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View Full Version : Top 10 Fav Movies of All-Time

03-24-2007, 07:09 AM
not the best movies....just your personal favs...here's mine....

1. Jesus Christ Superstar(i hate musicals and biblical movies....go figure)
2. Jaws ( i gotta sit down EVERYTIME its on)
3. Little Big Man
4. Pulp Fiction ( "the one that says 'BAD MOTHERFUCKER' on it")
5. Blade Runner (A timeless masterpiece)
6. Shawshank Redemption
7. Dawn of the Dead (original)
8. Usual Suspects
9. Omega Man (Will Smith currently filming the remake)
10.The Departed

And Scarface...both tjhe movie and the game are great...forgot that one

I first saw JCS when i was a wee tot and have seen it over 60 times..so Ted Neely has always been my visual image of what Jesus looks like.In 2000 I went to the Universal Ampitheater in LA to see it live on stage and after the show I was backstage and met Ted Neely...swear to you it was so friggin weird talking to Jesus...like really freaky

03-24-2007, 07:20 AM
IN NO ORDER mind you haha

1. Empire Strikes Back
2. Aliens
3. Garden State
4. The Prestige
5. Moulin Rouge
6. Chasing Amy
7. Jerry Maguire
8. Eternal Sunshine
9. The Departed
10. American History X

and a bonus section!!

Top 10 Guilty Pleasures!

1. Rocky IV
2. American Pie (the first one is so great)
3. Elf
4. Anchorman
5. Van Wilder
6. Spider-Man/X2 (its a tie)
7. A Walk to remember
8. Half Baked
9. The Goonies
10. Transformers The Movie

I LOVE ALL 20 OF THEM!! haha

03-24-2007, 07:40 AM
1. Blazing Saddles
2. Empire of the Sun
3. Dr. Strangelove
4. Hope and Glory
5. Caddyshack
6. Schindler's List
7. 2001
8. Chinatown
9. Local Hero
10. A Christmas Story (You'll shoot your eye out)

Hara_Juku Tgirl
03-24-2007, 08:14 AM
My 12 picks are:

1. The House Of The Spirits
2. The Producers
3. TransAmerica
4. Brams Stroker's Dracula
5. Titanic
6. Psycho
6. Pulp Fiction
7. Farewell My Concubine
8. Raider's of the Los Ark
9. Lord of the Rings
10. Usual Suspects
11. Snatch
12. Great Expectations

Sorry I couldnt figure out what to take out to make it 10. Anyways 12 is a lucky number in asian cultures. ;)



03-24-2007, 08:26 AM
1.Planet of the Apes
3.The Godfather
4.Taxi Driver
5.Stir Crazy
6.The Warriors
7.The Jerk
8.The Breakfast Club
9.Ferris Bueller's Day Off
10.The Professional

03-24-2007, 08:37 AM
1) matrix
2) matrix 2
3) matrix 3
4) pitch black
5) the chronicles of riddick
7) army of darkness
8. Goodfellas
9) Rounders
10) pulp fiction

03-24-2007, 08:41 AM
1. Steel Magnolias (should of gone in the movies that make you cry all the time)
2. Stepmom
3. The Notebook
4. A Walk To Remember the book and the movie are awesome
5. The Sweetest Thing
6. Dirty Love
7. The Wizard of Oz
8. Gone With The Wind
9. Here On Earth (Another movie I always cry in)
10. Silence of the Lambs

03-24-2007, 08:42 AM
no order i just couldn't

godfather II
Lord of the Rings (trilogy)
Shawshank Redemption
Usual Suspects
Full Metal Jacket
As good as it gets
Breakfast Club
Pirates of the Caribean

03-24-2007, 08:47 AM
1) matrix
2) matrix 2
3) matrix 3
4) pitch black
5) the chronicles of riddick
7) army of darkness
8. Goodfellas
9) Rounders
10) pulp fiction

Im friends w/ Hugo Weaving AKA Agent Smith from the Matrix trilogy..I could tell you some great stories hes related to me RE: the filming of those and LOTR as well

03-24-2007, 08:52 AM
1) matrix
2) matrix 2
3) matrix 3
4) pitch black
5) the chronicles of riddick
7) army of darkness
8. Goodfellas
9) Rounders
10) pulp fiction

Im friends w/ Hugo Weaving AKA Agent Smith from the Matrix trilogy..I could tell you some great stories hes related to me RE: the filming of those and LOTR as well

LOL well tell him he did a damn good job in acting :D :wink:

03-24-2007, 09:10 AM
Ok...I'm such a film whore, but let me try to just list ten films.

In no order...

1. Lost in Translation
2. Frida
3. Ninja Scroll...anime, but a really good anime film.
4. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
5. Initial D...Tokyo Drift obviously copied ideas from this Japanese film.

Edit: Actually a Chinese film, but based on a Japanese manga series.

