View Full Version : FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!! A good Sopranos episode.................

05-14-2007, 04:07 AM
BEST EPISODE YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but what the fuck did Tony finally "get"?!?

05-14-2007, 04:15 AM
I Thought , He said "I did it"

05-14-2007, 04:16 AM
Couldn't agree more. This is the first of the last season that has been really good. Looks like Tony thinks Christopher was the source of his bad luck and that killing him changed his stars. It will be interesting to see what direction this takes him.

As an aside, the chick he was fucking was totally my type. She was simply stunning!!!!!!!!!!!!


05-14-2007, 04:35 AM
Couldn't agree more. This is the first of the last season that has been really good. Looks like Tony thinks Christopher was the source of his bad luck and that killing him changed his stars. It will be interesting to see what direction this takes him.

As an aside, the chick he was fucking was totally my type. She was simply stunning!!!!!!!!!!!!


The chick he was fucking is the FUCKING TRUTH

been watching her for the last 3 years

Shahi was on Showtime's "The L Word" and made some of the best lesbian softporn sex scenes in existence.

05-14-2007, 04:17 PM
BEST EPISODE YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but what the fuck did Tony finally "get"?!?

That was just the peyote talkin'...and he probably won't remember what it was that he "got" when he comes down...

That being said, it was definitely a great episode. But despite previous episodes this season being woefully short on sex and violence, I've enjoyed them all. I think that all the scripts, and the acting this season have been top-notch.

05-15-2007, 12:02 AM
My interpretation of "I GET IT!!!" was he finally understands that he has to live life for the moment.
Kind of like a Seize the Day type of thing.


Eh, fuck it...It probably was all on TV and the radio this morning anyway....

When he kills Christopher, he sees a beam of light, because he seized the opportunity to get rid of a heavy burden on him.

When he takes the Peyote, he sees a flash in the bathroom, because he tried something he never did before, but always wanted to.

When he's chillin in the desert with that fine chick trippin' balls, he sees the light again. He's just sitting there enjoying the moment.

That realization is what I'm hoping is going to make the last episode and this series a great tragedy. He came to a great realization about life only to lose it.

05-15-2007, 02:23 AM
I also think that the episode re Christopher's movie and it's 'Tony' character was a great wind-up for last night's events...very well done.

05-15-2007, 02:32 AM
I have never watched the Sopranos I dont have HBO, lol. Although I was invited to a cocktail party at Lorraine Broco's (spelling ?) house in Bridge Hampton recently.

The guy who invited me was this older gentleman. He was a restaurant owner with a little $$$ that I met while having dinner at his restaurant.

I ended up ditching him a few days before the party so I missed out, he became too annoying no matter how much $$$ he had.

He didnt know I was a tranny and didnt get a chance to find out.

05-15-2007, 06:14 PM
His loss...

05-15-2007, 06:59 PM
this episode gave alot away. now we know for a fact that tony soprano is going to be killed by the end of the season. nobody wants to see christopher die and killing him in that state really makes people hate tony and at least people won't feel sad if he dies. and then he screws chriss girl on the side. they're dehumanizing him, getting him ready to be whacked. and the person going to do it is that little psycho AJ

05-15-2007, 07:05 PM
well supposedly they shot like 4 ending episodes all different, and the only ones who know the ending are the writer and exec producer i hear. either way, we will get all of them on the dvd... out by christmas for sure.

05-15-2007, 08:22 PM
The cast only sees the scripts the week prior to shooting...Imus used to have one or two of the cast on his show every Monday morning during the season, and they discussed this...and if you're due to get whacked, the cast takes you to dinner in one of the NYC Italian neighborhoods, I forget which one...

05-21-2007, 01:41 AM
Who's gonna get whacked tonight?

05-21-2007, 01:54 AM
Who's gonna get whacked tonight?

With the exception of Sil, I would like to see absolutely everybody get whacked.


05-21-2007, 02:24 AM
I wonder if Paulie Walnuts will make it through the season? He plays it fast and loose, and it may catch up with him...

05-21-2007, 05:32 AM
It just keeps getting better and better. I don't know where it's going but it's becoming a great ride.

05-21-2007, 06:21 AM
Like tony says, there all cold blooded murderers lol...Silvio is just as much a whackjob as the others...remember the gambling episode?

05-21-2007, 06:39 AM
I have enjoyed the sopranos. It will be interesting to see where things go. I really have no idea how things will end up, its a good series. I like the episodes with bare breasts better then the ones with out.

05-21-2007, 07:22 AM
all i have to say is CURB STOMP!

05-21-2007, 01:21 PM
Yeah, I got a flashback of American History X on that one.

05-23-2007, 05:25 PM
Here's a different take on The Sopranos that some of you may, or may not find interesting...

Tony Soprano Meets Howlin' Wolf...and Maybe God, Too
RJ Eskow

Here's the question of the day, plot spoilers and all: What's happening to Tony Soprano? Everybody is tracing his downward arc, and it's being laid out pretty plainly. But he also encountered something when he took that peyote in the desert. What, exactly -- God? The Matrix? His own reflection? The experience made him feel there must be more to existence than just "this reality," or so he told his psychiatrist.

But as soon as he got home his violent rages were back. So is he headed for Heaven, Hell, or Hackensack?

