View Full Version : whats up with Xpeeps?

04-08-2007, 09:25 AM
Is it ok if i don't use my cock photo for my main profile pic? Will i get less friends with this strategy?

04-08-2007, 09:26 AM
Is it ok if i don't use my cock photo for my main profile pic? Will i get less friends with this strategy? I HATE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!! especially a full profile of just cock pics like thats the only thing we will go for. I like to see clothed pics as well as nude pics. A VARIETY and why am I not on your XPEEPS???

04-08-2007, 09:28 AM
Is it ok if i don't use my cock photo for my main profile pic? Will i get less friends with this strategy? I HATE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!! especially a full profile of just cock pics like thats the only thing we will go for. I like to see clothed pics as well as nude pics. A VARIETY and why am I not on your XPEEPS???

I just logged back into it after a few months..actually i forgot i had it until i saw xpeeps on some thread here...had like 50 messages in my inbox. And ::sigh:: most were cock shots...lol

04-08-2007, 09:29 AM
ill send an invite asap

04-08-2007, 09:34 AM
Is it ok if i don't use my cock photo for my main profile pic? Will i get less friends with this strategy? I HATE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!! especially a full profile of just cock pics like thats the only thing we will go for. I like to see clothed pics as well as nude pics. A VARIETY and why am I not on your XPEEPS???

I just logged back into it after a few months..actually i forgot i had it until i saw xpeeps on some thread here...had like 50 messages in my inbox. And ::sigh:: most were cock shots...lol WELL ADD ME

04-08-2007, 09:37 AM
Is it ok if i don't use my cock photo for my main profile pic? Will i get less friends with this strategy? I HATE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!! especially a full profile of just cock pics like thats the only thing we will go for. I like to see clothed pics as well as nude pics. A VARIETY and why am I not on your XPEEPS???

I just logged back into it after a few months..actually i forgot i had it until i saw xpeeps on some thread here...had like 50 messages in my inbox. And ::sigh:: most were cock shots...lol WELL ADD ME

dont get your panties all in a bunch...i added ya..haha

04-08-2007, 09:37 AM
Is it ok if i don't use my cock photo for my main profile pic? Will i get less friends with this strategy? I HATE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!! especially a full profile of just cock pics like thats the only thing we will go for. I like to see clothed pics as well as nude pics. A VARIETY and why am I not on your XPEEPS???

I just logged back into it after a few months..actually i forgot i had it until i saw xpeeps on some thread here...had like 50 messages in my inbox. And ::sigh:: most were cock shots...lol WELL ADD ME

dont get your panties all in a bunch...i added ya..haha

04-09-2007, 06:52 PM
Is it ok if i don't use my cock photo for my main profile pic? Will i get less friends with this strategy? I HATE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!! especially a full profile of just cock pics like thats the only thing we will go for. I like to see clothed pics as well as nude pics. A VARIETY and why am I not on your XPEEPS???

I took your advice and removed my cock pics. I thought about it and thought I would get more response from my site. I used my favorite Disney character who I share my name with as my main pic, but I have a normal pic of me in my profile. Thanks for the advice.

04-09-2007, 11:55 PM
I put up a pic of me in my everyday attire.......then added the explicit pics later. Got a lot more responses.

04-10-2007, 12:00 AM
I put up a pic of me in my everyday attire.......then added the explicit pics later. Got a lot more responses. no offense but thats cause most of the "so called girls" are men no NOT TRANSEXUALS

04-10-2007, 12:22 AM
I put up a pic of me in my everyday attire.......then added the explicit pics later. Got a lot more responses. no offense but thats cause most of the "so called girls" are men no NOT TRANSEXUALS

what do you mean by that Kelly???..............

04-10-2007, 12:34 AM
I put up a pic of me in my everyday attire.......then added the explicit pics later. Got a lot more responses. no offense but thats cause most of the "so called girls" are men no NOT TRANSEXUALS

what do you mean by that Kelly???.............. I mean most of the girls on there are fake and men behind fake profiles

04-10-2007, 03:22 AM
I put up a pic of me in my everyday attire.......then added the explicit pics later. Got a lot more responses. no offense but thats cause most of the "so called girls" are men no NOT TRANSEXUALS

what do you mean by that Kelly???.............. I mean most of the girls on there are fake and men behind fake profiles

yeah....I know! You have to be careful! The fake ones are pretty easy to tell though.