View Full Version : Transgender Populus?

04-04-2007, 11:07 PM
Does anyone have an idea, a census of sort of how many TG's live in the US? Was listening to a radio program and the topic came up and their discussion centered around 1500 in the US...seems very low?

04-04-2007, 11:15 PM
That CAN'T be true. Only 1,500? That would be...only 30 living in each state? Seems way too low to me.

04-04-2007, 11:17 PM
Does anyone have an idea, a census of sort of how many TG's live in the US? Was listening to a radio program and the topic came up and their discussion centered around 1500 in the US...seems very low?

tg's or ts's? There are probably many tens of thousands of tvs in the country.

1500- for either, is uber low.

04-04-2007, 11:37 PM
Estimates range widely as it's very hard to get valid statistics. I've read various estimates from various sources (some of which have been discussed on HA, iirc), ranging from 1:30,000 to 1:5 (the first seems extremely low, the second absurdly high; the most credible estimates range between 1:250 to 1:3000). Lynn Conway (http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/conway/TSsuccesses/TSsuccesses.html) estimates 30-40,000 post-op TS in the US; she also has the figure of 50,000 TS in Malaysia (a country of 22 million). Due to differing social attitudes, estimates of the TS population in a country like Thailand are probably much more accurate than in the US, where so many are stealth. Thailand's 300,000 translates to 1:206; I doubt that the US ratio of TS to the general population is nearly as great, but 1:3000 seems reasonable (+/- 100,000). It's frustrating though to search for any real data relative to the US demongraphics because there is so little hard data to work with.

04-04-2007, 11:58 PM
Estimates range widely as it's very hard to get valid statistics. I've read various estimates from various sources (some of which have been discussed on HA, iirc), ranging from 1:30,000 to 1:5 (the first seems extremely low, the second absurdly high; the most credible estimates range between 1:250 to 1:3000). Lynn Conway (http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/conway/TSsuccesses/TSsuccesses.html) estimates 30-40,000 post-op TS in the US; she also has the figure of 50,000 TS in Malaysia (a country of 22 million). Due to differing social attitudes, estimates of the TS population in a country like Thailand are probably much more accurate than in the US, where so many are stealth. Thailand's 300,000 translates to 1:206; I doubt that the US ratio of TS to the general population is nearly as great, but 1:3000 seems reasonable (+/- 100,000). It's frustrating though to search for any real data relative to the US demongraphics because there is so little hard data to work with.

thx ecstatic...yeah the #'s are difficult to pin down

04-05-2007, 12:15 AM
Who knows 1500 could be right cause they could be concentrated in certain cities (e.g. New York, Los Angeles...) and not very common in the smaller states (perhaps where ppl are less open to it) and perhaps that is why it seems like it should be more. But I do wonder which cities have the most transexuals. My guess would be New York or Los Angeles???

04-05-2007, 12:19 AM
Who knows 1500 could be right cause they could be concentrated in certain cities (e.g. New York, Los Angeles...) and not very common in the smaller states (perhaps where ppl are less open to it) and perhaps that is why it seems like it should be more. But I do wonder which cities have the most transexuals. My guess would be New York or Los Angeles???

The twin cities have alot too, but they're smaller cities...

04-05-2007, 12:36 AM
How prevalent are transgender people?

It is difficult to accurately estimate the prevalence of transgender people
in Western countries. As many as 2-3% of biological males engage in
cross-dressing, at least occasionally. Current estimates of the prevalence
of transsexualism are about 1 in 10,000 for biological males and 1 in
30,000 for biological females. The number of people in other transgender
categories is unknown.

Source: http://www.apa.org/topics/transgender.html


04-05-2007, 12:55 AM
There are some statistics on my news page in an article at the bottom of the page entitled
"How common is the birth of physically intersexed children?
1 in 1500 to 1 in 2000 births"

The page is here

04-05-2007, 01:02 AM
1500 t's in the whole USA? there's probably 1500 in Jackson Heights.

04-05-2007, 01:33 AM
Warning: Beer typos may follow

1500 t's in the whole USA? there's probably 1500 in Jackson Heights.

I was going to say Sunny's Tranny Tuesday gigs, but this may be a better measure. :D

I saw Nadia's note:

"How common is the birth of physically intersexed children?
1 in 1500 to 1 in 2000 births"

This is actually a more acurate number as pertains to INTERSEXED people (Which falls into the ever-changing TG/TS culture in many ways), but not to TRANSGENDERED people. There are a number of IS support and educational organizations, high among them being ISNA ( http://www.isna.org/ ), the Intersex Society of North America.

Being intersexed/gender variant is considered (By the masses) more of a physical/medical condition rather than a psychological/emotional/gender dysphoric state and lands in the med journals with far more accuracy as pertains to statistics and demographics. So, it's not unexpected that the numbers bear more weight from the medical and academic communities.

*Sigh* Where are my labels? Do I need to print more?

04-05-2007, 02:07 AM
Current estimates of the prevalence of transsexualism are about 1 in 10,000

Well that works out just right as the average TS Woman has roughly 9,999 sexual partners
Thank you , Thank you. I'll be here all week or until they ban me, whichever is sooner!!??!!?
you KNOW i've been saving that one for a special moment!!!!

04-05-2007, 02:09 AM
Current estimates of the prevalence of transsexualism are about 1 in 10,000

Well that works out just right as the average TS Woman has roughly 9,999 sexual partners
Thank you , Thank you. I'll be here all week or until they ban me, whichever is sooner!!??!!?
you KNOW i've been saving that one for a special moment!!!!

Smart ass! :x That's =my= job! :P

04-05-2007, 06:50 AM
Does anyone have an idea, a census of sort of how many TG's live in the US? Was listening to a radio program and the topic came up and their discussion centered around 1500 in the US...seems very low?

there's alot more than that mannnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!
They're every where! I see'm on TV, on the internet, in the Movies, and some nights I find them in my bed, mannnnnnnnn!!!!!
They're everywhere!!! It fucking GREAT MAN! And they're more and more popping up every day!

Fuckin A, is this a great time to be around or what! Oh shit! here's another one!!!!!!!!!!!

04-05-2007, 07:19 AM
Does anyone have an idea, a census of sort of how many TG's live in the US? Was listening to a radio program and the topic came up and their discussion centered around 1500 in the US...seems very low?

there's alot more than that mannnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!
They're every where! I see'm on TV, on the internet, in the Movies, and some nights I find them in my bed, mannnnnnnnn!!!!!
They're everywhere!!! It fucking GREAT MAN! And they're more and more popping up every day!

Fuckin A, is this a great time to be around or what! Oh shit! here's another one!!!!!!!!!!!

lol..funny I know there's more than that, shit i have that many on my friends list on Myspace!! jk