6. Brotherhood of the Wolf
7. House of Flying Daggers
8. Dawn of the Dead: Unrated Directors Cut (2004)
9. The Princess Blade
10. Battle Royale

03-24-2007, 10:03 AM
5. Initial D...Tokyo Drift obviously copied ideas from this Japanese film.

the movie is actually chinese ... and pretty much rubbish

03-24-2007, 10:16 AM
5. Initial D...Tokyo Drift obviously copied ideas from this Japanese film.

the movie is actually chinese ... and pretty much rubbish

Actually, the film was adapted from Japanese manga...so, I guess I always think of it as Japanese :roll: I enjoyed the film, and actual tuners (rice racers...car heads..whatever) seem to like the film over the Fast and Furious franchise. I'm in the car scene somewhat. I can't tell you more than that though, or my assistant would have to kill you...lol

03-24-2007, 10:42 AM
5. Initial D...Tokyo Drift obviously copied ideas from this Japanese film.

the movie is actually chinese ... and pretty much rubbish

Actually, the film was adapted from Japanese manga...so, I guess I always think of it as Japanese :roll: I enjoyed the film, and actual tuners (rice racers...car heads..whatever) seem to like the film over the Fast and Furious franchise. I'm in the car scene somewhat. I can't tell you more than that though, or my assistant would have to kill you...lol

the anime is great (and i gues the manga too ... never read it) but the movie is just awefull

03-24-2007, 10:44 AM
not in any order...

Old School
Blazing Saddles
A Christmas Story
Lost In Translation
Office Space
Indiana Jones - The Last Crusade
Good Will Hunting

03-24-2007, 10:52 AM
not in any order...

Old School
Blazing Saddles
A Christmas Story
Lost In Translation
Office Space
Indiana Jones - The Last Crusade
Good Will Hunting

Good Will Hunting and Lost in Translation are both great films...I really relate to the latter being a westerner living in the east.

03-24-2007, 03:02 PM
IN NO ORDER mind you haha

1. Empire Strikes Back
2. Aliens
3. Garden State
4. The Prestige
5. Moulin Rouge
6. Chasing Amy
7. Jerry Maguire
8. Eternal Sunshine
9. The Departed
10. American History X

and a bonus section!!

Top 10 Guilty Pleasures!

1. Rocky IV
2. American Pie (the first one is so great)
3. Elf
4. Anchorman
5. Van Wilder
6. Spider-Man/X2 (its a tie)
7. A Walk to remember
8. Half Baked
9. The Goonies
10. Transformers The Movie

I LOVE ALL 20 OF THEM!! haha


I can See Rocky 1 of Rocky 2..................even Rocky 3 was slightly bewtter than garbage.........but 4,5,and 6 were absolute trash!!!

You must have meant 1 no?

03-24-2007, 03:09 PM
[quote="DJ_Asia"]not the best movies....just your personal favs...here's mine....

The Untouchables
Some Like it Hot
We Are The Titans
Plains, Trains and Automobiles
A Few Good Men
the rest are good pornos

03-24-2007, 03:51 PM
Here are mine:

1.Dawn of the dead (by romero)
2.Reservoir dogs
3.The butterfly effect
5.Matrix 1/2/3
6.Back to the future 1/2/3
7.Star wars 1/2/3/4/5/6
8.Short circuit 2
10.Usual suspects.

03-24-2007, 04:56 PM
No particular order:

The 13th Warrior
A Knights Tale
Blackhawk Down
The Magnificent Seven
Citizen X
Event Horizon [Can't watch this alone sitting in the dark!]
Man On Fire [Scott Glen version]
The Wild Bunch
Suicide Kings
About A Boy

03-24-2007, 05:43 PM
Jericho, I had two friends in Blackhawk Down.

Top ten, wow, very hard call to make, especially to put them in order. I have over 3000 films, but in my top ten I would probably put the following:

1) Lord Of The Rings Trilogy.
2) The Shawkshank Redemption
3) Hillsborough
4) The Untouchables.
5) Cocoon.
6) Star Wars.
7) A Bridge Too Far.
8) The Wild Geese.
9) The Long Good Friday.
10) Dead Poets Society.

Special Mentions must go to:

American History X, Silverado, Swingers, Zulu, The Thing, Glory, Downfall, Scarface, Die Hard, Magnolia, Kelly's Heroes, Dog Day Afternoon, Back To the Future I, II, III

03-24-2007, 05:45 PM
1. Letters from A Dead Man - SSSR 1986 by Konstantin Lopushansky
2. Stormy Monday - GB 1988 by Mike Figgis
3. Children od Paradise - France 1945 by Marcel Carné
4. The Seventh Seal - Sweden 1957 by Ingmar Bergman
5. Three Colors - Trilogy - France/Poland 1992/1993 by Krzysztof Kieslowski
6. Orfeu Negro - France/Brazil 1959 by Marcel Camus
7. Stalker - SSSR 1978/79 by Andrej Tarkowski
8. Kiss of The Spiderwoman - USA/Brazil 1985 by Hector Babenco
9. 1900 - Italy/France/Germany 1976 by Bernardo Bertolucci
10. Once Upon A Time in America - USA/Italy 1984 by Sergio Leone

03-24-2007, 05:46 PM
This was hard, I'm so critical it was a challenge to remember 10 films I liked!! In no order:
top gun ( I always wanted to be a fighter pilot)

the sixth sense (yeah it sucked for an hour and a half,but then...wow!)

batman (great cast,great soundtrack)

caddyshack (classic comedy)

blazin' saddles (ditto)

star wars (because it introduced the greatest villain of all time)

forrest gump (hate to admit it, but yeah it was that good)

mo' better blues (classic spike lee,excellent forgotten performances by denzel and wesley snipes)

white men can't jump (comedy,drama,sports...what's not to like?)

and just about every movie denzel washington has been in (man on fire,out of time,glory,remember the titans,philadelphia, etc,)

03-24-2007, 06:06 PM
mo' better blues (classic spike lee,excellent forgotten performances by denzel and wesley snipes)

A really good movie, seen it many times but I hate the last deja vu scene when Denzel Washington´s son practices and the kids come to the window and ask him if he wants to play with them, just like one of the first scenes when Washington was a kid. It was so superfluous but the movie generally was great!

