View Full Version : State Of The Dis-union Address

04-03-2007, 08:24 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for being here today.
I shall be extremely brief with our State Of The Dis-union
address for the transcommunity;

Look at that bitch she think she cute.

The pre op thinks the non op is playing at being
a women and they both dislike the post op cause
she think she the shit.

The older girls don't like the young girls
The young girls don't like the older girls

The celibate girls don't understand the sisters who
sells a bit.

The Latina doesn't like the Asian who doesn't like the
Black girl and all of them hate on the White girls.

And society in general ain't feeling none of them till
its time to get their freak on or need amusement on
Maury or Springer.

Thank you again for your time.

Hatorade will be served in the rear.


04-03-2007, 08:27 PM
Wow that was some fucked up shit sprinkled witha hint of truth. Put the twinkies down bitch!!! They are NOT part of the daily food group.

04-03-2007, 08:51 PM
Wow that was some fucked up shit sprinkled witha hint of truth. Put the twinkies down bitch!!! They are NOT part of the daily food group.

Would you be so kind as to clarify
your response.


04-03-2007, 08:53 PM
Peggy that was funny

04-03-2007, 08:53 PM
How much more clairifcation do you need? All I can say is next time I'll use crayons and use really small words.

04-03-2007, 08:55 PM
Peggy, give me V-Hate. :evil:

04-03-2007, 08:55 PM
How much more clairifcation do you need? All I can say is next time I'll use crayons and use really small words.

I think I see what the problem was.


04-03-2007, 08:57 PM
Yeah over my head.

It was funny though. And as I said sprinkled with kernals of truth. One of the things I can't get over is people in general. Most of them don't know wtf they want.

04-03-2007, 09:01 PM
And for those who really do write with crayons, use small words,
don't get abstract concepts and sarcasm, the point was;

The transcommunity needs to stop being so divisive, become more
united, and realize that the common enemy is ignorance and bigotry,
not each other.


Think, it ain't illegal yet!

04-03-2007, 09:03 PM
And for those who really do write with crayons, use small words,
don't get abstract concepts and sarcasm, the point was;

The transcommunity needs to stop being so divisive, become more
united, and realize that the common enemy is ignorance and bigotry,
not each other.


Think, it ain't illegal yet!Listen,
Humans are animals that can simply reason. That is the problem. Divisivness is ingrained within the concept of reason.Contention being their sole motive.

04-03-2007, 09:24 PM
more like fear. it keeps them stupid, keeps everyone stupid. fear of thinking or fear of doing pick one most people have a problem with both, in varying degrees.
not saying this is everyone tho, there are those who dont limit themselves like alot of other people seem to do.

04-03-2007, 09:46 PM
:popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn
DONT.............QUOTE.....................ME..... ................COS................ I'M...............CLOSE...............TO.......... ....THE............EDGE
..................ABOUT .................TO.................. LOSE.................MY................HEAD!
:lol: :claps FOR THE ORIGINAL POST. Made perfect sense to me

How much more clairifcation do you need? All I can say is next time I'll use crayons and use really small words.

How about more than a snappy one liner. You're really hot shit aren't you BMX boy?


I've heard more than enough. on yer bike mate

04-03-2007, 10:28 PM
And for those who really do write with crayons, use small words,
don't get abstract concepts and sarcasm, the point was;

The transcommunity needs to stop being so divisive, become more
united, and realize that the common enemy is ignorance and bigotry,
not each other.

Think, it ain't illegal yet!
Listen, Humans are animals that can simply reason. That is the problem. Divisivness is ingrained within the concept of reason.Contention being their sole motive.[quote]

I say that the major reason for divisiveness is the concept of a limited self. People define themselve as being unlike someone else. For example a beautiful TS will say that I have nothing in common with that middle aged man in a dress. In reality they are both people who try to escape birth gender roles.

The reality is that we are all a lot more universal than we give ourselves credit for. We have more in common with each other than we have differences. There as some who think that the beautiful TS is a 'man in a dress' no matter how beautiful she is. (That is the subject of my favorite "Maury" shows.) The ones who love TS's are right there with them, being called gay, when their fantasy Transwoman is posing in Playboy next to Pam Anderson and other GG stars.

