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View Full Version : How has HungAngel helped or changed you?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-14-2007, 07:10 AM
How has HungAngel touched, helped or changed you as a person who's into tg's?

Tg's can also answer the question..;)



04-14-2007, 07:41 AM
Its changed me somewhat as far as getting more info on what ts women wnat from men but then i view ts women as gentic women anyway there not a nickel worth diffrence anyway.

04-14-2007, 07:50 AM

04-14-2007, 08:00 AM
it's helped me realize that not every woman that has transgendered is a dollar hungry slut........... there are some very intellectual, nice, laid-back, non-drug addicted transsexuals out there.............. no offense to the queens of NYC but living here the majority of my life that's what I've become accustomed to being approached by. This isn't a plug but until I met Allanah, Sunny, and a few other locals I had no idea normal everyday going TS' existed....................

it's also increased my friend base significantly.........
folks like Nyce, Hollywood, Mega, Flabby, Bigguy, Joe Rock, Tom Selis, etc. are all real stand up guys that I could hang out with anywhere anytime

04-14-2007, 08:04 AM
It's helped me realize that not all transgendered females are escorts and only care about getting paid but there are some girls like you and jen who are down to earth and are for discussion about things in common rather then posting some kind of annoying advertisement.

04-14-2007, 08:12 AM
i'm moving this post to the right thread.

Hopefully this isn't a hijack. But this board has definitely reinforced or should I say created in me a sense that many women here look down on guys that are into bottoming. 'TS want to bottom for a straight guy that just happen to fall for them regardless.' 'Escorts will top a guy, but they do it for the cash.' I did it once and it hurt...but obviously you all aren't stupid and wouldn't keep doing something if it didn't feel good. Maybe it's something that gets better over time. And as far as topping....I've never particularly preferred anal sex. The taboo factor is fun...but pussy been beddy beddy good to me.

Honestly, between experiencing a few things for myself and getting what information I do from these forums, the whole fantasy has really shifted to just a faint one for me. I'm chasing various gg's around and that'll make me want to tear my hair out dealing with fakes, flakes and cool girls - with boyfriends.I'm out there trying, but I've seen literally two TS here in a city of 500,000. One was a beautiful escort and the other..was neither.

"They're around, you just don't see them." Great. That's what they say about ghosts and angels too...look I know they're out there...but if you're under the impression that you shouldn't go looking for them...what's the point?
I concede that my observations are limited by whatever my lifestyle is...but sometimes I feel like practically everyone else here interacts with TS daily. Hence the high number of silly and off-topic posts by me...it seems like the only semi-valid way to contribute.

I hope this doesn't make me seem trollish. I try to have an open mind. But pretty much people are either part of a scene or meet by chance. Spending my free time working on music seems like a more productive way to spend my downtime, so random chance is what I've got to work with and that's fine. Every bar downtown I've been in is working people, like what you'd see around Irving Plaza at a show in Manhattan - my frame of reference to NYC.

On the other hand, a woman I work with told me Embers is fun, a possible happenin' club. Maybe I should just go and see. Mandy, is that true?

04-14-2007, 08:21 AM
I hope this doesn't make me seem trollish.

what is a troll?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-14-2007, 08:23 AM
It's helped me realize that not all transgendered females are escorts and only care about getting paid but there are some girls like you and jen who are down to earth and are for discussion about things in common rather then posting some kind of annoying advertisement.

Thanks Legend! :P



04-14-2007, 08:29 AM
It hasn't changed me, but it has given me insight that I might not have otherwise been exposed to.

04-14-2007, 09:01 AM
The biggest thing that has happened to me in coming here is that I have been able to communicate with and learn from people. People who I would probably not have been able to talk to otherwise.

04-14-2007, 09:22 AM
The biggest thing that has happened to me in coming here is that I have been able to communicate with and learn from people. People who I would probably not have been able to talk to otherwise.

And, if I may, I also think it's given men, especially, a place to meet each other and talk about who they are, why they like transsexuals, make contact with each other. If you've ever been to a trans club, you'd know why that's important...the guys are staring at their feet half the time, with some type of shame that doesn't need to exist. Before the internet, and HA, there wasn't a place for guys to talk, share, meet.

04-14-2007, 12:47 PM
its makes me love shemales more and more, waw

04-14-2007, 01:01 PM
Hence the high number of silly and off-topic posts by me...it seems like the only semi-valid way to contribute.

I hope this doesn't make me seem trollish.

Stop running yourself down, you're no troll. You're entertaining and witty and not snide or sarcastic, although you do have an acerbic humour.

Troll activity is clearly identifiable by its deliberately and unpleasantly provocative nature, the fact that once a controversial topic has been identified the troll will keep pushing to deepen the conflict and the troll's habit of deliberately demeaning or insulting one group, all in order to provoke a reaction, create rifts and cause internal argument within the community. The troll can then step back and watch as all hell breaks loose while formerly peaceable posters smack each other around with virtual 2x4's.

This is not you, my friend.

04-14-2007, 02:29 PM
This is a good example of an interesting thread.

Probably what I enjoy most are the honest exchanges about our shared attraction to Tgirls, and the opinions of the Tgirls themselves.

My first exposure to Tgirls was through porn, which I do still enjoy. Then I began to search them out at clubs and bars, mostly meeting escorts. I suppose I had my "chaser" phase. At some point I began to see the girls as more than just porn stars or inhuman escorts. Some of the girls I would meet would start out all business, but by the end of the session I could tell that they were lonely and weren't happy with their life as escorts. Many clearly wanted someone to listen to them and spend time with them and care about their life. In short they wanted boyfriends and a normal life, just like most GGs.

After spending some time on this board and reading many of the girls' posts it all seems so obvious. At the time though I found it odd, this is not what I expected. It was a learning experience, with lots of trial and error. Eventuallly I met a wonderful girl at a club. We danced for hours, and then she ended up going home with me. She never asked me for any money and I realized I had found a Tgirl that was not an escort. She was just a regular girl looking for some romance. I realized this was what I was looking for and decided to go for it. I called her the next week for another date. We have been together now for a year and a half.

Reading some of the threads on this board gives me wisdom, and helps me be a better man to my girl. Thanks to all of you.

04-14-2007, 02:54 PM
Troll activity is clearly identifiable by its deliberately and unpleasantly provocative nature, the fact that once a controversial topic has been identified the troll will keep pushing to deepen the conflict and the troll's habit of deliberately demeaning or insulting one group, all in order to provoke a reaction, create rifts and cause internal argument within the community. The troll can then step back and watch as all hell breaks loose while formerly peaceable posters smack each other around with virtual 2x4's.

