View Full Version : Ladies- (and gentlemen too, I guess) Would Any of you...

04-06-2007, 05:43 AM
Meet anyone from off of this website? I mean seriously... there are so many people on here who seem interested in meeting up with people... (Though I have have some personal issues with that) and within the proposition of meeting up with a person face to face there are MANY possible ways that things can go EXTREMELY wrong! (Let me... NOT even go into them :roll: ) So what do you all think? Would you do it? Yes? No? HELL NO?! Enlighten me...
~MiSs JuNe~

04-06-2007, 05:45 AM
yes. :)

04-06-2007, 05:45 AM
other than the girls, I'll pass.

04-06-2007, 05:47 AM
Sure...but i wouldn't guarantee to put out!! hehe

04-06-2007, 05:53 AM
I did meet someone from the net......it worked out pretty good. So I would do it again

04-06-2007, 05:54 AM
Sure...but i wouldn't guarantee to put out!!
LOL!!! That's what i'm talking about ottorocket!!! Give a little intrigue.... keeps them coming back for more! :wink:

04-06-2007, 05:54 AM
I would be up for meeting people off the site, sure.

04-06-2007, 05:55 AM
id do miss june!

04-06-2007, 05:57 AM
id do miss june!
L...O...L! They don't call me "Miss" for nothing! Trust me sugar... i'm a lady. And if i'm not treated accordingly... THERE WILL BE REPERCUSSIONS!!! (grrrr):twisted:
~MisS JuNe~

04-06-2007, 06:02 AM
ive met alot of posters on here.... they are my extended family....i never met for like any dating or anything.....i have met a few of the angels that post on here , or used to post , lol

04-06-2007, 06:08 AM
I wouldn't mind, say if there's an event (concert, party, etc) and meet them there. I wouldn't arbitrarily (sp?) meet up with someone unless I really got to know them.

04-06-2007, 06:33 AM
I don't think I would even though I already feel an intense connection with each and ever member of the community here. I just like to chat with people who aren't Leave it to Beaver-esque.

04-06-2007, 07:02 AM
Meet anyone from off of this website? I mean seriously... there are so many people on here who seem interested in meeting up with people... (Though I have have some personal issues with that) and within the proposition of meeting up with a person face to face there are MANY possible ways that things can go EXTREMELY wrong! (Let me... NOT even go into them :roll: ) So what do you all think? Would you do it? Yes? No? HELL NO?! Enlighten me...
~MiSs JuNe~

I don't see why not. moreso for nice casual conversation than anything else. Seems to be some pretty intelligent people on this site.

04-06-2007, 07:57 AM
Meet anyone from off of this website? I mean seriously... there are so many people on here who seem interested in meeting up with people... (Though I have have some personal issues with that) and within the proposition of meeting up with a person face to face there are MANY possible ways that things can go EXTREMELY wrong! (Let me... NOT even go into them :roll: ) So what do you all think? Would you do it? Yes? No? HELL NO?! Enlighten me...
~MiSs JuNe~

Yes, I'd love to meet someone off this web site.

04-06-2007, 08:02 AM
Meet anyone from off of this website? I mean seriously... there are so many people on here who seem interested in meeting up with people... (Though I have have some personal issues with that) and within the proposition of meeting up with a person face to face there are MANY possible ways that things can go EXTREMELY wrong! (Let me... NOT even go into them :roll: ) So what do you all think? Would you do it? Yes? No? HELL NO?! Enlighten me...
~MiSs JuNe~

Yes, I'd love to meet someone off this web site.

It's true there are many things that can go wrong, but there are also many things that can go right. I wouldn't meet someone right away -- I may correspond a bit, talk on the phone, meet first in a public place -- just take things one step at a time. Make it clear that nothing sexual will take place on your first meeting.

I've met GGs from the Internet and all went well. I actually met a FtoM and went out on a date. We had a nice time together (no sex), but I decided that wasn't what I was looking for. I've met a couple of escorts on the Internet, with mixed results, but never anything terrible.