03-24-2007, 06:22 PM
In no particular order:

The Goodfather 1
The Goodfather 2
Star Wars IV a New Hope
Shawsank Redemption
Saving Private Ryan

03-24-2007, 06:27 PM
mo' better blues (classic spike lee,excellent forgotten performances by denzel and wesley snipes)

A really good movie, seen it many times but I hate the last deja vu scene when Denzel Washington´s son practices and the kids come to the window and ask him if he wants to play with them, just like one of the first scenes when Washington was a kid. It was so superfluous but the movie generally was great!
Yeah Spike does crap like that, it's almost his signature. You always get that one scene (usually at the end) where you say " why Spike, why? "
I'm sure you never saw Girl 6 (nobody did), but it was about a phone sex girl and at the end it rained phones all over the street. Hated it but it was typical Spike Lee.

03-24-2007, 06:30 PM
no order

the shootist
bring it on
the wild bunch
the wild geese
to live and die in la
extreme prejudice (the best movie quote ever in this movie) "hell jack the only thing worse than a child molester is a politician"
animal house
the cowboys
personal best

03-24-2007, 06:31 PM
In no particular order:

Star Wars IV a New Hope

Really?! Interesting. Better than the rest in the saga?

03-24-2007, 06:34 PM
mo' better blues (classic spike lee,excellent forgotten performances by denzel and wesley snipes)

A really good movie, seen it many times but I hate the last deja vu scene when Denzel Washington´s son practices and the kids come to the window and ask him if he wants to play with them, just like one of the first scenes when Washington was a kid. It was so superfluous but the movie generally was great!
Yeah Spike does crap like that, it's almost his signature. You always get that one scene (usually at the end) where you say " why Spike, why? "
I'm sure you never saw Girl 6 (nobody did), but it was about a phone sex girl and at the end it rained phones all over the street. Hated it but it was typical Spike Lee.

no, never watched Girl 6.... Mo´s Better Blues and Malcolm X are the only movies I know he´s shot.

03-24-2007, 08:14 PM
1. All About Eve
2. Sunset Blvd.
3. Whatever Happened To Baby Jane
4. Mommie Dearest
5. Female Trouble
6. Requiem For A Dream
7. All About My Mother (Todo Sobre Mi Madre)
8. La Dolce Vita
9. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
10. The Law Of Desire (The Ley De El Deseo)

03-24-2007, 08:34 PM

03-24-2007, 08:44 PM
What?! No X-men. No Daredevil. No Elektra. No Gigli!!!

03-24-2007, 08:45 PM
not in order...

2...godfather 1
3...godfather 2
4...true romance
7...bronx tale
8...new jack city
9...pulp fiction
10...natural born killers
...king of new york
...carlitos way

Ok, I'm sensing a pattern here

03-24-2007, 08:46 PM
not in order...

2...godfather 1
3...godfather 2
4...true romance
7...bronx tale
8...new jack city
9...pulp fiction
10...natural born killers
...king of new york
...carlitos way

Ok, I'm sensing a pattern here


03-24-2007, 08:52 PM
not in order...

2...godfather 1
3...godfather 2
4...true romance
7...bronx tale
8...new jack city
9...pulp fiction
10...natural born killers
...king of new york
...carlitos way
I really wanted to say scarface,it was great,but I was young when I first saw it, and when I saw it later in life, the portrayal of all these cubanos by anglos was kinda a turn off.

Rubber Soul
03-24-2007, 09:44 PM
1. Goodfellas
2. Se7en
3. Master & Commander
4. Gangs Of New York
5. The Departed
6. Donnie Brasco
7. Blow
8. The Godfather
9. Gladiator
10. Casino

yeah...I like mobster films. lol

03-24-2007, 11:03 PM
1. Someone flew on the Cuuco's nest (something like this in english, isn'it?)
2. The big Lebownsky
3. Mediterraneo
4. Fandango
5. Every Fellini's movies.
6. Every movies in my mind.

03-24-2007, 11:04 PM
Only 10?

This is going to be a tough one for me...

So I'll stay with the theme and just list some favorite movies, some that myself and others consider classics, and some that I just dig for whatever reason...

