View Full Version : My next guitar's color: your opinions please

05-11-2007, 12:54 AM
Okay, this is about as off topic as it gets. Let me slide this once, and I'll stay in line.
I'm about to get a new guitar. The sunburst or 'Fireglo' finish is beautiful, but really common. The Blue is rare. What do you guys think?

05-11-2007, 01:23 AM
The color doesn´t matter..... it´s mroe important if you can play....?



:twisted: :lol:

05-11-2007, 01:28 AM



05-11-2007, 01:32 AM
rickenbacker guitars suck, unless you're in 'the byrds'. they make(made) a good bass guitar if you like that toppy, 'chris squire' sound. i believe Kim Deal from 'the pixies' used one. basically i hate all rickenbacker six strings, the arse end is too wide, they don't hang right, you cant grind your pelvis into the back like with a strat type body. and there is something 'smug' about rickenbacker six strings, (guy chadwick- house of love), i belive oasis posed with them a bit , they certainly can't play them. btw, getting off topic (if it is possible to get off-topic in a 'guitar' thread on a TS forum??????!?!?!?!) .......radiohead are o.k. , from bedwetters to post mdernist jazz fusioneers? ever heard 'radiodread'? feindish reggae version of the album 'o.k. computer' by the Easy star allstars. (did similar thing with dark side of moon-quit4e good actually) http://www.myspace.com/easystar

may i suggest.............

05-11-2007, 02:22 AM
Classic vs. Different.

Tough choice, but when it comes to a choice like that, purchasing something for myself, I always go with classic.

05-11-2007, 02:25 AM
I like the Fireglo

05-11-2007, 02:51 AM
Ibanez are my favourite guitars. I own an Ibanez RTG 42 and I´m proud. The yellow Ibanez Frank Gambale used during his Vital Information era (mid-late 80ies/early 90ies) is one of the most beautiful guitars ever. But the most beautiful is still the Steve Vai multi-color guitar

05-11-2007, 02:54 AM
I`m still trippin` on UFO i`ve rediscovered !


Just when you expect a ripping solo Michael Schenker takes it down a notch and produces amazing compositions and melodies. Strangers in the Night- best live recording ever.

05-11-2007, 02:58 AM
i like this one...

05-11-2007, 03:15 AM
im an ibanez guy all the way but i would go with the blue. i hope youre not planning to play any metal on that thing tho hahahahaha[/img]

05-11-2007, 03:15 AM
Ibanez are my favourite guitars. I own an Ibanez RTG 42 and I´m proud. The yellow Ibanez Frank Gambale used during his Vital Information era (mid-late 80ies/early 90ies) is one of the most beautiful guitars ever. But the most beautiful is still the Steve Vai multi-color guitar

actually those Ibanez 7string guitars with the scalloped frets are pretty damn sexy. In fact Coroner is right, get an ibanez 7 string, you can play anything on that, sod the rickenbacker, this is 2007 man!!!!! (checks calender, phew)
And whats all this guitar stuff about anyway,? i thought you were a pianist suckseed............think you'll get more action with a guitar eh? well the groupie pecking order always goes...singer....lead guitar.....saxophone.......drummer.....trumpet or other soloists....... bass........keys

05-11-2007, 03:19 AM
check out brian moore guitars if u like sick frets

05-11-2007, 03:28 AM
Ibanez are my favourite guitars. I own an Ibanez RTG 42 and I´m proud. The yellow Ibanez Frank Gambale used during his Vital Information era (mid-late 80ies/early 90ies) is one of the most beautiful guitars ever. But the most beautiful is still the Steve Vai multi-color guitar

actually those Ibanez 7string guitars with the scalloped frets are pretty damn sexy. In fact Coroner is right, get an ibanez 7 string, you can play anything on that, sod the rickenbacker, this is 2007 man!!!!! (checks calender, phew)
And whats all this guitar stuff about anyway,? i thought you were a pianist suckseed............think you'll get more action with a guitar eh? well the groupie pecking order always goes...singer....lead guitar.....saxophone.......drummer.....trumpet or other soloists....... bass........keys

Yeah, they are damn exotic. The seven strings Ibanez were extra produced for Vai.

05-11-2007, 03:30 AM

05-11-2007, 03:32 AM
Nice one, corbo. I was listening to Uli the whole day. Pwnage.