04-06-2007, 08:05 AM
I have never met anyone from this website but I wouldnt mind meeting someone but not intentionally looking for something like dating or getting into a relatioship or hooking up but just to hang out or be friends. But ofcourse I would have to know them well.

I have met people from online though and they have all been nice experiences. I mean it could just be my luck.

04-06-2007, 08:22 AM
i would meet people from here but i think its best to go with no expectations and no wants just like the yogi's teach ya...see em first,feel em out....listen and watch....

04-06-2007, 08:58 AM
Meet anyone from off of this website? I mean seriously... there are so many people on here who seem interested in meeting up with people... (Though I have have some personal issues with that) and within the proposition of meeting up with a person face to face there are MANY possible ways that things can go EXTREMELY wrong! (Let me... NOT even go into them :roll: ) So what do you all think? Would you do it? Yes? No? HELL NO?! Enlighten me...
~MiSs JuNe~

"Meet" ??? Meet with whom, and with what in mind? More specificity please.

04-06-2007, 09:12 AM
I've neve met anyone through this board (though I know a few people on it), but I have made great drinking buddies through a similar one in another country.

04-06-2007, 09:42 PM
I'd say I'm conflicted.

While I don't have any hard and fast (pun somewhat intended) rules on
it, I will admit to having reservations.

Afterall, it is 'Hungangels', and many of the guys seem to have a
predisposition to 'cock', which leaves me on the side lines as I don't have

Then too, many of them are too young for me, and may not have the
level of maturity that I would need from a potential mate.

Also, dating someone from HA, would be like dating somebody from work.
If it didn't work out, I get the sense that some of the guys would air all
of the sordid details of our relationship.

Guys on HA also seem to like to kiss and tell, and I really don't like my
business on Front Street.


So, I would have to say I would be dis-inclined to do so.

But hey, I'd never say never, stranger things have happened. :shrug

04-06-2007, 10:19 PM
Actually, a bunch of folks and I from another Forum met up in San Francisco during Folsum Street week a few years back. I was pleasantly surprised that their real life personas didn't differ at all from the type of person they projected in the forum.

I haven't been around this forum long enough to make a judgment as to whether or not I'd want to meet up with a whole clot of y'all... but past experiences have shown me that as long as it's an easy going social "meet 'n' greet" type deal... it's usually worthwhile.

04-06-2007, 10:47 PM
"Meet" ??? Meet with whom, and with what in mind? More specificity please.

LOL... what is your problem?? dont you know what "MEET" MEANS? :roll:
Well let me help you...
meet1 /mit/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[meet] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, met, meet·ing, noun
–verb (used with object)
1. to come upon; come into the presence of; encounter: I would meet him on the street at unexpected moments.
2. to become acquainted with; be introduced to: I've never met your cousin.
3. to join at an agreed or designated place or time: Meet me in St. Louis.
4. to be present at the arrival of: to meet a train.
5. to come to or before (one's notice, or a means of noticing, as the eyes or ears): A peculiar sight met my eyes.
6. to come into the company of (a person, group, etc.) in dealings, conference, etc.
7. to face, eye, etc., directly or without avoidance.
Does that help you?
ONCE AGAIN-Realgirls4me...I think you should probably read the statements that people write and really THINK about them before commenting next time....and the funny thing is... this is the second time you have completely misinterpreted something I have posted!! I think you may be obsessed with me honey... which is a shame, because you seem REALLY annoying. :roll:
NOW... LET ME BE EVEN MORE SPECIFIC WHEN I SAY THIS... Get a life you ignorant asshole!!!
I hope THAT was specific enough for you!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
~MiSs JuNe~

04-06-2007, 11:19 PM
You, and your little 60 something posts, want to show me where I spoke to you in your short tenure here in any condescending tone as you just have to me, or where I show any trace of being "obsessed" with you? So asking follow-up questions (two altogether?) to a thread started by you is grounds for calling someone a stalker? Don't flatter your fuckin' self.

I'm off to work right now, so I'll deal with you later, stupid fuck!

