not. I read diatribes and legal action about how it "is my right to have a child." all the time. It's not.
It's not anybody's right and a female who is infertile also does not have that right. If they can work out a way to have a child (either medically or through adoption) then good for them (and hopefully for that child) but they do not have a over-whelming "right" to bear a child.


Forgot to say, I would only adopt a transgendered teen, no babies or little kids. I can't stand them.


"i can't stand them" don't you think that is to much hatred?

Not when you've been around crazy, whining, screaming, bouncing up and down never shutting the hell up kids it isn't.


People sometimes have children for very wrong reasons.

I'm sure we've all seen the teenager who has a baby, because all of her
friends have had one.

Then there also is the young woman who has a child that wasn't planned
for that basically happend as an accident with a boyfriend who promised
that he would love her forever, but as soon as the child is born,
the 'deadbeat dad' is in the wind

Sometimes a couple may have a child to salvage a faltering marriage.

If a transwoman is going to have a child, by whatever means, because
she thinks it may make her look more real, more like 'fish', then she is
doing so for a very wrong reason.

A child is not a prop in our one act play, a child is not a toy or something
that one has on a whim without thinking about all of the emotional,
financial, and logistical ramifications.

I feel that there are transpersons that would make wonderful parents,
there are also transwomen that I wouldn't trust to adequately water my
plants. This is equally true of some heterosexual individuals that I know.

At first blush, I took slight umbrage at Seanchai's statement that the 'right'
to have children shouldn't be a given, but quickly came to realize that I
agree with him whole-heartedly.

Just because, one is able to have a child, does not mean that they should.

Finally, a child at any age is a tremendous responsibilty. My thought would
be that it would be better to have the child in their formative years, so
that we would be able to impact their lives in a positive manner.

By the time they are in their adolescence, many habits, and values are
already deeply ingrained in them and are very difficult to un-do.

Vala, by no mean is this directed at you, or meant to imply that you would
or would not make a good parent, but rather directed to anyone reading
this is, that is contemplating the possibility of child-rearing.

Thus for the edification of anyone reading this, I have included a video
that speaks to some of the concerns of a transgendered youth.

By no means should this be taken to be indicative of what one should
expect with all transgendered youth, but is proffered as one small

Transgendered Youth
New York Times Video

Related Article

(Links corrected for functionality)

05-18-2007, 03:00 AM
If you or your partner cannot have kids because one is TS or INFERTILE, sorry but you can't have kids and shouldn't be allowed to buy babies, artificially inseminate, etc.

concluding with:

If there is a couple that can't have kids, there are plenty that need adopting.

Is it just me, or is he saying one thing, and then another?


05-18-2007, 03:11 AM
If you or your partner cannot have kids because one is TS or INFERTILE, sorry but you can't have kids and shouldn't be allowed to buy babies, artificially inseminate, etc.

concluding with:

If there is a couple that can't have kids, there are plenty that need adopting.

Is it just me, or is he saying one thing, and then another?


M'kay... So if my partner and I are an infertile couple or whatever, you're saying we shouldn't be allowed to "buy babies", which everyone knows means adopt children, as there is a financial cost and whatnot involved. I understand you on that; I don't agree, but I understand you. Now, you then go on to say "If there is a couple that can't have kids, there are plenty that need adopting". Here's where you lose me, as you are talking out of both sides of your face. Oh, wait! When you said "My point exactly", you were basically admitting that you didn't know what the hell you were talking about, but just wanted to say something, right? I mean, I don't see how you could have been doing anything else...

05-18-2007, 03:13 AM
If you or your partner cannot have kids because one is TS or INFERTILE, sorry but you can't have kids and shouldn't be allowed to buy babies, artificially inseminate, etc.

concluding with:

If there is a couple that can't have kids, there are plenty that need adopting.

Is it just me, or is he saying one thing, and then another?


M'kay... So if my partner and I are an infertile couple or whatever, you're saying we shouldn't be allowed to "buy babies", which everyone knows means adopt children, as there is a financial cost and whatnot involved. I understand you on that; I don't agree, but I understand you. Now, you then go on to say "If there is a couple that can't have kids, there are plenty that need adopting". Here's where you lose me, as you are talking out of both sides of your face. Oh, wait! When you said "My point exactly", you were basically admitting that you didn't know what the hell you were talking about, but just wanted to say something, right? I mean, I don't see how you could have been doing anything else...


05-18-2007, 03:17 AM

Ah, the ol' Kriss standby when he doesn't have a leg to stand on... Nice. And thanks for stopping by to offer your point of view on this issue. You have represented the opinions of those who don't know enough to form an opinion (but nonetheless insist on saying something) quite well. Good day to you too, sir. :roll:

05-18-2007, 06:11 AM
Forgot to say, I would only adopt a transgendered teen, no babies or little kids. I can't stand them.


