View Full Version : Oh mY God--am I a CREEP?? jenn paris/allanahs party-question

04-14-2007, 08:33 PM
I had a stunning moment of refelction the other night.
I consider myself a totally normal guy--well educated, sophisticated, very smart,v goodlooking....basically well adjusted in every way
But i must say--Im totally intruiged by Trannies and have been for as long as i can remember.
Ive never been with one--but DAMN-do they turn me on.
The other night I decided to go to Allanna's Thurs night party (ive been a few times before)...I was standing there and looking around..and so many of the guys there looked like freaks to me--so creepy...and I started thinking...
"wow--am I one of these creeps?"
you know--i dont FEEL like a creep---but maybe I am one..
are we all creeps??
Then i had a moment.....jennifer paris was there...and let me tell you--thats one fucking HOT tranny...oh my god,,her breasts are insane.
the whole package---and i couldnt stop staring at her.
i know its rude but....
I was dying to approach her-didnt know how---so FINALLY-i walked up to her and whispered somethin lame like "I cant believe how pretty you are " and she looked at me with disgust and said "thanks" and turned away.
Then i really felt like a creep....it was the strangest sensation.
And I think ive heard shes supposed to be failr nice.
So it just made me think..

04-14-2007, 08:36 PM
lol maybe it's cause you whispered in her ear? I would of done the same with any stranger that just walked up and did that.

04-14-2007, 08:41 PM
I feel the exact same way you do. The guys in the club besides being old enough to be my father are all really creepy looking and after the party I sometimes wonder "Am I one of those guys."

04-14-2007, 08:45 PM
I had a stunning moment of refelction the other night.
I consider myself a totally normal guy--well educated, sophisticated, very smart,v goodlooking....basically well adjusted in every way
But i must say--Im totally intruiged by Trannies and have been for as long as i can remember.
Ive never been with one--but DAMN-do they turn me on.
The other night I decided to go to Allanna's Thurs night party (ive been a few times before)...I was standing there and looking around..and so many of the guys there looked like freaks to me--so creepy...and I started thinking...
"wow--am I one of these creeps?"
you know--i dont FEEL like a creep---but maybe I am one..
are we all creeps??
Then i had a moment.....jennifer paris was there...and let me tell you--thats one fucking HOT tranny...oh my god,,her breasts are insane.
the whole package---and i couldnt stop staring at her.
i know its rude but....
I was dying to approach her-didnt know how---so FINALLY-i walked up to her and whispered somethin lame like "I cant believe how pretty you are " and she looked at me with disgust and said "thanks" and turned away.
Then i really felt like a creep....it was the strangest sensation.
And I think ive heard shes supposed to be failr nice.
So it just made me think..

Yeah that was kinda weird dude. Reminds me of the flubbed Dumb and Dumber line, Jim Carrey "I desperately want to make to a schoolboy" :lol:

04-14-2007, 08:49 PM
Sorry mate but if you are at a "tranny" club, you are a creep, a john, a tom (a t m?). You may as well have approched her with your cock in one hand and $$$ in the other. REMEMBER --- YOU ARE GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT, Now get away from me you CREEP, you are ruining my GAME!

04-14-2007, 08:50 PM
lol KRISS I love you sometimes

04-14-2007, 09:01 PM
I had a stunning moment of refelction the other night.
I consider myself a totally normal guy--well educated, sophisticated, very smart,v goodlooking....basically well adjusted in every way
But i must say--Im totally intruiged by Trannies and have been for as long as i can remember.
Ive never been with one--but DAMN-do they turn me on.
The other night I decided to go to Allanna's Thurs night party (ive been a few times before)...I was standing there and looking around..and so many of the guys there looked like freaks to me--so creepy...and I started thinking...
"wow--am I one of these creeps?"
you know--i dont FEEL like a creep---but maybe I am one..
are we all creeps??
Then i had a moment.....jennifer paris was there...and let me tell you--thats one fucking HOT tranny...oh my god,,her breasts are insane.
the whole package---and i couldnt stop staring at her.
i know its rude but....
I was dying to approach her-didnt know how---so FINALLY-i walked up to her and whispered somethin lame like "I cant believe how pretty you are " and she looked at me with disgust and said "thanks" and turned away.
Then i really felt like a creep....it was the strangest sensation.
And I think ive heard shes supposed to be failr nice.
So it just made me think..

utter nonesense-

i got there very late with my date around 1:30 and jennifer and all my friends joined me in my seating area

there was a large assortment of guys from every race and age group.
the party was PACKED - i also saw tons of new girls i had never seen before.

if you feel creepy maybe it is your own insecurities or issues.

if she said thanks and walked away maybe she was not interested?

i know that sounds harsh- but sometimes girls do not want to be bothered- just as guys don't.

04-14-2007, 09:15 PM
About three years ago, I mustered up the courage to go up to the hostess of my favorite restaurant that I'd been bringing various dates and women friends to for years. She was not only pretty, but one of those women with unusual enough features that she really stood out. I approached her the weekend before I was leaving the city to move to Arizona and said, "Hi. I don't mean to bother you, and I don't want anything at all...I just wanted to tell you that I've been coming here for years and I think you are one of the most beautiful women in this town." She look at me as if I'd just belched and scratched my balls. It was very embarrassing, but I had the presence of mind to add, "and personality too!" and walked out. It pissed me off. I couldn't have been less creepy about it.
This gets to the heart of one of the biggest revelations of being in a band. The beautiful women in that situation want to meet you. The difference is, I was never shitty to any of the women that came up to me with a question or comment I'd heard about a thousand times. "I've seen you guys every time you play Chicago!" "Yeah, and that means what to me?"
I mean really, how hard is it to give someone a smile and say "Thank you" :?:

04-14-2007, 09:50 PM
thanks for the comments guys--and girls.
at least those of you who answered seriously...
but --to tell u the truth--its a pretty interesting question that Im raising...though i suppose i am talking about several different topics.
But as one of you mentioned (cant remember the posters name now)-its a strange experience-you look around--and then you think--am i one of these guys??? its disturbing..
regarding allanhas response--with all due respect....Allanah youre just trying to justify your party---to suggest that there are no creepy guys there?? Please!! some of these tranny chasers are WEIRRD..
but im not making any vlue judgements...on the contrary---im doing the excat opposite...Im proposing that maybe in some ways we are ALL weird...and just cant see it in ourselves...
and lets face it---youre facec with jennifer Paris shaking her shit in your face--man--its hard NOT to be a psycho tranny chaser---its just too fucking titillating--at least for little ole me....transexuals just bring out the freak in me...they bring out every peversity i have inside of me (and thats alot:)-- and as far as allanah saying that "maybe she just wasnt interested in me"---well-fine --maybe she wasnt--probably cause i was staring at her....i coildnt help it---but the weird thing was that she was hanging and hugging some guys that were less attractive than I by any measurable standard...which leads to anotehr question--what kind of guys DO these girls like...? though i suppose it varies....
but its a mystery to me....so many mysteries.....

04-14-2007, 09:59 PM
thanks for the comments guys--and girls.

and lets face it---youre facec with jennifer Paris shaking her shit in your face--man--its hard NOT to be a psycho tranny chaser---its just too fucking titillating--at least for little ole me....transexuals just bring out the freak in me...they bring out every peversity i have inside of me (and thats alot:)-- and as far as allanah saying that "maybe she just wasnt interested in me"---well-fine --maybe she wasnt--probably cause i was staring at her....i coildnt help it---but the weird thing was that she was hanging and hugging some guys that were less attractive than I by any measurable standard...which leads to anotehr question--what kind of guys DO these girls like...? though i suppose it varies....
but its a mystery to me....so many mysteries.....