04-06-2007, 11:22 PM
You, and your little 60 something posts, want to show me where I spoke to you in your short tenure here in any condescending tone as you just have to me, or where I show any trace of being "obsessed" with you? So asking follow-up questions (two altogether?) to a thread started by you is grounds for calling someone a stalker? Don't flatter your fuckin' self.

I'm off to work right now, so I'll deal with you later, stupid fuck!
:roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
RIGHT! You've got a meaningful "job" that your in a hurry to get to... and i'm stupid....ummm?, ok! :lies :lol:

04-06-2007, 11:35 PM
You, and your little 60 something posts, want to show me where I spoke to you in your short tenure here in any condescending tone as you just have to me, or where I show any trace of being "obsessed" with you? So asking follow-up questions (two altogether?) to a thread started by you is grounds for calling someone a stalker? Don't flatter your fuckin' self.

I'm off to work right now, so I'll deal with you later, stupid fuck!
:roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
RIGHT! You've got a meaningful "job" that your in a hurry to get to... and i'm stupid....ummm?, ok! :lies :lol:

You and your loud ego can meet me here around 7:30 PST. How's that? We'll see who leaves here with their tail between their legs, okay?

By the way, I think you meant "you're" and not "your", but what do I know compared to your sorry stuck-up ass, right? Do you always come into forums just to stir things up with posters you know nothing about?

Be here!

04-07-2007, 12:21 AM
YOU'RE SOOO Right honey!!! I did mean YOU'RE (you are) as opposed to YOUR... I do understand how to use proper grammatical structure.... however, I HAVE A LIFE that requires me to not sit on "Hung Angels" ALL DAY and obsessively spell check all of my posts. (which i'm sure you don't do since YOU ARE SOOOO busy with your job!!! right?! :wink: LOL)
And.... since we're (THATS WE ARE BY THE WAY!!! LOL) doing spell check....

Don't flatter your fuckin' self.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
and you ALMOST managed to get me to stray off the topic from my original post. But ummm, i'm going to be the "bigger" person (no pun intended :lol: :lol: ) and say YOUR :offtopic ...and that's that. I will no longer respond to your petty foolishness. Enjoy the rest of your miserable life on "Hung Angels"! YOU WINNER, YOU!!! :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Hugs and kisses
~MiSs JuNe~

04-07-2007, 12:22 AM
i mean i would but aint no ladies in michigan from off here

04-07-2007, 12:40 AM
Actually, a bunch of folks and I from another Forum met up in San Francisco during Folsum Street week a few years back. I was pleasantly surprised that their real life personas didn't differ at all from the type of person they projected in the forum.

I haven't been around this forum long enough to make a judgment as to whether or not I'd want to meet up with a whole clot of y'all... but past experiences have shown me that as long as it's an easy going social "meet 'n' greet" type deal... it's usually worthwhile.
Hmm?! That sounds interesting insert_namehere... was the group composed of yourself and transwomen, or had there been a mix of transwomen and some men who met up with you all?
~MiSs JuNe~

04-07-2007, 12:58 AM
Yes I would miss june and that would include you.

04-07-2007, 02:01 AM
Yes I would miss june and that would include you.
Thank you!

04-07-2007, 02:06 AM
I've met, in person, only one person from HA so far, for social and business reasons. I've also chatted, online, with a number of folx from here that I someday hope to meet in person. I would not be surprised to learn that people I have already met, in person, lurk here.

I've had a couple of intense relationships (One with a GG, one with an IS) that began online (Not here in HA), so this world is what you make of it. These daze, anout 99% of the people I meet are via online encounters.

04-07-2007, 04:08 AM
I've met plenty of ppl that I met online. None from this board though. Only one time did it go bad. ( knew the two people for about four years, only to find out that while I was just the same offline as online, she was completely different, while he was the same.

But you have the good and the bad with anything. If you get to know a person for awhile before you meet up offline, it usually goes well. Mostly I've met people offline just to hang out, never to 'hook up', but I have met a few people that I was interested in.

I wouldn't mind tossing back a few beers with Beardedone, LG, Megabody, and a few others.

