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03-28-2007, 11:44 PM
your partner was gay?

03-28-2007, 11:47 PM
Run around screaming in a high pitched voice! :P

03-29-2007, 12:09 AM
Run around screaming in a high pitched voice! :P

:lol: :lol: :lol:
if by "gay" you mean happy i'd pat myself on the back and say job well done! and if by "gay" you mean "Full fleged Elton John" hmmmm.....it really depends on whether I love this person or not. If i'm still attracted to him, we still have the mental connection and the ability to converse, and the sex is not going to change... then hey...I say "it's a new gay day!" He can label himself "Nananoonerpoomba" for all I care. :twisted:

03-29-2007, 12:12 AM
I know my partner (GG) is bisexual. As long as we're together I don't care but if we are to split up, she'll have twice as much choice compared to me to find a new partner :-)

03-29-2007, 12:12 AM
your partner was gay?after i puked id call up lorainna bobitt and say.,.,., hey chicky we gotta talk

03-29-2007, 12:23 AM
DJ Asia is gay?

03-29-2007, 12:26 AM
DJ Asia is gay?

That one is gonna cost you :smh :smh

03-29-2007, 12:28 AM
Wouldn't matter to me so long as her new partner is bi. ;)

03-29-2007, 12:30 AM
No offense, just a question. Are they no longer together? I'm slow...hey I don't wana get beaten up or anything. I'm a lover not a fighter...wait a minute I'm not a lover either.

03-29-2007, 12:35 AM
DJ Asia is gay?LMAO :lol:

03-29-2007, 12:55 AM
We have not been together since December.

As far as his sexuality you can ask him that- I don't care to comment about him. This topic is not about him.

However, I have not written a new column on my website for a few months as i have been beyond hectic. But I am writing one very soon so I can update you all on what has been going in my life foir the past months.

In any case- watch this in the meantime to keep you entertained- as you know I am not afraid to bear it all-


Yes. sometimes, it is not pretty- but so many many know what we have to go through.

03-29-2007, 01:03 AM
We have not been together since December.

As far as his sexuality you can ask him that- I don't care to comment about him. This topic is not about him.

However, I have not written a new column on my website for a few months as i have been beyond hectic. But I am writing one very soon so I can update you all on what has been going in my life foir the past months.

In any case- watch this in the meantime to keep you entertained- as you know I am not afraid to bear it all-


Yes. sometimes, it is not pretty- but so many many know what we have to go through.

I'll never squeeze another pair of boobs (real or otherwise) without thinking of this vid. Thanks for sharing Allanah...I think!?

03-29-2007, 01:27 AM
Haha- no one said beauty was easy Mr K.

03-29-2007, 01:37 AM
Haha- no one said beauty was easy Mr K.

Well I thank you for your efforts Allanah, you are a delight to behold (thump thump goes my heart) :wink:

03-29-2007, 01:59 AM
I laughed at the whole Kool-Aid man comment.

"It's Kool-Aid to the Rescue!"

The infamouse quote after the wall crashing.


03-29-2007, 02:00 AM
Heh, I should try the cheesecake ruse the next time I have to pill the cat. :lol:

Nice interview, Allanah, and framed by Nina's poster of you as well. :)

As to the topic of the thread, I'm usually already aware if my partner is gay or not by whether or not they laugh at my jokes. :wink: I'm not the one to ask, though. Most of the wimmin I dated were dykes and the men...well...*Snap* They so =were=! :shock: :lol:

03-29-2007, 03:13 AM
what would that mean if i found out my partner was
gay? she wouldn't want to play with my penis any
more? it would change our relationship, but since we
already have an open one i doubt it would mean that
we would have to break up. you can have a profound
and committed relationship with someone without
any sex at all.

once you start mixing genders as many of us do all
of these questions of sexuality become so ambiguous.

03-29-2007, 05:04 AM
Profound and committed...without sex??? Um no...

Im not saying that there are arent any people that can, but i would say there are in the *extreme* minority.

03-29-2007, 05:17 AM
your partner was gay?
Well as long as I could watch and/or paticipate her and her girlfriend, I think I could live with that. :)

03-29-2007, 05:22 AM
I laughed at the whole Kool-Aid man comment.

"It's Kool-Aid to the Rescue!"

The infamouse quote after the wall crashing.


Actually the famous one was "OH YEAH!"

03-29-2007, 05:23 AM
My partner is a Tgirl.

03-29-2007, 05:23 AM
your partner was gay?

I must admit that the question is a little confusing on this forum. If the partner is supposed to be gay would that mean that they were leaving the relationship? Or refusing to have sex? It seems to me the issue would be more like the partner wants to have a open relationship. Would it make a difference whether that person wanted an open relationships with males, females, or TS's? So in other words shouldn't the question be about monogamy?

Because what is gay anyway? On a post recently there are pre-ops accusing men of being gay for the type of sex they have with GG's.

03-29-2007, 05:49 AM
so your gay............. im sorry but this is really confusing i mean if i date a tgirl im being gay, if i date a dude im gay, if i date a chick im strait, if i date men and women im bi ughhh to confusing. :frustrated

i guess if i were married to a women GG, and found out she was a lesbian i guess my first step like any other normal man would be to ball up and cry, then go on a rampage and go kill her (joking). if in the case i was cool with it and we were married id divorce her, in the case we were BF/GF id just say hey its not gonna work out and do the crappy little "lets just be friends gig" and move on in life. But for now im so stayin single the rest of my life!!! <----------( i have a feeling im going to regret that statement later on) :roll:

03-29-2007, 05:51 AM
that's what i mean, when one partner is a transwoman
what exactly does gay mean? is a man gay for being
with a transwoman? is a woman a lesbian for being
with a transwoman? how can either neither or both
of them be gay in that situation?

03-29-2007, 06:21 AM
no im not gay and no Allanah and I arent together for awhile now....but we are working on a new video project together called "How to Fuck up a Great Relationshp in 72 hours or less"

As for this thread goes I know that for me if I was with someone and I found out that she was "gay" then i guess it would depend on whether or not the sex nd reltionship would change or not...it would seem to me that if your lover were gay they wouldnt wanna be with you anymore,so it would be a moot point as it would be outta your control

03-29-2007, 06:37 AM
I'd feel used and like a stepping stone for him to go to men.

03-29-2007, 06:41 AM
I'd feel used and like a stepping stone for him to go to men.

I've certainly been in those shoes and it sucks...

03-29-2007, 06:44 AM
I'd feel used and like a stepping stone for him to go to men.

I've certainly been in those shoes and it sucks... Oh girl that had to be awful

03-29-2007, 07:17 AM
I'd feel used and like a stepping stone for him to go to men.

ok come to think of it, i would say the question is more directed towards the tgirls in here since as ive noticed every tgirl in here will tell u if there dating a guy there strait so i presume thats what allanah ment :shrug

03-29-2007, 07:18 AM
I'd feel used and like a stepping stone for him to go to men.

I've certainly been in those shoes and it sucks...

I have a really crazy story about a guy I briefly went out with when I was first starting- a good 11 years ago, who later became a DRAG QUEEN of all things. It was most amusing.

He has a brief career as "Tasty Flavors' then I ran into him years later and he was born again Xtian- go figure.

03-29-2007, 07:24 AM
I'd feel used and like a stepping stone for him to go to men.

I've certainly been in those shoes and it sucks...

I have a really crazy story about a guy I briefly went out with when I was first starting- a good 11 years ago, who later became a DRAG QUEEN of all things. It was most amusing.