This is not you, my friend.

So trolls are not necessarily a bad thing then?

Many clearly wanted someone to listen to them and spend time with them and care about their life.

Yeah. And I'm thinking "hang on a minute, WHO is the 'service provider' here? I am sure most psychiatrists actually get PAID to listen to this shit."

04-14-2007, 04:07 PM
So trolls are not necessarily a bad thing then?

LOL there's a world of difference between being a wee shite-stirrer and a troll. Shite-stirrers are okay, they stop people going to sleep and often get some highly entertaining drama going.

Even trolls have a function--some if us enjoy stamping on their heads. Apparently.

04-14-2007, 04:14 PM
I encountered you here Hara,obviously it's been a great help.

04-14-2007, 04:28 PM
wee shite-stirrer

I can live with that description, got a certian 'ring' to it

04-14-2007, 05:16 PM
Well, if it wasn't for this site, I would not have made my transition a reality, I would have probably lived in denial for a few more months/years. I wish I'd found this site a long time ago, it's what gave me the "open forum" to ask about that kind of stuff.


Baron Of Hell
04-14-2007, 06:02 PM
It hasn't changed me at all. Got a few questions answered that I could have gotten else where. Got a bunch of pics that I could have gotten somewhere else. Got a bunch of toons I could have gotten somewhere else.

Its a good site and all but nothing to write home about.

04-14-2007, 07:01 PM
Well, if it wasn't for this site, I would not have made my transition a reality, I would have probably lived in denial for a few more months/years. I wish I'd found this site a long time ago, it's what gave me the "open forum" to ask about that kind of stuff.


Wow. Yeah, kudos to you women for having the courage to do this. My latest big commitment was to buy a guitar synthesizer. Then my check sucked, so I've set myself up with $120 to live on for the next two weeks. Gear Acquisition Syndrome affects 3 out of 5 musicians, won't you please help by contributing to the GAS Society today.

MacShreach - thanks for that.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-15-2007, 03:16 AM
This is a good example of an interesting thread.

Probably what I enjoy most are the honest exchanges about our shared attraction to Tgirls, and the opinions of the Tgirls themselves.

My first exposure to Tgirls was through porn, which I do still enjoy. Then I began to search them out at clubs and bars, mostly meeting escorts. I suppose I had my "chaser" phase. At some point I began to see the girls as more than just porn stars or inhuman escorts. Some of the girls I would meet would start out all business, but by the end of the session I could tell that they were lonely and weren't happy with their life as escorts. Many clearly wanted someone to listen to them and spend time with them and care about their life. In short they wanted boyfriends and a normal life, just like most GGs.

After spending some time on this board and reading many of the girls' posts it all seems so obvious. At the time though I found it odd, this is not what I expected. It was a learning experience, with lots of trial and error. Eventuallly I met a wonderful girl at a club. We danced for hours, and then she ended up going home with me. She never asked me for any money and I realized I had found a Tgirl that was not an escort. She was just a regular girl looking for some romance. I realized this was what I was looking for and decided to go for it. I called her the next week for another date. We have been together now for a year and a half.

Reading some of the threads on this board gives me wisdom, and helps me be a better man to my girl. Thanks to all of you.

Hehe :oops: Thanks mikejones.




04-15-2007, 03:24 AM
It's funny--- HA has made me re-think this whole lifestyle that I've been into for many years.
I've found that being a guy that truly likes T-girls is unattractive to a large percentage of T-girls (how ironic!)
I've found people here fear God more than anything else, not in the "I'll be a good person" kinda way, but in the "if you hate gays you're a homophobe" kinda way.
And I've found that it is actually possible for someone to ooze sensuality thru a keyboard with her posts!!!!

04-15-2007, 03:29 AM
It's my social life. Seriously. Outside of the occasional foray to Hooters with some guys from workies (Gawd bless the not-quite-titty-bar) I don't get out much (It's an occupational hazard of hermitism).

I've 'met' (Virtually, and in a couple of cases in real-time) some cool guys and gals here and it's helped me work out some things (Primarily providing me with a new audience for my drivel). It is, as mentioned earlier, a great, cheap therapy. :D

There've been a number of great threads, a few cool PMs and emails, and lots of...I gues I could say 'community' here.

Sure, we are the dysfunctional family where Uncle Louie likes to expose himself to Cousin Lil, but hey, that's life, right? :lol:

04-15-2007, 03:31 AM
I now know this is where all the best looking gals hang...

...no pun intended :S

04-15-2007, 04:47 AM
just to add to JWBL's post:
I've meet some great people here. it's so nice to walk into a NYC club and see famaliar faces who you know are friends.

and I've come to terms with my own feelings about transgendered woman. I will always prefer them to gg's.
But thanks to HA, I understand what they have to live with on a day to day basis. the transition, hormones, escorting, money, family issues, etc.

I hope this doesn't sound like total bullshit.

04-15-2007, 07:09 AM
I hope this doesn't sound like total bullshit.

<Thinking> Nah, only about 37% bullshit, but you know we luvz ya anyhow. :wink:

04-15-2007, 08:06 AM
hmm good question
I like it here. People here (for the most part) are funny and intelligent. Sometimes i need to a luagh and HA is the place to go.

04-16-2007, 04:45 AM
It has sadly reinforced how the transexual should be viewed as a female 1st and foremost while also exposing me to a much harsher reality involved. The women here seem more and more GG to me in their concerns about life and love, and yet more skeptical than GG's in finding a place in either.

I meet a GG and I deal with the baggage that past relationships bring. I meet a TG and get that baggage plus the baggage of their life as a male, the baggage of their experiences transitioning, and their baggage of being a transsexaul and the inevitable walls of isolation they have put around their heart to avoid the pitfalls of "chasers" or a society that cannot accept they are not just a sexual object.

So much negativity here. Rather so much reduction of a woman's worth down to their genitalia here. I am coming round to the idea that while I personally do not exclude in my search for true love the TG community that I will have to find a very strong girl indeed within that community to be able to accept me.

I thought I had found someone with such strength but I shouldn't have assumed TG's are any less skilled at laying their insecurities onto a man than a GG is. Maybe more time here will disprove these personal observations. I'm just not into the whole money or closed-heart approach to power. I have done both myself and neither made me happy though both "seemed" to emotionally hurt less. As I said "seemed" because unless you heart is calloused it does catch up to you.