OK this is kind of creepy.

Speaking as someone 100% completely out of the situation, here is how I read it. You have to understand that these girls are promoting. How attractive you are is directly proportional to the money you have in your pocket.

04-14-2007, 10:01 PM
Maybe he was a friend or a client. Cause Jennifer is always pictured with hot hard bodies. And another thing I notice men no matter if they want to admit it or not are Superficial and egotistical creatures. They usualy think they have a chance or they are better looking than another guy when they aren't. NO offense to you.

04-14-2007, 10:01 PM
if you feel creepy maybe it is your own insecurities or issues.

if she said thanks and walked away maybe she was not interested?

i know that sounds harsh- but sometimes girls do not want to be bothered- just as guys don't.

I'm inclined to go with Allanah's assessment. Perhaps you may want to do
some introspection and soul searching on this.

For instance, did you feel creepy because you felt you were doing
something that was wrong or perverted...http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2/magi43/peepshow3x2.jpg

or was it that you felt socially ackward....http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2/magi43/sexaddict7.jpg

or was it, the potential pay for play aspects, that made you feel ill at ease>http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2/magi43/atrick.jpg

In all seriousness, I realize that looking deep within and figuring out the
source of your angst may be painful, but in the end you may feel better
for the clarity you have around this issue.

04-14-2007, 10:04 PM
thanks for the comments guys--and girls.
at least those of you who answered seriously...
but --to tell u the truth--its a pretty interesting question that Im raising...though i suppose i am talking about several different topics.
But as one of you mentioned (cant remember the posters name now)-its a strange experience-you look around--and then you think--am i one of these guys??? its disturbing..
regarding allanhas response--with all due respect....Allanah youre just trying to justify your party---to suggest that there are no creepy guys there?? Please!! some of these tranny chasers are WEIRRD..
but im not making any vlue judgements...on the contrary---im doing the excat opposite...Im proposing that maybe in some ways we are ALL weird...and just cant see it in ourselves...
and lets face it---youre facec with jennifer Paris shaking her shit in your face--man--its hard NOT to be a psycho tranny chaser---its just too fucking titillating--at least for little ole me....transexuals just bring out the freak in me...they bring out every peversity i have inside of me (and thats alot:)-- and as far as allanah saying that "maybe she just wasnt interested in me"---well-fine --maybe she wasnt--probably cause i was staring at her....i coildnt help it---but the weird thing was that she was hanging and hugging some guys that were less attractive than I by any measurable standard...which leads to anotehr question--what kind of guys DO these girls like...? though i suppose it varies....
but its a mystery to me....so many mysteries.....

darling, it is clear u have many issues.

you are making generalizations that do not make any sense. there are weird peopl anywhere you go. and yes- guys at tranny parties do seem a litle strange because none of them talk to each other. maybe because most of them come alone and they do not know anyone? however there are also many guys that socialize with each other.

if trannys bring out the freak in you, and u were looking at miss paris like she was the last piece of food on earth and u were looking hugry and creepy- then yeah maybe she blew you off. no one likes a stalker. no one likes rejection- no one- but the truth is if she wanted to talk to you she would have. maybe if you treated trannsexuals like people and reg. girls at a bar- then hey your luck might be different.

what do these girls like? hunny- is that not a rather broad question? why not ask the particular girl what she likes and u may get the answer.

and as far as me having to justify my party- well i do not think i have to do that. this party has been running for almost two years now with a very strong following- that speaks for itself.

04-14-2007, 10:23 PM
youre totally misunderstanding me....and why would u need to defend your parties? i think theyre great-i think youre great-though ive never met u--you seems smart-refined.and obviously resourceful--which i totally admire..
im not knocking anyone..im just asking a provocative question...and one of the reasons that youre misunderstanding me is that Im being rather scattered in my posts--so many different issues going on.
AND--Im not knocking jennifer either....she probably thought i was just a leering creep--but thats my point!! Im NOT A LEERING CREEP--OR AM I?
Seriously--i know in my heart that Im not a creep=--though i suppose im capable of creepy behavior--and your party brings it out in me...
i know im generalizing when i ask "what are these girls into?" of course its astupid question on some level--cause everyones different.
It may sound hypocritical-but i have total respect for all of the transgender community-as i do for all human beings.. I really do--and I would NEVER treat anyone with any disresepct--i dont think telling jennifer she was amazingly pretty showed any disrespect-do you?
But ill be t i speak for many--but surely not all guys-when i say that no matter how much respect i have--i cant help but look at some of the gilrs as pieces of meat (as u put it)--when they are dressed and acting theway they do...
it just pushes alot of buttons..and i think it might be a bit hypocritical of you and other girls here---to suggest that I feel otherwise when they are grabbing your crotch as you walk through the club..come on..be real.
lets face it--your party is a pretty sexual scene--its not a tea party

04-14-2007, 10:31 PM

04-14-2007, 10:33 PM
And another thing I notice men no matter if they want to admit it or not are Superficial and egotistical creatures.

Aint that the truth! :P

04-14-2007, 10:33 PM
I'm thinkin' the best question to ask yourself is "Would your behavior be creepy in a straight bar/club?" If you answered yes, then you prolly were being creepy.

Women will grab your crotch in a regular club too.

The solution is simple: Just don't be that guy.

04-14-2007, 10:37 PM


"pump your brakes, playboy" http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2/magi43/jaw-drop.gif


04-14-2007, 10:41 PM


"pump your brakes, playboy" http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2/magi43/jaw-drop.gif

:smh :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

04-14-2007, 10:44 PM
For a moment I thought this was about the Committee to RE-Elect the President (CREEP). :)

I've never really been comfortable at parties or social gatherings. I'm the kind of guy that needs to bring a date to a single's bar in order to feel comfortable. Though I appear to be rather gregarious in public settings (Ecstatic has seen me interact with crowds and can testify to this), it took me years to get there and I'm only outgoing in situations where I know some or all of the people in the room to begin with.

As to whether or not I might qualify for my official CREEP club membership card, that's for others to decide and on a case to case basis.

As to sheyum's encounter with Jennifer, it might have something to do with what guys and girls can do around each other that the other might find unacceptable or uncomfortable. A guy coming up to a woman he's never met and saying "You're the loveliest woman in the room" might not fly well. Flip the roles and have the woman approach the guy with "My, aren't you the handsome one!" and he'll most likely puff out his chest and buy her a drink.

I gave up trying to figure out how all this stuff works a long time ago. It's why I have cats. :?

04-14-2007, 10:47 PM
darling, it is clear u have many issues.

you are making generalizations that do not make any sense.


First of all, I cannot say enough about what you have done for admirers who wanted to have an evening out with exceptionally attractive and sophisticated women. I am always stunned at the quality of girls at your parties and of course, you - the cherry on top of the cake. One day I'll work up the nerve to gush to you personally.

That being said, I feel a certain truth is revealed by the poster that started this thread and I also believe you are correct, Allanah, dear.

