View Full Version : Re Pat Tillman, Neocon Chickenhawks, and More Lies

04-30-2007, 02:11 AM
More despicable behavior from the neocon chickenhawks and their stooges-


04-30-2007, 03:13 AM
Iraq was an "illegal war" !? That`s hilarious and that, is old news:

September 5, 2006

Remember His Name
Even as a boy Pat Tillman felt a destiny, a need to do the right thing whatever it cost him. When the World Trade Center was attacked on 9/11, he thought about what he had to do and then walked away from the NFL and became an Army Ranger....


PS: Pat ran into the middle of a firefight. Not the brightest thing to do.

04-30-2007, 03:03 PM
Now there's a shocker. The despicable right-wing chickenhawks will now attempt to slander war heroes like Tillman in the same manner as they did with McCain, Webb, Kerry, and many others.

I wonder what the chickenhawk right will say about Jessica Lynch, now that she has told the world the real truth about her "rescue" in Iraq.

04-30-2007, 06:55 PM
Now there's a shocker. The despicable right-wing chickenhawks will now attempt to slander war heroes like Tillman in the same manner as they did with McCain, Webb, Kerry, and many others.

I wonder what the chickenhawk right will say about Jessica Lynch, now that she has told the world the real truth about her "rescue" in Iraq.

Listen old man, and listen closely.

I`m not saying Tillman ran into the middle of a firefight, SI did. He literally ran right into the middle of one and caught a bullet. That`s it, end of story.


04-30-2007, 08:31 PM
There he goes again.... but what else have we come to expect from a right-wing, chickenhawk, pillow-biting troll like WMP?

Just another of WMP's not-so-thinly veiled attempts to disparage an honored veteran, in an attempt to once again defend his neocon masters...

Barrage of Bullets Drowned Out Cries of Comrades
Communication Breakdown, Split Platoon Among the Factors Contributing to 'Friendly Fire'

By Steve Coll
First in a two-part series

It ended on a stony ridge in fading light. Spec. Pat Tillman lay dying behind a boulder. A young fellow U.S. Army Ranger stretched prone beside him, praying quietly as tracer bullets poured in.

"Cease fire! Friendlies!" Tillman cried out.

Smoke drifted from a signal grenade Tillman had detonated minutes before in a desperate bid to show his platoon members they were shooting the wrong men. The firing had stopped. Tillman had stood up, chattering in relief. Then the machine gun bursts erupted again.

"I could hear the pain in his voice," recalled the young Ranger days later to Army investigators. Tillman kept calling out that he was a friendly, and he shouted, "I am Pat [expletive] Tillman, damn it!" His comrade recalled: "He said this over and over again until he stopped."

Myths shaped Pat Tillman's reputation, and mystery shrouded his death. A long-haired, fierce-hitting defensive back with the Arizona Cardinals of the National Football League, he turned away a $3.6 million contract after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to volunteer for the war on terrorism, ultimately giving his life in combat in Taliban-infested southeastern Afghanistan.

Millions of stunned Americans mourned his death last April 22 and embraced his sacrifice as a rare example of courage and national service. But the full story of how Tillman ended up on that Afghan ridge and why he died at the hands of his own comrades has never been told.

Dozens of witness statements, e-mails, investigation findings, logbooks, maps and photographs obtained by The Washington Post show that Tillman died unnecessarily after botched communications, a mistaken decision to split his platoon over the objections of its leader, and negligent shooting by pumped-up young Rangers -- some in their first firefight -- who failed to identify their targets as they blasted their way out of a frightening ambush.


04-30-2007, 08:41 PM
So sadly predictable....


05-01-2007, 02:00 AM
There he goes again.... but what else have we come to expect from a right-wing, chickenhawk, pillow-biting troll like WMP?

Just another of WMP's not-so-thinly veiled attempts to disparage an honored veteran, in an attempt to once again defend his neocon masters...

By Steve Coll
First in a two-part series

Dozens of witness statements, e-mails, investigation findings, logbooks, maps and photographs obtained by The Washington Post show that Tillman died unnecessarily after botched communications, a mistaken decision to split his platoon over the objections of its leader, and negligent shooting by pumped-up young Rangers -- some in their first firefight -- who failed to identify their targets as they blasted their way out of a frightening ambush. [/size]


Listen old man, listen closely. I`m bored with explaining details and facts to emotional nit-wits.

According to the Inpsector General`s report ITSELF, Tillman ran into the firefight with no radio, no communication and no orders.

OK? Get that ? Of course you don`t so here are the reports own words below. I agree with the report. Tillman should not have recieved the Silver Star, the Army, specifically Col. Nixon was too quick to act in regards to posthumous awards,lack of communication,quick incomplete investigations,etc. Why the rush? It was one of their own. Not likely they would say he fucked up,screw him for running blindly into a firefight.

