View Full Version : Makeup?

04-18-2007, 09:06 PM
Does anyone know any websites or anything that explains how to put on makeup and not look rediculous? I have no idea how to do anything!

04-18-2007, 09:15 PM
I found these for you. Hope it helps.



04-18-2007, 09:19 PM
www.maccosmetics.com BUY KEVYN AUCOINS BOOKS!!

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-18-2007, 09:19 PM
Does anyone know any websites or anything that explains how to put on makeup and not look rediculous? I have no idea how to do anything!

Here you go:


Most critical decisions are based upon your skin type, coverage necessary, how to apply and skin color. Available in creams, lotions and compact, you need to know the purpose of foundation is to even out skin tone. Foundation should disappear on your skin; the shade should always exactly match your natural coloring. The key to a perfect finish is simple: blend, blend, blend, and then blend.

Apply lightly with clean fingers, brush or sponge (dry or damp). Beard cover works best with either separate products such as Dermablend or tricks such as lipstick, etc. Matt will yield the greatest coverage, lotions the least. To help reduce shine, blot oil with a tissue before touching up with powder.


Used to cover specific blemishes such as showing capillaries, red spots of no particular known origin, birth marks, etc. They can also be used alone or with lipstick or Dermablend as beard cover up. Yellow in stick form, one shade lighter than your own skin tone is recommended. Laura Mercier's Secret Camouflage concealer is best at hiding dark under-eye circles. Use a small brush or your fingertip and apply only where needed, available in pot, lotion or cream.

A well-blended, yellow-based concealer can help cover up minor imperfections (pimples or redness around the nose), and an eyelash curler is just as effective at opening up men's eyes as it is on women. Brow pencil is another thing men can use to give very subtle definition to the eye. If you like a healthy or tanned look, a sheer bronzing powder looks great too -- if you have more patience, try some self-tanner. Keeping eyebrows and facial hair well-groomed, helps too.


You generally want to go with a translucent, very fine loose powder. Powder goes on after the foundation and concealer and gives a finished look as well as locking it in. Optionally, put on a coat of loose face powder again after all other color has been applied to help soften the look. Take pressed power (compact) with you for quick touchups. Powder gives your skin a finished look. Using a big powder puff, lightly brush away any excess powder for a clean, flawless look.

The reason why your face looks white or like a ghost from the neck up in photos, or your neck/chest looks darker is because of powder. Even though to the eye, your face and neck might match, powder matte down the skin and reflects light back off of it and washes you out. So to avoid the two-tone look, you either have to powder your face and your neck and/or chest, or else you have to not apply powder to your face.

Eye Shadowing

*Keep deeper colors on the lid.
*Use lighter colors on the brow bone.
*For a casual but polished look, sweep one shade from lashes to brow bone.
*Use cream shadows sparingly -- the colors tend to be very vivid.
*Eye gloss is the newest trend. It adds a sheer shine to lids, but don't try it unless you know you can carry it off -- it can look greasy and inappropriate.
*Apply powder eyeliners wet for more intense color.
*White, pink and yellow eyeliner pencils tend to make the eye look open and brighter. Blue counteracts redness, and black will give you a sultry look.
*In order to make eyeliner easy to apply, manufacturers sometimes make it so creamy it doesn't stay put. You can use a matching eyeshadow or powder liner to set your eyeliner.

Practice your application and blend well; the goal is not to have obvious edges of color. Remember, lighter colors bring things forward and highlight, dark colors recede and add depth and shading.

Rule # 1 about eye shadow; when you look at a women's face, you see her eyes not her eye shadow. The general rule is that light shades, bring out your eyes, darker shades give them dimension. If you have small eyes and want to give the impression of larger eyes, you want to stay with lighter shades. If you have large eyes or protruding eyes, you would want to use darker shades. To prevent shadow from creasing, put foundation on your lids first, and then powder. This gives you a clean canvas for your colorations

The first step of applying eye shadow is to apply a light color over your entire eyelid from lash line to brow. Use a large flat eye shadow brush. Always use good quality brushes.

The second step is to apply a medium shadow color on your lower lid from lash line to the crease of your eye. Use a fluff brush.

The third step is to use your darkest color as a liner and apply along your lash line. To insure shadow will not flake, dampen your eyeliner brush before applying shadow. This will make it last longer.

Once your foundation is on, gradually apply lighter shades first, slowly working up to your final color. An important fact to remember is, use colors that blend together naturally. It's not where you place the colors: it's that they work together and blend together invisibly.


*You do not want this to look like three separate colors.


Position the brush, pencil, or applicator as close to the lash line along the eyelid as possible. Then draw a line from the inner to outer corner using one fluid stroke, following the curvature of the eyelid. As a general rule, do not extend the line past the outer corner of the eye or hug the tear duct area of the eye. At first, keep the line as thin as possible, and if a thicker line is desired, repeat the process either across the entire lash line or simply on the outer third of the lid along the lashes.

Generally, the line along the lower lashes should be thinner and a less-intense color than the upper liner. Make sure that the two lines meet at the back corner of the eye. As a general rule, the larger the eyelid area, the thicker and softer the eyeliner should be. The smaller the eyelid area, the thinner and more intense the liner should be.
For health reasons, avoid lining the rim of the eye.

