View Full Version : Question for the girls

05-02-2007, 03:29 AM
A girl I know sent this too me as a joke. But what I would like to know is...
Do you girls here, find this to be true or false :)

05-02-2007, 03:30 AM
unfortunatly very true :cry:

05-02-2007, 05:10 AM
unfortunatly very true :cry:

Wow, I can't belive that it is true for you Vanessa. I wonder what other girls experiences are.

05-02-2007, 07:02 AM
A girl I know sent this too me as a joke. But what I would like to know is...
Do you girls here, find this to be true or false :)

That's funny!


05-02-2007, 07:32 AM
so true that that joke isnt even funny. i have a personals ad on yahoo and TODAY i got a responce from a guy that was 46yrs old, overweight, and FAR from my type on several levels. when i ignored his first 2 emails...

i dont pay $25 a month to waste my time on EVERY guy that emails me. my ad states VERY specifically what im looking for. when a guy that isnt EVEN close to what is STATED in my ad i do NOT have to waste MY time informing him a SECOND time.

... "the reason youre still here after 6months is b/c youre a fucking freak and NOBODY wants to date freaks. GET OUT OF THE FEMALE SECTION RETARD!!!"

YEAH. thats the type of guy i want. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

05-03-2007, 07:07 AM
so true that that joke isnt even funny. i have a personals ad on yahoo and TODAY i got a responce from a guy that was 46yrs old, overweight, and FAR from my type on several levels. when i ignored his first 2 emails...

i dont pay $25 a month to waste my time on EVERY guy that emails me. my ad states VERY specifically what im looking for. when a guy that isnt EVEN close to what is STATED in my ad i do NOT have to waste MY time informing him a SECOND time.

... "the reason youre still here after 6months is b/c youre a fucking freak and NOBODY wants to date freaks. GET OUT OF THE FEMALE SECTION RETARD!!!"

YEAH. thats the type of guy i want. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Well, that sucks. But in your line of business, you must get all kinds of shit like that. The good news is that you always have the right to refuse serving anyone ;) But hopefully you would not refuse me if come come to Tx.

05-03-2007, 07:24 AM
so true that that joke isnt even funny. i have a personals ad on yahoo and TODAY i got a responce from a guy that was 46yrs old, overweight, and FAR from my type on several levels. when i ignored his first 2 emails...

i dont pay $25 a month to waste my time on EVERY guy that emails me. my ad states VERY specifically what im looking for. when a guy that isnt EVEN close to what is STATED in my ad i do NOT have to waste MY time informing him a SECOND time.

... "the reason youre still here after 6months is b/c youre a fucking freak and NOBODY wants to date freaks. GET OUT OF THE FEMALE SECTION RETARD!!!"

YEAH. thats the type of guy i want. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Well, that sucks. But in your line of business, you must get all kinds of shit like that. The good news is that you always have the right to refuse serving anyone ;) But hopefully you would not refuse me if come come to Tx.

my business??? its a freaking DATING site!!! NOT an escort site!!!

05-03-2007, 08:07 AM
so true that that joke isnt even funny. i have a personals ad on yahoo and TODAY i got a responce from a guy that was 46yrs old, overweight, and FAR from my type on several levels. when i ignored his first 2 emails...

i dont pay $25 a month to waste my time on EVERY guy that emails me. my ad states VERY specifically what im looking for. when a guy that isnt EVEN close to what is STATED in my ad i do NOT have to waste MY time informing him a SECOND time.

... "the reason youre still here after 6months is b/c youre a fucking freak and NOBODY wants to date freaks. GET OUT OF THE FEMALE SECTION RETARD!!!"

YEAH. thats the type of guy i want. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Well, that sucks. But in your line of business, you must get all kinds of shit like that. The good news is that you always have the right to refuse serving anyone ;) But hopefully you would not refuse me if come come to Tx.

my business??? its a freaking DATING site!!! NOT an escort site!!!

Oh shit, sorry about that. My bad.

05-03-2007, 08:21 AM
no worries... just thought i'd STRESS yahoo personals is for DATING, NOT escorting.

05-03-2007, 08:44 AM
no worries... just thought i'd STRESS yahoo personals is for DATING, NOT escorting.

So, at the moment you aren't in a relationship?

idk at the moment... the guy im seeing doesnt want me to "work" but at the same time he doesnt want to pay for things so i'm still working, were still seeing each other, but its very strained and things are far from the way they were after we had a big fight and said a lot of things that we shouldnt have to the other.

