View Full Version : Zogby Military Push Poll

05-10-2007, 03:30 AM

John Zogby, " I am personally a Democrat"

Zogby`s sponsor that funded Zogby's poll was not Le Moyne University but, according to a story in the Syracuse Post Standard, "a wealthy war opponent who Zogby would not name."

The question and results are broken down as follows:

How long should U.S. troops stay in Iraq?

“They should withdraw immediately” - 29.0%

“They should withdraw within the next six months” - 22.4%

“They should withdraw within six to twelve months” - 20.6%

“They should stay as long as they are needed” - 22.9%

“Not sure” - 5.0%

The Pentagon’s existing plan calls for troop reduction of almost half in the next 6 months and about 75% by the end of the year. So it’s reasonable to assume, since the responses are consistent with the existing troop reduction plan, that the respondents were taking this plan into account when answering the question. Hardly the bombshell the Left and the Village Idiot wanted to portray in a year old survey.

Why is it safe to assume this? The very next survey question sheds some light:

“According to recent polls, about half of Americans favor a rapid withdrawal and half favor an open-ended occupation of Iraq. Which do you believe best describes the motives of those favoring rapid withdrawal?”

36.9 percent said it was because “they are unpatriotic”. So if we’re to believe the left, then over a third of our troops are “urging” something they believe is “unpatriotic”.

In fact, further down in Zogby’s report comes this little nugget:

A majority of troops (53%) said the U.S. should double both the number of troops and bombing missions in order to control the insurgency.

Wait… I thought the troops were “urging pullout”… So we’re to believe they are “urging pullout” and simultaneously want to double the number troops? What sense does that make?

This further supports my theory that the responses to the question about how long troops should stay in Iraq were based more on the actual military plans as than on the desire of a bunch of brave men and women crying to go home.

Another interesting tidbit we’re likely never to see in the MSM:

A large majority of the troops serving in Iraq said they were satisfied with the war provisions from Washington (adequate troop protection; body armor; Humvee plating, munitions).

In fact, only about 30% said their equipment is not adequate for the jobs facing them. So much for those media-planted mutinies.

It gets worse, one aspect of the methodology is clear from the information that John Zogby has provided on-the-record: The survey did not involve a "random probability" sample of all American troops serving in Iraq.

The principle of random sampling is what makes a poll "scientific." To meet that standard in this case, every member of the U.S. armed services in Iraq should have had some chance of being selected (or to put it statistical terms, the probability of selection had to be either equal or known for every member of the population).

More bogus push polls from the Village Idiot. More mincemeat made of him/her. 8)

source: MO/Mark Blumenthal/TR/Zogby