One thing I have learned though is I will remain a supporter. I have been open in my past relationships that I am not turned off by transsexuals nor consider them some kind of freaks. I admire the struggle both for the strength needed and personal acceptance required to transition. I have always been attracted to strong women so the TG community has allured me in their strength. HA has shown me their weaknesses that I didn't comprehend beyond normal female troubles.

I accept some to view my thoughts and opinions with skepticism. There are always woman that assume the worst from men and men that look down upon alernative views. I will stand by what I said and hope that my current negativity will be removed to only a caution. Outright negativity (which I do not have for the whole community in any way) is only a poison on the soul.

I could begin to name pillars of strength that avoid predjudices but there are numerous members of HA in that category to do justice to such a list. Unfortunately, the vast majority are prejudicial or perpetrators to their prejudicial view.

04-16-2007, 06:03 AM
How has HungAngel touched, helped or changed you as a person who's into tg's?

Tg's can also answer the question..;)



Hmmmmmmmm You always ask good ones or at least fun ones. This is a good one.

I think it made me even more aware of my passion for t-girls, taught me to trust my girlfriend enough to share that with her (and she also supports and shares t-girl fantasies).

I met some really cool people, learned a little about myself, and saw a side of some people I would rather not see.

All in all, it has been positive.

04-16-2007, 06:22 AM
As an insomniac, it's given me another interesting place to hang...Sometimes the nights are *real* long :!:

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-16-2007, 11:38 PM
As an insomniac, it's given me another interesting place to hang...Sometimes the nights are *real* long :!:

LOL :lol: Im sure you are not alone! ;)



04-17-2007, 12:22 AM
As an insomniac, it's given me another interesting place to hang...Sometimes the nights are *real* long :!:
lol i hear that!

south ov da border
04-17-2007, 01:15 AM
by providing me with much info. That I'm thankful for...

04-17-2007, 01:37 AM
The flame wars have provided an alternative heat source for the long New England winter nights....

For me, it's not so much changed as deepened and enriched my knowledge and understanding of transgenderism through dialogue, discourse, and occasionally diatribe. Like Brenda and JWBL both said in different ways, it's about meeting people and exchanging ideas, perceptions, insight, humor, satire, and scalding hot pics of gorgeous...*koff-koff*...ah, yes, what was the question?

Really, that combination of humor and intellectual stimulation is what makes HA for me. As B1 says, I've "met" (both in realtime and virtually) many good people here, and come to know others that I know from elsewhere better or in a different light. Combined with the different perspectives I gain from certain other forums and, most importantly, in real life, HA has been very rewarding.

04-17-2007, 01:48 AM
It gave me the chance to share what I have to hide. I can´t talk to anybody here about my love for T-girls..... but I´m not depressed because that. This site is also helping me with English although I think that I can talk very well. It helps me to get to know about the way people in America really talk every day.

04-17-2007, 03:02 AM
How has HungAngel touched, helped or changed you as a person who's into tg's?

Tg's can also answer the question..;)



This site actually changed my views towards guys who I've met in the past who claimed to have "admired" transwomen. I have A LOT more hesitation and a little disgust towards MOST "so -called transwomen admirers" after quietly observing the objectifying/ take it or leave it/ misogynistic attitudes towards my fellow Transwomen, which I feel is highly pervasive on this site. The nicknames used for transwomen on this site (She-males, Ladyboys, Chicks with dicks)
I had originally thought - were just terms that though, they aren't "correct terms" to use - wouldn't affect the thinking of most men using this site. However I was sadly mistaken. By referring to us in this manner it seems that many guys on this site place us in their minds as being dispensable "things". Most men who I have had the displeasure to receive messages from on this site are married or in relationships that aren't "pleasing them"... their only interaction with transwomen have been in escort situations... and they had automatically assumed that they could speak to me in a manner were I would eventually end up fulfilling what they have been missing from their marriages/relationships/last unfulfilling escort visit. Not that I hadn't been cautious of men who are specifically after transwomen before... but now... it's like, guilty before proven innocent.
I'm kind of done with it.

04-17-2007, 03:37 AM
How it's changed me? I wouldn't know if it drastically changed me in any way, but it did give me a new kind of outlook on how I view TGs. I mean, at first I admit that it was something of a fantasy of mine, but long ago since I've come here I've come to the realization that these are WOMEN that I'm talking too. Women with a little extra tissue between their legs, but women nonetheless. So now I view them in the same way in which I view GGs. If that all makes any sense.

04-17-2007, 04:15 AM
How has HungAngel touched, helped or changed you as a person who's into tg's?

Tg's can also answer the question..;)



This site actually changed my views towards guys who I've met in the past who claimed to have "admired" transwomen. I have A LOT more hesitation and a little disgust towards MOST "so -called transwomen admirers" after quietly observing the objectifying/ take it or leave it/ misogynistic attitudes towards my fellow Transwomen, which I feel is highly pervasive on this site. The nicknames used for transwomen on this site (She-males, Ladyboys, Chicks with dicks)
I had originally thought - were just terms that though, they aren't "correct terms" to use - wouldn't affect the thinking of most men using this site. However I was sadly mistaken. By referring to us in this manner it seems that many guys on this site place us in their minds as being dispensable "things". Most men who I have had the displeasure to receive messages from on this site are married or in relationships that aren't "pleasing them"... their only interaction with transwomen have been in escort situations... and they had automatically assumed that they could speak to me in a manner were I would eventually end up fulfilling what they have been missing from their marriages/relationships/last unfulfilling escort visit. Not that I hadn't been cautious of men who are specifically after transwomen before... but now... it's like, guilty before proven innocent.
I'm kind of done with it.

There's an expression, that if you can't say something nice, don't say
anything at all. Thus I was reluctant to answer this question.

I will preface my answer with the statement that I have met many
interesting, intelligent people who have many insightful viewpoints, and
for that I have been enriched.

Then too, in responding and putting forth posts, I often have had to
research, and or re-familiarize myself with various topics.

Those are the positives.

The negatives are; much like Mizz June I have become painfully aware of
the misogynistic, objectifying tendencies of many of the males. That it is a
porn site, perhaps makes it come as less of a surprise. However I believe
it the pathology or dysfunction of some of the men that is the causal factor
for them to be here in the first place.

I would hazard a guess that is is poor inter-personal skills in the real world
that forces many of these men to have to avail the services of escorts.
Further it may be failed heterosexual relationships that has caused some
men to believ that they will have a higher success rate with transwomen,
sadly as they have found out, this in many instances is not the case, for
the poor social skills that they manifested in previous relationships is still
being carried over to their present ones.

