View Full Version : MEAN GIRLS!

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-10-2007, 10:50 AM
OMG! Why does that movie depicts TG "plastic" friendships so well to a T? LOL :lol:

It's like looking in a mirror..with a few tg's I grew up and was friends with back in highschool and college. :? LOL

So with that, I'd like to ask the girls what their favorite CHICK flicks are (guys could also answer)? :P



05-10-2007, 03:00 PM
My #1 most favorite "Chick Flick". For me it would have to be "The Color Purple." "How Stella got her Grove Back" would be a close second.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-10-2007, 07:26 PM
Aside from Mean Girls..Mines are (in no particular order):

1. Little Women
2. Thelma and Louis
3. Terms of Endearment
4. Beaches
5. Pretty Woman
6. The Devil Wears Prada
7. Steel Magnolias
8. Girl Interupted
9. The House of the spirit
10. Dangerous Liaisons




05-10-2007, 07:34 PM
1. The Color Purple
2. Stepford Wives
3. Steel Magnolias
4. Stepmom
5. Just My Luck
6. Because I said so
7. Coyote Ugly
8. Miss Congeniality 1&2
9. Clueless
10. Ya Ya Sisterhood
11. The Notebook
12. Legally Blonde 1&2
13. Sweet Home Alabama
14. Pretty Woman


05-10-2007, 07:40 PM
Clueless is surely not a chick flick, and coyote ugly is full of half naked chicks, defo one for the lads!!!

No metion of the Hugh Grant chick flicks yet tho.....

05-10-2007, 07:43 PM
Clueless is surely not a chick flick, and coyote ugly is full of half naked chicks, defo one for the lads!!!

No metion of the Hugh Grant chick flicks yet tho..... Clueless is a chick flick lol just because it hot girls in it doesn't make it not a Chick Flick it's the PLOT of the movie that makes it a chick flick. It's a bout a girl that worries all about popularity and superficiality, and then figures out there is more to life.

Coyote Ugly, is also a chick flick by the Plot. Yes they had things for the guys , but the plot of the movie was about a girl falling in love and getting the things she always wanted. HOWEVER they also had a part for the ladies...where the male lead gets half way naked on the bar also, and come on JOHN GOODMAN too.. HOT lol

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-10-2007, 07:51 PM
Clueless is surely not a chick flick, and coyote ugly is full of half naked chicks, defo one for the lads!!!

No mention of the Hugh Grant chick flicks yet tho.....

Oh How did I miss?!? I love Bridget Jones, Love Actually, Two Weeks Notice, Notting Hill, Four Weddings and a Funeral, Nine Months and Sense and Sensibility.



05-10-2007, 10:26 PM
I see what you mean about the plot of Clueless and Coyote ugly, but I still don't think they are chick flicks in the same way that Bridget Jones is, or (possibly the worst crime against cinema ever to ruin two hours of my life, they are gone, I can't get them back) - Crossroads with Baldy Spears.

I'm saying that because I find Bridget Jones / Crossroads soooo shite that they make me want to poke my eyes out with a spoon. Clueless is actually loosely based on Jane Austen's 'Emma'. I don't think classical literature can be classed as a typical chick flick (which, without meaning to seem sexist are usually lightweight and derivative)

Any no one has said Dirty Dancing yet. Surely it is the king of all chick flicks Although I actually quite like it.....

05-10-2007, 10:39 PM
A few movies that come quickly to mind with
females being the protaganists, that I love;

1. The Color Purple

2. The Joy Luck Club

3. Real Woman Have Curves

4. Thelma And Louise

5. All About Eve

6. She's Gotta Have It

7. Imitation Of Life (both versions)

8. Eve's Bayou

9. Whale Rider

10. How Stella Got Her Groove Back

05-10-2007, 10:44 PM
I . I don't think classical literature can be classed as a typical chick flick (which, without meaning to seem sexist are usually lightweight and derivative)

The term chick flick is slang used to describe a movie that primarily
appeals to teenage girls and young women.

The female characters in a chick flick are usually strong women who
overcome adversity to reach their goals. The key to a successful chick
flick is a message of female empowerment, although a snappy
soundtrack and closets full of designer clothes will also help boost ratings.

