View Full Version : Jesus jokes

04-06-2007, 06:48 PM
......so Jesus walks up to a hotel desk ---hands the girl behind the counter three spikes --and says "I was wondering if you could put me up for the night"

why do all the chicks dig Jesus? ----because he's well hung

why can't Jesus eat M$M's? ----cuz they melt in is mouth --but fall through his hands

Jesus and Moses are out fishing in a row boat ---Moses turns to Jesus and asks -"so Jesus --ya think ya still got it?" ----Jesus chuckles and replies "I dunno Moses --do you?" ---"one way to find out" Moses answers back ---stands up --raises his hands ---and sure enough --the very lake they are fishing on --parts --fish are flopping on the now revealed lake floor and everything -------Moses sits back down and says "ahhhh yeah baby --I still got it! ---now for you Jesus" -------Jesus stands up and takes a step over the side of the boat --and starts to walk across the water ------after only a few steps --Jesus begins to sink ----treading water -Jesus Laughs to Moses " oh yeah ---last time I did this --I didn't have holes in my feet!!"

04-07-2007, 06:05 AM
......so Jesus walks up to a hotel desk ---hands the girl behind the counter three spikes --and says "I was wondering if you could put me up for the night"

why do all the chicks dig Jesus? ----because he's well hung

why can't Jesus eat M$M's? ----cuz they melt in is mouth --but fall through his hands

Jesus and Moses are out fishing in a row boat ---Moses turns to Jesus and asks -"so Jesus --ya think ya still got it?" ----Jesus chuckles and replies "I dunno Moses --do you?" ---"one way to find out" Moses answers back ---stands up --raises his hands ---and sure enough --the very lake they are fishing on --parts --fish are flopping on the now revealed lake floor and everything -------Moses sits back down and says "ahhhh yeah baby --I still got it! ---now for you Jesus" -------Jesus stands up and takes a step over the side of the boat --and starts to walk across the water ------after only a few steps --Jesus begins to sink ----treading water -Jesus Laughs to Moses " oh yeah ---last time I did this --I didn't have holes in my feet!!"

Not being a religious man. I find these jokes need work. Not from a religious perspective, but a punchline one. Go back and dig deeper get current.

Try this, "What did Jesus mutter when Barabass was selected over him?