I dunno, I like to be around people, online or offline, so I'd be open to meet several of the people on this forum offline to hang out, male, female, or tgirl.

04-07-2007, 05:07 AM
Let the record show (read upstream) who it was that unjustifiably started this, and who just by happenstance, has cowardly decided she won't have anything to do with yours truly anymore now that yours truly has called her reactionary ass out for her unwarranted attack.

... To stay on topic, a quick perusal of this thread would clearly demonstrate to anyone with half a brain that what apparently is escaping this stupid bitch is the fact that many of the posters who responded in this thread prior to my query answered her question as they had personalized it and construed it. i.e., It covered the gamut from sexual trysts to platonic get-togethers.
All I asked for originally was clarification as anyone can see for themselves, and in response I got put down and called names (loser, ignorant,etc). It's all there upstream for anyone following this.
Unless she is doing the bidding for someone else (notice she didn't treat anyone else with invective), one can only wonder the hubris and dementia involved not only in displaying such harshness in a forum where she is a relatively new member, but also compounding all that by attacking someone she doesn't know one bit.

We'll meet again, and I'm going to wipe the floor with her. There will be no mixing it up. It will all be one-sided. Count on it!

Oh, and it was meant to be "fuckin'" in my thread upstream, moron. See the apostrophe substituding in place of the missing "g" ?

You can apologize, and it'll be cool, but I doubt you have the capacity to do so.

04-07-2007, 05:16 AM

04-07-2007, 05:26 AM
LOLOLOL!!!!!! Realgirls4me YOU ARE SOOOOOO....
:soapbox :soapbox :screwy
and by the way once again.... YOUR :offtopic
~MiSs JuNe~

And by the way hun...

See the apostrophe substituding in place of the missing "g" ?
SUBSISTUDING?!?! :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:
...my dear... get a speak and spell... then YOU CAN APOLOGIZE...and try to approach me like you have some damn sense!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

04-07-2007, 05:30 AM
I think the internet was designed to help sex maniacs like yours truly to meet like minded people. So I'm in.

04-07-2007, 05:58 AM
LOLOLOL!!!!!! Realgirls4me YOU ARE SOOOOOO....
:soapbox :soapbox :screwy
and by the way once again.... YOUR :offtopic
~MiSs JuNe~

And by the way hun...

See the apostrophe substituding in place of the missing "g" ?
SUBSISTUDING?!?! :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:
...my dear... get a speak and spell... then YOU CAN APOLOGIZE...and try to approach me like you have some damn sense!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

So the psycho bitch makes her presence known. Notice how she completely avoids the issue at hand -- her unwarranted reactionary nature and unprovoked attack of me -- and instead centers on a misspelling by yours truly.

Apology?! Fuck you and the depraved, deprived, and dysfunctional, upbringing that made you what you are! Why should I apologize to a person falling apart before our eyes?

What's the overcompensation all about? You know, the hi-case obnoxious anonym, or the over use of emoticons. What are you overcompensating for, bitch!?

04-07-2007, 06:02 AM
I love how she points out my spelling, and yet can't see her consistent errors and mistakes, such as her misuse of ellipses.

This clown is going to be fun to cut down.

04-07-2007, 06:08 AM
:smh :screwy

04-07-2007, 06:12 AM
Well that escalated quickly. :what

04-07-2007, 06:13 AM
Realgirls4me you are so, SO, sad. I wonder what you look like... your probably EXTREMELY lonely. ok... i'm done. i've had enough fun...and unfortunately, I've paid WAY TOO MUCH UNNECESSARY ATTENTION to you. I've got more important business to tend to... Thanks for the laughs, though hun!
At least you can satisfy me there!


i'm through!!

~MiSs JuNe~

04-07-2007, 06:26 AM
Well that escalated quickly. :what
Baby... pay it NO mind. People who are self-loathing like him require IMMENSE attention when they come across self assured women like myself who know who we are and manage to achieve many of our dreams and aspirations... notice his angry use of calling me a psycho bitch (LOL or whatever he said...angry misogynistic thinking) you just have to pray for them (if you believe in god)... and then you let it go and ignore them.