Chick flicks are typically perky, upbeat, modern, and post-feminist in
tone, although some movies do have sad and dramatic elements as well.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-10-2007, 11:16 PM
The term chick flick is slang used to describe a movie that primarily
appeals to teenage girls and young women.

The female characters in a chick flick are usually strong women who
overcome adversity to reach their goals. The key to a successful chick
flick is a message of female empowerment, although a snappy
soundtrack and closets full of designer clothes will also help boost ratings.

Chick flicks are typically perky, upbeat, modern, and post-feminist in
tone, although some movies do have sad and dramatic elements as well.

Co-sign! :P



05-10-2007, 11:16 PM
Clueless is surely not a chick flick, and coyote ugly is full of half naked chicks, defo one for the lads!!!

No mention of the Hugh Grant chick flicks yet tho.....

Oh How did I miss?!? I love Brigit Jones, Love Actually, Two Weeks Notice, Notting Hill, Four Weddings and a Funeral, Nine Months and Sense and Sensibility.



Love Actually? Clueless? I love those movies! There are girl movies?

I also liked The Notebook and adored Thelma and Louise. And I enjoyed Girl, Interrupted and nearly cried at the end of Jerry Maguire. Also enjoyed The Princess Bride, When Harry met Sally, and other romantic films.

If it wasn't for the fact that I love The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, The Terminator and Raging Bull, I'd be thinking of asking the mods to change my title to "A Hot Hung Angel (with facial hair)".

Just kidding. But I do like a lot of "chickflicks".

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-10-2007, 11:59 PM
Lmao..Or a "Hot Bearded Angel". :lol: LOL




05-11-2007, 12:10 AM
Lmao..Or a "Hot Bearded Angel". :lol: LOL




Would you date a hot bearded angel that watches chick flicks, cries in sad movies and listens to Kylie Minogue? You know, if I'm ever in LA again sometime.

05-11-2007, 12:15 AM
defo one for the lads!!!


I don't think classical literature can be classed as a typical chick flick (which, without meaning to seem sexist are usually lightweight and derivative)

but the book 'emma' is simply the "chick-flickthrough" of the day , before they had 'flicks'. it is lightweight and derivative. 'EMMA;' is only "classical literature" because it was popular in its day and somewhat outdated.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-11-2007, 04:34 AM
Lmao..Or a "Hot Bearded Angel". :lol: LOL




Would you date a hot bearded angel that watches chick flicks, cries in sad movies and listens to Kylie Minogue? You know, if I'm ever in LA again sometime.

Hmm.. I could "go out" for dinners and drinks sure why not? The dating part is a bit jumping too fast I think! Hehe :P



05-12-2007, 12:42 AM
Lmao..Or a "Hot Bearded Angel". :lol: LOL




Would you date a hot bearded angel that watches chick flicks, cries in sad movies and listens to Kylie Minogue? You know, if I'm ever in LA again sometime.

Hmm.. I could "go out" for dinners and drinks sure why not? The dating part is a bit jumping too fast I think! Hehe :P



Of course. We'd take it slow as you like.
I might even cook for you one evening. You should also try my cocktails.

:D Maybe one day

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-12-2007, 08:06 AM



05-12-2007, 08:10 AM
where 'mean girls' came from...

05-12-2007, 08:58 AM
Aside from Mean Girls..Mines are (in no particular order):

1. Little Women
2. Thelma and Louis
3. Terms of Endearment
4. Beaches
5. Pretty Woman
6. The Devil Wears Prada
7. Steel Magnolias
8. Girl Interupted
9. The House of the spirit
10. Dangerous Liaisons




Thrill me. Come up with a list of what you consider the worst chick flix of all times. Mystic Pizza? Fresh Horses? Not watching 'em myself, I certainly wouldn't know. :wink: But I'd love to find out what defines the line between chick flick and cheese.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-12-2007, 09:18 AM
Aside from Mean Girls..Mines are (in no particular order):

1. Little Women
2. Thelma and Louis
3. Terms of Endearment
4. Beaches
5. Pretty Woman
6. The Devil Wears Prada
7. Steel Magnolias
8. Girl Interupted
9. The House of the spirit
10. Dangerous Liaisons




Thrill me. Come up with a list of what you consider the worst chick flix of all times. Mystic Pizza? Fresh Horses? Not watching 'em myself, I certainly wouldn't know. :wink: But I'd love to find out what defines the line between chick flick and cheese.