Being There

A Face In The Crowd

Apocalypse Now

Taxi Driver

The Last Detail

Animal House

The Unforgiven

The Godfather

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

The Apartment

03-24-2007, 11:11 PM
in no particular order:

Producers (the original, but Nathan Lane was good in the remake-Matthew Broderick was awful)
Shawshank Redemption
Forest Gump
Lord of the Rings (all three)
Office Space
History of the World Part I
Chasing Amy
Saving Private Ryan

03-24-2007, 11:12 PM
Oops, forgot number 10: Hustle & Flow

03-24-2007, 11:13 PM
2.Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
3.Clockwork Orange
4.Pulp Fiction
5.Eyes Wide Shut
6.Ninth Gate
7.Apocalypse Now
8.The Shining
9.Lost Highway
10.2001: A Space Odyssey

03-25-2007, 12:05 AM
1. Someone flew on the Cuuco's nest (something like this in english, isn'it?)
2. The big Lebownsky
3. Mediterraneo
4. Fandango
5. Every Fellini's movies.
6. Every movies in my mind.

It's 'One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest', uzik, and it's also one of my favorites. I also agree that Mediterraneo is a fantastic flick...so is The Big Liebowksy(sp?)...but as for the Coen Brothers films, my favorite is Raising Arizona, or maybe Fargo...or maybe Blood Simple :lol: ...but all of their films are top-notch, IMO...

03-25-2007, 12:17 AM
Did I hear someone make a motion that a second 10 favorite films are allowed?

All in favor say aye...


Motion carried.

LA Confidential


The Fugitive Kind


No Time For Sargeants

The Last Seduction

To Kill A Mockingbird

On The Waterfront

A History Of Violence

The Cooler

03-25-2007, 12:20 AM
People mentioned Pulp Fiction, The Usual Suspects, and Blade Runner....co-sign on those flicks.

03-25-2007, 12:24 AM
Also a big co-sign with whoever mentioned 'The Long Good Friday', it was the first Brit crime flick that I ever saw, and it remains a favorite of mine to this day...

arc angel
03-25-2007, 01:05 AM
in no order

7 yrs in tibet
good will hunting
about my mother
american history X
pink floyd the wall
the fisher king
cool hand luke
sid and nancy
dances with wolves

theres many more great films i could list.

03-25-2007, 01:16 AM
I love a lot of movies that were already mentiones,so the movies that were not mentioned,yet.In no order:

Rob Roy
Indiana Jones 1-3
Back To The Future 1-3
Star Wars Episodes 4-6

03-25-2007, 01:17 AM
in no order

7 yrs in tibet
good will hunting
about my mother
american history X
pink floyd the wall
the fisher king
cool hand luke
sid and nancy
dances with wolves

theres many more great films i could list.

Ditto on 'Cool Hand Luke'...a classic...

03-25-2007, 01:24 AM
All in favor say aye...

I'll aye that.

On The Waterfront
Prime Cut
The Man Who Would Be King
Legend Of Hell House
Stalag 17
Jeremiah Johnson
Plunkett & Macleane
The Vikings
Get Carter

03-25-2007, 01:25 AM
1. Godfather 1+2
2. Fargo
3. Shawshank Redemption
4. Animal House
5. A Wonderfull Life
6. Saving Private Ryan
7. The Aviator
8. Nevada Smith
9. The Great Escape
10. Soldier in the Rain
11. Pulp Fiction
12. Goodfellas
13. Any Woody Allen film
14. The Sting
15. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
16. Joe The King

03-25-2007, 01:35 AM
1. Godfather 1+2
2. Fargo
3. Shawshank Redemption
4. Animal House
5. A Wonderfull Life
6. Saving Private Ryan
7. The Aviator
8. Nevada Smith
9. The Great Escape
10. Soldier in the Rain
11. Pulp Fiction
12. Goodfellas
13. Any Woody Allen film

Soldier In The Rain?

The Maestro Jackie Gleason...I also enjoyed the book...

But that reminds me that I left out 'From Here To Eternity'... :lol:

03-25-2007, 01:42 AM
1. Godfather 1+2
2. Fargo
3. Shawshank Redemption
4. Animal House
5. A Wonderfull Life
6. Saving Private Ryan
7. The Aviator
8. Nevada Smith
9. The Great Escape
10. Soldier in the Rain
11. Pulp Fiction
12. Goodfellas
13. Any Woody Allen film

Soldier In The Rain?

The Maestro Jackie Gleason...I also enjoyed the book...

But that reminds me that I left out 'From Here To Eternity'... :lol:

Jackie was great as well as McQueen and Tuesday Weld...fabulous film!!

03-25-2007, 08:07 AM
1. Letters from A Dead Man - SSSR 1986 by Konstantin Lopushansky
2. Stormy Monday - GB 1988 by Mike Figgis
3. Children od Paradise - France 1945 by Marcel Carné
4. The Seventh Seal - Sweden 1957 by Ingmar Bergman
5. Three Colors - Trilogy - France/Poland 1992/1993 by Krzysztof Kieslowski
6. Orfeu Negro - France/Brazil 1959 by Marcel Camus
7. Stalker - SSSR 1978/79 by Andrej Tarkowski
8. Kiss of The Spiderwoman - USA/Brazil 1985 by Hector Babenco
9. 1900 - Italy/France/Germany 1976 by Bernardo Bertolucci
10. Once Upon A Time in America - USA/Italy 1984 by Sergio Leone

Three of my favorites there Coroner,The Seventh Seal,1900,and Once Upon A Time in America. Once Upon a Time was butchered by editors for the American market when it was released. The original is a masterpiece,IMO.

