View Full Version : Psycho Killer Cho Seung-Hui`s Writings(SG)

04-18-2007, 01:01 AM
Well, there`s your problem right there:

Virginia Killer's Violent Writings
Play told of pedophilic stepfather, murder of 13-year-old boy

APRIL 17--The college student responsible for yesterday's Virginia Tech slaughter was referred last year to counseling after professors became concerned about the violent nature of his writings, as evidenced in a one-act play obtained by The Smoking Gun. The play by Cho Seung-Hui, a 23-year-old English major, was submitted last year as part of a short story writing class. Entitled "Richard McBeef," Cho's bizarre play features a 13-year-old boy who accuses his stepfather of pedophilia and murdering his father. A copy of the killer's play can be found below. The teenager talks of killing the older man and, at one point, the child's mother brandishes a chain saw at the stepfather. The play ends with the man striking the child with "a deadly blow." (10 pages)


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Seung Hui Cho signed his note, “Ismail Ax,” and also wrote those words on his arm.

Hotair.com suggests that he meant only to refer to a story by an author named Ishmael:

You probably already know this, but in James Fennimore Cooper’s story “The Prairie,” the settler Ishmael Bush, who is attempting to escape from civilization, sets out across the prairie with two key tools, a gun and an axe. Each has a symbolic meaning. The axe — which can either kill or provide shelter — stands for both creation and destruction. Given that the VT killer was an English major, might this be the likely meaning of the words on his arm? Just my two cents.

And its widely reported that Cho's writings freaked out one of his English professors. Smoking Gun had one on-line. I read it.

What immidiately stood out was some of the strange language Cho's character used: All of the characters have typically American names, yet "John" uses some strange epithets. The story is basically about a step-son's unexplained rage at a step-father whom he accuses of killing his real father, and (falsely), of molesting him. The father a "fat piece of pork," and "McPork." (The latter is a mockery of his unusual, and unexplained, last name, McBeef.)

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Dr. ISMAIL AK is a Professor of Psychiatry at a university in Turkey. His research interests include the following:

Personal Disorders, Agresivve behavior and self-mutilation, ECT, Substance-related disorders, Sexual Disorders, Forensic Psychiatry, Sleep Disorders

From the Turkish Association of Psychopharmacology website:

Professor Ismail AK, M.D. Head, Department of Psychiatry, KTU School of Medicine, Trabzon, Turkey
Ismail AK is Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at Head, Department of Psychiatry, KTU School of Medicine, Trabzon, Turkey
He is an experienced on clinical psychopharmacology of schizophrenia and bipolar disorders.

Dr. Ismail Ak is one of the authors of an article about patients with mental disorders, psychotic features, etc.:

As regards pharmacotherapies, 354 (50.2%) were given antidepressants. . . . Among antidepressants, Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) were 72.8%. . . .

This is an abstract of an article co-written by Dr. ISMAIL AK:

Even though all psychiatric disorders do not have the same potential with regard to committing a crime, the number of individuals having psychiatric disorders is gradually going up depending on the increase of crimes and violent behaviors committed in a society. . . . The relation between existence of psychiatric disorder and crime behavior has been significantly emphasized in several earlier studies. In conclusion, it is notable that the rates of committing crime for the individuals with psychiatric disorders are on the rise.

04-18-2007, 01:08 AM
noone wants to hear what you have to say unless this

I like topping Tgirls aka chicks with dicks. I also liked being topped by men. Makes me feel like a panywaist but it feels so good.

04-18-2007, 01:15 AM
noone wants to hear what you have to say unless this

I like topping Tgirls aka chicks with dicks. I also liked being topped by men. Makes me feel like a panywaist but it feels so good.

Listen Sven, there is no copyright on that nickname. Get it? Did you post that yourself at some other obscure site in a very stupid attempt to embarrass? Problem is, that site most likely has your IP address.

Jokes on you sport ! 8)

04-18-2007, 01:25 AM
chef already made a post about this situation why make another thread and can you at least make a thread in this section without posting news that you think is shocking anyway no one gives a damn about this loser or what he had to say well at least i don't.

arc angel
04-18-2007, 01:31 AM
i could careless what that sick fuck had to write dont even try to make him some hero he was a pi killer what makes him goog enough for a thread here i put him down there with the 911 hijackers just plain shit that need to be flushed and forgotten.

arc angel
04-18-2007, 01:33 AM
sorry for the spelling just got a lil upset at this post.

04-18-2007, 01:36 AM
sorry for the spelling just got a lil upset at this post.

No sweat AA..this guy's MO is to upset folks.............This upsets him though :lol: :P

04-18-2007, 01:44 AM
sorry for the spelling just got a lil upset at this post.