There are several factions at the parties. The suffling, older, lost men that depress the poster also bedraggle my spirit. I do feel, when I look only at them, like a fellow "creep". I however also have met and spoken with some very nice men/fellow admirers and there are some fabulous people at the parties as well. You have to remember that there are so few - if any - parties catering to our communal needs to adore and admire and chat up transgendered goddesses, that there's bound to be a spectrum.

So, I love your parties, you and your gorgeous friends (Josey! Hi!) but yes, I do detect the usual small contingent of creepish freakishness. I think it adds to the taboo atmosphere.

04-14-2007, 10:47 PM
Face it Buddy you love the cock! You are not a creep you just like taking it up the poop shoot.


04-14-2007, 10:55 PM
This reminds me of the topic of peanuts and the way guys dress there. I guess everyone thinks they have dressed nicely but they dont and sometimes look creepy.

04-14-2007, 11:08 PM
youre totally misunderstanding me....and why would u need to defend your parties? i think theyre great-i think youre great-though ive never met u--you seems smart-refined.and obviously resourceful--which i totally admire..

yet you couldn't walk a few steps over towards that red velvet rope and say hello to her as she sat on the infamous pleather black couch?!?


no offense but I saw Jennifer walk away, she does that, she's a very shy person but she's also a very nice person........... not that you would be inclined to do so BUT had you approached her with "can I buy you a drink?" then fed her that [line] I'm sure she's heard everyday/night you might have gotten a different response...........

I think someone needs to speak up for the guys that come to the parties other than Allanah. Most of these guys have it hard, they come to a spot to see women they are interested in and have no one with them to socialize with so they sit on the couch or stand on the wall looking confused until one of the infamous crotch grabbers approaches them. Some of them get lucky, but if they don't it's usually due to some idiot chick telling her girlfriends to avoid some guy [in their native language] because he's not spending money. Now this sucks, but now maybe you have a better understanding of why some of the guy's in your eyes stand around looking like creeps...............

I got lucky, 1st off i was never cheap about buying drinks, lol; but more importantly I hung around people years ago like Megabody at other spots and developed a friendship with him and other partygoers, so we usually hang out together when we go to one of the parties, or elsewhere. Believe it or not that helps alot, women approach men differently in a group, there's a different vibe given off for some reason.

What I would suggest to you would be
1. See if anyone else from HA is going to be there, see if you can hook up with them, it might help.
2. and this is your call.................. let the chick approach you, if she doesn't don't bother, that's just my opinion
3. think about the way your going to word a thread before you submit it, because I think you had a good idea, but you came off like an ass at 1st.............

04-14-2007, 11:09 PM
And that was my original point, do you feel creepy, because you
feel you are doing something taboo, perverted, or that you don't
feel comfortable having others see you do.

There are several factions at the parties. The suffling, older, lost men that depress the poster also bedraggle my spirit. I do feel, when I look only at them, like a fellow "creep".

but yes, I do detect the usual small contingent of creepish freakishness. I think it adds to the taboo atmosphere.

Or is it because you feel socially ackward.

I've never really been comfortable at parties or social gatherings. I'm the kind of guy that needs to bring a date to a single's bar in order to feel comfortable.

Or is it becaue you aren't able to control your hormones, and act as if
you were 30 going on 17, and never saw an attractive woman before.

man--its hard NOT to be a psycho tranny chaser---its just too fucking titillating--at least for little ole me....transexuals just bring out the freak in me...they bring out every peversity i have inside of me (and thats alot:)--.....

Seriously--i know in my heart that Im not a creep=--though i suppose im capable of creepy behavior--and your party brings it out in me...

i cant help but look at some of the gilrs as pieces of meat (as u put it)--when they are dressed and acting theway they do...
it just pushes alot of buttons

04-14-2007, 11:26 PM
Did you fart or something?

If so, you should have done the right thing, and just owned up to it.

Or at the very least, just slunk away before anyone else noticed...works for me...

04-14-2007, 11:26 PM
well-i suppose my post is not as ridiculous as yu made it out to be--seems to be alot of thoughts about it...

04-14-2007, 11:28 PM
I feel the exact same way you do. The guys in the club besides being old enough to be my father are all really creepy looking and after the party I sometimes wonder "Am I one of those guys."

Yes. You are. Sorry. We all are. Age aside, each of us is a creep until we stop feeling like creeps for what we like.

04-14-2007, 11:29 PM
And that was my original point, do you feel creepy, because you
feel you are doing something taboo, perverted, or that you don't
feel comfortable having others see you do.

There are several factions at the parties. The suffling, older, lost men that depress the poster also bedraggle my spirit. I do feel, when I look only at them, like a fellow "creep".

but yes, I do detect the usual small contingent of creepish freakishness. I think it adds to the taboo atmosphere.

Or is it because you feel socially ackward.

I've never really been comfortable at parties or social gatherings. I'm the kind of guy that needs to bring a date to a single's bar in order to feel comfortable.

Or is it becaue you aren't able to control your hormones, and act as if
you were 30 going on 17, and never saw an attractive woman before.

man--its hard NOT to be a psycho tranny chaser---its just too fucking titillating--at least for little ole me....transexuals just bring out the freak in me...they bring out every peversity i have inside of me (and thats alot:)--.....

Seriously--i know in my heart that Im not a creep=--though i suppose im capable of creepy behavior--and your party brings it out in me...

i cant help but look at some of the gilrs as pieces of meat (as u put it)--when they are dressed and acting theway they do...
it just pushes alot of buttons

Okay...well...you said that better than I did in my previous post. :)

04-14-2007, 11:31 PM
This reminds me of the topic of peanuts and the way guys dress there. I guess everyone thinks they have dressed nicely but they dont and sometimes look creepy.

Oh no...the 'dressed nice' topic again. If a guy or girl has charm, is attractive, personable, clean, they can dress in anything and look good. That's my POV.

04-14-2007, 11:35 PM
Okay...well...you said that better than I did in my previous post. :)

Thanks, I'm a big fan of understanding 'why' we do the things
we do, and understanding our emotions about them. :wink:

04-15-2007, 12:12 AM
All I am saying is that my parties- and the girls- we are not aliens,

Your behaviour should not be any different at my party then at any other party.

If you go to a girl and ask an offensive or stupid question (not saying that you did but believe you me, i get them all the time- especially fron people whi think because u look a certain way or what you do for a living can say whatever they want to you) then she is going to brush you off.

If you are acting like a troll- then you will be treated as a troll. And that goes forany gender or person that comes to my party.

04-15-2007, 12:15 AM
i just don't like it how someone has to put other people down to bring themselves up......we all cant be male models , lmao....i can guarantee alot of those so called weirdos know how to talk to the girls and do get lucky...don't judge a book by its cover.....im no prize but if i say hi to Jennifer she doesn't go running for cover...im sure you could of made your points without putting others down...but hey its fucking hung angels :twisted:

04-15-2007, 12:32 AM
did i put someone down?

04-15-2007, 12:35 AM
quote: I was standing there and looking around..and so many of the guys there looked like freaks to me--so creepy...

04-15-2007, 12:36 AM
did i put someone down?

yeah ya did

you know you did too, please let's not be ignorant about this

it's practically on the same level as what IMUS said about those female basketball players, something stupid without knowing one of them at all personally..........................