05-03-2007, 09:03 AM
im sorry i dont sit and read EVERY friggin comment... you want a personal reply send me a PM dont go bitching im not hanging on your every word.

y did u post that pic? whats that no reason? great take it down. this thread ISNT about me. dont try to make it that way. thnx[/b]

05-03-2007, 09:08 AM
then you can pay for it like anyone else.... anything else u wanna say to me personally can be directed to my PM box. otherwise let the thread go back to the topic.

05-03-2007, 09:45 AM
then you can pay for it like anyone else.... anything else u wanna say to me personally can be directed to my PM box. otherwise let the thread go back to the topic.

Oh, and why the fuck do you assume that all us guys should pay for it?

i didnt assume anything? why do you assume i want to be treated like a peice of meat? i dont. but im willing to allow you and others like you to for a fee. so be thankful that theres still a chance for you to get what you desire. otherwise. stfu. and let the topic go back to why it was started.

05-03-2007, 09:52 AM
then you can pay for it like anyone else.... anything else u wanna say to me personally can be directed to my PM box. otherwise let the thread go back to the topic.

Oh, and why the fuck do you assume that all us guys should pay for it?We don't assume that you "guys should"; we observe that you do. So don't YOU assume that you'd know how most guys approach us. Ok? :trolls he just wants attention.

05-04-2007, 12:17 AM
then you can pay for it like anyone else.... anything else u wanna say to me personally can be directed to my PM box. otherwise let the thread go back to the topic.

Oh, and why the fuck do you assume that all us guys should pay for it?We don't assume that you "guys should"; we observe that you do. So don't YOU assume that you'd know how most guys approach us.

Oh, fucking gr8, Arianna of all people to 'chime in' on here. Well, FYI... I'll be getting back to you on this..."Of all people"? What's that supposed to mean, Silvester? Please don't tell me that I'm not familiar with how cowardly men can act around Tgirls, or how many of them would rather anonymously pay for it than tell their family and friends. It happens ALL of the time, and you can't blame the girls.

if there WASNT a market, and high demand for JUST SEX from trans-women then WE wouldnt be able to put a price tag on it. you want casual sex? great. "that'll be $250 please pull up to the first window, youre holding up the line."

Alison Faraday
05-04-2007, 12:20 AM
Arianna is lovely. She's wholly direct, and in this world that's a quality not often encountered.

Felicia Katt
05-04-2007, 02:09 AM
My take on it: Guys who like tranny's too often act like they are at Disneyland, and every girl they encounterl is a Disney "cast member" committed to their guest experience.


05-04-2007, 02:23 AM
My take on it: Guys who like tranny's too often act like they are at Disneyland, and every girl they encounterl is a Disney "cast member" committed to their guest experience.

FKAwesome analogy.

dibs on the mermaid role... wait was the topic again?

05-04-2007, 02:37 AM
Are we talkin about work or the joke pic? LOL

05-04-2007, 04:07 AM
that WAS me for the most part, but then the doctor told me I had a few months till I lost my liver! now I'm 53 pounds lighter ladies no worries lol I know I know, post proof, I'm working on it lol

05-04-2007, 04:21 AM
My take on it: Guys who like tranny's too often act like they are at Disneyland, and every girl they encounterl is a Disney "cast member" committed to their guest experience.


That may well be true. However, I have never met a single TG in person who had what I'd call a pleasant personality. If I walk by and say "hello", immediately she goes into "bitch mode", until I say "I am not propositioning you... I'm just saying 'hello'". After that, I move on. More times than not, she winds up buying me a drink and we start up a conversation, but it's up to me to get around her initial defenses. And in many cases, I've ultimately found that it's not worth the effort.

Felicia Katt
05-04-2007, 06:17 AM
That may well be true. However, I have never met a single TG in person who had what I'd call a pleasant personality. If I walk by and say "hello", immediately she goes into "bitch mode", until I say "I am not propositioning you... I'm just saying 'hello'". After that, I move on. More times than not, she winds up buying me a drink and we start up a conversation, but it's up to me to get around her initial defenses. And in many cases, I've ultimately found that it's not worth the effort.
All the girls from here that I have met from here have had pleasant personalities. I hope anyone here who has ever met me in person would say I did too. Most girls are nice, though I will grant you that some girls do get defensive, but only because so many guys are so very offensive. If you are getting that back from every girl, its either your choice of girls, or your approach or attitude to them or all of the above. Try just enjoying getting to know someone for the sake of getting to know them rather than some effort to be rewarded. Don't treat us as a chore or as a whore :)