Inspector general report

During the movement trough a canyon,S2 was ambushed and became engaged in a running gun battle with enemy combatants. S1 had passed through the same canyon without incident and was apx.1000 meters ahead…S1 dismounted their vehicles and moved on foot…tillman placed himself and a pfc into a position at the end of a rocky ridge…amf soldier thani,armed with an ak-47,was next to tillman…S1 unsuccessfully attempted to make radio contact with S2, to advise them of their position.When the first vehicle of S2 exited the canyon, coming into view of tillman`s position, the personnel in the vehicle, not knowing S1 was in the immediate area, observed what they thought to be an enemy combatant…personnel in the first vehicle returned fire…After members of S2 identified friendly forces in the area, a cease fire was secured.A search of the scene revealed tillman and thani were mortally wounded,and two other us soldiers were wounded.

Investigation determined that members of S2 did not commit the offences of negligent homicide or aggravated assult…member s of S2 believed they were under enemy fire.


“Tillman….with no radio,no orders,bounded up this hill…”

The Ranger with CPL tillman later testified that they did not receive enemy fire at their position.

We disagree with Col Nixon`s decisions to pursue the approval of the award(SS) before informing the family that friendly fire was suspected.Col Nixon testified that his past experience convinced him that valor awards should be presented at a memorial se4rvice or funeral where a soldiers family would be gathered, and not delayed until completion of an investigation…While he thought it should not matter whether cpl tillman died by friendly fire,col Nixon`s decision resulted in the family believing they had been purposely misled….As it was,the expedited processing,without informing the family…caused the family to question col Nixon`s,and the Army`s, true motives.

Additionally we recommend that the acting secretary initiate a review of the silver star award to ensure that it meets regulatory requirements.

05-01-2007, 02:25 AM
Should we respond to cowardly chickenhawk trolls like WMP?

This pillow-biting troll is so obviously starved for attention that he welcomes the inevitable ridicule re his BS...perhaps it's time that we put this pantywaist back on ignore...

05-01-2007, 02:32 AM
Should we respond to cowardly chickenhawk trolls like WMP?

This pillow-biting troll is so obviously starved for attention that he welcomes the inevitable ridicule re his BS...perhaps it's time that we put this pantywaist back on ignore...

Don`t bother, why dig yourself in deeper,

download the pdf., take a big gulp of geritol, put on your bifocals and

read old man 8)

05-01-2007, 04:54 PM
Americans in general have lost their will for freedom and rather appease the aggressors. We as a country have become remarkable similar to the vichy. We rather turn on each other than on our enemies. It so pathetic.

05-01-2007, 05:10 PM
Americans in general have lost their will for freedom and rather appease the aggressors.
You mean Saudi Arabia? Maybe you should ask BushInc. about that, you silly little fool.

05-02-2007, 12:39 AM
Should we respond to cowardly chickenhawk trolls like WMP?

This pillow-biting troll is so obviously starved for attention that he welcomes the inevitable ridicule re his BS...perhaps it's time that we put this pantywaist back on ignore...


05-02-2007, 12:55 AM
LMAO.... I guess we can remove the adjective "Ambiguously" from the term "Ambiguosly Gay Duo."


05-02-2007, 02:06 AM
I think I've proved my point.

05-02-2007, 02:31 AM
...and specialk you should seek counseling concerning your homophobia. I can see you are clearly suffering from a pathological dose of homosexual panic.

05-02-2007, 03:20 AM
...and specialk you should seek counseling concerning your homophobia. I can see you are clearly suffering from a pathological dose of homosexual panic.

Of course the fact that references to homosexuality were never part of debates here – until your self-loathing, closeted hero singularly worked to make it a regular occurrence – somehow escaped your notice. More of your factually selective drivel I guess. Maybe you can tell us more about how Jose Pedilla was carrying radioactive material and was on his way to detonate a dirty bomb. LOL....


05-02-2007, 03:47 AM
...and specialk you should seek counseling concerning your homophobia. I can see you are clearly suffering from a pathological dose of homosexual panic.


05-02-2007, 04:01 AM
What's your problem Quinn? I had no fight with you?

05-02-2007, 04:23 AM
What's your problem Quinn? I had no fight with you?

You still don't. Trust me.


05-02-2007, 05:55 AM
What does that mean?

05-02-2007, 01:34 PM
What does that mean?

I think that means that maybe you should quit while you're "ahead", gomerone. :roll:

04-23-2014, 03:58 AM
How Pat Tillman Was Used to Promote the War that Killed Him:


And a great documentary about Tillman:


04-23-2014, 04:01 AM
Soldier who may have killed Pat Tillman haunted by remorse