04-15-2007, 12:37 AM
we will try to leave our pocket protectors and trench coats home next time :twisted:

04-15-2007, 12:42 AM
we will try to leave our pocket protectors and trench coats home next time :twisted:


vintage Hollywood

Felicia Katt
04-15-2007, 01:00 AM
"I cant believe how pretty you are "

Thats a pretty backhanded compliment. I know you probably meant it as you are incredibly beautiful, but it comes off more as wow, you aren't as ugly as I thought you would be.

You admitted what you said was lame. Lameness like that will make any girl walk away.


04-15-2007, 01:04 AM
This is a good thread and I respect everyone responses. I’ve been there been there on both sides; feeling like a creep, and also having had a good time, without hooking up. My success had come from just talking to anyone, like other guys. Often you have a lot in common, or they may have had experiences already and are willing to fill you in. You can talk and still check things out, while you are talking.

The other thing is what had already been stated; buy people drinks first just as a signal that you are interested in talking. A woman could be waiting for someone else, for example, and she will decline a drink to signal that she is not interested. Look for friendly looking people in a group and by one a drink. If they accept, they usually will introduce to their friends, etc. Or just buy someone a drink who has an empty glass.
They may appreciate the attention.

Jennifer Paris is a nationally known model, who should have her choice of whom she wishes to associate with. So one should not expect her to gush at every person who gives her a compliment. I think it would feel a little weird to her, to suddenly engage someone in conversation that has not been interacting with others.

Be nice to someone that you are not drooling over, just for the conversation. That is when I have good times.

04-15-2007, 01:12 AM
The other thing is what had already been stated; buy people drinks first just as a signal that you are interested in talking.

A woman could be waiting for someone else, for example, and she will decline a drink to signal that she is not interested.

Look for friendly looking people in a group and by one a drink.

Or just buy someone a drink who has an empty glass.
They may appreciate the attention.


Damn, since I don't drink and would most likely be nursing a cranberry
juice, sounds like I would be up to my eyeballs in cranberry juice.

The good news is I probably would never have a urinary tract infection -
ever again.


04-15-2007, 01:13 AM
"I cant believe how pretty you are "

Thats a pretty backhanded compliment. I know you probably meant it as you are incredibly beautiful, but it comes off more as wow, you aren't as ugly as I thought you would be.

You admitted what you said was lame. Lameness like that will make any girl walk away.


haha i hear that all the time and i think people do not realize what they are implying sometimes.

i have heard- 'u are so much smaller in person' 'wow, u look so much bigger in pictures- u are much thinner', etc etc

so i take it all with a grain o salt and say 'thanks'

04-15-2007, 01:41 AM
The first time at a party can be very intimidating and leave you feeling very nervous. More nervous than you would at a normal bar with GG's. Don't worry about it. Just remember that underneath the skin they are all women and try to remember to treat them that way. Sometimes we forget that and just look at the pure sex side.

04-15-2007, 01:49 AM
Sheyum, Allanah's parties can be overwhelming. There are tons of beautiful women walking around. If it is your first time there you feel out of place. I feel intimidated a little but when I go. It is not hard to get a conversation started but it would be a lot easier if you had a wing man. I have only attended alone but I survived.

Also about feeling like a creep. I think it has more to do with society and how when someone acts toward their sexual fantasies all of a sudden there a pig or a creep.

04-15-2007, 01:52 AM
This reminds me of the topic of peanuts and the way guys dress there. I guess everyone thinks they have dressed nicely but they dont and sometimes look creepy.

Oh no...the 'dressed nice' topic again. If a guy or girl has charm, is attractive, personable, clean, they can dress in anything and look good. That's my POV.

By saying they can dress in "anything that looks good" that means different things to different people. Unfortunatly.

04-15-2007, 01:58 AM
Do the guys feels 'creepy' when they go to
the 'strip club, gentlemens club, or the titty bar'?

Or is it just when they go to the 'tranny clubs'?



Felicia Katt
04-15-2007, 01:58 AM
haha i hear that all the time and i think people do not realize what they are implying sometimes.

i have heard- 'u are so much smaller in person' 'wow, u look so much bigger in pictures- u are much thinner', etc etc

so i take it all with a grain o salt and say 'thanks'

I know they mean it as sugar, but it comes out as salt. They may look alike, but subsituting one for the other will screw up any recipe even one for success with the girl of your dreams. :)

04-15-2007, 02:04 AM
Boy--i have to go out of town for a few days and will be without a computer--bumer-cause im enjoying this thread....
thanks for all of the responses....
i have alot more to say about it too--and about related issues....
ill post more when i get back....

bye everyone...

04-15-2007, 02:35 AM
i have heard- 'u are so much smaller in person' 'wow, u look so much bigger in pictures- u are much thinner', etc etc

Wow! Did you know that in person, you really look like yourself?


I have often walked up to well-known/famous people and said "Oh my god! Do you know who you are?" and it has proven to be a rather reliable icebreaker (Most of them understand the humor of it). Though this applies to actors, politicians, authors, etc. I'm not sure how well it might work at one of Alannah's parties.

<Thinking> How, in gawd's name, can someone see those delightful tatas in the, as it were, flesh and say 'u are so much smaller in person' ?

That just ain't right. :lol:

Do the guys feels 'creepy' when they go to
the 'strip club, gentlemens club, or the titty bar'?

Speaking for myself, yes. Very much so.

Some years back (Hmm...I think 'Some years back' is beginning to take the place of 'No shit, there we were' for me), TW asked me to drive her up to the Fantasy Show Bar in Mt. Ephraim, NJ (If you're a guy that lives east of the Mississippi, including England, you know whereof that I speak) where she had an interview (But not an audition, as FSB was very into promoting anorexia that year). While she was in the office, I sat out at the bar nursing one of those watery ten-dollar sodas and enjoying the show. The scantily-clad woman that was waiting on me (One of the dancers - They rotate serving/dancing duties) was drop-dead gorgeous and very sweet. As I can only budget about one ten-dollar coke a year, I felt bad that she wasn't getting her scratch off the sales and, I must confess, I sooooooooooooooooooooo wanted to just touch her. And so I did, slipping a twenty into her garter and lightly brushing her thigh as I drew back (And the silky texture of her skin was worth every penny of that twenty). And yah, I felt like such a sleaze as I did it (But I =did= ask first!). :oops: :roll:

What it comes down to is basically this: If you =feel= creepy in these situations, it is clearly an insecurity/self esteem/whatever kind of thing as your intentions, even prurient ones, are somewhat sincere. The question/feeling comes to mind and that sez something for your character. However the gurls may see you, or however you =think= they see you, is secondary to the fact that you have at least tried to cross the bridge to meet them.