But perhaps the most striking phenomena that I have observed is the near
fanatical craving for cock, that many of the men exhibit. In my opinion it
is the penis that the men desire, and the fact that the penis is in a slightly
more psychologically acceptable package that the men are interested in

Never in my thirty years in 'the life', twenty as a pre op, ten as post op
have I observed such obsessive-compulsive behavior as regards penis
seeking behavior. Not that, that per se is a bad thing, but rather the
behavior that goes into fulfilling those desires is what makes it bad.
Basically fulfilling fantasies, and fetishes are the primary objectives for
many, and the womens feelings and emotions are mere casulties of this

Yet disrespect for transwomen isn't the only malady that I have observed
in my time here. On numerous occasions I have noticed insensitivity and
downright predjudice to the people of color.

Again, since the forum is comprised primarily of males of the Caucasian
persuasion, this doesn't come as much of a surprise either. However it
doesn't make the situation that much more palatable.

In summation, you always see in my signature "Knowledge Is Power",
however knowledge isn't always a source of joy, sometimes knowing
about inequities can be quite painful.

It seems as if the sentiments of Mizz June and I are quite similiar, with one
key exception:

I'm kind of done with it.

For me, it ain't over till it's over.

And it's far from over.

04-17-2007, 05:16 AM
And it's far from over.

OOOH Were's all my soulsistas? lemme see y'all flow sistas!!


Amen Miss Gee!... I had always been raised with that thinking as well (If you don't have any nice words... keep your mouth shut) however- my freedom to vent on this site... were many of the guys i've received messages from/ read comments they had posted - ARE AS FOUL AS EVER- my venting (and I imagine yours too) is somewhat therapeutic. I'm glad that you see what i'm talking about... and I will occasionally take a peek at some of the topics in the discussion forum as not ALL the guys on this site are disgusting, unintelligent, creeps.(for lack of better words) If I see a topic I like... I will DEFINITELY post... But um- in terms of my energy levels (and lack of tolerance for ignorance)... I opt to not stand around and be a part of this.
I respect your fire... but my "fight" and the energy needed for me to win that fight is here in my community.
Hold down the fort sweets... you know i've got your back if need be! :wink:

04-17-2007, 10:09 AM
How has HungAngel touched, helped or changed you as a person who's into tg's?

Tg's can also answer the question..;)



This site actually changed my views towards guys who I've met in the past who claimed to have "admired" transwomen. I have A LOT more hesitation and a little disgust towards MOST "so -called transwomen admirers" after quietly observing the objectifying/ take it or leave it/ misogynistic attitudes towards my fellow Transwomen, which I feel is highly pervasive on this site. The nicknames used for transwomen on this site (She-males, Ladyboys, Chicks with dicks)
I had originally thought - were just terms that though, they aren't "correct terms" to use - wouldn't affect the thinking of most men using this site. However I was sadly mistaken. By referring to us in this manner it seems that many guys on this site place us in their minds as being dispensable "things". Most men who I have had the displeasure to receive messages from on this site are married or in relationships that aren't "pleasing them"... their only interaction with transwomen have been in escort situations... and they had automatically assumed that they could speak to me in a manner were I would eventually end up fulfilling what they have been missing from their marriages/relationships/last unfulfilling escort visit. Not that I hadn't been cautious of men who are specifically after transwomen before... but now... it's like, guilty before proven innocent.
I'm kind of done with it.

Yes this is a sex site. Men feel freer here to express their sexual needs or desires. However this sexual expression is not unique to those that like trans women. I believe that if this site were dedicated to any other sexual area, such as big breast women, you would have similar types of interactions. Men have their terms for many types of women or their body parts.

While men crave long term relationships too, men find it easier compartmentalized their sexual needs from their long term emotional needs. We often find the deeper long term needs after the sexual needs are met. So a man hitting on a woman for sex can still be a way for him to seek a deeper relationship.

Men here may want cock, but each one still has many other attributes they desire. That is just the common thread here. Women have their attributes in men they like, but they know that you can’t have a relationship because of only one attribute, such a man being tall for example. Men know the same thing. I have a list of things I like in women, no one women has it all, but one area can make up for a lack in another area. But then as I look back on life, I may have ‘settled’ for less than what I really needed for long term happiness. If I could afford to see an escort, that would help to make the things I missed more bearable to live with.

Too many women believe in that happily ever after myth. They believe that if a man is married or in a relationship, he should want nothing more. But they say that half the marriages end up in divorce. Those who divorce are seeking a greater happiness (or less misery). But I will speak only for myself. Should I be satisfied in a relationship with sex less than once a year over several years? I have a fantasy that I could still be able to express the passion that I know is still inside me. And if not, I will still encourage the men here to find that which they love.

04-18-2007, 03:44 AM
I would say that HA has helped me to see some of the very negative things that t-ladies must put up with (yes, us men at times). Probably the biggest change for me is that I now know I don't want to get into a relationship with a t-lady without first taking serious stock of myself and asking myself if I am willing to be open about our relationship with family members and friends, and if I would honestly stand up for her. In short I don't want to just treat her as my "dirty little secret." I know most ladies don't like that, and why should they?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-18-2007, 03:51 AM
I would say that HA has helped me to see some of the very negative things that t-ladies must put up with (yes, us men at times). Probably the biggest change for me is that I now know I don't want to get into a relationship with a t-lady without first taking serious stock of myself and asking myself if I am willing to be open about our relationship with family members and friends, and if I would honestly stand up for her. In short I don't want to just treat her as my "dirty little secret." I know most ladies don't like that, and why should they?

Well said a994. :P



04-18-2007, 04:10 AM
for the comments bout the so called admirers...you have to understand that a lot of the more outspoken admirers here never even met a transsexual face to face...ive met plenty of girls that would make the most outspoken guy blush....

as for the original topic...its all bout community...I luv this crazy place....ive met a lot of friends on here and also a bunch of online friends...I was never really seeking to find other people that were like me.... I never had problems accepting myself or my lifestyle....with that said, I am glad I found this place....its nice to walk in the club and see all my people and all the crazy stories since we last met up...

04-18-2007, 04:38 AM
Re: The comments of Peggy and MizzJune...

Wuh...wuh...wuh... :shock:

OK, no defense here. Just unusual to have the blanket of truth thrown so thoroughly on the fire. :?

Answers a couple of questions in regards to replies to earlier pings. :?