How do I keep my eyeliner from smudging?

Eyeliner smudging is pretty much inevitable. The eyes are naturally moist, and moisture along with laughing, blinking, sneezing and rubbing our eyes (all very human activities) ruins makeup! Avoid using too much moisturizer around the eye; it will travel and convert liner into mush -- not a bad look in a sultry rock-star way, but probably not the look you're going for. Try an eye gel in lieu of eye cream. Look for one that absorbs quickly and be sure to give it a couple of minutes before applying makeup.

Using a Q-tip, trace a line of neutral-colored matte powder or eye shadow around the circumference of the eye as a base on which you'll place the eyeliner.


Color should match your brows, not your hair color or use what color you think would already exist but for some age factor or another reason. Apply a powder brow color or shadow for best results with a stiff wedge brush with short swift strokes in the direction the hair naturally grows. Do not over exaggerate the shape of the brow by arching or going for “trendy looks”.

The eyebrows are the most important feature in defining the face. The trick to applying a natural eyebrow shape is using a hard stiff, short brush, and working with colorations instead of pencils. Pencils can be used, but it takes practice and patience to get a natural look.

The first step is tweezing. Start by thinning the eyebrow, and then slowly begin to define the arch. The arch should reach the highest point above the middle of your iris. Thin from that point out. The brows are the frames of your eyes. Don't be afraid to tweeze your eyebrows - BUT NEVER SHAVE YOUR EYEBROWS. Spend your money on a good tweezers.

The general rule of determining the shape of your eyebrow is to hold a pencil vertically alongside your face to the point where the pencil meets your eyebrow. That is the natural starting point. Tweeze the stray hairs between the two starting points. The end point is found by angling the pencil past the outer corner of your eye. Remove stray hairs beyond that spot, and from below your natural arch.

The shape and grooming of your eyebrows will make your eyes look bigger and open up your face more naturally then wearing a lot of makeup. Be careful, as heavy brows will overpower your face. Shape your eyebrows by tweezing the hairs from underneath, not from above.


*Tweeze after a shower and it will be less painful. Most people have a good natural shape; it just needs to be defined better.

*Take the color that is the closest to your eyebrow color and fill in the gaps to make a nicely groomed brow. If in doubt, always go a little lighter then your brow.

Use of a lash curler is recommended. It makes you look more awake, adds glamour and makes your lashes look much longer. It is best to use a good brand such as the Tweeserman and only use them it on clean lashes, before you apply mascara. Squeeze gently with even pressure for about 10-12 seconds about two to three times at different points to even results and not get a crimped look. Apply mascara to the upper lashes using long, sweeping strokes, holding your upper lip up with the other hand’s index finger. Be sure to begin as close to the lash root as possible and brush up and out. A metal mascara comb works best between coats to remove clumping and give definition. To add Power and thickness, dip a clean Q-into some powder and onto the lashes and then reapply mascara.

Without returning wand to tube, apply mascara to the lower lashes by holding the wand perpendicular to the eye and parallel to the lashes (using the tip of the wand).

Lipstick and Lip Liner

A Lip brush or pencil is optional. Use a lip pencil to draw an edge when applying lipstick, and a lip brush to control your application. A standard tube of lipstick makes too wide a mark for some lips and too narrow a mark for others. If your lips are small, it is best to use a lip brush; if your lips are large, the only reason to use a lip brush is to improve your accuracy, especially with deeper shades such as red.

Lipline the actual shape of your mouth. Do not use corrective techniques that make the mouth look larger or longer, especially for daytime makeup--it almost always looks like a mistake.

Good brushes are essential for applying makeup:

1. Use soft, pliable brushes. Avoid hard or stiff brushes. Today’s colors are almost to delicate for stiff brushes anymore.

2. Use brushes that are the correct size for the area you are working on. Avoid brushes too large or too small.

3. Remember to knock the excess powder off the brush before you apply the color to your face.

4. Brush on the color gently with short even strokes; avoid wiping or rubbing the brush across the face.

Gently wash your brushes every month or so in a mild anti-bacterial soap


One of the easiest ways to get a healthy look is with blush -- unfortunately, it is often misused. Here is the correct and easy way to apply blush: First, start with a good quality blush brush. You can accentuate your face and cheeks naturally. Smile and you will see the fleshy part that stands out the most; this is the apple of your checks. This is your starting point for applying your blush. Apply a light layer of blush to the apples of your cheeks and blend up and back toward your hairline.


*Tap off the excess blush from your brush before applying to your face. Do not blow on the bristles or you will put bacteria from your mouth on to the brush. Compact size blush brushes are too small and the bristles are not shaped properly. Once again, use a good quality brush.

*To find the perfect color blush for your skin, look at your cheeks after you have exercised. That is what your natural blush color should look like.


1. Be careful with shimmery products, especially on your eyes; they tend to collect in creases.

2. If you have large and open eyes, don’t use loud or bright colors that will over emphasize the fullness. You want them to be soft and keep a person’s attention.