There are so many good films out there it's tough make a list? The 1968 film Z has been one of my favorites since I first saw it decades ago. Black Narcissus is another I can watch any time.

I really like one of Francis Ford Coppola's minor films, The Cotton Club. It's a moving history of urban America in the 1930's. It's like peeling an onion for me,I pick up on another level of plot and motif every time I see it.

Rules of The Game is another good one. The Japanese films The Gates of Hell,Rashamon,and Stray Dog are three others.

Ditto on anything by Fellini as another poster above mentioned.

If I want to laugh Hairspray is great one. "That girl has roaches in her hair!" lol. (I used to visit my aunt in Baltimore every summer as a kid,so all of the John Waters films tend to hit home with me.)

Is that 10?

03-25-2007, 08:29 AM
Ten is not enough...and 30 is not enough--but here are 30... I wish the people responding to this thread would open their horizons more and go back in time....there are very few films made in the past 20 years that even compare with the glories of the past---b/c the business has been totally co-opted by corporations. Corporations do not make art, and films are about art. Anyway:

03-25-2007, 08:37 AM
I was trying to think of L'Avventura earlier Olite. That's a great one.

BTW,you are talking about the original Wings of Desire,not the recent remake aren't you? Peter Falk was great in the original.

03-25-2007, 08:46 AM
I was trying to think of L'Avventura earlier Olite. That's a great one.

BTW,you are talking about the original Wings of Desire,not the recent remake aren't you? Peter Falk was great in the original.

Yep...It's always "the original" with me.

I can't think of a remake I like better than the original.

Good Example....The Remake of "A Star is Born" with Babs was worse than the remake with James Mason and Judy Garland, which was worse than the original with Frederic March and Janet Gaynor.

03-25-2007, 09:10 AM
I always debate wether Sunset Boulevard or All About Eve is my favorite film-they are both such master pieces. They are both exceptionally well writen, acted, and directed. Though Sunset defines film noir and Gloria Swanson and William Holden are perfect in it and I am also very partial to Billy Wilder, but Eve has perfect dialouge and the ensemble cast is genius. I do think Eve is the best screenplay ever and of course Bette Davis is my favorite actress. She was robbed of that Oscar for Eve.

Funny that both films were released in 1950.

All the special effects of today can't compare to this age of film making.

03-25-2007, 09:19 AM
A movie I forgot to include and I havent seen it listed yet is "Dances With Wolves"...the extra long version is a long sit but well worth it

03-25-2007, 09:38 AM
A movie I forgot to include and I havent seen it listed yet is "Dances With Wolves"...the extra long version is a long sit but well worth it

I actually have that flick in my old videotape collection...I'll have to watch it again sometime soon.

03-25-2007, 09:45 AM
I always debate wether Sunset Boulevard or All About Eve is my favorite film-they are both such master pieces. They are both exceptionally well writen, acted, and directed. Though Sunset defines film noir and Gloria Swanson and William Holden are perfect in it and I am also very partial to Billy Wilder, but Eve has perfect dialouge and the ensemble cast is genius. I do think Eve is the best screenplay ever and of course Bette Davis is my favorite actress. She was robbed of that Oscar for Eve.

Funny that both films were released in 1950.

All the special effects of today can't compare to this age of film making.

That is quite an internal debate....All About Eve is a brilliant story... I don't put it up as a top film because what it does goes can be done in a play. For me a "film" has to involve some excellent cinematography and editing as well..

That being said: All About Eve is a Tour de Force.

Great line--the young Marilyn Monroe to Addison DeWitt (played by George Sanders)..

"Do they have auditions in televison?"

"My dear, television is nothing but audtions."

03-25-2007, 09:59 AM
That Striesand remake was a dog.

Wasn't the March/Gaynor version called What Price Hollywood?

Allanah,having been a kept man at one time in my youth,I can tell you some of the scenes in Sunset Boulevard have to have been written by someone who was member of the club? That shopping trip scene is too close to home to have been written by an outsider. "Take the coat buddy,she's paying for it." lol.

03-25-2007, 10:20 AM
:lol: This movie will be on my list soon...lol

gummi baer
03-25-2007, 10:20 AM
Besides the multi-part LOTR and Star Wars franchises, here's ten interesting (to me) picks: (alphabetically)AmadeusExcaliburThe Fifth ElementFLCL (six-part anime makes one big movie)L.A. StoryThe Man Who Would be KingMoulin RougeThe Princess BrideWilliam Shakespear's Romeo + JulietThe Wind and the Lion

03-25-2007, 11:12 AM
1.Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
2.The Longest Day
3.Young Frankenstein
4.Monty Python and The Holy Grail
5.Shawshank Redemption
6.Slap Shot
7.Saving Private Ryan
10.Pulp Fiction

03-25-2007, 11:22 AM
Honorable Mention :)
Pink Flamingos
Super Troopers
The Empire Strikes Back

03-25-2007, 11:28 AM
1 Matrix 1
2 Matrix 2
3 Blade Runner
4 Terminator 2
5 Scarface
6 The Bourne Supremacy
7 The Russian House
8 Shrek

And of course, the only movies that made me jump out of my seat!

