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03-30-2007, 11:40 PM
What do your parents think of you "transformation"

EDIT: AND do they even know?

03-31-2007, 02:06 AM

03-31-2007, 02:54 AM
What do your parents think of you "transformation"

EDIT: AND do they even know?my mom absolutly hated it i remember when i told her she didnt know what to say to me but i knew she would have a hard time with it mainly cause i raise my own kids but once she started seeing me with them it was cool.then i remember before she died she said to me dave lol ya she called me my boys name you look like a girl you dont need anymore surguries lol ya ok anyways my kids dj 20 mackenzie 9 is awesome with it as well as my brothers and sisters so everything worked out great

03-31-2007, 04:44 AM
itransitioned later in life 38
my father passed away before transition (i assume he would of disowned me)
my mother shocked me honestly when i sat her down and told her she just cried huged me and said she loved me, and that was it she accepted

i have no childred or brothers and sisters 2 out of 3 cousins accept just fine
my uncle who i have to deal with on a regular basis for 4 more years(executor of my trust ) does not accept is the person who hates me more then anyone on this earth and refuses to even put my correct name on my checks ..... he also tried to make me dress male at my moms funeral last summer

03-31-2007, 07:25 AM
my family is 150% supportive of me and from the time i was born have always allowed me to be myself

03-31-2007, 08:33 AM
my mom doesn't mind. She just wants me to be safe and is worried about me being a transsexual. Thanks for asking.

03-31-2007, 04:59 PM
yeah just curious everyone

Vicki Richter
03-31-2007, 05:44 PM
my family is 150% supportive of me and from the time i was born have always allowed me to be myself

Your family even paid for your surgery. That is a huge sign of support.

Vicki Richter
03-31-2007, 05:48 PM
Both of my parents are supportive and still love me. Overall it went fine. I spend a lot of time with them and one of my sisters. The rest of my brothers and sisters have disowned me allegedly not because I am TS, but because I am a TS in the adult industry. I personally feel that it is only because I am TS but the porn thing gives them moral ground to stand on.

03-31-2007, 06:03 PM
I was blessed with the best parents anyone could ask for. They have both been totally supportive and have always tried very hard to make sure that I felt respected and treated appropriately since I transitioned. When I lost my job of 14 years because of transition my father was prepared to pay for any lawyers I might need to fight my dismissal but I frankly didn't want to work in a place where there would be a poisoned atmosphere so I just moved on.

My brother and sister are actually less supportive than my parents. We are still in touch and stuff but they seem to have more trouble dealing with my gender change than my parents.

All my friends have been 100% behind me.

NO! not THAT way!!!!! ;)

03-31-2007, 09:03 PM
I guess this is the kind of question that is easy to answer if you have a supportive family, and really painful otherwise.

My family is comprised of conservative Republican, fundamentalist evangelical Christians. They did not take news of my transistion well, in fact it was the proverbial straw that broke the camels back (we were already estranged by my outspoken political activism). I have not been allowed to see my baby sister since I came out to them, and have seen none of my family except my mother. I don't really want to talk about it all that much, because it sucks and I'd rather not share the painful details with complete strangers.

So thats my birth family, can't really say much about them except we share some chromosomes. My real family, my people, would be the people who have filled the void in the meantime. And for all those people, I am very thankful.

03-31-2007, 09:09 PM
me and my big happy family.

03-31-2007, 10:02 PM
*hug* >> Mandy

04-01-2007, 12:23 AM
well i am happy for those of you that have supportive family's, and those that don't, i hope you can find peace with them, and perhaps find peace in your own family to come (ie. husband or wife, and kids) Also others that haven't answered yet, i am curious to hear your stories as well.

04-01-2007, 01:06 AM
My father felt that I acted the way I did because society taught that a black man had to be a agressive brute and I was not. So he did not blame me. Then when I first made it clear what I intended to do he went blind and had a nervous breakdown (because he went blind and could not be a surgeon any more). He has resigned to the fact this is the way it is and nothing will change it.

My mother was a bit more comfortable with me except when something or the other was broken around the house. She would complain that there was no one in the family that could fix things. (in her POV males exist to fix things and move heavy furniture.)

My little sister has always seen me as a girl and at times that I acted like a man she was less comfortable with that. My older sister is also ok with me. My oldest sister, mother to my grown nephews called me and "it" once. She was lashing out in an arguement. My nephews are dealing with it quite well.

Overall I would say I have a pretty good family now, the haven't decided to damm me to hell the way some families will. But that is only after about a decade of pure pain and yelling and strife.

Hannibal Lecter
04-01-2007, 10:10 AM
If Your transition is acceptet by Your family members, then it's a very good sign.
It shows that Your family members are normal people. And if they do not wanna know
of You because of the adult things, well, it's kind of a good thing too. It's also
a sign that indicates that they are normal people. In both cases You should be happy
with the fact that at least the rest of Your family is healthy and normal. In either
case, don't eat them up. Don't repeat my mistake..

