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03-23-2007, 10:13 AM
1. I love to write poems, and I only write them when I'm sad.
2. I can sing..for real sing
3. I can do the splits both ways
4. I can dance, I took twelve years.
5. I am part puerto rican
6. Ketchup and Ranch dressing are the best things ever.
7. I am the nicest person if you get to know me
9. I only wear a size 71/2 in womens
10. I'm really shy at first, till you get to know me (in person)

oops 8 I am the girliest girl you'll ever meet, but like getting dirty witht he guys sometimes lol

03-23-2007, 10:20 AM
1. I am really nice
2. I love animals
3. I am in dental school
4. I love to work out
5. I consider myself hot...for a nerd with no glasses
6. I can guess anyone's birthday if I see them in person
7. I think the OP is hot
8. My favorite movie is pulp fiction
9. I can west side walk it out, even though im not black
10. Did I mention the OP is hawwwt?

03-23-2007, 10:27 AM
1)I play the violin and piano
2)I have an 163 IQ, but never got higher than a B after elementry school
3)I have a fear of heights
4)I can draw and paint (mostly, i suck at people)
5)I hate being the center of attetion
6)Women make me nervous
7)I cant go one week without having chocolate, one way or another
8)I have 2nd degree black belt in Shotukan
9)I love vidoe games
10)I can bench press 400 lbs

03-23-2007, 10:56 AM
1- I prefere living at night
2- I dress in black
3- play bass in a very noisy band
4- own 2 pythons and a boa costrictor snakes
5- love movies, books, writing, drawing
6- work in advertising
7- have a strong thing for black women
8- I am apolitical
9- want a love story
10- Im not happy yet, but I am alive and I fear nothing.

03-23-2007, 01:27 PM
1. I'm a total nerd, and I wear that title proudly.
2. I love video games and anime. Not to the point where I don't interact with other people because of them, but I still love them.
3. Despite my best efforts, I'm quite self-conscious.
4. I love just about anything chicken. If you add pasta to that with Sacarooni sauce on the side, then I'm in heaven.
5. I'm very easy to please, with simple tastes.
6. I'm open to try just about anything, as long as it's not too degrading.
7. While I love rock and roll, my music tastes are still quite varied--I love classical Motzart, Bethoven and Eminem as well, among others.
8. I love to write, whether it's just for fun or if I'm putting my innermost feelings on paper.
9. I plan on becomming a lawyer later in my life, preferably a district attorney. Maybe I might become a transsexual advocate later in my life, depending on how the laws in Chicago are.
10. If you couldn't guess by my previous avatar, I'm a cat person. ^_^

03-23-2007, 03:33 PM
1. My biggest 'flaw' is procrastination
I'll do the rest later.

03-23-2007, 03:51 PM
1. I am a 47XXY male.

2. I have 3 degrees from the university and I am 24 years old.

3. I know the inside of the videogame industry because I work with it.

4. My friends and me play wargames table battles every saturday night where we tell all our worries.

5. I love travel around the world.

6. I am in love with a woman who was a TS and is my wife. :oops:

7. I am a bit homophobic.

8. I am an Apple fan.

9. My young sister is a Dominican Nun

10. I live in Barcelona, one of the most beautiful cities of the world and the Montreal of Europe.

03-23-2007, 04:37 PM
1) I haven't grown up yet
2) I know how to make Dim Sum
3) I cannot save money but i live well
4) I cry when i watch it's a wonderful life
5) I am chubby
6) I love my life and everyone in it
7) I have 3 dogs that total weight is not more than 10kg
8) I can eat spicy food
9) I add pages to my passport every year
10) I don't like to pay taxes

03-23-2007, 04:47 PM
1. I don't trust people as easily as I should
2. I get along better with women than most men
3. I don't fully know what I have until its gone
4. I love to explore and see new things.
5. I'm a naval aviator
6. I can sing
7. I played the violin for 9 years
8. When asked to describe myself I think the most accurate description is 'everything yet nothing'
9. I love the outdoors
10. I miss the northeast

03-23-2007, 05:13 PM
1. I am a web designer/webmaster
2. I am a photographer
3. I have a Master's Degree in English and taught college English for 10 years
4. I am an outdoors enthusiast and love hiking, bicycling, kayaking, and x-c skiing
5. I have been married for 25 years to the most wonderful woman in the world
6. I love to make friends
7. I love to travel and have visited every state but Alaska, Canada, the UK four times, much of Europe, and India (next: Thailand)
8. I am a published writer and have written two (yet unpublished) novels
9. I am owned by two cats
10. I love to read and watch movies