No sweat AA..this guy's MO is to upset folks.............This upsets him though :lol: :P

It`s hilarious moron.

One of the 3 stooges or someone on the kook-left actually took the time to use my nick at some obscure site to post a derogatory statement in a desperate attempt to embarrass.Newsflash: there`s no copyright on nicks.

Can`t argue intellectually in the P&R page, so now they`re down to this. Ha!

Problem is, they recorded your IP. Jokes on you.

Silly stooges, almost as psycho as Cho Seung-Hui himself

PS: want to play childish games? i`ll select some gayforum, use your nick,post inflammatory statements, get 'specialk' banned, come back here and do as you do.

But then i`d be sinking to your anti-intellectual level. 8)

04-18-2007, 01:58 AM
sorry for the spelling just got a lil upset at this post.

No sweat AA..this guy's MO is to upset folks.............This upsets him though :lol: :P

It`s hilarious moron.

One of the 3 stooges or someone on the kook-left actually took the time to use my nick at some obscure site to post a derogatory statement in a desperate attempt to embarrass.Newsflash: there`s no copyright on nicks.

Can`t argue intellectually in the P&R page, so now they`re down to this. Ha!

Problem is, they recorded your IP. Jokes on you.

Silly stooges, almost as psycho as Cho Seung-Hui himself

PS: want to play childish games? i`ll select some gayforum, use your nick,post inflammatory statements, get 'specialk' banned, come back here and do as you do.

But then i`d be sinking to your anti-intellectual level. 8)

I thought svenson was the guilty party....no matter, since you told the world you're gonna do it, it's not much of a laugh....why are you ashamed of taking one for the team???

04-18-2007, 02:02 AM
Ah look, White Male Panda once again thinks heŽs a smart ass..... the IP story is nothing special. Your IP adress is stored as well. IŽm telling you, if you ever find the courage to come over to Europe, youŽll definetely find out how stupid and ridiculous you are. In short words, youŽll be owned.

The good about it.... youŽll find out something about yourself. Your "copy-paste" politics is not working here.

04-18-2007, 02:27 AM
Sheesh, stress levels up everywhere except where I am.

thought svenson was the guilty party....no matter, since you told the world you're gonna do it, it's not much of a laugh.

First specialk, are you tired and stressed out? Can`t read that obvious forger`s intent at being derogatory in an attempt to get banned? Second, do you understand what "But then i`d be sinking to your anti-intellectual level" means? Let me spell it s-l-o-w-l-y for you. It means I wouldn`t bother, it`s juvenile.

Ah look, White Male Panda once again thinks heŽs a smart ass..... the IP story is nothing special. Your IP adress is stored as well. IŽm telling you, if you ever find the courage to come over to Europe, youŽll definetely find out how stupid and ridiculous you are. In short words, youŽll be owned.

The good about it.... youŽll find out something about yourself. Your "copy-paste" politics is not working here.
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent

Hmm, implying the threat of violence are we now, how ironic. The "courage...i`m telling you... you`ll be owned" Please, this from the country that had a certain fondess for Hitler. What would you do, show me how to design snazzy uniforms and jackboots? 8)

Thomas Sowell:

The liberals' favorite argument is that there is no argument --nothing uttered in opposition to liberal beliefs exists, at least nothing worthy of their intellectual engagement. Thus a la Al Gore they proceed to reiterate their point of view boldly, heroically, and with the insistence that no other point of view is worthy of notice.

R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. then expounded a little more:

The liberals' favorite debate is no debate unless the forum is totally dominated by them. Even then there will preferably be no argument, just the liberal point of view sedulously propounded in a forum shaped completely by them. This, students of rhetoric and knowledgeable of 20th century European history will tell you, is called propaganda. The Nazis mastered such forums, as did the Communists.

04-18-2007, 02:33 AM
white male canada you just posted this shit for attention because you don't even normally post here,please crawl back to your politics section and keep posting your bullshit there.

04-18-2007, 02:35 AM
Sheesh, stress levels up everywhere except where I am.

thought svenson was the guilty party....no matter, since you told the world you're gonna do it, it's not much of a laugh.

First specialk, are you tired and stressed out? Can`t read that obvious forger`s intent at being derogatory in an attempt to get banned? Second, do you understand what "But then i`d be sinking to your anti-intellectual level" means? Let me spell it s-l-o-w-l-y for you. It means I wouldn`t bother, it`s juvenile.

Ah look, White Male Panda once again thinks heŽs a smart ass..... the IP story is nothing special. Your IP adress is stored as well. IŽm telling you, if you ever find the courage to come over to Europe, youŽll definetely find out how stupid and ridiculous you are. In short words, youŽll be owned.

