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View Full Version : The SPAM thread

05-04-2007, 02:08 PM
What's with all the spammers?

Today it's someone who claims to have found a useful site but actually speaks in gibberish. We've had recommendations for other boards, people wanting to sell Viagra to us, and other assorted junk.

So like I said, what's with all the fucking spammers? Why the sudden influx of idiots posting crap (as if we didn't get enough from the conservatives in the politics forum). Where do the spammers come from? Do they actually take the time to become members just so they can post their trash? Does anyone respond?

Would you buy a penis enlargement kit off a spammer if you wanted a bigger penis? Would you buy Cialis from someone who couldn't even spell it? Would you entrust your crown jewels to someone who posts a single piece of crap on a transexual board then fucks off and is never heard from again?

So, to all prospective spammers: stay the course. If you want us to click on your links and buy into your amazing new products, make some proper posts first. Intrigue us, tell us that you like us. Admire the girls, pour your love over them and throw vitriol at the haters. Tell the girls they are beautiful and feminine. And pop into the Politics forum and tell the neocons there that - because they are in dire need- penis pumps are half price for Republicans.

Stay a while, then pop the question.

And while we're at it, I can get you yohimbine, horny goat weed and pheromones at half price. Plus V!agra, C!al!$, Lev!tr@ and more.
Why do you think I stuck around here for so long?


05-04-2007, 03:06 PM
What's with all the spammers?

Today it's someone who claims to have found a useful site but actually speaks in gibberish. We've had recommendations for other boards, people wanting to sell Viagra to us, and other assorted junk.

So like I said, what's with all the fucking spammers? Why the sudden influx of idiots posting crap (as if we didn't get enough from the conservatives in the politics forum). Where do the spammers come from? Do they actually take the time to become members just so they can post their trash? Does anyone respond?

Would you buy a penis enlargement kit off a spammer if you wanted a bigger penis? Would you buy Cialis from someone who couldn't even spell it? Would you entrust your crown jewels to someone who posts a single piece of crap on a transexual board then fucks off and is never heard from again?

So, to all prospective spammers: stay the course. If you want us to click on your links and buy into your amazing new products, make some proper posts first. Intrigue us, tell us that you like us. Admire the girls, pour your love over them and throw vitriol at the haters. Tell the girls they are beautiful and feminine. And pop into the Politics forum and tell the neocons there that - because they are in dire need- penis pumps are half price for Republicans.

Stay a while, then pop the question.

And while we're at it, I can get you yohimbine, horny goat weed and pheromones at half price. Plus V!agra, C!al!$, Lev!tr@ and more.
Why do you think I stuck around here for so long?


Well said LG I agree to 100%. I like your new avatar.. real nice.

05-06-2007, 04:15 PM
And they're back, scorpion. Today we've had one idiot posting a jillion links under the topic "Anime Direct Link" and another with a "HARD SEX VIDEO!!!" Why do they even bother? Does anyone click on the links? I don't. But someone must, otherwise they wouldn't post, would they? Is it you? Own up.

Yesterday we had the "next generation" dirt bikes. Does anyone want to buy a dirt bike from a spammer?

05-06-2007, 05:08 PM
And spammers think they have these really good catch phrases that will make for an irresistable sales pitch like "HARD SEX VIDEO!!! HARD!!!". Oh wow! I'm just gonna have to run right over to their site and buy that one. That video must be a one of a kind and rare gem. The exclamation marks in their catch phrases only compound the absurdity of it. Like I'm gonna read and fall back in my chair thinking, "Holy shit!!! That's it! I got to have it!"

I can't help but visualize the spamming bum who sits at his computer with his coffee in the morning, looks out the window to the dawning of a new day, gazes out across the horizon, contemplative, raising his coffee to his mouth, and in a flash of inspiration thinks "Ah! Girl gets fucked in every hole!!!! Yes, good one!".


05-08-2007, 10:49 AM
There's a new one now:

Free forum hosting

What? Fuck off!

