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04-17-2007, 07:21 AM
I met with a client tonight, who said he is going to tell everyone how much of a bitch I am etc on the board, so I thought I'd beat him to it lol

I did turn away said client, due to the fact he was using 6 year old pictures that now look nothing like the client, since he has gained weight over the years and aged.

I told the client, I am sorry but you have wasted your time and mine and it was very nice meeting him but to have a good night. When I said SELECT clients I meant it. And the client called me a few select names and superficial and said he will let everyone on Hung Angels know how bitchy I am. So lol I thought I'd share my side of the story before he could share HIS.

I am sorry it didn't work out for you as you planned. But I was very clear in my advertisement and I meant it. So you may call me every name in the book my dear, and feel the way you do thats fine. But I'm gonna get my two-cents in before you do. I hope you had a nice drive home! :wink:

Lots of Love and Luck


04-17-2007, 07:23 AM
LMAO, he lied, he paid for that lie, nuff said, moving right along

04-17-2007, 07:24 AM
LMAO, he lied, he paid for that lie, nuff said, moving right along lol I think the pictures are older than 6 years but I'll keep to his story.

04-17-2007, 07:28 AM
Oh and he'll probably talk about my reaction -- and I did say OMFG WHAT THE FUCK loudly and rudely so I own up to my SHOCK, HORROR, and RUDENESS. And I don't apologize for it.

04-17-2007, 07:33 AM
Are you an escort aka business woman, or a girl looking to get her rocks off and make a few buck at the same time? Who cares what he looks like, he isn't gonna be your future husband, and based on how often you are on this board I take it your not too busy and could use the work?

Kiss Kiss......J

04-17-2007, 07:34 AM
Are you an escort aka business woman, or a girl looking to get her rocks off and make a few buck at the same time? Who cares what he looks like, he isn't gonna be your future husband, and based on how often you are on this board I take it your not too busy and could use the work?

Kiss Kiss......J Julie I just do it for extra spending cash not for a job. And I'm not saying they have to be Brad Pitt, but this guy looked like the fat version of Billy Ray Cyrus with teeth missing.

Older is okay as long as they look clean and professional and not some white trash country bumpkin with a Billy Ray Cyrus Haircut and 2 teeth missing.

04-17-2007, 07:39 AM
Spending cash is cute, but if you learn how to work the business you can actually do something with the money. I can tell your early transition and you dont have any topless pics, so I take you can use a set. Why not worry about what the client looks like and like the song says "put some D's on the bitch"?

04-17-2007, 07:41 AM
Spending cash is cute, but if you learn how to work the business you can actually do something with the money. I can tell your early transition and you dont have any topless pics, so I take you can use a set. Why not worry about what the client looks like and like the song says "put some D's on the bitch"? Cause I'd rather not have regrets? It's fine you can do that, but I can't personally.

04-17-2007, 07:45 AM
LOL, hold on here, you dont want to have any regrets, lol? Turning trick is turning tricks, if he is hot or not your still turning tricks. And also it might give you something else to do other then sit in front of HA all day long. Sad existence if ya wanna talk about regrets.

04-17-2007, 07:49 AM
LOL, hold on here, you dont want to have any regrets, lol? Turning trick is turning tricks, if he is hot or not your still turning tricks. And also it might give you something else to do other then sit in front of HA all day long. Sad existence if ya wanna talk about regrets. I don't and haven't been? And I would seriously puke if I had to do anything with him or anyone like that. It's my personal preference and choice. So why are you getting all bijiggity and worrying about what I do? I think its more pathetic that you worry what I do and rather yourself. The point of the thread was to let everyone know my side. If you don't like the way I decided to escort FINE..thats your opinion. But I make my own choices and I do it my way. And maybe you think you are trying to theate and educate me, to help me. But it's not helping. So you keep keeping on doing it your way, it's obviously helped the way you've done it. But this way works just fine for me, and I have no complaints.

04-17-2007, 07:52 AM
I prefer small boobies. Just my .02

04-17-2007, 07:53 AM
lol Otto did you get my email on myspace??

04-17-2007, 07:55 AM
I haven't been through my emails and such..i'm working out of town for a few days so i don't have much freedom to go online. But be back to normal routine later this week K

04-17-2007, 07:56 AM
1) Client = man who pays you to suck his dick

2) You're a hooker.

3) God bless photoshop

4) beggers can be choosers now ?

04-17-2007, 07:58 AM
1) Client = man who pays you to suck his dick

2) You're a hooker.

3) God bless photoshop

4) beggers can be choosers now ?

1. I know what a Client is you Fool

2. I'm A Hooker, but as a Hooker Just like the client I HAVE MY CHOICE IN THE MATTER!!

3. I've posted Videos of Myself on here..I've posted outtakes from photoshoots with out being RETOUCHED..I've posted everything there is I DON'T HIDE BEHIND PHOTOSHOP AND CONTRAST SORRY!!!

4. I am not BEGGING???


04-17-2007, 07:58 AM
I am not getting bitchy, I am just responding to a post that you made. I didnt know it was a post that no one was supposed to respond to, lol. I dont come on here much and every time I do I see post after post from Kelly Shore. Everything from polls, to dates, to when you wipe your ass. I dont know call me crazy but you can become somewhat annoying. I am not trying to educate you, its just fun..............LOL....J

04-17-2007, 07:59 AM
I haven't been through my emails and such..i'm working out of town for a few days so i don't have much freedom to go online. But be back to normal routine later this week K OOOOOOOOOOOOOh well you need to check it!! I asked you a question lol

04-17-2007, 07:59 AM
I am not getting bitchy, I am just responding to a post that you made. I didnt know it was a post that no one was supposed to respond to, lol. I dont come on here much and every time I do I see post after post from Kelly Shore. Everything from polls, to dates, to when you wipe your ass. I dont know call me crazy but you can become somewhat annoying. I am not trying to educate you, its just fun..............LOL....J I'm only annoying Miss Julie, because you OBVIOUSLY READ MY POSTS?????????????????????????????? HMMM

04-17-2007, 08:02 AM
1) Client = man who pays you to suck his dick

2) You're a hooker.

3) God bless photoshop

4) beggers can be choosers now ? I've put many videos of myself and even posted non-photoshopped pictures of me on here. I think many know what I look like and I've had nothing but good reviews from my previous clients. SO SHUT THE FUCK UP :D

You're a hooker, nuff said.

If you wanna cry, then do it with the doctor when he tells you you got every STD known to man.

04-17-2007, 08:05 AM
1) Client = man who pays you to suck his dick

2) You're a hooker.

3) God bless photoshop

4) beggers can be choosers now ? I've put many videos of myself and even posted non-photoshopped pictures of me on here. I think many know what I look like and I've had nothing but good reviews from my previous clients. SO SHUT THE FUCK UP :D

You're a hooker, nuff said.

If you wanna cry, then do it with the doctor when he tells you you got every STD known to man. lol I'm safe, clean, and SELECTIVE darling I think you should be saying that to someone else :lol: NO NAMES MENTIONED AND WHICH REGULAR ARE YOU??? UNDER A PHONEY ASS NAME?? CAN WE GET AN IP CHECK PLEASE :)

04-17-2007, 08:10 AM
I am not getting bitchy, I am just responding to a post that you made. I didnt know it was a post that no one was supposed to respond to, lol. I dont come on here much and every time I do I see post after post from Kelly Shore. Everything from polls, to dates, to when you wipe your ass. I dont know call me crazy but you can become somewhat annoying. I am not trying to educate you, its just fun..............LOL....J I'm only annoying Miss Julie, because you OBVIOUSLY READ MY POSTS?????????????????????????????? HMMM

LOL, no hun I have a life. Its just once in a while I am home bored with nothing to do, so I will come in here and spend sometime. That's what most people do, they come in here every now and again.

Every single time I come in here I see....reply from Kelly Shore...author Kelly Shore....and every single thread on here has several comments from Kelly Shore. Its like you keep clicking refresh and as soon as something is posted there you are ready to rely, lol.

I would say suck the ugly mans cock and then you can get some coins to get a set. Then save up some more and have some work done then you wont need photo-shop. Call it your cock-sucking fund.

04-17-2007, 08:12 AM
I am not getting bitchy, I am just responding to a post that you made. I didnt know it was a post that no one was supposed to respond to, lol. I dont come on here much and every time I do I see post after post from Kelly Shore. Everything from polls, to dates, to when you wipe your ass. I dont know call me crazy but you can become somewhat annoying. I am not trying to educate you, its just fun..............LOL....J I'm only annoying Miss Julie, because you OBVIOUSLY READ MY POSTS?????????????????????????????? HMMM

LOL, no hun I have a life. Its just once in a while I am home bored with nothing to do, so I will come in here and spend sometime. That's what most people do, they come in here every now and again.

Every single time I come in here I see....reply from Kelly Shore...author Kelly Shore....and every single thread on here has several comments from Kelly Shore. Its like you keep clicking refresh and as soon as something is posted there you are ready to rely, lol.

I would say suck the ugly mans cock and then you can get some coins to get a set. Then save up some more and have some work done then you wont need photo-shop. Call it your cock-sucking fund. I don't photoshop my pictures I've posted pictures and videos of me with out photoshop :lol: :roll: but whatever I am not arguing with you. AGAIN go about your business and stop worrying about what I do. Since I'M SO ANNOYING???? GOOD LUCK! lol and cough cough you are one to talk. If I never got a single thing done I'd still be happy with me darling. I don't hide behind professional modeling pics. And every girl on this site has touched their photos up before they posted them...SO UMM COUGH COUGH AGAIN.

Felicia Katt
04-17-2007, 08:19 AM
You have the right to see or not see whomever you want. If someone misrepresents themselves, even more so. But that doesn't give you the right to be rude to them. Forget the escort/client aspect of it, and look at the human one. To greet someone with OMG What the fuck and then flatly reject him sending him on his way like that was just wrong. There are ways to say no to someone that spares their feelings, and your reputation. Trying to later save it, by coming on here and trying to claim the moral high ground, just by being the first one to it is also wrong.


04-17-2007, 08:20 AM
Yes you do photo shop your pics, its more then obvious, lol. Look at the color and texture of the skin in your aviator. The skin on your face compared to your arm, its not even close to the same.

I mean if ya gonna photo-shop then go take a class first. Not like they are even good pictures that are professional and slightly touched up. These are pics taken of you standing in front of the refrigerator and stuff, lol.

Its fun to fuck with you, lol.

04-17-2007, 08:21 AM
Yes you do photo shop your pics, its more then obvious, lol. Look at the color and texture of the skin in your aviator. The skin on your face compared to your arm, its not even close to the same.

I mean if ya gonna photo-shop then go take a class first. Not like they are even good pictures that are professional and slightly touched up. These are pics taken of you standing in front of the refrigerator and stuff, lol.

Its fun to fuck with you, lol. They're webcam pics?????????

04-17-2007, 08:23 AM
You have the right to see or not see whomever you want. If someone misrepresents themselves, even more so. But that doesn't give you the right to be rude to them. Forget the escort/client aspect of it, and look at the human one. To greet someone with OMG What the fuck and then flatly reject him sending him on his way like that was just wrong. There are ways to say no to someone that spares their feelings, and your reputation. Trying to later save it, by coming on here and trying to claim the moral high ground, just by being the first one to it is also wrong.

FK Felecia I was in Shock? I always do an interview etc thats the only thing I could find to say till I got my compusure back once I got it back I was nice and greeted him and sent him on his way. AND I'M NOT TRYING TO SAVE MY REP?? I SAID I WAS RUDE I SAID I WAS CRUDE AND I SAID I WAS SHOCKED AND DISMAYED?? WHERE DID I SAY OR MAKE UP AN EXCUSE FOR MY REACTION??? NO WHERE?? But nice twist Miss Felecia

04-17-2007, 08:25 AM
I dont hide behind my pics, and ask anyone who has ever see me, I look better in person, LOL.

I am not getting bitchy, I am just responding to a post that you made. I didnt know it was a post that no one was supposed to respond to, lol. I dont come on here much and every time I do I see post after post from Kelly Shore. Everything from polls, to dates, to when you wipe your ass. I dont know call me crazy but you can become somewhat annoying. I am not trying to educate you, its just fun..............LOL....J I'm only annoying Miss Julie, because you OBVIOUSLY READ MY POSTS?????????????????????????????? HMMM

LOL, no hun I have a life. Its just once in a while I am home bored with nothing to do, so I will come in here and spend sometime. That's what most people do, they come in here every now and again.

Every single time I come in here I see....reply from Kelly Shore...author Kelly Shore....and every single thread on here has several comments from Kelly Shore. Its like you keep clicking refresh and as soon as something is posted there you are ready to rely, lol.

I would say suck the ugly mans cock and then you can get some coins to get a set. Then save up some more and have some work done then you wont need photo-shop. Call it your cock-sucking fund. I don't photoshop my pictures I've posted pictures and videos of me with out photoshop :lol: :roll: but whatever I am not arguing with you. AGAIN go about your business and stop worrying about what I do. Since I'M SO ANNOYING???? GOOD LUCK! lol and cough cough you are one to talk. If I never got a single thing done I'd still be happy with me darling. I don't hide behind professional modeling pics. And every girl on this site has touched their photos up before they posted them...SO UMM COUGH COUGH AGAIN.

04-17-2007, 08:37 AM
Here see this is none professional taken in my kitchen, and a close up to boot, see I dont hide behind my pics, and ask anyone who has ever see me, I look better in person, LOL.

I am not getting bitchy, I am just responding to a post that you made. I didnt know it was a post that no one was supposed to respond to, lol. I dont come on here much and every time I do I see post after post from Kelly Shore. Everything from polls, to dates, to when you wipe your ass. I dont know call me crazy but you can become somewhat annoying. I am not trying to educate you, its just fun..............LOL....J I'm only annoying Miss Julie, because you OBVIOUSLY READ MY POSTS?????????????????????????????? HMMM

LOL, no hun I have a life. Its just once in a while I am home bored with nothing to do, so I will come in here and spend sometime. That's what most people do, they come in here every now and again.

Every single time I come in here I see....reply from Kelly Shore...author Kelly Shore....and every single thread on here has several comments from Kelly Shore. Its like you keep clicking refresh and as soon as something is posted there you are ready to rely, lol.

I would say suck the ugly mans cock and then you can get some coins to get a set. Then save up some more and have some work done then you wont need photo-shop. Call it your cock-sucking fund. I don't photoshop my pictures I've posted pictures and videos of me with out photoshop :lol: :roll: but whatever I am not arguing with you. AGAIN go about your business and stop worrying about what I do. Since I'M SO ANNOYING???? GOOD LUCK! lol and cough cough you are one to talk. If I never got a single thing done I'd still be happy with me darling. I don't hide behind professional modeling pics. And every girl on this site has touched their photos up before they posted them...SO UMM COUGH COUGH AGAIN. First off I wasn't implying you were one of the girls that do hide behind it, I know quite a few girls on here that do though. And I've been told the same by all my clients and people that have met me on this site. They all said I thought you'd be taller or I thought you'd be bigger (not penis or boobs) lol just body wise. That I look better in person. Pretty picture very classy. I like the coat.

04-17-2007, 08:38 AM
enough said I am bored with it

04-17-2007, 08:40 AM
enough said I am bored with it lol Okay you started the "reading"

04-17-2007, 08:41 AM
how concieted of you. I wonder how far you'll get with that attitude. Not saying you have to deal with ugly guys but being so select....I just don't see that being a good thing for business.

but what do I know.

04-17-2007, 08:44 AM
how concieted of you. I wonder how far you'll get with that attitude. Not saying you have to deal with ugly guys but being so select....I just don't see that being a good thing for business.

but what do I know. :roll: First off one of my clients is older and he is clean and professional looking and he is a good client and a regular. I have no issue doing anything with him. SO IT'S NOT ABOUT AGE OR ROCK HARD ABS. SECOND off you didn't see the guy and it's MY BODY!!

04-17-2007, 08:49 AM
Do you not consider by being so rude and offensive that some guy could possibly give you a very hard time with possibly the law and or your neighbors for your outright rudeness..........This isnt high school where you pass a note "do you like me or not check yes or no"....You piss one of these "clients" off enough and he could ruin your select funding.

I and many other ts's in the business have had our hotels called, eros ad's faxed to hotels, annoying constant prank calls and more for less than you did, just a heads up.

Just think about that.

04-17-2007, 08:52 AM
Do you not consider by being so rude and offensive that some guy could possibly give you a very hard time with possibly the law and or your neighbors for your outright rudeness..........This isnt high school where you pass a not "do you like me or not check yes or no"....You piss one of these "clients" off enough and he could ruin your select funding.

Just think about that. Thats true Wendy, however I thought this guy was trustworthy and being real with me. I was being real and upfront and honest with him as possible. I thought he was giving the same back, and it was shocking to me I am new to the escorting thing, and it was like a horror story you read about from people that meet people off the internet. I didn't mean it to come out it just did.