Our limited self, divided from others in reality extends beyond ourselves into the greater community and humanity. I feel pain knowing that Miriam was thrown out of a window. Of course not all of her pain, but some of it has touched me, a person who has never met her.

Though many in the trans community are slow to understand, we are one. Our purpose is to be free to love, without hurting others. We want to express that love that comes from deep within us to others who love us.
We are more than the biology of birth. We are love beyond biology. We are a real part of the ocean of human expression here on planet earth.

04-04-2007, 08:13 AM
How about more than a snappy one liner. You're really hot shit aren't you BMX boy?

I've heard more than enough. on yer bike mateWell for starters you can take that carrot out of your arse, it may make you more likeable, otherwise I like you with or without that giant painful carrot crammed waaay up your bum.

04-04-2007, 08:17 AM
YodaJazz, I stress my point on Contention. What could be more ...frustrating, the mind of both a man and a woman. Adrogeny exmplifies the motives behind what Pegee was saying I feel.

Biological women cannot tolerate one another normally if they are forced to live together for more than say five months....add men to the equation and wow shit really gets weird. Now Men biological men tend to be aggressive and competitive.

A biological transwoman gets both qualities. Pretty much.

04-04-2007, 09:54 AM
Thanks for responding, but my point was not to excuse people's petty behavior, but to give a key for one to become a better person. A unified community will have much more power than the individual. Hopefully, we will all continue to grow as individuals to be be better people.

And speaking of being a better person, didn't you make a remark about Peggy Gee's looks? I see only beauty, because she has given a lot of valuable knowledge to this forum, and other good things.

04-04-2007, 10:11 AM
YodaJazz, I stress my point on Contention. Whjat could be more ...fruistrating, the mond of both a man and a woman adrogeny exmplifies the motives behind what Pegee was saying I feel.

Biological women cannot tolerate one another normally if they are forced to live together for more than say five months....add men to the equation and wow shit really gets weird. Now Men biological men tend to be agressive and competitive.

A biological transwoman gets both qualities. Pretty much.

That's some serious stream of consciousness you have going on there. I'm guessing E.

04-04-2007, 10:11 AM
And speaking of being a better person, didn't you make a remark about Peggy Gee's looks? I see only beauty, because she has given a lot of valuable knowledge to this forum, and other good things. Well maybe I am wrong and for that no excuses. But you know something, I actually agree with her.I think understanding her point has matured in my mind.

If you wish for me to expound then I will.

04-04-2007, 10:12 AM
YodaJazz, I stress my point on Contention. Whjat could be more ...fruistrating, the mond of both a man and a woman adrogeny exmplifies the motives behind what Pegee was saying I feel.

Biological women cannot tolerate one another normally if they are forced to live together for more than say five months....add men to the equation and wow shit really gets weird. Now Men biological men tend to be agressive and competitive.

A biological transwoman gets both qualities. Pretty much.

That's some serious stream of consciousness you have going on there. I'm guessing E.If you can understand it with all my typos then thank you very much.

04-04-2007, 10:27 AM
Thanks for responding, No worries all my pleasure
but my point was not to excuse people's petty behavior, but to give a key for one to become a better person. A unified community will have much more power than the individual. Hopefully, we will all continue to grow as individuals to be be better people. Good luck because humans dwell in contention on many levels from the minute to the acute.

And speaking of being a better person, didn't you make a remark about Peggy Gee's looks? I see only beauty, because she has given a lot of valuable knowledge to this forum, and other good things.I am human kill me and the world is better off.Tolerate me and you have diversity of thought.

04-04-2007, 10:31 AM
popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn
Don't quote me cos I'm close to the edge....

Grandmaster flash is proud of you .

04-04-2007, 02:19 PM
Well for starters you can take that carrot out of your arse..............

Fair comment I suppose, I kinda have got a carrot in my arse, AND use of the correct , english spelling of ARSE gets you MUCHO points.
AND I guess you don't seem to court popularity OR backpeddle. I just had a dig to back up Peggy gee(not that she can't handle herself) & cos U snapped at specialK ages ago. Guess I should also applaud the decision to pose in front of your bike and not some flashy motor. (who said cycling makes men impotent?) :claps :claps :claps

04-04-2007, 02:57 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for being here today.
I shall be extremely brief with our State Of The Dis-union
address for the transcommunity;

Look at that bitch she think she cute.