03-23-2007, 06:55 PM
I'm glad so many of you participated you all are very interesting

03-23-2007, 07:47 PM
1. I have a radio station in my head playing some kind of music all the time.
2. I'm a fool for pretty women. This is good and bad.
3. I'm 6', 185, and some people here have seen my picture.
4. I've made over a quarter of a million dollars playing the piano. This seems both hilariously unlikely and somewhat sad to me, because my musical ambitions were/are to do so much more. Time will tell.
5. If there was such a thing as a sexual thermostat, I'd turn mine down. Really, it's annoying to want it all the time. Masturbating can be a huge time waster.
6. I'm thinking about going back to school, and this has really gotten me excited lately. Is education wasted on the young and immature? In my case, yes.
7. I'm starting to really get into working out again.
8. This summer I'm going to get out into nature as much as I can. Expect pics.
9. My lust for TS has gone from a stadium tower to a 40 watt bulb. I come here because I know many of you, and having pretty women pop in from time to time keeps it fun. I don't like seeing cock pics. I miss the excitement TS porn used to give me.
10. I'm still waiting to hear from this very experienced Sub that is trying to decide between me and two other guys. I don't have a lot of experience, but she says she likes that. If she chooses me, I will begin a relationship that will undoubtedly be the most intense sexually that I've ever had. By the end of the month I'll know (she's on vacation.)

03-23-2007, 07:49 PM
1 Im a photographer
2 I own a website
3 I love animals
4 I used to be a trance DJ
5 I used to work as a vet tech
6 I was married to a GG porn star
7 Im addicted to electronic toys..TV's,Surround sound,home theatre
8 I love to workout
9 I hate people who interrupt me when im talking
10 I live on a beautiful tropical island in Thailand

03-23-2007, 08:20 PM
Cool thread with some interesting answers. Here are mine.

1. I’m semi-retired at thirty five years old, which has been my goal since my early twenties (actually, full retirement was my goal, but I couldn’t handle the boredom);
2. I tend to see the world in numerical terms;
3. When I was younger, I was homeless for a long time;
4. I served in the US Army;
5. I’ve done time and paid off a restitution schedule that would have bankrupted a small nation;
6. I have completed two advanced degrees;
7. I’m an avid reader, with a preference for international affairs, history, international finance, and poetry.
8. I used to work in IT, but now work primarily as a financial speculator (mostly, though not exclusively, focusing upon real estate and foreign exchange);
9. I have an extended circle of extremely loyal friends and a wife whom I value more than anything.
10. For years I’ve been caught between the world I grew up in and the life I have built for myself in NYC, never being able to fully commit to either.


03-23-2007, 08:21 PM
1. I'm an artist/writer
2. I'm stubborn
3. I'm a smartass
4. I'm jaded but there's still some of the romantic left in me
5. I love road trips
6. I'm moving back down south this summer
7. I've posted nude pictures on this forum :oops:
8. Go Panthers! Falcons suck :P
9. I have horrible road rage
10. People tell me I treat my dog as if she was my daughter

03-23-2007, 08:30 PM
1. I just recently started a wine club...
2. I used to be deathly afraid of dentists.
3. I always make people laugh even when I am sad
4. I love to play pinochle..
5 I love reality TV
6. I have only owned a cell phone for 9 months.
7. I used to play amateur jai-alai
8. I am a reformed aggressive driver.
9. I like big butts and I cannot lie
10. I am a great bargain shopper

03-23-2007, 08:51 PM
2. I'm 5.8
3. I use sarcasm to keep people at arms length.
4. I'm allergic to fish
5. I have a poor sense of direction [i once got lost in Chatachuck(sp?) market in Thailand, and being both British and male, i was damned if i was going to ask directions...It took me hours to find my way back to the hotel (i started asking directions after that!)]
6. I would rather read the book than watch the film. I'm always dissapointed in the adaptation
7. One of my many occupations, i used to make a full time living from ebay
8. I love tattooed woman
9. When i was 24, i quit my job and walked around the entire UK coastline - It was something i'd wanted to do since i was kid.
10. <too personal>

03-23-2007, 09:07 PM
Since you asked:

1. I'm a semi pro wildlife and nature photographer, you may have see my stuff in calandars, magazines, books.

2. I've never been married, but engaged twice. The last time would have been a big mistake.

3. 30 yrs. ago I was a dope dealin' motorcycle maniac, gave it before it did me in.

