View Full Version : Defeated French Socialists search for Scapegoats

05-07-2007, 08:17 PM
After they finished burning OTHER people`s porperty ;-)

Defeated Socialists search
for scapegoats

Finacial Times, by Martin Arnold

Let the finger-pointing begin. Ségolène Royal’s defeat on Sunday night left the French Socialist party in disarray and searching for someone to blame. There is hardly a shortage of scapegoats....

" The left is not credible on so many issues, from the 35-hour working week to immigration and law and order,” says Dominique Reynié, professor at Sciences Po university.

“It is the fault of the left collectively. Ever since their [parliamentary election] defeat in 1983 they have never questioned their fundamental ideology, only thinking they needed to change tactics,” he says.

Her campaign was shambolic. There were many last-minute agenda changes and she often arrived late. Socialist staff moaned about her personalised leadership style. An opinion poll found that 63 per cent of voters thought her campaign was poor.

She never seemed able to escape from her party’s rigid ideological barriers. Every time she tried, for instance by suggesting military camps for young offenders, it provoked a volley of criticism from the party apparat.

Moderates attracted to her early campaign were disappointed by her manifesto, filled with generous spending pledges and little indication of how to fund them.

Party disunity exploded into public view when Eric Besson, her economic adviser, quit saying she was “dangerous for France” and joined the Sarkozy campaign.

François Bayrou, the centrist who came third in the first round, cited her economic policies as his reason for not endorsing Ms Royal. “Her manifesto, multiplying the interventions of the state, perpetuating the illusion that the state must take care of everything… runs in the opposite direction to the orientation needed,” he said.
