View Full Version : Tara Emory coming to NYC for Winter Wonderland- Dec 16-17th

Tara Emory
12-11-2004, 10:43 PM
Hello! I will be attending Allanah's party this time.. Whereas the last one I was just going to drive in-drive out, this time I have a hotel and all that wonderful stuff.

I may have some time to meet with admirers, in between some other previously existing meetings that I have. To enquire, email me at tara_mistress@yahoo.com

And of course, I will be lapdancing at the party all night! I'll likely we wearing either or both of the following outfits. See you there!


12-12-2004, 03:47 AM
Tara, those are so hot! I love the band leader costume...and what you're doing with that candy cane, oooh. Man, I wish I could make it down this time! But the holidays are just too cramped with family and other obligations for a trek to the Big Apple.

BTW, whatever happened to the talked-about meet in Boston following the World Series? What with the board being up and down several times, the election, and all the rest, it seems to have slipped by.

Anyway, have a great trip, and check your tires before you leave! :P

12-12-2004, 06:03 AM
I now know what I want to come back as in a new life -- Tara's candy cane. :)

( Glad to see this place finally at full speed, by the way )

12-12-2004, 06:04 AM
I now know what I want to come back as in a new life -- Tara's candy cane. :)

( Glad to see this place finally at full speed, by the way )

... Of course, just as I say that, this thing decides to cramp up and then display a duplicate posting. :(

Felicia Katt
12-12-2004, 07:15 AM
I now know what I want to come back as in a new life -- Tara's candy cane. :)

As PT Barnum said, theres a sucker born every minute


Tara Emory
12-12-2004, 07:37 AM
Actually its a toy soldier costume. See the big wind up key in the back?

I'm going to try to get an elf outfit done this year, if I have time. Actually the high demand for my videos has been taking up a lot of my time.


12-12-2004, 03:21 PM
Tara, that is so hot. You're really getting me wound up! :lol:

Tell me, when you turn the key, does.... nah, that's too obvious. 8) I love your costumes, Tara. You are quite the designer and seamtress. I can't think of anyone who holds a candle to you in costuming. Thanks for sharing those pics.

12-12-2004, 03:28 PM
I now know what I want to come back as in a new life -- Tara's candy cane. :)
Mmm, yes. Really, with a minimum of modification (the shape of the hook, making the cane out of high quality latex), the long cane does seem to be the ultimate in self-pleasuring. (Man, I'm thinking dirty this morning...my birthday's tomorrow and I'm getting awfully horny...)

( Glad to see this place finally at full speed, by the way )
... Of course, just as I say that, this thing decides to cramp up and then display a duplicate posting. :(
Yeah, it seems to be there, then not so much. Sometimes it's much slower than a dialup connection would be, other times it's as quick as ever. And sometimes it seems to recognize my cookie and display posts marked as read or unread, visited or unvisited, and other times it seems to reset to all posts being unvisited/unread. I'm sure the mods will work the kinks out...

...if they only stop staring at Tara's lovely pics....

12-12-2004, 05:29 PM
ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh......im speechless. can i ask for more, milady? :wink:

12-12-2004, 05:31 PM
ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh......im speechless. can i ask for more, milady? :wink:

12-12-2004, 10:08 PM

You just did, speechless. ;)


Happy Birthday, first of all !!! :D :D :D

Yes, as creative and talented as Tara appears to be, I still prefer my wimmin completely nekkid, particularly a woman such as Tara, who has such a terrific figure. There's nothing more beautiful than a beautiful female form, and in my eyes the less they have on, the better. Not a stich of clothing or footwear need be in sight, with maybe a trace of make-up, if they really need it, and some aphrodesiactic(sp?) fragrance to keep me tethered to her. That's it.
...Oh, gawd, I was trying to think of that fragrance that just drives me wild. Is it Tommy Girl ?


I wish I could go and meet you. ... When are you going to do some completely nude shots for those of us who appreciate the female form -- YOUR FEMALE FORM -- free of sartorial weight. You have such a hot body. Don't hide it from us. ;)


Are you playing with double-entendres again ? :D

12-12-2004, 10:23 PM

I recall the two of us discussing this briefly once, and I think she told me that those shots -- nude shots -- were the ones she has the fewest of. I'll check her site, though, now that you've told me.

Thanks. :)

12-13-2004, 03:52 AM

Happy Birthday, first of all !!! :D :D :D

Yes, as creative and talented as Tara appears to be, I still prefer my wimmin completely nekkid, particularly a woman such as Tara, who has such a terrific figure. There's nothing more beautiful than a beautiful female form, and in my eyes the less they have on, the better. Not a stich of clothing or footwear need be in sight, with maybe a trace of make-up, if they really need it, and some aphrodesiactic(sp?) fragrance to keep me tethered to her. That's it.
Thanks, guy! Had a great day today celebrating with my wife and closest friends. We went to the DeCordova Museum to see the Robert ParkeHarrison photography exhibit--incredible stuff. I couldn't begin to describe what he does. It takes him 5-6 weeks to complete a photo (involves making props, multiple exposures, paper negatives, painting on the photo, silver gelatin prints--mindboggling). Then we went out for Thai food. The only thing missing...do I have to say it?

I appreciate full nudity as much as the next guy, but I also really love seeing a beautiful woman dressed to the nines, and nobody does it better than Tara. I also just love seeing a girl as 100% feminine, knowing she's more than that, but keeping the mystery so to speak...at least for a while. Many of my favorite photos are actually not very revealing, just really suggestive.

Tara Emory
12-13-2004, 09:14 AM
Here's a couple of pretty much nude shots. The autumn themed shoot was one I did recently, the other one has been around a while.


12-13-2004, 10:20 AM


Thank you for the ( gasp ) pictures. The one ( gulp ) with the Fall theme is simply sublime ( pant, pant, pant ). Do you ever venture out west, like say, Los Angeles ? If so, let me know when your next trip out here is. I'd love to meet ya!

Now that, my friends, is one beautiful woman. ... So sexy, pretty, clean, and wholesome, among many things. :)

Will someone draw me a cold -- COLD -- shower, and like, now !? It's starting to happen ...

Am I turning in tonight with a huge smile on my face or what !? Whew, what a beautiful, beautiful woman!

Thank you, Tara ! ( Liked the mermaid and bride one also!)

12-13-2004, 10:35 AM
I sent ya an email.

12-13-2004, 12:11 PM
the autumn pic is so HOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!

thanx for obliging with the request tara. now that my friends is a classy lady. *muah* milady, u r definetly one if not the hottest girl out there :D

Tara Emory
12-14-2004, 08:22 AM
more me in the leaves?


12-14-2004, 10:01 AM
Oh. My. Gawd.

Tara you look so-o-o-o-o deliciously beautiful in that shot. I could lick that beautifully proportioned female body from head to toe and take a lifetime to do it. Yum-yum!

... There are moments when I occasionally stray into thoughts of seriously hitting the GG dating scene with purpose, but then I view shots such as your beautiful ones and those of others in here and realize that I'm simply too attracted to women like you to leave now, if ever. I'm simply not ready to give it up ... I can't help but wonder what my future holds in that regard ?

You look simply delicious there, Tara! :)

12-16-2004, 06:06 AM
Bummer, I have to miss this party and I was looking forward to meeting Tara.

Maybe in January.

12-16-2004, 06:13 AM
those leaves are fricking lucky, i tell ya. man im so jeolous

by the by darling u look absolutely delicous. and i need more, u r like a drug Tara. a beautiful drug. i have to have more :P