05-04-2007, 06:36 AM
Most girls are nice, though I will grant you that some girls do get defensive, but only because so many guys are so very offensive. If you are getting that back from every girl, its either your choice of girls, or your approach or attitude to them or all of the above. Try just enjoying getting to know someone for the sake of getting to know them rather than some effort to be rewarded. Don't treat us as a chore or as a whore :)


I won't pretend I've met hundreds of tgirls, as I certainly haven't, so the two dozen or so I have run across are the only ones I can speak of. With respect to these girls, my aproach and attitude can't have been the problem... unless saying "hello" as you walk by has become some type of insult, and I didn't get the memo. As far as "my choice of girls"... I just happened to be in the same place as they were in every case (none of which were clubs or such)... and as I said, I wasn't propositioning them. Anyway, in a couple of cases, I got to know a few of them, and found that they were the ones looking to be "rewarded". And as they say, if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, well... To me, chatting somebody up for a few hours, getting more intimate with them and then as things start to progress casually mentioning your prices... Call it what you will, but I'd say that's the M.O. of a whore. And while I know not every girl is like that Felicia, I have never personally met one who wasn't trying to hit me up for cash right off the bat, or looking to have me finance her lifestyle for the pleasure of having her as my "girlfriend", on scheduled days that is. Either way, you're talking about an escort, and in each of these cases, as I've said, the initial interaction was unpleasant. On this site, there seem to be a couple of girls who aren't so abrupt, but there are quite a few who certainly don't exude what I'd call a "positive" vibe. Oh, and these girls, the ones with the bad attitudes... They all escort. Coincidence...? You tell me.

05-04-2007, 07:22 AM
could it be that girls escort as a way to "get back" at all the men who have used and abused them and they are only trying to re-gain some of the control? if you havent met or seen through the eyes of "said" ppl... DONT JUDGE THEM.

05-04-2007, 07:27 AM
The guys that rent the escorts out aren't no better so why put the focus on the escort..

05-04-2007, 07:32 AM
The guys that rent the escorts out aren't no better so why put the focus on the escort..

i think you should eloborate.

05-04-2007, 07:36 AM
The guys that rent the escorts out aren't no better so why put the focus on the escort..

i think you should eloborate. Well the guys are just out for the goods half the time, and expect the transexual in question just to be okay to be used as a toy for free and not have feelings. Like a robot or android.

Then you have other men that try to be with every ts escort out there and how is that better than the escort thats getting paid.

Then there are also some escorts that do less than what other escorts would do. Some just do oral or jack off services and some just do massages and dancing. So there is a realm there of what may and may not happen with the escort.

Also escorting doesn't make the person bad it's the same as having a one night stand. And there's people out there that have one night stands all the time I just don't see why it's such a big deal the only difference is the person is being paid.

Also alot of times the man is married or in a relationship when he rents the escort out. Which I might get hated on for saying this BIG DEAL...but to me infidelity is uncalled for and spineless. No matter if it's a fantasy or a one time thing. I'd hate to be the person being cheated on. And you should own up to your fears and wants and be proud of them. And at least give your partner who you claim you love the respect to know what's going on.

05-04-2007, 07:41 AM
My take on it: Guys who like tranny's too often act like they are at Disneyland, and every girl they encounterl is a Disney "cast member" committed to their guest experience.


That may well be true. However, I have never met a single TG in person who had what I'd call a pleasant personality. If I walk by and say "hello", immediately she goes into "bitch mode", until I say "I am not propositioning you... I'm just saying 'hello'". After that, I move on. More times than not, she winds up buying me a drink and we start up a conversation, but it's up to me to get around her initial defenses. And in many cases, I've ultimately found that it's not worth the effort. Woman can be the same too though, that have been hurt. I'm pleasant with everyone I meet, if they want to buy me a drink I'm all for it. But as soon as they talk dirty I walk off lol

05-04-2007, 07:45 AM
The guys that rent the escorts out aren't no better so why put the focus on the escort..

i think you should eloborate. Well the guys are just out for the goods half the time, and expect the transexual in question just to be okay to be used as a toy for free and not have feelings. Like a robot or android.

Then you have other men that try to be with every ts escort out there and how is that better than the escort thats getting paid.

Then there are also some escorts that do less than what other escorts would do. Some just do oral or jack off services and some just do massages and dancing. So there is a realm there of what may and may not happen with the escort.