3. On deep-set eyes, you should use shadow colors that are on the light side of the color spectrum.

4. For a light or sheer look, dampen sponge before applying foundation.

5. Don’t test foundation or concealer color on your hand. Match it to the skin on your face and neck.

6. Make sure you shake your foundation vigorously before applying.

7. If you have sallow skin, pick a foundation that disappears on your face. To counteract your skin tone choose a pink or rosy blush.

8. If your mascara thickens when it reaches the end of the tube, place tube in warm water. That will help make the mascara thinner.

9. Don’t pump your mascara wand into the mascara container. This pushes air in the container and makes the mascara dry out faster. Gently insert the wand, turn two or three times, then remove and apply to lashes

10. Always use less mascara on your lower lashes.

11. For clumpy eyelashes, use a lash comb to remove clumps.

12. If you have problems under the eye such as dark circles, bags, uneven skin tones, wrinkled skin, etc…. these problems will become more obvious if you apply mascara to the bottom lashes.

13. Even if you do not use foundation or concealer a powder will give the skin a matte finished appearance.

14. Powder makes things stay in place whether it is cream based products that move around or foundations, pencils or concealers.

15. Makeup lasts longer with powder application

16. Powder stops shine. Don’t over powder; it is healthy to have some sheen.

17. Before applying powder make sure there are no lines or creases. Once you powder, it will stay put.

18. If your face is very moist, blot first gently with a tissue, otherwise the powder will clump.

19. Put a light layer of powder under the eyes before applying eye shadow. If color falls when applying color, it can be gently whisked away after you have finished your application.

20. Too much color? Dust on a layer of loose powder or pressed powder to take off the edge.

21. Don’t worry about matching your lip color to your blush; just keep it in the same color family.

22. The thinner your lips, the more neutral your lip color should be.

23. Mixing colors is the best way to vary your lipstick shades.

24. Avoid true red shades if your face is blotchy, irritated or ruddy. Your lips will draw attention to your skin.

25. A great way to organize your lipsticks or use up the end of your lipstick is to dig out or cut off a chunk of lip color and place it in a lipstick palette case.

26. Pale shades of lipstick make lips look fuller.

27. To enhance a pout, dab a silver lip-gloss onto the center of your lower lip.

28. If lip liner is too dark tone it down with a small amount of foundation then reapply lip liner.

29. Vitamin E oil gives your lips a topcoat plus seals in color. This also creates instant shine and helps to protect sensitive areas.

30. To prevent lipstick from getting on your teeth, put your finger in your mouth and close your lips-when you withdraw your finger it will remove excess color.

31. When tweezing your eyebrows first apply Ambesol to numb the area.

32. Invest in a good tweezers, we recommend Tweezerman.

33. If you are thinking of lightening your brows, try colored mascara first to see what they would look like.

34. If you want your eyebrows to stay in place, put clear mascara on them or a little hairspray on an eyebrow groomer and brush to desired shape.

35. Concealer doesn’t have to be worn with any makeup or powder. Sometimes all you need is a little concealer and something on your lips. Make sure your concealer is one or two shades lighter then your skin. Women insist on using the lightest concealer. Concealer should be applied as sparingly as possible. You don’t want it to be cakey or thick.


"Application is everything!" This is definitely a true statement when it comes to creating that oh-so-flawless face of beauty, regardless of what actual makeup products are being used. It’s all about technique…so here’s a quick run down of application techniques.

BLEND - To add something to an existing medium without detection

CONTOUR - To create shadows, or give dimension to the low planes of the face, i.e., temples, orbital bone, sides of nose, under the cheekbones, jaw line, cleft, corner of lips

DAB - To apply color with small touches using finger

DIFFUSE - To lesson intensity, by adding another medium

FUSE - To blend thoroughly together until seamless

HIGHLIGHT - To emphasize the high planes of the face, i.e., center of forehead, brow bone, bridge of nose, above cheekbone, chin, center of bottom lip, center of eyelid

STIPPLE - To apply by repeated pat-and-press motion

STAIN - To apply color, then remove it, leaving behind the stain or first layer of application

More at: http://www.iafym.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/book/mubook2.pdf
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04-18-2007, 09:20 PM
Buy all the Kevyn Aucon books and practice, practice, practice!!!


04-18-2007, 09:24 PM
this site helped me alot for sure: http://www.videojug.com/tag/beauty


04-18-2007, 09:24 PM
kevyn aucoin's legacy to the world of makeup is legendary....

and so is his contribution to making us all look good hehehe

04-18-2007, 09:45 PM
wow!! thank you so much! definitely will help me alot!

11-04-2007, 11:23 PM
Once you have the basics down go to this site for a great coverup that hides virtually all imperfections. It even covers(hides) tattoos, scars, etc. The kits come with instructions. It's actually designed by a transgender.

Go to http://www.makeupliquidators.com

edited to correct web link

11-04-2007, 11:34 PM
My best friend has a great site , Hope this helps...


11-04-2007, 11:50 PM
My best friend has a great site , Hope this helps...


I like the model she used for the eye-makeup instructions ;)

11-05-2007, 02:40 AM
Well sweety you can just simply google it. If not YouTube has a few videos.