View Full Version : christie michaels videos or dvd

04-06-2007, 07:44 PM
i love this girl.where can i get her videos.they are from the late eighties or early ninetys

06-24-2019, 11:57 AM
i love this girl.where can i get her videos.they are from the late eighties or early ninetys

I can't tell you where you can get her videos but I can help you narrow down her era a little bit. I recall buying videos which featured her in 1987 and I think they had already been around for a year or two. So I'd say her videos came out around 1984 or 85. She only appeared in 3 videos that I know of. There's my favorite one, where she has sex with her masseuse. There's one where she was doing aerobics when some guy came into the room and they had sex. Then there's a video which was made by Kim Christy, if I'm not mistaken. It was a bunch of t-girls pretending they were wrestlers. It might be called something like Shemale Wrestlers. I know it also featured Morelle Dekeigh and Summer St Cerly.