Also escorting doesn't make the person bad it's the same as having a one night stand. And there's people out there that have one night stands all the time I just don't see why it's such a big deal the only difference is the person is being paid.

"None Of Your Business"

What's the matter with your life?
Why you gotta mess with mine?
Don't keep sweatin' what I do
Cuz I'm gonna be just fine - check it out


If I wanna take a guy home with me tonight
It's none of your business
And she wanna be a freak and sell it on the weekend
It's none of your business
Now you shouldn't even get into who I'm givin' skins to
It's none of your business
So don't try to change my mind, I'll tell you one more time
It's none of your business

Now who do you think you are
Puttin' your cheap two cents in?
Don't you got nothin' to do
Than worry 'bout my friends? Check it...

I can't do nothin', girl, without somebody buggin'
I used to think that it was me, but now I see it wasn't
They told me to change, they called me names, and so I popped one
Opinion's are like assholes and everybody's got one
I never put my nose where I'm not supposed to
Believe me, if he's something that I want, I'm steppin' closer
I'm not one for playing high-pole
Like the house of ditty 90210 type of the ho
I treat a man like he treats me
The difference between a hooker and a ho ain't nothin' but a fee
So hold your tongue tightly, wish you could be like me
You're poppin' all that mess only to stress and to spite me
Now you can get with that or you can get with this
But I don't give a shit cuz really it's none of your business

(1993, S and P, packin' and mackin'
Bamboozlin' and smackin' suckers with this track
Throw the beat back in!)


How many rules am I to break before you understand
That your double-standards don't mean shit to me?
I know exactly what you say when I turn and walk away
But that's ok cuz I don't let it get it to me
Now every move I make somebody's clockin'
Don't ask me nothin', will you just leave me alone?
Never mind who's the guy that I took home...to bone

Ok, Miss Thing never givin' up skins
If you don't like him or his friends what about that Benz?
Your Pep-Pep's got an ill rep
With all that macaroni trap for rap you better step
Or better yet get your head checked
Cuz I refuse to be played like a penny cent trick deck of cards
No, I ain't hard like the bitches on a boulivard
My face ain't scarred, and I don't dance in bars
You can call me a tramp if you want to
But I remember the punk who just humped and dumped you
Or you can front if you have to
But everybody gets horny just like you
So, yo, so, yo, ho - check it, double deck it on a record butt-naked
Pep's ass gets respect, and this butt is none of your business


So the moral of this story is: Who are you to judge?
There's only one true judge, and that's God
So chill, and let my Father do His job

05-04-2007, 07:48 AM
The guys that rent the escorts out aren't no better so why put the focus on the escort..

i think you should eloborate. Well the guys are just out for the goods half the time, and expect the transexual in question just to be okay to be used as a toy for free and not have feelings. Like a robot or android.

Then you have other men that try to be with every ts escort out there and how is that better than the escort thats getting paid.

Then there are also some escorts that do less than what other escorts would do. Some just do oral or jack off services and some just do massages and dancing. So there is a realm there of what may and may not happen with the escort.

Also escorting doesn't make the person bad it's the same as having a one night stand. And there's people out there that have one night stands all the time I just don't see why it's such a big deal the only difference is the person is being paid.

"None Of Your Business"

What's the matter with your life?
Why you gotta mess with mine?
Don't keep sweatin' what I do
Cuz I'm gonna be just fine - check it out


If I wanna take a guy home with me tonight
It's none of your business
And she wanna be a freak and sell it on the weekend
It's none of your business
Now you shouldn't even get into who I'm givin' skins to
It's none of your business
So don't try to change my mind, I'll tell you one more time
It's none of your business

Now who do you think you are
Puttin' your cheap two cents in?
Don't you got nothin' to do
Than worry 'bout my friends? Check it...

I can't do nothin', girl, without somebody buggin'
I used to think that it was me, but now I see it wasn't
They told me to change, they called me names, and so I popped one
Opinion's are like assholes and everybody's got one
I never put my nose where I'm not supposed to
Believe me, if he's something that I want, I'm steppin' closer
I'm not one for playing high-pole
Like the house of ditty 90210 type of the ho
I treat a man like he treats me
The difference between a hooker and a ho ain't nothin' but a fee
So hold your tongue tightly, wish you could be like me
You're poppin' all that mess only to stress and to spite me
Now you can get with that or you can get with this
But I don't give a shit cuz really it's none of your business

(1993, S and P, packin' and mackin'
Bamboozlin' and smackin' suckers with this track
Throw the beat back in!)


