View Full Version : IRISH CAR BOMBS

03-17-2007, 12:25 AM

Persoanlly, I just had one a few minutes ago and it was ok. Not great, but a decent drink. Of course it helps that I'm celebrating St. Paddy's today...

03-17-2007, 12:42 AM
Ain't Irish, and don't drink, but find the name offensive. :smh

03-17-2007, 12:42 AM
i prefer Jager Bombs.

03-17-2007, 12:57 AM
Ain't Irish, and don't drink, but find the name offensive. :smh


03-17-2007, 12:59 AM
It is offensive to me but so is the attitude of most americans regarding Ireland. Seems to be many 'irish' americans who have never been there and somewhat romanticise the country's recent political history. Both sides are incredibly corrupt.
Also the poll should have an option for non-irish to vote that it is offensive.

arc angel
03-17-2007, 01:01 AM
shots of BUSHMILLS for the bar........

03-17-2007, 01:22 AM
im irish and the real name of this drink is baby guiness

03-17-2007, 01:27 AM
Ain't Irish, and don't drink, but find the name offensive.


It is offensive to me but so is the attitude of most americans regarding Ireland. Seems to be many 'irish' americans who have never been there and somewhat romanticise the country's recent political history. Both sides are incredibly corrupt.
Also the poll should have an option for non-irish to vote that it is offensive.

Due to to the political connotations of a drink with that name.

At the risk of being overly PC, which I often am, I don't feel it's
a good name.

03-17-2007, 01:45 AM
Now if we are talking about a 'tequila sunrise', after having 'sex on the
beach' with a Black Russian, that would be a love hangover I'm down

But I still don't drink. :wink:

03-17-2007, 01:48 AM
I love Guiness in cold weather,and as far as whisky...fucking gross...gimme tequila or good vodka anytime

03-17-2007, 01:57 AM
kick the brits out of ulster :lol:

people here also celebrate st. patīs day, I donīt know why but I always was at those green parties here..... bomb it down with guinness, man

03-17-2007, 02:25 AM
kick the brits out of ulster :lol:

That's the spirit! Not supporting the IRA or violence, but the Brits really do need to go. There's just been too much bullshit over their occupation, but since the British empire's been dismantled, they're going to try keep every last holding. So I guess the forecast is civil strife for the next 20 years... :(

Politics is a despicable bitch. But I majored in PoliSci. Go figure.

03-17-2007, 02:40 AM
kick the brits out of ulster :lol:

That's the spirit! Not supporting the IRA or violence, but the Brits really do need to go. There's just been too much bullshit over their occupation, but since the British empire's been dismantled, they're going to try keep every last holding. So I guess the forecast is civil strife for the next 20 years... :(


[Really Biting Tongue!]

03-17-2007, 02:47 AM
kick the brits out of ulster :lol:

That's the spirit! Not supporting the IRA or violence, but the Brits really do need to go. There's just been too much bullshit over their occupation, but since the British empire's been dismantled, they're going to try keep every last holding. So I guess the forecast is civil strife for the next 20 years... :(

Politics is a despicable bitch. But I majored in PoliSci. Go figure.

The Northern Ireland conflict has typical imperial roots. I mention this because the present ethno-religious conflict didnīt just appear. The English had no troubles to occupy the rest of Ireland but Ulster was a hard stone for them. After they finally occupied Ulster (todays Norhern Ireland) they still had problems with the resistance so they decided to settle in people from Scotland and England who were protestants. It was a strategy and ethnic cleansing was succesful..... itīs a sad story but itīs not just the faith or the ethnic background. Itīs power.

03-17-2007, 03:06 AM
[[Really Biting Tongue!]


Politics is a despicable bitch. But I majored in PoliSci. Go figure.

Then go back to school FOOL!

That's the spirit! Not supporting the IRA or violence, but the Brits really do need to go. There's just been too much bullshit over their occupation, but since the British empire's been dismantled, they're going to try keep every last holding. So I guess the forecast is civil strife for the next 20 years...

O.K moron, very quick history lesson. IT'S really not about 'the brits' leaving an occupied territory. The unionists and orangemen are IRISH, born and bred. They have as much right to be there as the catholics and just becuase they don't want to be ruled by an antiquated corrupt religion in rome doesn't mean that they are 'brits' and not irish.
The Vatican controlled catholic church has repressed and persecuted the non catholic people of Ireland for decades. VATICAN OUT OF IRELAND!
you dont know a f*Ģk!ng thing do you? :banghead

It was a strategy and ethnic cleansing was succesful..... itīs a sad story but itīs not just the faith or the ethnic background. Itīs power.

Shame on you Coroner

03-17-2007, 03:30 AM
O.K moron, very quick history lesson. IT'S really not about 'the brits' leaving an occupied territory. The ulster unionists and orangemen are IRISH, born and bred. They have as much right to be there as the catholics and just becuase they don't want to be ruled by an antiquated corrupt religion in rome doesn't mean that they are 'brits' and not irish.
The Vatican controlled catholic church has repressed and persecuted the non catholic people of Ireland for decades. VATICAN OUT OF IRELAND!
you dont know a f*Ģk!ng thing do you? :banghead

I'm not saying we should kick the Ulster County people out, I have no idea where you got that from, but all I meant was that there should be one Ireland, not Ireland/Northern Ireland, but just Ireland. We seem to have different opinions as to who 'the Brits' are. What I meant was just the whole British control of Northern Ireland. I don't care what religion someone has, but I don't see why there should be two countries for one people.

03-17-2007, 03:31 AM
Ok lets stop the digressing please...


Its not bad but im always afraid im gonna break my teeth on the shot glass haha

03-17-2007, 03:35 AM
Ok lets stop the digressing please...


Its not bad but im always afraid im gonna break my teeth on the shot glass haha

And a Damn good Drink at that. But I prefer mine with Makers Mark......... Ooooh I'm gonna get shit for that.

03-17-2007, 03:52 AM
What I meant was just the whole British control of Northern Ireland. I don't care what religion someone has, but I don't see why there should be two countries for one people.

The reason it is two countries is because the Irish people of Northern Ireland would rather be British than Catholic. They are not 'ONE people' The British "control" is because they are protecting the non catholic Irish frombeing forced out.

It is ALL about religion. There should be ONE ireland but there should be ONE palestine.

