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View Full Version : The last time I……..

03-19-2007, 06:00 AM
At first glance this may seem like another pointless thread about something that holds no real credence, but there is an adequate point I think. That point loosely revolves around my evolution as a member of HungAngels and my now reassessed opinion of what is a good thread here.

The last time I posted a cock picture must have been over a month ago, this may cause a reaction along the lines of whoopedy fucking doo who gives a shit but considering that when I this joined this site my index finger was completely mouse click happy to the cock picture threads and I constantly found my self drooling over them like some poor hungry anaemic dog who watches anxiously as his master eats a full Sunday roast.
Lately though I have not even bothered clicking on these threads and have rather opted for something more meaningful and widely interesting it seems the “oh my god that must be ten inches" and “I would love to suck that” threads just do not pull my strings like they once did and I was wondering is this a natural evolvement, am I growing up as a person or was I simply a sad Cock Bandit who associated transsexuals with sex only.
The reason I felt compelled to construct this thread was after reading some of the reply’s from these cock obsessed ass sucking pussy’s I thought to my self, what a bunch of fucking losers and then the stark realisation hit me like a speeding bus, not so long ago that was me. I have started to notice the never ending amount of douche bags that post endless cock pictures and spend hours debating the size, shapes and even shades of them.
I must say on the other side there are some highly intelligent posters here, I put myself somewhere in the middle and do not see myself as being on the intellectual level of say Quinn, Peggygee or Arianna but for the want of not using derogatory terms, mentioning no names “cough cough Legend” there are some innately backward people who lurk these forums on a regular basis too. Now I am drifting of topic, I guess what I am saying is my perception of a worthy and contributing poster has changed, before I was happy just looking at cock pictures now I would rather learn something new from an insightful person like Peggy, enjoy the humour of ezed or maybe just laugh at J insulting someone when they say something stupid.

I know that my personal journey here is not important in the grand scheme of things, but if Kelly can start a thread about her new favourite song every night then shit why not.

03-19-2007, 06:15 AM
I knew you were gonna put my name in it.

03-19-2007, 06:29 AM
I knew you were gonna put my name in it.


This thread was is in no way about you, I was talking about starting pointless threads and your name just sprung to mind (I wonder why).

03-19-2007, 06:42 AM
Thank you very much for the compliment

Yeah, in a dark room, I am pretty bright. :idea:

But I have observed what you have stated. When new people get
here there is the inevitable 'I'm not gay, but.....thread'. :roll:

Then they want you to help them identify every porn star they have
ever seen. They also will want you to share any and all sexual
experiences that you may have had with a transwoman.

Now, 'if' they stay around, and most don't, but if they do, you will find
that they are growing and aren't just the 1st class cock bandits that they
were in their early days.

Ahh, newbs.

Alright, enough of the warm and fuzzy moment.

Where's the next bunch of newbs http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2/magi43/femaleDIlowres.jpg


03-19-2007, 07:00 AM
Thank you very much for the compliment

Yeah, in a dark room, I am pretty bright.

But I have observed what you have stated. When new people get
here there is the inevitable 'I'm not gay but.....thread'.

Then they want you to help them identify every porn star they have
ever seen. They also will want you to share any and all sexual
experiences that you may have had with a transwoman.

Now, 'if' they stay around, and most don't, but if they do, you will find
that they are growing and aren't just the 1st class cock bandits that they
were in their early days.

Thanks, that description pretty much sums up what I have done since joining this site.
It seems that I am not the only one who goes through this, it's good to know that with the right influences people can grow without even realising they are.

03-19-2007, 07:02 AM
Lately though I have not even bothered clicking on these threads and have rather opted for something more meaningful and widely interesting it seems the “oh my god that must be ten inches" and “I would love to suck that” threads just do not pull my strings like they once did and I was wondering is this a natural evolvement, am growing up as a person or was I simply a sad Cock Bandit who associated transsexuals with sex only.

The reason I felt compelled to construct this thread was after reading some of the reply’s from these cock obsessed ass sucking pussy’s I thought to my self, what a bunch of fucking losers and then the stark realisation hit me like a speeding bus, not so long ago that was me.
Personal growth is cool :-)

I think transwomen go through similar "realizing what we looked like in the past and how sad it was" stages too. Every so often I think back to what I was like back when I was actually transitioning and I get embarassed that I was ever so needy or ashamed or judgmental or... you know, whatever.