If you =don't= feel creepy while getting an obvious brush-off, well...You so are! *Snap!*

04-15-2007, 02:46 AM
I went to my 1st Allanah party at Opaline, It was kinda new then and a big deal. I remember I couldn't wait, but I was apprehensive about the guys that were gonna be there. I consider myself straight (with a little twist) and totally NON CREEPY, but I was wondering if I was the exception rather than the rule. I was surprised to find very normal looking guys there.
I've been to several parties since and have never felt creepy or seen creepy people there. It's not a rave--- so you don't get alot of teeny boppers and dudes who aren't old enough to drink. You get a wide range of people. I don't know what you expect!!! I've seen young,middle aged,black,white,latino,blue-collar,exec-types and even thugs (that surprised me)... why is that creepy? Maybe you should get out more. I find more creepy people at I-HOP!
Allanah made a great point that was seconded that it is kinda weird because the guys don't socialize with each other. It's sorta like the unwritten rules of manhood. You don't piss in the stall right next to another guy if you don't have to and you don't talk to guys at TS parties! I mean what if they want to talk about knitting or something--- or worse they want you to share a girl with them...Sexuality is a broad spectrum and just because 2 guys like T-girls doesn't mean they have the same desires---that's been proven on this forum over and over.
I don't believe you saw any creepy guys but you were looking at them thru creepy colored (lol) glasses. Subconsciously you feel that these guys are weirdos 'cause they like T-girls.
As for Miss Paris, you probably were giving off that creepy vibe since you were feeling creepy, but it could have been anything. I once talked to a girl who I vaguely knew because she was a friends roommate. I tried to talk to her once in public and she ignored and dissed me. I started to walk off but I went back and explained who I was and she apologized for being rude but so many guys try to hit on her and she thought I was just another jerk. Sometimes girls have that anti-jerk defense mechanism up, but once you get past that you find they're really nice!!

04-15-2007, 02:48 AM
Do the guys feels 'creepy' when they go to
the 'strip club, gentlemens club, or the titty bar'?

Or is it just when they go to the 'tranny clubs'?


Depends: gentleman's club--no; strip club--maybe; titty bar--hell yeah!!!

04-15-2007, 02:51 AM
I dont feel creepy about going to strip clubs at all. You would be suprised how many girls are into pretty t-girls.

04-15-2007, 02:52 AM
The other thing is what had already been stated; buy people drinks first just as a signal that you are interested in talking.

A woman could be waiting for someone else, for example, and she will decline a drink to signal that she is not interested.

Look for friendly looking people in a group and by one a drink.

Or just buy someone a drink who has an empty glass.
They may appreciate the attention.


Damn, since I don't drink and would most likely be nursing a cranberry
juice, sounds like I would be up to my eyeballs in cranberry juice.

The good news is I probably would never have a urinary tract infection -
ever again.


I actually order cranberry juice all of the time lately. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who will purchase juice:P

04-15-2007, 02:53 AM
lol maybe it's cause you whispered in her ear? I would of done the same with any stranger that just walked up and did that.
Yeah, whispering...that's CREEPY!

04-15-2007, 03:28 AM
I dont feel creepy about going to strip clubs at all. You would be suprised how many girls are into pretty t-girls.

Oh, gawd, I love that!


04-15-2007, 03:35 AM
I actually order cranberry juice all of the time lately. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who will purchase juice:P

That'll be $7.50 please.

Hence the nursing, for me. :wink:

04-15-2007, 03:38 AM
I dont feel creepy about going to strip clubs at all. You would be suprised how many girls are into pretty t-girls.

Well you guys (Not a derogatory usage) get a pass. :roll:

04-15-2007, 05:19 AM
....Not to mention you probably said something she heard a thousand times before.

That night!

04-15-2007, 07:18 AM
Next time try "Hey Toots! You're the Hoy Poly! Ya want a gin ricky!" Works everytime. 8)

04-15-2007, 05:04 PM
i went into a popular trannie bar in new york a long time ago when i was visiting once. they don't make 'em shyer(sp) then me. whether in public, one on one, whatever. i didn't feel creepy in there. i didn't see anyone around me as creepy. what was a little wierd was everybody was just standing around stairing at each other. there was some topless blond babe dancing infront of a mirror. i talked to a few ladies who were very nice. you want to talk creepy, i had a paper bag full of candy with me that i kept digging into and eating. i was handing out candy to the bar staff. as creepy as that potentially looked, i didn't feel creepy. i think it is a self-esteem thing that you would feel creepy as was mentioned earlier.

i talked to some guy there for a little while who came up to me to talk. he didn't say anything wierd or hit on me. i left soon after that. the hot bartender chased me up the stairs and told me she would break me in two and grabbed my ass. i must admit, i didn't understand what she was saying till later.
doh!!!! i would of broke her in four. hehehe.
on the way out the door some guy with a wig on grabbed my crouch. now, that was creepy!

as i drive around here in texas, i see guys dressed up with big belt buckles, cowboy hats, huge trucks, cowboy boots. now, that's f'n creepy. not too mention the frat boys with the long horns pasted on their t-shirts. the heard being led to their slaughter. now that's creepy!!!!! be happy and proud that you have these parties to go to and that there are like minded people just like you, that can congregate to meet some of these ladies in a social setting.
and as far as talking to women, just say something nice and appropraite. someone will bite eventually. save the creepy, purple vain dick jokes for later, and you won't come off as creepy. ;)

04-15-2007, 05:13 PM
i went into a popular trannie bar in new york a long time ago when i was visiting once. they don't make 'em shyer(sp) then me. whether in public, one on one, whatever. i didn't feel creepy in there. i didn't see anyone around me as creepy. what was a little wierd was everybody was just standing around stairing at each other. there was some topless blond babe dancing infront of a mirror. i talked to a few ladies who were very nice. you want to talk creepy, i had a paper bag full of candy with me that i kept digging into and eating. i was handing out candy to the bar staff. as creepy as that potentially looked, i didn't feel creepy. i think it is a self-esteem thing that you would feel creepy as was mentioned earlier.

i talked to some guy there for a little while who came up to me to talk. he didn't say anything wierd or hit on me. i left soon after that. the hot bartender chased me up the stairs and told me she would break me in two and grabbed my ass. i must admit, i didn't understand what she was saying till later.
doh!!!! i would of broke her in four. hehehe.
on the way out the door some guy with a wig on grabbed my crouch. now, that was creepy!

as i drive around here in texas, i see guys dressed up with big belt buckles, cowboy hats, huge trucks, cowboy boots. now, that's f'n creepy. not too mention the frat boys with the long horns pasted on their t-shirts. the heard being led to their slaughter. now that's creepy!!!!! be happy and proud that you have these parties to go to and that there are like minded people just like you, that can congregate to meet some of these ladies in a social setting.
and as far as talking to women, just say something nice and appropraite. someone will bite eventually. save the creepy, purple vain dick jokes for later, and you won't come off as creepy. ;)

:shock: :lol: :lol: :claps :claps :claps :claps :claps :claps :claps
Sir, you are a genius, POST OF THE WEEK, Without a doubt.

04-15-2007, 07:26 PM
Women will grab your crotch in a regular club too.

Can I get the address of this club? Never been there before :lol:

04-15-2007, 07:36 PM
Okay...well...you said that better than I did in my previous post. :)

Thanks, I'm a big fan of understanding 'why' we do the things
we do, and understanding our emotions about them. :wink:

You know- I really am too, but I think in this case, the original poster is just taking one isolated incident, and trying to make it into a microcosm of some defineable greater reality. She walked away. Maybe he was a total creep, even if he didn't intend to be, because he actually isn't. Maybe she was rude, maybe she misinterpreted his actions or he misinterpreted hers. Maybe shes stuck up, maybe he's disgusting and poorly dressed. Maybe shes very superficial or maybe he's an egomaniac. I really have no clue, and maybe some of the other posters do, but essentially he's asking us to figure out why this social exchange happened the way it happened as if it's going to adhere to some sort of general natural law of the universe. It was just one incident. We're all are kinda overanalyzing this, aren't we?