05-11-2007, 05:17 AM

OOooo!!! Thank you SOOOOO much for posting that!!! I saw Uli play in Dallas in about '86 or so - I'm still in awe..... :) :) :)

05-11-2007, 05:21 AM
Blue all the way. The Fireglo really is way too common.


05-11-2007, 06:18 AM
BLUEEE.....rocks my world like a bunch of monkey's with strap-on's!!

05-11-2007, 06:37 AM
The new fender Strat VG with built in Roland Synthesizer would be my choice.

I love the traditional wood sunburst finish and the maple neck on a Strat, ala Buddy Holly. The really white maple when new ages to a beautiful golden hue fret board.

05-11-2007, 06:41 AM
My next favorite is a Gibson SG in a rich woodgrain as below:

but its heavy!

05-11-2007, 06:45 AM
My next favorite is a Gibson SG but its heavy!

Yeah , Gibsons are all needlessly heavy, feel like they always want to go one way, like a shopping trolly with a broken wheel. Westones however are solidly heavy, good bits of wood, resonant.

The new fender Strat VG with built in Roland Synthesizer .

THAT sound kinda sexy. can you post pics? :jerkoff

how does the synth bit work? magnetic pick-ups? is there still a massive annoying delay between the note you play and the note that sounds?

Colorado Bulldog
05-11-2007, 07:00 AM
I like the blue one but I think the red one will age better. By age better I mean it will likely be worth more in 30 years than the blue one.

What do I know, my 'classic' axe is a polymoog. <shrugs>

05-11-2007, 07:05 AM
you guys and your fancy guitars...all i strum on is a black late 80's Charvelle that only has one pickup working. But then again...i am a drummer. :P

Colorado Bulldog
05-11-2007, 07:11 AM
I know its 2007,, but i play a beautiful 1977 Travis Bean TB1000 Artist guitar (pretty rare, less than 1000 of them made), it has a natural koa wood finish, and 1 piece aluminum neck, the pickups are very hot and high output. And you think those gibsons are heavy? I play that through a 69' Ampeg B-25 head with a 70's HiWatt 4x12 cabinet. I'm pretty much in love with my sound.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v721/hingshing/th_f697b2d0.jpg (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v721/hingshing/f697b2d0.jpg)

Geez, I hope you don't have to move that around much. IMS, Ampegs heads/amps were HEAVY!

05-11-2007, 07:48 AM
i too have had b.c rich and ibanez.... and they are great, my ibanez was awesome. if you are going to play metal or thrash there is no other option. but recent years, i have been working on playing classical and flamenco.. and i have a teodoro perez maestro that is awesome..

so consider your options...anyway... if it has to be one of those two, choose the sunburst. yes they are more common but they never get old.. you will get tired of the blue

05-11-2007, 07:50 AM
I like the blue one but I think the red one will age better. By age better I mean it will likely be worth more in 30 years than the blue one.

What do I know, my 'classic' axe is a polymoog. <shrugs>

Those old classics had the fattest sounds. How many voices does it play?
I had a Korg Polysix (six voices) which was great for many sounds.

These days I'm pushing a Triton LE and an Alesis QS 7.1.

Colorado Bulldog
05-11-2007, 09:00 AM
It has 9 presets and 1 custom. Of course, any of those can be modified with the envelopes.

It's ok to tinker on but it's not that great to play regularly. When I found it, I couldn't pass it up and had to have it. For my normal tinkering, I'm using a cheapo MK4902 midi keyboard into a Roland SC55.

I have been thinking about upgrading to an Alesis 8.2 or the Juno-D. How do you like the Alesis?

05-11-2007, 09:40 AM
Good of most of you to ignore suckseeds question and all wank on about your knowledge of guitars. I have a Ric 330 and its a super guitar. It has some tuning issues and i suspect wouldnt be a great guitar to gig with, but its the one I pick up and strum when the mood takes me.

Colour ? Well I have a jetglo ! but if you're interested in the resale value of your guitar you should go for the traditional colours as blue rics can be hard to shift.