Nature experiences can trigger religious ecstasy even without psychedelics, as it apparently did when country singer Leon Payne wrote The Selfishness in Man. "I saw a silver beam of sunlight steal across the purple sky," he sang, "then bend down to kiss a rosebud/it made me want to cry." Tony's "I get it!" moment was like that, and he had a hard time explaining it to the guys at the Bing afterward. "Yeah, whatever," he said to their blank looks.

Soon his old rages were taking over again, and he was crushing the skull of one of Phil Leotardo's guys over a drunken insult to his daughter. Had he forgotten his moment of insight -- or was he following the path of mystics everywhere who, having attained enlightenment, decide that participation in daily human life is part of their path?

After all, that's what the Bhagavad Gita teaches. "There never was a time when you or I or any of these kings did not exist," Krishna tells his devotee Arjuna, explaining why he shouldn't hesitate to kill. "And all of us shall exist in the future, too." Like Tony, Arjuna isn't let off the hook by a spiritual experience. "You are a warrior," he's told, "and your duty is to fight."

But Tony's attack on Coco last night was the result of blind rage, not conscious choice. Like the scorpion in the old parable, it's his nature. In any case, we in our culture have it wrong when we assume mystic experiences inevitably lead to pacifism. The Bhagavad Gita is a beautiful work of spiritual writing, but in its present form it's actually a brief for war. And as Brian Victoria has shown, Zen insights didn't prevent Japanese Buddhist leaders from rallying their followers behind Hirohito's war of aggression.

Tony Soprano's two sides are moving closer to the surface. Like Catholic kids everywhere, you can imagine him having imaginary dialogues with an angel on his right shoulder and a devil on his left. The power of his character has always been the childlike spontaneity that drives both his sweetness and his violence.

"Little fingers painting pictures of the birds and apple trees," sang Leon Payne, "why can't the grown-up people have the faith of such as these?" Then, in a line that could have been written for The Sopranos, he adds the twist:

"... and to think those tiny fingers might become a killer's hand ..."

What better synopsis of Tony's backstory could you want?

It's easy to assume that Tony Soprano's headed for a violent downfall. Some websites are even betting he'll kill himself, but I doubt that. Astute listeners will have recognized the voice of bluesman Howlin' Wolf in last week's (was it last week?) episode. "I've had my fun," growls the former Chester Burnett, "if I never get well no more." That seems like a pretty clear signal from Chase about where Tony's headed, especially since the name of the song is Goin' Down Slow. But isn't that too obvious? If I had to bet on it, I'd say bad things will happen to him. But if I wanted to go for longer odds I'd say Tony will be the lone survivor, the last man standing in a battle of his own making.

What's your best guess?

AJ is paralyzed by depression now, like his Dad and his grandmother and that ancestor in the old country who ran his donkey cart off a bridge. All life is suffering, the show seems to be saying. And no matter how hard he tries to control himself, Tony can't seem to stop doing harm. "That is nature," said Howlin' Wolf. "It won't let me treat you right."

And the Wolf should know.

the Adrienne Barbeaubot
05-25-2007, 05:48 AM
WOW Chefmike! That's really insightful. I'm willing to bet Tony will survive. The show is great but they've left a bunch of loose ends here and there: the rape,the Russian,etc. Who knows,maybe they will finish up the story arc in a movie next year,cause it seems that they're quickly trying to wrap up the story within 2 more episodes. Anyway, I hope that bastard Philly from New York " gets " it!

05-25-2007, 06:09 AM
I was talking to another Sopranos fan at work the other day, and we were talking about how disappointed we both were that the Russian angle wasn't continued after the fantastic 'pine barrens' episode...

05-25-2007, 02:30 PM
I was talking to another Sopranos fan at work the other day, and we were talking about how disappointed we both were that the Russian angle wasn't continued after the fantastic 'pine barrens' episode...

Maybe the Jersey Devil got him?

05-25-2007, 03:00 PM
Not to hijack a perfectly good Sopranos thread, but did you see 'The Last Broadcast', the flick about the murders in the pine barrens? I found it pretty interesting.

05-25-2007, 03:21 PM
Not to hijack a perfectly good Sopranos thread, but did you see 'The Last Broadcast', the flick about the murders in the pine barrens? I found it pretty interesting.

I saw it, some pretty weird stuff goes on out there.

06-04-2007, 05:14 AM


06-04-2007, 05:18 AM


Figures.... The two charecters I like. All in all, I would say it was a great episode. In fact, I liked it enough that I'm watching it a second time right now as I type this.

Not a good episode to be Ukranian.


06-04-2007, 05:21 AM
Figures.... The two charecters I like. All in all, I would say it was a great episode. In fact, I liked it enough that I'm watching it a second time right now as I type this.

Not a good episode to be Ukranian.


Yeah, I always liked Sil and Bobby really grew on me in the last couple of seasons.

But yeah, that Ukranian scene, brutal....

06-04-2007, 07:08 AM
wake me next sunday so i can find out what happens.

the Adrienne Barbeaubot
06-04-2007, 07:15 AM
Sil and Bobby were also 2 of my fav characters. Too bad they were offed,but I figured since this is the end of the series most of the major players had to be axed. I still don't see Tony buying the farm though.I think he's gonna survive.All in all: a great episode.Can't wait for next week.

06-04-2007, 08:37 AM
Its was a great episode tonight....No Silvio....damn