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04-26-2007, 01:45 AM
The enemy within.

This post isn't about Kelly-gate, though Kelly-gate is a good
example of the point I am about to attempt to make. And it definetely
isn't about who is right or wrong in that, so please don't bring that drama
to this thread.

You know I have been in 'the life' a very long time. I am probably the
oldest transwomen on this board. In that time I've known a lot of shady
queens, it's one of the reasons why I took that train out of 'trannyville'
that I have mentioned in the past.

Well that, and that just about all of the girls that I came up with have
died, all tragically, and before their time.

Many is the day that I come to the forum to attempt to be a positive
influence. To share some of my experience, to share some of the
knowledge that I have acquired, both in the streets, and in academia,
and the world at large.

My dream is for a better quality of life for those in the transcommunity,
Foolishly, since back in the day, I fought for the civil rights of
Black people, women, gays, and others, and we won a modicum of
victory, I thought that the same would be achievable for the

But perhaps what I neglected to consider was the enemy within.


04-26-2007, 02:17 AM
Just want to let you know, this is a porno centered board, your lame ass lectures, and your stupid respect transwomen picture, is really pinching my last nerve, either get with the program, or get the hell out.

Ohh and im well aware you will reply back with some smart ass comment, so shoot at me


At least i don't look like Worf from Star Trek

04-26-2007, 02:17 AM
Amen! It is a simple matter of wanting for other people, what we want for ourselves. I say what we should want is to give and receive love. And also to give and recieve understanding for our human faults, as well as talents.

I am on your side, all the way, Peggy Gee!

Alison Faraday
04-26-2007, 02:22 AM
Poignant yet very true.

It makes me wonder if it is time for me to let go.

Repeatedly, time and time again, on Yahoo, MSN, here there. The whole transgendered community is in essence negative, and a breeding ground for negative thoughts and doubt.

I've seen it so many times over the years, and you get fed up with it and move to the next place. HA will wither away, as has happened repeatedly in these situations.

Once thriving groups and forums have just driven people away by even just the behaviour of one or two members.

Negative feelings.

Alison Faraday
04-26-2007, 02:26 AM
Ohh and im well aware you will reply back with some smart ass comment, so shoot at me

She might not. But others will.

04-26-2007, 02:27 AM
Just want to let you know, this is a porno centered board, your lame ass lectures, and your stupid respect transwomen picture, is really pinching my last nerve, either get with the program, or get the hell out.

Ohh and im well aware you will reply back with some smart ass comment, so shoot at me

At least i don't look like Worf from Star Trek

If all you want to do is look as pictures, then don't open a thread unless you see the paper clip indicating an attached picture. It is just that simple.
Do you get my message. If you do ever feel like reading here, I would suggest a thread titled something like "What had HA done for you". You will find many good stories of people, who might have come for the pictures, but got a lot more by reading and interacting with some good people here.

P.S. I for one dont know what you look like. I don't post my picture, but I don't criticize others looks that much either. I like Peggy's look myself. She's a woman.

04-26-2007, 02:28 AM
Just want to let you know, this is a porno centered board, your lame ass lectures, and your stupid respect transwomen picture, is really pinching my last nerve, either get with the program, or get the hell out.

Ohh and im well aware you will reply back with some smart ass comment, so shoot at me

At least i don't look like Worf from Star Trek

Was that really necessary, particularly the last part? You do realize that you don't have to actually read her threads if you don't want to, right?


04-26-2007, 02:30 AM
Just want to let you know, this is a porno centered board, your lame ass lectures, and your stupid respect transwomen picture, is really pinching my last nerve, either get with the program, or get the hell out.

Ohh and im well aware you will reply back with some smart ass comment, so shoot at me

At least i don't look like Worf from Star Trek

Was that really necessary, particularly the last part? You do realize that you don't have to actually read her threads if you don't want to, right?


if it wasn't for all this kelly shore bullshit, this board would be flooded with her garbage posts

04-26-2007, 02:37 AM
Ooh, banned in twenny minnits! That's gotta be a record. :shock:

04-26-2007, 02:41 AM
Yaaahhhhh, first banning i've seen!
Couldn't have happend to a nicer guy....Tit! :D

04-26-2007, 02:42 AM
Just want to let you know,

Piss off. You don't like her stuff, don't read her posts. You don't like the way it is, go somewhere else. 'Nuff said.