05-11-2007, 11:06 AM
Here's where I was coming from. I've always been a fan of Steve Morse of The Dregs. His band along with 'Starship Trooper' era Yes and Bill Bruford's band with Jeff Berlin and Allan Holdsworth have always been the original 'blow the kid's mind' progressive rock stuff to me. I interviewed him in college and he was nice enough to talk to me for an hour. He played a home made blue guitar (now Music Man makes a signature model.)
Anyway, long story short, always liked his blue guitar, ,and it seemed different and looks great on stage. Kinda psychedelic, but low profile, like the man himself - an amazing player. So I like the blue. Plus there were only so many made, which has tended to make them pricey. I don't intend to sell it, but I don't think I'll get screwed either way.
But yeah, sometimes the blue looks like too much. that Fireglo sunburst works.

My thing is trying to trying to write music kind of from Zepplin's mindset, only incorporating modern sounds and other influences too. My last band was electronic, and the main one was like Neil Young. I've been branching out into guitar and holing up in the studio for three years now. I got burned out on playing keyboards and piano exclusively, though I have a lot more facility with keys. the thing is, I know the shit out of some music on piano, but am not where I want to be on guitar. I'm trying to write cool things all along the way and grow as a player and writer.
I just bought the roland guitar synth last week on ebay for $450. I was planning on getting the special pickup you need to connect the guitar to the synth, plus putting mony down on the guitar. Now a friend of SCI says they're doing a final tour and I should go, once-in-a-lifetime concert, yadda yadda. $200. Plus getting a ticket home for a family occasion...$400.
Welll, I can live on restaurant food for two weeks.

It's cool to see what music people are into here. I like anything as long as it's played by people who mean it.
i've got to say, I've been laying low for a year building up my home studio, and thanks to a very techie musician who sold me his Dell server fully outfitted with amazing software, the sounds I can make are beyond my wildest dreams from being a kid. I don't know whether people will get into what i'm trying to do, but I think I have a unique take on music that might fly.
oh yeah - Ricks have been played by everyone from the Beatles to the Smiths, the Pretenders, U2, Steppenwolf, Led Zep and Radiohead. Ticket to Ride, The Song Remains the Same, The Unforgettable Fire. The damn things sound epic. They give me the chills.

05-11-2007, 11:45 AM
Go the classic.

Has anyone ever seen a flying V bass? I once saw a no-name korean brand flying V bass, in a music shop in the Middle-East, it was kinda canary yellowish.

I WANT IT, of course it probably sounds shitey mc-shite so I'd have to rip out it's guts put some new pickups in, bridges, machine heads and strings but it would so be worth it for a canary yellow V.

05-11-2007, 03:08 PM
Good of most of you to ignore suckseeds question and all wank on about your knowledge of guitars. .

that is because rickenbackers are shit, we are just trying to save him some money by suggesting other options, if you don't like guitar chat, go and browse a different forum, maybe one about Transexuals?

05-11-2007, 06:53 PM

OOooo!!! Thank you SOOOOO much for posting that!!! I saw Uli play in Dallas in about '86 or so - I'm still in awe..... :) :) :)

Roth, Schenker and of course, Hackett. All great musicians AND composers:



05-11-2007, 07:27 PM
Steve Hackett's stuff led me to get the VG88. Please Don't Touch and Spectral Mornings are amazing.

05-11-2007, 08:55 PM
Yeah yeah and I love my '77 Les Paul even though it does weigh a fucking ton and Klusons are a joke.... it's right here...... but ....what was the fucking question...Oh yeah

I'd for the Fireglo. Blue guitar.....Nah, not my choice. Ice blue Strat, maybe, not that.


Might be interested in a late 60's/70's SG Spesh with P90's if anybody got one........

Mista Bone
05-11-2007, 11:34 PM
I went to NAMM in Jan...took some pics of some new guitars...and met Uli....If ya cats want...I can post some pics...the guitars are Jackson and Dean....BTW...I like the sunburst best.

05-12-2007, 01:30 AM
Well, I ended up falling for this one instead. The 360/12C63 as played by Mr. George Harrison. Vintage toaster pickups, double binding, and the paint job is a masterpiece.
I actually got half a boner when I said, "I'll take it!" :lol:

If anyone wants the last unsold Blueburst 12 string in the world, pm me and I'll tell you where it is..$1800 and she's yours. (I got mine above for $2075.)

Thanks for your opinions. The blue just started to feel like something I might regret, and the one I got is a work of art, to me anyway.

05-14-2007, 11:36 AM
a fine guitar.