4. I've never cheated on a girlfriend.

5. I'm a self taught guitar player, some 30 yrs. now.

6. I only drive in the left lane on a highway, always at a high rate of speed.

7. I love flower gardening, since I bought this house.

8. I would rather be in the MTs. or the desert than the beach.

9. I've known my best friend since kindergarten. (50 yrs.).

10. I'm claustrophobic...LOL

03-23-2007, 09:19 PM
1. I own over 300 pairs of shoes- I collect them.
2. I love shopping, it's my favorite past time.
3. I have two dogs that weight a total of 12 pounds.
4. I am an avid reader of biographies.
5. I hate sunlight in my apt-the shades are always drawn and the lights are dim.
6. I have never had a 9 to 5 job.
7. My favorite color is red.
8. I love chocolate and sweets.
9. My natural hair color is a dark ash blond.
10. I have a fear of public toilets.

03-24-2007, 12:18 AM
1. I Love Comic books forever

2. Drawing while listening to my favorite bands or classical music is the most soothing thing i could ever do

3. I always wanted to be in a Tgirl porn flick but alas i doubt it will happen

4. I graduate college on May 11th and have no idea where to go next

5. my favorite band is Dashboard Confessional

6. I am an avid gamer and love my 360 and my DS as if they were my kids haha

7. I have a dog named Duffy (soft coated Wheaton Terrier)

8. I love going to the movies and could tell you anything about any movie made since Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

9. I love cartoons and teen dramas (especially Dawsons Creek and The OC)

10. I am Spider-Man

03-24-2007, 02:52 AM
Here goes....

1. I'm made from the same stuff as Soylent Green.
2. I know why the caged bird sings.
3. I don't know the Muffin Man, but I know where he lives.
4. I know who shot JR.... actually, now that I think about it, I don't.
5. Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.
6. I know how Mr. Lee gets his shirts so clean.
7. I'm strong enough for a man, but made for a woman.
8. I'm pretty sure I've figured out why Clark Kent is never seen in the same room as Superman.
9. I think Bringing Up Baby is the most overrated movie in history.
And finally.... I'm made from the same stu-- no, wait. uhhh... I can tell you the names and fates of all six of Henry VIII's wives, list all seven Muses, identify a whole bunch of sconstellations, Speak four languages, and lots of other nerdy stuff. Yet I've never been called a nerd. Maybe because none of the languages are Klingon.

03-24-2007, 03:11 AM
5. I have been married for 25 years to the most wonderful woman in the world


10. I live in Barcelona, one of the most beautiful cities of the world and the Montreal of Europe.


7. I'm starting to really get into working out again.


10 I live on a beautiful tropical island in Thailand


1. I’m semi-retired at thirty five years old,


7. I love flower gardening, since I bought this house.

'Flower gardening' eh? I get you K :wink: :smoking :mrgreen:


4. I graduate college on May 11th and have no idea where to go next

See #3 and #6

3. I always wanted to be in a Tgirl porn flick but alas i doubt it will happen

6. I am an avid gamer and love my 360 and my DS as if they were my kids haha


03-24-2007, 05:19 AM
1. I like French vanilla but not plain.
2. I was a wrestler and co-captain of the cheerleading squad in high school.
3. I too can split both ways. (And can round off, back tuck.)
4. I can read to no end, sometimes 2000+ pages a week.
5. I am a sci-fi and cartoon fanatic.
6. I love dogs, but think cats are snobbish (unless they act like dogs.)
7. I have never seen it snow therfore never done any snow activities.
8. I am a romantic fool.
9. I remain celibate outside of a committed relationship. (Oral sex doesn't count, does it?)
10. I have not been in a committed relationship for 10 years. (see #9 and gasp :shock: )
10a. I don't have a fear of commitment, more a fear of putting my heart out there, but this was resolved 3 months ago when I reconnected with a dear friend and resloved that. :D Need to relearn not to be overly open tho. :lol: Damned if you do, damned if you don't, but not going to change my moral stance on the celibacy thing.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
03-24-2007, 06:11 AM
9. I remain celibate outside of a committed relationship. (Oral sex doesn't count, does it?)

If you meant "selfsuck" (which I doubt you could do. Hehe) No. That doesnt count but when another person does oral to you and you came then that isnt being celibate IMO Aragon21. :lol: LOL




03-24-2007, 06:23 AM
5. I have been married for 25 years to the most wonderful woman in the world

Jealous much? :) It's true though, I'm a lucky guy.

03-24-2007, 06:27 AM
Hey Kelly, what happened to your #8?

03-24-2007, 06:54 AM
1. im 21
2. i have 3 degrees currently getting M.A.S
3. im an addict of HA
4. music is the love of my life
5. i relax allot :D
6. i have 2 easy going jobs
7. i love chinese food
8. im a skilled marksman
9. im 65% irish http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Holidays_and_Party/good-luck-117.gif
10. i just traded in my lightning for an 06 cobra http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Drooling/drooling-6.gif

03-24-2007, 06:55 AM
5. I have been married for 25 years to the most wonderful woman in the world

Jealous much? :) It's true though, I'm a lucky guy.

LOL thats pure LOVE!!! :D

03-24-2007, 07:07 AM
9. I remain celibate outside of a committed relationship. (Oral sex doesn't count, does it?)

If you meant "selfsuck" (which I doubt you could do. Hehe) No. That doesnt count but when another person does oral to you and you came then that isnt being celibate IMO Aragon21. :lol: LOL




Okay, I will accept that from you...and you only! So then I "broke it" a total of 3 times! :shock: Yeah, so out of practice. I just don't go further without a relationship, and now I have to rethink the one thing I do. Damn it. :lol: What would Bill Clinton say?...Damn wrong person to ask. :lol:

03-24-2007, 07:07 AM
1. I'm an artist/writer
2. I'm stubborn
3. I'm a smartass
4. I'm jaded but there's still some of the romantic left in me
5. I love road trips
6. I'm moving back down south this summer
7. I've posted nude pictures on this forum :oops:
8. Go Panthers! Falcons suck :P
9. I have horrible road rage
10. People tell me I treat my dog as if she was my daughter

uhhhhhh BFF? ? ? ? ? ?

03-24-2007, 07:13 AM
1. I can count to ten
2. I suffer terrible vertigo. That photo of the guys having thier lunch while perched on the steel girder, can't even look at it, gives me vertigo.
3. I like all cats, even the really bad ones that steal food off your plate and scratch
4. I was born technically dead, strangled by my umbillical cord. seem to be o.k. despite the temporary lack of a pulse or oxygen in my brain.
5. I am a good cook
6. I have four impacted wisdom teeth that have totally buckled my beautiful british smile
7. I once experienced telepathy while on psylocibin mushrooms, very claustraphobic experience.
8. I think David Icke is quite sane and a prophet (possibly linked to #7)
9. I have never been sectioned under the mental health act.......yet.
10. I have just had my first nicotine for 5 days. 2 puffs and the hit seemed to flood every cell in my body with relief. This is what H must be like. few seconds later I feel so utterly poisoned and have a terrible headache localised in the lower back part of my brain. Nicotine is totally evil. just say NO kids.

11. I once swore that I would never post again in a kelly shore thread.

03-24-2007, 07:20 AM
1. I live on an island off the Connecticut coast
2. I have a dog that only drinks from a faucet, and a cat that retrieves bottle caps
3. I was an Officer in the U.S. Navy
4. I used to be a scratch golfer (before # 5)
5. I've broken my back
6. I've been to every state and 62 countries on 6 continents
7. I love snow, and have thrown at least one snowball at a car every year
8. I like Dewars
9. I've never been married, and probably never will...however
10. I've been with the same woman since the second day of my sophmore year in college (22 years)

03-24-2007, 07:37 AM
1. I live on an island off the Connecticut coast
2. I have a dog that only drinks from a faucet, and a cat that retrieves bottle caps
3. I was an Officer in the U.S. Navy
4. I used to be a scratch golfer (before # 5)
5. I've broken my back
6. I've been to every state and 62 countries on 6 continents
7. I love snow, and have thrown at least one snowball at a car every year
8. I like Dewars
9. I've never been married, and probably never will...however
10. I've been with the same woman since the second day of my sophmore year in college (22 years)
You have seen alot! You know you could scratch of #6 and #9 with a honeymoon to Antarctica!