03-17-2007, 04:04 AM
Yes, I think he meant the British authorities in NI, the army and the entire adminstration. Not the civil population. The Protestant people in NI are not ethnically Irish. They are the mostly the so-called Ulster-Scots. The settle-strategy I talked about is called the plantation. I donīt know if itīs just the religion, I think itīs much more than that. But whatever, you canīd blame the IRA for everything. This game came from England and England has to live with that. However, Iīm glad there are no more bombs in the news over there...... but the war led by the IRA was not a war for the Catholic faith or Vatican. It was a battle for Ireland because Ulster is Irish and not British. But keeping peace is more important and they should try to live together and not in their own ghettos.

03-17-2007, 04:14 AM
kick the brits out of ulster :lol:

That's the spirit! Not supporting the IRA or violence, but the Brits really do need to go. There's just been too much bullshit over their occupation, but since the British empire's been dismantled, they're going to try keep every last holding. So I guess the forecast is civil strife for the next 20 years... :(

So, when can i expect you to be giving the Indian Nations their country back?

[can't be arsed trying to explain that the people of N.I. are British - Like the Welsh, Scots, and English]

03-17-2007, 04:16 AM
Isn't this an episode on "Married With Children?"

03-17-2007, 04:31 AM
Isn't this an episode on "Married With Children?"

Wasn't that when Peggy wanted to become Queen? :lol:

03-17-2007, 04:37 AM
Thanks Jericho, Yes;

"The Bundys win a trip to England, courtesy of the village Lower Uncton, which can rid itself of a centuries-long curse by ridding the world of male Bundys -- and there are just two left. Back in 1653, an ancestor of Al's - Seamus McBundy, insulted a fat, ugly witch who then imposed a curse on the village and all future male Bundys. The Lower Uncton residents must kill the last male Bundys inside their city limits in order to end the curse, while Upper Uncton people must insure they die outside the city so the curse becomes permanent and Lower Uncton stays as their tourist attraction."

03-17-2007, 04:42 AM
this is gota be the biggest load of shite i've ever seen....your just saying whats being said on the news or what you've heard....if you live it you know what it is, if u dont you dont know shit. its not all about religion; relgion is one of the main factors yes, but its not the main reason...the violence stoped long ago, in the cesefire of '94 actually, since then there has only been a bit of voilence now and then...some major ones yes, but nothing compared to the rest of the world.

and seriously...this is about a drink...the name isnt offensive to an irish person; i doubt many would be; but this thred is about a drink; so can we get back on topic....

03-17-2007, 04:45 AM

03-17-2007, 05:22 AM
There's a great Irish pub at PSU that makes the best carbombs, oh fond memories of The Phyrst...

03-17-2007, 07:20 AM
* Deleted *

03-17-2007, 07:20 AM
It is offensive to me but so is the attitude of most americans regarding Ireland. Seems to be many 'irish' americans who have never been there and somewhat romanticise the country's recent political history. Both sides are incredibly corrupt.
Also the poll should have an option for non-irish to vote that it is offensive.

Kriss (ya cunt, and i say that affectionaly) I'm an irish american, and have been there a number of times. I was also raised catholic, and thus could give two shits about religion, catholic, protestant or otherwise. Ireland has problems, america has problems. Every country has issues.

I just chimed in to say I like your attitude, and I'd like to buy you a guiness, a bailyes, and a Jameson. I myself, prefer to drink them separately. Then we can sit together and rant about shit which we have no influence over. But I guarantee you this....we will laugh!

03-18-2007, 07:49 PM
like to buy you a guiness, a bailyes, and a Jameson. I myself, prefer to drink them separately. Then we can sit together and rant about shit which we have no influence over. But I guarantee you this....we will laugh!

Anytime EZED, rarely drink but will make an exception for you buddy, I was in a stinking mood that day, my bad, even dropped the 'p' bomb, oops. Swore i wasn't going to look in this thread again, bad for blood pressure, When i saw an EZED response, I had to read it. Glad i did. Nice one man.

03-18-2007, 07:56 PM
Is there a reason we are not 'car bombing'?

Oh, my mistake, we don't have a "cause."

When we do....BOMBS away! :lol:

03-18-2007, 09:57 PM
I remember the days of the hunger strikes very well. Who can forget the Maze? I love Hampton Court, so close to the river and lovely gardens. The house is a bit old but well worth a visit. The hunger strikers were in their cells and fading fast. Patsy was one of the worst but I could never see why they put a woman in with all the men. The men were only just dressed, in lightweights if I remember correctly and a loose fitting top though one each of course. Patsy who now had a beard looked just like a man by now. Joe was the thinnest and his lightweights were held up with a tie wrap. Martin used one of his shoe laces and Thomas just tripped up alot.

We tried appealing to their better natures but they didn't have a nature let alone a better one. They just swore at us amongst the diaarh, diorha, shite that their forced starvation had caused. The stomach pangs must have been gnawing at them by now which is why it was bacon sandwiches all round for us and deep pan fried water for them which they of course refused. We left fruit for them every day but due to the lack of a tin opener they couldn't eat it even if they had wanted to. We called in a priest but they didn't eat him either.

Martin was the first to go. He died peacefully in his sleep while playing table tennis but headbutted Francis who died several days later. Michael fell down trap two and drowned and was flushed to meet his maker. Then it got a bit busy but the football was on the telly so we missed the actual death throes but thanks to Jock's cine camera, a compilation was made and is doing the rounds to this day. Bobby was one of the last to die and I'll never forget his last words "Ah Bisto" as we had been spiking his water. The last two annoyingly hung on but the overtime was great.

Kevin died while playing in the five a side football after a suspect tackle and Kieran finally emptied the cells by popping off a couple of days later. It was most inconvenient and confusing for the governor as they had not died alphabetically. Kieran's last words were not recorded as Jock's cine camera didn't do sound but it was something in Irish and something that was black with a white head. We thought of Gerry Adams but he is white with a black head so it couldn't have been him.

All that was left was to collect their personal belongings, the Mars Bars hidden in the lockers, the Tayto crisps under the pillow, the Coleraine cheddar hidden in a bed leg, the Denny ham hidden in a mattress, the Dunnes store selection box disguised as a chamber pot and to wonder why these men and one woman starved themselves to death. It might have been political but Jock always says it was the lack of a tin opener that killed them and their insistence on drinking the water and nothing but the water. "Should have tried Perrier Water" he had said delighting at the slight hint of benzene.

St John Walter (Corporal Retired)
Walter House

Hope You have a sense of humour you plastic fenian cnuts.

03-18-2007, 10:02 PM
Who can forget the aftermath before the death of the prisoners. Friends and family were trying to smuggle food in but they kept getting caught. Security was very tight but in the end we managed to get some food in and we all had a good nosh up. I would like to personally thank Jock's Aunty Moira for her Dundee Cake, it just melted in the mouth.