Granted, I try not to be some nasty-ass, cock-hungry bahstid as regards transwomen, but I must confess some long-term mental and emotional damage (Generally caused by past GG 'relationships', but blamed on 'humanity' as a whole) that can color (Ooh, there's that word!) how I might come off in a post or conversation here on HA (And other forums).

Yet the written/typed word, cranked up in power by the internet, is an interesting thing. Comic book fans may recognize the words of Lester Verde, from the Howard The Duck series (Paraphrased and directed to the internet, beyond the print media): "If it is true that the pen is mightier than the sword, then this is a veritable H-Bomb!".

So things are often said/written that we might not say in 'real' life (As so few human beings tend to grasp the net as 'real'). In my case, I am likely to say the same things, only with a tad more clarity. Yet, I believe, I am no more rude or bolder than I might be in person (Of course, that is a relative rarity as my cats are usually the only creatures that actually see me in person).

I don't think that Peggy has ever seen me as disrespectful to her or transwomen in general (Correct me if I'm wrong). MizzJune may have taken my snippy, fresh comments differently (Hey, there's over 3k of them, I'm sure to have said =something= incredibly stoopid along the way). Apologies provided, if necessary.

Yet when I say goofy shit like "It's all about the cock" and other potentially hazardous, antisocial comments, I'm not lying. I've reached a point in my life where I've tired of all the lame-ass game-playing that pervades the 'relationship' dance and I refuse to play into it anymore. If a gurl can't handle the truth, she can't be hangin' with me. Not that this is an issue, though, as I haven't been 'hangin'' with much of anybody for the last ten years.


That said, HA is first and foremost a porn-themed site. No matter what the community you might expect or hope to find here, the windows are covered, the floors are sticky, and Vice wacthes the door at all times.

No matter the truth in your words when you refer to the general population (A well-known term for any institution), you really shouldn't be all that surprised with what you've found here.

04-18-2007, 04:43 AM
How has HungAngel touched, helped or changed you as a person who's into tg's?

Tg's can also answer the question..;)





How touching. :lol:

04-18-2007, 04:44 AM
....its nice to walk in the club and see all my people and all the crazy stories since we last met up...



04-18-2007, 06:17 AM
How has HungAngel touched, helped or changed you as a person who's into tg's?

Tg's can also answer the question..;)





How touching. :lol:
"And when I think about you I touch myself" The Divinyls

"Come on, come on, come on now touch me babe" - Jim Morrison/The Doors

"Yourself you touch / but not too much / certain people tell you it's degrading." - Donovan

"Hands, touching hands, reaching out
Touching me, touching you
Oh, sweet Caroline
Good times never seem so good
I've been inclined to believe it never would"
-Neil Diamond

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-18-2007, 08:32 PM
How has HungAngel touched, helped or changed you as a person who's into tg's?

Tg's can also answer the question..;)





How touching. :lol:

LOL That's JenMarieTS aka Moni trying her hands at being a comedian B1! :lol:



Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-18-2007, 08:45 PM
Hara why are you always stalking Monica, Kelly and the other pretty girls?


STFU, you werent here lastnight. Moni sent me an PM inviting me to her new site while pretending to be somebody else! :evil:

Excuse me, I dont talk about other girls. You must be Moni, You're NOT pretty! Once again, trying to use a different handle. :roll: And like I said lastnight, atleast I got a face..where is you hideous fatty face at? Nowhere!! SO FUCK YOU!


And apparently, You only got 2 post since joining (April 18, 2007).


Where you gave Kelly a review:

I've been a regular client of Kelly's for awhile and she is phenomonal

Im not stupid not to know that either you're Moni repaying Kelly a favor or you are Kelly yourself in disguise. Who here on HA are you fooling? :evil:



Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-18-2007, 08:53 PM
even your temper is apelike.

:roll: And your vicious faggot jealousy is apparent! PerezHilton, the name itself is a name a gay guy would take (PerezHilton is a gay site btw)! Now go fuck yourself gay man!


PS And ironically, right after you logged off Kelly logged on. So read between the lines you stupid asswipe! :lol: :evil:

04-18-2007, 09:28 PM
the best thing about hungangels is that...the tgirls here have a voice and i suppose it's because this is owned by allanah and co.

with other forums most of the contributors are men and very few of the tsgirls who are supposed to be the stars of the forum ever post....

04-18-2007, 09:40 PM
lol Hara that is not me, and you should know I'm not jealous of ya sweety. But whatever tickles your pickle.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-18-2007, 10:00 PM
lol Hara that is not me, and you should know I'm not jealous of ya sweety. But whatever tickles your pickle.

Thats alright Kelly..I know exactly who it is..Its this Bitch who is now a BLIMP:

Bulbous Moni:

The nerve of Miss Piggy telling me I need a "nose job" when her whole greasy face is so swollen like bee's has just stung it! Lmao :lol:



04-18-2007, 10:11 PM
I am definetly more educated on some subjects, especially bananas

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-18-2007, 10:13 PM
I am definetly more educated on some subjects, especially bananas

LOL Im sure you know your abc's of Banana's Dengoza! :lol: ;)



04-18-2007, 10:19 PM
obviously there is much more you could teach me

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-18-2007, 10:20 PM
obviously there is much more you could teach me

Lmao :lol: And how is that so Dengoza :?: :? LOL



04-18-2007, 10:25 PM
lets meet at my place and well go over the details...

04-18-2007, 10:41 PM
In all reality Monica is really pretty.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-18-2007, 11:19 PM
In all reality Monica is really pretty.

Yeah, she is pretty PATHETIC if you ask me. Why is she coming on here anyways? Doesnt she have hairs to cut? Or did her hair salon ONYX got shut down or something? LOL :lol:



04-18-2007, 11:43 PM
I dont know if HA has helped mee. But it havent changed mee.
But I know this forum means much to mee. This Im sure about.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-18-2007, 11:54 PM

Ahemm...Im sorry but I wouldnt dare "trade" my face to your BLIMPY ones:


You badly need forehead re-adjustment! :lol:


04-18-2007, 11:58 PM
Clever answer... you must have spend much time to get it so perfect

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-18-2007, 11:59 PM
I think Monica is pretty but maybe she could get a cheap wig with bangs like you to contoure that.

Can u teach me how to speak Ape you primative facial structure having caveman?

Yeah, but teach me how to speak Pig pen first..LOL I count the minutes before you get deleted again demented faggot!

No wonder even people at your own forum Hates you so much!!


Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-19-2007, 12:04 AM
please cover your big face with that fan like u did in the banner of yours.

it's obscene

LOL Only if I could stick a hose on your face to drain the fat off your pig face bitch! I smell BACON.. :lol:

This is MORE Obscene!


04-19-2007, 12:05 AM
I think Monica is pretty but maybe she could get a cheap wig with bangs like you to contoure that.

Can u teach me how to speak Ape you primative facial structure having caveman?

Hating on Hara isn't going to sit well with most of HA. We love this girl. Why don't you troll somewhere else.

04-19-2007, 12:10 AM
get off HA cause your vip guests are waiting

04-19-2007, 12:41 AM
get off HA cause your vip guests are waiting

LMFAO...... There's the callback of the day that brings to mind how HA has helped me: humor. There are a number of great things about this site – some beautiful women, a diverse and interesting crowd, occasionally interesting conversation, etc. – but for me it boils down to the laugh factor.


04-19-2007, 05:46 AM
I’ve already posted to this thread but I have one more relevant thing to say. The longer I’ve been here, find it less necessary to draw a distinction between types of women, such as: TS women, pre and post op women and ‘gg’s. The more I see and hear I’m seeing less and less differences between the types. I can simply use the term ‘woman’ and it applies to them all. And according to the conversation it implies to the type of women being talked about anyway.

An example of this comes from this thread. A pre-op says that most men only want me for what’s between my legs, or just sex. Hang around enough gg’s and you will hear the same thing; “most men only want me for what’s between my legs or just sex.” There is no difference.

One other thing. Since the thread has got into criticizing people’s looks. I’ll go on the record again, saying that I like big girls too. So saying that Moni is getting fat, only increases my desire to see more. I say stick more to what the person’s behavior is about. For example, if a person is negative without being constructive, except say it better than I put it here. You girls (women) know how to do it.

I love you all!

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-19-2007, 06:06 AM
Well not for anything Yodajazz. Who started the raucous here? The weight factor didnt even weigh in up until she was calling people (Me, TSnTX, NYTSJulie, JWBL, Arianna etc.) names. If you find her attitude attractive then that's your perogative. :evil:



04-19-2007, 06:16 AM
I'll say this, Hara: I admit Monica does look attractive, but you Hara ARE attractive. And to a much greater extent, inside and outside.

And if I had to choose between you or Monica to have my first time with, I would definitely choose you, Hara, because I know that with you, I would have a great and fun time, even if we never got to the physically intimate part. :)

04-19-2007, 06:34 AM
Well not for anything Yodajazz. Who started the raucous here? The weight factor didnt even weigh in up until she was calling people (Me, TSnTX, NYTSJulie, JWBL, Arianna etc.) names. If you find her attitude attractive then that's your perogative. :evil:



Just for the record, I dont find her negative attitude attractive. In the past, I was so curious about why there was so much negativity involving her I did some research of earlier threads. (The sign of a true HA junky!)
So I understand what you are saying. It is just when you started saying how big she was getting, I started thinking about a big ass... For me, principles start flying out the window, when a big ass is involved.

Again for the record, I say that you are attractive, intelligent, and well loved here.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-19-2007, 06:39 AM
Thanks a994. ;)



Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-19-2007, 07:04 AM
Just for the record, I dont find her negative attitude attractive. In the past, I was so curious about why there was so much negativity involving her I did some research of earlier threads. (The sign of a true HA junky!)
So I understand what you are saying. It is just when you started saying how big she was getting, I started thinking about a big ass... For me, principles start flying out the window, when a big ass is involved.

Again for the record, I say that you are attractive, intelligent, and well loved here.

Well thanks yodajazz. You obviously havent seen my ass I grown from hormones alone!




04-19-2007, 03:42 PM
Wow! Hara, I wish I knew where to find that "jaw dropping" icon that some others on here have. SHWENK!!!

Seriously though, you are an awesome girl and everyone on HA respects you. You really don't need to get involved in this kind of flame war. It seems out of character for you.

04-19-2007, 04:09 PM
Gonna try to stay on topic here.
I'd have to say HA has changed the way I look at you girls. It's like putting a face to a name. I've seen many different (and similar) personalities, some kinda crappy some really great, and that you're all a little crazy. lol but then again I think all girls are crazy :lol: . All in all I see that you girls are no different than any other girls I've known. So yeah that's how this place has changed me.

04-19-2007, 04:10 PM
Just for the record, I dont find her negative attitude attractive. In the past, I was so curious about why there was so much negativity involving her I did some research of earlier threads. (The sign of a true HA junky!)
So I understand what you are saying. It is just when you started saying how big she was getting, I started thinking about a big ass... For me, principles start flying out the window, when a big ass is involved.

Again for the record, I say that you are attractive, intelligent, and well loved here.

Well thanks yodajazz. You obviously havent seen my ass I grown from hormones alone!




Wow! Your ass and balls are lovely!


04-19-2007, 05:20 PM
Found out there were so many beautiful transgendered girls out there - like YOU!!!!

04-19-2007, 07:08 PM
Wow! Hara, I wish I knew where to find that "jaw dropping" icon that some others on here have. SHWENK!!!

Seriously though, you are an awesome girl and everyone on HA respects you. You really don't need to get involved in this kind of flame war. It seems out of character for you.

You mean dis? :jawdrop

Lessa have a couple more-- that is one fine ass Hara has there :jawdrop :jawdrop

:D :shock: :D

Damn you know how I like an all natural bum.....

But to answer your question, when you post, there's little bunch of emoticons on the left of the box you write in and under them is a link saying "View more Emoticons." Second from left, second bottom row.


04-19-2007, 11:03 PM

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-20-2007, 01:59 AM
Thanks mikejones, Vala TS, Deepdarkfucker and Mac! :P



04-20-2007, 04:31 AM
I've learned more acronyms over the last month or so than I ever thought possible.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-20-2007, 07:49 AM
I've learned more acronyms over the last month or so than I ever thought possible.

LOL..We live and learn posty. ;)



04-23-2007, 04:25 AM
How has HungAngels helped me?………

Once again may I say this is an excellent topic and question Hara, one that I feel is very poignant to my own experience, ever changing views and renewed outlook of Transgender people and there place within modern society. During my time here I have also gained a vast knowledge about the people who interact, chase or share life’s with these much mullioned persons and there motivations for doing so.

So I will “start at the beginning” so to speak……I will not hide the fact that I stumbled across this place during a most likely - sweaty palmed and somewhat frantic search for “Cock Pictures” on a lonely night.