04-17-2007, 08:55 AM
True True just remember there could be nasty consequences and since its illegal there is no PROTECTION outside of yourself.........You learn in this business to swallow your pride and or learn a polite way out (girl put a rubber on it stick it in his mouth and say ohhhh baby I like watching you jack off) LOL

04-17-2007, 08:57 AM
True True just remember there could be nasty consequences and since its illegal there is no PROTECTION outside of yourself.........You learn in this business to swallow your pride and or learn a polite way out (girl put a rubber on it stick it in his mouth and say ohhhh baby I like watching you jack off) LOL ha ha I probably could of done that I didn't think of it. I'm learning lol

04-17-2007, 08:59 AM
Wendy is right, I call tell you stories of being on tour and changing hotels all the time. One day I had to change hotels 4 times in one day, lol it was a hell of a day. Now if anything gets dicey I change hotels automatically before it even gets to that point. Better to be safe then sorry.

04-17-2007, 09:00 AM
Wendy is right, I call tell you stories of being on tour and changing hotels all the time. One day I had to change hotels 4 times in one day, lol it was a hell of a day. Now if anything gets dicey I change hotels automatically before it even gets to that point. Better to be safe then sorry. Wow are you serious, so were these guys doing this after the service just to be mean or what?

04-17-2007, 09:06 AM
Being an escort is not about being a sex provider, its about being a hustler. A hustler adapts to the situation and does what ever she has to. Also a good escort does less, the client will leave happy, and she will make more money.

04-17-2007, 09:08 AM
When you see 10 guys in a day all kinds of things happen.

Wendy is right, I call tell you stories of being on tour and changing hotels all the time. One day I had to change hotels 4 times in one day, lol it was a hell of a day. Now if anything gets dicey I change hotels automatically before it even gets to that point. Better to be safe then sorry. Wow are you serious, so were these guys doing this after the service just to be mean or what?

04-17-2007, 09:08 AM
Being an escort is not about being a sex provider, its about being a hustler. A hustler adapts to the situation and does what ever she has to. Also a good escort does less, the client will leave happy, and she will make more money. lol I guess I'm not good at hustling in that situation lol

04-17-2007, 09:09 AM
Girl and thats only the clients lets not tell the stories of jealous local girls from that city calling using their male voice or having their gay friends call, sheesh LOL

So moral to story is keep yourself out of conflict! Both with the girls and the guys.

04-17-2007, 09:09 AM
When you see 10 guys in a day all kinds of things happen.

Wendy is right, I call tell you stories of being on tour and changing hotels all the time. One day I had to change hotels 4 times in one day, lol it was a hell of a day. Now if anything gets dicey I change hotels automatically before it even gets to that point. Better to be safe then sorry. Wow are you serious, so were these guys doing this after the service just to be mean or what? wow ten guys you go girl lol

04-17-2007, 09:11 AM
When you see 10 guys in a day all kinds of things happen.

Wendy is right, I call tell you stories of being on tour and changing hotels all the time. One day I had to change hotels 4 times in one day, lol it was a hell of a day. Now if anything gets dicey I change hotels automatically before it even gets to that point. Better to be safe then sorry. Wow are you serious, so were these guys doing this after the service just to be mean or what? wow ten guys you go girl lol

It changes, sometimes even more, but sometimes only 5 in a day. Depends how the wind blows.

Felicia Katt
04-17-2007, 09:13 AM
Do you not consider by being so rude and offensive that some guy could possibly give you a very hard time with possibly the law and or your neighbors for your outright rudeness..........This isnt high school where you pass a note "do you like me or not check yes or no"....You piss one of these "clients" off enough and he could ruin your select funding.

I and many other ts's in the business have had our hotels called, eros ad's faxed to hotels, annoying constant prank calls and more for less than you did, just a heads up.

Just think about that.

a friend of mine had a client get upset with her, and he taped a printed copy of her eros ad on every door in her apartment complex. She ended up having to move out and then couldn't get another apartment because she couldn't get a reference. Of course, esccorting is a matter of choice but ultimately its about getting paid, and sometimes it pays to be nice, and costs to be rude.


04-17-2007, 09:14 AM
Girl and thats only the clients lets not tell the stories of jealous local girls from that city calling using their male voice or having their gay friends call, sheesh LOL

So moral to story is keep yourself out of conflict! Both with the girls and the guys. OOH thats catty I guess I'm green on this, but it sounds very similar to how pageant girls can be.

04-17-2007, 09:14 AM
Or local girls trying to book calls with you so they can find out where you are and inform the law enforcement as a neighbor who noticed some traffic.

04-17-2007, 09:15 AM
When you see 10 guys in a day all kinds of things happen.

Wendy is right, I call tell you stories of being on tour and changing hotels all the time. One day I had to change hotels 4 times in one day, lol it was a hell of a day. Now if anything gets dicey I change hotels automatically before it even gets to that point. Better to be safe then sorry. Wow are you serious, so were these guys doing this after the service just to be mean or what? wow ten guys you go girl lol

It changes, sometimes even more, but sometimes only 5 in a day. Depends how the wind blows. Thats still a lot of clients. Go you!

04-17-2007, 09:16 AM
Do you not consider by being so rude and offensive that some guy could possibly give you a very hard time with possibly the law and or your neighbors for your outright rudeness..........This isnt high school where you pass a note "do you like me or not check yes or no"....You piss one of these "clients" off enough and he could ruin your select funding.

I and many other ts's in the business have had our hotels called, eros ad's faxed to hotels, annoying constant prank calls and more for less than you did, just a heads up.

Just think about that.

a friend of mine had a client get upset with her, and he taped a printed copy of her eros ad on every door in her apartment complex. She ended up having to move out and then couldn't get another apartment because she couldn't get a reference. Of course, esccorting is a matter of choice but ultimately its about getting paid, and sometimes it pays to be nice, and costs to be rude.

FK WOW thats so evil..I guess I didn't think of it in that sense either. Really thank you..all of you.

04-17-2007, 09:16 AM
Felicia hate to change subject but you looked very lovely Friday night. Was so good seeing such an amazing person with a great personality really makes the club tolerable LOL

04-17-2007, 09:18 AM
Just like the tricks who have no money, they show up and think you might find them "hot" and will give them a free-bee. I say WHAT THE FUCK to that, and my friend comes out, and she is a big bitch, I have seen guys thrown, literally picked up and tossed, lol. Its fun and then we have to change hotels, but sometimes its worth the laugh.

04-17-2007, 09:23 AM
Just like the tricks who have no money, they show up and think you might find them "hot" and will give them a free-bee. I say WHAT THE FUCK to that, and my friend comes out, and she is a big bitch, I have seen guys thrown, literally picked up and tossed, lol. Its fun and then we have to change hotels, but sometimes its worth the laugh. ha ha thats crazy I'm glad I haven't had a dude like that yet, but men are egotistical and presumptious a lot. They always tend to have that "I DON"T HAVE TO PAY FOR SEX" in the back of their head even if you explained to them a million times.

04-17-2007, 09:24 AM
Or the time the guy at the front desk of a hotel in Dallas pushed me against the wall and tried to have his way with me, until he found out I was packing. I couldn't do anything, I was up stairs for 2 days turning tricks, and if the police found out they wouldn't believe me, so I had to put my tail between my legs and forget it. Overall its not a joke and like Wendy said your out there on your own so be careful.

04-17-2007, 09:26 AM
I wish that escorting wasn't an option that anyone needed. It's different to do porn or participate in photo shoots under controlled conditions. Escorting just doesn't seem safe. I'm not judging anyone, but I worry about my girls. Especially the ones who I've developed a friendship with on HA, and other places on-line. Just be careful.

04-17-2007, 09:29 AM
Always tour with someone and keep the upper hand, thats my 2 cents.

04-17-2007, 09:30 AM
I wish that escorting wasn't an option that anyone needed. It's different to do porn or participate in photo shoots under controlled conditions. Escorting just doesn't seem safe. I'm not judging anyone, but I worry about my girls. Especially the ones who I've developed a friendship with on HA, and other places on-line. Just be careful.
Ya but you can one day put escorting behind you if you want to go post-op, but in porn and pics they will always be out there.

04-17-2007, 09:31 AM

(NO disrespect meant Kelly, i know you can defend yourself and i am nmow a big fan of assertive, 'real' kelly shore)

04-17-2007, 09:33 AM
Always tour with someone and keep the upper hand, thats my 2 cents. Thats good advice for me or girls that are thinking about touring.

04-17-2007, 09:34 AM
I wish that escorting wasn't an option that anyone needed. It's different to do porn or participate in photo shoots under controlled conditions. Escorting just doesn't seem safe. I'm not judging anyone, but I worry about my girls. Especially the ones who I've developed a friendship with on HA, and other places on-line. Just be careful. Yeah Kabuki I prefer doing porn and photoshoots. I guess I am kind of guilty of it looking at it like a porn. I ask myself would I fuck this guy lol like I would in a porn. And obviously you need a different mindset about escorting.

04-17-2007, 09:35 AM

(NO disrespect meant Kelly, i know you can defend yourself and i am nmow a big fan of assertive, 'real' kelly shore) lol Awe Kriss

Felicia Katt
04-17-2007, 09:50 AM
Felicia hate to change subject but you looked very lovely Friday night. Was so good seeing such an amazing person with a great personality really makes the club tolerable LOL

Don't hate to change the subject that way! LOL thank you Sis, it was nice to see you again too :)


04-17-2007, 09:53 AM
Your right in the sense of i can see who I want to see but i dont agree with posting this thread, you should've just let him do as he planned and just ignored it.

04-17-2007, 10:09 AM
Ya but you can one day put escorting behind you if you want to go post-op, but in porn and pics they will always be out there.

I understand that as well.

I keep thinking that TGs should network on-line, and start their own businesses. To avoid escorting or to avoid the porn route. Post-ops or any TG who has become successful should mentor young TGs. Lets help the early transitioning TGs establish themselves with a career that they would enjoy. Help them navigate the system to get business loans. I don't know if this is possible, but I would like to see someone try. Or maybe someone is trying, and it's just not getting media attention. Any opinions?

04-17-2007, 12:55 PM
As a former LEO let me tell you , you're taking enough risk already. There are plenty of psychos out there the last thing you want to do is piss someone off. Next time before you answer the door have a shot of Cuervo take a deep breath and prepare for the worse. And remember you're in "The South" everyone is somebodies cousin, all a guy has to do is pick up the phone and call Bill Bob on the sheriff's dept. , or... WORSE! Nashvegas may be fairly big but you're south of the "Manson/ Nixon" line and in the Bible belt , there are alot of bubbas. Not to say these things don't happen everywhere... but...
And from what I understand Tenn. is not very easy on prostitution, and heck I heard they're trying to impose a 25% tax on porn , that should give you some idea about your current surroundings.

BE CAREFUL!!! Seriously, it's a crazy world.

04-17-2007, 05:38 PM
OMG I have been thinking of doing this but Ive always been so scarred to do it because of all the risks. Thank you all that responded to this thread I really learned alot!!!!

And to reply to the thread, I think its okay to be selective. I know if I did escorting I woudl also be selective, lol.

04-17-2007, 05:54 PM
,and based on how often you are on this board I take it your not too busy and could use the work?

Kiss Kiss......J

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

04-17-2007, 05:56 PM
I prefer small boobies. Just my .02

FAGGOT! :wink:


:lol: :claps :claps :claps :claps :claps

love THIS THREAD! :popcorn

You're a hooker, nuff said.

Hmmmm, the "'nuff said" makes me think this one is english, while trying to appear american by use of the word 'hooker', no one says 'hooker' in u.k., except americans???? hmmm?????

Being an escort is not about being a sex provider, its about being a hustler. A hustler adapts to the situation and does what ever she has to. Also a good escort does less, the client will leave happy, and she will make more money.

NYTSjulie is cool, no bullshit. :claps

Always tour with someone and keep the upper hand, thats my 2 cents.

But i think you can spare more than 2 cents

When you see 10 guys in a day

I keep thinking that TGs should network on-line, and start their own businesses. Post-ops or any TG who has become successful should mentor young TGs. Lets help the early transitioning TGs establish themselves with a career that they would enjoy. Help them navigate the system to get business loans. Any opinions?

LOvely, Lovely utopian vision Kabuki, You seem really nice AND a bit naive........ the truth is , a few of the smarter, more sucessful ladies do start thier own businesses (mostly doing porn :lol:), several are present here and tirelessly promote thier fellow girls (WW), but the networking thing seems unlikely on a big scale as THESE GIRLS ARE SO DAMN COMPETETIVE!!! This "scene " reminds me so much of the music industry, the 'big fish' in small ponds, the constant comparing to others and the possesiveness over contacts and 'clients', you can bet that if the girls are not talking TO each other, they are certainly talking ABOUT eachother. Honestly, I feel somewhat similar to you Kabuki, supportive and a tiny bit protective of the girls here (and elsewhere) but with so much backstabbing and two facedness in this 'scene' I hold little hope. Thank your lucky stars for Peggy gee and her efforts to include and further the progress of ALL TS women, porn stars, escorts, waitresses, whatever..... :claps :claps

04-17-2007, 06:09 PM
OMG I have been thinking of doing this but Ive always been so scarred to do it because of all the risks. Thank you all that responded to this thread I really learned alot!!!!

And to reply to the thread, I think its okay to be selective. I know if I did escorting I woudl also be selective, lol.

WOW! Luna is a cutie! I love the face! I actually thought it was Doll for a second(an escort that I have had fun with a couple times)Well good to see that this thread was informational for Kelly. I thought it was going to be an out right hair pulling dress ripping cat fight for second there :roll: To have a view from the other side I always wonder how I would react if an escort was like that to me. I am not the vengful type of person so I would just go away and never use that person again but if someone was to ask my experience I would just tell what happened to me and wish them better luck.

04-17-2007, 08:54 PM
OMG I have been thinking of doing this but Ive always been so scarred to do it because of all the risks. Thank you all that responded to this thread I really learned alot!!!!

And to reply to the thread, I think its okay to be selective. I know if I did escorting I woudl also be selective, lol.

WOW! Luna is a cutie! I love the face! I actually thought it was Doll for a second(an escort that I have had fun with a couple times)Well good to see that this thread was informational for Kelly. I thought it was going to be an out right hair pulling dress ripping cat fight for second there :roll: To have a view from the other side I always wonder how I would react if an escort was like that to me. I am not the vengful type of person so I would just go away and never use that person again but if someone was to ask my experience I would just tell what happened to me and wish them better luck. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL HE LIED POINT BLANK!! And he texted me early this morning saying he was sorry for lying and he understands. HOW WOULD YOU FEEL AND I KNOW IT'S HAPPENED TO QUITE A FEW OF YOU!! If you met a girl that had really hot pics then looked nothing and I mean nothing like her pics in person. HMM

04-17-2007, 09:28 PM
To have a view from the other side I always wonder how I would react if an escort was like that to me.

Having had non-escort GGs treat me like this and worse (And with less reason) I probably wouldn't be pahsed much and would just be a bit annoyed at the loss of time/gas/whatever. It's why I send a reasonably representational pic (I don't have very recent ones, but I also haven't changed =that= much since the last was taken) and try to get some sort of feel for the person before makingthe appointment. I'm also a creature of habit and am more likely to revisit someone I've had good experience with than to test unknown waters.

Still, if this fellow so misrepresented himself, he shouldn't have been too surprised at the results (Even if it was pretty high up on the rude scale). Really, if you lie to a prospective employer and they catch you out, would you be =that= surprised when you didn't get the job?

04-17-2007, 09:40 PM
HOW WOULD YOU FEEL AND I KNOW IT'S HAPPENED TO QUITE A FEW OF YOU!! If you met a girl that had really hot pics then looked nothing and I mean nothing like her pics in person. HMM

We'd come to Ha and blab it all over the place ;-)

BUT, and here's the pisser...It wouldn't hurt our business.

Think about it.
The whole profession relies on a one-way confidentiality clause.

A double standard?
Hell Yeah, it is, but you chose the game, those are the cards.

04-17-2007, 10:37 PM
This isn't a profession to me??? This is a way to make some extra cash. So I am not concerned about it, I just didn't want the said client to lie of how things went down.

04-17-2007, 11:05 PM
Kel, I agree with your right to be selective, though that will garner hate from some people (I've seen girls I know who escort professionally raise ire on SER and elsewhere for being selective). However, some excellent points have been raised in this thread. I don't think you should "stick a rubber on it" just to satisfy the guy, but do be careful. Like Jericho says, it's a one-way confidentiality clause, else you could be hurt in more ways than one.

04-17-2007, 11:32 PM
This isn't a profession to me???

Don't get me wrong pet, i'm not attacking you.
It takes balls to do it, and your right to choose is YOUR RIGHT to choose.

I just didn't want the said client to lie of how things went down.

That's the thing.
You should have let him , and then [i]ripped him a new one.

Believe me, you would have come out of it looking better, and you wouldn't put off any possible future clients.

04-18-2007, 01:44 AM
moving somwhere where prostitution is legal would certainly help to get rid of a lot of these complications wouldnt it?