Friends and relatives of the prisoners were caught smuggling food out and one ingenious soul had poured the deep pan fried water down his trousers and was trying to disperse it round the exercise yard. We only found that out later, at first we just thought he had a serious bladder problem. The prisoners still got exercise even though they were now very weak. I think it was Clubber who tied some string to Martin and it was fortunate that he had as a gust of wind took him up to a hundred feet and Clubber then showed off his freestyle kiting skills.

As previously mentioned, the prisoners died and a clear up process started. The cells were very messy but Philomena and May made a good job with a couple of buckets of Domestos and water. Even the germs were dead now. The clothing was taken by Billy as his son had an Action Man and they were almost a perfect fit.

The bodies had been taken away for post mortem, it was quite easy, they all fitted in the one body bag. The post mortems were carried out and the bodies were released for burial. Most fitted in a large brown envelope and Parcel Force made sure they were delivered within a fortnight. Because Bobby was an MP, he somehow got into the parliamentary postal system and was filed three times before his remains ended up in Droitwich. The mistake was instantly rectified within a week and the shoebox arrived at the family after three weeks.

The Milltown Cemetery had been booked for the funerals and heavy surveylan,surviel, there was somebody watching. I remember seeing Gerry Adams looking drawn but then he left the artist's studio and went to the funeral. Martine Mc Guinnnesss was also there representing the Derry Brigade. Derry is a small Catholic town just outside Londonderry and just over the border. Other republican bigwigs were there, Joe Mahey, Joe Cahill, Joe Maskey, Joe Kelly and Sean Bean.

The coffins were lashed down to prevent them blowing away and the Irish tricolour flew over the cemetery. It was a cold day as plenty of black gloves were being worn or were placed on top of the coffins which also stopped them blowing away. Suddenly from the crowds appared a lone gunman carrying a Hermatite AK47 and he let off five rounds after three stoppages and the barrel falling off once. It was very moving and the serveil, servweil, the watching team moved as the meter had run out and nobody had a ten pence coin.

One by one the coffins were laid to rest and a queue of people paid their last respects throwing a handful of concrete on the coffin as the wind kept getting underneath and there was a risk of them ending up on the Donegall Road. The Irish national anthem was played but it was a very scatched copy of the U2 classic and to this day nobody seems to know what has no name. Adams spoke of their sacrifice but was seen leaving the cemetery rubbing his hands together as he seemed to have forgotten his gloves. "That's got rid of those barstewards" was also attributed to him but that can't be corrober, corobber, nobody is actually sure.

So the Maze returned to normal, people still kept getting lost and one actually died of starvation after getting trapped but there were no political motives as he was apparently a Liberal supporter. I often go back to the Maze and gaze over the large expansive gardens and wonder what drives people to make such sacrifices but then I'm pulled back to reality as I realise they were republicans and scumbags. The ironic thing that came out afterwards was that Sands had written one of his crappy poems and the line 'I think we should have a hunger. Strike today.' was taken out of context as he had forgotten the full stop.

An irony and the need for an emphasis on good punctuation.

St John Walter (Corporal Retired)

Have another one too. Guess what you septic twats what if some Brit came on here and talked about a drink named after your twin towers.?.You hypocritcal cnuts . When I was over there we used to put food right by the Bobby Sands memorial. .Some sandwidges and a can of coke. What a martyr died covered in his own shyte. LOL

03-18-2007, 10:18 PM
When Bobby Sands was on hunger strike in the Maze prison, every time a screw opened the door, this is what he said to him

Would you like to try a cheeseburger Bobby Sands?
Would you like to try a cheeseburger Bobby Sands?
Would you like to try a cheeseburger you dirty wee smelly fennian rebel loving f*cker?
Would you like to try a cheeseburger Bobby Sands?

Well your Ma was up this morning and she said she'd got your Bru (the dole)
Well your Ma was up this morning and she said she'd got your Bru
Well your Ma was up this morning and she said she'd got your Bru, but sure your Bru'd be no good to you
There's a bed made in Milltown just for you

Well I'm going for my dinner now Bobby Sands (and you're not getting none)
Well I'm going for my dinner now Bobby Sands (and you're not getting none)
Well I'm going for my dinner now, would you like me to bring you back a doggy bag?
There's a bed made in Milltown just for you

Well the smell of your cell would knock you f*cking out Bobby Sands
Well the smell of your cell would knock you f*cking out Bobby Sands
Well the smell of your cell would knock you f*cking out, I've got a good mind to go in there and beat you about
There's a bed made in Milltown just for you

Would you like to try a wee cool tin of coke Bobby Sands?
Would you like to try a wee cool tin of coke Bobby Sands?
Would you like to try a tin of coke, well you're not f*cking get none I hope you choke
There's a bed made in Milltown just for you

Rot in Hell you dirty terrorist scum.

My Dad was nearly killed by a bomb in Belfast we didn't know if he was alive or dead luckily he was okay. There were numerous bomb scares in the UK that we all lived with for many years.Whatever your views on NI if you laugh about killing and maiming you are scum end of. My proudest moment was doing a tour there and seeing the place for myself.

I am frankly disgusted the moderators did not lock this thread or change the name.

03-18-2007, 10:31 PM
stop the fighting and start drinking....im going to see if nyce and jwbl are up to do some keg stands later... :lol:

03-18-2007, 10:37 PM

Nothing in this thread is even close to being as offensive as your sick and fanatical posts...

Happy St. Patrick's Day, mate!

God Save the Queen and all that rot!

03-18-2007, 10:42 PM

Nothing in this thread is even close to being as offensive as your sick and fanatical posts...

Happy St. Patrick's Day, mate!

God Save the Queen and all that rot!

Well try the title for one spunk chops. And when you grow up having to check under your car for a fuking bomb before you get in a car you might feel different. You ignorant tosser.

03-18-2007, 10:43 PM

Nothing in this thread is even close to being as offensive as your sick and fanatical posts...

Happy St. Patrick's Day, mate!

God Save the Queen and all that rot!



03-18-2007, 10:51 PM
The ten men who competed in the 1981 World Hunger Strike Competition:

Bobby Sands, IRA - 66 Days
Francis Hughes, IRA - 59 Days
Patsy O'Hara, INLA - 61 Day
Raymond McCreesh, IRA - 61 Days
Joe McDonnell, IRA - 61 Days
Martin Hurson, IRA -46 Days
Kevin Lynch, INLA - 71 Days
Kieran Doherty, IRA - 73 Days
Thomas McElwee, IRA - 62 Days
Michael Devine, INLA - 60 Days

Bobby Sands only came 3rd! But the IRA won the team event!

