04-14-2007, 11:08 AM


04-14-2007, 05:45 PM
found `im 8)

04-14-2007, 09:11 PM
Thanks WMC. I thought the Bolshies had done away with him.

04-15-2007, 02:15 AM

04-15-2007, 06:20 PM


So? Who gives a shit?

04-15-2007, 06:31 PM


So? Who gives a shit?

Look, one of the grunts from the kook-brigade! 8)

Unfortunately, there are not enough corners for you screwballs to hide in,

so keep runnin` lefty. 8)

04-15-2007, 06:55 PM
:twisted:...........So Tfool and gayone and corboboy........just how close are you with the Pantywaste from Canada????????

04-15-2007, 07:06 PM
:twisted:...........So Tfool and gayone and corboboy........just how close are you with the Pantywaste from Canada????????

Are you serious !? :P

You`re dumb as fuck on so many levels it ain`t funny. Let`s skim across the various levels:

1. Whitemalecanada is about as generic a nick as one can think of.

2. That "wmc" was being sarcastic and you couldn`t even discern the fact I`ve never impled anything of the sort concerning MtFTSs. Sarcastic and insulting enough to be banned! :lol: Being that oblivious leads one to think twice at just how dumb you are. Not so much dumb perhaps, but obsessed. Meaning,

3. You`re stalking me. It`s clear now I`ve gotten into the heads of the kook-brigade after destroying their foolish ideologies, be they earth worship, law, government(your god), etc.

4. Probably, so obsessed it was YOU who joined that forum in 03/2007, used my name and posted vulgarities in a desperate effort to smear none other than the original WMC. Do you think if I emailed the owners of that site, aksed them to confirm the IP of that "WMC",then asked the owners of HA to check it against the recorded IPs they have, a match would come up? It won`t match mine,will it match yours? 8)

You really need a vacation. They say Belleview does wonders for your ilk. 8)

04-15-2007, 07:09 PM


So? Who gives a shit?

Look, one of the grunts from the kook-brigade! 8)

Unfortunately, there are not enough corners for you screwballs to hide in,

so keep runnin` lefty. 8)

Oh I'm quaking in my boots, White_Troll! Unfortunately, I have no more time to waste on you. My mama told me not to argue with morons.

04-15-2007, 08:27 PM
:twisted:...........So Tfool and gayone and corboboy........just how close are you with the Pantywaste from Canada????????

Are you serious !? :P

You`re dumb as fuck on so many levels it ain`t funny. Let`s skim across the various levels:

1. Whitemalecanada is about as generic a nick as one can think of.

2. That "wmc" was being sarcastic and you couldn`t even discern the fact I`ve never impled anything of the sort concerning MtFTSs. Sarcastic and insulting enough to be banned! :lol: Being that oblivious leads one to think twice at just how dumb you are. Not so much dumb perhaps, but obsessed. Meaning,

3. You`re stalking me. It`s clear now I`ve gotten into the heads of the kook-brigade after destroying their foolish ideologies, be they earth worship, law, government(your god), etc.

4. Probably, so obsessed it was YOU who joined that forum in 03/2007, used my name and posted vulgarities in a desperate effort to smear none other than the original WMC. Do you think if I emailed the owners of that site, aksed them to confirm the IP of that "WMC",then asked the owners of HA to check it against the recorded IPs they have, a match would come up? It won`t match mine,will it match yours? 8)

You really need a vacation. They say Belleview does wonders for your ilk. 8)

Now that is the funniest pile of shit You've ever posted, got anymore Pantywaste ?? :peanutbutter :peanutbutter :peanutbutter :peanutbutter

04-15-2007, 10:05 PM
:lol: OMG that's sooo funny!!!! great find, specialk. but you know how common White_Male_Canada is for a name. my cousin just named her new born son White_Male_Canada...and she lives in pennsylvania!!! i met a White_Male_Canada just the other day...he bagged my groceries sooo nicely...i'm a little ashamed i didn't have enough change to tip him. Yeah...White_Male_Canada's are all over the fuckin' place. there's three of them in guantanamo, two of them sunni and one shite. you never know where you're gonna meet one. seems every one of them is or makes pantywaste though...of course the baby has an excuse.