How many rules am I to break before you understand
That your double-standards don't mean shit to me?
I know exactly what you say when I turn and walk away
But that's ok cuz I don't let it get it to me
Now every move I make somebody's clockin'
Don't ask me nothin', will you just leave me alone?
Never mind who's the guy that I took home...to bone

Ok, Miss Thing never givin' up skins
If you don't like him or his friends what about that Benz?
Your Pep-Pep's got an ill rep
With all that macaroni trap for rap you better step
Or better yet get your head checked
Cuz I refuse to be played like a penny cent trick deck of cards
No, I ain't hard like the bitches on a boulivard
My face ain't scarred, and I don't dance in bars
You can call me a tramp if you want to
But I remember the punk who just humped and dumped you
Or you can front if you have to
But everybody gets horny just like you
So, yo, so, yo, ho - check it, double deck it on a record butt-naked
Pep's ass gets respect, and this butt is none of your business


So the moral of this story is: Who are you to judge?
There's only one true judge, and that's God
So chill, and let my Father do His job lol

05-04-2007, 07:52 AM
Jen, what I'm talking about with respect to the girls I have actually met and some of the ones on this board are the similarities in their personalities, and the fact that all of them escort. As far as the girls here, I can only go by what I'm given. So, if a girl is consistently unpleasant without provocation, am I wrong to conclude she's a bitch? Or should I not judge her to be a bitch, because she might be nicer when she's not posting on HA? Further, the whole thing about girls escorting to retake power from past abusers... that kind of thinking is part of what I'm talking about. You shouldn't be a bitch to me because some dude I have nothing to do with and who wasn't me did you wrong way back when. If you're taking my money, then it's inherent that you, as a provider of a service, be courteous. I have had an unpleasant first encounter with every tgirl I've ever met in person, yet I'm here interacting with still more, without going on the attack on each and every one because of the experiences I've had in the past. I'm not carrying over bitterness from the experiences I've had with girls I've met to those here whom I haven't, and if there are girls who escort carrying such baggage, and I know there are, then they shouldn't be escorting IMHO, but getting counseling. I'm black, and got picked on for six years because I was one of seven black people in an all-white school. Am I entitled to be mean to all white people today because of what happened then? Obviously not, and if I was rude to every white person I met, you could accurately judge me to be an asshole, because my actions would be immature to say the least. And so, if a girl escorts for the reasons you mention, and acts in the manner I've mentioned, I'd say it was fair for me to judge her as both a head case and a bitch. What else could she be?

05-04-2007, 07:54 AM
My take on it: Guys who like tranny's too often act like they are at Disneyland, and every girl they encounterl is a Disney "cast member" committed to their guest experience.


That may well be true. However, I have never met a single TG in person who had what I'd call a pleasant personality. If I walk by and say "hello", immediately she goes into "bitch mode", until I say "I am not propositioning you... I'm just saying 'hello'". After that, I move on. More times than not, she winds up buying me a drink and we start up a conversation, but it's up to me to get around her initial defenses. And in many cases, I've ultimately found that it's not worth the effort. Woman can be the same too though, that have been hurt. I'm pleasant with everyone I meet, if they want to buy me a drink I'm all for it. But as soon as they talk dirty I walk off lol

like pink said "keep your drink just give me the money!"
thats usually the biggest things i get w/ guys at bars... "i bought u a drink..." "yeah and that doesnt entitle you to anything as 1. it would have been FREE had i asked the bartender for it myself as 2. its a friggin virgin"

thats the thing w/ guys at bars... they ASSume you are there to turn tricks and get upset and blame YOU for not going for their RUDE, yes RUDE, routine.

05-04-2007, 07:57 AM
Jen, what I'm talking about with respect to the girls I have actually met and some of the ones on this board are the similarities in their personalities, and the fact that all of them escort. As far as the girls here, I can only go by what I'm given. So, if a girl is consistently unpleasant without provocation, am I wrong to conclude she's a bitch? Or should I not judge her to be a bitch, because she might be nicer when she's not posting on HA? Further, the whole thing about girls escorting to retake power from past abusers... that kind of thinking is part of what I'm talking about. You shouldn't be a bitch to me because some dude I have nothing to do with and who wasn't me did you wrong way back when. If you're taking my money, then it's inherent that you, as a provider of a service, be courteous. I have had an unpleasant first encounter with every tgirl I've ever met in person, yet I'm here interacting with still more, without going on the attack on each and every one because of the experiences I've had in the past. I'm not carrying over bitterness from the experiences I've had with girls I've met to those here whom I haven't, and if there are girls who escort carrying such baggage, and I know there are, then they shouldn't be escorting IMHO, but getting counseling. I'm black, and got picked on for six years because I was one of seven black people in an all-white school. Am I entitled to be mean to all white people today because of what happened then? Obviously not, and if I was rude to every white person I met, you could accurately judge me to be an asshole, because my actions would be immature to say the least. And so, if a girl escorts for the reasons you mention, and acts in the manner I've mentioned, I'd say it was fair for me to judge her as both a head case and a bitch. What else could she be?

