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View Full Version : Hormones and moods

Alison Faraday
03-15-2007, 02:55 AM

Please may I request personal accounts of how your hormones affect your moods, if at all? On the whole I'm ok, but there are times of the day (usually late at night) where I can get really down. And I don't like it. I'm guessing it's due to my oestrogen levels dropping, and am just interested to hear what others have to say.

My hormone regime is;

Cycled between; Premarin 5mg (8 * .625mg) daily. OR. Estradiol 8mg (4 * 2mg daily)
Progesterone 200mg

I'm just interested to hear how you get on and what you're taking.

Warm thanks,


03-15-2007, 02:57 AM
I take 200 mgs of Spiro and 6 mgs of estradiol

I notice I get more emotional at times at the most awkward times. But no bitchy moods really. When I was taking injections omg I was horrible! BITCH. I am more calm now lol nothing relaly gets me mad

Alison Faraday
03-15-2007, 02:59 AM
I take 200 mgs of Spiro and 6 mgs of estradiol

I notice I get more emotional at times at the most awkward times. But no bitchy moods really. When I was taking injections omg I was horrible! BITCH. I am more calm now lol nothing relaly gets me mad

Hi Kelly,

Thanks for replying. Noted. Hey, I know the awkward bit, that's from the moment I get up in the morning. :) xx

03-15-2007, 03:05 AM
I take 200 mgs of Spiro and 6 mgs of estradiol

I notice I get more emotional at times at the most awkward times. But no bitchy moods really. When I was taking injections omg I was horrible! BITCH. I am more calm now lol nothing relaly gets me mad

Hi Kelly,

Thanks for replying. Noted. Hey, I know the awkward bit, that's from the moment I get up in the morning. :) xx I wanted to get on progestorone but my doctor keeps saying no lol

03-15-2007, 03:18 AM
Alison, it may not be your hormones, but low blood sugar or other
bio-chemical lows. With the dosages you mentioned you shoud
have an adequate concentration in your blood stream.

I have taken Premarin, which is a conjugated form
of estrogen, made from pregnant mare urine. Initially
I was on an oral dosage of 2.5mg twice a day.


This dosage would be supplemented with subcutaneous
injections of Estradiol (in the fatty tissue of the buttocks)

After a period of time I underwent an orchiectomy, at
which point I was able to decrease my dosages of Premarin
to 1.25mg twice a day. http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2/magi43/Premarin1.jpg

Now post op, I administer Premarin vaginal cream
with a dosage of .625mg once a day.


Throughout my herstory upon the advice of my
endocronologist I have employed a 3 week on, 1
week off approach to my estrogen administration.

I have been fortunate that I have not experienced any
liver problems or clotting issues.

But as I stated at the end of the day when I'm tired, or if
my blood sugar is low, my mood can suck.

03-15-2007, 03:34 AM
[/quote] I wanted to get on progestorone but my doctor keeps saying no lol[/quote]

Did he ever say why? Of all the hrt meds progesterone is one of the safest from a side effects perspective... esp if its micronized (sp?).

03-15-2007, 03:44 AM
I wanted to get on progestorone but my doctor keeps saying no lol[/quote]

Did he ever say why? Of all the hrt meds progesterone is one of the safest from a side effects perspective... esp if its micronized (sp?).[/quote] No I've been asking him for years now and he just keeps giving me spiro and estradiol.

03-15-2007, 04:03 AM
I´m wondering about the different hormons you all takes and what is the reason for it?

Why liver problems or clotting?

03-15-2007, 04:07 AM
Watch out for Alison when she's on her mood swing - she just kicked me right in the arse when I wasn't looking.



03-15-2007, 05:08 AM
I wanted to get on progestorone but my doctor keeps saying no lol

Did he ever say why? Of all the hrt meds progesterone is one of the safest from a side effects perspective... esp if its micronized (sp?).[/quote] No I've been asking him for years now and he just keeps giving me spiro and estradiol.[/quote]

Maybe you should consider an other GP... I am not advocating dr shopping but if a dr of any specialty is gonna say no to a treatment, there should be a reason and they should be able to communicate that reason to the patient.

