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View Full Version : Should I be a She-Male Escort?

05-08-2007, 07:25 PM
Hi all!

I am 51, and it looks like I will be in the market to get a potential "buy-out" offer. Basicically that means a big chunk of change (minus tax with-holdings) to leave and start a new career somewhere else.

I really love my job as an electronics tech, but to be honest, my near vision isn't as good as it once was, and I'm not getting any younger, so...

I was thinking that being a She-Male escort and/or She-Male porn star would really be living my dream. But I need some good advice - Job counselors and even my doctor (a psychiatrist) have nothing on the people on this board when it comes to knowing about the job market for she-males.

I feel I need some expert advice - and what better place to go asking for advice that from the world reknown experts here on HungAngels...

Should I take the buy-out (and spend some of the money on surgeries to look better.) ?

Please be honest and Don't hold anything back!



05-08-2007, 07:41 PM
I say go for it! Your pictures don't suck, and there are plenty of men who would love to be with you. I'm sure theres a market out there for someone with your..."unique attributes".

05-08-2007, 07:44 PM
The "buyout" ain't much fun. I keep dodging it.

Fifty-one is a heck of an age to be doing what your considering,but you're not getting any younger. If it's really what you want to do,give it a shot.

05-08-2007, 07:45 PM
It could work.

05-08-2007, 07:55 PM
wendy48088: I will be honest with you girl, at 51 you CAN still be in porn, but how long you will last in the industry, I'm not sure. For GG's, one can easily enter the game at any age because there is such a wide range of fetishes, but TS porn is considered in itself a fetish and I'm not sure whether it breaks down further into sub-fetish genres such as mature tg's, barely legal, bukkake, facials ONLY etc.
You can give it a go but I'm just thinking it will be one of those cases where you're hot when your new but don't last long. Remember, theres always new girls entering the industry every day (just check how the picture threads never end) so imagine yourself in that mosh pit.

As for escorting, I personally would say DON'T DO IT, but thats my personally opinion and I think you should go with what you feel is best. To me, escorting is no different that walking the street with a fancier name.

Remember Independence Day when the first lady asked Vivica Foxx what she does and she said "I'm a dancer." Then she was asked what kind of dancer and she said "Exotic." If she wasn't ashmed I think she would've said "I'm a stripper." Exotic dancing conjures up images of Vegas in big peacock feathers and light shows not gyrating topless in a titty bar called Hustlers in Flint Michigan. Just as the case, many girls say when they escort they are providing companionship and getting paid for it, but thats all B.S. In the early 80s, escorting may have been something like a bordello service, but today, when any girl can just post at an on craigslist and wait for bored, lonely men to e-mail he back- it's no different to walking around Liz Shue style waiting for alcoholics to leave the bar and settle for a $50 blowjob.

Whatever gives- good luck.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-08-2007, 08:04 PM
Hi all!

I am 51, and it looks like I will be in the market to get a potential "buy-out" offer. Basicically that means a big chunk of change (minus tax with-holdings) to leave and start a new career somewhere else.

I really love my job as an electronics tech, but to be honest, my near vision isn't as good as it once was, and I'm not getting any younger, so...

I was thinking that being a She-Male escort and/or She-Male porn star would really be living my dream. But I need some good advice - Job counselors and even my doctor (a psychiatrist) have nothing on the people on this board when it comes to knowing about the job market for she-males.

I feel I need some expert advice - and what better place to go asking for advice that from the world reknown experts here on HungAngels...

Should I take the buy-out (and spend some of the money on surgeries to look better.) ?

Please be honest and Don't hold anything back!



I wouldnt stop you if your heart is set on escorting Wendy48088. As we all know there is always a place for everyones individual style. However, in reality..alot of these girls wish they can get mainstream jobs which evidently you so rightfully have. So why even consider escorting? At your age alot of girls are already retiring. You should have a good nest egg by now, no? :?



05-08-2007, 08:06 PM
Just for once, a serious reply.

To be brutally blunt, there's no point spending thousands to have a 30 year old face when you have a 50 year old arse.
You'd be trying to look younger, the competition *is* younger.
So if the only reason you were thinking of having surgery was so that you could start escorting, i'd say forget it.

