View Full Version : Some questions (DVD advice, Cher, etc.)

03-20-2007, 10:21 PM
Greetings from Copenhagen!

I found this board (almost) accidentally a few days ago and was pleasently surprised. Among other things, it was interesting to finally learn a bit about some of the lovely ladies (Angelique, Dana, Lisa, Lilienne, ...) that were featured in Transsexual Climax in the 80's and early 90's (I have most of these in my modest collection). Sad to hear than some of them have passed away, though.

May I ask a couple of questions? I don't have a lot of DVD's, partly because many of the t-girl Internet stars never seem to appear on the DVD covers I see in the shops. Is it impossible to find an actual DVD with (say) Areeya anywhere? I'll probably try a LB69 sub at some point, but I take it that they're basically just selling downloads(?) Do sites like LB-69 tend to keep older pictorials/clips on-line, or do you need to get these elsewhere? Any word of advice from members would be greatly appreciated!

Being a huge Cher fan, and (yes) occasionally having naughty thoughts about her, I was wondering if anyone can point me to any pictures of t-girls doing Cher impersonations? Professionally or otherwise, that would really float my boat :smoking

I read in the FAQ that images can't be posted/uploaded directly to the board, but the pictures I see seem to have URL's like:


I find that a bit confusing. Can you or can't you? I guess I could just try and see what happens, but I'm not the adventurous type :wink:

03-20-2007, 10:38 PM
Welcome. Images can be uploaded directly to the board using the "Add an Attachment" option that's displayed when you create or respond to a post.