The pre op thinks the non op is playing at being
a women and they both dislike the post op cause
she think she the shit.

The older girls don't like the young girls
The young girls don't like the older girls

The celibate girls don't understand the sisters who
sells a bit.

The Latina doesn't like the Asian who doesn't like the
Black girl and all of them hate on the White girls.

And society in general ain't feeling none of them till
its time to get their freak on or need amusement on
Maury or Springer.

Thank you again for your time.

Hatorade will be served in the rear.

I am standing and clapping. That was beautiful to read this morning. :)


Thank you, peggygee!

04-04-2007, 07:07 PM
* Deleted *

04-04-2007, 07:11 PM
* Deleted *

04-04-2007, 07:18 PM
... Put the twinkies down bitch!!! They are NOT part of the daily food group.

Jokes about people's weight (which I assume is your point by that remark) are not very nice.

Thanks for proving Peggy's point about the Hater-ade.
OK you're right. I can't say I am sorry because its a lie(I believe saying "I'm sorry" is not genuine...my russian roots I guess.), all I can do is say I was wrong and move on. I agree with her point. Call that backpeddling whathave you I could care less.

So you made your point.

04-04-2007, 07:22 PM
Well for starters you can take that carrot out of your arse..............

Fair comment I suppose, I kinda have got a carrot in my arse, AND use of the correct , english spelling of ARSE gets you MUCHO points.
AND I guess you don't seem to court popularity OR backpeddle. I just had a dig to back up Peggy gee(not that she can't handle herself) & cos U snapped at specialK ages ago. Guess I should also applaud the decision to pose in front of your bike and not some flashy motor. (who said cycling makes men impotent?) :claps :claps :clapsgreat jokes. So on the penis measuring scale, I'd say we're allll evensies.

If you must know I was a professional cyclist for many years..I still ride quite a bit and not this summer but by next summer I'll compete in 35+age bracket (yes USCF racing..it pays). Uhm..yeah I know I came off rude, several posts have illustrated this. SO.

04-04-2007, 07:23 PM
I am standing and clapping. That was beautiful to read this morning. :)


Thank you, peggygee!

Thank you, it was an op - ed piece to make people......http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2/magi43/brain_am.gif

04-04-2007, 08:07 PM
Thanks for responding, but my point was not to excuse people's petty behavior, but to give a key for one to become a better person. A unified community will have much more power than the individual. Hopefully, we will all continue to grow as individuals to be be better people.

Great post Peggy!

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

This 'thing of our's' isn't about the young transitioner being better than
the older transitioner.

The post op isn't better than the non op.

The cute, cunty one isn't better than the so-called average one.

The prim and proper, 9 to 5 working girl doesn't have the moral high
ground over the Sister on the stroll.

Cause to be quite blunt, a fair portion of society sees us all as 'freaks
and fags'.

And that's your enemy, the ignorance and bigotry of others.

Not each other.

04-04-2007, 08:10 PM
completely accurate peggy. yet another great post, and thread from you.

04-04-2007, 08:20 PM
Cause to be quite blunt, a fair portion of society sees us all as 'freaks
and fags'.

True. However I'd take this society we live in (NOW not the way it is seeming to go but right now) , over any other nation on earth.

I agree the nascar redneck assholes who hurl these slurs..are pretty much benthic and irrelevant. But enough people like myself exist who are not only more intelligent but could make more of an impact by their actions as oppossed to the emotional rants of the left or right.

I have to say I am gay because Iam higly attracted to TS's and I don't want one to be a full woman either. Do I like biological women? SURE, but I am also willing to admit I am gay because of my attractions. If I was called 'fag' I don't think it would bother me any more than if I was black and some idiot called me a n-er...why do I say that?Because the person saying that is far to ignorant and stupid to even entertain a response beyond a punch to their mouth .And I have been called fag in the past.. I just took boxing lessons and eventually set the fucker straight in the hallway between classes.It was wrong of me, but he and his buddies eventually apologized to me...and they are STILL stupid-ass rednecks...but I have grown beyond them.