I'm tired of them. I really want to know if they are being warned or banned and if there is a way of preventing this. Perhaps the mods ought to require all new members to actually write a little proper resume- you know, just a few lines- and send it to them for approval. Then, when approved, they must introduce themselves first or something.

Surely there must be a way to reduce the numbers of spammers. We're getting up to 10 a day.

05-08-2007, 10:54 AM
There's a new one now:

Free forum hosting

What? Fuck off!

I'm tired of them. I really want to know if they are being warned or banned and if there is a way of preventing this. Perhaps the mods ought to require all new members to actually write a little proper resume- you know, just a few lines- and send it to them for approval. Then, when approved, they must introduce themselves first or something.

Surely there must be a way to reduce the numbers of spammers. We're getting up to 10 a day.

Yes LG its irritating.

05-08-2007, 10:59 AM
New registered member Ted Lauzon's website... "google.com". What a surprise....

05-08-2007, 11:15 AM
Just get the admin to update the site and install human verification eg images (click the two images which show birds) etc.

similar to the forum signup they have on the zombie-master mod forums.

05-08-2007, 11:17 AM
Just get the admin to update the site and install human verification eg images (click the two images which show birds) etc.

similar to the forum signup they have on the zombie-master mod forums.

Good idea. Or how when you have to type in the letters in an image. Why don't they do something like that?

05-08-2007, 12:12 PM
Good idea. Or how when you have to type in the letters in an image. Why don't they do something like that?

Anything but them, I can never read the little bleeders.
But the little essay/intro idea sounded good.

05-08-2007, 12:33 PM
Good idea. Or how when you have to type in the letters in an image. Why don't they do something like that?

Anything but them, I can never read the little bleeders.
But the little essay/intro idea sounded good.

Prospective members should have to pick out the real Kelly Shore from a lineup of any six of her avatars.

05-08-2007, 12:58 PM
Good idea. Or how when you have to type in the letters in an image. Why don't they do something like that?

Anything but them, I can never read the little bleeders.
But the little essay/intro idea sounded good.

Prospective members should have to pick out the real Kelly Shore from a lineup of any six of her avatars.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

05-08-2007, 06:09 PM

05-08-2007, 06:25 PM
Yeah, while back I saw an ID of some man from mexico with a name Email Sanchez written on it...
And I had a chance to see how really e-mail look like!

05-08-2007, 06:31 PM
Real Spam comes in a can.

05-12-2007, 10:12 PM
I don't even want to think about the latest one:
"Anime porn world sex."


05-15-2007, 10:58 AM
Spam in one's Outlook Inbox is even worse than online spam. I just got an email about penis enlargement that said "Women will be running away from your dick!".

Now why would I want that, exactly?

05-15-2007, 11:24 AM
I just got an email about penis enlargement that said "Women will be running away from your dick!".

Now why would I want that, exactly?

Awww Ivan...

Now why would anyone run away from your lovely hairy monkey ram rod... :wink:

05-17-2007, 01:12 PM
I just got an email about penis enlargement that said "Women will be running away from your dick!".

Now why would I want that, exactly?

Awww Ivan...

Now why would anyone run away from your lovely hairy monkey ram rod... :wink:

I'll make sure I call you when I'm in London then. :wink:

Just don't expect me to look like my avatar.

And, to everyone else, on an unrelated note...what can we do about spammers? Answers on a $10 note.

05-30-2007, 12:13 PM
Five new spammers in less than an hour!

Correlation of along with to isolation siblings.

Group has reduced recoveries effects of perfect.

Obot and reduced recoveries those found channels.

The behavioural reduced recoveries factors and described.

Ribavirin in reduced recoveries law professor receptor.


What the fuck do they mean? And do we even care?

And then, out of morbid curiosity, you click on their shitty threads and get this:

Citizen has lawsuits are albenza the hospital average. Infection of of oil of regulatory has become lansoprazole interests.
Spammerfuckers: If you want us to click on your stupid links, at least have the decency to make fucking sense!
