View Full Version : Why (D) John Edwards is Toast

05-12-2007, 01:52 AM
1. Two Americas

2. 400 Dollar haircuts

3. One Trillion dollars in proposed new spending

4. Hedge Funds

John, why did you join a hedge fund,

Reply, " "It was primarily to learn...(about poverty)"

Hey John, where did you go to learn about being rich, go work at the Salvation Army soup kitchen ?

Learn !? You were hired as a consultant ! Consultants consult, give advise ! Why would they hire you as a consultant if you had to learn about hedge funds! ? :P


Edwards Says He Didn't Know About Subprime Push :lol:

The hedge fund that employed John Edwards markedly expanded its subprime lending business while he worked there, becoming a major player in the high-risk mortgage sector Edwards has pilloried in his presidential campaign.

Edwards said yesterday that he was unaware of the push by the firm, Fortress Investment Group, into subprime lending and that he wishes he had asked more questions before taking the job. The former senator from North Carolina said he had asked Fortress officials whether it was involved in predatory lending practices before taking the job in 2005 and was assured it was not.



Edwards Discusses Time at Hedge Fund
WASHINGTON (AP) - AP Video Democrat John Edwards said Tuesday that he worked for a hedge fund between presidential campaigns to learn about financial markets and their relationship to poverty—and to make money too.
In an interview with The Associated Press, the former North Carolina senator said his yearlong, part-time position with Fortress Investment Group helped his understanding of the connection but he has more to learn. Edwards has made eradicating poverty a focus of his second White House bid.

Edwards, a multimillionaire after years as a trial lawyer, would not disclose how much he got paid for a year of consulting beginning in October 2005. He said the amount will be revealed when he releases his financial disclosure forms due May 15.

Asked if he had to join a hedge fund to learn about financial markets, Edwards replied, "How else would I have done it?"

He said he considered going to an investment firm such as Goldman Sachs, but Fortress was the most natural fit. Presented with the suggestion that he could have taken a university class instead, he said, "That's true."

"It was primarily to learn, but making money was a good thing, too," the 2004 vice presidential nominee said in an hourlong interview with AP reporters and editors.


John Edwards' Big Ideas Costly

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - Presidential candidate John Edwards is offering more policy proposals than any other candidate in the primary and his ideas are winning loud applause from Democratic audiences.

The question is whether other voters will cheer when they see the price tag - more than $125 billion a year.

Edwards is quick to acknowledge his spending on health care, energy and poverty reduction comes at a cost, with more plans to come. On Friday, he proposed an $8 billion college scholarship program, an outgrowth of his ``College for Everyone'' idea in 2005.

All told, Edwards' proposals would equal more than $1 trillion if he could get them enacted into law and operational during two White House terms.

To put the number in perspective, President Bush has dedicated more than $1.8 trillion to tax cuts. The cost of the Iraq war is nearing $450 billion. And this year's federal budget is about $2.8 trillion.


05-12-2007, 02:25 AM
:P :twisted: