View Full Version : RULES OF ATTRACTION:

Hara_Juku Tgirl
03-30-2007, 12:16 PM
Mines are as follows:

1. Face - Has to be cute..i.e. nice eyes, long lashes, thick brows, clean cut, clean shaven to name a few.

a. Dark hair - Im mostly into guys who have brown or darker shades hair.

b. Light eyes - In combination with dark hair just kills me! LOL.

2. Decently proportioned/shaped body - Im not looking for that male model body nor am I into that "buffed body" look that is overly gym created..i.e washboard abs, big biceps etc. Dont get me wrong those are all good too but falls secondary to me. Love handles are fine..just dont have a gut. But I like the average body type..not too thin (Boney), not too big (muscular) and or heavy set (Overweight)..never was into those.

3. Personality counts alot for me. If a guy looks good facially and body wise (to my taste) but their attitude sucks then I forget it! LOL. I like a guy who can make me laugh. And whom are mature about things that we can have good conversation here and there.

4. Well groomed - See no.1

Share yours please! :wink: LOL



03-30-2007, 12:37 PM
Tits and a pulse! :P

Sorry...I'll get me coat!

03-30-2007, 12:41 PM
But seriously, they have to be dark, fragrant, and have a sense of humour [preferably dark as well]

03-30-2007, 12:49 PM
Physically three things stick out to me

1. A nice smile - cliche right.
2. Big eyes - big brown eyes to be exact.
3. Long neck - Something a little sexy about the neck. Picture that traditional pose of a woman sitting indian style with her back to you pulling her hair up and maybe looking to the side a little. It's the lines of the neck that help make that an appealing pose.

On a smaller scale

1. I've never met a woman that was too tall
2. Muscle tone - I guess I'm thinking athletic looking. Slight defintion in the arms. Shapely calves, etc.
3. Dark skin


1. Loves to laugh. Sarcastic.
2. Independent
3. Passionate about something

Oh and self aware and if she's buddhist that's good too.

03-30-2007, 03:14 PM
oh no!!!! hara juke doesn't like my goatee!!!! >:\

03-30-2007, 03:27 PM
Tits and a pulse!

Your standards are too high man. you need to be more realistic in your expectations. just gimme the tits! who cares about a pulse?

03-30-2007, 03:39 PM
Eyes, Mouth, Smile, Taste, Touch, Perfume...

03-30-2007, 09:38 PM
Mines are as follows:

1. Face - Has to be cute..i.e. nice eyes, long lashes, thick brows, clean cut, clean shaven to name a few.

a. Dark hair - Im mostly into guys who have brown or darker shades hair.

b. Light eyes - In combination with dark hair just kills me! LOL.

2. Decently proportioned/shaped body - Im not looking for that male model body nor am I into that "buffed body" look that is overly gym created..i.e washboard abs, big biceps etc. Dont get me wrong those are all good too but falls secondary to me. Love handles are fine..just dont have a gut. But I like the average body type..not too thin (Boney), not too big (muscular) and or heavy set (Overweight)..never was into those.

3. Personality counts alot for me. If a guy looks good facially and body wise (to my taste) but their attitude sucks then I forget it! LOL. I like a guy who can make me laugh. And whom are mature about things that we can have good conversation here and there.

4. Well groomed - See no.1

Share yours please! :wink: LOL



well im out. you had me at 1 and 1B....http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w9/blackmagic20/17.gif

Hara_Juku Tgirl
03-30-2007, 10:50 PM
oh no!!!! hara juke doesn't like my goatee!!!! >:\

Well I do think goatee's are kinda cute. I think it depends how a guy carries it. :P So that thing might be negotiable as long as you dont rub it on my face! LOL ;)



Hara_Juku Tgirl
03-31-2007, 01:22 AM
Tits and a pulse! :P

Lmao :lol: Very funny Jericho. LOL Are there guys on here who are necrophiliac :?:




03-31-2007, 01:37 AM
1) Personality and intelligence: these are the most important, by far. We have to "click" and she has to be bright and enjoy conversation. Subject matter is far less important, as I have a wide range of interests, but intelligence is key.

2) Physical attributes:

a) Pleasing face (nice eyes, nice smile, attractive--doesn't need to be a supermodel by any means)

b) Shapely, healthy body: not too overweight (though some meat on the bones is fine) and not bony skinny; I prefer slender with some curves

c) Nice legs, slender, toned (the older I get, the more of a leg man I've become)

d) Boobs: any size or shape is fine, I just like them to look natural. Implants are fine, but proportional to the girl's body; as Susan Seligson, author of "Stacked: A 32DDD Reports From the Front," puts it: "Obviously, some implants look good and some -- the half-coconuts that poke out -- do not."

e) Skin: I love smooth, soft, silky skin. It's the sexiest thing about a woman.

f) Ethnicity: I've a thing for Asians, especially Thai and Filipina girls. I also love Latinas. But it really doesn't matter what a girl's background is; I'm mixed (German, English, Norwegian, Scots, Native American) so it hardly matters to me.

g) Hair/eye color: Doesn't matter, so long as it complements her skin tone. Maybe red hair or red highlights.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
03-31-2007, 01:49 AM
Well said Mr. Silver poster! :P

I just noticed we have a new designation. ;)



03-31-2007, 03:03 AM
Yah, I got another 413 posts to hit gold. I was gold for a little while, but it was just something NYCe ate, lol.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
03-31-2007, 03:09 AM
well im out. you had me at 1 and 1B....http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w9/blackmagic20/17.gif

For what its worth I thought you were cute from the pics Ive seen. Now Im not sure If I could say the same when you transition and looking androgynous. Im sure youll look fine..just not into a "femme looking" guy is all. LOL ;)



Hara_Juku Tgirl
03-31-2007, 03:10 AM
Yah, I got another 413 posts to hit gold. I was gold for a little while, but it was just something NYCe ate, lol.

Oh so that was a downgrade then? LOL :lol: Just teasing! ;)



03-31-2007, 03:25 AM
I was downsized!!

Hara_Juku Tgirl
03-31-2007, 03:50 AM
I was downsized!!

LOL Awww..



Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-04-2007, 01:29 AM
Any others? :P



04-04-2007, 02:40 AM

1. Face shape - weird but i like a certain type angles
2. Hair - Long and dark but i also fall for blondes
3. Teeth - must have that Colgate smile
4. Tits- Small to medium but perky (Artificial is ok with me)
5. Stomach- Flat but may have a small sexy pooch
6. Ass- Average sized but firm and made to fill out boy shorts
7. Legs- Shapely and w/out cankles
8. Body hair- smooth everywhere


1. Intelligence
2. Personality lively, not serious
3. Honesty
4. Submissive female role
5. Good morals
6. Fun loving and outgoing
7. Punctual
8. Clean but not OCD
9. Spontaneous

04-04-2007, 03:21 AM
Well I do think goatee's are kinda cute. I think it depends how a guy carries it. :P So that thing might be negotiable as long as you dont rub it on my face! LOL ;)



whoohoo I'm still in the running

as for me, I'm a sucker for a good personality, no matter who it's attached to.
body wise, i look at face first; eyes, lips
the rest is negotiable :)

04-04-2007, 03:51 AM
How about another way to look at it... Imagine the following scoring system...

facial beauty 0 to 10 (10 being most beautiful)

weight-figure 0 to 10 (10 being ideal)

personality 0 to 10 (10 being ideal)

You have 20 points to use how you wish. How would you allocate them?

For example, you could pick average (5) down the line, or go for maximum facial beauty, an average figure-weight and a crappy personality.

04-04-2007, 04:13 AM
Mines are as follows:

1. Face - Has to be cute..i.e. nice eyes, long lashes, thick brows, clean cut, clean shaven to name a few.

a. Dark hair - Im mostly into guys who have brown or darker shades hair.

b. Light eyes - In combination with dark hair just kills me! LOL.

2. Decently proportioned/shaped body - Im not looking for that male model body nor am I into that "buffed body" look that is overly gym created..i.e washboard abs, big biceps etc. Dont get me wrong those are all good too but falls secondary to me. Love handles are fine..just dont have a gut. But I like the average body type..not too thin (Boney), not too big (muscular) and or heavy set (Overweight)..never was into those.

3. Personality counts alot for me. If a guy looks good facially and body wise (to my taste) but their attitude sucks then I forget it! LOL. I like a guy who can make me laugh. And whom are mature about things that we can have good conversation here and there.