I keep thinking that TGs should network on-line, and start their own businesses. To avoid escorting or to avoid the porn route. Post-ops or any TG who has become successful should mentor young TGs. Lets help the early transitioning TGs establish themselves with a career that they would enjoy. Help them navigate the system to get business loans. I don't know if this is possible, but I would like to see someone try. Or maybe someone is trying, and it's just not getting media attention. Any opinions?

nice vision but i cant fight the thought that if they were up for it theyd already done it

LOvely, Lovely utopian vision Kabuki, You seem really nice AND a bit naive........ the truth is , a few of the smarter, more sucessful ladies do start thier own businesses (mostly doing porn :lol:), several are present here and tirelessly promote thier fellow girls (WW), but the networking thing seems unlikely on a big scale as THESE GIRLS ARE SO DAMN COMPETETIVE!!! This "scene " reminds me so much of the music industry, the 'big fish' in small ponds, the constant comparing to others and the possesiveness over contacts and 'clients', you can bet that if the girls are not talking TO each other, they are certainly talking ABOUT eachother. Honestly, I feel somewhat similar to you Kabuki, supportive and a tiny bit protective of the girls here (and elsewhere) but with so much backstabbing and two facedness in this 'scene' I hold little hope. Thank your lucky stars for Peggy gee and her efforts to include and further the progress of ALL TS women, porn stars, escorts, waitresses, whatever..... :claps :claps

backstabbing yourself by backstabbing others... great

04-18-2007, 02:33 AM
Ecstatic it was a joke,,lighten up and get over yourself FOR REAL.


Whether Kelly chooses to do it as work and or hobby or WHATEVER she now knows somes of the risk and lets hope she learns or we will hear about her getting thrown out a window or even worse............Its not a game and shouldnt be a topic on a gossip board or some fun extra cash adventure..

Lets move on

04-18-2007, 02:50 AM
I am not getting bitchy, I am just responding to a post that you made. I didnt know it was a post that no one was supposed to respond to, lol. I dont come on here much and every time I do I see post after post from Kelly Shore. Everything from polls, to dates, to when you wipe your ass. I dont know call me crazy but you can become somewhat annoying. I am not trying to educate you, its just fun..............LOL....J

Kind of fun to watch too!

04-18-2007, 02:52 AM
OMG I have been thinking of doing this but Ive always been so scarred to do it because of all the risks. Thank you all that responded to this thread I really learned alot!!!!

And to reply to the thread, I think its okay to be selective. I know if I did escorting I woudl also be selective, lol.

WOW! Luna is a cutie! I love the face! I actually thought it was Doll for a second(an escort that I have had fun with a couple times)Well good to see that this thread was informational for Kelly. I thought it was going to be an out right hair pulling dress ripping cat fight for second there :roll: To have a view from the other side I always wonder how I would react if an escort was like that to me. I am not the vengful type of person so I would just go away and never use that person again but if someone was to ask my experience I would just tell what happened to me and wish them better luck.

Aww thank you. You and my sister both think that I look somewhat like a doll. Lol

Yeah I also think that if a guy went out and was expecting a girl to look like something based on pics and then he met her and she looked nothing like the pictures he would have a fit.


Thank you for the comment on my video on youtube!!!! And lol I ve gotten those looks plenty of times. Its like so many people dont get me especially other people like me(especially girls). I dont think that its the same for every person but I guess others dont get that. I am glad you could relate!!!

04-18-2007, 03:00 AM
Being an escort is not about being a sex provider, its about being a hustler. A hustler adapts to the situation and does what ever she has to. Also a good escort does less, the client will leave happy, and she will make more money.

And all this time I thought they really wanted me!
As true as that statement may be Julie, you're not painting a great picture of an encounter with you.

04-18-2007, 03:22 AM
I met with a client tonight, who said he is going to tell everyone how much of a bitch I am etc on the board, so I thought I'd beat him to it lol

I did turn away said client, due to the fact he was using 6 year old pictures that now look nothing like the client, since he has gained weight over the years and aged.

I told the client, I am sorry but you have wasted your time and mine and it was very nice meeting him but to have a good night. When I said SELECT clients I meant it. And the client called me a few select names and superficial and said he will let everyone on Hung Angels know how bitchy I am. So lol I thought I'd share my side of the story before he could share HIS.

I am sorry it didn't work out for you as you planned. But I was very clear in my advertisement and I meant it. So you may call me every name in the book my dear, and feel the way you do thats fine. But I'm gonna get my two-cents in before you do. I hope you had a nice drive home! :wink:

Lots of Love and Luck


You are being a bitch. As an escort accommodating a prospective client, the client's look should be irrelevant; hence why he’s hiring an escort. He wants to pay for a hot date without the risk of being rejected; as you graciously did. I hope he didn’t give you a penny for your amateurish bullshit. You wanna cute guy? Then don’t court clients; court prospective boyfriends at your local singles bar.


If you're gonna be a hooker, then be a good professional one!

04-18-2007, 04:12 AM
This isn't a profession to me??? This is a way to make some extra cash. So I am not concerned about it, I just didn't want the said client to lie of how things went down.

if youre doing ANYTHING to make money whether its the basis of your income or not it allows you to have extra INCOME for when bills are due, thus making it part of your profession. its one thing to be selective and choose clients over certain criteria. and its a totally nother thing to be a bitch and a bad business person. thus hurting your "extra cash" fund and thus forcing you to get a real job.

you should be more selective on the CHARACTERS of your clients and not so much their physical appearance. :soapbox :2cent

04-18-2007, 08:45 AM
backstabbing yourself by backstabbing others... great

CARE TO EXPLAIN THAT ? Backstabbing how? I always thought i stabbed in the front and none of that going on here, hey i'm cynical but admitting that EVERYONE is flawed is not backstabbing. What are you hinting at? I am implying nothing more than i said

shouldnt be a topic on a gossip board

I beg to differ, this shit ia WAY better than television

04-18-2007, 08:48 AM
This isn't a profession to me??? This is a way to make some extra cash. So I am not concerned about it, I just didn't want the said client to lie of how things went down.

if youre doing ANYTHING to make money whether its the basis of your income or not it allows you to have extra INCOME for when bills are due, thus making it part of your profession. its one thing to be selective and choose clients over certain criteria. and its a totally nother thing to be a bitch and a bad business person. thus hurting your "extra cash" fund and thus forcing you to get a real job.

you should be more selective on the CHARACTERS of your clients and not so much their physical appearance. :soapbox :2cent Jen I work as an office manager in a Dental Office here in Nashville now I have a regular job. And I just lined up another client from this thread, that said he is glad that I'm selective and knows I'm not sleeping with well less than attractive guys is how I'll put it. And if these guys are offended or are mad about it let them be. They can KISS MY ASS, cause I refuse to do it.

04-18-2007, 08:51 AM
why in the world would a guy give a fuck if the other guys your fucking are hot or not???? does that make sence to ANYONE???

I could understand him being glad your selective as far as the class or type of person you see for clients but as far as looks go... ??? doesnt make sence.

hes paying you for sex. other guys are paying you for sex. hot guys have diseases just as likely if not more so then ugly guys.

04-18-2007, 08:51 AM
I've got three teeth damn it!

04-18-2007, 08:52 AM
why in the world would a guy give a fuck if the other guys your fucking are hot or not???? does that make sence to ANYONE???

I could understand him being glad your selective as far as the class or type of person you see for clients but as far as looks go... ??? doesnt make sence.

hes paying you for sex. other guys are paying you for sex. hot guys have diseases just as likely if not more so then ugly guys. I wasn't talking about diseases, but they are disgusted by the fact of the thought I had some big fat guy over me huffing and puffing. Jen you should understand that.

04-18-2007, 08:52 AM
Ecstatic it was a joke,,lighten up and get over yourself FOR REAL.


Whether Kelly chooses to do it as work and or hobby or WHATEVER she now knows somes of the risk and lets hope she learns or we will hear about her getting thrown out a window or even worse............Its not a game and shouldnt be a topic on a gossip board or some fun extra cash adventure..

Lets move on Wendy I have, I'm just doing this till I find more porn producers to work with.

04-18-2007, 08:53 AM
OMG I have been thinking of doing this but Ive always been so scarred to do it because of all the risks. Thank you all that responded to this thread I really learned alot!!!!

And to reply to the thread, I think its okay to be selective. I know if I did escorting I woudl also be selective, lol.

WOW! Luna is a cutie! I love the face! I actually thought it was Doll for a second(an escort that I have had fun with a couple times)Well good to see that this thread was informational for Kelly. I thought it was going to be an out right hair pulling dress ripping cat fight for second there :roll: To have a view from the other side I always wonder how I would react if an escort was like that to me. I am not the vengful type of person so I would just go away and never use that person again but if someone was to ask my experience I would just tell what happened to me and wish them better luck.

Aww thank you. You and my sister both think that I look somewhat like a doll. Lol

Yeah I also think that if a guy went out and was expecting a girl to look like something based on pics and then he met her and she looked nothing like the pictures he would have a fit.


Thank you for the comment on my video on youtube!!!! And lol I ve gotten those looks plenty of times. Its like so many people dont get me especially other people like me(especially girls). I dont think that its the same for every person but I guess others dont get that. I am glad you could relate!!! Awe no problem sweety, I loved your voice of reason and thoughts!

04-18-2007, 08:55 AM
I met with a client tonight, who said he is going to tell everyone how much of a bitch I am etc on the board, so I thought I'd beat him to it lol

I did turn away said client, due to the fact he was using 6 year old pictures that now look nothing like the client, since he has gained weight over the years and aged.

I told the client, I am sorry but you have wasted your time and mine and it was very nice meeting him but to have a good night. When I said SELECT clients I meant it. And the client called me a few select names and superficial and said he will let everyone on Hung Angels know how bitchy I am. So lol I thought I'd share my side of the story before he could share HIS.

I am sorry it didn't work out for you as you planned. But I was very clear in my advertisement and I meant it. So you may call me every name in the book my dear, and feel the way you do thats fine. But I'm gonna get my two-cents in before you do. I hope you had a nice drive home! :wink:

Lots of Love and Luck


You are being a bitch. As an escort accommodating a prospective client, the client's look should be irrelevant; hence why he’s hiring an escort. He wants to pay for a hot date without the risk of being rejected; as you graciously did. I hope he didn’t give you a penny for your amateurish bullshit. You wanna cute guy? Then don’t court clients; court prospective boyfriends at your local singles bar.


If you're gonna be a hooker, then be a good professional one! HE DIDN"T PAY I SENT HIM ON HIS WAY!!!!!!!!!! HELLO????? And he apologized to me the next day profusely for lying to me and misrepresenting himself. After he read my side of it and how it made me feel. Especially when I was totally honest with him and nice the whole time on the phone. And I DIDN"T SAY IT BITCHY FIRST OF ALL I laughed and covered my face in a disbelief REACTION it just HAPPEN with out even thinking. And I apologized for it after I gained my compusure back.

04-18-2007, 08:59 AM
why in the world would a guy give a fuck if the other guys your fucking are hot or not???? does that make sence to ANYONE???

I could understand him being glad your selective as far as the class or type of person you see for clients but as far as looks go... ??? doesnt make sence.

hes paying you for sex. other guys are paying you for sex. hot guys have diseases just as likely if not more so then ugly guys. I wasn't talking about diseases, but they are disgusted by the fact of the thought I had some big fat guy over me huffing and puffing. Jen you should understand that.

hot guy huffing and puffing or ugly guy huffing and puffing ... either way some guy paid you for sex... if they can get over that i dont see why it matters what the guy looked like.

why would i understand that? b/c i sure as hell dont.

a spades a spade

it is what it is

and fyi you should be using condoms regardless how hot the guy is

04-18-2007, 09:04 AM
why in the world would a guy give a fuck if the other guys your fucking are hot or not???? does that make sence to ANYONE???

I could understand him being glad your selective as far as the class or type of person you see for clients but as far as looks go... ??? doesnt make sence.

hes paying you for sex. other guys are paying you for sex. hot guys have diseases just as likely if not more so then ugly guys. I wasn't talking about diseases, but they are disgusted by the fact of the thought I had some big fat guy over me huffing and puffing. Jen you should understand that.

hot guy huffing and puffing or ugly guy huffing and puffing ... either way some guy paid you for sex... if they can get over that i dont see why it matters what the guy looked like.

why would i understand that? b/c i sure as hell dont.

a spades a spade

it is what it is

and fyi you should be using condoms regardless how hot the guy is OMG JEN that was really uncalled for...I ALWAYS ALWAYS LWAYS ALWAYS USE PROTECTION!!! Even with my boyfriend of six years. And like I said before it's not like I'm doing 5 clients a day or even 2. I'm doing selectly whenever I feel like doing it, and most of the interested guys I'VE TURNED AWAY by my choice. Through screening them on the phone and through their pics. Why does it matter if I'm select so what.

04-18-2007, 09:13 AM
i guess i just assumed this meant you did a BBBJ....

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:59 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
SarahG wrote:
All the t-girls I've been with went all the way down and none of the GGs I've been with did.

Funny, I was talking about that very same thing last night with a few guys... they all said essentially the same thing.

Certainly makes you wonder.

According to the guys I've talked to, finding a GG who likes the taste (nevermind the willing to to deep throat aspect) is an abnormality... if these guys are right and thats the way things generally are, I just don't get it (personally I like the taste).
Yeah I think the problem in Dean's case since we blew the CONFIDENTIALITY segment lol he precums a lot so thats why the girls he was with may of not liked giving him oral.

04-18-2007, 09:54 AM
pawnin me dentures at the dental office fer sum steemy relashuns!!!!

04-18-2007, 10:22 AM
Being selective is a good thing...

But it's hard to effectively screen people based on a few pictures and conversations.

There's no way to tell what STDs they're carrying and condoms, while helpful, are far from perfect. Also, they don't always work to well for skin to skin transmission stuff like HPV.

Seriously, to be safe, I would request recent HIV, RPR (for syphillis), and HSV (herpes) blood work as well as urine tests for gonorrhea and chlamydia. Likely a poor business decision, but it beats getting these. Even with this, you still miss human papilloma virus (HPV)-the most common STD, which is associated with genital warts, cervical and anal cancer.

More importantly, it's hard to tell what' up in someone's mind. You may put yourself in a vulnerble position with a potentialy violent person. I'd always have a friend nearby as awkward as that sounds.

Then finally, this isn't exactly legal and may cause loss of one's day job, arrests, fines, etc.

I guess it comes down to a personal risk benefit analysis thing, but I definitely would not recommend escorting (or promiscuous sexual activity with relative strangers) to anyone I cared about.

04-18-2007, 02:40 PM
Lets be honest, good looking men don't need to pay, they can just get it for free. Why would they want to pay anyhow? That's absurb. I for example am very good looking, you'd NEVER catch me paying for sex!
Basically men who are paying simply cannot get it for free, hence the reason they're paying! LEARN IT


04-18-2007, 03:11 PM
Luna you are so young and pretty. I hope you don't end up escorting. I'm sure the money is great for a while, but you can only do that for a few years. Life is long. Escorting doesn't force you to go out and learn more valuable job skills that you can rely on in the long term.

I also believe that escorts often (not always) see the worst side of men, and develop a jaded attitude from this. If you have any desire to develop a LTR with a man, then escorting may make this more difficult. Obviously, everyone is an individual and has their own unique experiences, but this is my opinion based on my experiences.

Please keep posting and keep us informed on what's going on with you. Also love your avatar!

04-18-2007, 05:07 PM
Being an escort is not about being a sex provider, its about being a hustler. A hustler adapts to the situation and does what ever she has to. Also a good escort does less, the client will leave happy, and she will make more money.

And all this time I thought they really wanted me!
As true as that statement may be Julie, you're not painting a great picture of an encounter with you.

Ask anyone who has been with me if they like me and also enjoyed themselves? When I said "Being an escort is not about being a sex provider, its about being a hustler. A hustler adapts to the situation and does what ever she has to. Also a good escort does less, the client will leave happy, and she will make more money." it means its a business and I am not stupid, I could turn tricks with my eyes close, lol. Example, I used to have an agency before they days of Eros and everyone was in newspapers. This was when I lived in the mid-west. I had one new girl who worked for me and she didnt know what the hell she was doing. The trick came to her house at 5pm and she didnt call me to check in. I called her a few times and didnt hear back. So around 10pm, 4 hours later she called me. I was going by the name Stacie, I pick up the phone and she says "hi Stacie I am done". I was like LOL , what the fuck. The guy came to her house took her out for drinks then back to her house and she let the guy bareback fuck her and nut in her ass, lol for only 200 dollars. Now that's the different between a whore and a myself a good business woman.


04-18-2007, 05:18 PM

Unfortunately, you are showing your "true colors" in your first few posts. I sympathize with you and what any escort has to put up with seeing some grotesque human being. They should all have their choice in the matter and never be forced to see someone you're not comfortable with on an intimate level. However, cursing your critics is very unprofessional. Your initial post need to state the fact that he was butt ugly, not that he used old photos.

As an escort you will have to put up with those types, no doubt about it, and you should be and are free to choose who you see and don't see, but I hope when you post about it on here, you are more professional about it.

Fortunately, I have never been "rejected" by any escort from pornstars to local girls, but I do feel for those guys that can't get a hot girl like you and the only way to do so is to do the escort thing.

Good luck in your "side" business!

04-18-2007, 05:24 PM
Lets be honest, good looking men don't need to pay, they can just get it for free. Why would they want to pay anyhow? That's absurb. I for example am very good looking, you'd NEVER catch me paying for sex!
Basically men who are paying simply cannot get it for free, hence the reason they're paying!