can you name such instances when the girls here were bitches right off the bat, unprovoked, unsolicited? ill be waiting for examples... bc if you post an example of me... ill be ready to set the record straight. if its someone else... they can speak for themselves...

05-04-2007, 07:58 AM
My take on it: Guys who like tranny's too often act like they are at Disneyland, and every girl they encounterl is a Disney "cast member" committed to their guest experience.


That may well be true. However, I have never met a single TG in person who had what I'd call a pleasant personality. If I walk by and say "hello", immediately she goes into "bitch mode", until I say "I am not propositioning you... I'm just saying 'hello'". After that, I move on. More times than not, she winds up buying me a drink and we start up a conversation, but it's up to me to get around her initial defenses. And in many cases, I've ultimately found that it's not worth the effort. Woman can be the same too though, that have been hurt. I'm pleasant with everyone I meet, if they want to buy me a drink I'm all for it. But as soon as they talk dirty I walk off lol

like pink said "keep your drink just give me the money!"
thats usually the biggest things i get w/ guys at bars... "i bought u a drink..." "yeah and that doesnt entitle you to anything as 1. it would have been FREE had i asked the bartender for it myself as 2. its a friggin virgin"

thats the thing w/ guys at bars... they ASSume you are there to turn tricks and get upset and blame YOU for not going for their RUDE, yes RUDE, routine. lol REAL TALK

05-04-2007, 07:58 AM
The guys that rent the escorts out aren't no better so why put the focus on the escort.. Well the guys are just out for the goods half the time, and expect the transexual in question just to be okay to be used as a toy for free and not have feelings. Like a robot or android.

Also escorting doesn't make the person bad it's the same as having a one night stand.

Kelly, I don't know where you got that I'm saying escorts are bad and the guys that pay them are better. I'm saying the girls I've met personally were all rude, and all of them happened to be escorts. The girls here who I think of as rude, all happen to escort. That's it. Period, end of sentence. I don't think escorts are bad. I think escorts with bad attitudes are bad. I think people who hire escorts and act like the escort should do anything they tell them to do for the hour because they got paid are bad. That's all I'm saying. Please let's not make this into something it's not. I have quite enjoyed talking to most of you ladies in the brief time I've been here, and don't want you to take something I've said in a way that I did not mean it to be taken...

05-04-2007, 08:02 AM
I dunno but I've never been a big fan of buying a girl drinks at the bar (in my case GGs although I don't see this being any different). I always thought it was the refuge of the guy who couldn't go up and make witty convo, just teh same old, can I buy you a drink...

Maybe it's different with tgirls, cause as has been said, the 'chasers' just assume that they're 'working'? But shit, I couldn't imagine that buying someone a drink would entitle you to sweet fuck all. Tha's why the closest line to that I've ever used is (after talking for a while 1st) let's do some shots, atleast taht way I get some booze too, haha.

05-04-2007, 08:03 AM
The guys that rent the escorts out aren't no better so why put the focus on the escort.. Well the guys are just out for the goods half the time, and expect the transexual in question just to be okay to be used as a toy for free and not have feelings. Like a robot or android.

Also escorting doesn't make the person bad it's the same as having a one night stand.

Kelly, I don't know where you got that I'm saying escorts are bad and the guys that pay them are better. I'm saying the girls I've met personally were all rude, and all of them happened to be escorts. The girls here who I think of as rude, all happen to escort. That's it. Period, end of sentence. I don't think escorts are bad. I think escorts with bad attitudes are bad. I think people who hire escorts and act like the escort should do anything they tell them to do for the hour because they got paid are bad. That's all I'm saying. Please let's not make this into something it's not. I have quite enjoyed talking to most of you ladies in the brief time I've been here, and don't want you to take something I've said in a way that I did not mean it to be taken... I don't think you can take arguments between us girls as being rude thats us arguing. It isn't how we treat people. I'm always nice and say my gratitude to people otherwise as well as many of the other girls on the site. There are a few that do put the bitch card out there, why I don't know but in all most of the girls are nice to the guys on here.