4. Well groomed - See no.1

Share yours please! :wink: LOL



I don't believe in a particular order. but there's one feature that should come standard:
Without that, were not going anywhere.

04-04-2007, 04:26 AM
well im out. you had me at 1 and 1B....http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w9/blackmagic20/17.gif

For what its worth I thought you were cute from the pics Ive seen. Now Im not sure If I could say the same when you transition and looking androgynous. Im sure youll look fine..just not into a "femme looking" guy is all. LOL ;)



:( wish i could say i look fine :cry:

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-04-2007, 05:22 AM
I personally like the scruffy pic with baseball caps on blackmagic. ;)



04-04-2007, 07:23 AM
I personally like the scruffy pic with baseball caps on blackmagic. ;)



WOW thanks no girl has ever said that about me ( i take that back vicki said i looked bettter with the "scruffy" look)... :oops: but its to late to go back to that look but thanks :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-08-2007, 06:53 AM
NP ;)



04-08-2007, 08:50 AM
Rule 1) Cute face, a good smile and nice eyes go a long way, I love fullish lips, I also seem to prefer blondes (because I'm a gentleman) although this is involuntary as I don't think hair colour has anything to do with how pretty a girl's face is.

Rule 2) Personality should be present, hopefully happy-ish, and personable. Also a girl with similar tastes always sort of shoots a Cupid's arrow in my head.

(In fact the 3 girls that I've met who share my tastes, (geekery, food and music), have pretty much caused me to go into mild shock and I've subsequently asked them to marry me after they started talking to me about video games or ninja turtles, of course they took it as me being cute and funny. Plus I think 2 of them had boyfriends and one of them I'd known for like 3 years without actually talking to her much so I'd also rather a single girl.

Rule 3) Body, curvaceous girls drive me wild, also a bit shorter than me, since I'm kinda short. Although the rules to this category aren't concrete as yesterday I was flirting with a sales assistant who was about an inch taller that me, and quite skinny, but had THE MOST GORGEOUS SMILE EVER.

(This could be the fact that she wanted me to buy the product, but she was smiling an awful lot and kinda made me think about asking her for a drink, despite the spider-sense telling me I would get shot down like a TIE cannon fodder, again nice smile=Cupid's Arrow)

Rule 4) Not puritanical about sex, unfortunately for me I don't think a lot of people I know are as postmodern as the people on these boards, so they might find the whole bisexuality thing a turn off.

(A girl who believes in being with someone not because they have to be, to honour some outdated social function, but because they want to be, as a free and modern person would be nice, but right now my response is kinda LOTR-ish fantasy)

04-08-2007, 02:38 PM
Physically the skin is what I notice most. I love soft, feminine skin.

The smile is also important. A girl with a beautiful, inviting smile is absolutely irresistable. Sometimes a smile alone can make me put aside any nervousness and go talk to the girl to see what happens.

04-08-2007, 11:11 PM
light brown skin color makes my knees buckle (Beyonce's skin tone).

pretty teeth, full lips with thick, long curly hair with that stuff in it that gives it that shiny quality. and if she can make me laugh, I'm ready for marriage.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-11-2007, 02:32 AM
light brown skin color makes my knees buckle (Beyonce's skin tone).

So is skin tone really a deal breaker for you flabbybody? :?



04-11-2007, 03:34 AM
no, certainly not a deal breaker. we're talking about what I find physically attractive.
I'm not anti-caucasian.
I'm caucasian myself. It's just not my preference in what I find desirable in someone of the opposite sex.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-13-2007, 07:43 AM
no, certainly not a deal breaker. we're talking about what I find physically attractive.
I'm not anti-caucasian.
I'm caucasian myself. It's just not my preference in what I find desirable in someone of the opposite sex.

That's good to know flabbybody. ;)




04-13-2007, 07:59 AM
physical attributes:at at least 510 +, i perfer latin. but aint really a issue, dark hair dark eyes im a sucker for : dark eyes, and lips, straight teeth, and hands. i like a guy who is slim. personality : must must be funny!, be his own person, must be spiritual a huge turn on,, family oriented, honest , music love , anothe r turn on he must be very articulate.