04-26-2007, 02:44 AM
After I thought about it, I wondered if people got counseled before they got banned. But I understand that that would be time consuming for the mods. But before I could get back, the person was banned. Great job Mods!

04-26-2007, 02:45 AM
Thank You ,Mods!

04-26-2007, 02:49 AM
Foolishly, since back in the day, I fought for the civil rights of Black
people, women, gays, and others, and we won a modicum of victory, that
the same would be achievable for the transcommunity.

But perhaps what I neglected to consider was the enemy within.


Well, now, I don't think I can go along with that just entirely. As someone who has selfishly fought for his own interests for most of his life, I have to say that I take my hat off to people who campaign for others' interests, including you.

Don't let it get you down.

04-26-2007, 03:02 AM
Such a nice post Peggy and you are quite sweet and intelligent.

Alison Faraday
04-26-2007, 03:06 AM


I know how hurtful that must be, and it's time for me to give something back.

Think back to transition. Think back to the bad days. That was just one of those angry miserable people who aim for the most pain. You don't look like that. All he did was to pick the most hurtful way to get at you. And really I don't know why someone would do that to you.

I'm not sure what else to say as I know words don't make it better. It's just hurtful and cruel.


Aly x

04-26-2007, 04:19 AM


I know how hurtful that must be, and it's time for me to give something back.

Think back to transition. Think back to the bad days. That was just one of those angry miserable people who aim for the most pain. You don't look like that. All he did was to pick the most hurtful way to get at you. And really I don't know why someone would do that to you.

I'm not sure what else to say as I know words don't make it better. It's just hurtful and cruel.


Aly x

Well, it's nice to see that more people than I would have thought have
read this thread. :wink:

But seriously, comments by unknown, faceless people who have made
insignificant posts during their time on the forum, commenting on my
physical appearance, don't phase me.

Like I said, I have been in 'the life' a long time, and in the world even

What would hurt me ist to be tilting at windmills, to be trying to bring
about something that no one is truly interested in, at least on this forum.

I would never want to bore people with prissy, pedantic posturing about
things that people could care less about.

Let me share something with you; There are a milion and one things I
could be doing instead of posting to this forum. As I have stated before
I don't escort, I'm not in porn, I'm not looking for a hookup. My real job,
the one that pays the bills isn't remotely related to human services, and
I certainly am not 'Captain Save A Ho'.

So, why do I bother? Because of the reasons that I have outlined in my
roughly 1300 posts here.

However, I only stay where I am wanted. So if I am cock blocking
anyone, making you think about things you don't want to think about, or
thinking period, if I am disrupting your cash flow, by all means let me
know, and I am herstory, I'm ghost.

There are a number of people on this forum, whose opinions I value, and
they aren't all neccessarily people that I agree with about everything.

Thus to the forum at large, I will say that if if you either tell me to cease
and desist, or to tone it down, I will do so forthwith.

04-26-2007, 04:23 AM
I am reading, though not necessarily commenting on, just about every one of those almost-1300 posts.

04-26-2007, 04:26 AM
I am reading, though not necessarily commenting on, just about every one of those almost-1300 posts.

Thank you General, you are a Prince among men. :wink:

04-26-2007, 04:28 AM


I know how hurtful that must be, and it's time for me to give something back.

Think back to transition. Think back to the bad days. That was just one of those angry miserable people who aim for the most pain. You don't look like that. All he did was to pick the most hurtful way to get at you. And really I don't know why someone would do that to you.

I'm not sure what else to say as I know words don't make it better. It's just hurtful and cruel.


Aly x

Well, it's nice to see that more people than I would have thought have
read this thread. :wink:

But seriously, comments by unknown, faceless people who have made
insignificant posts during their time on the forum, commenting on my
physical appearance, don't phase me.

Like I said, I have been in 'the life' a long time, and in the world even

What would hurt me ist to be tilting at windmills, to be trying to bring
about something that no one is truly interested in, at least on this forum.

I would never want to bore people with prissy, pedantic posturing about
things that people could care less about.

Let me share something with you; There are a milion and one things I
could be doing instead of posting to this forum. As I have stated before
I don't escort, I'm not in porn, I'm not looking for a hookup. My real job,
the one that pays the bills isn't remotely related to human services, and
I certainly am not 'Captain Save A Ho'.