He has a brief career as "Tasty Flavors' then I ran into him years later and he was born again Xtian- go figure. :lol:

03-29-2007, 07:29 AM
One of my experiences was lol

I am a fag hag of a lot of gay boys, so I never think twice about cuddling with them or being a little flirty. Just playing around. but one guy his name was Chad cutest boy, however he was more fem acting than I am lol

Well anyways we were cuddling on the couch per usual spoon position, and all of a sudden I feel mr happy I chose not to say anything cause maybe it was on accident or he was having a wet dream lol but all of a sudden chad tries to kiss me..and I'm like sweety what are you doing. And he is like what I like you? I'm like chad we are friends and you are gay. He is like I can be butch, doing his best impersonation of butch while saying that lol

We laughed it off together that night, but the next day Chad wouldn't talk to me anymore or when he saw me out he'd walk the other way. Tough thing cause he was a really good friend.

03-29-2007, 09:46 AM
no im not gay

That's cool, DJ, I have no three baht notes to hand out. :lol:

03-29-2007, 11:41 AM
I had this happen w/ my current wife. She's bi but prefers sex w/women most of the time.

That would be most mens fantasy correct? Not for me. I done the whole two girls one guy thing w/ a bi girlfriend in my early 20's. It's not all the porn movies crack it up to be? Too much going on IMO and someone always feels left out. Jealousy reared it's ugly head in all but one nighters.

Back to the current situation. One,I knew about her kinks going in and she knew about mine. Two,we were in our mid-30's when we got together,a lot of the possessive BS and hormonal overdrive is out the window by then.

Personally,I don't care about the other women. The few problems that come up is when her girlfriends want to take it beyond just sex and friendship? We've had to deal w/ a couple of nutjobs over the years,but they've been few and far between.

The one funny thing is when I run into a TG who is "too pretty" by my wife's standards. She can get a lil' bent out of shape if I spend too much time w/ them?

That reminds me. One of the things you have to realize in one of these relationships,is when your partner meets someone,that ol' demon lust is going to kick in for a bit? They'll be spending a lot of time having sex w/ that new friend early on. It's something you have to be able to deal with.

It's worked for us for nearly 15 years,but we knew about each other going in and had been friends for awhile before we got together.

Good luck Allanah.

03-29-2007, 03:44 PM
I have my doubts sometimes. I'll probably never know b/c I dont think she'd ever be comfotable enough to tell me.

03-29-2007, 05:37 PM
What's going on in this thread? Someone turned gay? I'm getting out of the loop on things. I sure as hell hope it wasn't me, I still haven't watched Torch Song Trilogy or learned to enjoy any of the Village People's material.

Gay guys probably hate me.


03-29-2007, 05:46 PM
I would be ok with it as long as i was invited!!! OMG, HAHAHAH

HELL NO.. omg, i can just picture it.. him hanging out in the parks, bookstores, cruising the streets.. being "THAT" guy ... cringes :)

03-29-2007, 06:15 PM
One of my experiences was lol

I am a fag hag of a lot of gay boys, so I never think twice about cuddling with them or being a little flirty. Just playing around. but one guy his name was Chad cutest boy, however he was more fem acting than I am lol

Well anyways we were cuddling on the couch per usual spoon position, and all of a sudden I feel mr happy I chose not to say anything cause maybe it was on accident or he was having a wet dream lol but all of a sudden chad tries to kiss me..and I'm like sweety what are you doing. And he is like what I like you? I'm like chad we are friends and you are gay. He is like I can be butch, doing his best impersonation of butch while saying that lol

We laughed it off together that night, but the next day Chad wouldn't talk to me anymore or when he saw me out he'd walk the other way. Tough thing cause he was a really good friend.

This is possibly the most common misunderstanding between males and females.

The guy approches the chick but he doesn't make it clear enough that he's not interested to be "just friend" and wants to go further.
So instead of being seen as a potential BF the girl just considers him as a good friend to entertain her when she's alone.
The "Let's just be friends, ok?!" answer, depending on the situation and individuals, will then be considered somewhere inbetween "very deceiving" and "downright insulting" (Sweety what are you doing! Me? dating you? hahaha! be serious!)

He probably didn't say anything on the moment not to waste the evening, but the day after he decided to move on to try to find another potential partner since you turned him down.