03-18-2007, 10:56 PM
arnie666, on behalf of all irish people you can kiss my hairy irish arse you miserable, pathetic balck and tan KUNT

03-18-2007, 10:57 PM
I think I know where this thread is gonna end up...

03-18-2007, 11:01 PM
Itīs gonna end up like the Stormont.

03-18-2007, 11:02 PM
I think I know where this thread is gonna end up...

03-18-2007, 11:05 PM
arnie666, on behalf of all irish people you can kiss my hairy irish arse you miserable, pathetic balck and tan KUNT

Bobby was a right fat bastar d and deserved to lose a few pounds! Others, his victims, would have loved to live and it's only right that that creature died and I hope he suffered!

Notice that McGuiness and that specky t**t never dieted!!!!

03-18-2007, 11:05 PM
LMAO, Quinn...did I see some chickenhawks in that pic?

03-18-2007, 11:08 PM
Thought you would appreciate that pic, Chef.


03-19-2007, 01:24 AM

Persoanlly, I just had one a few minutes ago and it was ok. Not great, but a decent drink. Of course it helps that I'm celebrating St. Paddy's today...

Go to one of the 9th ave Irish pubs in the 40`s in NYC and TRY to order that drink.

03-19-2007, 03:02 AM
Wasn't going to say anything, but sure here we go

Where to start... Arnie, take a few deep breathes and relax. I would love to have read your Maze prison stories, I am sure they are comedy gold, but frankly you went on a bit and I want to go to bed at some stage. Are you trying to offend Irish people?, because you do realise you are barking up the wrong tree. Believe it or not we don't all have pictures of Bobby Sands up on the wall! In fact the vast majority of people in the 32 counties are still vehemently opposed to violent resistence, and that is despite historical revisionism.

Regarding the Ulster Plantation... Firstly three of the nine Ulster counties remain in Ireland (or the Republic as it is inaccurately known) - Cavan, Monaghan and Donegal. Ulster was the most succesful of several attempts by the British to "plant" Ireland. This was basically the mehod they used in all other colonies, seizing the land and dividing it amoungst people who would be loyal to the crown. In the case of Ulster, Scottish Presbyterians were the main settlers. Though this was unjust and extreme, it is unnecessarily emotive to describe it as ethnic cleansing.

Regarding the Catholic Church... This has to be the most overblown aspec of the whole thing. It had some relevence 90 years ago during the divide over Home Rule, but is largely irrelevent nowadays. Unionists happen to be Prodestant and Nationalists happen to be Catholic. This notion that the Vatican controls Ireland is completely wrong. In th 1950's the Bishops could twist the arm of the government on certain issues, but now the Church is in a position where whatever they say people are more likely to go against them just because they said it. If you want to see institutionalised religion, look to Britain where only Anglicans can be the head of state!

Regarding the drink... the name is by no means offesive to Irish people, round here we have a drink called the Belfast Bomber, it has Jegermeister in it. However I can see how it would be very offensive to somebody like arnie who has personal experience of such an attack.

What is very much Offensive is putting shots into a pint of Guinness. That is plainly wrong and a great insult to my people.

03-19-2007, 03:21 AM
The funny thing about it is that the first Irish Republicans were Presbyterians. One of the main figures in the fight for independence of Ireland is Wolfe Tone who was a Protestant. And there are two groups on the Irish side in Ulster. The Republicans (Sinn Fein) and the Nationalists (SDLP) and not to mention all the paramilitary groups inside the IRA like the Real IRA, Continuity IRA, Provisional IRA or the Provos etc.... and then you got the socialist INLA.

03-19-2007, 03:38 AM
Wasn't going to say anything, but sure here we go

Where to start... Arnie,

Don't waste time on the prick.
He's nowt but a lying troll on the stir.

03-19-2007, 11:53 AM
Wasn't going to say anything, but sure here we go

Where to start... Arnie,

Don't waste time on the prick.
He's nowt but a lying troll on the stir.

Oh really Jericho? And how did you come to that judgement sherlock fuking homes?.Was it from that post where I offered to buy you a plane ticket? You are right I was trolling around but that spam is well known on the net and if you read between the lines it's fuking hilarious.

But when I saw this car crash of a thread the trolling got personal as there are some things you don't joke about. Or are you so hostile to me because I said what you wanted to say earlier in the thread but you didn't want to upset any of your plastic paddy friends eh? twat.

03-19-2007, 12:07 PM
Wasn't going to say anything, but sure here we go

Where to start... Arnie, take a few deep breathes and relax. I would love to have read your Maze prison stories, I am sure they are comedy gold, but frankly you went on a bit and I want to go to bed at some stage. Are you trying to offend Irish people?, because you do realise you are barking up the wrong tree. Believe it or not we don't all have pictures of Bobby Sands up on the wall! In fact the vast majority of people in the 32 counties are still vehemently opposed to violent resistence, and that is despite historical revisionism.

Regarding the Ulster Plantation... Firstly three of the nine Ulster counties remain in Ireland (or the Republic as it is inaccurately known) - Cavan, Monaghan and Donegal. Ulster was the most succesful of several attempts by the British to "plant" Ireland. This was basically the mehod they used in all other colonies, seizing the land and dividing it amoungst people who would be loyal to the crown. In the case of Ulster, Scottish Presbyterians were the main settlers. Though this was unjust and extreme, it is unnecessarily emotive to describe it as ethnic cleansing.

Regarding the Catholic Church... This has to be the most overblown aspec of the whole thing. It had some relevence 90 years ago during the divide over Home Rule, but is largely irrelevent nowadays. Unionists happen to be Prodestant and Nationalists happen to be Catholic. This notion that the Vatican controls Ireland is completely wrong. In th 1950's the Bishops could twist the arm of the government on certain issues, but now the Church is in a position where whatever they say people are more likely to go against them just because they said it. If you want to see institutionalised religion, look to Britain where only Anglicans can be the head of state!

Regarding the drink... the name is by no means offesive to Irish people, round here we have a drink called the Belfast Bomber, it has Jegermeister in it. However I can see how it would be very offensive to somebody like arnie who has personal experience of such an attack.

What is very much Offensive is putting shots into a pint of Guinness. That is plainly wrong and a great insult to my people.

Ah Big man. Perhaps the only person here with an ounce of understanding. You are right the drink does seriously offend me. No in those posts I was not trying to offend Irish people. Surely the only people offended by my posts would be plastics (stinks of them in this thread) and people who support the murderering scum the IRA.If there was a post about a drink named after the Dublin bombs I would post in a similar fashion.