So, why do I bother? Because of the reasons that I have outlined in my
roughly 1300 posts here.

However, I only stay where I am wanted. So if I am cock blocking
anyone, making you think about things you don't want to think about, or
thinking period, if I am disrupting your cash flow, by all means let me
know, and I am herstory, I'm ghost.

There are a number of people on this forum, whose opinions I value, and
they aren't all neccessarily people that I agree with about everything.

Thus to the forum at large, I will say that if if you either tell me to cease
and desist, or to tone it down, I will do so forthwith.

You bring much needed balance, knowledge and experience to this board. Nobody forces anyone to read your posts but for those of us that choose to always leave a little smarter or with a better understanding of whatever the subject happens to be.

Keep posting.

04-26-2007, 04:34 AM
Just want to let you know, this is a porno centered board, your lame ass lectures, and your stupid respect transwomen picture, is really pinching my last nerve, either get with the program, or get the hell out.

Ohh and im well aware you will reply back with some smart ass comment, so shoot at me

At least i don't look like Worf from Star Trek

backthen, assuming you can still read the posts even though you can't post here anymore, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

04-26-2007, 04:44 AM

Please continue posting.

Every community needs its sage, and we are lucky to have you.

04-26-2007, 04:49 AM
Peggyīs posts are great, although I donīt need them here because Iīm confrontated with much more than this every day and visit this boards to have some fun and to "hang out" with you. Iīm reading most of her posts and havenīt lost any nerve. What would this board look like if we had 30 threads a day about wanking? I wish you opened such threads every hour because I personally donīt need the "fake-or-not" crap that occured the last days. I donīt give a fuck if Kellyīs a TS, a doll, a CD or a white Little Richard...... itīs her problem not mine.

04-26-2007, 04:52 AM
btw, why donīt you replace backthenīs "banned" status with "pwn3d" :D

04-26-2007, 04:57 AM
However, I only stay where I am wanted. So if I am cock blocking
anyone, making you think about things you don't want to think about, or
thinking period, if I am disrupting your cash flow, by all means let me
know, and I am herstory, I'm ghost.

As another old broad... umm.. I mean "mature" reader of the forums, I really enjoy many of your posts. Sometimes I agree totally, sometimes I disagree vehemently. Sometimes I laugh, sometimes I get mad. But that's to be expected from posts that make people think, as your posts seem to be intended to provoke. There's plenty of porn here for those who want only that, but there also seems to be a group of people who are interested in the human element of the experience we have in common as well. That's the element that keeps me reading. If someone doesn't want to read what you have to say, then there are plenty of other threads for them to enjoy. Keep it up. :)

04-26-2007, 05:16 AM
Very enlightening post Peggy.

There will always be negative influences on this board. Despite the odd asshole, most people here acknowledge and appreciate your efforts to educate, the fact that you do this in an often amusing and non condescending way is what I feel makes you a special person and also such an important and interesting influence here at HA.

Peggy you know I consider you almost a Guru when it comes to helping a once very delusional, recovering Cock Bandit such as myself....................


04-26-2007, 05:34 AM
There are always going to be people that thrive on shit talking/drama, but just because they may be the loudest and most visible presence, doesn't mean they are the only presence on the board.

Yes I'm a sex worker, yes I'm a whore, yes my primary interest in this venue is to boost my income. I'm also a thoughtful and caring person and its nice to talk with other transsexual women who I wouldn't know through social networks.

I like reading your posts Peggy.

Solitary Brother
04-26-2007, 05:54 AM
Just want to let you know, this is a porno centered board, your lame ass lectures, and your stupid respect transwomen picture, is really pinching my last nerve, either get with the program, or get the hell out.

Ohh and im well aware you will reply back with some smart ass comment, so shoot at me


At least i don't look like Worf from Star Trek

Your comment was not called for.
What do you look like hero?

04-26-2007, 07:02 AM
The enemy within.

This post isn't about Kelly-gate, though Kelly-gate is a good
example of the point I am about to attempt to make. And it definetely
isn't about who is right or wrong in that, so please don't bring that drama
to this thread.

You know I have been in 'the life' a very long time. I am probably the
oldest transoman on this board. In that time I've known a lot of shady
queens, it's one of the reson why I took that train out of 'trannyville' that
I have mentioned in the past.

Well that, and that just about all of the girls that I came up with have
died, all tragicaly, and before their time.