03-29-2007, 06:49 PM
One of my experiences was lol

I am a fag hag of a lot of gay boys, so I never think twice about cuddling with them or being a little flirty. Just playing around. but one guy his name was Chad cutest boy, however he was more fem acting than I am lol

Well anyways we were cuddling on the couch per usual spoon position, and all of a sudden I feel mr happy I chose not to say anything cause maybe it was on accident or he was having a wet dream lol but all of a sudden chad tries to kiss me..and I'm like sweety what are you doing. And he is like what I like you? I'm like chad we are friends and you are gay. He is like I can be butch, doing his best impersonation of butch while saying that lol

We laughed it off together that night, but the next day Chad wouldn't talk to me anymore or when he saw me out he'd walk the other way. Tough thing cause he was a really good friend.

This is possibly the most common misunderstanding between males and females.

The guy approches the chick but he doesn't make it clear enough that he's not interested to be "just friend" and wants to go further.
So instead of being seen as a potential BF the girl just considers him as a good friend to entertain her when she's alone.
The "Let's just be friends, ok?!" answer, depending on the situation and individuals, will then be considered somewhere inbetween "very deceiving" and "downright insulting" (Sweety what are you doing! Me? dating you? hahaha! be serious!)

He probably didn't say anything on the moment not to waste the evening, but the day after he decided to move on to try to find another potential partner since you turned him down. lol yeah but Rvince he told me he was gay and could never be into transexuals and that he just thinks of me as a girl yadda yadda lol

03-29-2007, 10:52 PM
lol yeah but Rvince he told me he was gay and could never be into transexuals and that he just thinks of me as a girl yadda yadda lol

You should be proud of having made him change his mind then. :-)

03-29-2007, 11:06 PM
I wait all day to find out who turned gay, and I get nothing. Damn you Allanah Starr, now I'm going to have to wait until tomarrow :!:

Of course, NYCe and Thanos have been strangely absent for awhile. . . possibly on a romantic vacation. . . hmmmmm

(just kidding of course)


03-29-2007, 11:16 PM
I wait all day to find out who turned gay, and I get nothing. Damn you Allanah Starr, now I'm going to have to wait until tomarrow :!:

Of course, NYCe and Thanos have been strangely absent for awhile. . . possibly on a romantic vacation. . . hmmmmm

(just kidding of course)


Just haul out the quiche, queerboi! :wink:

Where the hell you been, guy? I know the winter hasn't been that fierce in Mipple City this year.

03-30-2007, 12:27 AM
If my man started playing for the other team, no we couldn't have
a relationship. We could be friends but not lovers.

If I was in a relationship with a woman, and she was or became
completely lesbian, that I could deal with.

Strange, huh? :shrug

03-30-2007, 12:31 AM
If my man started playing for the other team, no we couldn't have
a relationship. We could be friends but not lovers.

If I was in a relationship with a woman, and she was or became
completely lesbian, that I could deal with.

Strange, huh? :shrug

Hmmm...I'm curious to know why you couldn't handle your male partner being attracted to men....but you could handle a female partner being a lesbian. Share with us peggy.

03-30-2007, 01:27 AM
If my man started playing for the other team, no we couldn't have
a relationship. We could be friends but not lovers.

If I was in a relationship with a woman, and she was or became
completely lesbian, that I could deal with.

Strange, huh? :shrug

Hmmm...I'm curious to know why you couldn't handle your male partner being attracted to men....but you could handle a female partner being a lesbian. Share with us peggy.

I don't think that it would be fair to either of us.

He would most likely want to be intimate with men, perhaps sexually
so. He would have needs and desires that I could not fulfill, and thus
would be forced to have these needs met outside of the confines of
our relationship.

However as I am mildly bi, I am open to the possibility of being in a
relationship with a women. In this instance, our desires would be in

The problem really lies with the man becoming gay (oh God, I've made
another man gay :P ) after we have started a relationship. My
assumption was that I am in a relationship with a man who desires me
in my totality, personality, vagina, etc.

Whereas with a woman, we clearly are seeking another womyn, and
understood that from the onset of our relationship.

