View Full Version : Final Wishes

05-14-2007, 02:22 PM
If you objected to the last wishes of a close loved one, would you still carry out their wishes upon death (even if it didn't make good financial sense to you)?

05-14-2007, 03:23 PM
If you objected to the last wishes of a close loved one, would you still carry out their wishes upon death (even if it didn't make good financial sense to you)?

That would depend on just how crazy the request was. People near death often become no longer responsible for what they say....You have to take a judgement and decide what the person would have wanted when of sound mind.

So if your father had spent all his life carefully building a little something to pass on to you and your bothers and sisters and just before he died asked you to give it all to the cat's home, the answer is definitely NO.

But if he asked to have his ashes scattered at some remote spot in the mountains rather then spend eternity in a pot on your shelf, well, yes.

In the end it's your conscience-- the departed does not give a damn.

05-15-2007, 01:50 AM
I told my sister recently that if and when I die I want big full hair draped down either side my chest and to have a low cut top on with a push-up bra showing a little cleavage. Is that too much, to be sexy and dead, lol?