View Full Version : Gannett MilitaryTimes Poll Libt.46%/R22%/D16%

05-10-2007, 04:15 AM
Privately owned Military Times poll, owned by Gannett:

How would you describe your political views?
Very conservative 8%
Conservative 42%
Moderate 33%
Liberal 6%
Very liberal 1%
Decline to answer 10%

In politics today, do you consider yourself a:
Republican 56%
Democrat 13%
Independent 15%
Libertarian 2%
Other 3%
Decline to answer 11%


Democrat 16%
Republican 22%
Independent 2%
Libertarian 46%
Other 3%
Decline to answer 11%

Some people think that by criticizing the military, news organizations weaken the country's defenses. Others think that such criticism helps keep our country militarily prepared. Which position is closest to your opinion?

Weakens defense 62%
Keeps nation prepared 22%
Don't know/no answer 16%

In general, do you think news organizations get the facts straight, or do you thnk their stories and reports are often inaccurate?

Get facts straight 11%
Stories often inaccurate 81%
Don't know/no answer 7%

05-10-2007, 06:14 AM
Ya ever get the feeling, WMC is the "cricket whisper". Every new thread sees to draw a bevy of crickets. Listen...........

05-10-2007, 06:18 AM
Ya ever get the feeling, WMC is the "cricket whisper". Every new thread sees to draw a bevy of crickets. Listen...........


05-10-2007, 06:17 PM
Ya ever get the feeling, WMC is the "cricket whisper". Every new thread sees to draw a bevy of crickets. Listen...........

Left-wing crickets. They don`t have a response to FACTS, therefore, silence. A golden silence reflective of victory.

The Village Idiot aka quinn posts bogus push polls, I expose the Idiot then move on. Simply really, notice the post implying the military vote was moving to the democrat party? The implication could not have been proven more false. What IS implied is that the Republican party is moving left and leaving the conservatives in the military, who have chosen the next best thing, the Libertarian party. That or those in the armed forces are becoming more conservative/libertarian.

05-10-2007, 06:45 PM
ROTFLAMAO............ How unfortunate for you that you're the only one who sees it that way, that you were recently caught lying – yet again – and that your arguments aren't taken anymore seriously than those of Jamie-Michelle. Not to worry though, you can always go back to crying about it, and we can always go back to laughing at your delusionally sissified ass.


05-10-2007, 06:58 PM
ROTFLAMAO............ How unfortunate for you that you're the only one who sees it that way, that you were recently caught lying – yet again – and that your arguments aren't taken anymore seriously than those of Jamie-Michelle. Not to worry though, you can always go back to crying about it, and we can always go back to laughing at your delusionally sissified ass.

No need to project your own shortcomings onto others Village Idiot 8)

Democrat 16%
Republican 22%
Independent 2%
Libertarian 46%
Other 3%
Decline to answer 11%

We think Thorazine may help your delusions and hallucinations 8)

05-10-2007, 07:05 PM
white-male-canada seas conspriaces everywhere. hes so like jamie-michele. he cant face reality from nearly all polls that say truths he cant face.

time to post updated list of what people say to this person. he lies to much

You're spinning faster than your brain can keep up, Michael. Clearly the NRCC doesn't think this is a non-story, considering that they gave up $15K that they're really going to need in 2008.

I'm not sure if all that is true, WMC, since it sounds more like someone's opinion than fact.

The only insults I take here are those from White Male Clusterfuck... cause everybody knows he's mentally challenged.

iv looked threw the threads. i use to feel bad for white-male-canada i dont now. he ignores whats reel boasts with no reason and calls persons gay on a transgender board. makes no sense at all. you do this when you have problems with youself and your sexuality

You`re not cynical, just envious and have joined the others in schemes to destroy powerful economies." White_Male_Canada

Drivel, absolute drivel!

WMC isn't a player, he's in a cage called Canada, firing shit at those beyond the border like a chimp a zoo. His reward is the peanuts you throw back, knowing that someone hears him

It`s fun to toss around that bugaboo word, "neo-cons",with reckless abandon.Just like the radical left does,not even knowing it`s meaning.

Those of us who aren't sheep lining up at the trough to drink the neo-con kool aid would pretty much agree that today's neo-con is a war-mongering, war-profiteering, lying chickenhawk... :lol: :P.

isn't that nice...WMC watches the afternoon soaps and posts gifs from them. did i say nice...i meant pathetic.