03-24-2007, 07:41 AM
1. I live on an island off the Connecticut coast
2. I have a dog that only drinks from a faucet, and a cat that retrieves bottle caps
3. I was an Officer in the U.S. Navy
4. I used to be a scratch golfer (before # 5)
5. I've broken my back
6. I've been to every state and 62 countries on 6 continents
7. I love snow, and have thrown at least one snowball at a car every year
8. I like Dewars
9. I've never been married, and probably never will...however
10. I've been with the same woman since the second day of my sophmore year in college (22 years)
You have seen alot! You know you could scratch of #6 and #9 with a honeymoon to Antarctica!

Not my choice, I have had a ring for 19 years, and I ask every year on her birthday.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
03-24-2007, 07:42 AM
What would Bill Clinton say?...Damn wrong person to ask. :lol:

He lied! LOL :lol: ;)



the Adrienne Barbeaubot
03-24-2007, 10:23 AM
I yam what I yam.

03-24-2007, 06:09 PM
wow, another hard one....

1) I will always keep part of my childhood with me.
2) I have lost three friends under the age of 21, 7 under the age of 30
3) I am adopted.
4) My father had a number one hit record.
5) I cannot sing like my father...
6) I have 4 awards for writing.
7) My favourite place is Holland...
8) My least favourite place is LA
9) I loved a TS once.
10) I hope I will again.

03-25-2007, 02:18 AM
uhhhhhh BFF? ? ? ? ? ?


arc angel
03-25-2007, 02:34 AM
10 things about me ???....hmmm....

i am honest
love a good film
drink way to much
work way to much in the summer
i live alone in a cabin in the woods
wish love would find me
been to 48 states and 13 countrys
use to play percusion in rock bands
i trust people to much
i crossdress sometimes

03-25-2007, 02:37 AM
uhhhhhh BFF? ? ? ? ? ?


its nothing never mind

03-25-2007, 05:02 AM
1: I am mad on Cricket
2: I am from New Zealand
3: I am Jewish
4: I lurve fish and chips
5: I don't eat enough greens
5: I can't count too well
6: I enjoy taking the piss(being sarcy)
7: I live on me own (whoo hoo)
8: I Paint lil LOTR men
9: Took 3 wickets on debut for the prems yesterday (still stoked bout that)
10: I cant think of another one

03-25-2007, 05:03 AM
1. I like tattoos and piercings
2. I am a good athlete
3. Excellent at 80's trivia
4. I shave my head cuz I have a bald/thinning spot
5. I love to play poker
6. First sexual experience with a girl was 8 and with a boy was 11
7. I like golden showers
8. I have never left the US
9. I love to masturbate
10. I have never had an experience with a transsexual

I can't wait to change number 10!!

03-25-2007, 07:30 AM
1. I'm an artist.
2. I also create music on Fruity Loops: The Producer Edition.
3. I'm always in search of good foreign and independent films..I'm artsy.
4. Most GG porn doesn't do much for me anymore...unless I imagine that they're post-op...sad, but true.
5. I'm know I'm bi, and I'm attracted to feminine boys...TGs have to start somewhere :wink:
6. I like helping total strangers.
7. I'm all about relationships.
8. I'm only a little over 5'8".
9. I would read all the time, but reading distracts me from my art.
10. I listen to a variety of music. Except country music.

03-25-2007, 07:41 AM
1. I’m obsessed with sex.
2. I adore my lovers.
3. I’m equally obsessed with mathematics and physics.
4. I read a lot of philosophy.
5. I adore jazz and classical music.
6. I can spend weeks inside an art museum.
7. I play the piano, but rather poorly. Jazz ballads, very little improvisation, banging out chords with the left hand and play melody with the right. Really wish I could get beyond this point.
8. I’m a fair weather biker. I bike to work when the weather’s nice…not because I’m an environmentalist or a health nut, but just for the fun of it.
9. I’m incredibly shy and somewhat self-sufficient.
10. I think the universe is wonderfully, whimsically, wildly pointless.

