View Full Version : Will the Dems run a Winner?

04-07-2007, 05:06 PM
Why won't the Dems run someone who can win this election? it is getting boring with all the Bush bashing just like it was boring with all the Clinton bashing I really hope that someone who has a chance to win like Gore or some other electable Dem will run.... If this is the field forget it you may as well not hold the election

04-07-2007, 07:39 PM
Yeah...I hope the dems run Gore. Go Gore!

04-07-2007, 07:51 PM
Yeah...I hope the dems run Gore. Go Gore!

Absolutely !

Run algore run ! Heck, run Hillary, run Obama. Breck girl ? Run poof boy run!

04-08-2007, 09:32 AM
you guys know the reps want hillaryto win the dem primary cuz she brings every rush-dittohead-christian coalition(run by gays) out of the wood work and closet to vote against her..they really fear an edwards(for prez)/obama ticket...c'mon guys the republican candidates cant muster shit out of their own base!!!besides mcain you know none of em has ever handled a gun so there goes the wildwest red state vote-ceptin utah for romney on the mormon roster.southrin republicans have not elected anybody from the north,ever......

04-08-2007, 06:10 PM
I wish the clock would stand still.............I LOVE the Bush bashing!!!!! I've never enjoyed politics so much!!!!! everday brings a new scandle or fuck up, and watching him be tortured by it all is most fun!!!!!!.....plus his butchering the English language is great for laughs.......can we change the constitution and make him dictator for life? :P

04-08-2007, 06:16 PM
I looked at my sneakers today.

04-08-2007, 11:07 PM
I wish the clock would stand still.............I LOVE the Bush bashing!!!!! I've never enjoyed politics so much!!!!! everday brings a new scandle or fuck up, and watching him be tortured by it all is most fun!!!!!!.....plus his butchering the English language is great for laughs.......can we change the constitution and make him dictator for life? :P

LMFAO....and as for the dem candidate? Anyone we nominate will win. :P Bush and all of his monumental failures and criminal activities have turned the American people against the GOP, and if you haven't grasped this, refer to the nov. elections.

Bush is determined to go down in history as the worst president ever...historians can give Nixon credit for a couple of things, crazy bastard that he was...but shrubya....not a fuckin chance!

Worst president ever!

04-09-2007, 01:23 AM
If this is the field forget it you may as well not hold the election

Thanks for the advice, pilgram...but we will continue to hold elections here in the US...with or without your approval... :roll:

And BTW, are you even elgible for an absentee ballot?

Either way, you apparently don't know dick...

about US politick...

slick... :P

04-09-2007, 03:55 PM
that is so absolutely not true Chef you usually have quite a good arguement based with some type of fact but in this case it is just so far from the truth all the Dem Candidates at this point are suspect especially Hillary and Obama....Edwards would tough to make enough ppl swallow unless you can Gore into the race i would venture to bet that Mit is most electable of the present pool.......i do hope that one of the dems win not that anything relevant or important would change just it might be nice to see some of theclever minds focus on making some positive change rather than the constant banter and ridicule of Bush. Also i didn't mean that you should not hold an election only that an election is a moot point at the present time and yes i am registered at Embassy and will vote as always as an independent (reads i vote for who is best for the job as a sheep) and btw i voted in the last election for Gore have been a registered voter for over 30 years never missed an election bye

04-09-2007, 05:33 PM
I think it's safe to say the Democrats have a great opportunity in 08, but I don't think anything can be taken for granted. The 04 election should have been a slam dunk. Unfortunatley, the Democratic party chose to run Kerry, a less than optimal Democratic candidate, who then ran a campaign fraught with errors -- which resulted in four more years of idiot boy. IMO, whether the Democrats win in 08 or not is almost entirely up to them and how they play their hand.


04-09-2007, 05:43 PM
I think it's safe to say the Democrats have a great opportunity in 08, but I don't think anything can be taken for granted. The 04 election should have been a slam dunk. Unfortunatley, the Democratic party chose to run Kerry, a less than optimal Democratic candidate, who then ran a campaign fraught with errors -- which resulted in four more years of idiot boy. IMO, whether the Democrats win in 08 or not is almost entirely up to them and how they play their hand.


If Kerry had done the smart thing and hired Carville and Begala as his campaign managers, we would now have a veteran instead of a chickenhawk sitting in the oval office. And the same goes for Gore...oh, that's right...Gore did win.

04-09-2007, 08:20 PM
If Kerry had done the smart thing and hired Carville and Begala as his campaign managers, we would now have a veteran instead of a chickenhawk sitting in the oval office.

I couldn't agree more. Begala and Carville are among the smartest, most effective political operatives anywhere. Frankly, I consider myself a huge fan of both men. Mary Beth Cahill, by contrast, was/is a fucking train wreck.


04-10-2007, 05:38 PM
Obama needs Karl Rove.

04-11-2007, 12:29 AM
Obama needs Karl Rove.

and you need to come back when your out of diapers, Mr. know it all 19 year old. :roll:

04-11-2007, 03:13 AM

At least I'm building my future not building my coffin, Pops!

04-11-2007, 03:44 AM