04-15-2007, 07:57 PM
That's so tacky to grab somebody's privates you don't even know or haven't talked to for more than five minutes.

Solitary Brother
04-15-2007, 08:07 PM
I had a stunning moment of refelction the other night.
I consider myself a totally normal guy--well educated, sophisticated, very smart,v goodlooking....basically well adjusted in every way
But i must say--Im totally intruiged by Trannies and have been for as long as i can remember.
Ive never been with one--but DAMN-do they turn me on.
The other night I decided to go to Allanna's Thurs night party (ive been a few times before)...I was standing there and looking around..and so many of the guys there looked like freaks to me--so creepy...and I started thinking...
"wow--am I one of these creeps?"
you know--i dont FEEL like a creep---but maybe I am one..
are we all creeps??
Then i had a moment.....jennifer paris was there...and let me tell you--thats one fucking HOT tranny...oh my god,,her breasts are insane.
the whole package---and i couldnt stop staring at her.
i know its rude but....
I was dying to approach her-didnt know how---so FINALLY-i walked up to her and whispered somethin lame like "I cant believe how pretty you are " and she looked at me with disgust and said "thanks" and turned away.
Then i really felt like a creep....it was the strangest sensation.
And I think ive heard shes supposed to be failr nice.
So it just made me think..

Well first of all Alanah is right.
This girls have guys hitting on them constantly......
The reason why you feel "creepy" is because being a "tranny chaser" is still a very "underground" phenomenon.
Also,when the girls first start their transition and even after......people look at them with "disgust" so now you know how they feel.
I get the same thing from genetic girls sometimes........WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD.

04-15-2007, 08:15 PM
This reminds me of the topic of peanuts and the way guys dress there. I guess everyone thinks they have dressed nicely but they dont and sometimes look creepy.

I don't think so. That conversation about how to dress turned out to be "I am looking for a guy who can drop the cash on me" has nothing to do with the man. Not wanting to know someone because they didn't feel the need to wear the Armani suit out on the weekend is no where even close to being the same.

That conversation was all about money and only talking to people who appear to have lots of it. That is exactly why I have never been there. I do quite well and have worked hard to be successful but I am not about to deal with attitude from someone who just wants a payday.

In that conversation the girl was definitely the creep.

04-15-2007, 08:41 PM
The crotch grabbing as well as ass grabbing has happened many times at the TG clubs I have attended. After I experienced that I actually felt like a piece of meat and can understand what women go through from time to time.

It never happens to be a girl your attracted to though.

04-15-2007, 08:43 PM
After I experienced that I actually felt like a piece of meat and can understand what women go through from time to time.


arc angel
04-15-2007, 08:55 PM
face it if you dont have a sweaty fistfull of cash your a creep! hell sometimes even if you do your a creep! if a girl likes the way you look she will come to you so dont sweat it just have fun! take it from the king of creeps. girls always look at the cover of the book before they read the story line.

04-15-2007, 08:58 PM
Arc Angel you are so bitter

04-15-2007, 08:58 PM
Women will grab your crotch in a regular club too.

Can I get the address of this club? Never been there before :lol:
I was thinking the same thing

04-15-2007, 09:08 PM
That's so tacky to grab somebody's privates you don't even know or haven't talked to for more than five minutes.
Hey welcome to the world of the TG party!!
And it has calmed down soooo much. I remember back in the pre-disney days of NYC, when I was indoctrinated to Edelweiss--- girls were EVERYWHERE, and this was a multi-level club. Everyone, including waitresses were interested in how big I was, and the hand was not shy about finding out! Some girls would walk around with their shit just hanging out...
Pure Debauchery is what it was!!!
So glad they put an end to that :evil: :evil: :evil:

arc angel
04-15-2007, 09:09 PM
Arc Angel you are so bitter
wow i thought that was a dream , kelly how did you get in my house last night? lol

04-15-2007, 09:35 PM
Women will grab your crotch in a regular club too.

Can I get the address of this club? Never been there before :lol:

You need to come down to NYC. You'll get your crotch grabbed at: Crobar, The Copa, The China Club.....the list goes on and on.

Or maybe it's just me.....


04-15-2007, 09:48 PM
That's so tacky to grab somebody's privates you don't even know or haven't talked to for more than five minutes.

Like you never have, sugarbritches.... :wink:

04-15-2007, 10:07 PM
That's so tacky to grab somebody's privates you don't even know or haven't talked to for more than five minutes.
Hey welcome to the world of the TG party!!
And it has calmed down soooo much. I remember back in the pre-disney days of NYC, when I was indoctrinated to Edelweiss--- girls were EVERYWHERE, and this was a multi-level club. Everyone, including waitresses were interested in how big I was, and the hand was not shy about finding out! Some girls would walk around with their shit just hanging out...
Pure Debauchery is what it was!!!
So glad they put an end to that :evil: :evil: :evil:

yeah, that's where that happened to me, edelweiss.

04-15-2007, 10:10 PM
That's so tacky to grab somebody's privates you don't even know or haven't talked to for more than five minutes.
Hey welcome to the world of the TG party!!
And it has calmed down soooo much. I remember back in the pre-disney days of NYC, when I was indoctrinated to Edelweiss--- girls were EVERYWHERE, and this was a multi-level club. Everyone, including waitresses were interested in how big I was, and the hand was not shy about finding out! Some girls would walk around with their shit just hanging out...
Pure Debauchery is what it was!!!
So glad they put an end to that :evil: :evil: :evil:

That was wild back then. Remember Sally's?

Fuck you, Rudy!

04-15-2007, 10:30 PM
That's so tacky to grab somebody's privates you don't even know or haven't talked to for more than five minutes.
Hey welcome to the world of the TG party!!
And it has calmed down soooo much. I remember back in the pre-disney days of NYC, when I was indoctrinated to Edelweiss--- girls were EVERYWHERE, and this was a multi-level club. Everyone, including waitresses were interested in how big I was, and the hand was not shy about finding out! Some girls would walk around with their shit just hanging out...
Pure Debauchery is what it was!!!
So glad they put an end to that :evil: :evil: :evil:

That was wild back then. Remember Sally's?

Fuck you, Rudy!
Ha ha! Sally's Sally's Sally's! That's where it all began for me. We were staying at the Hotel Carter (hey it was spur of the moment, nothing else in NYC for new years) and stumbled upon Sally's totally by accident.Man, what memories. Showworld,Peepland, all the joints had t-girls!
Yeah, fuck you Rudy (or did it start with Koch?)!

arc angel
04-15-2007, 10:39 PM
Allanah starr for mayor !

04-16-2007, 02:22 AM
Not that I'm the world's most sociable or socially confident man, but it seems to me that if you go to a club and just try to have a good time on your own (for the experience or whatever) without expecting to get laid or viewing the ladies there as items on a buffet menu then you will probably have a better time. And as others have said, CONFIDENCE goes a long way. Yes, it helps to have money and good looks, but a man who's confident and comfortable with himself will project that toward the ladies. And again, treat them as people (which interestingly enough becomes easier when you do have that confidence).

Or, to sum it up:
Abundant money will help you attract lots of ladies.
Abundant confidence will help you attract the right one.

04-16-2007, 02:26 AM
"I cant believe how pretty you are "

Thats a pretty backhanded compliment. I know you probably meant it as you are incredibly beautiful, but it comes off more as wow, you aren't as ugly as I thought you would be.