Kind of like i'm about to do...the next time "lookatme" responds.


~MiSs JuNe~

04-07-2007, 06:28 AM
Realgirls4me you are so, SO, sad. I wonder what you look like... your probably EXTREMELY lonely. ok... i'm done. i've had enough fun. I've got more important business to tend to. Thanks for the laughs, though hun!
At least you can satisfy me there!


i'm through!!

~MiSs JuNe~

Yeah, yeah, yeah, keep the deflecting going on, bitch! You turn on others for no reason, and when they fire back, you conveniently do what all cowards and demented morons do -- you hide, run, or digress.

Everyone reading this exchange can see who started it and who is running.

One can only wonder how many people would actually associate with someone like you. Not many would be my guess. You can fool some of the people some of the time ...

04-07-2007, 06:32 AM
Well that escalated quickly. :what
Baby... pay it NO mind. People who are self-loathing like him require IMMENSE attention when they come across self assured women like myself who know who we are and manage to achieve many of our dreams and aspirations... notice his angry use of calling me a psycho bitch (LOL or whatever he said...angry misogynistic thinking) you just have to pray for them (if you believe in god)... and then you let it go and ignore them.

Kind of like i'm about to do...the next time "lookatme" responds.


~MiSs JuNe~

This is rich coming from someone who wouldn't know tact or restraint if it hit her on the mouth.

04-07-2007, 06:39 AM
Baby... pay it NO mind. People who are self-loathing like him require IMMENSE attention when they come across self assured women like myself who know who we are and manage to achieve many of our dreams and aspirations... notice his angry use of calling me a psycho bitch (LOL or whatever he said...angry misogynistic thinking) you just have to pray for them (if you believe in god)... and then you let it go and ignore them.

Kind of like i'm about to do...the next time "lookatme" responds.


~MiSs JuNe~

I defy anyone in this forum to find my usage of the term "psycho bitch" in any of my previous 2000 posts. You won't find it. Do you know why you won't find it? Because despite the few differences I've had with other women posters here, I've never required its usage -- until now. That is, until someone deserved it, and this psycho does.

"self-assured"? Don't make me laugh.

04-07-2007, 06:46 AM
C'mon, bitch! Bring it on. You started this shit and now you're backpeddling and dodging like a bad circuit fighter. You can exist in denial, but everyone reading this can see who started it and who is running.

I know your type and I hate your type. Bring it on, stupidfuck!

04-07-2007, 07:02 AM
Let the record show once more:

Who started this exchange, and for no reason at all mind y'all.

Who is it who exists in denial and projection, among other disorders catagoried in your handiest DSM-IV manual.

And who is now running. Taking any semblance of a high road, as she claims to be taking now by ignoring me, can only work if she had been ever been on the high road to begin with. Her? High road? Look at this attention craving witch and tell me she's all about honor, probity, or integrity.

...I'll deal with her later. I'm outta here for now.

04-07-2007, 08:05 AM
I don't know.

If all things clicked, I wouldn't rule out the possibility.

04-07-2007, 09:33 AM
Going back to the OP, I would have no problems meeting someone from a website, this one included.

Being from online is not something to make me avoid someone... however just because it wouldn't be a problem, doesn't mean I'll randomly hop in my car and go drive to random posters/users for meetings (and i am not talking exclusively sexual based meetings).

I know many people that I've met originally online which have become very close friends face to face, some with a sexual side to it, most without.

Without meeting people online, I wouldn't even have the place to live which I have atm.

04-07-2007, 11:04 PM
Hmm?! That sounds interesting insert_namehere... was the group composed of yourself and transwomen, or had there been a mix of transwomen and some men who met up with you all?
~MiSs JuNe~
Actually, this group was from a BDSM forum... 4 men, 4 women and 2 latex/gasmask fetish drag queens. We were all on-line friends, all planning on being in SF for Folsom Street and decided to meet up outside of that venue.

The point really is... no one (well, I could be wrong, I tend to be pretty clueless sometimes) was looking to hook up, just talk, drink, laugh, eat and generally enjoy each other's company.