03-25-2007, 08:43 AM
1. I believe in the moment and not looking forward or backward.
2. Despite no. 1 i look forward and backward all the time.
3. I like to make rules so that I can break them.
4. When I break rules, I make more rules about the punishment for breaking them and play a nice little guilt game with myself.
5. I guess I'm a naughty boy but with good intentions.
6. When I try to live by rule no. 1, i believe that the fundamental unit of life is "the day" and that all days should include: a) Some Productive Work, b) a good breakfast, c) a fine dinner and some wine, music and after dinner drinks, d) good conversation, e) companionships with a friend(s) or a lover(s) (if you're french, for instance). and f) a good night's sleep.
7. I love the mornings and I'm a morning person.
8. I love the nights and I'm a night owl.
9. Characteristics "7" and "8" often clash and get me into a lot of trouble.
10. I do my best to appreciate and respect the circumstances of other people so that I will not unfairly judge them or their points of view....and while I fail sometimes at this rule, I'm alway keep trying.

03-26-2007, 04:24 AM
10. I have a fear of public toilets. :lol: Totaly understandable.

03-26-2007, 04:37 AM
1. i'm crazy;
2. i love tgirls;
3. i break the law in spite of be a lawyer;
4. i am witty;
5. i drink;
6. i love the nature;
7. i love sex;
8. i believe all world can live together in peace;
9. i love my girlfriend Carol (tgirl) _on a photo in my signature;
10. i love too much my girlfriend Carol (tgirl)_on a photo in my signature;

Hugs from Rio.

03-26-2007, 04:40 AM
1. i'm crazy;
2. i love tgirls;
3. i break the law in spite of be a lawyer;
4. i am witty;
5. i drink;
6. i love the nature;
7. i love sex;
8. i believe all world can live together in peace;
9. i love my girlfriend Carol (tgirl) _on a photo in my signature;
10. i love too much my girlfriend Carol (tgirl)_on a photo in my signature;

Hugs from Rio. NO FUCKING WAY??? YOU LOVE T-GIRLS??? REALLY??? Sorry lol feeling sarcastic today.

03-26-2007, 04:55 AM
1. i'm crazy;
2. i love tgirls;
3. i break the law in spite of be a lawyer;
4. i am witty;
5. i drink;
6. i love the nature;
7. i love sex;
8. i believe all world can live together in peace;
9. i love my girlfriend Carol (tgirl) _on a photo in my signature;
10. i love too much my girlfriend Carol (tgirl)_on a photo in my signature;

Hugs from Rio.

NO FUCKING WAY??? YOU LOVE T-GIRLS??? REALLY??? Sorry lol feeling sarcastic today.


03-26-2007, 04:57 AM
1. i'm crazy;
2. i love tgirls;
3. i break the law in spite of be a lawyer;
4. i am witty;
5. i drink;
6. i love the nature;
7. i love sex;
8. i believe all world can live together in peace;
9. i love my girlfriend Carol (tgirl) _on a photo in my signature;
10. i love too much my girlfriend Carol (tgirl)_on a photo in my signature;

Hugs from Rio.

NO FUCKING WAY??? YOU LOVE T-GIRLS??? REALLY??? Sorry lol feeling sarcastic today.

HUGS FROM RIO. lmao Omg sweety I was being sarcastic!! :?:

03-26-2007, 05:01 AM

Dino Velvet
03-26-2007, 06:29 AM
1) I like Whiskey
2) I like Coke
3) I like Whiskey & Coke
4) I make sure to set my alarm so I can wake up by noon
5) I scored over 1,000,000 on Tetris while sitting on the toilet 2 days ago
6) I can eat 2 Double King Burgers w/chili & cheese from Fatburger and finish all my fries
7) On a scale of 1-10, I'll fuck anything over a 3
8) I am a fan of horror movies and hard rock/heavy metal music from the 1970-80s
9) I make sure to jerk off before going to the gym so I don't stare at women like a serial killer
10) I check out this site often, look at TS pics and videos and get turned on, but have not only never had sex with a TS but have never even met one knowingly and I live in Los Angeles

03-26-2007, 07:08 AM
1 i fart
2 i piss
3 i sleep
4 i shit
5 i jerk off
6 i fuck
7 i like trannies
8 i drive fast
9 i shower
10 i eat
in no particular order

03-26-2007, 07:52 AM
7) On a scale of 1-10, I'll fuck anything over a 3

OMFG! :shock: I love your honesty! :D I lost it on reading that!