Truth is Pinhead, we can't afford to see you lose, we need you. Your not going anywhere fool, Chef and I own you!

Are you you having some comprehension issues, Michael?

Ah look, White Male Panda once again thinks he´s a smart ass..... the IP story is nothing special. Your IP adress is stored as well. I´m telling you, if you ever find the courage to come over to Europe, you´ll definetely find out how stupid and ridiculous you are. In short words, you´ll be owned.

The good about it.... you´ll find out something about yourself. Your "copy-paste" politics is not working here.

Psst....Psst...hey pinhead.......nobody here gives a shit ....so take this quarter and call someone who does

Little Stanley, was right. This man is nuttier than a fruit cake. Wouldn't surprise me if he fucked baby seals and clubbed them over the head while saying it's my right as a Canadien fruitcake.

In any case, you've ingnored my responses to your skewed, illogical arguments and have replied with inane rhetoric. It seems to me you lack both a sense of humour and the ability to make a reasoned argument.

Because I'm interested in why you're on this board spilling RNC talking points like they're going out of style.

Speaking of buffets, you try to dish it out, but you don't take it. You didn't answer my question, at all.

People go to the HungAngels boards to discuss hot, hung T-girls. Either talk about transsexuals once in a while or move to FreeRepublic.com. It's that simple, but don't worry, I'm sure you can fuck it up. All you gotta do is believe in yourself and you can fuck up anything!

Congatulations my white pinhead pal from canada on your latest non-sequitur post

Welcome back YourDaddy.
We've missed you.

It's pretty obvious that White_Male_In_White_Sheet is especially gleeful that this incident involves a black democrat...it must be a slow day down at the bunker...

Who pays you to say all this crap, man?

In fact,the odor is as thick as the pancake makeup you paste on your face
when it devolves into personal attacks, it means you lose on the merits. Abramoff had a team, but only its captain and his lieutentants have been indicted, convicted and sentenced. Barry Bonds may be cheating with steroids, but that doesn't implicate the entire Giant's team.

Delay is resigning in disgrace and facing a criminal jury trial in Texas soon enough. But as far as the rest of the corrupt Republicans:

Abramoff has not given a clean bill of health to any other congressman -- including Rep. Robert Ney, who has stepped down as chairman of the House
Thats from your own source, by the way. The only thing thick here is the irony.


why do you post this when your actions are different. ive lurked here long enough to sea you attack many when they disagree with you youre a smart guy. but you have a problem accepting whats real when its not what you want. most posters treat you like Jamie Michele and that’s not right though you make it happen to you. i feel bad for you

why be so angri

Talk about picking your words carefully. You didn't talk splits or percentages or past history. You said, simply:

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was pushed by more Republicans than demorats.Check the vote count

NO BS. More Democrats than Republicans voted for the Civil Rights act.

You either misstated or misrepresented what the reality was.

Then, scrambling to cover being called on it, you start namecalling with insults, try to impugn my source (which wasn't Wikipedia, for your information) without addressing its accuracy, start flinging irrelevant and incorrect crap about Kerry, and post a mean,and demeaning but meaningless picture of Hillary.

I do not detest facts that contradict with my beliefs. I look at the evidence and then form my opinion. You have presented nothing but hot air in most cases. What I take personally is not that you have disagreed with me, nor that you have presented your case but that you have used disparaging comments to belittle everyone on this board and have dismissed my arguments as propaganda (especially since I am liberal but independent- it's interesting that I've voted for right-wing party or the centre-right in the last two elections, then, when according to you I'm a communist kook and a member of the Enviro-Gestapo).

And you are right. Debate forums are not popularity contests. That is lucky for you.

In any case, I would ask both you and Quinn to end this debate with some magnanimity and grace. I would also ask you to refrain from making fun of someone's affliction.

Then again, compared to you, Quinn is lucky: mononucleosis can come and go, but being an asshole is for life.

I asked the question in another thread, but how much are you getting paid by the RNC to continually paper this forum with their bs? Seriously, how much?

What you want done "fairly and not arbitarily" is not fair,but purely subjective. You would confer to one group,while denying the same rights to the next aggrieved minority in line,be they polygamists,beastialists,or NAMBLA.

You added this crap to your post after I had responded to it. You are saying that the transgendered and homsexuals are no better or more deserving of respect than child molesters and perverts.

If that kind of vile hatred had been there when I replied, I would have done then what I am doing now. refusing to speak to you anymore.