On top my head chick flicks I hated were:

1. Secrets Of The Ya Ya Sisterhood
2. Kate and Leopold
3. MonaLisa Smile
4. Speed 2: Cruise Control
5. Moulin Rouge



05-12-2007, 09:48 AM
Aside from Mean Girls..Mines are (in no particular order):

1. Little Women
2. Thelma and Louis
3. Terms of Endearment
4. Beaches
5. Pretty Woman
6. The Devil Wears Prada
7. Steel Magnolias
8. Girl Interupted
9. The House of the spirit
10. Dangerous Liaisons




Thrill me. Come up with a list of what you consider the worst chick flix of all times. Mystic Pizza? Fresh Horses? Not watching 'em myself, I certainly wouldn't know. :wink: But I'd love to find out what defines the line between chick flick and cheese.

On top my head chick flicks I hated were:

1. Secrets Of The Ya Ya Sisterhood
2. Kate and Leopold
3. MonaLisa Smile
4. Speed 2: Cruise Control
5. Moulin Rouge



I thought we might be surfing on the same wave-- and no one cracks me up quite like you do. How about that 'traveling pants' movie? Or that Britney Spears road movie?

Any guilty pleasures you have? Movies that always make you go all gushy, but you hate yourself for it? :) And SPeed 2? That just plain sucked, right? America's cuddlebug or not, Sandra Bullock just kinda stinks. No?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-12-2007, 09:54 AM
No one cracks you up like I do?!?

I'm sorry are you making a funny at my expense? I dont appreciate being turned into a comic relief by you or anyone! :evil:

That Britney movie and that Travelling pants I already knew pretty much SUCK! So I didnt even bother renting them out. :roll:


05-12-2007, 09:59 AM
Great, now I'm the bad guy. I just think you have a nice sense of humor, that's all. Jeez, what a grouch.... But rather than dig myself into a pit, I'll just wish you a pleasant weekend and sign off. I'm a fan, Dear Heart.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-12-2007, 10:04 AM
Great, now I'm the bad guy. I just think you have a nice sense of humor, that's all. Jeez, what a grouch.... But rather than dig myself into a pit, I'll just wish you a pleasant weekend and sign off. I'm a fan, Dear Heart.

LOL Thanks! I blame it on the tides as I'm rtnow by the beach (literally 30-50 feets away)! LOL It's been said it affects people especially women's emotions and way of thinking. ;)

Have a great weekend!



General Disarray
05-15-2007, 02:52 AM
Sophie's Choice

I just lost some serious man points

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-15-2007, 03:11 AM
Sophie's Choice

I just lost some serious man points

Aww thats cute! I love Sophie's Choice too. :P



General Disarray
05-15-2007, 03:12 AM
Sophie's Choice

I just lost some serious man points

Aww thats cute! I love Sophie's Choice too. :P


thanks for making me feel less gay :oops:

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-15-2007, 07:56 PM
Np. You're welcome! ;)



09-13-2007, 10:29 AM
yeah, I dug that up from the dusted shelves....anyways, here ya go

my favourite "chick-flix" are actually the first three "Alien"-movies (hell, no one fucks with Ripley and survives!!!!)

and of course Terminator II


09-13-2007, 02:26 PM
What, no one has mentioned cruel intentions yet?

09-14-2007, 04:08 AM
What, no one has mentioned cruel intentions yet?

Any movie with Buffy's tongue doing a lesbian eel impersonation isn't all bad, Plus that was a nice car...http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/5958/selmablairandsarahmichejd6.jpg

Hara_Juku Tgirl
09-14-2007, 05:25 AM
What, no one has mentioned cruel intentions yet?