03-26-2007, 08:32 AM
Post ten things about myself? Oh My God this is so silly :lol: Are you sure? I don't know if I can................ Can you keep a secret? Pinky swear?

Okay, here goes........

1) I'm a man. (oh fuck, I shouldn't have said that)
2) I have a fetish for dark skinned midgets who try to run through walls while smoking.
3) Right wing conservatives and left wing liberals make me hard because they're so serious and tight assed.
4) I tend to take the hand held shower and shoot it under my balls.
5) I think Kelly is gonna be the sexiest babe here ten years from now.
6) I often wonder what happened to the piss fetish people who posted here. Did they change their names.
7) I believe chinese males have greasy looking hair.
8) I have found that arab males have stinky left hands but sweet smelling right hands
9) I believe the planets revolve around the sun, but the threads revolve around Kelly.
10) I like t-girls and the t-girls who have met me like me. Why, because I'm a cute son of bitch with a sense of humor who makes them laugh.

Christ next time you do a survey, limit it to five.

03-26-2007, 08:36 AM
Post ten things about myself? Oh My God this is so silly :lol: Are you sure? I don't know if I can................ Can you keep a secret? Pinky swear?

Okay, here goes........

1) I'm a man. (oh fuck, I shouldn't have said that)
2) I have a fetish for dark skinned midgets who try to run through walls while smoking.
3) Right wing conservatives and left wing liberals make me hard because they're so serious and tight assed.
4) I tend to take the hand held shower and shoot it under my balls.
5) I think Kelly is gonna be the sexiest babe here ten years from now.
6) I often wonder what happened to the piss fetish people who posted here. Did they change their names.
7) I believe chinese males have greasy looking hair.
8) I have found that arab males have stinky left hands but sweet smelling right hands
9) I believe the planets revolve around the sun, but the threads revolve around Kelly.
10) I like t-girls and the t-girls who have met me like me. Why, because I'm a cute son of bitch with a sense of humor who makes them laugh.

Christ next time you do a survey, limit it to five. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: AWE

Willie Escalade
03-26-2007, 08:54 AM
1. My favorite vehicle (which I don't own yet) is a Cadillac Escalade, hence the name.

2. My favorite T-girl out there is Devora Ferrer, hence the avatar.

3. I have a weird hobby of searching out original songs that were sampled for other hits.

4. My compact disc collection grows threefold every week.

5. I feel that the only way Los Angeles will get a football team is when we decided to pay for the stadium construction. Never gonna happen.

6. One of my favorite quotes I've read recently really sums up some of my feelings.

You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named 'Bush', 'Dick', and 'Colon'.

7. I listen to older music more than I listen to newer music.

8. I am considered a smart ass when I answer a stupid question.

9. I've been playing the same lotto numbers for over twelve years; I can't stop now.

10. I respect everyone who shows me respect in return.

03-26-2007, 10:12 AM
I guess its my turn now...

Im 30 something asian guy
married.. :wink:
a comic freak..i guess :lol:
love Volkswagen and those european classics
a MacUser...yes, i love apple!
love dogs
like Japanese food
love the 60's and the 80's
i cant sing..or dance :oops:


03-26-2007, 03:13 PM

1/ I do more than 80 impersonations , in french and in english. (and I may be the only one who can imitate sean paul perfectly 8))
2/ I am still a virgin. :oops: (but i am 20)
3/ I ALWAYS get out of any sticky situation.
4/ I am a part vietnamese
5/ I am a very good dancer (somebody told me)
6/ I like TGs since I am 13. (Even if I prefer GGs)
7/ I am planning to conquer the entire world since I am 9.
8/ I don't like candy.
9/ I have a good memory.
10/ I am french.