This is 100% not true. There are very good looking men (myself included) that choose to pay for an escort for a few hours, than have to establish a relationship or date a girl to get in her pants. Some men out there are married and do this on the side, they don't want the drama of a mistress or of getting caught with one. Some men, like myself, don't have time or want a "real" relationship, we just want to fuck a hot girl or shemale and be done with it until the urge strikes us again. Unless the girl or shemale is a total slut, she's probably not going to put out on the first encounter at a bar or wherever. You'll have to establish "something" with them and "date" them. Either way, you end up paying whether it is directly to the escort or via buying meals, gas, or other costs associated with dating a girl.

Remember, you don't pay an escort for sex, you pay her to leave! ;)

04-18-2007, 05:33 PM
Jen lets be clear about something the reason I KNOW DEAN PRECUMS A LOT is because his boxerbriefs were drenched in precum when he pulled them down and when I was jacking him off more came out. This is how I knew he pre-came a lot.

04-18-2007, 05:38 PM
If you're gonna escort, you're gonna have to deal with men who are less than stellar looking on a daily basis. This business requires a lot of motivation on your part. My tranny friends who are escorts tell me some wild stories about these repulsive 200lb 35+ year olds with beer bellies, old enough to be their fathers ect seeking out their services. I give these girls major props for sleeping with men whom they're not sexually attracted to because it's not something i could fathom doing.

Lets be honest, good looking men don't need to pay, they can just get it for free. Why would they want to pay anyhow? That's absurb. I for example am very good looking, you'd NEVER catch me paying for sex!
Basically men who are paying simply cannot get it for free, hence the reason they're paying!

Furthermore, I even know some escorts who give men they're attracted to freebies while they charge the ones they aren't particularly attracted to.

LEARN IT AGAIN THIS IS NOT A BUSINESS TO ME, If I get a client here and there GOOD DEAL if I don't THATS OKAY TOO. I decided to do this cause a lot of guys want to use tgirls as a science project and I don't care if you look like BRAD PITT if there is no real feelings there and you actualldon't want to get to know me just have sex with me YOU ARE PAYING ME!! I'm getting something out of it too. And thats if I decide if I want you as a client. I make me I make my own worth and I decide who I want just as any other client. IF NOONE AGREES WITH THIS THATS FINE!! BUT IT'S HOW I AM DOING IT and I MAKE MY OWN DECISIONS!!!!!!! NOONE ELSE. AND ANOTHER THING THE CLIENT IS PAYING FOR MY TIME, WHAT GOES ON DURING THAT TIME IS OUR DISCRETION.

04-18-2007, 05:50 PM
After reading through this thread, I have determined that fat guys have diseases but get no girls, and hot guys have no diseases but get all the girls.....is something wrong with this summation or is Kelly just very young and naive?

04-18-2007, 05:54 PM

04-18-2007, 06:12 PM
I have read about 6 pages of this Kelly Shore Fantasy, I am thinking she didn't send a client away, she was living in her fantasy land in front of the computer. Hell, when did she have time, she is posting all day on the computer, I wounder how many other boards she is a member of.
If your going to be a escort, be a pro, but that isn't the kelly way

04-18-2007, 06:17 PM
I have read about 6 pages of this Kelly Shore Fantasy, I am thinking she didn't send a client away, she was living in her fantasy land in front of the computer. Hell, when did she have time, she is posting all day on the computer, I wounder how many other boards she is a member of.
If your going to be a escort, be a pro, but that isn't the kelly way I AM OFF HERE FOR HOURS AT A TIME I JUST STAY SIGNED IN I leave all my websites signed in when I LEAVE, I respond to a few threads I find interesting and leave it at that. I'm about to leave to work you dumb ass. BUT WHATEVER. THE CLIENT WAS TURNED AWAY and I"LL TURN THE NEXT GUY THAT LIES ABOUT HIS APPEARANCE ETC AWAY TOO. I have no TRIAL OR TRIBULATION ABOUT IT. AND I wish he would post cause you will see he is at a different IP ADRESS just like DEAN WAS just like BIGJ1nevv was etc this is just your PARANOIDA and trying TO HATE ON ME talking. NOT TO MENTION YOU ARE PROBABLY ON A PHONEY ASS NAME THATS A REGULAR. I have nothing to hide and I will no longer make apologies for my candidness or speaking my mind. IF YOU DON"T LIKE ME SO BE IT. I DON'T CARE!! AND DEAN THE ONE THAT GAVE ME A GOOD REVIEW I BELIEVE HAS BEEN IN CONTACT WITH JENNIFER PARIS last time I talked to him which was two days ago AND I CAN'T GIVE MYSELF A MAN VOICE SORRY MY VOICE DOESN'T GO THAT DEEP. SO BAD DETECTIVE SHUT THE FUCK UP!

04-18-2007, 06:25 PM
I can start off by saying I've would have been supremely pissed off to see someone react like that upon my arrival, especially the way you handled it. If he had a temper problem you damn sure would have been in for some trouble. Secondly this thread seems a little childish.....like an "I'm telling on you", says John. "NOT IF I TELL ON YOU FIRST!!!", says Kelly. And IMO IDK if your being so selective as opposed to having guys that you'd willingly sleep with pay you instead. AndI dont mean to jump on teh Bash Kelly Bandwagon, but hey that's just my opinion....

04-18-2007, 06:45 PM
If you're gonna escort, you're gonna have to deal with men who are less than stellar looking on a daily basis. This business requires a lot of motivation on your part. My tranny friends who are escorts tell me some wild stories about these repulsive 200lb 35+ year olds with beer bellies, old enough to be their fathers ect seeking out their services. I give these girls major props for sleeping with men whom they're not sexually attracted to because it's not something i could fathom doing.

Lets be honest, good looking men don't need to pay, they can just get it for free. Why would they want to pay anyhow? That's absurb. I for example am very good looking, you'd NEVER catch me paying for sex!
Basically men who are paying simply cannot get it for free, hence the reason they're paying!

Furthermore, I even know some escorts who give men they're attracted to freebies while they charge the ones they aren't particularly attracted to.


youre living in a fairytale if you really beleive that....

ive had far hotter guys pay me for my then ive had "ugly" ones... ANY guy good looking or not can go to a bar and get laid for free or for the price of a few drinks... HOWEVER... the girl hes taking home 1. most likely isnt a tranny and 2. is most likely not very attractive

therefore if YOU or any other "hot" guy,
*using " " bc no pic says a lot about you*
want to get w/ a hot ts youre going to have to pay just like all the "ugly" men do.

i dont charge guys to have sex w/ me. i charge guys so that way i get something out of our encounter. i got tired of dating guys and thinking it might go somewhere only to never get a call back after i finally had sex w/ them... got tired of being used. now i dont feel bad when they dont call back... only now they do and they pay me as well.

04-18-2007, 07:42 PM
Mind you I'm gay and not attracted to trannyz.

how do you have the energy even to be posting here if you're not attracted to trannies? well, high-five for being involved anyway

04-18-2007, 09:04 PM
I can start off by saying I've would have been supremely pissed off to see someone react like that upon my arrival, especially the way you handled it. If he had a temper problem you damn sure would have been in for some trouble. Secondly this thread seems a little childish.....like an "I'm telling on you", says John. "NOT IF I TELL ON YOU FIRST!!!", says Kelly. And IMO IDK if your being so selective as opposed to having guys that you'd willingly sleep with pay you instead. AndI dont mean to jump on teh Bash Kelly Bandwagon, but hey that's just my opinion.... :roll: HE LIED do you not realize that HE LIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why are you dumbasses sticking up for him??

04-18-2007, 09:06 PM
If you're gonna escort, you're gonna have to deal with men who are less than stellar looking on a daily basis. This business requires a lot of motivation on your part. My tranny friends who are escorts tell me some wild stories about these repulsive 200lb 35+ year olds with beer bellies, old enough to be their fathers ect seeking out their services. I give these girls major props for sleeping with men whom they're not sexually attracted to because it's not something i could fathom doing.

Lets be honest, good looking men don't need to pay, they can just get it for free. Why would they want to pay anyhow? That's absurb. I for example am very good looking, you'd NEVER catch me paying for sex!
Basically men who are paying simply cannot get it for free, hence the reason they're paying!

Furthermore, I even know some escorts who give men they're attracted to freebies while they charge the ones they aren't particularly attracted to.


youre living in a fairytale if you really beleive that....

ive had far hotter guys pay me for my then ive had "ugly" ones... ANY guy good looking or not can go to a bar and get laid for free or for the price of a few drinks... HOWEVER... the girl hes taking home 1. most likely isnt a tranny and 2. is most likely not very attractive

therefore if YOU or any other "hot" guy,
*using " " bc no pic says a lot about you*
want to get w/ a hot ts youre going to have to pay just like all the "ugly" men do.

i dont charge guys to have sex w/ me. i charge guys so that way i get something out of our encounter. i got tired of dating guys and thinking it might go somewhere only to never get a call back after i finally had sex w/ them... got tired of being used. now i dont feel bad when they dont call back... only now they do and they pay me as well. My sentiments exactly on that last paragraph.

04-18-2007, 09:15 PM
^^ so i noticed kelly. i used to feel the way you do but after awhile the reality of it was i was making 1500 a week w/ the hot guys and had the chance to make 3k a week taking on "less attractive" clients... that and the money i make working as a national artist for MAC and a night hostess for very popular resturant have afforded me some of the finer things in life.

04-18-2007, 09:17 PM
A+, i leard so much on this topic.

thx ;)

04-18-2007, 09:28 PM
tsntx u r lovely!

wut is a lip lift? :?:

thnx those pics are as old as my boobs tho... basically they cut underneath your nose and cut out a section of skin between your top lip and your nose that way when they stitch it back it pulls your top lip up ... much like a brow lift or hairline advancement would do.

04-18-2007, 09:41 PM
I didn't know there was so much work involved in making yourself so beautiful. But I guess most guys don't realize this kinda thing.

04-18-2007, 09:57 PM
Why does Vicki say your parents paid for your surgeries Jen?

04-18-2007, 10:18 PM
^^ so i noticed kelly. i used to feel the way you do but after awhile the reality of it was i was making 1500 a week w/ the hot guys and had the chance to make 3k a week taking on "less attractive" clients... that and the money i make working as a national artist for MAC and a night hostess for very popular resturant have afforded me some of the finer things in life.

Mmmmmm, Texas hotness!

04-18-2007, 10:46 PM
I can start off by saying I've would have been supremely pissed off to see someone react like that upon my arrival, especially the way you handled it. If he had a temper problem you damn sure would have been in for some trouble. Secondly this thread seems a little childish.....like an "I'm telling on you", says John. "NOT IF I TELL ON YOU FIRST!!!", says Kelly. And IMO IDK if your being so selective as opposed to having guys that you'd willingly sleep with pay you instead. AndI dont mean to jump on teh Bash Kelly Bandwagon, but hey that's just my opinion.... :roll: HE LIED do you not realize that HE LIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why are you dumbasses sticking up for him??

He lied, lol your airbrushed and have no tits, that's very deceiving Kelly (Kyle) isn't it?

04-18-2007, 10:47 PM
I can start off by saying I've would have been supremely pissed off to see someone react like that upon my arrival, especially the way you handled it. If he had a temper problem you damn sure would have been in for some trouble. Secondly this thread seems a little childish.....like an "I'm telling on you", says John. "NOT IF I TELL ON YOU FIRST!!!", says Kelly. And IMO IDK if your being so selective as opposed to having guys that you'd willingly sleep with pay you instead. AndI dont mean to jump on teh Bash Kelly Bandwagon, but hey that's just my opinion.... :roll: HE LIED do you not realize that HE LIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why are you dumbasses sticking up for him??

He lied, lol your airbrushed and have no tits, that's very deceiving Kelly (Kyle) isn't it? I have some boobs thanks and I didn't airbrush and every guy have said I look better in person. But nice try on the bitchiness darling. Since you WEREN'T TRYING TO BE A BITCH I believe thats how you stated it lol BUT THANK YOU FOR PROVING WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT. Because you went out and had breast implants done and a few surgeries on the face NOW YOUR GOD. I love transexuals that get this point of view or attitude. LOVE YA

04-18-2007, 10:53 PM
Why does Vicki say your parents paid for your surgeries Jen?

b/c shes misinformed. simply put.

i didnt post the pic of my cost of surgery to say i paid for it w/ escorting money. i posted it to show how much it costs and that OTHER girls escort to pay for surgeries... i plan on getting my nose and breasts re-done and my parents wont be paying for that either.

my parents are very supportive of my transition and they along w/ my bf at the time fronted the DEPOSIT to get my work done. they each paid $2k while the discovery health channel and my doctor paid for the other $26k.

04-18-2007, 11:02 PM
I can start off by saying I've would have been supremely pissed off to see someone react like that upon my arrival, especially the way you handled it. If he had a temper problem you damn sure would have been in for some trouble. Secondly this thread seems a little childish.....like an "I'm telling on you", says John. "NOT IF I TELL ON YOU FIRST!!!", says Kelly. And IMO IDK if your being so selective as opposed to having guys that you'd willingly sleep with pay you instead. AndI dont mean to jump on teh Bash Kelly Bandwagon, but hey that's just my opinion.... :roll: HE LIED do you not realize that HE LIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why are you dumbasses sticking up for him??

He lied, lol your airbrushed and have no tits, that's very deceiving Kelly (Kyle) isn't it? I have some boobs thanks and I didn't airbrush and every guy have said I look better in person. But nice try on the bitchiness darling. Since you WEREN'T TRYING TO BE A BITCH I believe thats how you stated it lol BUT THANK YOU FOR PROVING WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT. Because you went out and had breast implants done and a few surgeries on the face NOW YOUR GOD. I love transexuals that get this point of view or attitude. LOVE YA

Kyle AKA Kelly,
LOL its not because I have had work done that I think I am above you, I think I am above you on an intellectual level. Your an idiot and its more then fun to to fuck with you to pass the time. You dug your self a hole and I am just helping to push you in that hole......LOL....Kiss Kiss

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-18-2007, 11:05 PM
LOL Meowww! Another cat fight!! :lol:



04-18-2007, 11:08 PM
Just when people were getting along somewhat...

04-18-2007, 11:19 PM
(...) its not because I have had work done that I think I am above you, I think I am above you on an intellectual level. Your an idiot and its more then fun to to fuck with you to pass the time. You dug your self a hole and I am just helping to push you in that hole......LOL....Kiss Kiss

I'm excited, now...

04-18-2007, 11:29 PM
(...) its not because I have had work done that I think I am above you, I think I am above you on an intellectual level. Your an idiot and its more then fun to to fuck with you to pass the time. You dug your self a hole and I am just helping to push you in that hole......LOL....Kiss Kiss

I'm excited, now...

you should be

04-18-2007, 11:44 PM
:popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :rock2 :rock2 :rock2 :claps :claps :claps :jerkoff :jerkoff :jerkoff :jerkoff :jerkoff :jerkoff :peanutbutter :peanutbutter :peanutbutter :peanutbutter :peanutbutter :peanutbutter :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn


04-19-2007, 12:04 AM
Why does Vicki say your parents paid for your surgeries Jen?

b/c shes misinformed. simply put.

i didnt post the pic of my cost of surgery to say i paid for it w/ escorting money. i posted it to show how much it costs and that OTHER girls escort to pay for surgeries... i plan on getting my nose and breasts re-done and my parents wont be paying for that either.

my parents are very supportive of my transition and they along w/ my bf at the time fronted the DEPOSIT to get my work done. they each paid $2k while the discovery health channel and my doctor paid for the other $26k. Thats cool I was just wondering your side of things.

04-19-2007, 12:05 AM
I can start off by saying I've would have been supremely pissed off to see someone react like that upon my arrival, especially the way you handled it. If he had a temper problem you damn sure would have been in for some trouble. Secondly this thread seems a little childish.....like an "I'm telling on you", says John. "NOT IF I TELL ON YOU FIRST!!!", says Kelly. And IMO IDK if your being so selective as opposed to having guys that you'd willingly sleep with pay you instead. AndI dont mean to jump on teh Bash Kelly Bandwagon, but hey that's just my opinion.... :roll: HE LIED do you not realize that HE LIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why are you dumbasses sticking up for him??

He lied, lol your airbrushed and have no tits, that's very deceiving Kelly (Kyle) isn't it? I have some boobs thanks and I didn't airbrush and every guy have said I look better in person. But nice try on the bitchiness darling. Since you WEREN'T TRYING TO BE A BITCH I believe thats how you stated it lol BUT THANK YOU FOR PROVING WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT. Because you went out and had breast implants done and a few surgeries on the face NOW YOUR GOD. I love transexuals that get this point of view or attitude. LOVE YA

Kyle AKA Kelly,
LOL its not because I have had work done that I think I am above you, I think I am above you on an intellectual level. Your an idiot and its more then fun to to fuck with you to pass the time. You dug your self a hole and I am just helping to push you in that hole......LOL....Kiss Kiss :roll: You mentioned nothing about intelligence in your retalliation my dear. So how is that SMARTS? You are talking phsyical or did I miss something? Maybe you need to reread what you wrote, but nice SAVE.