Many is the day that I come to the forum to attempt to be a positive
influence. To share some of my experience, to share some of the
knowledge that I have acquired, both in the streets, and in academia,
and the world at large.

My dream is for a better quality of life for those in the transcommunity,
Foolishly, since back in the day, I fought for the civil rights of Black
people, women, gays, and others, and we won a modicum of victory, that
the same would be achievable for the transcommunity.

But perhaps what I neglected to consider was the enemy within.


I think you've nailed it.

04-26-2007, 07:54 AM
I think a positive influence is what this board could use! Amen to the original poster! I've recently started reading through some of the threads here and I really like what you have to say! Keep it up! Anybody can skip any forum they want if they don't like your content they can simply skip it, i understand some people are here just for porn, i came to this site to tell a guy who i thought was hot, shouldn't transition just because he couldn't get dates with guys lol. But this website could use a lot more positive posters like yourself especially after all this banning and fake pic talk has been happening.

04-26-2007, 09:27 AM
I just read this thread and I can't believe it. Backthen's post was completely out of left field and totally uncalled for. What was wrong with that prick?

Peggy, you have to be one of the most sincere, enlightened, respectful, experienced, honorable, intelligent, sensitive, humorous, genuine, and most down-to-earth posters here, or in any TG forum going for that matter. Your wealth of knowledge cannot be understated, as I think I've learned more from your thought provoking, in depth posts than what any other poster in here has offered, and that says a lot when one considers the calibur of some of the contributors in here. I can't tell you how many times your postings on some subject, be it serious or lighthearted, have help bring me back from a carnal mindset. ...I hope you didn't let this idiot get to you, if only for a moment. In fact, I know you didn't. :)

Take care, and keep posting, girl! I love your posts.


04-26-2007, 12:54 PM
However, I only stay where I am wanted.

Sometimes, i wish i was 'deep' so i could say something profound...but i aint, so you'll have to make do with :grouphug

The place would be poorer without you.

04-26-2007, 01:16 PM
Thus to the forum at large, I will say that if if you either tell me to cease
and desist, or to tone it down, I will do so forthwith.

Just keep up the good work Peggy, informing, educating, and amusing us with you VERY VALUED posts. We so badly NEED your contribution here, believe me Peggy, your words here have helped me immensely to understand myself and gain some understanding of the obstacles facing many transwomen. Your posts are informed, inspiring and never insulting or patronising. And it's not just us faceless wankers and cock bandits that benefit, several Transwomen lurk this site without ever posting and i believe your posts and frequent helpful links are are valuable resource, sure the info is available elsewhere but often the people who need to see it aren't looking elsewhere. (does IPOWA have a dedicated website?)

PEGGY GEE ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rock2 :rock2 :rock2 :rock2 :rock2 :rock2 :rock2 :rock2

04-26-2007, 01:22 PM
That was some funny shit...dude makes some punk ass response to Peggy Gee and BAM...X-comm'd

Moral of the story....Dont mess w/ Peggy!

Seriously.....keep up the good posts Peggy,you seem like a class act.Many girls here could learn alot from you on how to carry themselves w/ a little dignity

04-26-2007, 02:06 PM
Peggy your posts are some of the most interesting and valuable on this board. I still enjoy some of the porn threads, but I'd say that now I spend much more time reading the threads about real life. Your wisdom on these topics is one of the reasons I continue to check the board every day. I think you can see the true overwhelming opinion of the people on the board represented in this thread. Thanks for being here, don't change anything!

04-26-2007, 10:47 PM
I'd like to give a collective 'Thank You' to the folks that
posted the kind words of encouragement.

It is truly wonderful to know that the message isn't falling
on deaf ears.

I will be responding to some of the posts individually, as they
truly warrant that, as many good points were brought up.


04-26-2007, 11:05 PM
Holy shit.

I just read this, but encountered that asswipe's name elsewhere with the banned tag under his name and wondered what was up.

Hey backthen: you're a pathetic piece of shit. I hope you get the beating you so richly deserve someday, preferably before becoming your cellmate's bitch. Peggy is ten times the human being you'll EVER be, even if you live long enough to evolve out of the colon mucus you presently are. Tell me which trailer park your mother lives in so that I can slap her for fucking the retard that fathered you, no doubt with an anally introduced conception. Fucking coward.