03-15-2007, 05:12 AM
My Endochrinologyst said Premerin is a old regimin thet doctors still perscribe just because it is still in the text books from when they went to med school. New regimins avoid Premerin especially oral because your body actually fights it that way. If you want to know more:

Tell him Nadia sent you.

John O'Dea, M.D.
1950 Sawtelle Blvd.,
Suite 145A
Los Angeles, California 90025

(310) 481-2245 Phone
(310) 481-2226 Fax

03-15-2007, 05:15 AM
My Endochrinologyst said Premerin is a old regimin thet doctors still perscribe just because it is still in the text books from when they went to med school. New regimins avoid Premerin especially oral because your body actually fights it that way. If you want to know more:

Tell him Nadia sent you.

John O'Dea, M.D.
1950 Sawtelle Blvd.,
Suite 145A
Los Angeles, California 90025

(310) 481-2245 Phone
(310) 481-2226 Fax Lovely pic Nadia

03-15-2007, 05:16 AM
I wanted to get on progestorone but my doctor keeps saying no lol

Did he ever say why? Of all the hrt meds progesterone is one of the safest from a side effects perspective... esp if its micronized (sp?). No I've been asking him for years now and he just keeps giving me spiro and estradiol.[/quote]

Maybe you should consider an other GP... I am not advocating dr shopping but if a dr of any specialty is gonna say no to a treatment, there should be a reason and they should be able to communicate that reason to the patient.

I get pissed when a medical professional won't sit down and talk to me about whatever the issue at hand is... granted I have been making all my medical decisions since I was 8-ish... outside of dental (growing up I had braces for many, many years- from the summer before 4th grade threw senior year of HS... at which point I told the dentist to either take them off me- or I will using my own tools... he complied). It was the one thing where I couldn't pick my doctor... but mom insisted on that one because he was pricey, my parents were divorced, and dad legally had to pay for it. :roll:

Going back to moods... I barely remember stuff like that from prehrt because its been so long, but my family insisted I was quicker to change moods (say from happy to depressed etc).[/quote] I should but it sucks I am in Kentucky now and not many docs around here

03-15-2007, 05:27 AM
I heard that progesterone helps balance out the breast cancer danger from Estrogen therapy alone. It also can produce breast size increase in large enough doses. Menopausal women often go crazy and have more hot flashes as the imbalance from the 2 go out of whack. It is important not to take the synthetic "Progesarin" instead of Bio identical progesterone.

A GP, general practitioner, is not going to be able to help. Go to an endochinologyst.

Call Dr. Odea and tell him Nadia sent you.
(310) 481-2245 Phone

03-15-2007, 06:10 AM
Here's my regimen:

8:00am Zambuca and Coffee----feeling light and world conquering

10:00am glass of champagne at work--just closed a deal.

Noon: Half bottle of wine with lunch--a little sleepy but recuperating for the second wind of afternoon.

2:00pm: a nice draught of spanish brandy, while writing an analysis of a business deal.

5:00pm: a Makers' Mark Manhattan--loosen tie.

7:00pm: a half bottle of wine with dinner.

After dinner: a nice digestif...port, strega, disaronno--depends on the mood.

I find that this regimen of alcoholesterone keeps me in good trim and makes for a very productive day at work.

03-15-2007, 06:33 AM
* Deleted *

03-15-2007, 06:43 AM
* Deleted *

03-15-2007, 06:43 AM
Here's my regimen:

8:00am Zambuca and Coffee----feeling light and world conquering

10:00am glass of champagne at work--just closed a deal.

Noon: Half bottle of wine with lunch--a little sleepy but recuperating for the second wind of afternoon.

2:00pm: a nice draught of spanish brandy, while writing an analysis of a business deal.

5:00pm: a Makers' Mark Manhattan--loosen tie.

7:00pm: a half bottle of wine with dinner.

After dinner: a nice digestif...port, strega, disaronno--depends on the mood...

HAve you noticed any soreness in your nipples? I hear that's the first sign it's working...

As a matter of fact, I have. And the best thing for sore nipples is to rub some chilled stoli on them. A bottle of stoli in the freezer is de riguer for any would be man or lady about town.