04-19-2007, 12:07 AM
Jennifer Justice Im from texas how would I go about scheduling a session with you thanks

04-19-2007, 12:10 AM
:popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :rock2 :rock2 :rock2 :claps :claps :claps :jerkoff :jerkoff :jerkoff :jerkoff :jerkoff :jerkoff :peanutbutter :peanutbutter :peanutbutter :peanutbutter :peanutbutter :peanutbutter :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn


Why are you skeet skeeting...lol...LMAO at the jerkoff faces.

04-19-2007, 12:17 AM
bc i get so excited at the "internet fights" lol

04-19-2007, 12:18 AM
Jennifer Justice Im from texas how would I go about scheduling a session with you thanks

a PRIVATE msg usually works. ;)

04-19-2007, 12:18 AM
I can start off by saying I've would have been supremely pissed off to see someone react like that upon my arrival, especially the way you handled it. If he had a temper problem you damn sure would have been in for some trouble. Secondly this thread seems a little childish.....like an "I'm telling on you", says John. "NOT IF I TELL ON YOU FIRST!!!", says Kelly. And IMO IDK if your being so selective as opposed to having guys that you'd willingly sleep with pay you instead. AndI dont mean to jump on teh Bash Kelly Bandwagon, but hey that's just my opinion.... :roll: HE LIED do you not realize that HE LIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why are you dumbasses sticking up for him??

He lied, lol your airbrushed and have no tits, that's very deceiving Kelly (Kyle) isn't it? I have some boobs thanks and I didn't airbrush and every guy have said I look better in person. But nice try on the bitchiness darling. Since you WEREN'T TRYING TO BE A BITCH I believe thats how you stated it lol BUT THANK YOU FOR PROVING WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT. Because you went out and had breast implants done and a few surgeries on the face NOW YOUR GOD. I love transexuals that get this point of view or attitude. LOVE YA

Kyle AKA Kelly,
LOL its not because I have had work done that I think I am above you, I think I am above you on an intellectual level. Your an idiot and its more then fun to to fuck with you to pass the time. You dug your self a hole and I am just helping to push you in that hole......LOL....Kiss Kiss :roll: You mentioned nothing about intelligence in your retalliation my dear. So how is that SMARTS? You are talking phsyical or did I miss something? Maybe you need to reread what you wrote, but nice SAVE.

Hun I dont have to mention intelligence, I think you have proven your lack of it.

04-19-2007, 12:20 AM
I can start off by saying I've would have been supremely pissed off to see someone react like that upon my arrival, especially the way you handled it. If he had a temper problem you damn sure would have been in for some trouble. Secondly this thread seems a little childish.....like an "I'm telling on you", says John. "NOT IF I TELL ON YOU FIRST!!!", says Kelly. And IMO IDK if your being so selective as opposed to having guys that you'd willingly sleep with pay you instead. AndI dont mean to jump on teh Bash Kelly Bandwagon, but hey that's just my opinion.... :roll: HE LIED do you not realize that HE LIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why are you dumbasses sticking up for him??

He lied, lol your airbrushed and have no tits, that's very deceiving Kelly (Kyle) isn't it? I have some boobs thanks and I didn't airbrush and every guy have said I look better in person. But nice try on the bitchiness darling. Since you WEREN'T TRYING TO BE A BITCH I believe thats how you stated it lol BUT THANK YOU FOR PROVING WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT. Because you went out and had breast implants done and a few surgeries on the face NOW YOUR GOD. I love transexuals that get this point of view or attitude. LOVE YA

Kyle AKA Kelly,
LOL its not because I have had work done that I think I am above you, I think I am above you on an intellectual level. Your an idiot and its more then fun to to fuck with you to pass the time. You dug your self a hole and I am just helping to push you in that hole......LOL....Kiss Kiss :roll: You mentioned nothing about intelligence in your retalliation my dear. So how is that SMARTS? You are talking phsyical or did I miss something? Maybe you need to reread what you wrote, but nice SAVE.

Hun I dont have to mention intelligence, I think you have proven your lack of it.Okay doll thats your perception, opinion, and right. :roll:

04-19-2007, 12:25 AM
I can start off by saying I've would have been supremely pissed off to see someone react like that upon my arrival, especially the way you handled it. If he had a temper problem you damn sure would have been in for some trouble. Secondly this thread seems a little childish.....like an "I'm telling on you", says John. "NOT IF I TELL ON YOU FIRST!!!", says Kelly. And IMO IDK if your being so selective as opposed to having guys that you'd willingly sleep with pay you instead. AndI dont mean to jump on teh Bash Kelly Bandwagon, but hey that's just my opinion.... :roll: HE LIED do you not realize that HE LIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why are you dumbasses sticking up for him??

He lied, lol your airbrushed and have no tits, that's very deceiving Kelly (Kyle) isn't it? I have some boobs thanks and I didn't airbrush and every guy have said I look better in person. But nice try on the bitchiness darling. Since you WEREN'T TRYING TO BE A BITCH I believe thats how you stated it lol BUT THANK YOU FOR PROVING WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT. Because you went out and had breast implants done and a few surgeries on the face NOW YOUR GOD. I love transexuals that get this point of view or attitude. LOVE YA

Kyle AKA Kelly,
LOL its not because I have had work done that I think I am above you, I think I am above you on an intellectual level. Your an idiot and its more then fun to to fuck with you to pass the time. You dug your self a hole and I am just helping to push you in that hole......LOL....Kiss Kiss :roll: You mentioned nothing about intelligence in your retalliation my dear. So how is that SMARTS? You are talking phsyical or did I miss something? Maybe you need to reread what you wrote, but nice SAVE.

Hun I dont have to mention intelligence, I think you have proven your lack of it.

I 2nd that one, she is a idiot

04-19-2007, 12:25 AM
Hello Everyone

Love this site. More drama then tv. Can't believe how some wear their hearts on there shirtsleeves for all to see.
Most hide behind username....not Kelly.

Kelly, For all the old and fat guys I'd like to rip you a new asshole (pun intended) but I won't cause most of the feedback you got on this topic is advice from people who care about you and are your friends. I'd like to be your friend too but a true friend pulls no punches and tells you like it is.

By your own words it is clear that escorting for you is a girl looking to get her rocks off and make a few buck at the same time. Yes,I am jealous of you getting lots of sex and paid for it too. Jealous of the clients too. Possibly you hope one of these hunk clients will want you for a real relationship. Slim chance but if it works you might have came up with
a new way of dating and putting eharmony right out of business.

Maybe you hope Matt will prove his love for you and come rescue you from your evil self. Only you know why you chose to escort.
It is your body and your right to use as you want. But....

You say you want to do more Porn. You should'nt do either. Why you ask?

1. You're way too cute and innocent.
2. You're way too smart. (use your brain not your body)
3. and most important. You lost the love of your life, Matt, because he couldn't deal with friends and family knowinghe was with a transexual. How is your next boyfriend going to deal with that plus that you've had sex with strangers for money. All easy to hide enough before the internet.

Google kellyshore and what do you get.

You get kelly at myspace,kelly at myspacetg,kellyshore,com,laserlovers where you used to work(describing you as Kelly Shore, Bachelor of Psychology.....Kelly has been an activist for some time in the transgender community, helping to raise awareness and understanding among the general public.) and lots of links back to Hungangels.

Anyone for the next few years can read everything you've said at HA. From "I have decided To Start Escorting Again..."to Dean's review. Connecting the dot from one site to other leads to your short mastabastion vids for sale (they were linked from HA). Someone will buy them and post them for free download. Thousands will have copies. Most guys don't want a girlfriend that has hundreds of men jerking off to their vids.I have a close friend that has a pornsite and sells much the same. Her last two protential boyfriends left skidmarks when she told them.
She's back working and trying to get by without the easy money she was making.

Chances are you never get rich and famous from porn. Don't add anymore skeletons to your closet. It's your life. You have no control on who you are but you control what you do. Should you become a "Rich and Famous Pornstar" I'll be one of your biggest fans.

If I was younger,cuter and why not richer I be sweeping you off your feet. Maybe next lifetime.

Ps Do you do cute midgets...cause if I see any I'll send them your way.Hey! you can spin them you know. Just kidding
We Love Ya

04-19-2007, 12:26 AM
I can start off by saying I've would have been supremely pissed off to see someone react like that upon my arrival, especially the way you handled it. If he had a temper problem you damn sure would have been in for some trouble. Secondly this thread seems a little childish.....like an "I'm telling on you", says John. "NOT IF I TELL ON YOU FIRST!!!", says Kelly. And IMO IDK if your being so selective as opposed to having guys that you'd willingly sleep with pay you instead. AndI dont mean to jump on teh Bash Kelly Bandwagon, but hey that's just my opinion.... :roll: HE LIED do you not realize that HE LIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why are you dumbasses sticking up for him??

He lied, lol your airbrushed and have no tits, that's very deceiving Kelly (Kyle) isn't it? I have some boobs thanks and I didn't airbrush and every guy have said I look better in person. But nice try on the bitchiness darling. Since you WEREN'T TRYING TO BE A BITCH I believe thats how you stated it lol BUT THANK YOU FOR PROVING WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT. Because you went out and had breast implants done and a few surgeries on the face NOW YOUR GOD. I love transexuals that get this point of view or attitude. LOVE YA

Kyle AKA Kelly,
LOL its not because I have had work done that I think I am above you, I think I am above you on an intellectual level. Your an idiot and its more then fun to to fuck with you to pass the time. You dug your self a hole and I am just helping to push you in that hole......LOL....Kiss Kiss :roll: You mentioned nothing about intelligence in your retalliation my dear. So how is that SMARTS? You are talking phsyical or did I miss something? Maybe you need to reread what you wrote, but nice SAVE.

Hun I dont have to mention intelligence, I think you have proven your lack of it.

I 2nd that one, she is a idiotThats because I don't stick up or want to be with ugly trolls. If my views were different on this matter...your reactions as well as others reactions would be DIFFERENT and NOONE would be BOTHERED by it. SO ummm ANOTHER REALITY CHECK!!

04-19-2007, 12:59 AM
RobRobster thanks for making up another phoney name and trying to analyze what you can't lol


04-19-2007, 02:22 AM
I can start off by saying I've would have been supremely pissed off to see someone react like that upon my arrival, especially the way you handled it. If he had a temper problem you damn sure would have been in for some trouble. Secondly this thread seems a little childish.....like an "I'm telling on you", says John. "NOT IF I TELL ON YOU FIRST!!!", says Kelly. And IMO IDK if your being so selective as opposed to having guys that you'd willingly sleep with pay you instead. And I dont mean to jump on teh Bash Kelly Bandwagon, but hey that's just my opinion.... :roll: HE LIED do you not realize that HE LIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why are you dumbasses sticking up for him??

He lied, lol your airbrushed and have no tits, that's very deceiving Kelly (Kyle) isn't it? I have some boobs thanks and I didn't airbrush and every guy have said I look better in person. But nice try on the bitchiness darling. Since you WEREN'T TRYING TO BE A BITCH I believe thats how you stated it lol BUT THANK YOU FOR PROVING WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT. Because you went out and had breast implants done and a few surgeries on the face NOW YOUR GOD. I love transexuals that get this point of view or attitude. LOVE YA

Kyle AKA Kelly,
LOL its not because I have had work done that I think I am above you, I think I am above you on an intellectual level. Your an idiot and its more then fun to to fuck with you to pass the time. You dug your self a hole and I am just helping to push you in that hole......LOL....Kiss Kiss :roll: You mentioned nothing about intelligence in your retalliation my dear. So how is that SMARTS? You are talking phsyical or did I miss something? Maybe you need to reread what you wrote, but nice SAVE.

LOL Name calling? Apparently the only dumbass here is you and theres seems to be more than enough people here that will side with me. I suggest you read what the fuck I wrote while telling others to reread there posts, but then again I'm sure it's hard to weed out of the million threads and comments you've left in the past 2 days. Since your were too retarded to read it in the first place I will sum it up for you. You were a bitch, being childish, and your a sheep playing in wolves territory, and quite frankly I dont give a damn. I just gave my fuckin opinion. Dont blast me when you put yourself out there to be criticized.

04-19-2007, 03:14 AM
CARE TO EXPLAIN THAT ? Backstabbing how? I always thought i stabbed in the front and none of that going on here, hey i'm cynical but admitting that EVERYONE is flawed is not backstabbing. What are you hinting at? I am implying nothing more than i said

i was talking about the ts community backstabbing itself by caring more about useless catfights (backstabbing others) than about getting organised

Why does Vicki say your parents paid for your surgeries Jen?

you probably dont want to go there :p

04-19-2007, 06:03 AM
Well here is my opinion, for what it is worth (nothing)............

First off, I would like to state I have made no attempt to hide the fact that I find allot of Kelly's posts (not all), somewhat pointless and frankly quite sanctimonious, not to mention - often tedious.

But I do feel that this thread has been inundated with overreactions and misplaced contempt for an act that it's self, does not deserve.

From what I can gather Kelly has been quite clear from the start that looks and appearance are very high on her agenda, and has offered no misconceptions otherwise. She purposely stated that she wanted to view photos of her potential clients/meetings, purely for this reason.

The fact that the guy in question decided to post old pictures of him is a form of deceit in it's self. He took the decision to attempt to portray himself in an image that he consciously knew would be more likely to appeal to Kelly’s tastes and preferences than his present self. This act clearly indicates that he knew exactly what he was doing, but went a head and decided to "test the water" so to speak………

What could he really expect, you have a girl who is always talking about looks, a girl who has stated - she only wants to meet with people she "finds attractive". He turns up some six years older and obviously pounds heavier, hoping that she will sympathize and fuck him anyway....... it was never going to happen, he is the fool for even contemplating it could.

So let's turn this around for some perspective, how many guys would be happy if they arranged a meeting with a "hot girl" on the internet, after interacting and sharing photos with her.......... only to arrive and she is much older and very different looking to the pictures she had sent you. You would feel deceived, most likely resulting in you acting angrily or at least negatively towards her thus resulting in you promptly removing yourself from the encounter, this in fact is no different to what Kelly has done. Her reaction may appear harsh, but it was natural and more importantly fair to the circumstances.

Granted, it may not have been “the brightest idea in the world” to post the details of this encounter on a public forum. But on the threat of this person creating an attack on her character and actions on that day, her motives were most likely to have been - wanting to have the chance to explain her side of the story, before having to defend her self against his claims and insults fuelled by a grudge that was ultimately caused by his own deception and stupidity.

So to sum up, she asked for pictures specifically for the reason of screening, and furthermore did not hide the fact that she was doing so.

He sent a deceptive picture purposely, = his fuck up = his fault…….. It’s really that simple.

Lastly, I am not agreeing with her outlook and focus on looks alone, but she has never hidden the fact that these are her motivations. He knew this very well and that is why he sent the old picture, it was a...........

04-19-2007, 06:18 AM
I dont hide behind my pics, and ask anyone who has ever see me, I look better in person, LOL.

I've met Julie in person and she does look amazing! Yes... much better! A natural beauty!

Which reminds me, it's been awhile. I should give you a call this week. :wink:

04-19-2007, 06:27 AM
Luna you are so young and pretty. I hope you don't end up escorting. I'm sure the money is great for a while, but you can only do that for a few years. Life is long. Escorting doesn't force you to go out and learn more valuable job skills that you can rely on in the long term.

I also believe that escorts often (not always) see the worst side of men, and develop a jaded attitude from this. If you have any desire to develop a LTR with a man, then escorting may make this more difficult. Obviously, everyone is an individual and has their own unique experiences, but this is my opinion based on my experiences.

Please keep posting and keep us informed on what's going on with you. Also love your avatar!

Thank you for the compliment. And Yeah I am not sure if ill actually do it. Its just a thought. And yes I also think that sometimes beacause of sad and empty(no offense, just what ive heard and I am sure there are girls that dont feel this way). I hope I dont become jaded. But you know excort or not I think I have become somewhat jaded, being a girl like me isnt easy and alot of regulars Ive dated just want to lol "hit it and quit it" haha. Which has made me doghtful of almost every guy now.

Thank you for your advise. And I do want a LTR but you know even now its hard to find a guy in STL that I am attracted to and I like and likes me. But I am still hopefull. I THINK I NEED TO MOVE!! :D

04-19-2007, 06:29 AM
I can start off by saying I've would have been supremely pissed off to see someone react like that upon my arrival, especially the way you handled it. If he had a temper problem you damn sure would have been in for some trouble. Secondly this thread seems a little childish.....like an "I'm telling on you", says John. "NOT IF I TELL ON YOU FIRST!!!", says Kelly. And IMO IDK if your being so selective as opposed to having guys that you'd willingly sleep with pay you instead. AndI dont mean to jump on teh Bash Kelly Bandwagon, but hey that's just my opinion.... :roll: HE LIED do you not realize that HE LIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why are you dumbasses sticking up for him??

He lied, lol your airbrushed and have no tits, that's very deceiving Kelly (Kyle) isn't it? I have some boobs thanks and I didn't airbrush and every guy have said I look better in person. But nice try on the bitchiness darling. Since you WEREN'T TRYING TO BE A BITCH I believe thats how you stated it lol BUT THANK YOU FOR PROVING WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT. Because you went out and had breast implants done and a few surgeries on the face NOW YOUR GOD. I love transexuals that get this point of view or attitude. LOVE YA

Kyle AKA Kelly,
LOL its not because I have had work done that I think I am above you, I think I am above you on an intellectual level. Your an idiot and its more then fun to to fuck with you to pass the time. You dug your self a hole and I am just helping to push you in that hole......LOL....Kiss Kiss :roll: You mentioned nothing about intelligence in your retalliation my dear. So how is that SMARTS? You are talking phsyical or did I miss something? Maybe you need to reread what you wrote, but nice SAVE.

