View Full Version : Giuliani warns of 'new 9/11' if Dems win

04-25-2007, 01:44 PM

Rudy Giuliani said if a Democrat is elected president in 2008, America will be at risk for another terrorist attack on the scale of Sept. 11, 2001.
But if a Republican is elected, he said, especially if it is him, terrorist attacks can be anticipated and stopped.(...)

Hahaahaaa !!!

Nice going Rudy...

9/11 could only have happened if a true imbecile surrounded by chickenhawks was POTUS. Al Qaida knew the day Bush was elected they had their chance to set the world on fire.

I guess Osama and friends are now anxiously waiting for Mr. Zero Tolerance at the White House.

04-25-2007, 04:34 PM
Strange. I seem to remember that there was a Republican in the White House when 9/11 happenned. I also seem to recall that he had repeatedly ignored warnings and reports of an impending attack.

Oh, hold on, monkeyface is still running the country. And he's plunged it into a war that few people wanted and that nobody outside America supports. And Americans are dying every day as are innocent civilians. And homeland security is still not secure, the economy is worse than under the Democrats, emergency-response capabilities seem to be at an all time low and the whole world seems to dislike "the land of the free".

That's what America got the last time they voted for a Republican.

Anyway, becuase Rudy is almost a hero for New Yorkers, I will be fair to him by giving you some of his campaign slogans:

Together we can invade more countries! Vote Giuliani in 2008!

Think things can't get any worse? Vote Rudy in 2008!

Whaddaya mean we haven't found Osama? Who's Osama? Vote for Giuliani in 2008. Please?

04-26-2007, 01:48 AM
LMAO...it's getting interesting...but McCain upped the ante today in the GOP race...he managed to get a not-so-subtle jab in at RG regarding 9/11 response problems, and then took a shot at GW regarding the Katrina debacle...

04-26-2007, 03:48 AM
North_of, i already tried to tangle with you once and I sort of learned my lesson so i'll take a more diplomatic aproach.....please exlain to me just how it is you believe Clinton or Gore or for that matter Hillarity or Osama Obama would have prevented the 9/11 disaster? Do you think they would have been down at Logan checking the passengers? Maybe they would have been overhead in F-14s keeping a close eye on NY airspace? Billy had two clean shots at Osama and couldn't pull the trigger. Come on, these neo-political flashes are nonsense. My whole family is Dem and liberal (escept me, of course) and they all were up in arms to defend Billy Boy for his right to spew goo on a dimwit White House chippy....if BUSH or DADDY BUSH or RONNIE would have been the blazer violator THEY would have been the FIRST to chirp SEX OFFENDER, impeach him! Come on, get real.
And LG, unlike the chief and black label, both of whom are as open-minded as a piece of channel iron, i follow your posts and although i don't usually agree with your angle i try to learn from them. My degrees are in Economics and I can tell you that Democrats categorically do not understand how an economy works, PERIOD. The US has been in an economic boom for over twenty years almost singly based on the supply side economic path RR put us on, and the Bush tax cuts will result in a substantial reduction in the deficit and in fact they are already resulting in record inflows. Economics 101, raise the price of something and you get less of it, simple stuff. Raise the price of taxes and you will GET LESS OF THEM. 101. The unemployment rate is 4.4%, 2 points below full employment....what do you want?
The REAL problem this country faces, both economically and fiscally is our addiction to fossil fuel, and NO presdient and NO congress has ever done the first solitary useful thing to reverse that condition. NONE. We burn through it like there were oceans of it, we are certainly damaging the planet with it, we pour trillions of dollars into the coffers of our worst enemies/terrorist states for it and when the Chinese start to demand a fraction of our per capita demand they will get it and we won't and then we will be in BIG TROUBLE. In another thread Mr. Know-it-all black label took a typical myopic shot at Exxon as the culprit, he probably wants to tax them for making a profit, but I'll bet he hasn't parked his SUV yet, huh? All yak and no action.

04-26-2007, 08:37 AM
...NO presdient and NO congress has ever done the first solitary useful thing to reverse that condition. NONE.

Al Gore did by inventing the internet.

04-26-2007, 11:02 AM
The REAL problem this country faces, both economically and fiscally is our addiction to fossil fuel, and NO presdient and NO congress has ever done the first solitary useful thing to reverse that condition. NONE. We burn through it like there were oceans of it, we are certainly damaging the planet with it, we pour trillions of dollars into the coffers of our worst enemies/terrorist states for it and when the Chinese start to demand a fraction of our per capita demand they will get it and we won't and then we will be in BIG TROUBLE.

Okay. This I will agree with.