Or as "I can't believe a guy in makeup and womens' clothing could look so hot!"

04-16-2007, 03:48 AM
Do the guys feels 'creepy' when they go to
the 'strip club, gentlemens club, or the titty bar'?

Or is it just when they go to the 'tranny clubs'?
While I don't feel uncomfortable in such bars, private or lap dances make me feel "creepy" so I don't partake in them. I will tip a girl for her song dance and entertain their "talk" to try to get a private dance, but I don't feel like letting loose and getting a boner from a lap dance, that is creepy to me.

That's so tacky to grab somebody's privates you don't even know or haven't talked to for more than five minutes.
Okay, Kelly! I'll remember to bring a stopwatch if we ever meet. :lol:

Seriously though. I rarely go out without the coveted "wing man", but if I do, I usually go right to the bar order a drink and chat up anyone near me. Inevitably within a very short time, I have a "wing man". I will proceed to continue this behavior until I have enough "acquaintances" that I can bounce around from one to the other and meet new people through them or they through me. Think these thoughts: I went to a social event to socialize.

Sometimes the best "line" you can use is a shy smile and a small wave or wink. Even if you are standing alone at the time, if you have any kind of "game" going that she had previously taken notice of you, you will know instantly if she wants you to do more than smile and wave. Also if you are chatting away with a group, you clearly indicate with a smile and a wave that you find her more interesting than your current company. A compliment that takes no words to give.

There is an old poker adage: If you are sitting at the table wondering who the donkey is, it is likely you. So if you feel creepy, you are giving off the creepy vibe. Girls can tell the difference between shy and creepy. Personally I would find the creepiest, oddest, most eccentric person and strike up a conversation. They often have the most entertaining stories and interesting friends.

I guess my approach is to meet people and let meeting a potential mate take second seat. Besides, I don't do one night stands and am very hesitant to waste the time of someone that just wants that from me. Buying a drink or at least offering to buy the next round is a small price to pay for another's time, and even smaller amount to evaluate if I am attracted to more than her looks.

04-16-2007, 04:16 AM
Hi sheyum and everyone else,

I remember you coming up to me a whispering in my ear. I did not think you were a creep by any means. I didn't look at you with a disgusted look either. I said thanks and walked away.

I'm not living in NY right now, I'm only visiting so for the first week I was here I had my ad on Eros and I was available for anyone to make an appointment to come see me. The second week I am here for was to see and spend time with my friends and do little things like get my hair done.

When I go to Allanahs parties I go there to see my friends that I haven't seen in a while! In a comfortable environment for everyone. Where the girls don't have to worry about being them selves or getting clocked or spooked.

Some girls that might be very forward and come up to you grabbing ur crotch are there for business. Not all girls are fortunate to be able to advertise on Eros and or have a place to have guys over. So allanahs parties gives a chance for the girls mingle and meet guys face to face to see if there interested in a date!

My take on the whole situation is I don't go to Allanahs parties looking for a date. If you have ever met me at a party and spoke with me you would know that. If you have ever asked me to leave with you or do I date the answer would be not at this time, I have my ad on Eros and feel free to contact me to schedule an appointment! Every minute I'm there I have guys approaching me offering me more and more money to leave with them. I don't blame them. But that's not what I'm there for. If I wanted to make money I would stay in my hotel room and turn on my phone and start taking the calls.

If you saw me "hugging" on a guy that was less attractive that you, I only hugged one guy the whole night and he was an old friend of mine that I hadn't seen a while. In response to the statement that he was as attractive as you. I have friends in all shape sizes and I don't only have super model friends...lol.

Bottom line is that I'm sorry If I made you feel like a creep. I did not see you as a creep in any way. I was simply at the party having a good time amongst my friends and I was very busy. Next time you see me at another party feel free to come up to me and say Hi again and you never know you might make a new friend.

Btw Allanahs parties ROCK!

Jennifer Paris
See all my pics at

04-16-2007, 05:30 AM
That's so tacky to grab somebody's privates you don't even know or haven't talked to for more than five minutes.

It's only tacky if your hand sticks.

04-16-2007, 05:32 AM
My take on the whole situation is I don't go to Allanahs parties looking for a date. If you have ever met me at a party and spoke with me you would know that. If you have ever asked me to leave with you or do I date the answer would be not at this time, I have my ad on Eros and feel free to contact me to schedule an appointment! Every minute I'm there I have guys approaching me offering me more and more money to leave with them. I don't blame them. But that's not what I'm there for. If I wanted to make money I would stay in my hotel room and turn on my phone and start taking the calls.

AMEN! You were there to socialize with friends and meet new people. Isn't that why all people go out? Um, well maybe not all. But isn't that what should be expected? If you were working, you would hardly put a friend like Allanah in the position of having her party busted for questionable activities. I think he must have a good radar to have read disinterest on your face, but a poor radar to make the leap to being insulted by it.

Everyone deserves a night out to be themselves without being judged by what people "think" they already know about that person. So you are attractive, so you were in the same place as he was, that doesn't obligate you to be there for any other reason than your own for being there.

Lesson here is to not go stupid because a fantasy of yours walked in the door. Let me offer a non-sexual fantasy. I would love to be best buds with Bras Pitt (come on his throw-aways are better than most could fantasize about). So I come up to him and say, "Oh my God, I loved you in 'XYZ' and 'ABC'." Am I gonna expect that I would be viewed as a person or a fan? A fan. I come up to him and say, "OMG I can't believe what Jennifer said in Star Magazine about you." Person or fan? Fan. I say, "Hey I like your work, what are you doing here?" Well that acknowledges that you know who they are (honestly, they expect that) and doesn't suggest any preconceived expectations. Again they can answer the question or say "thanks" and walk away. Judging anyone for not being interested in talking to a stranger assumes way to much. Who knows, Brad might answer and next thing I know we have alot in common and I am in his posse travelling the world getting hand-me-downs. :wink:

*EDIT* Let me just say...very classy Jennifer! I like that you don't add gratuitous photos. You are too attractive to debase yourself and I respect that. Let me also say that those who do offer "extras" in photos I don't think less of you, expept maybe that I think Jennifer offers classy photos. But 'classy' is in the eye of the beholder, and truth be told I might be able to find pictures of Jennifer that show more, but I honestly don't care to do that about any of you ladies. She just has always come off "Playboy" classy.

04-16-2007, 05:33 PM
I was at the party on Thursday night as well. Jennifer Paris was the hottest girl there. So i can understand why she was so busy, everyone in the place wanted to talk to her.
I have had the chance of meeting her at another parties and she is outgoing and personable. She doesn't have an attitude or is stuck on her self in anyway. I find that if you approach the girls in a respectful manor they will treat you the same way.
Stay beautiful Jennifer Paris. One of your biggest fans!

04-16-2007, 05:55 PM
as i drive around here in texas, i see guys dressed up with big belt buckles, cowboy hats, huge trucks, cowboy boots. now, that's f'n creepy. not too mention the frat boys with the long horns pasted on their t-shirts. the heard being led to their slaughter. now that's creepy!!!!! be happy and proud that you have these parties to go to and that there are like minded people just like you, that can congregate to meet some of these ladies in a social setting.

what a retarded comparison. obviously speaking about a group of people you know so little about. you are obviously uncomfortable in your own skin to be so unaccepting of anyone else.