05-04-2007, 08:06 AM
I dunno but I've never been a big fan of buying a girl drinks at the bar (in my case GGs although I don't see this being any different). I always thought it was the refuge of the guy who couldn't go up and make witty convo, just teh same old, can I buy you a drink...

Maybe it's different with tgirls, cause as has been said, the 'chasers' just assume that they're 'working'? But shit, I couldn't imagine that buying someone a drink would entitle you to sweet fuck all. Tha's why the closest line to that I've ever used is (after talking for a while 1st) let's do some shots, atleast taht way I get some booze too, haha. In my PERSONAL OPINION. You can tell the chasers and the guys that are really interested in talking to you. Chasers will look you up and down like you are a peice of meat and everywhere you walk in the club they follow like wolves. And yes when and if they do finally get up the nerve to walk up to talk to me. I do put across the "THIS IS MY SPACE ACT...DON'T CROSS IT." But I'm not bitchy. I just let them know I'm in control. I think there is a difference, otherwise that TRANNY CHASER is liable of trying to take his cock out right in front of you or some othe crazy stuff I swear some of them are so damn BRAVE it's beyond me.

05-04-2007, 08:06 AM
I'm black, and got picked on for six years because I was one of seven black people in an all-white school. Am I entitled to be mean to all white people today because of what happened then? Obviously not, and if I was rude to every white person I met, you could accurately judge me to be an asshole, because my actions would be immature to say the least. And so, if a girl escorts for the reasons you mention, and acts in the manner I've mentioned, I'd say it was fair for me to judge her as both a head case and a bitch. What else could she be?

i didnt say she had the right to be "mean" or a "bitch" to said clients, just like you dont have the right to be a jerk to white ppl... what "escorts" do have the right to do is flip the tables on guys that only see us as objects for their personal sexual gratification, the we have the right to treat them as objects for our financial gain... .... now i know not all clients do treat "us" this way, this statement applies to those that do...

05-04-2007, 08:17 AM
I dunno but I've never been a big fan of buying a girl drinks at the bar (in my case GGs although I don't see this being any different). I always thought it was the refuge of the guy who couldn't go up and make witty convo, just teh same old, can I buy you a drink...

Maybe it's different with tgirls, cause as has been said, the 'chasers' just assume that they're 'working'? But shit, I couldn't imagine that buying someone a drink would entitle you to sweet fuck all. Tha's why the closest line to that I've ever used is (after talking for a while 1st) let's do some shots, atleast taht way I get some booze too, haha. In my PERSONAL OPINION. You can tell the chasers and the guys that are really interested in talking to you. Chasers will look you up and down like you are a peice of meat and everywhere you walk in the club they follow like wolves. And yes when and if they do finally get up the nerve to walk up to talk to me. I do put across the "THIS IS MY SPACE ACT...DON'T CROSS IT." But I'm not bitchy. I just let them know I'm in control. I think there is a difference, otherwise that TRANNY CHASER is liable of trying to take his cock out right in front of you or some othe crazy stuff I swear some of them are so damn BRAVE it's beyond me.

Weird, I couldn't imagine treating a ts different from a gg (granted I've only met a few ts) and no one would pull that kinda shit. Oh well, i guess the world is full of shitheads..

05-04-2007, 08:18 AM
Jen, what I'm talking about with respect to the girls I have actually met and some of the ones on this board are the similarities in their personalities, and the fact that all of them escort. As far as the girls here, I can only go by what I'm given. So, if a girl is consistently unpleasant without provocation, am I wrong to conclude she's a bitch? Or should I not judge her to be a bitch, because she might be nicer when she's not posting on HA?

can you name such instances when the girls here were bitches right off the bat, unprovoked, unsolicited? ill be waiting for examples... bc if you post an example of me... ill be ready to set the record straight. if its someone else... they can speak for themselves...