"i can't stand them" don't you think that is to much hatred?

Not when you've been around crazy, whining, screaming, bouncing up and down never shutting the hell up kids it isn't.


No offence but with that attitude its gonna be hard for you to adopt kids period yet alone a teen,kids are like sponges in a sense they soak up everything and if they are bad it's mainly because of bad parenting not the kid.

Then I guess that means my parents are bad parents. As these crazy kids I spoke of are in my family.

And I guess I forgot to say but I intended to say IF I wanted to adopt, it would be an older one, IF. I currently would be happy with me and a lover, no extra anyones.

All I know is, if I were Vala's kid, I'd never give her any problems, for fear she'd make good on her threat to send me to "time out", and shove me up her ass. :wink:

LOL! :D How do you all keep making these up? They're hillarious!


05-18-2007, 08:38 AM
"buy babies", which everyone knows means adopt children, as there is a financial cost and whatnot involved. .


Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-18-2007, 09:00 AM
All I know is, if I were Vala's kid, I'd never give her any problems, for fear she'd make good on her threat to send me to "time out", and shove me up her ass. :wink:

LOL! :D How do you all keep making these up? They're hillarious!


OMG! Hilarious! :lol: :lol: :lol: I think I pee'd in my panties! LOL

Thanks for the laugh before bedtime TJ347. :P



05-18-2007, 09:25 PM
M'kay... So if my partner and I are an infertile couple or whatever, you're saying we shouldn't be allowed to "buy babies", which everyone knows means adopt children, as there is a financial cost and whatnot involved. I understand you on that; I don't agree, but I understand you. Now, you then go on to say "If there is a couple that can't have kids, there are plenty that need adopting". Here's where you lose me, as you are talking out of both sides of your face. Oh, wait! When you said "My point exactly", you were basically admitting that you didn't know what the hell you were talking about, but just wanted to say something, right? I mean, I don't see how you could have been doing anything else...

I think their is a difference between "buying babies" and expenses incurred in adopting an already born child. You see people desperate to have their own child, looking to pay surrogate mothers and such - to bring a child into the world for their own. Going and adopting a child whose parents couldn't care for them, may cost some money but your taking a child in, not creating one for money. Idiots like AJ and BP and Madonna, going around collecting multi-coloured babies isn't really cool in my book either - I think it's noble to take in a child from any country or race different to your own but they make it seem like they're collecting kids from different backgrounds on purpose. If there are kids in your own country that need adopting, then you shouldn't be needing to look abroad.


05-19-2007, 07:10 AM
"buy babies", which everyone knows means adopt children, as there is a financial cost and whatnot involved. .


First off, how many times do I have to tell you no one thinks your some authority on a topic just because you type everything in caps?
Secondly, when I asked what it is you were trying to say, you said "My point exactly!", providing no further explanation of your position. If I was wrong in my assumption of what you were saying, your subsequent "Good day sir!" (which has grown incredibly lame, I must say) should have been used to clarify your position, but in a futile effort to be funny, you wasted the opportunity.
Thirdly, as to who the fuck I am, my name is Toby, and I wish I could say it was a pleasure to make your acquaintance, but that'd be a lie.
Fourth, I have concluded that you are a jackass, and a borderline complete asshole. I would hope you take the appropriate measures to prevent your condition from worsening. Have a good day! :D

05-19-2007, 07:14 AM
M'kay... So if my partner and I are an infertile couple or whatever, you're saying we shouldn't be allowed to "buy babies", which everyone knows means adopt children, as there is a financial cost and whatnot involved. I understand you on that; I don't agree, but I understand you. Now, you then go on to say "If there is a couple that can't have kids, there are plenty that need adopting". Here's where you lose me, as you are talking out of both sides of your face. Oh, wait! When you said "My point exactly", you were basically admitting that you didn't know what the hell you were talking about, but just wanted to say something, right? I mean, I don't see how you could have been doing anything else...

I think their is a difference between "buying babies" and expenses incurred in adopting an already born child. You see people desperate to have their own child, looking to pay surrogate mothers and such - to bring a child into the world for their own. Going and adopting a child whose parents couldn't care for them, may cost some money but your taking a child in, not creating one for money. Idiots like AJ and BP and Madonna, going around collecting multi-coloured babies isn't really cool in my book either - I think it's noble to take in a child from any country or race different to your own but they make it seem like they're collecting kids from different backgrounds on purpose. If there are kids in your own country that need adopting, then you shouldn't be needing to look abroad.


Thanks for explaining the "buying babies" thing from your point of view. I can understand what you're saying completely, and agree totally.