The good about it.... youŽll find out something about yourself. Your "copy-paste" politics is not working here.
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent

Hmm, implying the threat of violence are we now, how ironic. The "courage...i`m telling you... you`ll be owned" Please, this from the country that had a certain fondess for Hitler. What would you do, show me how to design snazzy uniforms and jackboots? 8)

Thomas Sowell:

The liberals' favorite argument is that there is no argument --nothing uttered in opposition to liberal beliefs exists, at least nothing worthy of their intellectual engagement. Thus a la Al Gore they proceed to reiterate their point of view boldly, heroically, and with the insistence that no other point of view is worthy of notice.

R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. then expounded a little more:

The liberals' favorite debate is no debate unless the forum is totally dominated by them. Even then there will preferably be no argument, just the liberal point of view sedulously propounded in a forum shaped completely by them. This, students of rhetoric and knowledgeable of 20th century European history will tell you, is called propaganda. The Nazis mastered such forums, as did the Communists.

Thank you for clearing it all up for me Pantywaste :P

04-18-2007, 02:49 AM
"Hmm, implying the threat of violence are we now. The "courage...i`m telling you... you`ll be owned" Please, this from the country that had a certain fondess for Hitler. What would you do, show me how to design snazzy jack boots and uniforms?"

You totally owned me, I wonŽt sleep the whole night because this :roll:

Watch out, Canadian. The state Austria was born in 996 and not with genocide like the US, the state of dreams..... for white people.

The fondness for Hitler occured in the late 30ies thanks to capitalism. People had no work, WWI and the Black Friday happened....... agony and fear, the perfect human weakness to make manipulation succesful. Austria was a state that nobody wanted after the crash of the Habsburg monarchy but Hitler did. When the war started, it was too late, because nobody knew what he really wanted to do. The fascination with Hitler was over in 1941 while youŽre still fascinated with your founding presidents who were responsible for the dissapear of a whole nation and the barbaric discrimination of African-Americans. You have the courage to write such stereotypes probably hailing from the US, a state born with slaughtering of the Native Americans, slavery and apartheid.
IŽm not defending Austria, patriotism is bullshit for people like you who have no sense of life but facts stay facts.

04-18-2007, 04:29 AM
"Hmm, implying the threat of violence are we now. The "courage...i`m telling you... you`ll be owned" Please, this from the country that had a certain fondess for Hitler. What would you do, show me how to design snazzy jack boots and uniforms?"

You totally owned me, I wonŽt sleep the whole night because this :roll:

Watch out, Canadian. The state Austria was born in 996 and not with genocide like the US, the state of dreams..... for white people.

The fondness for Hitler occured in the late 30ies thanks to capitalism. People had no work, WWI and the Black Friday happened....... agony and fear, the perfect human weakness to make manipulation succesful. Austria was a state that nobody wanted after the crash of the Habsburg monarchy but Hitler did. When the war started, it was too late, because nobody knew what he really wanted to do. The fascination with Hitler was over in 1941 while youŽre still fascinated with your founding presidents who were responsible for the dissapear of a whole nation and the barbaric discrimination of African-Americans. You have the courage to write such stereotypes probably hailing from the US, a state born with slaughtering of the Native Americans, slavery and apartheid.
IŽm not defending Austria, patriotism is bullshit for people like you who have no sense of life but facts stay facts.

While I'm not trying to defend what are probably the two biggest black marks on my nation's history, I do hope that you understand that EVERY nation on the face of this planet has done bad things at one point or another. Some worse than others, but no one really has a clean slate.

04-18-2007, 04:44 AM
noone wants to hear what you have to say unless this

I like topping Tgirls aka chicks with dicks. I also liked being topped by men. Makes me feel like a panywaist but it feels so good.

Listen Sven, there is no copyright on that nickname. Get it? Did you post that yourself at some other obscure site in a very stupid attempt to embarrass? Problem is, that site most likely has your IP address.

Jokes on you sport ! 8)

LMFAO.... Yeah, Svenson did it with his wonderful command of English (sorry, Svenson). I guess Svenson or someone else created the other year old account(s) in your name he mentioned – accounts that were mysteriously deleted after this was brought to light – just to frame you. Bottom line: given the problems you have repeatedly demonstrated with any matter involving truth or integrity, your denials can't be taken seriously. And that's coming from somone who, though he thinks you're a compelete idiot and a loser, actually gave you the benefit of the doubt when Svenson first posted the now infamous link. Don't worry, it won't happen again, Tinkerbell.


04-18-2007, 05:00 AM
*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

Hello? Is this thing on?

