View Full Version : Out of curiosity?

04-27-2007, 07:27 PM
Hi there,

Most of the time I've spent browsing the HA forums has been spent in the General Discussion. At times the discussions have been interesting, most of the time I've been wishing to learn a little bit more about people. So....

Before I jump too much into the politics forum I would like to know a little bit about the other people who browse this section of the forum.

How would you describe yourself politically? To me this is a broader question than Democrat or Republican, Tory or Green; it includes economic philosophy, cultural philosophy, outlooks on gender and sexuality, views on ecology and development, religion, etc....

I'm not so much interested in arguing right off with anyone about why they believe what they believe, more interested in just hearing peoples self identification.

04-27-2007, 07:55 PM
Hi there,

Most of the time I've spent browsing the HA forums has been spent in the General Discussion. At times the discussions have been interesting, most of the time I've been wishing to learn a little bit more about people. So....

Before I jump too much into the politics forum I would like to know a little bit about the other people who browse this section of the forum.

How would you describe yourself politically? To me this is a broader question than Democrat or Republican, Tory or Green; it includes economic philosophy, cultural philosophy, outlooks on gender and sexuality, views on ecology and development, religion, etc....

I'm not so much interested in arguing right off with anyone about why they believe what they believe, more interested in just hearing peoples self identification.

Hi Mandy,

Okay... here's a short precis. White_Male_Canade, also affectionately known as White_Male_Pantywaist (it's a long story), believes that the war in Iraq was justfified, that global warming isn't happenning and never will (or if it will, that it'll be a barrel of laughs because he'll be able to get a suntan up where he lives). He also thinks that George Bush and his toadying cronies are all wonderful people and that Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and any woman in any sort of powerful position (especially is she is a liberal) is a bitch from hell.

White_Male_Pantywaist, who gets his ass handed to him on a daily basis, claims he used to be a liberal but now enjoys stirring up trouble on liberal boards. He also throws about meaningless and hurtful accusations like "Stalinist" like they were confetti and claims that any source he disagrees with is "leftist propaganda".

The rest of us, even the conservatives like guyone, are pretty nice people. We used to have a guy called TFan around, but he seems rather quiet lately. Which is nice.

Personally I am scientist by training, and a liberal with (I think) a strong moral and environmental conscience. I try to be diplomatic but I have my limits. I believe that climate change is happening. I am also an occasionally lapsing Christian, but do not dismiss people just because they believe in another religion or disagree with me. I will not attack unless repeatedly provoked, but when I do, the person I attack knows he's in for a hammering. Many of the other members here are like that.

The major topics here include the war in Iraq, climate change, the candidates for 2008, and so on as you can see.

It can be good fun sometimes. Welcome aboard.

I might find a few urls of interesting past topics for you to read.

04-27-2007, 08:18 PM

Hi Mandy,

Okay... here's a short precis. White_Male_Canade, also affectionately known as White_Male_Pantywaist (it's a long story), believes that the war in Iraq was justfified, that global warming isn't happenning and never will (or if it will, that it'll be a barrel of laughs because he'll be able to get a suntan up where he lives). He also thinks that George Bush and his toadying cronies are all wonderful people and that Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and any woman in any sort of powerful position (especially is she is a liberal) is a bitch from hell.

I would really like to avoid people speaking about other peoples stances in this thread, to avoid the name calling, which I find boring. Thanks for telling me about yourself, this is more what I am interested in.

Also, if people felt like sharing where they are from as well, that would be cool.

04-27-2007, 08:45 PM
I would really like to avoid people speaking about other peoples stances in this thread, to avoid the name calling, which I find boring.

I agree. That's what i was saying too. But when you keep getting attacked for no reason other than because you have a different opinion, and keep getting called names, you sometimes snap and say "Enough is enough!" Then you fight back and attack! Often by resorting to name calling yourself, sadly...

But, you're right, and I'm sorry. I must learn to control myself.

One more time now, with feeling:


04-27-2007, 08:50 PM
By the way, and I hope you don't mind me posting this, I love how you look in this picture.


04-27-2007, 11:09 PM
Great question, Mandy. So far as my own political alignment is concerned, I am a committed Independent and moderate who believes that dogmatic/unquestioning support for any party or movement speaks to the worst possible political instincts. Over the years, I’ve supported candidates from across the political spectrum, usually adjusting my vote to reflect what I considered to be the most pressing issues facing this nation. My hot-button issues are illegal immigration, foreign policy, the Iraq War (fucking idiot president. Grrrrrr.), and US fiscal and economic policy.


04-28-2007, 12:42 AM
Great question, Mandy. So far as my own political alignment is concerned, I am a committed Independent and moderate who believes that dogmatic/unquestioning support for any party or movement speaks to the worst possible political instincts. Over the years, I’ve supported candidates from across the political spectrum, usually adjusting my vote to reflect what I considered to be the most pressing issues facing this nation. My hot-button issues are illegal immigration, foreign policy, the Iraq War (fucking idiot president. Grrrrrr.), and US fiscal and economic policy.


Eggzackly Quinn........I concur wholeheartedly on your entire post:claps

04-28-2007, 04:02 AM
im left independant.