Hun I dont have to mention intelligence, I think you have proven your lack of it.

I 2nd that one, she is a idiotThats because I don't stick up or want to be with ugly trolls. If my views were different on this matter...your reactions as well as others reactions would be DIFFERENT and NOONE would be BOTHERED by it. SO ummm ANOTHER REALITY CHECK!!

WHAT? of course if you had different views others would have different views on them. No SHIT, who ever said you were an IDIOT, EVERYONE

04-19-2007, 06:31 AM
...he texted me early this morning saying he was sorry for lying and he understands.

Maybe you should text him back and make amends? Turn a negative into a positive. "Pay it forward!"

04-19-2007, 06:43 AM
Why does Vicki say your parents paid for your surgeries Jen?

b/c shes misinformed. simply put.

i didnt post the pic of my cost of surgery to say i paid for it w/ escorting money. i posted it to show how much it costs and that OTHER girls escort to pay for surgeries... i plan on getting my nose and breasts re-done and my parents wont be paying for that either.

my parents are very supportive of my transition and they along w/ my bf at the time fronted the DEPOSIT to get my work done. they each paid $2k while the discovery health channel and my doctor paid for the other $26k.

OM MY GOSH JEN!!!! I KNEW YOU I SAW SOMETHING ON TV AND YOU WERE ON IT!!!! I LOVED THAT EPISODE!!! I watched it with my teacher friend, I can still remember it like it was yesterday!!! Happy to actuallly talk with you!!!

the natural1
04-19-2007, 07:01 AM
sorry you had to go thru that sweetie. just to let everyone know, Kelly and I finally met and she is a wonderful girl who is extremely sweet.

04-19-2007, 07:04 AM
sorry you had to go thru that sweetie. just to let everyone know, Kelly and I finally met and she is a wonderful girl who is extremely sweet. Is this Andy? lol If it is, let them think what they want you are preaching to the choir. They will believe whatever they want.

04-19-2007, 07:12 AM
:popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :rock2 :rock2 :rock2 :claps :claps :claps :jerkoff :jerkoff :jerkoff :jerkoff :jerkoff :jerkoff :peanutbutter :peanutbutter :peanutbutter :peanutbutter :peanutbutter :peanutbutter :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn


Happy to know I'm not the only one getting the popcorn eating audience.


04-19-2007, 07:41 AM
Well here is my opinion, for what it is worth (nothing)............

First off, I would like to state I have made no attempt to hide the fact that I find allot of Kelly's posts (not all), somewhat pointless and frankly quite sanctimonious, not to mention - often tedious.

But I do feel that this thread has been inundated with overreactions and misplaced contempt for an act that it's self, does not deserve.

From what I can gather Kelly has been quite clear from the start that looks and appearance are very high on her agenda, and has offered no misconceptions otherwise. She purposely stated that she wanted to view photos of her potential clients/meetings, purely for this reason.

The fact that the guy in question decided to post old pictures of him is a form of deceit in it's self. He took the decision to attempt to portray himself in an image that he consciously knew would be more likely to appeal to Kelly’s tastes and preferences than his present self. This act clearly indicates that he knew exactly what he was doing, but went a head and decided to "test the water" so to speak………

What could he really expect, you have a girl who is always talking about looks, a girl who has stated - she only wants to meet with people she "finds attractive". He turns up some six years older and obviously pounds heavier, hoping that she will sympathize and fuck him anyway....... it was never going to happen, he is the fool for even contemplating it could.

So let's turn this around for some perspective, how many guys would be happy if they arranged a meeting with a "hot girl" on the internet, after interacting and sharing photos with her.......... only to arrive and she is much older and very different looking to the pictures she had sent you. You would feel deceived, most likely resulting in you acting angrily or at least negatively towards her thus resulting in you promptly removing yourself from the encounter, this in fact is no different to what Kelly has done. Her reaction may appear harsh, but it was natural and more importantly fair to the circumstances.

Granted, it may not have been “the brightest idea in the world” to post the details of this encounter on a public forum. But on the threat of this person creating an attack on her character and actions on that day, her motives were most likely to have been - wanting to have the chance to explain her side of the story, before having to defend her self against his claims and insults fuelled by a grudge that was ultimately caused by his own deception and stupidity.

So to sum up, she asked for pictures specifically for the reason of screening, and furthermore did not hide the fact that she was doing so.

He sent a deceptive picture purposely, = his fuck up = his fault…….. It’s really that simple.

Lastly, I am not agreeing with her outlook and focus on looks alone, but she has never hidden the fact that these are her motivations. He knew this very well and that is why he sent the old picture, it was a........... Lust thats a very good explaination and logical of what happened and how I felt.

04-19-2007, 07:45 AM
Since it is mid- April and we are talking about earning "extra income", I hope that everyone involved in the escort business PAYS THEIR TAXES. The IRS wants your money whether it is earned legally or illegally. And that's the TRUTH.

04-19-2007, 11:09 AM
Why does Vicki say your parents paid for your surgeries Jen?

b/c shes misinformed. simply put.

i didnt post the pic of my cost of surgery to say i paid for it w/ escorting money. i posted it to show how much it costs and that OTHER girls escort to pay for surgeries... i plan on getting my nose and breasts re-done and my parents wont be paying for that either.

my parents are very supportive of my transition and they along w/ my bf at the time fronted the DEPOSIT to get my work done. they each paid $2k while the discovery health channel and my doctor paid for the other $26k.

OM MY GOSH JEN!!!! I KNEW YOU I SAW SOMETHING ON TV AND YOU WERE ON IT!!!! I LOVED THAT EPISODE!!! I watched it with my teacher friend, I can still remember it like it was yesterday!!! Happy to actuallly talk with you!!!

lol thnx girl... i only wish ghetto pimps like man-ica could have gotten something positive out of it as well ... oh well. ;* -j

04-19-2007, 03:00 PM
Don't worry about the hit it and quit it attitude. Really most guys have no clue what they want in life until they are around 30. Sexual experiences are the one exception, the more the better. Most guys eventually get over the "Wow, I just got laid!" phase and figure out what they want in life, in a girl, etc. My point is that it's not a reflection on you or your actions or behaviors. Probably the best thing is to do the same, try to learn from your experiences and develop an ability to determine what you really enjoy in life. It makes it much easier to walk away from people or situations that your really not into, and to focus on those that really make you happy. :D

Thank you for the compliment. And Yeah I am not sure if ill actually do it. Its just a thought. And yes I also think that sometimes beacause of sad and empty(no offense, just what ive heard and I am sure there are girls that dont feel this way). I hope I dont become jaded. But you know excort or not I think I have become somewhat jaded, being a girl like me isnt easy and alot of regulars Ive dated just want to lol "hit it and quit it" haha. Which has made me doghtful of almost every guy now.

Thank you for your advise. And I do want a LTR but you know even now its hard to find a guy in STL that I am attracted to and I like and likes me. But I am still hopefull. I THINK I NEED TO MOVE!!

04-19-2007, 03:30 PM
Don't worry about the hit it and quit it attitude. Really most guys have no clue what they want in life until they are around 30. Sexual experiences are the one exception, the more the better. Most guys eventually get over the "Wow, I just got laid!" phase and figure out what they want in life, in a girl, etc. My point is that it's not a reflection on you or your actions or behaviors. Probably the best thing is to do the same, try to learn from your experiences and develop an ability to determine what you really enjoy in life. It makes it much easier to walk away from people or situations that your really not into, and to focus on those that really make you happy. :D

Thank you for the compliment. And Yeah I am not sure if ill actually do it. Its just a thought. And yes I also think that sometimes beacause of sad and empty(no offense, just what ive heard and I am sure there are girls that dont feel this way). I hope I dont become jaded. But you know excort or not I think I have become somewhat jaded, being a girl like me isnt easy and alot of regulars Ive dated just want to lol "hit it and quit it" haha. Which has made me doghtful of almost every guy now.

Thank you for your advise. And I do want a LTR but you know even now its hard to find a guy in STL that I am attracted to and I like and likes me. But I am still hopefull. I THINK I NEED TO MOVE!!

Great advice.

04-19-2007, 04:18 PM
Why does Vicki say your parents paid for your surgeries Jen?

b/c shes misinformed. simply put.

i didnt post the pic of my cost of surgery to say i paid for it w/ escorting money. i posted it to show how much it costs and that OTHER girls escort to pay for surgeries... i plan on getting my nose and breasts re-done and my parents wont be paying for that either.

my parents are very supportive of my transition and they along w/ my bf at the time fronted the DEPOSIT to get my work done. they each paid $2k while the discovery health channel and my doctor paid for the other $26k.

OM MY GOSH JEN!!!! I KNEW YOU I SAW SOMETHING ON TV AND YOU WERE ON IT!!!! I LOVED THAT EPISODE!!! I watched it with my teacher friend, I can still remember it like it was yesterday!!! Happy to actuallly talk with you!!!

lol thnx girl... i only wish ghetto pimps like man-ica could have gotten something positive out of it as well ... oh well. ;* -j

I dont know who "man-ica" is but I am sure that you are right. I think that everyone needs something positive. ANd no biggie, as I have told you before you are beautiful!!!

04-19-2007, 04:22 PM
Don't worry about the hit it and quit it attitude. Really most guys have no clue what they want in life until they are around 30. Sexual experiences are the one exception, the more the better. Most guys eventually get over the "Wow, I just got laid!" phase and figure out what they want in life, in a girl, etc. My point is that it's not a reflection on you or your actions or behaviors. Probably the best thing is to do the same, try to learn from your experiences and develop an ability to determine what you really enjoy in life. It makes it much easier to walk away from people or situations that your really not into, and to focus on those that really make you happy. :D

Thank you for the compliment. And Yeah I am not sure if ill actually do it. Its just a thought. And yes I also think that sometimes beacause of sad and empty(no offense, just what ive heard and I am sure there are girls that dont feel this way). I hope I dont become jaded. But you know excort or not I think I have become somewhat jaded, being a girl like me isnt easy and alot of regulars Ive dated just want to lol "hit it and quit it" haha. Which has made me doghtful of almost every guy now.

Thank you for your advise. And I do want a LTR but you know even now its hard to find a guy in STL that I am attracted to and I like and likes me. But I am still hopefull. I THINK I NEED TO MOVE!!

Thank you. That was really good advice. I have been definitely building myself up so that I wont get to hurt or feel like its me.

And Yeah I can see that in most guys that are young. Lol even though I am 18 soemtimes I feel like I am in my late 20 cause I really cant find any young guy my age to relate to. Its weird. Lol

Thank you for once again giving really great advice!!!

04-19-2007, 04:23 PM
Don't worry about the hit it and quit it attitude. Really most guys have no clue what they want in life until they are around 30. Sexual experiences are the one exception, the more the better. Most guys eventually get over the "Wow, I just got laid!" phase and figure out what they want in life, in a girl, etc. My point is that it's not a reflection on you or your actions or behaviors. Probably the best thing is to do the same, try to learn from your experiences and develop an ability to determine what you really enjoy in life. It makes it much easier to walk away from people or situations that your really not into, and to focus on those that really make you happy. :D

Thank you for the compliment. And Yeah I am not sure if ill actually do it. Its just a thought. And yes I also think that sometimes beacause of sad and empty(no offense, just what ive heard and I am sure there are girls that dont feel this way). I hope I dont become jaded. But you know excort or not I think I have become somewhat jaded, being a girl like me isnt easy and alot of regulars Ive dated just want to lol "hit it and quit it" haha. Which has made me doghtful of almost every guy now.

Thank you for your advise. And I do want a LTR but you know even now its hard to find a guy in STL that I am attracted to and I like and likes me. But I am still hopefull. I THINK I NEED TO MOVE!!

Great advice.

Yeah it was really great advice!!!

You knwo who else gives really great advice aswell?????...........


lol Thank you!

04-19-2007, 05:34 PM
Well here is my opinion, for what it is worth .........

:claps He's right you know, You da MAN lust!

He lied, lol your airbrushed and have no tits, that's very deceiving Kelly (Kyle) isn't it?

Hmm. :smh Cattyness and witty comebacks are great but this is a bit spiteful NYTSjulie. Whats with the 'kyle' bullshit? Isn't that a little "below the belt" if you pardon the pun?

04-19-2007, 06:23 PM
Getting back to the OP- my thought on this is that there appears to be a double standard here... if a girl uses old (perhaps even ancient) pictures of herself in her ads and no longer looks like that... it is usually not seen as a good thing at the least and angers/frustrates people.

A guy sending a picture along the same lines is just as incorrect. Age I can understand since so many people lie about that or are vague about it and thus desensitize the age factor.

If a guy is willing to lie and mislead about stuff like his pictures- I would be concerned about what else he would lie about. If looking at this strictly as a business, what kind of business relationship is it when you can't trust the person you're working with/selling to/etc?

As to pissing guys off, I suppose thats just a risk regardless rather or not you turn guys down... a girl I used to be close friends with had to go offline and retire because she had a customer that ended up being married... the husband found out and ended up being a stalker out for revenge. It would seem that everyone has their own preference for what is, and what is not an acceptable risk.

04-19-2007, 08:40 PM
Jen lets be clear about something the reason I KNOW DEAN PRECUMS A LOT is because his boxerbriefs were drenched in precum when he pulled them down and when I was jacking him off more came out. This is how I knew he pre-came a lot.

OK, too much information.

04-19-2007, 08:48 PM
Jen lets be clear about something the reason I KNOW DEAN PRECUMS A LOT is because his boxerbriefs were drenched in precum when he pulled them down and when I was jacking him off more came out. This is how I knew he pre-came a lot.

OK, too much information.

agreed. if i were the above mentioned client i wouldnt be calling back.

04-19-2007, 09:40 PM
Kyle AKA Kelly,
LOL its not because I have had work done that I think I am above you, I think I am above you on an intellectual level. Your an idiot and its more then fun to to fuck with you to pass the time. You dug your self a hole and I am just helping to push you in that hole......LOL....Kiss Kiss[/quote] :roll: You mentioned nothing about intelligence in your retalliation my dear. So how is that SMARTS? You are talking phsyical or did I miss something? Maybe you need to reread what you wrote, but nice SAVE.[/quote]

Hun I dont have to mention intelligence, I think you have proven your lack of it.[/quote]

First, I think all three of the girls actively involved in this discussion are great looking. I am a married guy, early 40's, good looking, and I don't have problems getting sex, BBJ's, Deep throat, etc., but I have my little TG fetish that I like to satisfy occasionally with cute girls like you. I usually pay for it on the rare occasions I indulge, for the same reasons others have stated, it is just easier. I don't need you to be intelligent (to a degree), witty, etc., but it all helps. I do like for you to be in to it, enjoy it, or at least convince me. I have no issue with a girl being picky, but maybe if I put on 50lbs or 10 more years, I might have a different view on the subject.
After all of this back and forth, my newest fantasy is now to get all three of you with me at the same time. What would that cost me?

04-19-2007, 10:35 PM
a lot more then you could ever afford... most likely a divorce w/ all the drama it would cause.

04-19-2007, 11:34 PM
Well here is my opinion, for what it is worth .........

:claps He's right you know, You da MAN lust!

He lied, lol your airbrushed and have no tits, that's very deceiving Kelly (Kyle) isn't it?

Hmm. :smh Cattyness and witty comebacks are great but this is a bit spiteful NYTSjulie. Whats with the 'kyle' bullshit? Isn't that a little "below the belt" if you pardon the pun?

Well I didnt start calling Kelly by Kyle until she had her friend Monica Foxx go on Eros, get my number and give me a call. When I answered the phone for a second there I thought I was talking to Buck Wild from Flavor of Love. So long story short Kelly became Kyle in my book.


04-19-2007, 11:50 PM
lmao at buckwild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


04-19-2007, 11:56 PM
lmao at buckwild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bitch I just watched that clip and I am crying lol I almost pissed my pants.

04-20-2007, 12:11 AM
whats that julie? you loved the pirates of penzance?


04-20-2007, 12:13 AM

04-20-2007, 12:22 AM
lmao at buckwild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bitch I keep watching this and I cant stop laughing

04-20-2007, 01:01 AM
Well here is my opinion, for what it is worth .........

:claps He's right you know, You da MAN lust!

He lied, lol your airbrushed and have no tits, that's very deceiving Kelly (Kyle) isn't it?

Hmm. :smh Cattyness and witty comebacks are great but this is a bit spiteful NYTSjulie. Whats with the 'kyle' bullshit? Isn't that a little "below the belt" if you pardon the pun?

Well I didnt start calling Kelly by Kyle until she had her friend Monica Foxx go on Eros, get my number and give me a call. When I answered the phone for a second there I thought I was talking to Buck Wild from Flavor of Love. So long story short Kelly became Kyle in my book.

Kisses............J I didn't have Monica do that, she did that on her own accord, and called me after she had done it. You chose to act the way you did.