04-26-2007, 11:12 PM
It amazes me that people would have a problem with someone bringing some intelligent discussion, even on a porn board.

Peggy, I always love your post. I think that even for guys that just want to jack off looking at pictures and living in a fantasy world, a little knowledge can go a long way. Hell, I find transwomen sexier the more that I know about them. Maybe it is just me.

I'm even surprised that someone said that they often disagree with you. For the most part, I see you giving mostly information that is based more in research and proven or documented facts and not just Peggy's opinions. Maybe I just tend to be of a similar mind.

No offense to HA, but I wish there was a place outside of a porn board for what you are bringing here on this porn site.

Back to this post and what it was originally about, I agree (no surprise there) but there is entirely too much negativity in the TS world. It has become the kind of thing that is accepted, expected and seen as just something that comes with the scene.

I think more girls need to stand up against and speak out against other girls that deal in negativity toward each other. It not only effect the girls but it effects the guys who date the girls. Try openly dating a girl, and see just how many shady girls will lie and talk shit about you. Even if you and your girl turn a deaf ear to it there can still be parts of it that will do damage to your relationship.

Trust me, I am a witness.

04-27-2007, 12:11 AM
It amazes me that people would have a problem with someone bringing some intelligent discussion, even on a porn board.

Peggy, I always love your post. I think that even for guys that just want to jack off looking at pictures and living in a fantasy world, a little knowledge can go a long way. Hell, I find transwomen sexier the more that I know about them. Maybe it is just me.

I'm even surprised that someone said that they often disagree with you. For the most part, I see you giving mostly information that is based more in research and proven or documented facts and not just Peggy's opinions. Maybe I just tend to be of a similar mind.

No offense to HA, but I wish there was a place outside of a porn board for what you are bringing here on this porn site.

Back to this post and what it was originally about, I agree (no surprise there) but there is entirely too much negativity in the TS world. It has become the kind of thing that is accepted, expected and seen as just something that comes with the scene.

I think more girls need to stand up against and speak out against other girls that deal in negativity toward each other. It not only effect the girls but it effects the guys who date the girls. Try openly dating a girl, and see just how many shady girls will lie and talk shit about you. Even if you and your girl turn a deaf ear to it there can still be parts of it that will do damage to your relationship.

Trust me, I am a witness.


04-27-2007, 01:47 AM
Holy shit.

I just read this, but encountered that asswipe's name elsewhere with the banned tag under his name and wondered what was up.

Hey backthen: you're a pathetic piece of shit. I hope you get the beating you so richly deserve someday, preferably before becoming your cellmate's bitch. Peggy is ten times the human being you'll EVER be, even if you live long enough to evolve out of the colon mucus you presently are. Tell me which trailer park your mother lives in so that I can slap her for fucking the retard that fathered you, no doubt with an anally introduced conception. Fucking coward.

Ever stop to think ,he wont see this , he's already banned :lol:

04-27-2007, 02:36 AM
Ever stop to think ,he wont see this , he's already banned :lol:

He can read it but he can't reply. This forum is viewable by non-members, remember. (member remember? I gotta go to bed.)

04-27-2007, 07:33 AM
Well, it's nice to see that more people than I would have thought have
read this thread. :wink:

But seriously, comments by unknown, faceless people who have made
insignificant posts during their time on the forum, commenting on my
physical appearance, don't phase me.

Like I said, I have been in 'the life' a long time, and in the world even

What would hurt me ist to be tilting at windmills, to be trying to bring
about something that no one is truly interested in, at least on this forum.

I would never want to bore people with prissy, pedantic posturing about
things that people could care less about.

Let me share something with you; There are a milion and one things I
could be doing instead of posting to this forum. As I have stated before
I don't escort, I'm not in porn, I'm not looking for a hookup. My real job,
the one that pays the bills isn't remotely related to human services, and
I certainly am not 'Captain Save A Ho'.

So, why do I bother? Because of the reasons that I have outlined in my
roughly 1300 posts here.

However, I only stay where I am wanted. So if I am cock blocking
anyone, making you think about things you don't want to think about, or
thinking period, if I am disrupting your cash flow, by all means let me
know, and I am herstory, I'm ghost.

There are a number of people on this forum, whose opinions I value, and
they aren't all neccessarily people that I agree with about everything.

Thus to the forum at large, I will say that if if you either tell me to cease and desist, or to tone it down, I will do so forthwith.