After probably a couple of months of lurking, a few less boxes of tissues and a soar right hand, I began to come across some posts about something that I had previously had no prior experience of (Post Op Male to Female Transsexuals). See for me it had always been about the penis combined with feminine features that had fascinated and attracted me to Transsexuals - almost to the point of obsession. Coming from a reasonably small Town near London in the UK, a place with no Transgender Community to speak of my first experience of even seeing a Transsexual was on sexual level and happened about three years ago when I was twenty three, while viewing a Television Programme featuring Vanity that had been broadcasted on a UK network. When I saw her naked it was like an epiphany, I was so amazed and excited by what I had seen. Literally the next day I was on my computer looking for any Transsexual related Porn Sites and by the weekend I had found myself ordering an abundance of DVD’s in this genre.

OK, I’m going off track a bit here……..I guess what I am trying to say is I had never really thought about Post Op Transsexual people on sexual level, or even otherwise. So when I saw posts here from people discussing, asking about and sharing pictures of them, I was confused to why and decided to air my somewhat offensive and clearly misconceived conceptions about them. The thing I find most sad about this, is not the fact that these opinions were clearly wrong – which they were, but that I had this preconceived notion that my motivations for being attracted to Transsexuals were the only ones that could be right. It now astounds me to think how close-minded I was.

The delusions of grandeur I felt were so extreme, I almost felt like I was a superior being just for acknowledging these people (Transsexuals in general) and how they should be grateful, just for me doing so, which is even crazier when you consider that I was only valuing them on a sexual level. I could easily shy away from admitting these despicable straits about my character back then, but felt it only fair to answer this question with the honesty and horror the truth about my previous character unfortunately demands. It’s hard to say what led me to this delusional outlook; I’m not a bad person and would like to think that these views stemmed from a lack of understanding and interaction, rather than any malice or sense of hatefulness on my part.

Fortunately, due to the opportunities this site has offered regarding the possibility to interact with actual Transgender people on a non sexual level, I have discovered many things and realised that I was asshole, who probably through being profusely drunk on Transsexual Porn had built up a very distorted image of what Transsexuals had to offer society……I will admit to seeing them only as Sexual objects who existed only for my sexual gratification. It’s amazing how a lack of knowledge can soon evolve into a pure ignorance with the right influences – (in this case way too much porn).

So, to what I have learnt in my eight months of being here. The biggest realisation I can express would be that Transsexuals are no different to anyone else; they have friends, families and ambitions just like everyone, the fact they might appear attractive to me, feel they were born in the wrong body or are happier living as a different sex really is irrelevant to what makes them so special or unique. In my mind what really makes a Transsexual special is there strength, courage and commitment to be comfortable in there own skin despite how this decision might be frowned upon by various surrounding factors in there life’s. I guess what I am saying is I no longer view Transsexuals as just sex objects but rather see them as just normal people who have taken a slightly different path in life to the average person and strongly believe they should not be persecuted for doing so. I find it a somewhat disturbing fact that today, in the year 2007 if a Transgender Person was to move into the street in which I live, they would most likely be referred to as a freak and in some areas local to me: - maybe even petitions would be signed to remove them. I would like to think if this did happen I would now be the first person to stand up and defend there right to be accepted as a valued member of the community.

Other changes I have noticed are that I hardly ever click on the cock picture threads anymore, but rather opt for a more interesting and intellectual topic where I can possibly learn something new that will hopefully even be beneficial to helping me grow as a person. I watch much less porn be it Transsexual or not and am no longer obsessed by pretty girls with cocks. I am in a casual but happy relationship with a GG and do not fixate anymore about the person I’m with not having a cock. This certainly does not mean I no longer find Pre Op Transsexuals attractive of course I do, it’s just that I am no longer obsessed by being with one. I can now appreciate GG’s, Pre Op and Post Op Male to Female Transsexuals simply as women, and am open to relationships and friendships with them all on an equal level.

So to sum up, I feel due to HungAngels I have a much healthier outlook and interest in Transgender People……..

I would like to thank the site creators and Mods for giving me the opportunity to interact with these people and thus reassess my views……

Yourself for asking this question (and creating many other interesting threads), ezed for making me laugh on numerous occasions, Kriss and Fox for just being cool people………

And a big special thanks to Peggy Gee, who has taught me so much and has proven to me that a Transsexual can truly be - not only a women, but a true lady in every sense of the word.

04-23-2007, 05:40 AM
Well said Lust4ts or should that be RESPEC'4TS????? :claps :claps :claps :claps I actually read the whole lot, thanks for the big up, No need to wear that 'hair shirt' anymore, YOU IS CURED!!! but , honestly , good post, from the heart, we never stop learning eh?

04-23-2007, 08:14 AM
Helped or changed.....

Well I dont know if Ive changed negative or positive but even though I post very little I read a lot and in that I must say that my view of escorting has change. Reading what the escorts have wrote and what the famous T's have said and the john's I have found myself a little disgusted over the whole thing. I had use to think it would be an awesome experience to call an escort and have some fun. Now after reading about people getting robbed/killed, bad T experiences, the threat of HIV, and the like, I would never ever try it.
But also while reading I think a more "human" face has been put on the T girls and the lifestyle they live. For good and bad a like it sheds a more in depth view and shows that we are all basically the same with the same needs and desires and we just want to live a secure and happy life.

04-24-2007, 04:21 AM
thanks for the big up, No need to wear that 'hair shirt' anymore, YOU IS CURED!!!


Thank fuck for that, it was really beginning to itch.

Now I can let my cat have it back........it seems I broke his spirit when I took it..........

04-25-2007, 10:02 PM
And a big special thanks to Peggy Gee, who has taught me so much and has proven to me that a Transsexual can truly be - not only a women, but a true lady in every sense of the word.

Great post!

It came across as very heart-felt, well thought out,
and articulated very well.

I do remember our discussions when you first came
here, and I will concur, 'you've come a long way baby'.

Keep on learning, keep on growing.