Didn't mean that "fritter away the cash" thing quite the way it came out. :oops:

Play to your strengths, be what you are, a Mature Woman.
As xfiver said, the pix don't suk, and there *is* a market - How many guys go for older broads?

And just for the record, i've saved 'em for later! ;-)

05-08-2007, 09:31 PM
negatory, ghost rider. the pattern is full.

05-08-2007, 10:19 PM
It's a decision only you can make, if you have any doubts, you already know the answer.

05-09-2007, 05:46 AM

05-09-2007, 05:56 AM
mmmmmmmmmmmm, hey Janira

05-09-2007, 07:18 AM
Go for it. I would say only do that when and as needed. You know with gas prices being what they are and all who isn't a little short these days.

05-09-2007, 07:28 AM
I say yes, if you are coming into some cash go get some FFS, you are not bad looking but I think everyone can always be better.

As far as the escort thing...is it really something you want to do, and why? I dont think many girls get into the sex business cause it something they want to do but more something they have to do in order to afford an effective transition. So I am asking what is your motive?

As far as the age thing....I have a friend who is your age and recently retired from the business but was turning them until 50 and did well.

05-09-2007, 08:50 AM
live your dream

Patrick Bateman
05-09-2007, 10:21 AM
WTF you dont even have any tits man.

05-09-2007, 11:03 AM
WTF you dont even have any tits man.

Was that really necessary?

Anyway go for it if it rings your bell Wendy-- remember a good escort is about more than looking good, that's the window display. Some of the best sessions I've had were with girls who weren't top-model types (though some were.) Putting in that extra effort to make the guy feel great counts for a lot.

05-09-2007, 03:37 PM
Thank you to everyone for your comments!

It was actually a "tongue-in-cheek" post that I had the idea for some time, but held back because I thought it was too silly to post here on the HungAngels forum. But then, after reading what I thought were a few silly posts here lately, I thought I would throw in my contribution.

I figured with my post I would get beat up pretty bad, but I am surprised to see that really hasn't happened. I am humbled by all the thoughtful and considerate responses.

I am not really going to be an escort - I really couldn't carry that off.

But I seriously am considering taking steps to live my life after my present job as a woman as much as possible. Future steps that I could either start now or set up to do in a hurry at some future time are legal name change, feminine facial surgery, feminizing hormones, working on a passible female voice and getting breast implants. Growing my hair out and facial (beard area) hair removal (ouch!) I am doing already.

The real issue for me is how to live the rest of my life. This issue is, incidently, the same for everyone, whether you are in your 20's, 30's, 40's or 50's... Weighing the pluses and the minuses. Accepting what you can't change and working on changing what you can change.

The three biggest aspects to passing are Hair, Face and Voice. Assuming someone isn't built like a football linebacker, "passing" has been described as being pretty much an "above the neck" thing.

The better term that some people use is "blending", as it's closer to the actual truth. For instance - not all genetic women "pass" perfectly as women either - some have large body frames, large hands, deep voices - and have had children. If one can combine enough feminine characteristics in their physical presentation and movements and voice to tip the scales towards the feminine side of the ledger, then it is possible to "blend in" - it doesn't have to be perfect as long as the overall effect says "probable female".

Incidently, I was talking to an engineer at work who is familar with "neural networks" and "artificial intelligence" - and he explained a bit how the brain works. As I understand it, rather than a series of "Yes/No" "Either/Or" "Pass/Fail" decision circuits / "on or off" logic states, the brain takes into account a large number of factors, giving each one a certain weight. (The subject matter in this particular example was how you can visually recognize objects and people from odd angles, not just straight on or from the side.) The answer lies in being able to identify and evaluate unique characteristics of the object that change somewhat with perspective.

So if you can present an overwhelmingly female appearance, you'll "pass" the other person's "neural network look-up and comparison" test by "blending in" as probable female.

However, what I didn't know wast hat I had any hope of doing that.

Thanks to all for the confidence boost!

05-09-2007, 04:14 PM
WTF you dont even have any tits man.