9 Aliens 1
10 Aliens 2

03-25-2007, 06:12 PM
I always debate wether Sunset Boulevard or All About Eve is my favorite film-they are both such master pieces. They are both exceptionally well writen, acted, and directed. Though Sunset defines film noir and Gloria Swanson and William Holden are perfect in it and I am also very partial to Billy Wilder, but Eve has perfect dialouge and the ensemble cast is genius. I do think Eve is the best screenplay ever and of course Bette Davis is my favorite actress. She was robbed of that Oscar for Eve.

Funny that both films were released in 1950.

All the special effects of today can't compare to this age of film making.

That is quite an internal debate....All About Eve is a brilliant story... I don't put it up as a top film because what it does goes can be done in a play. For me a "film" has to involve some excellent cinematography and editing as well..

That being said: All About Eve is a Tour de Force.

Great line--the young Marilyn Monroe to Addison DeWitt (played by George Sanders)..

"Do they have auditions in televison?"

"My dear, television is nothing but audtions."

Don't get me started :)

Pretty much everything uttered in that movie is brilliant.

03-25-2007, 06:25 PM
I no order and with a built in clause which allows me to totally change the list depending on my mood...!!

1. Spinal Tap
2. Jacobs Ladder
3. Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas
4. City Of God
5. Old boy
6. 28 Days Later
7. United 93
8. Vanishing Point
9. Apocolypse Now
10. Planes, Trains & Automobiles or The Breakfast Club (cant decide which!)

Honourable mention goes to

The Goonies
Ferris Bueller's Day Off

My favourite films when i was a youngster!

03-25-2007, 07:00 PM
In No Particular Order

1.Do The Right Thing
2.Cidade de Deus AKA City of God
3.Some Like It Hot
5.Apocalypse Now
6.Annie Hall
7.Princess Mononoke
8.The Night of the Hunter
9.The Godfather 2

03-25-2007, 11:20 PM
0. The Big Lebowski
1. Blue Velvet
2. Wages of Fear
3. Barry Lyndon
4. 2001
5. Blade Runner
6. Brazil
7. Picnic at Hanging Rock
8. The Russians are Coming
9. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
10. Judge Roy Bean

03-26-2007, 12:28 AM
The Big Lebowski
Shawshank Redemption

Those are four classics that come to mind that I've probably seen atleast 20000 times and I could keep watching countless more.

Newer ones that I like are:

Saws 1-3
The Amityville Horror (remake i actually never saw the first ones...il have to)

could sit here all day and go on and on but they're just to many good movies out there.

arc angel
03-26-2007, 12:56 AM
#2, 4 and 8 are on the list great films like i said this list just goes on and on thanks to everyone i have some new films to view keep this goin.

03-26-2007, 01:09 AM
I'm not going to start a new thread...but I'm going to list my top 10 military films...some serious, some whimsical...feel free to join in...

Apocalypse Now


Full Metal Jacket

From Here To Eternity

No Time For Sergeants


Saving Private Ryan


The Last Detail

Cinderella Liberty

03-26-2007, 01:14 AM
And let's not forget 'The Great Escape' and 'Stalag 17'.... 'The Bridge Over The River Kwai'....

03-26-2007, 01:35 AM
And let's not forget 'The Great Escape' and 'Stalag 17'.... 'The Bridge Over The River Kwai'....

I can only think of three others of the top of my head:

Go Tell The Spartans [love this film!]
We Were Soldiers
Halls of Montezuma

03-26-2007, 01:43 AM
And BTW, I totally fucked up in not mentioning 'Mister Roberts' and 'The Sand Pebbles' in the best military movies....and what's the one with Bogart as the USN Captain flippin out over the strawberries...someone save me the trouble of going to IMDB to check...

03-26-2007, 01:52 AM
ILCB...big co-sign on 'Dr. Strangeglove'...one of the best military satires ever...and while we're at it, let's not forget 'Catch-22'....

I also neglected to mention 'The Deer Hunter'....it's one of the best 'Nam movies IMO...

03-26-2007, 02:00 AM
i forgot to add Vertigo on my list hitchcock is a god!

03-26-2007, 02:36 AM
It was 'The Caine Mutiny', with Bogie as the deranged Captain Queeg...

As for 'Waterloo', I don't recall seeing it, I'll look for it.

03-26-2007, 02:54 AM
Private Benjamin?

03-26-2007, 03:22 AM
Okay, this is a tough one and I will be listing more than 10 because some are trilogies.

1. Indiana Jones series (Raiders and Crusade, and why I got a degree in Anthropology/Archaeology)
2. Lord of the Rings
3. Star Wars (love 'em all, but wanna strangle Jar Jar)
4. Shattered (literal mind-fucking ending)
5. Mallrats (love Jay and Silent Bob)
6. Somewhere in Time (if you haven't seen it, do so! beautifully romantic)
7. Foul Play and Seems Like Old Times (my favorite Goldie Hawn/Chevy Chase movies)
8. The Life Aquatic
9. anything Monty Python!
10. and yes I like musicals. I know the whole soundtrack to Jesus Christ Superstar and I love The Pirates of Penzance.