04-20-2007, 01:18 AM
lmao at buckwild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Poor America...

04-20-2007, 01:19 AM
lmao at buckwild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Poor America... Love that new pic lol

04-20-2007, 01:20 AM
lmao at buckwild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Poor America... Love that new pic lol

thank you. :)

04-20-2007, 01:23 AM
lmao at buckwild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Poor America... Love that new pic lol

thank you. :) You're welcome but you should of moved your hand lol

04-20-2007, 02:22 AM
lmao at buckwild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bitch I keep watching this and I cant stop laughing

That vid is TOO FUNNY! Did she have a grille on the bottom row of her teeth? Does she have a speach impediment (Sylvester the Cat) or was it the accent? :?

04-20-2007, 05:51 AM
Lust thats a very good explaination and logical of what happened and how I felt.

Thanks, it was certainly not a case that required Lieutenant Columbo to resolve. :)

http://www.hungangels.com/board/images/smiles/applause.gifHe's right you know, You da MAN lust!

:lol: No, you da MAN Kriss!

04-24-2007, 10:15 PM
Jennifer Justice Im from texas how would I go about scheduling a session with you thanks

a PRIVATE msg usually works. ;)

Jennifer.....check your PM ;)

04-24-2007, 10:18 PM
nothing in there

Vicki Richter
04-24-2007, 10:23 PM
I am not getting bitchy, I am just responding to a post that you made. I didnt know it was a post that no one was supposed to respond to, lol. I dont come on here much and every time I do I see post after post from Kelly Shore. Everything from polls, to dates, to when you wipe your ass. I dont know call me crazy but you can become somewhat annoying. I am not trying to educate you, its just fun..............LOL....J I'm only annoying Miss Julie, because you OBVIOUSLY READ MY POSTS?????????????????????????????? HMMM

LOL, no hun I have a life. Its just once in a while I am home bored with nothing to do, so I will come in here and spend sometime. That's what most people do, they come in here every now and again.

Every single time I come in here I see....reply from Kelly Shore...author Kelly Shore....and every single thread on here has several comments from Kelly Shore. Its like you keep clicking refresh and as soon as something is posted there you are ready to rely, lol.

I would say suck the ugly mans cock and then you can get some coins to get a set. Then save up some more and have some work done then you wont need photo-shop. Call it your cock-sucking fund. I don't photoshop my pictures I've posted pictures and videos of me with out photoshop :lol: :roll: but whatever I am not arguing with you. AGAIN go about your business and stop worrying about what I do. Since I'M SO ANNOYING???? GOOD LUCK! lol and cough cough you are one to talk. If I never got a single thing done I'd still be happy with me darling. I don't hide behind professional modeling pics. And every girl on this site has touched their photos up before they posted them...SO UMM COUGH COUGH AGAIN.

04-24-2007, 10:35 PM
so i saw the "to monica" in the heading and had to google it just to see what it said... all i can say is

wow :shocked

04-24-2007, 10:42 PM
I liked the Newlywed Game Dumb Blonde clip, thought that was pretty funny.

04-24-2007, 11:06 PM
OH MY MY MY.......... :anon :anon :anon

04-24-2007, 11:52 PM
Thanks Vicki for your excellent Print Screen Skills

If anyone would like to see the video it's here


04-24-2007, 11:58 PM
LOL, you can tell she has a 5 o'clock shadow, and that is one wicked brow bone. Maybe she can put her eyebrows even higher next time to try and hide a little more, lol.

04-25-2007, 12:01 AM
LOL, you can tell she has a 5 o'clock shadow, and that is one wicked brow bone. Maybe she can put her eyebrows even higher next time to try and hide a little more, lol. If you say so love. It's not even a clear picture. It's a webcam lol

04-25-2007, 12:08 AM
LOL, you can tell she has a 5 o'clock shadow, and that is one wicked brow bone. Maybe she can put her eyebrows even higher next time to try and hide a little more, lol. If you say so love. It's not even a clear picture. It's a webcam lol

Yes Hun its a web cam but anyone who has facil hair it gives their skin a different tone, and you can see the difference mostly around your upper lip.

04-25-2007, 12:08 AM
nothing in there

Odd.....I did just receive your inbox and have replied to you ;)

04-25-2007, 12:08 AM
LOL, you can tell she has a 5 o'clock shadow, and that is one wicked brow bone. Maybe she can put her eyebrows even higher next time to try and hide a little more, lol. If you say so love. It's not even a clear picture. It's a webcam lol

Yes Hun its a web cam but anyone who has facil hair it gives their skin a different tone, and you can see the difference mostly around your upper lip. Julie I worked for a laser company do you honestly think I have facial hair lol


and heres another video for you to critique

04-25-2007, 12:09 AM
LOL, you can tell she has a 5 o'clock shadow, and that is one wicked brow bone. Maybe she can put her eyebrows even higher next time to try and hide a little more, lol. If you say so love. It's not even a clear picture. It's a webcam lol

If I were you I would put your tail between your legs and walk away from HA, you mad an utter fool of yourself.

04-25-2007, 12:11 AM
LOL, you can tell she has a 5 o'clock shadow, and that is one wicked brow bone. Maybe she can put her eyebrows even higher next time to try and hide a little more, lol. If you say so love. It's not even a clear picture. It's a webcam lol

If I were you I would put your tail between your legs and walk away from HA, you mad an utter fool of yourself. I'm unashamed. I did what I had to do at that time.

04-25-2007, 12:19 AM
LOL, you can tell she has a 5 o'clock shadow, and that is one wicked brow bone. Maybe she can put her eyebrows even higher next time to try and hide a little more, lol. If you say so love. It's not even a clear picture. It's a webcam lol

If I were you I would put your tail between your legs and walk away from HA, you mad an utter fool of yourself. I'm unashamed. I did what I had to do at that time.

Oh ya you did it for some relationship. I can bet the relationship is as existent as Kelly Shore the model. Its just part of the fairytale life. If you were to get real you would gain a lot more clout.

04-25-2007, 12:29 AM
LOL, you can tell she has a 5 o'clock shadow, and that is one wicked brow bone. Maybe she can put her eyebrows even higher next time to try and hide a little more, lol. If you say so love. It's not even a clear picture. It's a webcam lol

If I were you I would put your tail between your legs and walk away from HA, you mad an utter fool of yourself. I'm unashamed. I did what I had to do at that time.

Oh ya you did it for some relationship. I can bet the relationship is as existent as Kelly Shore the model. Its just part of the fairytale life. If you were to get real you would gain a lot more clout. Vicki knows Matt is real. :roll:

Felicia Katt
04-25-2007, 02:34 AM
I'm unashamed. I did what I had to do at that time.
no, you are shameless. big difference. You should feel some sense of contrition or remorse, and you don't. You have posted pics of others and claimed them as your own, on here, and on Myspace and on Gay.com and who knows where else. To do so was wrong, but to deny it was more wrong and to disparage others who called you on was worse still. Your justification for doing so doesn't even begin to ring true. I don't see how posting fake pics protects Matt, when you have posted pics of him and of you and all kinds of details about your life together all over the web. I don't doubt he is real, or that you were involved, only how any of that relates to what has gone on here.

You have posted heavily photoshopped pics and claimed they were unaltered. I don't know why you would do this. Its no sin to improve a picture, we all do it. As I have always said, you look just fine in your own unaltered pics. But you did it, denied it, and denigrated anyone who would point that out. Protecting Matt is hardly good justification for that.

You denied doing porn, but had an adult website. You denounced escorts, but are now are one, however unprofessional. You claim to have only one name on here, but you have have used many names on myspace and yahoo and everywhere else. I know for a fact you have also pretended to be someone you are not on myspace, so why should we believe you wouldn't here?

I got a fortune cookie once, it said credibility is better kept than recovered. You have lost alot of yours here, and you would do a lot more to find and regain it if you would just admit to some mistakes rather than trying to claim perfection, as a victim.


04-25-2007, 02:36 AM
:claps :claps :claps

04-25-2007, 02:39 AM
:claps :claps :claps

co sign that was well written felicia

04-25-2007, 02:44 AM
I'm unashamed. I did what I had to do at that time.
no, you are shameless. big difference. You should feel some sense of contrition or remorse, and you don't. You have posted pics of others and claimed them as your own, on here, and on Myspace and on Gay.com and who knows where else. To do so was wrong, but to deny it was more wrong and to disparage others who called you on was worse still. Your justification for doing so doesn't even begin to ring true. I don't see how posting fake pics protects Matt, when you have posted pics of him and of you and all kinds of details about your life together all over the web. I don't doubt he is real, or that you were involved, only how any of that relates to what has gone on here.

You have posted heavily photoshopped pics and claimed they were unaltered. I don't know why you would do this. Its no sin to improve a picture, we all do it. As I have always said, you look just fine in your own unaltered pics. But you did it, denied it, and denigrated anyone who would point that out. Protecting Matt is hardly good justification for that.

You denied doing porn, but had an adult website. You denounced escorts, but are now are one, however unprofessional. You claim to have only one name on here, but you have have used many names on myspace and yahoo and everywhere else. I know for a fact you have also pretended to be someone you are not on myspace, so why should we believe you wouldn't here?

I got a fortune cookie once, it said credibility is better kept than recovered. You have lost alot of yours here, and you would do a lot more to find and regain it if you would just admit to some mistakes rather than trying to claim perfection, as a victim.

FK The fake pics I used WITH PERMISSION Felicia as if you know the whole story. My looks wasn't the problem with me it was a problem with MATT AND I we thought it would be the easiest way for friends not to think anything or point something out.

And are you so sure miss detective?? I think you're wrong. I never denounced ESCORTS I said I would never do it I'm so sorry I take it BACK I'm not PERFECT and never CLAIMED TO BE. So stop sticking up for VICKI you follower. SHE BROUGHT THAT CRAP TO THIS FORUM not I..All the other STUFF HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS FORUM between SELENA AND I and don't you even sit there and say if you were part of TRANSGENDER 1 know what SELENA and her little posse DID we argued about it for HOURS AND HOURS AND HOURS. Just like I'm doing now.

AND LASTLY I SAID I WASN'T SORRY FOR MY ACTIONS BECAUSE OF WHY I DID IT. I know what I did or done. YOU OF COURSE FELICIA take it out of CONTEXT and then try to contort it HOW YOU SEE FIT.



Felicia Katt
04-25-2007, 05:48 AM
Talk about fingers, I address this issue and you respectfully, and you give me the finger back. But that doesn't change the facts.

The fact is you have used Courtney Act's picture as your own, on Moni's, on Gay.com, on your JennaCox.com website. I doubt you had her permission to do so, and I know this was well before Matt. The question isn't really whether you had permission, its about honesty. You have denied ever using other girl's pictures as your own but the fact is you have done so on multiple occasions using multiple girls pics and when you were caught in those lies rather than admit to them you thrashed about and tried to trash others.

I don't know anything about Selena. This is based on what I have seen here or experenced myself personally.

This isn't you versus Vicki. I'm not sticking up for her or following her or taking her side. It not me versus you. Its about the truth, and how to participate here civilly. People should tell the truth, and should admit a mistake when they make one. We all know what the truth is now. The mistake I made was hoping for something better from you. The latest mistake you made was thinking so little of me and others. Calling me a sheep won't help you pull the wool over everyone's eyes and it certainly won't make me shut the flock up.


04-25-2007, 05:53 AM
Talk about fingers, I address this issue and you respectfully, and you give me the finger back. But that doesn't change the facts.

The fact is you have used Courtney Act's picture as your own, on Moni's, on Gay.com, on your JennaCox.com website. I doubt you had her permission to do so, and I know this was well before Matt. The question isn't really whether you had permission, its about honesty. You have denied ever using other girl's pictures as your own but the fact is you have done so on multiple occasions using multiple girls pics and when you were caught in those lies rather than admit to them you thrashed about and tried to trash others.

I don't know anything about Selena. This is based on what I have seen here or experenced myself personally.

This isn't you versus Vicki. I'm not sticking up for her or following her or taking her side. It not me versus you. Its about the truth, and how to participate here civilly. People should tell the truth, and should admit a mistake when they make one. We all know what the truth is now. The mistake I made was hoping for something better from you. The latest mistake you made was thinking so little of me and others. Calling me a sheep won't help you pull the wool over everyone's eyes and it certainly won't make me shut the flock up.

FK Felicia if you would of ever paid attention to the Mic when Selena and I were talking That aws SELENA doing that I didn't join TGIRLTALK till I talked to Monica FOXX HERSELF. I latered join TGPIXEL and asked Monica if I could post a VIDEO on there of me FOR THAT VERY REASON. If you actually paid attention which you obviously didn't sweety.

Selena was mad because another girl made up a phoney profile of her print screening her with bad angles and she blamed me for it and Selece. That was THE BACKSTORY!! If you knew anything. WHICH YOU DON'T

I Called you a Sheep because I watch you Felecia. Not because of Vicki. I watch other posters and how they respond. I sit back and respond and I even intracate threads hoping those same dumb posters will respond to my threads WHICH THEY DO. So you see dear if you knew me from Transgendered 1 you should know I'm not stupid or unintelligent. And you should also know I do things to make a place POP and TALK. I did it in Transgender 1 and when I left it DIED and everytime I go back they welcome me with OPEN ARMS. Cause they know I will make it fun and get people talking. So either way dear. You can have your opinion and I can have mine, but I'm done arguing with your twist of fate and you underestimating me and judging me when you don't know DIDDLY SQUAT ABOUT ME OR THE havoc SELENA CAUSED witht hat stupid Website and that stupid Courtney ACT crap I wouldn't use a picture of a DRAG QUEEN. No offense against Courtney Act.

Felicia Katt
04-25-2007, 07:05 AM
The facts are not really a matter of opinion and really have nothing to do with whatever meltdown happened to you before.
You used Courtney Act's picture on Gay.com and on your Yahoo group and on Moni's and Jennacox.com I saw all this with my own eyes. I even IM'd you to compliment you on that picture.

You can try deny, and dissemble and divert and justify it anyway you like, but its dishonest to do use others's pics as your own, even more dishonest to lie about it, and worse than dishonest to trash people who do nothing more than point to the truth rather than your admitting a mistake and offering an apology.

I apparently have more respect for you than you do for me. I never questioned your intelligence, only your conduct and character. I never called for you to stop posting, only for you to do so more honestly and discreetly. I know I have more respect for the others on this board than you do. I post when I have somthing meaningful or funny to say. I don't use the posters here or misuse the forum when i'm bored and need stimulation or I'm insecure and need attention. Thats what IM's and chat rooms are for. What I do there doesn't detract or distract from the many good real discussions ongoing here.


04-25-2007, 07:09 AM
The facts are not really a matter of opinion and really have nothing to do with whatever meltdown happened to you before.
You used Courtney Act's picture on Gay.com and on your Yahoo group and on Moni's and Jennacox.com I saw all this with my own eyes. I even IM'd you to compliment you on that picture.

You can try deny, and dissemble and divert and justify it anyway you like, but its dishonest to do use others's pics as your own, even more dishonest to lie about it, and worse than dishonest to trash people who do nothing more than point to the truth rather than your admitting a mistake and offering an apology.

I apparently have more respect for you than you do for me. I never questioned your intelligence, only your conduct and character. I never called for you to stop posting, only for you to do so more honestly and discreetly. I know I have more respect for the others on this board than you do. I post when I have somthing meaningful or funny to say. I don't use the posters here or misuse the forum when i'm bored and need stimulation or I'm insecure and need attention. Thats what IM's and chat rooms are for. What I do there doesn't detract or distract from the many good real discussions ongoing here.

FK Felecia Aren't You College Educated? Do you not READ what people write? SELENA was under that name and Selena made that website. To BASH ME to knowingly make fun of me etc. Felecia You can even say that was me WHEN IT WASN'T!! THAT WAS THE WHOLE POINT OF ME JOINING TGPIXEL AND TO MAKE A VIDEO THERE. Thats why MONICA AND I ARE STILL FRIENDS ETC. So Again DON'T SPEAK ON THINGS YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT. And if anyone would like to go to Transgendered 1 and check out the story and ask about me AND SELENA anyone in there like PuA AND countless others will tell you THE TRUE DEAL. And I don't discredit you or disrespect you. I don't even talk to you, nor did I talk to you in Transgender 1 cause I would of remembered you my dear. So don't try to say you knew me WHEN YOU DIDN'T.

04-25-2007, 07:18 AM
I must admit having a job and needing to go to sleep has made me too lazy to read this entire thread.
In the beginning of this thread Kelly ripped on a client about how he used phony pictures to meet up with her.
I assume the irony of all this has been pointed out?

04-25-2007, 07:30 AM
I must admit having a job and needing to go to sleep has made me too lazy to read this entire thread.
In the beginning of this thread Kelly ripped on a client about how he used phony pictures to meet up with her.
I assume the irony of all this has been pointed out?

lol no but i thought it

Solitary Brother
04-25-2007, 07:36 AM
lmao at buckwild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You girls are just viscous........but TRUE!

he he

04-25-2007, 07:38 AM
I must admit having a job and needing to go to sleep has made me too lazy to read this entire thread.
In the beginning of this thread Kelly ripped on a client about how he used phony pictures to meet up with her.
I assume the irony of all this has been pointed out? I DIDN"T GIVE MY CLIENT PHONEY PICS NOR HAVE I POSTED PHONEY PICS IN MY GALLERY ON HERE OR ON HUNG ANGEL. AGAIN VICKI BROUGHT THAT DRAMA TO THIS BOARD!!!! How many times do I need to repeat she got that information from GOOGLING MY NAME.. I told people to google my name for the ST. PET PRIDE STUFF when she was trying to say I was using FAKE PICS when I was using my own at the TIME. THATS THE TRUE STORY. Then when she found out the other stuff SHE JUMPED ON THAT. GOD you people don't read you JUST JUDGE.