08-05-2007, 10:04 PM
first pls forgive me for resurrecting this thread. nevertheless i d like to comment and answer the initial questions.

coming to this site hasnt really changed me, has it helped me in any way?

i think it has.

i have had some experience with TS before finding this board. sexually, in relationships, in friendships or mere acquaintances. this is the only messege-board i visit that is about sex, relationships, t-issues. i visit other boards, dealing with music and technology. i dont come here for porn, not even reached 30 ive seen so many vaginae, ani, penes, i m kinda done with that stuff lol

then this board is somewhat making clear that we all can cope with contradicitions in our lives. contradicitions seem to play a big part in this t-realm.

for example, most guys say how TS r women, how they want relationships with them but are reluctant to just post a simple pic.

or many guys are bonafide "straight", yet they lust for wieners.

or with the ladies, who often look down on even genuine guys who are into ts on as "tranny chasers" - just repeating the mainstream-stigma.

or with ladies who think that those straight guys are their choice. well, straight guys cheat too and have, like many men, a strong drive to get into your panties. no matter which sex organ is in the hiding there. the abuse level might be just the same.

there are a few more contradicitons that come to my mind but ill leave it there.

sure, there are things that annoy me on here, but i try to avoid that stuff and carry on and concentrate on the positive aspects.

and heck, some posts and people are so funny, i had my share of laughter from this board.

and i have met great people on here.

i really do like the debates on many topics, and most people who contribute positively to the board.

and i learned that i will be always "in with the out-crowd" :D

08-05-2007, 11:27 PM
Good move resurrecting this one, mbf... I somehow missed it the first time around. Anyway, HA has helped me to meet a few cool people, and to gain new insight on certain topics. As to how it's changed me... I don't know that it has, but all things considered, it's been more of a positive experience than a negative one.

Moving on, mbf, I'm one of those who "say how TS r women, how they want relationships with them but are reluctant to just post a simple pic". And why is that? Well, I just think that if I'm not trying to make a friend or a lover, providing a pic to someone is a waste of my time. If other people want to put a pic of themselves up in a thread or in their avatar, that's their choice... but I haven't noticed you putting up a pic either, so I'm wondering where you're coming with this (and just for the record, pics with the face blacked out or otherwise unobservable are no better than posting no pic at all, IMHO). At any rate, I've sent pics to different ladies here who I'm friendly with... And seen others who've posted pics be made to later regret that decision, reinforcing my position on the whole pic posting thing.

Lastly, one thing I've learned is that HA is like the tide... It ebbs and flows, some days being highly entertaining and interesting, and other days not so much, but regardless, there's something that keeps drawing people back here, though I think those things are unique to the individual. For some, it's undoubtedly the porn pics, others the serious discussions, yet others the silly discussions... and others still, the drama. That's what I've learned thus far, and I doubt there's any more lessons.

08-05-2007, 11:32 PM
I have not been on this site for long but meh. This forum has just given me a way to speak with and listen to other people's view on T'girls. I also like the forums because of the memebers being so welcoming and helpful, and finally the pictures that people post on this site are bloody awesome! :D

08-06-2007, 12:20 AM
Hasn't really changed me. I just learned more about TG's.

08-06-2007, 02:26 AM
it made me realize what i already thought was true, the majority of trannies are only interested in self promotion and being hookers

08-06-2007, 02:56 AM

"Change" not the word that describes it from my point of view
though i do hope very much that it has helped changed a
great deal of posters ... but in terms of Helping me;
HA board tends to give far more insight, details and
exchanged personal opinions on various issues regarding
transgender than any other TS-oriented message boards.

and another element that helps is that it's not censored or
restricted to even the more difficult & sensitive topics and
issues, .. especially RACE.
How the hell can we learn and experience
cultural diversity and discrimination if we cannot talk
and bring up the topic ?

Also no other TG-message board is as popular or has
as many TGirl poster as this one does.
Being as naive about transgendered lifestyle and
background, it's been a great deal of help and interest
hearing from these girls.

Maybe on many occasions, the arrogance and stupidity of
some posters may irritate posters, but that doesn't
stop them from visiting,if not posting.
Some won't admit it but most of the longtimers (TGs or male )
have become addicted to HA.
The only thing i do wonder at this point is how many
TGirls who surf/browse the net all the time know
HA exists.

If i am bound to get any information or whereabouts on
a certain TG whether she be in the States or Overseas in
South America, London, Thailand or Australia, HungAngel
will likely be my 1st and best bet to check out the message
boards to get any kind of vibe/info coming from the likes
of either the Mods, seanchai, wendy williams, allanah, vicki, etc.

I have notice that practically no subject is taboo, though on
very rare occasions;
the actions of some posters can escalate into harsh actions
by HA board themselves ( see Danielle Fox controversy)

Needless to say, that it is a very,very active board and
popularity is at an all time high.
Someone would have to point out a TG board that is
more active, popular, informative, entertaining

i've learned far more the experiences of the transexual posters
in regards to their joy, their difficult lifestyle, the discrimination
they have to endure (even from the gay community )
and the expenses and recuperation they have to deal with
as they continue to improve their physical appearances
( though some girls tend to over-due it )

and as there is a no-holes barred (no pun intended) board,
i probably will not see these girls cat-scratching each other on
occasions on any other board outside HA.

if i wanna know what the cost of a TG porn film, how much
porn stars make, the difficulties of making a porn film or
what the do's and dont's of porn films are,...
if i want to find out the wherebouts of a former TS star,
best database, enperience the best polls and opinions
and yes, ....see the best, nude, "FULLY ERECTED " TG pics
i probably won't find out better pics/info on the subject
anywhere outside HA.

i'm glad that i was alerted and led to this site (thanks Estatic)
and have been a proud member here ever since.

i would dare anyone to find a message board that offers
more intriguing issues, pics, visiting TG posters or as much
activity and entertainment than this one.
Even those who owned their very own TS website/message board
have to be impressed with HA and i'd have to think they
find it more gratifying and interesting than their very own message
board/fan forum.
This is really a one of a kind forum message board and so far
i haven't come even close to finding another one that compares to it.

....Keep dat ol' motor runnin', HungAngels !!


08-06-2007, 03:51 AM
Sorry to say I haven't learned much. Guys are still horn dogs; very few people are interested in real relationships or experiences some of us have had; and that society still has a lot to learn about acceptance of others.

08-06-2007, 03:57 AM
ive seen so many vaginae, ani, penes, i m kinda done with that stuff ...

What do you call two or more vaginas?


Audio pronunciation for
" vaginae " (http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/audio.pl?vagina09.wav=vaginae)


08-06-2007, 08:59 AM
ive seen so many vaginae, ani, penes, i m kinda done with that stuff ...

well, Latin class made me use the Latin plural forms for a change....

08-06-2007, 09:29 AM
it made me realize what i already thought was true, the majority of trannies are only interested in self promotion and being hookers

youre prob only meeting girls like that when soliciting for sex... you get what you paid for... if you want to find a commitment and not sex im sure youll find girls looking for boyfriends and not business

however if you keep doing the reverse you dont deserve to find anything but hookers -j