04-15-2007, 10:19 PM
:lol: OMG that's sooo funny!!!! great find, specialk. but you know how common White_Male_Canada is for a name. my cousin just named her new born son White_Male_Canada...and she lives in pennsylvania!!! i met a White_Male_Canada just the other day...he bagged my groceries sooo nicely...i'm a little ashamed i didn't have enough change to tip him. Yeah...White_Male_Canada's are all over the fuckin' place. there's three of them in guantanamo, two of them sunni and one shite. you never know where you're gonna meet one. seems every one of them is or makes pantywaste though...of course the baby has an excuse.

Very very funny stuff Trish LMAO.......I can't take any credit on the find though...check this out:

04-15-2007, 10:51 PM
Did another log-cabinboy get lost on his way to the promise keepers meeting?

Or perhaps he stumbled in here after a meth and gay sex binge with disgraced pastor Ted Haggard?

Or maybe this putz and Tom Foley escaped from rehab together and then got separated...

Or somebody here just forgot to flush....

04-15-2007, 11:07 PM
:twisted:...........So Tfool and gayone and corboboy........just how close are you with the Pantywaste from Canada????????

Are you serious !? :P

You`re dumb as fuck on so many levels it ain`t funny. Let`s skim across the various levels:

1. Whitemalecanada is about as generic a nick as one can think of.

2. That "wmc" was being sarcastic and you couldn`t even discern the fact I`ve never impled anything of the sort concerning MtFTSs. Sarcastic and insulting enough to be banned! :lol: Being that oblivious leads one to think twice at just how dumb you are. Not so much dumb perhaps, but obsessed. Meaning,

3. You`re stalking me. It`s clear now I`ve gotten into the heads of the kook-brigade after destroying their foolish ideologies, be they earth worship, law, government(your god), etc.

4. Probably, so obsessed it was YOU who joined that forum in 03/2007, used my name and posted vulgarities in a desperate effort to smear none other than the original WMC. Do you think if I emailed the owners of that site, aksed them to confirm the IP of that "WMC",then asked the owners of HA to check it against the recorded IPs they have, a match would come up? It won`t match mine,will it match yours? 8)

You really need a vacation. They say Belleview does wonders for your ilk. 8)

Now that is the funniest pile of shit You've ever posted, got anymore Pantywaste ?? :peanutbutter :peanutbutter :peanutbutter :peanutbutterBWAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAAAA!!!!

04-15-2007, 11:58 PM
huh..... still see dead people, white powder male canada?

04-16-2007, 01:17 AM
Or perhaps he stumbled in here after a meth and gay sex binge with disgraced pastor Ted Haggard?

im guessing it was with fred phelps

04-16-2007, 01:56 AM
Or perhaps he stumbled in here after a meth and gay sex binge with disgraced pastor Ted Haggard?

im guessing it was with fred phelps

Lost on merit, now running on fumes are ya`s. Lost on agw, basic law, ethics, government, etc, etc. Now down to smear jobs. This has gone from a shut-out to just plain pathetic

Oh, and phelps runs with the kook brigade. 8)

04-16-2007, 02:24 AM
Lost on merit, now running on fumes are ya`s. Lost on agw, basic law, ethics, government, etc, etc. Now down to smear jobs. This has gone from a shut-out to just plain pathetic

Oh, and phelps runs with the kook brigade. 8)

ive come across a lot in my years on the inet but no one except you has managed to make my day on such a regular basis
so i cant help but give you props for that

and id like to paraphrase glenn quagmire but instead of vaginas im speaking of wmc today when i say "hes never put one scrap of gold in my pocket but he brings a smile to my face so therefore i declare him good"