And by the way plastics you know those wee men who rattle their collection tins in certain bars they think you are guiliable cnuts too. They feed you with all their blarney and take your money.All you were doing was prolonging the slaughter. How does that make you feel with the bodies of innocents on your hands ? It wasn't just people like me they killed or tried to kill you know. You fuking idiots.

Fuking Yanks still you changed your tunes when your towers fell down huh? old Gerry wasn't that popular anymore was he ?Brought it home to you a bit huh. You reap what you sow dicks.

03-19-2007, 01:26 PM
The prisoner's stomach contents were examined during the post mortem and no flags or badges were found, just traces of deep pan fried water. It was suggested that the bodies should be padded out to represent a normal body weight but this was against the wishes of the relatives as they had opted for a multi storey coffin system in balsa wood with imitation brass handles.

All personal effects were gathered up and put in a safe place ready and waiting for when eBay started trading on something called the internet. Of course I was not on duty all the time so something may have happened while I was off shift. Rumours still abound about the early demise of Martin Hurson. One in particular was that he had already ended the hunger strike and had actually choked to death on an onion bhaji. Of course his family deny this and an angry letter was sent to the Maze written on a poppadom. They said he wasn't a willing party on the hunger strike, he was just trying to curry favour with the rest.

Forensic tests were carried out on the cells but the forensic expert told me "It's all shite to me" and by that time Philomena and May had been through the cells with the Domestos and not much evidence was left. For what I saw every attempt was made to rule out any foul play. Because of the reduction in food costs, the off duty lounge was redecorated in a nice flock wallpaper and a new carpet fitted. The dartboard was replaced and the snooker table recovered. Recovered from a house in West Belfast as a relative of the inmates had stolen it on a visit. So all in all, I would personally say that they did not die in vain.

Apologies if I can't say more but some aspects are still governed by the Official Secrets Act and the SCUM have still not upped their offer.

03-19-2007, 01:29 PM
The burial smock was purchased from Toorin in County (Inspector) Wexford and I seem to remember somebody drew a face on it but I failed to see the significance of it at the time. Toorin is world famous in Ireland for it's smocks and shrouds. They are made from the finest Egyptian cotton and hand stitched by eight year old Filipino girls in Myanmar. They are truly an Irish product.

I thought the bin lorry was tastefully decorated for the transportation to the cemetery as the multi storey coffins would not fit in a conventional hearse. We did put Patsy on top, I'm sure she would have preferred it that way. I seem to remember the hymns for the service were quite apt with Meat Loaf, Bananarama and a very youthful Dolores in the Cranberries.

Back at the Maze, showing proper respect and decorum, there was a celebratory lunch for all the staff and a good pish up. Jock won the darts and Gripper won the totalizer by correctly predicting the closest date of death for each of them. A good time was had by one and all.

03-19-2007, 01:51 PM
it makes me fuckin laugh, how thick american
fuckers like love to spout shit how the rest of the
world should operate like the great american
dream.......before you start spouting
off about getting the brits out of ireland....get
your own fuckin country in order.

i mean vietnam was a great fuckin success wasn't
it. how anyone state side can even dare open
mouths about invading and occupying countries
makes me laugh to the point of having a fit.

i tell you what lets have a few cocktails named
after the twin towers, or the oklahoma city
bombing. lets see how many laughs we get about
that state side.

i don't condone what's gone in ireland, lots of
innocent people on both sides have been killed
aimlessly....that can't be condoned.

but having a coupla fuckwits passing judgement
on what amounts to a long historical issue...well

if you have'nt got anything better to say shut the
fuck up.....and go and fuck your sister. you inbred


03-20-2007, 06:02 AM
it makes me fuckin laugh, how thick american
fuckers like love to spout shit how the rest of the
world should operate like the great american
dream.......before you start spouting
off about getting the brits out of ireland....get
your own fuckin country in order.

i mean vietnam was a great fuckin success wasn't
it. how anyone state side can even dare open
mouths about invading and occupying countries
makes me laugh to the point of having a fit.

i tell you what lets have a few cocktails named
after the twin towers, or the oklahoma city
bombing. lets see how many laughs we get about
that state side.

i don't condone what's gone in ireland, lots of
innocent people on both sides have been killed
aimlessly....that can't be condoned.

but having a coupla fuckwits passing judgement
on what amounts to a long historical issue...well

if you have'nt got anything better to say shut the
fuck up.....and go and fuck your sister. you inbred


Heh and you know why we call them septics don't you? it's because they are so full of shyte everyone else tries to avoid them :D :D septic tank-yank.

Beaten by a bunch of little men in Black pyjamas, says it all really. Before you go off on our so called bad treatment of the Irish through history. Take a look at yourselves and the way you have treated Black people through yours.

Frankly I don't know how youb have the nerve to discuss NI at all. Oh and hows new Orleans doing because the way you treated those poor people was a fuking disgrace.

03-20-2007, 06:42 AM
it makes me fuckin laugh, how thick american
fuckers like love to spout shit how the rest of the
world should operate like the great american
dream.......before you start spouting
off about getting the brits out of ireland....get
your own fuckin country in order.

i mean vietnam was a great fuckin success wasn't
it. how anyone state side can even dare open
mouths about invading and occupying countries
makes me laugh to the point of having a fit.

i tell you what lets have a few cocktails named
after the twin towers, or the oklahoma city
bombing. lets see how many laughs we get about
that state side.

i don't condone what's gone in ireland, lots of
innocent people on both sides have been killed
aimlessly....that can't be condoned.

but having a coupla fuckwits passing judgement
on what amounts to a long historical issue...well

if you have'nt got anything better to say shut the
fuck up.....and go and fuck your sister. you inbred


Heh and you know why we call them septics don't you? it's because they are so full of shyte everyone else tries to avoid them :D :D septic tank-yank.

Beaten by a bunch of little men in Black pyjamas, says it all really. Before you go off on our so called bad treatment of the Irish through history. Take a look at yourselves and the way you have treated Black people through yours.

Frankly I don't know how you have the nerve to discuss NI at all. Oh and hows new Orleans doing because the way you treated those poor people was a fuking disgrace.

Blah! Blah! Blah! Why don't you two tools take your vitriol somewhere else?