This leaves out alot like The Matrix, Harry Potter, Excalibur, An American Tail, Titantic, Pulp Fiction, well just alot of movies I like.

LOL just read someone mentioned military movies...Pearl Harbor, Taps, Patton....can go on and on...but my favorites are the ones I share with someone dear to me...like Dances with Wolves, City Slickers (huh, what, well it was special because it was a first date).

03-26-2007, 03:25 AM
You have good taste Aragon - Totally agree with you on bloody Jar Jar - what was Lucas thinking?

03-26-2007, 03:25 AM
Wanted to add this to my list. It's curiously missing here (don't THINK anyone mentioned it) although it was quite acclaimed and I think a movie that everyone should see and think about-----


03-26-2007, 03:41 AM
Okay, this is a tough one and I will be listing more than 10 because some are trilogies.

1. Indiana Jones series (Raiders and Crusade, and why I got a degree in Anthropology/Archaeology)
2. Lord of the Rings
3. Star Wars (love 'em all, but wanna strangle Jar Jar)
4. Shattered (literal mind-fucking ending)
5. Mallrats (love Jay and Silent Bob)
6. Somewhere in Time (if you haven't seen it, do so! beautifully romantic)
7. Foul Play and Seems Like Old Times (my favorite Goldie Hawn/Chevy Chase movies)
8. The Life Aquatic
9. anything Monty Python!
10. and yes I like musicals. I know the whole soundtrack to Jesus Christ Superstar and I love The Pirates of Penzance.

This leaves out alot like The Matrix, Harry Potter, Excalibur, An American Tail, Titantic, Pulp Fiction, well just alot of movies I like.

LOL just read someone mentioned military movies...Pearl Harbor, Taps, Patton....can go on and on...but my favorites are the ones I share with someone dear to me...like Dances with Wolves, City Slickers (huh, what, well it was special because it was a first date).

Odd...While i agree w/ you on Monty Python(Holy Grail and Meaning of Life are classics) your inclusion of one of the most boring films I ever saw,"My Life Aquatic" is puzzling.

It takes a certain sense of humor to appreciate Python but M.L.A. was simply a snoozefest...one of the few movies(other then Barb Wire) where I actually wanted to get up and walk out.

03-26-2007, 03:50 AM
Odd...While i agree w/ you on Monty Python(Holy Grail and Meaning of Life are classics) your inclusion of one of the most boring films I ever saw,"My Life Aquatic" is puzzling.

It takes a certain sense of humor to appreciate Python but M.L.A. was simply a snoozefest...one of the few movies(other then Barb Wire) where I actually wanted to get up and walk out.
Might be talking about the same film, full title is "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou." It is slow, but just so dry, and Willem Dafoe as Klaus Daimler had me laughing non stop. Kinda like The Royal Tenenbaums not slapstick just dry witty. For weeks my roommate and I kept saying "He's got the crazy eyes."

03-26-2007, 04:41 AM
Wanted to add this to my list. It's curiously missing here (don't THINK anyone mentioned it) although it was quite acclaimed and I think a movie that everyone should see and think about-----


Which Crash- there are two films named Crash.

The one that won the Oscar and the one with James Spader where he gets off on car crashes.

03-26-2007, 05:02 AM
Man on Fire
Children of Men
Blade Runner
Taxi Driver
Rear Window
The Sting
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
The Fountain

honorable mentions to Shaun of the Dead, Batman Begins, Se7en, Usual Suspects, Old School and Sideways as the movies I watch the most.

03-26-2007, 05:09 AM
I'm going to throw Drugstore Cowboy into the mix. I ran across it the DVD drawer when the cable went out today.

03-26-2007, 05:42 AM
Odd...While i agree w/ you on Monty Python(Holy Grail and Meaning of Life are classics) your inclusion of one of the most boring films I ever saw,"My Life Aquatic" is puzzling.

It takes a certain sense of humor to appreciate Python but M.L.A. was simply a snoozefest...one of the few movies(other then Barb Wire) where I actually wanted to get up and walk out.
Might be talking about the same film, full title is "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou." It is slow, but just so dry, and Willem Dafoe as Klaus Daimler had me laughing non stop. Kinda like The Royal Tenenbaums not slapstick just dry witty. For weeks my roommate and I kept saying "He's got the crazy eyes."

Yeah same flick,Willem Dafoe was the only bright spot in that movie....I dunno I just found it atrocious

03-26-2007, 05:52 AM
Shawshank Redemption
A Beautiful Mind
Back to the Future Trilogy
Superman (1978)
Citizen Kane
Forrest Gump
What Dreams May Come

03-26-2007, 05:58 AM
Odd...While i agree w/ you on Monty Python(Holy Grail and Meaning of Life are classics) your inclusion of one of the most boring films I ever saw,"My Life Aquatic" is puzzling.

It takes a certain sense of humor to appreciate Python but M.L.A. was simply a snoozefest...one of the few movies(other then Barb Wire) where I actually wanted to get up and walk out.
Might be talking about the same film, full title is "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou." It is slow, but just so dry, and Willem Dafoe as Klaus Daimler had me laughing non stop. Kinda like The Royal Tenenbaums not slapstick just dry witty. For weeks my roommate and I kept saying "He's got the crazy eyes."