For God's sake, Michael. You're just going to repost the same shit I knocked down two days ago? You can't find anything new to cut-and-paste in here?

There's that conspiracy talk again. Do you realize it makes you look stupid?

Why don't you read up a little on the subject before spouting any old rubbish? Just because Rush Limbaugh says something doesn't mean it's right.

Anybody with any semblance of scientific knowledge would know that the more energy you add to a system the more erratic it becomes. The Earth behaves just the same way but on a bigger scale, this can clearly be seen in the increasing occurrence of weather extremes. It really isn't rocket science; more like science 101 for retards! Are you really as knowledgeable about climatology as you claim you are WMC?

Are you mental?

Oops, turns out you might be.

Ok, do you even think before you post?

Have you noticed that people have stopped responding to your inane posting? Have you? Have you noticed that everyone keeps calling you a troll? Maybe it's because you are. Maybe we just don't like you- perhaps with good reason. Could it be because instead of debating you have chosen to throw insults at us? Could it be because you dismiss us all us "communist kooks" without first thinking if we might have a point? Could it be that the joke is on you?

We've wasted too much time, energy and bandwith arguing with you. Now we've decided to ignore you. How do you like that?

Anyway, I just thought I'd enlighten you before I get back to ignoring you again. Have a nice day, troll. And don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.

Now that is the funniest pile of shit You've ever posted, got anymore Pantywaste ??

YourCanadianDaddy you keep trying to put the baby in with the bathwater. Not one Democrat took money from Jack Abramoff. Not one. You conveniently keep glossing over that fact, by referring to "Abrahmoff and affiliates" when it was only by affiliates ie clients. Never by Jack. Political contributions are legal. Political Payola is not. Abramoff and his lieutenants have been indicted, plead guilty and been sentenced. His affiliates, and clients have not.

Are you deluded? It's not about who posts the most shit (in which case you would win hands down). Of course you've posted more times than me- you have nothing better to do. It's so simple to cut and paste any old crap (without even referencing it in most cases) and to open up new threads randomly. I have been here much longer than you but post fewer times per day simply because I post only when I actually have something to say.

n any case, all you need to look at is the respect that other forum members have for me and the lack of respect that everyone . . . has for you. That should tell you who the "loser" is, troll.

There I've said it. You're a troll. You don't deserve my time. I'm not going to bother any more.

huh..... still see dead people, white powder male canada?

Oh I'm quaking in my boots, White_Troll! Unfortunately, I have no more time to waste on you. My mama told me not to argue with morons.

How would log-cabinboy know?

He's nothing more than a chickenshit chickenhawk who doesn't know shit from shinola.

this from a person evryon ignores becase he is like jamie michele. evryon is right about you

nice way of trying to divert from the fact that you know nothing about systems

You're the most retard fuck in the Universe. It's official.

I must say WMC, you make great efforts providing us with your republican horseshit…

the truth? the truth? he can't handle the truth. never could...on any subject.

This question is for the "white male in cananda"....
How can you be so reactionary and yet come to a tranny board?
Its seems ALL the closet cases are in the republican party.....or whatever you all have in Cananda.
Your a fucking idiot.
Your probably some fat hideous beer belly grumpy fucker......
I can always rely on the fact that the conservatives have the most closeted people among their ranks.

Ya ever get the feeling, WMC is the "cricket whisper". Every new thread sees to draw a bevy of crickets. Listen...........

05-10-2007, 07:35 PM
The funny thing is, Svenson, that was only a partial list of critics – even though the list contains dozens. I didn't include massive amounts of stuff that I could have. The list was very easy to make and didn't take very long at all because of the overwhelming volume of criticism directed at the forum's most deluded poster.

It's OK though; we're used to it now. He went around calling other posters gay, then turned out to be a bottom boy himself (self-loathing closet case). He talks about truth in his sig, yet is regarded as one of the most deceptive posters on the forum and has recently been caught in an obvious lie, again. Most recently, he's taken to regaling us with conspiracy theories that would have to involve the Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Pew Research, Zogby Interactve, Stars and Stripes, the Military Times, and dozens of other companies – all working in perfect lock-step against the Republicans and Bush Administration. It doesn't get any better than that for a good laugh.

He can type what he wants now, the pwnage is overwhelming at this point, and there's no need to flog a dead horse – or a closeted sissy.