03-20-2007, 08:04 AM
because the inherent tool-ness within them precludes them from doing something so un-tool-esque. :lol:

catch 22

03-20-2007, 08:06 AM
it makes me fuckin laugh, how thick american
fuckers like love to spout shit how the rest of the
world should operate like the great american
dream.......before you start spouting
off about getting the brits out of ireland....get
your own fuckin country in order.

i mean vietnam was a great fuckin success wasn't
it. how anyone state side can even dare open
mouths about invading and occupying countries
makes me laugh to the point of having a fit.

i tell you what lets have a few cocktails named
after the twin towers, or the oklahoma city
bombing. lets see how many laughs we get about
that state side.

i don't condone what's gone in ireland, lots of
innocent people on both sides have been killed
aimlessly....that can't be condoned.

but having a coupla fuckwits passing judgement
on what amounts to a long historical issue...well

if you have'nt got anything better to say shut the
fuck up.....and go and fuck your sister. you inbred


Heh and you know why we call them septics don't you? it's because they are so full of shyte everyone else tries to avoid them :D :D septic tank-yank.

Beaten by a bunch of little men in Black pyjamas, says it all really. Before you go off on our so called bad treatment of the Irish through history. Take a look at yourselves and the way you have treated Black people through yours.

Frankly I don't know how you have the nerve to discuss NI at all. Oh and hows new Orleans doing because the way you treated those poor people was a fuking disgrace.

Blah! Blah! Blah! Why don't you two tools take your vitriol somewhere else?

Come on now quinn the thread is helping me get in touch with my irishness! I mean thats all there is to Ireland .. Slagging off the Brits and downing pints of guiness.....And romanticising about the cause!

But I'm not really angry about you Yanks I mean when you get your history from Hollywood what does everyone expect....

You know who I blame? that awful chap Mel Gibson.

03-20-2007, 08:23 AM
You know what, arnie666, you're actually right. Unfortunately, many Americans do get their knowledge of history from Hollywood movies, and many Irish Americans do romanticise "The Cause." Many of those types have never attended a NORAID fundraiser, let alone been to Belfast or Derry. Still, others, by contrast, understand very well. Why start a pointless argument over it? Relax and enjoy the forum.


03-20-2007, 08:32 AM
relax yall ruined every minute of the holiday..my grandmother was probably rolling in her grave over some of these posts...she came here from Ireland and she liked her green beer with the rest of us on St Pattys Day...i cant wait to see what Easter brings.. :lol:

03-20-2007, 08:34 AM
I don't...remember much about the holiday.

last bit of freedom before I signed my life away to my career.

I love blacking out so much that I wish I were black.

03-20-2007, 12:52 PM
hey quinn you stupid fuck, i don't know about
certified tranny expert....more like certified prick.


so don't fuckin start me son, or i will buy a cheap
plane ticket now the US DOLLAR IS GOING DOWN
THE SHIT HOLE and come over there and kick
your fuckin ass .

03-20-2007, 01:29 PM
hey quinn you stupid fuck, i don't know about
certified tranny expert....more like certified prick.


so don't fuckin start me son, or i will buy a cheap
plane ticket now the US DOLLAR IS GOING DOWN
THE SHIT HOLE and come over there and kick
your fuckin ass .


03-20-2007, 01:40 PM
is that your professional opinion chefmike or
has a strong wind blown through the chasm of
your brain and give you a moments inspiration.

03-20-2007, 01:53 PM
Just stating the obvious, wanker.

03-20-2007, 05:56 PM
My Dad was nearly killed by a bomb in Belfast .

with an attitude like that....must run in your family...no wonder

03-20-2007, 06:52 PM
hey quinn you stupid fuck, i don't know about
certified tranny expert....more like certified prick.


so don't fuckin start me son, or i will buy a cheap
plane ticket now the US DOLLAR IS GOING DOWN
THE SHIT HOLE and come over there and kick
your fuckin ass .

Tell you what, nancy boy, here is one of my email addresses:


I live in NYC. Let me know when you get here, and I'll be sure to make arrangements so that we can continue our discussion. I also travel to London about once a year. If you are in the area, I'll be more than happy to discuss the matter. Otherwise, shut your fucking cock holster.


03-21-2007, 01:02 AM


03-21-2007, 01:04 AM
oh boy...new zealand all over again.... :twisted:

03-21-2007, 01:26 AM
so don't fuckin start me son, or i will buy a cheap
plane ticket now the US DOLLAR IS GOING DOWN
THE SHIT HOLE and come over there and kick
your fuckin ass .

So, your nancy boy ass is already hedging. What happened to buying a ticket and coming over here to kick my fuckin ass? That's what I thought. Typical internet tough guy posturing with absolutely zero follow through. What a little bitch.

Still, I'm in an accomdating mood. My associates and I currently have tentative plans to travel to London in early September. If you're serious, just spare us all the further hollow posturing and hit my email.


03-21-2007, 01:37 AM


Nancy boy.... :roll:

03-21-2007, 01:39 AM
1) why tell me you come to london about once
a year in the 1st place.

2) why do you need " ASSOCIATES" to "

keep me informed of those " TENATATIVE " plans,

ha ha.

Don't worry i'll keep you informed of my
" TENTATIVE " plans to come to new york

03-21-2007, 01:43 AM
My associates are business partners, half of whom are women, much like yourself. They are ocming with me becuase its a business trip, you fucking poltroon. Now, you have my email. If you want to quit backpedling and actually live up to your own hollow rhetoric -- contact me.


03-21-2007, 02:01 AM
like i said you fucking dimwit sort out your
tentaive plans ( is it september, may, august..pick
a month). then i'll e-mail you.

if your not comin over till september and it's
now march.....well figure it out retard.

03-21-2007, 02:13 AM
If you're not going to hit my email, so that I have a way to contact you – other than through this forum – don't even waste my time with further hollow posturing. Or, you can backpedal onward......................

so don't fuckin start me son, or i will buy a cheap
plane ticket now the US DOLLAR IS GOING DOWN
THE SHIT HOLE and come over there and kick
your fuckin ass .

You have my email. Use it.


03-21-2007, 02:14 AM
You know what, arnie666, you're actually right. Unfortunately, many Americans do get their knowledge of history from Hollywood movies, and many Irish Americans do romanticise "The Cause." Many of those types have never attended a NORAID fundraiser, let alone been to Belfast or Derry. Still, others, by contrast, understand very well. Why start a pointless argument over it? Relax and enjoy the forum.


I orignally came on this board because women with a bit extra in the pants area has always turned me on. I found users such as 'chef mike ' (spunkchops) entertaining not to mention some of the girls.Seemed likea nice bunch of people. There were some interesting threads about subjects Iam interested in. I wanted to participate... then I saw this thread.

