View Full Version : Celebrity Crushes

Kingdom of Contrary
05-09-2007, 09:03 PM
Hello, everyone for my first post I'd like to hear from more from this boards celebs, but as usual I'd also like to hear everyones thoughts, so here goes:

I, like everyone, have a celebrity crush. However I'd actually like to contact mine, but since writing a letter that accurately represents you is tough since I believe (and feel free to correct this) that when you say anything to anyone 50% is Body Language, 48% is How you say what you're saying, and 2% is what you're saying. I (and this is why I would like the celebs) would like any advice you could give on how I could make this easier, and ensure that my letter is passed on to its intended reader, and not put in the same pile of letters as people who write shit like,

"I wanna kiss you all over and jerk off in your face."

Noone wants that shit, maybe if you knew the person was kidding around, but for that you'd have to know that person first, if you just got that you'd be freaked out (at least I would).

Anyway, if you could give me that kind of advice, I thank you.

However, even if you think I should wait for a chance encounter, I just can't. It's not like I think we're destined for each other, it could be we meet I feel friendship or the reality of her could be different (as it often is) from the fantasy, anything could happen I realise that, I just want not only the chance, but to make my chance. The letter in question will not say anything like:

"I profess my undying love to you...." but if I knew she felt the same, which would require a face to face (well obviously) I jump all over that opportunity.

General Disarray
05-15-2007, 03:32 AM
I love Rachel Ray

05-15-2007, 05:36 AM
Katie holmes!

05-15-2007, 05:45 AM
Dude you sound like stalker material.

05-15-2007, 06:06 AM
A someone who has casual acquaintances who are celebs, f you're not in their circle, don't bother. I mean, send the letter, but don't expect them to read it. And, if they do, don't expect a response like "wow, I have to meet this guy." Trust me...it's not going to happen.

For instance, I was at an after party for a movie opening a few weeks ago for someone I know. Just from the people that were there, that were already in the industry, she was inundated from the moment she walked through the door. Non-stop. Her life is like that 24/7. I would hate to be a Hollywood celebrity. It's a non-stop, crazy, impersonal life most of the time.

Let it go and find a nice girl next door. Otherwise, your bound to lead a very unhappy life.

Oh..and you sound like you might have some issues...so don't stalk! That's just freak, scary, and wrong. Go see a therapist and save yourself the pain.

05-15-2007, 06:08 AM
Wait..are you talking about one the transgender girls on here?

05-15-2007, 06:08 AM
eva mendes...
zhang ziyi...
halle barry...
i could find quite a few actually

05-15-2007, 06:36 AM
I stopped having celeb crushes years ago. whatsupwiththat is right, if they're famous and you're not already on their "friends list" don't waste your time and energy.

'sides, they're no more intriguing than your average girl, really.