Something White_Male_Closet_Case's doctor makes copious use of:

05-10-2007, 07:45 PM
The funny thing is, Svenson, that was only a partial list of critics – even though there are dozens there. I didn't include massive amounts of stuff thatI could have. The list was very easy to make and didn't take very long because of the overwhelming volume of criticism directed at the forum's most deluded poster.

It's OK though; we're used to it now. He went around calling other posters gay, then turned out to be a bottom boy himself (self-loathing closet case). He talks about truth in his sig, yet is regarded as one of the most deceptive posters on the forum and has recently been caught in an obvious lie, again. Recently, he's taken to regaling us with conspiracy theories that would have to involve the Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Pew Research, Zogby Interactve, Stars and Stripes, the Military Times, and dozens of other companies – all working in perfect lock-step against the Republicans and Bush Administration. It doesn't get any better than that for a good laugh.

Something White_Male_Closet_Case's doctor makes copious use of:

Village Idiot left in the dust again and all wound up ?

Yeah, big conspiracy by Zogby/sarc off.

Zogby has a history of supporting extreme terror organizations. Zogby's anti-Semitism is well documented here;

NEW YORK- Pro-Arab lobbyist James Zogby, head of the Arab-American Institute, has publicly urged the Arab nations to refrain from normalizing relations with Israel--thus further shattering the myth that Zogby is "moderate" or "seeks peace with Israel".

The web site ArabicNews.Com reports that Zogby told the Moroccan daily Al-Alam that "a drive towards normalization of relations with Israel" would be "dangerous."

Moreover, in Zogby's account, Israel pursued a policy of `ethnic cleansing,'

more skewed Zogby results;
Zogby poll released today indicates that Americans – by large majorities – oppose the United States militarily defending several key allies, including Taiwan, Israel and South Korea.

The Zogbys clearly have an agenda. James Zogby Justifies Palestinian Terrorism. "Palestinian organizations are refusing to accept U.S. foreign aid this year, rather than sign a pledge promising that the money will not be used to support terrorism." as reported in The Washington Times.

The paper then paraphrases James Zogby of the Arab American Institute saying that this refusal by Palestinian nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to sign the pledge "should not be seen as support for terrorism, rather that in Palestinian society it is politically expedient to reject the funds than endure the tremendous political pressure they will face for signing the pledge. Zogby continues, in his own words: "This is not clearly understood in the United States. The idea of providing no ‘material support is such a broad brush stroke, it compromises the ability of the humanitarian organizations to function." The reporter then paraphrases Zogby saying that "making Palestinian organizations judge who is and who is not a terrorist is a prescription for creating civil war in the Gaza Strip and West Bank."

In addition James Zogby became apoplectic when President Bush nominated the eminent scholar Daniel Pipes to the board of directors of United States Institute for Peace. Mr. Pipes brilliance of is some note and matched only by Hanson.

Zogby spit out the following:

"Daniel Pipes has a problem - his obsessive hatred of all things Muslim," writes James Zogby of the Arab American Institute. "Pipes is to Muslims what David Duke is to African-Americans."

BTW,this patently untrue.But these are gross and vicious libels, as anyone who reads or listens to Pipes' own words will quickly discover at his site here. His hundreds of essays on terrorism, Islam, and the Middle East have appeared in scores of publications, from the Atlantic Monthly to The Jerusalem Post to Foreign Affairs. He has written countless book reviews. He is the author or editor of 13 books, he lectures nationwide, and he is a frequent guest on news and public-affairs TV shows. In short, he has compiled a vast public record. If he were the hater Zogby decries, it would be pretty hard to disguise.
Daniel Pipes has been a huge supporter of moderate Muslims and believes America must support Moderate Islam in our war on Radical Islamofascism

more Zogby quotes;

James Zogby, the president of the Arab American Institute, said that because of the "disproportionate number of Jews," the State Department should hire more Arab Americans.

Zogby's "extremist, anti-Israel views" disqualified him from being involved with U.S. policy in the Middle East.

Radical organization and known supporter of terror groups, James Zogby – president, Arab American Institute.

Zogby said that Israel's "invasion of occupied territories is seared into the Arab psyche the way the Holocaust defines 20th century history for Jews".


05-10-2007, 08:41 PM
white-male-canada all by heself in his opinions. so crazy so sad

you !?


you !?


you !?