With an ignorant title and posts many of which contained idiocy to the extreme. I could get into the Politics of it about why I feel some of your views are so wrong about NI and so offensive to people like me.(But why now as I doubt we would ever agree.) People who have seen the results of what you were laughing about first hand. So I saw red and retaliated with offensive posts of my own. Bit like NI in a way. One side provokes and the other side rips the arse out of the situation and the whole thing just escalates.So now we have the situation where we are all going to meet up in London and kick each others heads in :D .

It'all very well blaming the Brits for this but I think we all have a role in the mess , the Brits , the Irish ,and the Yanks .

This is what the reality of NI is.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVgsE1XG-30 Oh believe me the Loyalist scum have committed just as cruel acts.

But frankly I cannot understand why anyone could find it okay to have drinks with that name after whats gone on .

Quinn I don't know if I'll stick around as I think too much has been said already but anyway good luck with the board and all that. I don't think there will be too many people bawling their eyes out if I go anyways


03-21-2007, 02:17 AM
LMFAO.....at this stuff. ...I remember wondering what car bombs were/and a poll to boot. Turned out to be a drink, not one I've tried as yet. So, ok been here done that with this thread. Tonight, I notice 8 fuckin pages ...8 pages?? Why the frig is this thread on page 8?? :shock: ...and lo and behold it's a brawl...something we do best here at HA :rock2 :popcorn

03-21-2007, 02:31 AM
Quinn I don't know if I'll stick around as I think too much has been said already but anyway good luck with the board and all that. I don't think there will be too many people bawling their eyes out anyways


Arnie, no one is saying you should leave, so that's up to you. My main issue was with posts that weren't designed to engage in a constructive debate, but, rather, seem designed simply to cause injury and to inflame emotions over a very sensitive issue. You may not have seen it or even intended it that way, but that is how it came across.

There really is some entertaining stuff to take part in here. Like I said before, just relax a little and take time to get familiar with the various personalities here. You won't be sorry you did as most of them are quite cool. Either way, good luck.


Jamie Michelle
03-21-2007, 03:17 AM
Drinks are one thing, reality is another.

03-21-2007, 03:49 AM
arnie...look at that video yourself....that happened in the 80s....this is 20 years later and it's nothing like that.

Jamie Michelle
03-21-2007, 03:56 AM

Persoanlly, I just had one a few minutes ago and it was ok. Not great, but a decent drink. Of course it helps that I'm celebrating St. Paddy's today...

Here's the background on the real "Irish" bombings:

"British double-agent was in Real IRA's Omagh bomb team," Neil Mackay and Louise Branson, Sunday Herald (U.K.), August 19, 2001 http://web.archive.org/web/20011230123418/http://www.sundayherald.com/17827

"Ulster spies to 'blow MI5 cover,'" Rosie Cowan, Guardian (U.K.), July 6, 2002 http://www.guardian.co.uk/military/story/0,11816,750427,00.html

"IRA torturer was in the Royal Marines: Top republican terrorist exposed in court documents as a special forces soldier," Neil Mackay, Sunday Herald (U.K.), December 15, 2002 http://web.archive.org/web/20021222064350/http://www.sundayherald.com/29997

"Top double agent in IRA guilty of 'up to 40 murders'," Irish Independent, May 12, 2003 http://web.archive.org/web/20030514200538/http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/story.jsp?story=405475

"Focus: Scappaticci's past is secret no more--Liam Clarke reveals how he discovered the identity of the British Army's prize 'mole' but could not reveal it throughout four dangerous years," Sunday Times (U.K.), May 18, 2003 http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2091-683795,00.html

"The army asked me to make bombs for the IRA, told me I had the Prime Minister's blessing ... then tried to kill me; Exclusive: confessions of a secret agent turned terrorist," Neil Mackay, Sunday Herald (U.K.), June 23, 2002 http://web.archive.org/web/20020627142956/http://www.sundayherald.com/25646

"Thatcher 'gave go-ahead for IRA assassinations,'" Neil Mackay, Sunday Herald (U.K.), June 23, 2002 http://web.archive.org/web/20020627143738/http://www.sundayherald.com/25739

"MI5 'helped IRA buy bomb parts in US,'" Enda Leahy, Sunday Times (U.K.), March 19, 2006 http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2087-2092574,00.html

"The story of an unsung hero," Laurence White, Belfast Telegraph (Independent News and Media), August 9, 2006 http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/features/story.jsp?story=701894

"UK agents 'did have role in IRA bomb atrocities,'" Henry McDonald, The Observer (U.K.), September 10, 2006 http://observer.guardian.co.uk/politics/story/0,,1869019,00.html

"Her Majesty's Terrorist Network: Former IRA moles expose British Government sponsored terror," PrisonPlanet.com, September 21, 2006 http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/september2006/210906hermajesty.htm

Alex Jones interviews Kevin Fulton and Martin Ingram, September 21, 2006 http://prisonplanet.tv/audio/210906fulton.mp3

Chapter 3, "British Intelligence: Her Majesty's Terrorist Network," in Order Out of Chaos: Elite Sponsored Terrorism & the New World Order by Paul Joseph Watson (Alex Jones Productions, 2003) http://www.infowars.com/pdfs/order_ch.PDF

"Stakeknife Named: British double agent who murdered for the IRA" http://cryptome.org/fru-stakeknife.htm

[VIDEO] BBC Interviews Kevin Fulton http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsa/n5ctrl/progs/06/hardtalk/fulton10apr.ram

Stakeknife: Britain's Secret Agents in Ireland by Martin Ingram and Greg Harkin (University of Wisconsin Press, 2005) http://www.amazon.com/dp/0299210243/

"Explosive Art," Martin Ingram's Blog http://www.opertiondinnerout.blogspot.com

The below is an archive of mainstream major media news articles about how the British MI5/MI6 staged most of the IRA terrorism and supported al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden:


03-21-2007, 04:05 AM
arnie...look at that video yourself....that happened in the 80s....this is 20 years later and it's nothing like that.

I'm just explaining what the 'cause' was all about.There was more to it than what was said. The reality of what that money bought. And why I found the drink so offensive.

No it's not like that now . And I hope we don't return to that.

Jamie Michelle
03-21-2007, 04:16 AM
arnie...look at that video yourself....that happened in the 80s....this is 20 years later and it's nothing like that.

I'm just explaining what the 'cause' was all about.There was more to it than what was said. The reality of what that money bought. And why I found the drink so offensive.

No it's not like that now . And I hope we don't return to that.

Yes, I join with you in hoping that the British government doesn't choose to stage any more bombings to be blamed on Ireland in order to provide a pretext for further subjugating Ireland. But then, nowadays there wouldn't be much reason for that, as Ireland's subjugation under the British government is pretty complete.