Actually, I think this deserves a seperate response...

It seems that after a few years of serious feminizing hormone therapy (Estrogen, plus a testosterone blocker or an orchidectomy) the breasts do take on a more feminine characteristic. Now with older people, it may only be an "Almost A" cup. The stages of breast growth are graded as "Tanner stages", as follows:

Stages Breast Growth
Stage 1 = Newborn to 15 years old Preadolescent
Stage 2 = 8 to 15 years old Breast budding; Areolar hyperplasia with small amounts of breast tissue
Stage 3 = 10 to 15 years old Further enlargement of breast tissue and areola, with no separation of their contours
Stage 4 = 10 to 17 years old Separation of contour; areola and nipple form secondary mound above level of breast
Stage 5 = 12 to 18 years old Larger breast with single contour (areola not elevated)

After a two year period of serious hormone therapy, Breast Enhancement (Breast Augmentation) surgery is the way to go:


Can make a difference after the hormones give it a start, as the pictures show.

Incidently, a Google search for "stages of breast growth" brings up a lot of results for breast cancer / cancer cell growth topics... So there is definitely a seriuos side to women's breasts.

Shining Star
05-10-2007, 08:33 AM
My standard advice is if you have ANY other way of making a living, then don't bother.

Escorting has been sold as a viable career but you can give it a bath, dress it up and sit it in the front parlor on Sunday afternoon, and it still would be what it is.

There are few ways of hiding anything these days, and if you ever are arrested/convicted it will all come out. All anyone needs is your name and DOB to find out any public record, this includes potential employers who these days pretty much conduct full background searches for any potential employee. If you don't mind being known as the "former prositute" or "former sex worker", then have at it, but as the recent noise about the "DC Madam" points out, society at large takes a dim view of sex workers former or currently employed.

Yes, it is given as a glamourous lifestyle, with the potential for lots of money and all, but so are lots of other illegal acts such as drug dealing.

Leaving aside all the above, meeting strangers in your home or hotel is not the most safe thing to do.

05-10-2007, 08:39 AM
age isnt an issue ...i know for a fact like 3 girls pushin 70 on eros....i dont know if that is really a career u would want to pursue from a psycological standpoint though... i put strippers into the same category...say they are gonna do it just through college...then they realize they cant make 1000 cash a night at what they went to school for....and they keep doing it till their boobs sag off the map...

05-10-2007, 10:54 AM
Hell yeah

05-10-2007, 10:58 AM
I would say keep your boring daytime job.

Being a prostitute isn't healthy at all - there's a high risk of getting some serious mental problems.

Just look up prostitution and ptsd on medline.

My advice is to stay away from this ball game.

Hi all!

I am 51, and it looks like I will be in the market to get a potential "buy-out" offer. Basicically that means a big chunk of change (minus tax with-holdings) to leave and start a new career somewhere else.

I really love my job as an electronics tech, but to be honest, my near vision isn't as good as it once was, and I'm not getting any younger, so...

I was thinking that being a She-Male escort and/or She-Male porn star would really be living my dream. But I need some good advice - Job counselors and even my doctor (a psychiatrist) have nothing on the people on this board when it comes to knowing about the job market for she-males.

I feel I need some expert advice - and what better place to go asking for advice that from the world reknown experts here on HungAngels...

Should I take the buy-out (and spend some of the money on surgeries to look better.) ?

Please be honest and Don't hold anything back!



05-10-2007, 12:28 PM
Thank you to everyone for your comments!

It was actually a "tongue-in-cheek" post


Baron Of Hell
05-10-2007, 02:27 PM
No, I don't think there is anything wrong with it in general but it isn't safe to do. Instead try crime fighting. I don't know a single TG crime fighter. But don't pick some kind of TG themed crime fighter, just be a normal crime fighter that happens to also be a TG.

05-16-2007, 10:05 AM
Actually, you are quite cute, Wendy. And I enjoy reading your posts, as you produce some of this board's most intelligent posts.

TrueBeauty TS
05-17-2007, 07:30 AM
I say go for it!!! why not???