I thought Cruel Intentions was a great modern day version of "Dangerous Liason" with Glen Close, John Malcovich, Uma Thurman, Keanu Reeves etc. Tho ofcourse I still prefer the latter. :P



09-14-2007, 05:31 AM
A few movies that come quickly to mind with
females being the protaganists, that I love;

1. The Color Purple

2. The Joy Luck Club

3. Real Woman Have Curves

4. Thelma And Louise

5. All About Eve

6. She's Gotta Have It

7. Imitation Of Life (both versions)

8. Eve's Bayou

9. Whale Rider

10. How Stella Got Her Groove Back

I loved Whale Rider....such a good movie!

09-14-2007, 09:43 AM
obviously I have a slightly different definition of what a "chick flick" is - in my case thats a movie with a strong, ass-kicking motherfucker-ess that doesnt take ayn BS from anybody..... :lol:

and there has to be an addition to be made that I forgot in my previous post in that thread:

Jackie Brown

and I loved the X-Files as well (at least those seasons when there was still Scully and Mulder together) - because it was usually Scully that played the "male" part (as beeing scientific, rational opposed to Mulders "feelings", Intuition....) and she was as well one tough bitch.

and ofr some flashbacks into puberty: Buffy the Vampire Slayer!!!!

as for typical "Chick Flicks": when the second Bridget Jones movie was out I had to watch it together with my GF at the time.....well, those two hrs were the toughest time I ever had in a theater. after all, I am a horror and sci-fi- buff :lol:

09-14-2007, 12:34 PM
the sweetest thing is the best hands down! followed closely by clueless!

09-14-2007, 03:59 PM
But I'm a Cheerleader

Damn funny lesbian satire but oddly sweet, too.

09-14-2007, 05:06 PM
What, no one has mentioned cruel intentions yet?

I thought Cruel Intentions was a great modern day version of "Dangerous Liason" with Glen Close, John Malcovich, Uma Thurman, Keanu Reeves etc. Tho ofcourse I still prefer the latter. :P



Les Liaisons dangereuses was an even more previous movie adaptation.

Being pretentious like that, I watched and loved it ;)

Hara_Juku Tgirl
09-14-2007, 05:54 PM
Dangerous Liason is actually a film adaptation of the book Les Liaisons dangereuses which is a famous French epistolary novel by Pierre Choderlos de Laclos, first published in 1782. A movie with the same title also came out earlier (1959) that was released in the US in 1961. This one I havent seen yet. :(
__________________________________________________ ____________

The book fascinates with its dark undertones. It is the story of the Marquise de Merteuil and the Vicomte de Valmont, two rivals who use sex as a weapon to humiliate and degrade others, all the while enjoying their cruel games. It also depicts the decadence of the French aristocracy shortly before the French Revolution; thus it is seen as a work that exposes the perversions of the so-called Ancien Régime.

The book is an epistolary novel, composed entirely of letters written by the various characters to each other. In particular, the letters between Valmont and the Marquise drive the plot, with those of other characters serving as illustrations to give the story its depth.

The novel has been translated into English many times, with Douglas Parmée's recent translation (Oxford: OUP, 1995) receiving favourable reviews.

It is often claimed to be the origin of the saying "Revenge is a dish best served cold", a paraphrased translation of "La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid." (more literally, "Revenge is a dish that is eaten cold"). However the expression does not actually occur in the original novel.

SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Les_Liaisons_dangereuses

There's the source CrazyAboutTGirls! Are you happy now?



09-14-2007, 05:56 PM
Wikipedia is a wonderful thing

09-14-2007, 05:57 PM
Dangerous Liason is actually a film adaptation of the book Les Liaisons dangereuses

I saw Les Liasons Dangereuses in play form once, many years ago. It was awesome seeing live nudity on stage.

I'm such perv! :twisted:

09-14-2007, 05:58 PM
I confess to have watched 'Pride and Predjudice' with my flatmates (cos they made me .. evil people that they are), and I enjoyed it.

I hope that doesn't make me a chick, I already have a really embarrasing score on that gaydar thread.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
09-14-2007, 06:22 PM
Wikipedia is a wonderful thing

I love wiki! :peanutbutter



09-14-2007, 06:38 PM
ok, one last addition for me, then Ill be silent on that topic...

another great, yet "twisted" chick flick for me is "The Hunger" from 1983. Susan Sarandon and Catherine Deneuve as lesbian vampires in a new wavish NYC, with David Bowie as the disposable sidekick.....