03-15-2007, 07:52 AM
* Deleted *

03-15-2007, 08:24 AM
My Endochrinologyst said Premerin is a old regimin thet doctors still perscribe just because it is still in the text books from when they went to med school. New regimins avoid Premerin especially oral because your body actually fights it that way.I've heard that too. Some doctors seem to think that premarin and estrodiol together, are more efective. But the more recent case studies have shown that the right amount of Estrodiol is just fine, and premarin can be problematic.

Yeah I agree, if I was just starting out or doing it all over again
there are more effective and safer regimens than Premarin, but
given the relatively low doses that I take and that I am no
longer producing testosterone I feel okay about sticking with
Premarin. Particularly as I am cycling it.

I most likely would have gone with an anti androgen and Estradiol,
instead I did the orchi and stuck with Premarin.

And I gotta tell you Premarin (pregnant mare urine) can have you
smelling very 'fishy' down there, and that ain't as cool as it might
sound. :oops:

Blind man passing a fish store tips his hat and "says g'day ladies".


Alison Faraday
03-15-2007, 11:57 AM
Enjoying reading the replies in this thread, all good reading to take in.

Peggy: Yeah I've wondered about blood sugar levels. I gym alot as well to counteract things. My daily intake is say about 1000-calories while avoiding processed foods.

03-15-2007, 02:40 PM
It's none of my business but just curious I have a few questions. How expensive is it to keep on your various drug regimes. ?
I imagine drugs are expense in U.S ,after been prescribed by your doctor is it cheaper to
to source drugs from other counties via the Internet.?
In Alison case do you get any help from the H.N.S ?

Is taking these drugs finite or is it on going ?

03-15-2007, 03:01 PM

Alison Faraday
03-15-2007, 06:07 PM
How expensive is it to keep on your various drug regimes. ?
In Alison case do you get any help from the H.N.S ?

Is taking these drugs finite or is it on going ?

I do not have the wider care provided by the NHS and am entirely private, I've paid for all of this myself :) I prefer to be in direct control of my situation, as in arranging my appointments and doing all of my admin. The NHS lost all of my medical records when I was referred to a GIC (Gender Identity Clinic) 6-years ago. For something as important and life changing as this, if they are unable to perform the most basic of administration, then my confidence in their ability to manage my condition is quite reasonably displaced. I feel safer being in control of when and how things happen.

The drugs have to be taken for the rest of your life. Following SRS though, the amounts you take reduce. Without any HRT you will not turn back into a man as there's no testosterone, but there are significant medical risks by being hormoneless. So yes, it's for life.


03-15-2007, 06:21 PM
I was initally on 100mg Spironolactone and i can't remember how much any more CES which is a purely
plant sourced medical grade conjugated estrogen mix
which seems to be only available in europe and canada.

during my first couple of years i had some terrible mood
swings and found myself to have very little patience and
also would get emotional and cry much easier.

now in my 9th year taking hormones i'm on 100mg spiro and
6mg of estradiol. i switched from CES to premarin becuase
CES was not available here in the US and then switched from
premarin to estradiol because premarin was getting expensive
and hard to get over the internet in the dosages i needed.

i don't get the mood swings or impatince anymore though, i
think it was during the transition period when my body was
still getting used to it's new chemistry.

03-15-2007, 06:44 PM
Hi Allison,

Since my orchie, I've been injecting 20mg Estradiol every two weeks or so. I often times find myself within a couple of days of my shot and losing my mind.

I've always just figured that it was purely a hormonal thing, until recently. About 3 months ago I ran out entirely and was away from town. After a couple days went by, my mood stabilized and I sort of realized that much of what I attributed to the estrogen was psychological. When I met up with my GP shortly thereafter she was adamant that post orchie I really had no need for the amount of hormones I was on, and could probably benefit from cutting my dose in half. Being on a low level of estrogen and no progesterone I've been nervous to go this route.

Maybe the hormonal fluctuations you are experiencing are a sign of taking too many hormones? Try lowering the dose.

If that doesn't work maybe a spliff? And if that's not your style maybe a yoga class would help?