:lol: 8) :lol: 8) :lol: 8) :lol: 8) :lol: 8) :lol: 8) :lol: 8) :lol: 8)

05-10-2007, 10:56 PM
Ya ever get the feeling, WMC is the "cricket whisper". Every new thread sees to draw a bevy of crickets. Listen...........

Left-wing crickets. They don`t have a response to FACTS, therefore, silence. A golden silence reflective of victory.

Maybe we're just tired of your bullshit and moved on. I for one aint even bothering. It's like talking to a wall.

And besides, the General forum is getting interesting lately.

Maybe you should shut up for a while. Better you should be silent and let us just assume you're an asshole than speak up and remove all doubt.

Have a nice day.


05-11-2007, 12:54 AM
Ya ever get the feeling, WMC is the "cricket whisper". Every new thread sees to draw a bevy of crickets. Listen...........

Left-wing crickets. They don`t have a response to FACTS, therefore, silence. A golden silence reflective of victory.

Maybe we're just tired of your bullshit and moved on. I for one aint even bothering. It's like talking to a wall.

And besides, the General forum is getting interesting lately.

Maybe you should shut up for a while. Better you should be silent and let us just assume you're an asshole than speak up and remove all doubt.

Have a nice day.


Indeed, it does get tedious after awhile,for myself. Time after time you`ve been caught and slowly boiled intellectually so naturally your subconscious led you to choose a frog as your avatar.

How apropos. 8)

05-11-2007, 05:41 AM

Nothing like having a plate of mixed nuts on the coffee table.

(Watch this.....)

I have it on good information those statistics are skewed.......

05-11-2007, 09:53 AM
Indeed, it does get tedious after awhile,for myself. Time after time you`ve been caught and slowly boiled intellectually so naturally your subconscious led you to choose a frog as your avatar.

How apropos. 8)

Your use of "wit" has me in stitches. Is this what passes for a sense of humour where you come from? You are what Reverend Spooner would call a "shining wit". Look him up, laughing boy.

When you attack me with your rapier-sharp critique (and I'm being ironic here, in case you don't understand) it feels like being savaged by a dead sheep.

You have the debating skills of a baby that has thrown its toys out of its pram. And like all whining babies you are incapable of judging when you are actually wrong (which is pretty much all the time).

When you where born, the doctor may have slapped you on the bottom as is the usual case. It may have been better if he had beaten the shit out of you.

I'm done "debating" with you.


05-11-2007, 04:19 PM
Enough said:


05-11-2007, 06:14 PM
Indeed, it does get tedious after awhile,for myself. Time after time you`ve been caught and slowly boiled intellectually so naturally your subconscious led you to choose a frog as your avatar.

How apropos. 8)

Your use of "wit" has me in stitches. Is this what passes for a sense of humour where you come from? You are what Reverend Spooner would call a "shining wit". Look him up, laughing boy.

When you attack me with your rapier-sharp critique (and I'm being ironic here, in case you don't understand) it feels like being savaged by a dead sheep.

You have the debating skills of a baby that has thrown its toys out of its pram. And like all whining babies you are incapable of judging when you are actually wrong (which is pretty much all the time).

When you where born, the doctor may have slapped you on the bottom as is the usual case. It may have been better if he had beaten the shit out of you.

I'm done "debating" with you.


What a coincidence. I have it on good authority that when you were born the doctor took one look at you, and one look at the afterbirth and said," Twins!?" .

There simply no use for you to attempt to argue man is the main driver of GW. That line falls flat on it`s face simply because ice core data has proven temperatures rise first which then releases co2,temps rise first, co2 lags far behind. Your ignorance of basic facts has made you a demagogue.

I don`t debate demagogues, I humiliate them.

05-11-2007, 06:19 PM

Nothing like having a plate of mixed nuts on the coffee table.

(Watch this.....)

I have it on good information those statistics are skewed.......

Polls are always sketchy. That stated you`ve never added anything of value to any debate except your useless opinion,and opinions are like assholes,everyone has one and they all stink. You just happen to be a bigger asshole than many.

Here, have a poll on me:


Now, hop along junior. 8)

05-12-2007, 07:01 AM

Nothing like having a plate of mixed nuts on the coffee table.

(Watch this.....)

I have it on good information those statistics are skewed.......

Polls are always sketchy. That stated you`ve never added anything of value to any debate except your useless opinion,and opinions are like assholes,everyone has one and they all stink. You just happen to be a bigger asshole than many.

