View Full Version : The Ex Call..................................

03-18-2007, 09:55 PM
anyone else get alot of these?

Your ex calls in the middle of the night to talk to you (sober or drunk) whilst in the vicinity of her present man?!?

How fucking disrespectful

and to top it off you get a story: Oh he fought this guy that grabbed my ass


yeah I went into the bathroom and this other guy tried to follow me in I guess he liked me

etc. etc.

then they bug out when you hang up on em

03-18-2007, 10:39 PM
why i never hand out my house #....whats even worse is the ex doesnt take in consideration the 3 hour time difference...im not a big fan of 5am calls :lol:

03-18-2007, 11:06 PM
anyone else get alot of these?

Your ex calls in the middle of the night to talk to you (sober or drunk) whilst in the vicinity of her present man?!?

How fucking disrespectful

and to top it off you get a story: Oh he fought this guy that grabbed my ass


yeah I went into the bathroom and this other guy tried to follow me in I guess he liked me

etc. etc.

then they bug out when you hang up on em

It's all about attention and to see if they can spark your interest or make you jealous with another person after them.

03-19-2007, 01:25 AM
:lol: :rock2

03-19-2007, 02:14 AM
I don't think she was rubbing anything in my face. I think she wanted to talk, but she felt the need to tell me about some shit that had just occurred, assuming I'd want to listen, again this was very early in the a.m., I ended up missing a convo with a friend who posts on the board, could've hung out with her instead...........

03-19-2007, 06:31 AM
I've got one that has been calling me a couple of times a year since the 80's. She "luvvvvs" me. Not as much as alcohol and cocaine but those two loves fuel her calls.

She makes me laugh,so I don't discourage her. If it was a couple of times a month,or a week,I'm sure I'd feel different.

03-19-2007, 07:58 AM
I'm usually the one making the drunken calls, I get all absurd and shit, but I don't remember them, so they don't count. Deniability. Word.

03-19-2007, 11:13 AM
Your ex calls in the middle of the night to talk to you (sober or drunk) whilst in the vicinity of her present man?!?

How fucking disrespectful

and to top it off you get a story: Oh he fought this guy that grabbed my ass


yeah I went into the bathroom and this other guy tried to follow me in I guess he liked me

etc. etc.

then they bug out when you hang up on em

Did you date Kelly? :lol:

Just kidding Kelly.

This thread will be highjacked in 3...2...1

03-19-2007, 01:38 PM
What a timely thread. Mine caleld the other night, using her current bf's phone no less. Glad she called my land line, since I picked it up after the outgoing msg had finished and it was in record mode LOL. She was very drunk, and told me she wanted me to come over and jump her bones, since he was not getting the job done, still love you blah blah blah. Let her ramble, then told her I would pass, I need to be hard to do the deed and she no longer does it for me,at which point she hung up. Called me the next day, asking if nhe had called me, "I don't remember anything I was sooooo drunk". Told her that her call was almost as disrespectful as when I walked in on her and the pool boy playing hide the baloney Then told her what she said and she said no way, at which point I said hold on and played it back for her. When I put the phone back to my ear, the line was dead.
6 more months of support and she better have a job, cuz the gravy train is leaving the station and there is no seat for her. Free at last, free at last, thank God I am free at last

03-19-2007, 11:29 PM
What a timely thread. Mine caleld the other night, using her current bf's phone no less. Glad she called my land line, since I picked it up after the outgoing msg had finished and it was in record mode LOL. She was very drunk, and told me she wanted me to come over and jump her bones, since he was not getting the job done, still love you blah blah blah. Let her ramble, then told her I would pass, I need to be hard to do the deed and she no longer does it for me,at which point she hung up. Called me the next day, asking if nhe had called me, "I don't remember anything I was sooooo drunk". Told her that her call was almost as disrespectful as when I walked in on her and the pool boy playing hide the baloney Then told her what she said and she said no way, at which point I said hold on and played it back for her. When I put the phone back to my ear, the line was dead.
6 more months of support and she better have a job, cuz the gravy train is leaving the station and there is no seat for her. Free at last, free at last, thank God I am free at last

CLASSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!
thanks for sharing

03-20-2007, 10:26 AM
U 2? Lol...I get a call from a unknow number that I don't recognize.

Blah blah blah...they bitch about the current person their with and blah blah blah!