04-16-2007, 08:08 PM
Personally, I don't bother. I don't approach women (gg or tg) in bars or public places at all. There's nothing you can say that will convey a message other than "creep". If they're interested, they'll let you know. If not, that's what dating sites on the internet are for!

04-16-2007, 09:27 PM
as i drive around here in texas, i see guys dressed up with big belt buckles, cowboy hats, huge trucks, cowboy boots. now, that's f'n creepy. not too mention the frat boys with the long horns pasted on their t-shirts. the heard being led to their slaughter. now that's creepy!!!!! be happy and proud that you have these parties to go to and that there are like minded people just like you, that can congregate to meet some of these ladies in a social setting.

what a retarded comparison. obviously speaking about a group of people you know so little about. you are obviously uncomfortable in your own skin to be so unaccepting of anyone else.

huh? wtf are you talking about? are you a frat boy, a cowboy, or a sheboy(no offense to anyone)? how the fuck can anyone take my comment and make it into a negative like that. go climb back under the rock you came from and mind your own business fool. what a doosh!

the comparison is supposed to make you see the absurdity of any comparison at all.

thank you for the comment though. :D

04-16-2007, 10:41 PM
as i drive around here in texas, i see guys dressed up with big belt buckles, cowboy hats, huge trucks, cowboy boots. now, that's f'n creepy. not too mention the frat boys with the long horns pasted on their t-shirts. the heard being led to their slaughter. now that's creepy!!!!! be happy and proud that you have these parties to go to and that there are like minded people just like you, that can congregate to meet some of these ladies in a social setting.

what a retarded comparison. obviously speaking about a group of people you know so little about. you are obviously uncomfortable in your own skin to be so unaccepting of anyone else.

NO, I'm afraid that handsolo is right, those cowboy morons are a creepy bunch of wankers. Its not retarded at all , just realistic, dont dare backpeddle handsolo, give em hell, dumb horse sucking cowboy motherfuckers

04-16-2007, 11:41 PM
It takes balls to pay a stranger a compliment no matter who or where it is.

Creepy? Subjective. If the guy washing the windows from the diet coke add comes into the office with a bunch of flowers for a girl that he hasn't yet had the courage to speak to, it is considered romantic,
If the accountant from downstairs does with the big glasses does it, its creepy even though his intentions are probably just as an honourable.

04-17-2007, 06:06 PM
as i drive around here in texas, i see guys dressed up with big belt buckles, cowboy hats, huge trucks, cowboy boots. now, that's f'n creepy. not too mention the frat boys with the long horns pasted on their t-shirts. the heard being led to their slaughter. now that's creepy!!!!! be happy and proud that you have these parties to go to and that there are like minded people just like you, that can congregate to meet some of these ladies in a social setting.

what a retarded comparison. obviously speaking about a group of people you know so little about. you are obviously uncomfortable in your own skin to be so unaccepting of anyone else.

NO, I'm afraid that handsolo is right, those cowboy morons are a creepy bunch of wankers. Its not retarded at all , just realistic, dont dare backpeddle handsolo, give em hell, dumb horse sucking cowboy motherfuckers

hehehe, you called me handsolo.
thanks for the backup kriss! damn hill billies! :P

04-17-2007, 06:30 PM
i went into a popular trannie bar in new york a long time ago

What we are not saying is how Darling Allanah has changed the face of places we gather to admirer our women. Which bar were you at, Nowbar?

I used to frequent everywhere (slut that I was! lol) from Speed Limit 55, to Club Third Sex, to Edelweiss and Sallys (the Twin Towers of T Sleaze), that little place near Washington Sqare Park downstairs, another little place (Playground?) near the Holland Tunnel, and wherever.

What I used to adore was that I found it so easy to meet and leave with girls - I was attractive and they were lovely. Sometimes money changed hands, sometimes just adoration and wonderful friendshipsex.

But now it's different. Although the calibre of amazing looking women is amazing at Allanah's, there's a certain chasm .... a certain unapproproachable sense that I am there to observe rather than hook up. It's likely because I'm older but it's bittersweet. I still adore the girls but it's different from my early years as a philandering admirer.

But Allanah has raised the bar (including mine! lol) for the quality of girls, party music, vibe and added a sheen of sophistication. We all still realize is Coin is King but.....there 'tis.

04-19-2007, 08:59 PM
hi jennifer--and everyone..
ive been away --got home and see that there's been more talk about this--even from jennifer herself..
Well--it seems that shes as lovely on the inside as she is on the outside.
thanks for the warm reply jennifer...ane please let me clarify that I never really meant to suggest that you were rude to me...just that your response made ME feel like maybe I was being creepy--hence the self-reflection and subsequent post..But your explanation that you were there to see friends made total sense--and i can relate...And of course its nice and to your credit that youre not there to hook up But I never felt you were rude...it just brought up some feelings for me.
That being said...hopefully we'll meet again..

04-20-2007, 07:31 AM
i went into a popular trannie bar in new york a long time ago

What we are not saying is how Darling Allanah has changed the face of places we gather to admirer our women. Which bar were you at, Nowbar?

I used to frequent everywhere (slut that I was! lol) from Speed Limit 55, to Club Third Sex, to Edelweiss and Sallys (the Twin Towers of T Sleaze), that little place near Washington Sqare Park downstairs, another little place (Playground?) near the Holland Tunnel, and wherever.

What I used to adore was that I found it so easy to meet and leave with girls - I was attractive and they were lovely. Sometimes money changed hands, sometimes just adoration and wonderful friendshipsex.

But now it's different. Although the calibre of amazing looking women is amazing at Allanah's, there's a certain chasm .... a certain unapproproachable sense that I am there to observe rather than hook up. It's likely because I'm older but it's bittersweet. I still adore the girls but it's different from my early years as a philandering admirer.

But Allanah has raised the bar (including mine! lol) for the quality of girls, party music, vibe and added a sheen of sophistication. We all still realize is Coin is King but.....there 'tis.

I attended one of Allanah's parties a couple of years ago in NY. I'm no spring chicken, but I had a great time. Most of the girls seemed to want money, but one of them just asked me to buy her a beer, and we made out and rubbed up against each other. It helps at Allanah's parties if you speak some Spanish. Some of the girls there don't speak English very well.

04-20-2007, 07:46 AM
i went into a popular trannie bar in new york a long time ago

What we are not saying is how Darling Allanah has changed the face of places we gather to admirer our women. Which bar were you at, Nowbar?

I used to frequent everywhere (slut that I was! lol) from Speed Limit 55, to Club Third Sex, to Edelweiss and Sallys (the Twin Towers of T Sleaze), that little place near Washington Sqare Park downstairs, another little place (Playground?) near the Holland Tunnel, and wherever.

What I used to adore was that I found it so easy to meet and leave with girls - I was attractive and they were lovely. Sometimes money changed hands, sometimes just adoration and wonderful friendshipsex.

But now it's different. Although the calibre of amazing looking women is amazing at Allanah's, there's a certain chasm .... a certain unapproproachable sense that I am there to observe rather than hook up. It's likely because I'm older but it's bittersweet. I still adore the girls but it's different from my early years as a philandering admirer.

But Allanah has raised the bar (including mine! lol) for the quality of girls, party music, vibe and added a sheen of sophistication. We all still realize is Coin is King but.....there 'tis.

so true, so true