View Full Version : Dems Run in Fear (WaPo)

04-11-2007, 06:33 PM
Hmm, just a coincidence, or are all leftists just cowards? 8)

How can we expect these candidates to face off against America's enemies when they can't bring themselves to face Fox?

Do they expect that this demonstration of cravenness to actually impress anyone but the radical defeatists of Bowel-MoveOn?


Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) and Barack Obama (D-Ill.) yesterday joined former North Carolina senator John Edwards (D) in deciding to skip a debate scheduled for September that Fox News is co-sponsoring with the Congressional Black Caucus.
Liberal activists, particularly the online group Moveon.org, have called for Democratic presidential candidates not to participate in debates by Fox, which they say is biased against Democrats. Clinton campaign aides said she would participate only in the six events sanctioned by the Democratic National Committee and two other events she had already agreed to. Several candidates, including Edwards, last month withdrew from a debate that Fox was co-hosting with the Nevada Democratic Party and would have taken place in August in Reno.

Aides to Obama, Edwards and Clinton said the candidates will participate in a debate that the Congressional Black Caucus is co-sponsoring with CNN in January in South Carolina.