03-30-2007, 01:57 AM
im a ''str8'' blk male who just so happens 2 LIKE having sex with t-gals on the low....im not into the whole relationship thing with a t-s
i just want the friendship and the sex.......and whatever respect that comes along with that.

your're NOT my ''sex toy'' or anything like that.. but your're NOT my girlfriend either
your're a good friend that i just happen 2 have sex with.

so with that said.......i dont know where i would fit into this topic.

ps--disregard my post

03-30-2007, 06:00 AM
your partner was gay?

Okay Allanah, ya gotta be more specific. This is exactly why threads go off the track and start going in multiple directions like a "Family Circus Comic" where one of the kids is sent on an errand.

Is this a business partner or a romantic partner or a partner in crime?

If it's a business partner... you say "That's fucking great. Are we making any money yet?"

If it's a romantic partner.. you say "No shit!? So what do you want? A three dollar bill or something?"

If it's a partner in crime....you say "Why the fuck are you telling me this, will you just concentrate on the job at hand?"

03-30-2007, 06:25 AM
lol yeah but Rvince he told me he was gay and could never be into transexuals and that he just thinks of me as a girl yadda yadda lol

You should be proud of having made him change his mind then. :-) ha ha I guess

Vicki Richter
03-30-2007, 07:27 AM
your partner was gay?

I would never date a bisexual or gay man. The second I heard about or saw him put a man penis in his mouth, it would be over. Strangely women I don't really worry about. I truly believe, although I am a piece of work, I am a better partner for most men than any woman could aspire to be. If the guy loves pussy too much to give up, he shouldn't be dating a pre-op TS exclusively in the first place unless it's just a casual thing. However, if the guy is gay, that isn't something I can control anymore. I think of gay guys as these hypersexual creatures that just fuck all the time with as many people as they can. It is the perfect sexuality for a sex addict. Plus I think it's a turn off to see a guy kissing or blowing another guy so it could never work even in 3ways.

03-30-2007, 07:37 AM
I truly believe, although I am a piece of work, I am a better partner for most men than any woman could aspire to be.

I wouldn't argue with you about that, Vicki. :)

03-30-2007, 05:22 PM
I wait all day to find out who turned gay, and I get nothing. Damn you Allanah Starr, now I'm going to have to wait until tomarrow :!:

Of course, NYCe and Thanos have been strangely absent for awhile. . . possibly on a romantic vacation. . . hmmmmm

(just kidding of course)


Just haul out the quiche, queerboi! :wink:

Where the hell you been, guy? I know the winter hasn't been that fierce in Mipple City this year.

It's actually been a pretty decent winter, B1. Raining like fuckin crazy right now, but it never did get real cold. Probably one reason why I've only been checking out HA while I'm at work, lately.

And Ezed, I wouldn't tell a gay partner in crime to concentrate on the "job at hand", a gay guy would take that as a sexual inneundo. Of course, gay men also take words like "hi" as sexually charged, so go figure.

03-30-2007, 05:33 PM
Wow - come looking for you

03-31-2007, 12:50 PM
your partner was gay?

I would never date a bisexual or gay man. The second I heard about or saw him put a man penis in his mouth, it would be over. Strangely women I don't really worry about. I truly believe, although I am a piece of work, I am a better partner for most men than any woman could aspire to be. If the guy loves pussy too much to give up, he shouldn't be dating a pre-op TS exclusively in the first place unless it's just a casual thing. However, if the guy is gay, that isn't something I can control anymore. I think of gay guys as these hypersexual creatures that just fuck all the time with as many people as they can. It is the perfect sexuality for a sex addict. Plus I think it's a turn off to see a guy kissing or blowing another guy so it could never work even in 3ways.

I have to admit when I watch porn and I see a three way with a hot TS and two guys and the guys start going at it, it turns me on. Same thing with MMF porn. I don't know something about the guys being so turned on by the girl that they wind up doing each other as well. Gay porn does nothing for me. So I don't know what that makes me and I don't really care.