This is quickly going to shit... Basically, my thinking is that if you jump on people for things you think they're saying, and after they clarify what they meant, you still continue to go off on them, presuming you can speak for what they meant to say better than they can... then without provocation, you are behaving like a bitch. When you resort to name-calling when someone points out the hypocrisy in something you're saying by posting something contradictory that you previously said... then without provocation (and you weren't provoked because remember, you're the one who made that contradictory statement), you are behaving like a bitch. When a girl posts something that doesn't have to do with you but which you disagree with, and you then resort to referring to her by her male name and posting pictures of her as a man... You get my point. That is all I have to say on this topic. I am not going to name any names, as I think my points are quite clear. I am not looking to fight with anyone, but I call it like I see it, so if that leads to problems, then it leads to problems. But on this issue, I am done, in efforts to prevent this from going any further south than it has, and because it appears that some people are starting to read more into what I'm saying than I'm saying.

05-04-2007, 08:20 AM
I dunno but I've never been a big fan of buying a girl drinks at the bar (in my case GGs although I don't see this being any different). I always thought it was the refuge of the guy who couldn't go up and make witty convo, just teh same old, can I buy you a drink...

Maybe it's different with tgirls, cause as has been said, the 'chasers' just assume that they're 'working'? But shit, I couldn't imagine that buying someone a drink would entitle you to sweet fuck all. Tha's why the closest line to that I've ever used is (after talking for a while 1st) let's do some shots, atleast taht way I get some booze too, haha. In my PERSONAL OPINION. You can tell the chasers and the guys that are really interested in talking to you. Chasers will look you up and down like you are a peice of meat and everywhere you walk in the club they follow like wolves. And yes when and if they do finally get up the nerve to walk up to talk to me. I do put across the "THIS IS MY SPACE ACT...DON'T CROSS IT." But I'm not bitchy. I just let them know I'm in control. I think there is a difference, otherwise that TRANNY CHASER is liable of trying to take his cock out right in front of you or some othe crazy stuff I swear some of them are so damn BRAVE it's beyond me.

Weird, I couldn't imagine treating a ts different from a gg (granted I've only met a few ts) and no one would pull that kinda shit. Oh well, i guess the world is full of shitheads.. Oh trust me sweety they do it. I've had to protect a few of my friends in a club from them. It's just god awful.

05-04-2007, 08:23 AM
I'm black, and got picked on for six years because I was one of seven black people in an all-white school. Am I entitled to be mean to all white people today because of what happened then? Obviously not, and if I was rude to every white person I met, you could accurately judge me to be an asshole, because my actions would be immature to say the least. And so, if a girl escorts for the reasons you mention, and acts in the manner I've mentioned, I'd say it was fair for me to judge her as both a head case and a bitch. What else could she be?

i didnt say she had the right to be "mean" or a "bitch" to said clients, just like you dont have the right to be a jerk to white ppl... what "escorts" do have the right to do is flip the tables on guys that only see us as objects for their personal sexual gratification, the we have the right to treat them as objects for our financial gain... .... now i know not all clients do treat "us" this way, this statement applies to those that do...

Got it. We're on the same page...

05-04-2007, 08:24 AM
heres an example of why guys get the attitudes they get from girls who arent interested... for whatever reason!... we dont need to explain why we dont want to talk to you... we just DONT sometimes.. right now my msngr is set to "busy" so that means "im NOT in the mood to chat" and usually even if it says something different i still dont want to talk to someone i dont know... just like, yes, at a bar.

latta1969: you real/
: do i know u
latta1969: no just you have a nice pic
latta1969: just making friends sorry if i bothered you
: k
latta1969: just your pic is so good I though maybe it was an advertisement pic
latta1969: your really pretty
latta1969: would you like to chat?
: k thnx
: no
latta1969: ok bye
: nite
latta1969: but i just may be the person that may change your life
latta1969: or not
latta1969: lol
latta1969: bye
: yeah... or not
latta1969: LOL you never know
latta1969: but you wont. again your loss
: yes im sure it is... im slicing my wrists now
latta1969: why are you doing that?
: bc ive lost you forever
latta1969: lol
: but u keep coming back
latta1969: love your sarcassam
: how am i going to miss you if you wont leave
latta1969: i just like that you have to have the last word
: youre right i do

then i put him on ignore. thus giving me... you guessed it... the last word.

05-04-2007, 08:58 AM
There's two sides to every story, and since no one else seems to want to present the other side, I guess it's up to me...
I know that as a TG, you get treated as a piece of meat by some clients and many "tranny chasers" as you all seem to collectively call them, and that you are therefore defensive when approached. However, remember that you aren't treated that way be everybody, and don't (to use Jen's wording) ASSume that everybody is the same, before you give them a chance to prove otherwise. That's all I've got... I've got to catch a flight to Arizona in a few hours, so goodnight all!