I enjoy your posts, Peggy.

I agree with NYCe that "You bring much needed balance, knowledge and experience to this board. Nobody forces anyone to read your posts but for those of us that choose to always leave a little smarter or with a better understanding of whatever the subject happens to be."

That said, you can only give people the information they need to help them be more informed. The decisions of whether to transition or not, whether to escort or not, and all those other life choices. What choices they make or are able to do are out of our control.

I do think that people need to be a bit more thankful that they were blessed to born into this time and place. To be born as a child in many other places on the planet, especially in any earlier times, they would likely be too busy living a hard life to be able to persue TG/TS avenues or possibilities...

I can understand that sometimes people even in our society are in impossible situations. And also sometimes people are going to do whatever they want no matter what advice they get to do things differently...

Well, Summer weather is coming (finally) and it is about time to take a vacation from the computer anyway. I usually go on line after midnight my local (Detroit) time when I get home from work (2nd shift for an auto company), but the later I'm on the later I get up and more of the day is lost before I have to head out in the early asfternoon.

There are some intelligent people here, that post informative, wittty, and/or entertaining comments. But I can see the need at times to take a break and get out more and interface with the real world...

04-27-2007, 08:56 AM
I've read various threads in the short time I've been a member, and have to admit I find Peggy's threads and comments to be the best there are. While I enjoy the laughs generated by some more light-hearted threads, many others are not worth reading, IMHO, as they simply attack this person or the other, or serve as vehicles for divas to boast about how good they look while simultaneously insulting other members by calling them idiots or telling them to STFU should they offer a differing opinion. That is never the case with Peggy, and it is thus fitting that she brings up the issue of negativity, where it relates to HA. Part of the problem, as I see it, is that many members take themselves far too seriously, and for whatever reason behave as if their shit doesn't stink. I'm not going to say any names, as that doesn't matter, but I believe everyone here has a right to be treated with fairness and dignity, period, even if they disagree with me. That said, instead of saying STFU, just say "I disagree", or just keep it moving. Otherwise, HA will find more members deciding to "quit" in the near future, as the negativity here is unbelievable. I want to see beautiful tgirls, dialogue with them and other tgirl fans, have a few laughs, learn something, and just enjoy myself. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wishes that was something I experienced more regularly here...

04-27-2007, 09:11 AM
For the record...I don't relish speaking that way...in fact I considered deleting my remarks. But I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I cannot stand that kind of unjustified rudeness. But if that dude said that to my friend in my presence, he'd be picking his teeth off the floor. I won't stand for it. That's some cowardly hurtful shit, and the kind of man who resorts to it is no man at all in my book. I wanna go Al Swearingen on his ass right now.

So the words stand.

04-29-2007, 12:25 PM
That was some funny shit...dude makes some punk ass response to Peggy Gee and BAM...X-comm'd

Moral of the story....Dont mess w/ Peggy!

Seriously.....keep up the good posts Peggy,you seem like a class act.Many girls here could learn alot from you on how to carry themselves w/ a little dignity

Again, I would like to thank everyone for their kind words of support and
encouragement, you have touched my heart. I felt the love and the

Yet then as now, this really isn't about me, and in my mind it begs the

Is it better to be loved or to be feared?


Indeed in my location, I paraphrase that sentiment; "In the hearts of the
kind, and in the fears of the wicked".

Like anyone else, I would like to be thought of fondly, to be respected.

But this isn't about me. I'm not here to win a popularity contest, or to
fall in love.

As I have stated, ad nauseum, ad infinitum I am here for a larger
purpose, I daresay a more altruistic purpose.

Thus, while it is personally uplifting to to know that I am liked, I am truly
gratified to know that the message is getting through and that it is

In the the big picture, I am insignificant, I am but a cog in the wheel.

It is the message that is important.

And I am but the messenger.

And that message is, "Society respect transwomen"
"And transwomen respect yourselves"


05-05-2007, 01:22 AM
I, for one, really enjoy educated debate, which, I believe is what we had going on yesterday (other than a few of the dumbass comments) in that thread about the Hate Crimes legislation. Although I didn't agree with your position, Peggy, I enjoyed debating the topic in a polite way.

Just cause this is a forum with porn, doesn't mean people don't want to talk about interesting topics, so I say, this place is better with you, for sure.

What do I know though, I'm just a newb... ahha