One of the reasons I seek out communities of people who I share something with (aside from just being social and helping people and getting political gossip and curiosity and whatnot) is that I think I learn a lot from seeing possible ways "I" could be. What if I'd done X? What if I'd chosen Y? What if my parents had been like Z? How would I be different and what does that mean for how I should try to be in the future...

The reason I came to Hung Angels is in large part because I have no idea what my husband is dealing with in this "what if" way. I know he loves me and supports me. We talk about it sometimes and those conversations always leave me amazed and in love him him all over again... I know my trans history weirds him out a bit (it's not a plus for him)...

But I know myself in part by knowing the "halo of possible me's" and before finding this forum I'd never seen cisguys talking about trans issues. I like reading what you guys write about yourselves and how you deal with your families and the stigma of being with (or being into) transwomen because it helps me see my husband's halo :-)

03-19-2007, 07:32 AM
The last time I posted a cock picture must have been over a month ago

whoopedy fucking doo!

No, but seriously, good thread(it's been a dull week at H.A.)Lust. I understand you there, it's the text, the info , the opinions, the shouting drunks(my bad) I come to see here now. When I started checking Hung Angels I was thinking of trying my hand at porn production. It's not dissimilar to popular music production and I kinda wanted to move into some fun but nice and legal work, also the 'employees' can be quite appealing. I have learned many things here, mostly from the girls of course but the more I discover about the Porn Industry, The less I want to have anything to do with it. And the money isn't nearly as good as I thought. It is good to see producers like Seanchai trying to make porn that titilates while projecting a more positive image of TS women.
Praise again for Peggy Gee's wisdom and frankness, Alison's realism & honesty and Hara_juku's sense of fun and community. Hung Angels is a great resource and every day has at least one good topic amongst the 'other' threads. Sometimes it's fun to butt in to a conversation, start a fight, then move off to another thread, do the same there. :wink:

03-19-2007, 07:49 AM
Thanks Kriss, so very much.


03-19-2007, 08:36 AM
Yup yup. When I signed up for this forum I wanted to engage in discussion and perhaps enlighten myself and learn a few things that I might not have otherwise known. I didn't know pic threads were allowed, so you can imagine my delight when I saw them (wheee! >_>).

But yeah, I have been skipping pic threads more in search something with a bit more substance myself.

Don't get me wrong though, pic threads are the bee's knees (shit, did I just say that?). These days, though, I mainly look for seanchai's Grooby updates to see the recognizable faces and new ones alike.

Btw, I still chuckle when I see "cock bandit."

Hara_Juku Tgirl
03-19-2007, 10:06 AM
Praise again for Peggy Gee's wisdom and frankness, Alison's realism & honesty and Hara_juku's sense of fun and community.

Awwe Thanks Kriss. :P



03-20-2007, 03:02 AM
Alison's realism & honesty and Hara_juku's sense of fun and community.

Yes, there are quite a few people here that I hold an admiration for that I did not mention. Hara of course is always super cool and Alison seems to be a very honest girl, from what I gather from her posts.

I always find my self agreeing with Fox’s views on a number of various matters and even you yourself are pretty funny in small doses Kriss (only joking about the small doses thing). The list could go on but I think I am about to cry “Somebody pass me the tissues quick” - “0h shit I used them all on the cock pic threads”, OK then “somebody kick me in the nuts quick” all these niceties are making me well up.

In all seriousness I think the best thing to come out of my time here is that I am not really that bothered with whom I end up with, whether it is a GG or a Transsexual be they Pre Op or Post Op, I can now appreciate them all simply as women.
Do not get me wrong I’m sure I could still be turned on by a pretty girl with a cock, but I am no longer obsessed with chasing them or watching them fucking or jerking on camera.
I guess what I am saying is the odd Cock Picture or TS Movie on a rainy day is all good but only in healthy proportion and moderation.

Now I feel too grown up and way too sensible, so just to prove I’m not all about the Cock, here’s a picture of a Blonde Chick….. With a Nice Pussy! …………