Here, have a poll on me:


Now, hop along junior. 8)

See what I mean. (I bet he propped up his black horned rim glasses with the with taped nose bridge while typing that post).

Is this guy a gas or what "opinions are like assholes,everyone has one and they all stink."

Where does he get them. LOL.

(this guy responds to anything...watch this)


05-12-2007, 01:45 PM

Nothing like having a plate of mixed nuts on the coffee table.

(Watch this.....)

I have it on good information those statistics are skewed.......

Polls are always sketchy. That stated you`ve never added anything of value to any debate except your useless opinion,and opinions are like assholes,everyone has one and they all stink. You just happen to be a bigger asshole than many.

Here, have a poll on me:


Now, hop along junior. 8)

See what I mean. (I bet he propped up his black horned rim glasses with the with taped nose bridge while typing that post).

Is this guy a gas or what "opinions are like assholes,everyone has one and they all stink."

Where does he get them. LOL.

(this guy responds to anything...watch this)


Nothing to do but shit their brains out all day :P :P

05-12-2007, 03:51 PM
Indeed, it does get tedious after awhile,for myself. Time after time you`ve been caught and slowly boiled intellectually so naturally your subconscious led you to choose a frog as your avatar.

How apropos. 8)

Your use of "wit" has me in stitches. Is this what passes for a sense of humour where you come from? You are what Reverend Spooner would call a "shining wit". Look him up, laughing boy.

When you attack me with your rapier-sharp critique (and I'm being ironic here, in case you don't understand) it feels like being savaged by a dead sheep.

You have the debating skills of a baby that has thrown its toys out of its pram. And like all whining babies you are incapable of judging when you are actually wrong (which is pretty much all the time).

When you where born, the doctor may have slapped you on the bottom as is the usual case. It may have been better if he had beaten the shit out of you.

I'm done "debating" with you.


What a coincidence. I have it on good authority that when you were born the doctor took one look at you, and one look at the afterbirth and said," Twins!?" .

There simply no use for you to attempt to argue man is the main driver of GW. That line falls flat on it`s face simply because ice core data has proven temperatures rise first which then releases co2,temps rise first, co2 lags far behind. Your ignorance of basic facts has made you a demagogue.

I don`t debate demagogues, I humiliate them.

I was going to write a much longer rant- a diatribe even (look it up)- about your response and then I thought: "why bother?"

Truth is, you're not worth my time. "I don't debate demagogues" you say, "I humiliate them". Get a dictionary, pal. I have been longer here than you and everyone knows what I stand for and that I am not a demagogue. That is why everyone respects me. You? They all think you're an asshole.

And you say you've humiliated us. When, exactly? When we pummelled your ass to the ground with hard facts and you admitted that you were just posting crap because "debating is like chess"? Or when we all exposed you for the bigoted troll you are? Or when we questioned what, exactly, you are doing on a transexual board when all you do is post excerpts from right-wing websites all day. You've created so many new threads and every single one of them is junk. One would have thought that even by chance you'd actually say something that makes sense, but all you did was spew forth bile with every post.

And your humour sucks, by the way.

05-12-2007, 05:05 PM
LOL..... He really does have the whole delusional Jamie-Michelle thing down to a science. He thinks he's making great points, etc., when everyone who reads his bigoted and deceptive drivel just shakes their heads – thinking to themselves what a completely deluded tool he is.

His only accomplishment here has been to make himself one of the most reviled and least respected posters in HA history. As Svenson would say: "so sad." Still, at least he's good for lots of laughs.


05-12-2007, 07:22 PM
Truth is, you're not worth my time. "I don't debate demagogues" you say, "I humiliate them". Get a dictionary, pal. I have been longer here than you and everyone knows what I stand for and that I am not a demagogue.

The lady doth protest too much,and I`m not your "pal".

And you say you've humiliated us. When, exactly? When we pummelled your ass to the ground with hard facts ...

Self-effacing humor, slighly amusing and very sad. You`re humble abode in the bizarro world where leftists actually believe co2 rises first and forces temperatures to increase is disturbing given that ALL ice core data has proven the exact opposite. The left-wing mantra of "man is destroying the planet" falls flat on it`s face right out of the gate.

And your humour sucks, by the way.

Not as much as that mouth on your face does. Oh btw, we`ve seen a pic of your face, Yikes! :shock: Get some zit cream sport asap. We heard you fell asleep in a library once and when you woke up a blind man was reading your face.