Personally I'd like to see governments encouraging research and innovation into alternative energy sources and less damaging fuels. The sun, windpower and hydro energy can all be used to produce electricity. Waste can also be used to drive turbines or made into biofuel. Growing crops for biofuel is frequently more environmentally damaging than you might think, but there is so much waste material that can be used instead. Plus, we are so close to the technology for mass producing more environmentally responsible cars.

By the way, filling up your gas tank in America costs half of what it costs in Europe, as far as I know (less than $3 dollar per gallon Stateside, more than a euro per litre- or US$5 per gallon in Europe) . Might that also be part of the problem? And how can you fix it?

04-26-2007, 03:24 PM
LG sez

Plus, we are so close to the technology for mass producing more environmentally responsible cars.

We will see what we will see. Last summer when gas in the States crossed $3 there was a frenzy of interest in the hybrids (at least in the media) but as the price dropped the demand for hybrids collapsed and people climbed back into their SUVs. Now it will take a sustained period of pump prices closer to $4 to sell any of them. Keep in mind that at the same time that more efficient vehicles are spreading into the market the Chinese demand for personal cars is going from 1 million a year to 10 million a year on its way to 40 million a year and in fifteen years will be the world's largest auto market, so moderate increases in efficiency are going to help but they are only going to modestly moderate an increasing demand. Also bear in mind that the claims for mileage for hybrids is inflated just as it is for traditional vehicles.
We had 2 significant supply shocks in the US in the seventies and any responsible President/Congress would have faced the problem and done something about it then if not sooner. In 1977 they should have instituted an additional item tax on a gallon at the pump of 2 cents with an annual increase of 2 cents per into perpetuity. Today that tax would be 62 cents. It would have reduced demand and consumption (and over time would have moderated the market inflation in the price, thus moderating the impact on consumers), it would have lowered imports and the trade deficit, it would have raised the demand for and the incentive to improve efficiency and heralded the hybrids sooner, it would have completely vaporized the idiotic SUV thing, it would have put trillions of dollars less into the coffers of barbaric herds in the Middle East, it would have significantly reduced environmental damage and IF they had earmarked those TRILLIONS of dollars for responsible development of alternate energy sources and technology we would be in a much better position now. Someone will point at me and say "thought you were a Republican, now you're advocating taxes?' It's a targeted thing, intended to reduce demand for a critical resource that the market will not price efficiently.

A note on my SUV-hate....I was caught at a LONG traffic light one day, across the road from a billboard touting a new SUV from somebody that accomodates NINE passengers, so as every car passed by I counted the number of passengers. Over 90% of them had a single oocupant, a few had two occupants and one in thirty had three occupants. None of them had nine occupants, or four for that matter, not one. SUVs are not UTILITY vehicles, they are status symbols and they are the American public's way of saying 'I don't give a rats ass'. Me? I prefer motorcycles and consumed about 200 gallons of gas last year, a quarter of the national average. I don't live in a mcmansion with 4500 square feet and I keep my house at 64 degrees in the winter and spent $140 heating my home this winter when most people average $100 a week. Atlanta is boiling over with 'liberals' who burn barrels of gas a month, live in mansions with 2000 square feet per person and keep them toasty in winter and frigid in summer and then have the unmitigated GAUL to holler 'tax Exxon, they're the problem'. Absolute mindless horseflop, this is a market economy and Exxon has the right to earn a profit just as Nike and Altria and Coke do, if these idiots really want to hurt Exxon they ought to park their car and walk. Or at least shut the f up.

04-26-2007, 04:45 PM
Ditto but it'll never work.

04-26-2007, 09:02 PM
(...)please exlain to me just how it is you believe Clinton or Gore or for that matter Hillarity or Osama Obama would have prevented the 9/11 disaster?

The REAL problem this country faces, both economically and fiscally is our addiction to fossil fuel(...)

And the result of this fossil fuel addiction ? War in Irak. An operation already planned by some chichenhawks this day of november 2000 when Saddam Hussein began to demand euros, rather than dollars, for his oil exports. 9/11 was the gold key offered by Bin Laden to the Neocons and the oil consortium in Washington.

You are absolutely right when you say nobody could prevent the World Trade Center's attack. Let's say, with Bush and his constituency at the White House the table was all set.

if these idiots really want to hurt Exxon they ought to park their car and walk. Or at least shut the f up.

Consumers vote with their wallets. One can make a political statement with ethical choices, I totally agree with you.

04-26-2007, 10:09 PM
Maybe it's time to nationalize it!


04-26-2007, 10:22 PM
And while we're on the subject of Bush Inc., and how they have bent over to repeatedly take it in the ass from any Arab with a friggin' oil well...


04-26-2007, 11:16 PM
Maybe it's time to nationalize it!


Yeah !
... time to ask Chavez for advice.