And this is all relative to the deaths of thirty-three people in what way?

I'm just sayin'...

04-18-2007, 06:54 AM
It's all Bush's fault.

04-18-2007, 01:36 PM
"Hmm, implying the threat of violence are we now. The "courage...i`m telling you... you`ll be owned" Please, this from the country that had a certain fondess for Hitler. What would you do, show me how to design snazzy jack boots and uniforms?"

You totally owned me, I wonŽt sleep the whole night because this :roll:

Watch out, Canadian. The state Austria was born in 996 and not with genocide like the US, the state of dreams..... for white people.

The fondness for Hitler occured in the late 30ies thanks to capitalism. People had no work, WWI and the Black Friday happened....... agony and fear, the perfect human weakness to make manipulation succesful. Austria was a state that nobody wanted after the crash of the Habsburg monarchy but Hitler did. When the war started, it was too late, because nobody knew what he really wanted to do. The fascination with Hitler was over in 1941 while youŽre still fascinated with your founding presidents who were responsible for the dissapear of a whole nation and the barbaric discrimination of African-Americans. You have the courage to write such stereotypes probably hailing from the US, a state born with slaughtering of the Native Americans, slavery and apartheid.
IŽm not defending Austria, patriotism is bullshit for people like you who have no sense of life but facts stay facts.

While I'm not trying to defend what are probably the two biggest black marks on my nation's history, I do hope that you understand that EVERY nation on the face of this planet has done bad things at one point or another. Some worse than others, but no one really has a clean slate.

Correct, but if he can spread such stereotypes because I am Austrian and speak German and to him that means that I automatically must be fascinated with Hitler because he was Austrian, too and spoke Germa..... uh...... then I can say the same, repeating the facts of American history.

I started a discussion yesterday about the Korean guy with some Americans on Pal Talk....... itŽs unbelievable how some people think and how brain-washed they are, with their ultimate CNN/FOX "truth".

04-18-2007, 03:18 PM
So what is the 'truth'? Enlighten us please.

04-18-2007, 04:26 PM
So what is the 'truth'? Enlighten us please.

the truth is white-male-canada likes penus from men hes a hypocrit

I like toping Tgirls aka chicks with dicks. I also like being topped by men. Makes me feel like a panywaist after but it feels so good. 8)

04-18-2007, 07:20 PM
So what is the 'truth'? Enlighten us please.

the truth is white-male-canada likes penus from men hes a hypocrit

I like toping Tgirls aka chicks with dicks. I also like being topped by men. Makes me feel like a panywaist after but it feels so good. 8)

Sven, when you used my nick to post that did you not understand your tone was one of being derogatory?

That`s why they banned you and kept your IP address.

Fucking moron :wink:

04-18-2007, 10:48 PM
So what is the 'truth'? Enlighten us please.

the truth is white-male-canada likes penus from men hes a hypocrit

I like toping Tgirls aka chicks with dicks. I also like being topped by men. Makes me feel like a panywaist after but it feels so good. 8)

Sven, when you used my nick to post that did you not understand your tone was one of being derogatory?

That`s why they banned you and kept your IP address.

Fucking moron :wink:

you were baned weeks after those words. that means you are lieing again. your acount was there before i ever join the HA and the other acounts you deleted after this was shown to the HA were older. one was more than year old on gay personel sight. all you do is lie to get out of you hypocrisy. no persons trust anything you say.

04-19-2007, 12:28 AM
So what is the 'truth'? Enlighten us please.

the truth is white-male-canada likes penus from men hes a hypocrit

I like toping Tgirls aka chicks with dicks. I also like being topped by men. Makes me feel like a panywaist after but it feels so good. 8)

Sven, when you used my nick to post that did you not understand your tone was one of being derogatory?

That`s why they banned you and kept your IP address.

Fucking moron :wink:

you were baned weeks after those words. that means you are lieing again. your acount was there before i ever join the HA and the other acounts you deleted after this was shown to the HA were older. one was more than year old on gay personel sight. all you do is lie to get out of you hypocrisy. no persons trust anything you say.

You`re a fucking MORON !

What don`t you understand, THERE ARE NO COPYRIGHTS ON


Prove it, display the IP addresses. You cannot, because it was you or one of the kook brigade who stooped to that level in a desperate ambush attempt.

1 will get ya 10 they are your IP`s.

Display the IP addresses, authentic them. They will have to be verifiable from the owners of the sites.

You`re almost as psycho as this guy: 8)

04-19-2007, 01:59 AM
So what is the 'truth'? Enlighten us please.

the truth is white-male-canada likes penus from men hes a hypocrit

I like toping Tgirls aka chicks with dicks. I also like being topped by men. Makes me feel like a panywaist after but it feels so good. 8)

Sven, when you used my nick to post that did you not understand your tone was one of being derogatory?