05-12-2007, 07:36 PM
I`m not your "pal"

Good thing, too. None of my pals are assholes.

Oh btw, we`ve seen a pic of your face, Yikes! :shock: Get some zit cream sport asap. We heard you fell asleep in a library once and when you woke up a blind man was reading your face.

You haven't seen my face, moron. And your "humour" still sucks.

That's it. I'm done talking. And you can huff and puff all you want.

05-12-2007, 07:57 PM
I`m not your "pal"

Good thing, too. None of my pals are assholes.

Aww did i hurt da poor baby ? Sowwy, coo-chee coo-chee cooo. Anyway, since opinions are like assholes you seem to be in possession of a rather gaping large one, ignoring ALL ice-core data that proves your agw religion as the Big Lie it is.

Oh btw, we`ve seen a pic of your face, Yikes! :shock: Get some zit cream sport asap. We heard you fell asleep in a library once and when you woke up a blind man was reading your face.

That's it. I'm done talking. And you can huff and puff all you want.

Thank God !!! You`ve brought nothing to rational debate besides personal opinion and have like the other leftists descended into nothing more than demagoguery because you`ve lost said rational debate. You have nothing left to offer but stick and stones!

You haven't seen my face, moron. And your "humour" still sucks.

LOL. It`s ok sport, previously hiding your face in shame and embarrassment due to your weeping acne is about all one could do.

So that`s why your mug looked familiar.
Just a rip-off of Joe Camel. How unoriginal 8)

05-13-2007, 11:47 PM
I`m not your "pal"

Good thing, too. None of my pals are assholes.

Aww did i hurt da poor baby ? Sowwy, coo-chee coo-chee cooo. Anyway, since opinions are like assholes you seem to be in possession of a rather gaping large one, ignoring ALL ice-core data that proves your agw religion as the Big Lie it is.

Oh btw, we`ve seen a pic of your face, Yikes! :shock: Get some zit cream sport asap. We heard you fell asleep in a library once and when you woke up a blind man was reading your face.

That's it. I'm done talking. And you can huff and puff all you want.

Thank God !!! You`ve brought nothing to rational debate besides personal opinion and have like the other leftists descended into nothing more than demagoguery because you`ve lost said rational debate. You have nothing left to offer but stick and stones!

You haven't seen my face, moron. And your "humour" still sucks.

LOL. It`s ok sport, previously hiding your face in shame and embarrassment due to your weeping acne is about all one could do.

So that`s why your mug looked familiar.
Just a rip-off of Joe Camel. How unoriginal 8)

05-14-2007, 01:30 AM
I`m not your "pal"

Good thing, too. None of my pals are assholes.

Aww did i hurt da poor baby ? Sowwy, coo-chee coo-chee cooo. Anyway, since opinions are like assholes you seem to be in possession of a rather gaping large one, ignoring ALL ice-core data that proves your agw religion as the Big Lie it is.

Oh btw, we`ve seen a pic of your face, Yikes! :shock: Get some zit cream sport asap. We heard you fell asleep in a library once and when you woke up a blind man was reading your face.

That's it. I'm done talking. And you can huff and puff all you want.

Thank God !!! You`ve brought nothing to rational debate besides personal opinion and have like the other leftists descended into nothing more than demagoguery because you`ve lost said rational debate. You have nothing left to offer but stick and stones!

You haven't seen my face, moron. And your "humour" still sucks.

LOL. It`s ok sport, previously hiding your face in shame and embarrassment due to your weeping acne is about all one could do.

So that`s why your mug looked familiar.
Just a rip-off of Joe Camel. How unoriginal 8)

Copycat. Used a similiar but much better pic like that months and months ago.

Once more, highly unorignal. You haven`t a creative thought in that socialist pee-brain of yours. 8)

05-14-2007, 01:45 AM
Copycat. Used a similiar but much better pic like that months and months ago.

Once more, highly unorignal. You haven`t a creative thought in that socialist pee-brain of yours. 8)

Oh yes, how very creative of you. I've seen that pic around the internet only about 400 times.

05-14-2007, 01:54 AM
Copycat. Used a similiar but much better pic like that months and months ago.

Once more, highly unorignal. You haven`t a creative thought in that socialist pee-brain of yours. 8)

Oh yes, how very creative of you. I've seen that pic around the internet only about 400 times.

It`s late, you`re tired. I said "used" junior.

Go to bed sport, you`re brain is fried. 8)