03-27-2007, 03:19 AM
1. I can`t whistle (a bitch getting a cab in NYC)
2. I once went 6 months without leaving Manhattan
3. In 2006 I traveled to Europe seven times (business)
4. I have not driven a car since 2005
5. I love to eat at Tao on 58th street
6. I am a season ticket holder for the NY Rangers and NY Mets
7. I am a big Tom Waits fan
8. Once won $44,000 playing slots in AC
9. My hero is Jackie Robinson
10. My parents were born in Ireland

03-27-2007, 03:50 AM
1. I laugh my ass off watching Teletubbies, and I'm not (necessarily) stoned.
2. I read Kafka's Trial after waking up with about 6 police surrounding me on some bogus charge. If you don't get this, then read The Trial.
3. My room is a total mess, and I don't care.
4. I'm bipolar.
5. I am a rabid Red Sox fan.
6. I have a sick sense of humor. Not psychotic sick, but I enjoyed Bob Saget's version of The Aristocrats.
7. I always keep my bathroom mirror open and facing the wall. If you want to see yourself, you have to move close it and then look in the mirror.
8. At the movies, I can never share popcorn with my date/companion/pal/etc. because most people find the amount of salt I layer on it to be absolutely repulisng.
9. Fish O'Fillet(s), girl scout cookies, and beer actually makes a really good meal.
10. I am a cat person, but not when you have a small apartment and poor ventilation.

03-27-2007, 07:32 AM
OOOH !! this looks fun!
1. I'm a little bit of hip-hop... and a little bit of rock n'roll
2. I love changing my hair styles and colors... from black mohawks to red side ponytails to purple tresses to pink curls and orange spikes (If I can still dye it... LOL...I will try it!)
3. I've been a trans activist since I was 17, and helped create an organization for trans people in NY
4. Even though I love a party...people kinda creep me the hell out! There HAS to be a VIP section! (WHAT?! it's true!)
5. Though I have a handful of girlfriends- I tend to not hang out with too many girls...i'm allergic to drama and petty bullshit
6. I REALLY want to get some more tattoos!
7. I have a smart ass mouth
8. I like my music like I like my men... fun yet meaningful... like I can party with you one second and admire your depth the next
9. I'm shaken not stirred
10. Though I like to know whats popping in the community... I CANT TAKE SOMEBODY ALL UP IN MY BUSINESS!!
(Nosey ass people are the DEVIL!) :angry

03-27-2007, 08:56 AM
1. I laugh my ass off watching Teletubbies, and I'm not (necessarily) stoned.
2. I read Kafka's Trial after waking up with about 6 police surrounding me on some bogus charge. If you don't get this, then read The Trial.
3. My room is a total mess, and I don't care.
4. I'm bipolar.
5. I am a rabid Red Sox fan.
6. I have a sick sense of humor. Not psychotic sick, but I enjoyed Bob Saget's version of The Aristocrats.
7. I always keep my bathroom mirror open and facing the wall. If you want to see yourself, you have to move close it and then look in the mirror.
8. At the movies, I can never share popcorn with my date/companion/pal/etc. because most people find the amount of salt I layer on it to be absolutely repulisng.
9. Fish O'Fillet(s), girl scout cookies, and beer actually makes a really good meal.
10. I am a cat person, but not when you have a small apartment and poor ventilation.

i was worried that you were my dad for a second :lol:

03-28-2007, 09:50 AM
New to the forum so I figured this would be an easy way to introduce myself.

1. I have an incureable case of wander lust.

2. I have been to Somalia, Egypt, Korea and Haiti. I've also jumped from a perfectly good aircraft using equipment made by the lowest bidder. (thank you Uncle Sam)

3. My lifes ambition is to be a lifeguard in the gene pool.

4. When in my car, I ALWAYS take the long way. (see 1)

5. I think Bettie Page is the sexiest woman to every grace this earth.

6. I think black hair should be the new blond.

7. I consider myself an articulate person, but revert to incoherent babbling in the company of a beautiful woman.

8. I still love heavy metal even though its not "cool" anymore. :rock2

9. Adrenaline is my drug of choice.

10. I'm a closet Dungeons & Dragons geek.

and finally 11 ( I get an extra one because I'm new and I said so)

11. Judging by what I've seen thus far, I honestly believe I've stumbled upon a good group of people here, thanks for having me.

03-28-2007, 03:40 PM
1. I'm always late, whether it be fashionable or just late(lol even to this post)

2. I'm pretty open minded to anything or at least for one try.

3. I watch all types of porn -excluding gay

4. Huge fan of videogames (think i was born with a controller in my hand)

5. Love to get out of the house and enjoy a movie, dinner, bowling, skating, etc...

6. Adventurous at times, been hang gliding, racing, snowboarding, skiing.

7. Love to travel

8. Love to drink but "alway in moderation" LOL

9. Love to be around people

10. Dedicate 1 day of the week to myself.