View Full Version : (D)Edwards & the Arrogance of the Entitled

04-20-2007, 07:29 PM
April 20, 2007

Edwards & the Arrogance of the Entitled
By Richard Reeves

NEW YORK -- Three weeks after I wrote that I thought John Edwards might be going someplace in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, I found out where he was heading: to the barber shop.

The candidate, who has been looking pretty and pretty impressive in defining "Two Americas" -- one for the rich and privileged, a lesser place for everyone else -- came up with a wonderful device to show us all what he meant. His campaign spending reports, required by the Federal Election Commission, revealed that he has been paying $400 for haircuts by a Beverly Hills cutter named Joseph Torrenueva. The guy must be good, because Edwards' hair sure looks good. So does the rest of him, helped along by a $250 shaping at the Designworks Salon in Dubuque, Iowa, and $225 at the Pink Sapphire spa in Manchester, N.H.

Well, the man has great hair. My barber tells me I do, too, and he only charges 20 bucks.

That's $20 of my own money. Edwards, who has a couple of thousand times as much money as I do, pays for his tonsorial needs from campaign funds. He travels the country asking concerned citizens for money so he can get haircuts and body polishing. Where I come from that is called a real sense of entitlement.

Edwards says that he and America are angry about wretched excess, things like corporate chief executive officers giving themselves huge bonuses to buy new yachts and new wives. Well, a lot of people are mad, and they should be. I grieve for Gov. Jon Corzine of New Jersey, who is going to spend months in hospitals and physical rehabilitation because of the injuries he suffered in a tragic accident on the Garden State Parkway last week. He is a nice and effective man, but what the hell was he doing in a state car going 91 mph in the rain?

What gives him the right? The fact that he's rich? It is sad that he was so badly hurt, but the fact is that he was not only endangering his own life, he was a danger to everyone else using the road that night. For what? So he could get to the television cameras in Princeton, to sit in on the meeting between the Rutgers women's basketball team and a dirty old man who called them whores on the radio.

A sense of entitlement is a creeping mold on the American dream. Poor boys can make a lot of money -- Edwards as a trial lawyer, Corzine as an investment banker -- buy a public title and act like a separate breed, members of our own unofficial House of Lords, or American monarchs. Maybe we didn't learn that much in 1776...



04-21-2007, 07:26 PM
Actually, rather than a sense of entitlement (which, by the way - in case you haven't noticed, has penetrated EVERY class strata in the U.S.), the guy would do better to talk about image consultants that are part and parcel of EVERY election campaign - and HAVE been since Nixon sweated like a Levantine camel merchant in a steam bath in the debates circa 1960.

You think only privileged populist libtards spend obscene amounts of dough on the seemingly trivial when they're polishing and maintaining their image for an election? AND... do you really think there's ever been any sort of accountability to what campaign funds are spent on? Trust me... never has, never will be. Nixon didn't get in trouble for spending CREEP monies on the Cuban plumbers - the closest it came was when it appeared that he was threatening to cut price supports for milk in order to bump the kick in the dairy lobby paid IN TO his re-election coffers.

Why the hell do you think that even McCAIN isn't using the general campaign fund that he was one of the sponsors for? Because, in fact THOSE monies do have expenditure accountability attached to them.

These sorts of articles really toast my cheese. I'm not defending Edwards for listening to his image consultants, but honesty would predicate a close look at the sort of crap EVERY CANDIDATE is indulging in pursuing their dream of becoming the "leader of the free world".

04-22-2007, 01:24 AM
The point is,

everyone hasn`t made their campaign moto the " two Americas" aka, the have and have nots. Edwards, somewhat like Kerry and his flip-flops, will be tagged with the image of the wealthy trial lawyer/ambulance chaser with 400 dollar hairdos all the while complaining about 2 americas.

In essence, he`s toast.

04-22-2007, 03:51 AM
The point is,

everyone hasn`t made their campaign moto the " two Americas" aka, the have and have nots. Edwards, somewhat like Kerry and his flip-flops, will be tagged with the image of the wealthy trial lawyer/ambulance chaser with 400 dollar hairdos all the while complaining about 2 americas.

In essence, he`s toast.
Indeed, that whole "privileged" but still populist conundrum is a REAL friggin' death knell. Good thing there are journalists like Richard Reeves around to make sure people are dialed in on the REAL score.

Otherwise, the populist vote would wind up going to guys like that Rich fat cat FDR, who had like, what... a bajillion "summer homes" all over the friggin place and still pretended to give a shit about the Depression? Oh, and HEY!!! Who could forget John "Bootlegger's Boy" Kennedy? "Ask not what your nation can do for you"?!?!?! Jeebus, who was HE kidding? I'm sure he thought up that whole "Peace Corps" thing just so he could get young adults out of their houses for a couple of years while his henchmen snuck in and messed with their stuff!

I definitely think it's completely hypocritical for ANY rich person to care that there is a huge income imbalance in the United States... oh, wait... President Bush is rich... and HE has addressed Wall Street TWICE on the issue of the salary/wage gulf in the U.S. today.

What a jerk!! I say kill any rich guy that DARES to betray his income class by caring about anyone earning only a fraction of said fat-cat's income.

04-22-2007, 06:08 AM
Whoa...that was pretty heavy...

04-22-2007, 08:06 AM
What I wonder is why a Canadian would care about the hair cut habits of US politician? You don't see Americans getting fired up if Nanook of the Blubber Party gets sheared by the best sheepman in Manitoba?

04-22-2007, 08:38 AM
What I wonder is why a Canadian would care about the hair cut habits of US politician? You don't see Americans getting fired up if Nanook of the Blubber Party gets sheared by the best sheepman in Manitoba?

That's because Canda, much like White_Male_Canada, is irrelevant. Hard power counts. Soft power doesn't, unless backed up by hard power.


04-22-2007, 07:51 PM
What I wonder is why a Canadian would care about the hair cut habits of US politician? You don't see Americans getting fired up if Nanook of the Blubber Party gets sheared by the best sheepman in Manitoba?

Apart from the few leftists in here whom I`ve emotionally scarred for life and cannot bring anything of merit to an argument sharper than a butter-knife, the answer is simple:

We have a minority small 'c' Conservative party soon to be majority party. That, will probably place Canada to the right of the American political scene.
With a majority we should finally see "freedom of choice" in regards to health care which I like to call sick care. I never go to the hospital when i`m healthy.
The end of the 2 billion dollare gun registry that has never solved or prevented one single crime.
The decentralization of power to the individual Provinces, less taxes, opting out of the world government`s Kyoto nonsense, etc, etc.

The American political scene is of interest because of the stark contrasts. It has a document which is simple and clear to understand yet is bastardized beyond recognition. Enjoyment is derived from engaging the ones who think these documents mean whatever the feel in means on any given day, whatever their political stripe. That drives them nuts. 8)