That`s why they banned you and kept your IP address.

Fucking moron :wink:

you were baned weeks after those words. that means you are lieing again. your acount was there before i ever join the HA and the other acounts you deleted after this was shown to the HA were older. one was more than year old on gay personel sight. all you do is lie to get out of you hypocrisy. no persons trust anything you say.

You`re a fucking MORON !

What don`t you understand, THERE ARE NO COPYRIGHTS ON


Prove it, display the IP addresses. You cannot, because it was you or one of the kook brigade who stooped to that level in a desperate ambush attempt.

1 will get ya 10 they are your IP`s.

Display the IP addresses, authentic them. They will have to be verifiable from the owners of the sites.

You`re almost as psycho as this guy: 8)

its obviosly you. the punctuation is you so is the emoticon and the sort of words used. stop lieing.

you are the person all persons on the HA call a liar. i dont need to prove my truth you do. no persons believe you about anything. you lie about everything and cant face whats reel like jamie michele

face you homosexuality stop being a hypocrit

I like toping Tgirls aka chicks with dicks. I also like being topped by men. Makes me feel like a panywaist after but it feels so good. 8)

04-19-2007, 02:13 AM
Maybe you better backoff svenson..........that's a pretty disturbing photo of the serial killer he's threatening you with. He's gone psycho :shock: :shock:

04-19-2007, 02:23 AM
Maybe you better backoff svenson..........that's a pretty disturbing photo of the serial killer he's threatening you with. He's gone psycho :shock: :shock:

You`re almost as dumb as Sven there using his IP to impersonate me.

Dumb because you can read but just cannot comprehend:

" You`re almost as psycho as this guy"

I said You, not me. You meaning Sven, the psycho.

Now, back to your corner freddie-mercury-moustached vestboy. 8)

04-19-2007, 02:28 AM
Maybe you better backoff svenson..........that's a pretty disturbing photo of the serial killer he's threatening you with. He's gone psycho :shock: :shock:

You`re almost as dumb as Sven there using his IP to impersonate me.

Dumb because you can read but just cannot comprehend:

" You`re almost as psycho as this guy"

I said You, not me. You meaning Sven.

Now, back to your corner vestboy. 8)

You seem angry white pantywaste......your behavior is so similar to the psycho from VT.........why can't you just come to terms with your fondness for boy sex.....you might feel better about yourself coming out of the closet. I'm sure gayone and tfool and corboboy are still going to wanna be a "bud" with you....Your not much fun when your angry!

04-19-2007, 02:35 AM
Svenson, you are wasting your time. Like Chef said, he never admits anything. It doesn't matter how clearly wrong he is or even if he blatantly contradicts himself. No one is buying his nonsensical denial anymore than they do on any of his other bullshit.

If you look back through some of our past "debates," you'll find a list of some two dozen people and the many things they've had to say regarding his problem with the truth and with distorting things. The funny thing is that list is only a partial one. He's easily one of the most disliked, least respected posters in this forum's history.

At this point, he's alone (TFan is essentially gone and Guyone steers clear of the heavy stuff), so why continue to argue the matter with a marginalized closet case who has become so utterly irrelevant?


04-19-2007, 03:32 AM
I suspect that White Boy Pantywaist is cooking up new identities as we read this...

Maybe we need to get JMichelle on this conspiracy case...but I guess that JM and WMP will have to flip for who's gonna get to the "bottom" of this perplexing case first... :actionsmiley :lol: :P

04-19-2007, 03:23 PM
I see a smear campaign. Typical bolshevik tactics.

04-20-2007, 01:52 AM
I see a smear campaign. Typical bolshevik tactics.

See the conundrum they are in? They`ve been intellectually disarmed, cannot debate the merits of their leftist ideals, so are now down to this.

Their intellectual destruction so complete they have nothing left but a desperate smear campaign.

How`s it feels to be so completely victorious guyone?

04-20-2007, 02:51 AM
I see a smear campaign. Typical bolshevik tactics.

See the conundrum they are in? They`ve been intellectually disarmed, cannot debate the merits of their leftist ideals, so are now down to this.

Their intellectual destruction so complete they have nothing left but a desperate smear campaign.

How`s it feels to be so completely victorious guyone?

If he's like you, he feels:

White_Male_Canada wrote:
I like toping Tgirls aka chicks with dicks. I also like being topped by men. Makes me feel like a panywaist after but it feels so good.

04-20-2007, 06:40 AM
Forgive them for they know not what they do.