Yeah same flick,Willem Dafoe was the only bright spot in that movie....I dunno I just found it atrocious

I know humor is individual and all, but I thought that was one of the worst damn movies I have ever seen. I would have been more entertained watching paint try. Then again, I think people falling down stairs is is about the funniest thing in existence, so maybe I'm not a good judge of what's funny.


03-26-2007, 07:48 AM
Odd...While i agree w/ you on Monty Python(Holy Grail and Meaning of Life are classics) your inclusion of one of the most boring films I ever saw,"My Life Aquatic" is puzzling.

It takes a certain sense of humor to appreciate Python but M.L.A. was simply a snoozefest...one of the few movies(other then Barb Wire) where I actually wanted to get up and walk out.
Might be talking about the same film, full title is "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou." It is slow, but just so dry, and Willem Dafoe as Klaus Daimler had me laughing non stop. Kinda like The Royal Tenenbaums not slapstick just dry witty. For weeks my roommate and I kept saying "He's got the crazy eyes."

Yeah same flick,Willem Dafoe was the only bright spot in that movie....I dunno I just found it atrocious

I know humor is individual and all, but I thought that was one of the worst damn movies I have ever seen. I would have been more entertained watching paint try. Then again, I think people falling down stairs is is about the funniest thing in existence, so maybe I'm not a good judge of what's funny.


Copy that

03-26-2007, 07:51 AM
Okay I've carefully reviewed you submissions. And I submit the definative top thirty movies in order based on my in ability to click by them when rerun .
By the way 31 was Judge Roy Bean

1) The Godfather
2) Pulp Fiction
3) Braveheart
4) Usual Suspects
5) The Godfather II
6) Apocalypse Now Redux
7) The Unforgiven
8) Jaws
9) One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
10) The Departed

11) Blazing Saddles
12) True Romance
13) The Deerhunter
14) HEAT
15) Snatch
16) Clockwork Orange
17) Saving Private Ryan
18) The Russians are Coming
19) Raiders of the Lost Ark
20) Brazil

21) Dr. Strangelove
22) Zulu
23) Blade Runner
24) Get Shorty
25) Crash (the new one)
26) Slap Shot
27) Boondock Saints
28) Caddyshack
29) Little Big Man
30) We Were Soldiers

Willie Escalade
03-26-2007, 09:04 AM
In no particular order:

The Godfather (all three in fact)
The Secret of My Success
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Harlem Nights
Bachelor Party
Bad Wives (it's a porno from Vivid Video...with a plot)

There are others, but whenever these come on television, I stop everything and watch them. Got 'em all on DVD...except for Bachelor Party. I can't explain why though.

03-26-2007, 03:46 PM
in no order:

A Clockwork Orange
Godfather I and II
Rocky I and II
Indiana Jones Trilogy
The Big Lebowski
Pulp Fiction
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Resevoir Dogs

03-26-2007, 06:53 PM
2Clockwork Orange
4.Apocalypse Now
6.The Warriors
7.Escape from New York
8.Layer Cake
9.Das Boot
10.Bang Boom Bang

03-28-2007, 01:02 PM
1) The Color Purple
2) Legend
3) Dangerous Beauty
4) Strange Days
5) Bram Stoker's Dracula
6) The Sweetest Thing
7) Practical Magic
8) The Last of the Mohicans
9) Bladerunner
10) Elizabeth

04-03-2007, 04:48 AM
No particular order beyond the top 3...

Pulp Fiction
Trading Places
The Poseidon Adventure ('72, not the '06 remake)
The Empire Strikes Back
Raiders of the Lost Ark

04-03-2007, 05:06 AM
Here my list:

1: Virgin (its an indie film)
2: Amelie (everytime i see this movie i find myself agian Lol)
3: L.I.E.
4: A. I.
5: Garden State
6: American Beauty
7: Boys Dont Cry
8: Thirteen
9: B.A.Ps
10: The Color Purple

Lol I love sad drama movies lol I like a good cry from time to time. haha
But I also like funny movies or just weird movies.

04-03-2007, 05:11 AM
Does anyone like Home Alone 1 and 2?
Many people like part 2 just because Tim Curry is is it.

04-03-2007, 05:16 AM
What about The Year Without a Santa Clause.

04-03-2007, 02:52 PM
ack, I can't decide who would be more fun to hang out and watch flicks with, stilies77 or hara juku. she seems to like horror movies (as I do), but stilies has the same geeky guilty pleasures movies as I do.

guess I'll have to fall back on the ole 'who looks better naked' way of choosing, sorry stilies :\

04-03-2007, 03:12 PM
i'll toss some of favorites/ guilty pleasures out there. off the top of my head and in no particular order....

requiem for a dream
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
moulan rouge
evil dead
monty pyton and the holy grail
perfect blue
hedwig and the angry inch
harold and kumar go to white castle
dazed and confused
vanilla sky
fear and loathing in las vegas
any given sunday
the original texas chainsaw massacre
the shining
clerks 1 and 2
chasing amy
high tension
the last kiss
sin city
night of the living dead (original)
old boy
mary shelley's frankenstein