03-21-2007, 04:23 AM

03-21-2007, 09:31 PM
:D You know I think it's funny when Americans talk about British Army collusion with Loyalist paramilitries and NISB, MI5 links to the IRA when Irish Amerian politicians supported the IRA and republican movement.

Indeed I thought it hysterically funny when pres Clinton invited Specky twat over on St Patricks day when the IRA were blowing up half of London. Personally I wouldn't have the neck to mention it if I was a Yank but still.....

I looked at all your links some not all by the way as some failed (I have a crap internet browser) who wrote all that not specky twat was it?

Sure Iam not denying the fact there were two wars in NI one that was kep quiet and was rather nasty. The FRU did recruit the very same PIRA and INLA we were fighting on a daily basis.By recruiting the terrorists or close family members we had all kinds of intel on tap . E.g Marty McGartland a brillant man who prevented around fifty murders by PIRA.

We were in the basis of saving lives. What you have here are some named/ unamed individuals making allegations and threats against a former employer (the crown ) .Some may well be 'walting it up' and some may want more money . As I will admit the Armed forces do not take adequate care of people in particular those whose service had a profound affect on their lives.My point is it is not proven and you have jumped to conclusions. At least I am able to see that my 'side' are not blameless. Indeed I feel the loyalists who abducted and murdered random innocent Catholics are as repulsive as driving human bombs into Army checkpoints.

These men are being used by people with their own ends (such as yourself) for when faced with embarrasing incidents from your own side explain it away. 'Ah well those Brits blew themselves up'.They tend to do this when civvys get caught up in it. Often times when it is 'just' a soldier or a peeler they won't bother with that. I have heard all sorts of conspiracy theories such as the IRA and sinn vein were in fact so heavily infiltrated by British Intelligence that Specky and Mc guiness where both working for the Brits.Or that that the Garda worked in collusion with the IRA

Iam sure there were British Spies in sinn fein and the IRA. but the IRA did try to kill the British Government in the 80's brighton bomb.So I doubt there was high lvl Government involvement in 'false flag ops'. Oh and there is a 'shoot to kill policy' in NI .This can be proven by the shooting of Mcgartland in 1999. But ultimately it was about saving lives rather than killing .There were numerous moles in the IRA and they saved many lives. But you would rather focus on a few tragic incidents such as Omagh for your own ends. But still you seem to have a good audience here judging by the seeming 'slant' of this message board.

Oh and final point there is a huge moral difference between financing terrorism (Irish Americans) and getting involved in terrorist cells.Too in the long run save lives.

Is what Iam saying falling on deaf ears? probably.

Maybe you will take notice from this American rather than me about the significance of this drink....


Vicki Richter
03-21-2007, 09:37 PM
Arnie, aren't you the same guy who posted in another thread that you like girls to lick your unwashed shitty ass to degrade them?

03-21-2007, 09:45 PM
Arnie, aren't you the same guy who posted in another thread that you like girls to lick your unwashed shitty ass to degrade them?

Why are you into that? sorry I live in the UK so I don't think you can go to town on my arse. sorry..Lots of people find that spam funny ....

03-22-2007, 12:04 AM
On a slightly lighter(and much needed) note, the first Brit crime film that I ever saw was "The Long Good Friday", and I think that most will agree that it's a top-notch crime drama...and I thought that the way that the screenplay wove the IRA into this superb crime flick was riveting...and I'm speaking as a US citizen who has since seen most Brit and Australian crime flicks of note...

03-22-2007, 12:22 AM
A really great movie to be sure.


03-22-2007, 02:16 AM
A really great movie to be sure.


Quinn, wasn't it you who mentioned the film 'Layer Cake' in another thread? Definitely another top-notch Brit crime flick...and I'm pretty sure that if you've seen Hoskins' work in 'TLGF' , that you've also seen his incredible performance in 'Mona Lisa'...

But nothing compares to that last scene in 'TLGF'....as Hoskins knows that he is being driven to his execution...that last haunting shot of his face in the rear-view mirror, without even a single word spoken, it fucking defines the word acting...

03-22-2007, 02:20 AM
On a slightly lighter(and much needed) note, the first Brit crime film that I ever saw was "The Long Good Friday", and I think that most will agree that it's a top-notch crime drama...and I thought that the way that the screenplay wove the IRA into this superb crime flick was riveting...and I'm speaking as a US citizen who has since seen most Brit and Australian crime flicks of note...

ChefMike, you should definitely then lookout for "Outlaw", which was just released in U.K. cinemas under a fortnight ago. It stars Sean Bean and Bob Hoskins (who was in "The Long Good Friday"), and is about vigilantes taking the law into their own hands, and is ultra-violent. You'll love it when the scum of the streets, "get what they deserve"!

Thanks ILCB...your recommendation is good enough for me, I'll look for it on this side of the pond.

03-22-2007, 02:25 AM
Yes, it was. As a genre, Brit crime flicks rate highly for me too. If by some chance you haven't seen it already, I would highly recommend Sexy Beast. Beng Kingsly was amazing as Don.


03-22-2007, 02:43 AM
Yes, it was. As a genre, Brit crime flicks rate highly for me too. If by some chance you haven't seen it already, I would highly recommend Sexy Beast. Beng Kingsly was amazing as Don.


Seen it...co-sign on that!

03-22-2007, 02:49 AM
Well 'crank' Jason stratham . An excellent crime flick can be seen on peek vid here for free. The site is rather tempermental but it is definately worth a watch.



03-22-2007, 03:10 AM
I saw Crank and liked it. The ending surprised me a little, but in a good way. Statham is a good actor when given the right type of role. I would like to see him do more stuff.


03-22-2007, 06:28 AM
ok im lost.....there was framing yes....but the IRA(etc) did bombs...the UVF(etc) did bombs....it happened....scecefire in 94....aint happened since cept for 1 or 2 ocasions....get over it...more shit happens in america on a daily basis than happens in NI in a few years.......get over it ffs.....

03-22-2007, 07:09 AM
There are good guys and bad guys..... in the IRA...in the British Government....in the Irish American community.... in the Republicans....in the democrats....in the protestants...in the catholics...in the Jews...in the muslims

But the bad guys always talk the loudest and rally others to their side with innocuous references and inciting blather.

Before you join a side read deep, very very deep and use your life experience to evaluate what you are being sold. You are always being sold. And no one seriously gives a fuck about YOU, unless they know you on a face to face basis. They want numbers and sheep and will blow you to get you in tow.

(should I be on a pulpit or what!)