04-25-2007, 07:41 AM
GOD you people don't read.


tsntx wrote:
KellyShore wrote:
Well I know either you or Johnny saw me on webcam I told you I get you confused but I'm glad you are paying such avid attention. BECAUSE one of you vouched for me saying I WAS REAL. I made several threads saying SEE ME ON WEBCAM.

sweetie youre missing the POINT...

noones argueing whether or not youre real *crazy* or whether you have any pics of the "real" you posted... we have all seen your salute etc...

the question and reason ppl want to see you on cam is to see exactly how good you do *or dont* actually look.

hope that helps clarify so you can stop repeating yourself and move on to why you dont want to get on cam

04-25-2007, 07:52 AM
GOD you people don't read.


tsntx wrote:
KellyShore wrote:
Well I know either you or Johnny saw me on webcam I told you I get you confused but I'm glad you are paying such avid attention. BECAUSE one of you vouched for me saying I WAS REAL. I made several threads saying SEE ME ON WEBCAM.

sweetie youre missing the POINT...

noones argueing whether or not youre real *crazy* or whether you have any pics of the "real" you posted... we have all seen your salute etc...

the question and reason ppl want to see you on cam is to see exactly how good you do *or dont* actually look.

hope that helps clarify so you can stop repeating yourself and move on to why you dont want to get on cam AND I READ IT... I told you I don't have no freaking webcam I obviously have no issue getting on it. I've gotten on it time and time again on here making post about it to come see my cam it's OPEN WEBCAM FOR ANYONE. I'm sorry you missed it. And I'D OF TAKEN PIC OF MYSELF BY NOW WITH IT!

Felicia Katt
04-25-2007, 08:22 AM
Kelly, you may not remember. But I do. I posted all this when this controversy first began, but to repeat it, very briefly, I was acquainted with you from Yahoo chat from years back. I remember you specifically because I had been to your town, Bloomington/ Normal a couple of times on business. I later saw you on Gay.com and you were using Courtney Act's picture. I IM'd you on there to compliment you on your improved look, not realizing it wasn't you. I then saw that same pic on Moni's' and from there on your Yahoo group. Later I found out it wasn't you. You then came to Hung Angels and claimed to have never used anyone elses picture as your own. and now we find you still trying to deny it despite all the recent revelations and confessions. All you have ever really had to do was admit a mistake and offer an apology and that would have ended it. You have no one to blame for all the recent flack but yourself.


04-25-2007, 08:27 AM
Kelly, you may not remember. But I do. I posted all this when this controversy first began, but to repeat it, very briefly, I was acquainted with you from Yahoo chat from years back. I remember you specifically because I had been to your town, Bloomington/ Normal a couple of times on business. I later saw you on Gay.com and you were using Courtney Act's picture. I IM'd you on there to compliment you on your improved look, not realizing it wasn't you. I then saw that same pic on Moni's' and from there on your Yahoo group. Later I found out it wasn't you. You then came to Hung Angels and claimed to have never used anyone elses picture as your own. and now we find you still trying to deny it despite all the recent revelations and confessions. All you have ever really had to do was admit a mistake and offer an apology and that would have ended it. You have no one to blame for all the recent flack but yourself.

FK lol Thats still not how it happened Felecia but whatever floats your goat. I am not arguing with you anymore you are just trying to stick by Vicki's side which is cool cause I do the same for Monica.

04-25-2007, 08:34 AM
Kelly, you may not remember. But I do. I posted all this when this controversy first began, but to repeat it, very briefly, I was acquainted with you from Yahoo chat from years back. I remember you specifically because I had been to your town, Bloomington/ Normal a couple of times on business. I later saw you on Gay.com and you were using Courtney Act's picture. I IM'd you on there to compliment you on your improved look, not realizing it wasn't you. I then saw that same pic on Moni's' and from there on your Yahoo group. Later I found out it wasn't you. You then came to Hung Angels and claimed to have never used anyone elses picture as your own. and now we find you still trying to deny it despite all the recent revelations and confessions. All you have ever really had to do was admit a mistake and offer an apology and that would have ended it. You have no one to blame for all the recent flack but yourself.


Logic and irrefutable evidence can't penetrate a closed mind. She knows she's wrong, but she can't stop.

04-25-2007, 06:39 PM
There is no logic in her remarks Oli, She is trying to twist something from the past THAT SHE WASN'T EVEN PART OF. I admitted to using the other fake pics. BUT THAT OTHER STUFF WAS SELENA. And she is trying to twist it into some fabrication so it will I guess break me or something. Felecia if you knew me at all you know I'm sitting here laughing at you and many others. I did what I had to do at that time for Matt. And asked permission from a friend. What I did in my personal life doesn't include this board or your little judgements.

The Selena stuff was between Selena and me and it happened in god 2005 I think two years ago??? So again You are FABRICATING. Go use your psychology degree for something useful rather than being a hypocrite.

Vicki Richter
04-25-2007, 07:55 PM
Kelly, you may not remember. But I do. I posted all this when this controversy first began, but to repeat it, very briefly, I was acquainted with you from Yahoo chat from years back. I remember you specifically because I had been to your town, Bloomington/ Normal a couple of times on business. I later saw you on Gay.com and you were using Courtney Act's picture. I IM'd you on there to compliment you on your improved look, not realizing it wasn't you. I then saw that same pic on Moni's' and from there on your Yahoo group. Later I found out it wasn't you. You then came to Hung Angels and claimed to have never used anyone elses picture as your own. and now we find you still trying to deny it despite all the recent revelations and confessions. All you have ever really had to do was admit a mistake and offer an apology and that would have ended it. You have no one to blame for all the recent flack but yourself.


She is just posting the truth Kelly. You are cornered and now your only solution is to make up lie after lie after lie.

04-25-2007, 07:56 PM
Kelly, you may not remember. But I do. I posted all this when this controversy first began, but to repeat it, very briefly, I was acquainted with you from Yahoo chat from years back. I remember you specifically because I had been to your town, Bloomington/ Normal a couple of times on business. I later saw you on Gay.com and you were using Courtney Act's picture. I IM'd you on there to compliment you on your improved look, not realizing it wasn't you. I then saw that same pic on Moni's' and from there on your Yahoo group. Later I found out it wasn't you. You then came to Hung Angels and claimed to have never used anyone elses picture as your own. and now we find you still trying to deny it despite all the recent revelations and confessions. All you have ever really had to do was admit a mistake and offer an apology and that would have ended it. You have no one to blame for all the recent flack but yourself.


She is just posting the truth Kelly. You are cornered and now your only solution is to make up lie after lie after lie. Oh Vicki thats not the TRUTH. She's posting your FRABRICATION. And you are trying to get people to follow just like you did FROM THE BEGINNING CLAIMING MY BLONDE HAIR PICS WERE FAKE.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-25-2007, 08:16 PM
I remembered this incident that Felicia speak of. This happened at pixel a year or so ago. Sexxy_lexi and a few others called Kellly on it then she changed her pics to Julie Andrews (or someone commenting and said she looks like Julie Andrews)! LOL :lol:



Vicki Richter
04-25-2007, 08:19 PM
I remembered this incident that Felicia speak of. This happened at pixel a year or so ago. Sexxy_lexi and a few others called Kellly on it then she changed her pics to Julie Andrews (or someone commenting and said she looks like Julie Andrews)! LOL :lol:



A second voice in the crowd calling out Kelly on this incident. Wow. Shocking. Anyone here knows by the way, Felicia is the most sweet and honest soul on the board. She wouldn't lie about something to save her life and definitely not to impress me.

04-25-2007, 08:30 PM
It all comes down to several people saying the same thing and one person (Kelly) saying it isn't true. Sorry, obviously Kelly is not being truthful. And we already know that she can be dishonest from her prior actions. Kelly is the problem, not everyone else.

04-25-2007, 08:35 PM
It all comes down to several people saying the same thing and one person (Kelly) saying it isn't true. Sorry, obviously Kelly is not being truthful. And we already know that she can be dishonest from her prior actions. Kelly is the problem, not everyone else. I SAID I USED A FAKE PIC..AND THEY WEREN'T AROUND definitely not VICKI I didn't even know who she was till I came here and she started acting like she was QUEEN B when she isn't. I had no idea who HARA WAS or Who ARIANA WAS eve if they claim forever and a day I DO. I DON'T! I didn't know who half the girls on here were, besides JEN and ALLANAH STARR thats it. NOONE ELSE.

Vicki started out of a personal vandetta cause she thought I was hogging her air. Which I could care less about who likes me and thinks I'm hot. I post when I'm bored or when I have something to say. I am nice otherwise EXTREMELY NICE unless I'm being attacked. I give compliments when due and if I don't have anything nice to say I usually ingore the threads. But when I'm attacked I'm not going to sit there and take it. BECAUSE YOU WANT ME TO.. OR VICKI WANTS ME TO. Vicki is mad because I wont apologize how she wants me to apologize and I wont. I apologized for ever talking to her and giving into her little game from the start.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-25-2007, 08:44 PM
I am nice otherwise EXTREMELY NICE unless I'm being attacked. I give compliments when due and if I don't have anything nice to say I usually ingore the threads. But when I'm attacked I'm not going to sit there and take it.

Ok..not trying to start anything with you again but this statement is total CRAP! You say you dont just attack people without them attacking you first. If I recall, you've attacked me, Arianna, Jen, Lexi, JWBL, J etc. on pixel calling us crossdressers. That's NOT being NICE nor is that a compliment. How could you say such things when clearly, you dont even know us? Nor have we attacked you. How do you think people would believe what you've just wrote :?: You're contradicting yourself here. :?

Oh and dont ever go that "Im just sympatizing with Moni" utter bs. You know it! You've jumped to joined in her bandwagon. And now you're getting your karma and saying everyone jumped into the Vicki Ritcher bandwagon of Kelly hate.



04-25-2007, 09:17 PM
I remembered this incident that Felicia speak of. This happened at pixel a year or so ago. Sexxy_lexi and a few others called Kellly on it then she changed her pics to Julie Andrews (or someone commenting and said she looks like Julie Andrews)! LOL :lol:



What. You mean her?


I thought she was pretty in Mary Poppins.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-25-2007, 09:28 PM
LOL Dont make me go crazy looking for that pic now LG. I'm supposed to go grocery shopping, doing my laundry and picking up my parents at LAX later! LOL



04-25-2007, 09:34 PM
I must admit having a job and needing to go to sleep has made me too lazy to read this entire thread.
In the beginning of this thread Kelly ripped on a client about how he used phony pictures to meet up with her.
I assume the irony of all this has been pointed out? I DIDN"T GIVE MY CLIENT PHONEY PICS NOR HAVE I POSTED PHONEY PICS IN MY GALLERY ON HERE OR ON HUNG ANGEL. AGAIN VICKI BROUGHT THAT DRAMA TO THIS BOARD!!!! How many times do I need to repeat she got that information from GOOGLING MY NAME.. I told people to google my name for the ST. PET PRIDE STUFF when she was trying to say I was using FAKE PICS when I was using my own at the TIME. THATS THE TRUE STORY. Then when she found out the other stuff SHE JUMPED ON THAT. GOD you people don't read you JUST JUDGE.

I didn't say you gave your client phony pics.
I was speaking of the overall bigger picture in that you got upset that someone used a picture that wasn't a completely honest representation of who they were.
And yet you apparently think it's no problem that you've used a picture once or twice or whatever that wasn't a completely honest representation of who you are.
Thus, my speaking of irony.

04-25-2007, 09:40 PM
I must admit having a job and needing to go to sleep has made me too lazy to read this entire thread.
In the beginning of this thread Kelly ripped on a client about how he used phony pictures to meet up with her.
I assume the irony of all this has been pointed out? I DIDN"T GIVE MY CLIENT PHONEY PICS NOR HAVE I POSTED PHONEY PICS IN MY GALLERY ON HERE OR ON HUNG ANGEL. AGAIN VICKI BROUGHT THAT DRAMA TO THIS BOARD!!!! How many times do I need to repeat she got that information from GOOGLING MY NAME.. I told people to google my name for the ST. PET PRIDE STUFF when she was trying to say I was using FAKE PICS when I was using my own at the TIME. THATS THE TRUE STORY. Then when she found out the other stuff SHE JUMPED ON THAT. GOD you people don't read you JUST JUDGE.

I didn't say you gave your client phony pics.
I was speaking of the overall bigger picture in that you got upset that someone used a picture that wasn't a completely honest representation of who they were.
And yet you apparently think it's no problem that you've used a picture once or twice or whatever that wasn't a completely honest representation of who you are.
Thus, my speaking of irony. NOT WITH ANYONE ON THIS BOARD.. WITH FRIENDS OF OURS that was a friend of MINE that said I COULD DO SO! IT'S NOT ANYONE'S BUSINESS ON THIS BOARD what I did with Matt or had done with Matt. AIR YOUR OWN GARBAGE IF YOU ARE GOING TO TRY TO AIR MINE like VICKI HAS DONE!

04-25-2007, 09:44 PM
Clearly, the biggest issue here is that there is no letter 'a' in vendetta.
And the second biggest issue is the incorrect ending of sentences with a question mark?
The third biggest issue is that I'm currently waiting for my roommate to go back into her room? To get another cup of coffee?
The fourth biggest issue is that yeah, I used an old pic, but I'm not missing any teeth?

Teabagger Vance
04-26-2007, 02:07 AM
Clearly, the biggest issue here is that there is no letter 'a' in vendetta.

Uh, actually there is one "a" - at the end. :P

I know what you meant, though. I pointed it out earlier. And she proceeded with her erroneous ways.

But I've got just one word for ya- BOHEMITH!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Teabagger Vance
04-26-2007, 02:08 AM
double post.

04-26-2007, 02:10 AM
OMFG yer right! I'm a dumbass! :lol: :lol:
It was only right there IN THE GODDAMN WORD.
:oops: :oops:

04-26-2007, 02:15 AM
Clearly, the biggest issue here is that there is no letter 'a' in vendetta.

Uh, actually there is one "a" - at the end. :P

I know what you meant, though. I pointed it out earlier. And she proceeded with her erroneous ways.

But I've got just one word for ya- BOHEMITH!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yer right, that was the funniest thing about this whole piece of nonsense. I'm gonna keep that. But the way out is simple, guys-- just post hundreds of pictures of PRETTY GURLS and bury all this utter shit.

Here's one. Hm, who shall we have? Oh, here we go....

04-26-2007, 02:39 AM
I must admit having a job and needing to go to sleep has made me too lazy to read this entire thread.
In the beginning of this thread Kelly ripped on a client about how he used phony pictures to meet up with her.
I assume the irony of all this has been pointed out? I DIDN"T GIVE MY CLIENT PHONEY PICS NOR HAVE I POSTED PHONEY PICS IN MY GALLERY ON HERE OR ON HUNG ANGEL. AGAIN VICKI BROUGHT THAT DRAMA TO THIS BOARD!!!! How many times do I need to repeat she got that information from GOOGLING MY NAME.. I told people to google my name for the ST. PET PRIDE STUFF when she was trying to say I was using FAKE PICS when I was using my own at the TIME. THATS THE TRUE STORY. Then when she found out the other stuff SHE JUMPED ON THAT. GOD you people don't read you JUST JUDGE.

I didn't say you gave your client phony pics.
I was speaking of the overall bigger picture in that you got upset that someone used a picture that wasn't a completely honest representation of who they were.
And yet you apparently think it's no problem that you've used a picture once or twice or whatever that wasn't a completely honest representation of who you are.
Thus, my speaking of irony. NOT WITH ANYONE ON THIS BOARD.. WITH FRIENDS OF OURS that was a friend of MINE that said I COULD DO SO! IT'S NOT ANYONE'S BUSINESS ON THIS BOARD what I did with Matt or had done with Matt. AIR YOUR OWN GARBAGE IF YOU ARE GOING TO TRY TO AIR MINE like VICKI HAS DONE!

Again if you can find where I said "on this board" in my statement, I'd love to see it.
You're missing my point entirely.
You got angry with someone for deceiving you with a phony pic in a situation, yet you have used an inaccurate picture at least once by your own admission in some form or another in some place maybe not here, but somewhere, right?
Thus when you write a long post about someone else doing that same thing and how they shouldn't have done it, it sounds a bit hypocritical and ironic...
And lest you forget, you aired your own garbage about the guy and his phony picture. If you wanted it to be private, you should've kept it private, at least on your end, right?
You put it out there for public discussion and then get angry when we discuss it?

04-26-2007, 02:51 AM
just post hundreds of pictures of PRETTY GURLS and bury all this utter shit.

Here's one. Hm, who shall we have? Oh, here we go....

whos that??????????????????