View Full Version : Ethanol to save the Planet,Not!(ABC)

05-05-2007, 05:59 PM
As Jerry Taylor reminded us in his interview on "20/20," when ethanol is produced "it takes a lot of fossil fuels to make the fertilizer, to run the tractor, to build the silo, to get that corn to a processing plant, to run the processing plant." Then there's the energy it takes to move the ethanol around. Because ethanol degrades, it's not possible to transport it in pipelines like we do oil, so using ethanol means putting many more polluting trucks on the road to deliver it.

Because of that, a number of recent studies show that it takes just about as much energy to produce ethanol as you get when you burn ethanol. "Its net energy balance is zero, more or less," said Taylor.

On top of this, emissions from ethanol-fueled cars are no cleaner for the environment. According to atmospheric scientist Mark Z. Jacobson of Stanford University, a switch to ethanol won't do anything to address climate change and ethanol fumes may actually be worse for public health than the fumes from gas-powered vehicles.

But ethanol won't cure our dependence on foreign oil. A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences says even turning all of America's corn into ethanol would only meet 12 percent of our gasoline demand.

And the idea that Middle Eastern countries could just withhold petroleum from us and "hold us hostage" is "nonsense," said Taylor. "Heck, they're held hostage to us -- 80 to 90 percent of their federal revenues come from oil sales [so] they have to sell oil, [because] they have no other business to be engaged in!"

He's right. Even if OPEC refuses to sell petroleum to us, all of the world's oil ends up in the same bathtub -- our enemies will sell to SOMEONE who will sell to someone who will sell to us.

When a fuel source is expensive and bad for the environment and won't help our foreign policy, then there's no reason to force taxpayers to foot the bill for producing it.

"This is a naked transfer program designed to take money from people who buy corn and to give it to people who grow corn and people who make ethanol for a living. That's all it is,"


05-09-2007, 09:36 AM
yer right with this one and it still is some shit for oil/gas companies to monopolize....when those lil shit electric cars go solar or whatever,then we will have some independence..

05-10-2007, 01:58 AM
hi qeuqheeg222;

true enough about the strangle hold of the oil companies. they're going to diversify into what-ever form of energy we adopt in the future. i'd like to say however, that producing ethanol from sugar cane and certain grasses is much more energy efficient than from corn. There is a definite net energy gain in the case of sugar cane and switchgrass. Ethanol burning engines will still pollute the atmosphere; but the point of bio-fuels is that the gasses released into the atmosphere are part of the short scale climate cycle. The carbon released by burning ethanol produced from sugar cane, for example, is the carbon that was captured by that plant while it was growing. This is not the case with fossil fuels which, when burned, release carbon that sequestered and buried eons ago.

05-10-2007, 08:08 AM
there was some scientist on npr about two weeks ago breakiing down the emissions and chemical compounds therein from all of these fuels...all ceptin that hydro whatchamajig and the electric are gonna save the planet...but how are we gonna get big biznesses tentacles off of big govt.

05-10-2007, 09:49 AM
there was some scientist on npr about two weeks ago breakiing down the emissions and chemical compounds therein from all of these fuels...all ceptin that hydro whatchamajig and the electric are gonna save the planet...but how are we gonna get big biznesses tentacles off of big govt.

big buisness will never get outta politics as long as comsumers buy without knowledge. politicians will continue to ride "fads" in order to win and keep their agendas, and big buisness is happy to ablige as long as wutever theyre selling gets a few slides on regulations. sad story of america, but what can ya do.

05-10-2007, 06:19 PM
there was some scientist on npr about two weeks ago breakiing down the emissions and chemical compounds therein from all of these fuels...all ceptin that hydro whatchamajig and the electric are gonna save the planet...but how are we gonna get big biznesses tentacles off of big govt.

Got just the thing. About the size of a coke bottle and all the energy we`ll ever need:

Navy Heats Up Cold Fusion Hopes
Steve Kovsky May 5, 2007 1:14 AM

New proof that cold fusion works could fuel additional interest in generating power from low energy nuclear reactions

Cold fusion, the ability to generate nuclear power at room temperatures, has proven to be a highly elusive feat. In fact, it is considered by many experts to be a mere pipe dream -- a potentially unlimited source of clean energy that remains tantalizing, but so far unattainable.

However, a recently published academic paper from the Navy's Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center (SPAWAR) in San Diego throws cold water on skeptics of cold fusion. Appearing in the respected journal Naturwissenschaften, which counts Albert Einstein among its distinguished authors, the article claims that Spawar scientists Stanislaw Szpak and Pamela Mosier-Boss have achieved a low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) that can be replicated and verified by the scientific community.

Cold fusion has gotten the cold shoulder from serious nuclear physicists since 1989, when Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann were unable to substantiate their sensational claims that deuterium nuclei could be forced to fuse and release excess energy at room temperature. Spawar researchers apparently kept the faith, however, and continued to refine the procedure by experimenting with new fusionable materials.

Szpak and Boss now claim to have succeeded at last by coating a thin wire with palladium and deuterium, then subjected it to magnetic and electric fields. The researchers have offered plastic films called CR-39 detectors as evidence that charged particles have been emerging from their reaction experiments.

05-11-2007, 07:52 AM
solar for energy independence..what if you the consumer could sell your surplus energy back to the utility monopoly.