04-01-2007, 10:36 AM
well unfortunatly not every story will be a happy one... i really only have 2 people in my family left, and both are quite the anti-gay type... i told my dad 3 years ago, and he said "but you don't act like you do" blah blah, and at the time i only got to see him when i ate... so it's not like he knew me.. my brother just down right hates it... he found all my stuff and threw it out... hormones included... so i'm back to square one.. i just gotta bide my time until i can get a place of my own... until then... well who knows

04-01-2007, 11:01 AM
well unfortunatly not every story will be a happy one... i really only have 2 people in my family left, and both are quite the anti-gay type... i told my dad 3 years ago, and he said "but you don't act like you do" blah blah, and at the time i only got to see him when i ate... so it's not like he knew me.. my brother just down right hates it... he found all my stuff and threw it out... hormones included... so i'm back to square one.. i just gotta bide my time until i can get a place of my own... until then... well who knows

Of course we all hope that things will workout for you Chica. Continue to stay strong. Easier said than done I know.

04-01-2007, 12:54 PM
yes my bf and all my family know about me and how I live my life and are all very supportive

infact I get on better with them now than I did before my transition! lol

04-01-2007, 03:11 PM
My mother is very supportive of me. She has nursed me through several of my surgeries and all of the initial ones. It did take her a bit to get used to the whole thing at first but she got adjusted well after the initial shock wore off.

My sister, grandmother, aunt, are all very supportive and all display pics of me post transition at their homes.

I have two other brothers but one is estranged and the other is mentally ill- I have not seen either since my late teens.

My father definately knows about everything- but he chooses to ignore it and we never talk about it. However -we do have very brief phone conversations and I have not seem him in many years. While I think he respects that this is my choice and my life, I don't think he will ever understand it. He does not preach to me, nor I to him-so I guess we have a sort of never spoken understanding.

All of my family are aware of my career(s).

04-01-2007, 06:41 PM
My close family all supposrt me. My extended family on my mothers side well thats another case.

When i first told my mother she actually said if you continue and if you start changing you cant live here anymore. She changed her mind after we watched a movie. She has been so supportive after that ofcourse i have had to talk with her and let her know of instances where something she did or said was hurtful but she is very open. She now supports me 100% infact she has offered to pay for my SRS.

(unfortuantely I cant get my "SRS" for legal purposes So i have to wait until all that stuff is fixed before going and getting my "SRS". )

My Stepfather, we have a better relationship now than before. He sees me as his daughter. And he is really nice.

My older sister is nice about it and I think she supports me. unfortunately my older brother wasnt that great at accepting me.

my younger sisters well they are actaully really great. I think if it wasnt for them i would probably go insane.

Although my grandmother and granfather are both Jehovah witnesses they still respect me and call me by the correct pronouns and name.
Unfortuantely my aunt is like really mean to me.

I guess thats my story.

04-01-2007, 06:49 PM
Well if anyone has any other stories please post them

04-01-2007, 06:53 PM
This is a beautiful thread to read. :)

04-01-2007, 06:55 PM
Hasn't this been asked 50 million times

04-01-2007, 10:34 PM
Hasn't this been asked 50 million times
yeah, its always bad pillow talk too.

04-01-2007, 10:38 PM
Hasn't this been asked 50 million times

Has it? direct me to the thread please? If you have nothing useful to say, then don't say it.

04-01-2007, 10:43 PM
Hasn't this been asked 50 million times
yeah, its always bad pillow talk too.

It's hard to imagine any pillow talk being bad with you, mandy.... :oops:

And did I really just say that? :oops:

What a schmuck... :roll:

04-01-2007, 10:50 PM
In my opinion it has to be like, THE ultimate act of self discipline and strength to stand up and be who you truelly feel like you are...

The worst most of us will have to suffer is admitting to a soppy song we enjoy, or fessing up to a nerdish leaning your fond of...

To stand among your loved ones and the world today, and to declare you are someone else to who they know or see, and stay with it no matter what is to come...

i dont even have words for that sort of bravery...

Oh, hi everyone btw, im new here....names Rich, or tank if you like...

04-01-2007, 11:05 PM
In my opinion it has to be like, THE ultimate act of self discipline and strength to stand up and be who you truelly feel like you are...

The worst most of us will have to suffer is admitting to a soppy song we enjoy, or fessing up to a nerdish leaning your fond of...

To stand among your loved ones and the world today, and to declare you are someone else to who they know or see, and stay with it no matter what is to come...

i dont even have words for that sort of bravery...

Oh, hi everyone btw, im new here....names Rich, or tank if you like...

Welcome aboard, that's a helluva first post IMO...

04-02-2007, 01:27 AM
I have to say that I never felt like I was someone else, someone besides who I was. The only issue was that my body wasn't growing the way I thought it should. Who I was and am, in the deeper sense, has always been the same.

Oh, and on topic, of course there are tons of girls who don't escort, who have never escorted who are really hoping to meet a nice guy who will stand beside them in life. I'm sure there are girls out there who are escorts who ALSO would love to find a guy who will stand beside them in life, whether they continue in that line of work or not.

OOPS!! The above paragraph was meant for another thread. Some newish guy did one of those "Are there any girls out there looking for a real relationship, hanging out, watching TV or are all the girls escorts and only into $$$ and their careers?" threads.