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View Full Version : Confessions of a B.E.T. Producer

04-13-2007, 09:05 PM
If you want to understand why B.E.T (Black Entertainment Television) is what it is today, you need to watch these four videos made by an ex- B.E.T producer. B.E.T is bad for a reason.

Just click on the videos on the right side.

Viacom bought B.E.T and controls the station through VP Stephen Hill. He was place there "To dumb the culture down".

Other truths include how B.E.T killed Hip-hop, and manipulated the image of Tupac. Many people don't know that the FBI had a file on him when he was 7 yrs old.

How 106 and Park is rigged.

The videos also discuss the truth about Gay Black Hollywood. How many artists have had gay relations to make it to the top.

Everything Viacom doesn't want you to know. Youtube has already been forced to remove all but one video.

It's amazing that a handful of people, and one company are the reason why the urban culture is a mess. The introduction of Viacom killed a station that never reached it's full potential. Many can't recall shows like Teen Summit, Video Soul, and the Tavis Smiley news show.

B.E.T. founder Robert L. Johnson sold BET to Viacom for a reported $3 billion, becoming America's first black billionaire and the second largest individual shareholder of Viacom. Did he sell the soul of the black community as well?

04-13-2007, 09:09 PM
I don't know how much of that is really true, but are you really suprised? I wouldn't consider viacom to be the soul of any community.

04-13-2007, 09:12 PM
I don't know how much of that is really true, but are you really suprised? I wouldn't consider viacom to be the soul of any community.

I'm not surprised at all. I heard the rumors before people started speaking out finally. Of course Viacom could never represent the black community.

04-13-2007, 09:14 PM
I don't own a teevee (Well, I have a couple, but can't remember where I stashed them) and am so lily white that I fucking glow in the dark, so B.E.T. is somewhat lost on me beyond the occasional reference in Magruder's 'Boondocks' comic strip.

I am, however, familiar with Tavis Smiley via his syndicated radio show that is broadcast through NPR to a number of markets. Maybe it's just a matter of getting away from (As Heinlein so aptly phrased it) the 'Goddamned noisy box' and listening to the =voice= of the culture.

04-13-2007, 11:24 PM
The good news is that BET doesn't speak to
all of Black America.

The bad news is that it speaks to too many
of the Black youth of America.

The messages that it helps promote of
misogyny, glorfication of violence, drug
use, and materialism, is a tragedy.

04-13-2007, 11:32 PM
Man, I haven't tuned in to B.E.T. since I was about 13 ('bout 10 years ago). :o

04-13-2007, 11:38 PM
I don't watch BET.......It's for knucklehead little kids. BET was bought out forever ago...now it's just like MTV!.......garbage!!

04-14-2007, 01:19 AM
I don't think these videos reveal anything new. The channel is full of uninspired videos and retarded tv shows. I'd be surprised to find out anyone actually watches it.

04-14-2007, 03:32 AM
The youth watch BET still. Black, and other races. That's the problem. MTV is no better of course, but it's interesting to actually hear what a former insider has to say about BET. The issues with BET is something to keep in mind, since it influences so many youth. I know kids that will spend all evening just absorbing bad videos.

How do you change a station that's run like BET? With a corporate giant pushing certain types of music.

I heard the complaints in the Imus thread, and I thought I would share all of this with everybody.

04-14-2007, 05:24 AM
i stopped watchin BET when they pulled Tavis Smiley from their station. he was the only intellegent person there.

04-14-2007, 06:07 AM
i stopped watchin BET when they pulled Tavis Smiley from their station. he was the only intellegent person there.

I enjoy watching Tavis on PBS now. His guest list is diverse, and he's definitely better off on PBS.

04-14-2007, 11:49 AM
* Deleted *

04-20-2007, 08:25 AM
One of the first times I saw BET was in the mid-90s, I guess. It was a talk show with a group of guys sitting around a table. And while they disagreed on many things, they all agreed that white men were decadent and violent due to an unfortunate genetic fault. Turnabout is fair play and all, but it was still a real downer.

south ov da border
04-20-2007, 07:08 PM
I stopped watching when they got rid of lez and joe claire on rap city. That did it for me, b/c by that time they not only weren't showing that many videos, but also they didnt' show a diverse range of videos anymore.

I don't watch any of those stations anymore. We need classic video channels split by genre.