03-15-2007, 07:12 PM
i didn't really get any mood swings off them... i felt sick sometimes and had stomach cramps, but in general i stayed the same... but then i don't get pissed off easily

03-16-2007, 12:22 AM
now...progynova and androcur cause im away from home and i dont have much access to injecting myself...

at home....for a month....Progynon Depot injectable (twice a week) 8 tabs of Estradiol 2 mg each tablet, one tab of androcur (cyproterone acetate)

i know its overdosing LOL thats why i bitch at people a looot LOL

Alison Faraday
03-16-2007, 02:54 AM
Androcur is funny old stuff. It was *apparently* developed in the USA for use in prisons/instiutions on sex offenders and over active males. From what I know it isn't actually licenced in the USA for public use, except in the prisons. I may be wrong there?? Side effects include; tiredness, depressions, atrophy, and gynecomastia. Yayyyy!! :-)

Nothing wrong with overdosing on HRT though provided you don't go silly. No alchohol, lots of water, young, physically fit, balanced diet, not going way OTT. Obviously not recommended though (sensible hat) unless you can counteract the risks. ie. DVT = do alot of running then. You also run the risk of the body dumping the lot and developing tolerance, so it can be counter productive.

Andocur is also used by enuchs and discussed on those specialist sites. After about 6-months chemical castration occurs. Some people need 50mg daily, others take 200mg (which I think is absurd, horrible stuff).

It became the wonder drug for transsexuals and alike, since there are no actual specific drugs licenced for transsexuals.

Dutasteride and Finesteride are another two to join Spiro and Androcur as anti-androgens. The *sterides* are for prostate cancer. Another drug used as a side effect for another condition (transsexuals).

03-16-2007, 03:49 AM
My Endochrinologyst said Premerin is a old regimin thet doctors still perscribe just because it is still in the text books from when they went to med school. New regimins avoid Premerin especially oral because your body actually fights it that way. If you want to know more:

Tell him Nadia sent you.

John O'Dea, M.D.
1950 Sawtelle Blvd.,
Suite 145A
Los Angeles, California 90025

(310) 481-2245 Phone
(310) 481-2226 Fax

I saw their ad and visited their web site before. Was impressed but not sure about them.

If they are your hormone Doctor. then I'd say they have a great advertisement in you!

If so, I certainly have a question for you...

Is it worth it flying out there to get a consult with them?

I live in Michigan, am 51 years old, and have been seeing therapists but no hormone recommendation letter yet...

Yes I would reccomend a trip for this doctor. He is a specialist in TS and also half of his patients are menapusal women and men with hormone issues.
As far as your letter is concerned, I cant say. But he can probably work with you at least from the stand point of a male with a hormone imbalance.
People fly in from all over the world for him. He is open one Saturday at the end of the month because the travelers want a Saturday appointment.

Again tell him Nadia Sent you.

Felicia Katt
03-16-2007, 04:08 AM
Here's my regimen:

8:00am Zambuca and Coffee----feeling light and world conquering

10:00am glass of champagne at work--just closed a deal.

Noon: Half bottle of wine with lunch--a little sleepy but recuperating for the second wind of afternoon.

2:00pm: a nice draught of spanish brandy, while writing an analysis of a business deal.

5:00pm: a Makers' Mark Manhattan--loosen tie.

7:00pm: a half bottle of wine with dinner.

After dinner: a nice digestif...port, strega, disaronno--depends on the mood.

I find that this regimen of alcoholesterone keeps me in good trim and makes for a very productive day at work.

you may want to add this to your regimen :)



03-16-2007, 04:15 AM
Here's my regimen:

8:00am Zambuca and Coffee----feeling light and world conquering

10:00am glass of champagne at work--just closed a deal.

Noon: Half bottle of wine with lunch--a little sleepy but recuperating for the second wind of afternoon.

2:00pm: a nice draught of spanish brandy, while writing an analysis of a business deal.

5:00pm: a Makers' Mark Manhattan--loosen tie.

7:00pm: a half bottle of wine with dinner.

After dinner: a nice digestif...port, strega, disaronno--depends on the mood.

I find that this regimen of alcoholesterone keeps me in good trim and makes for a very productive day at work.

you may want to add this to your regimen :)



For shizzy, or get on the waiting list for a liver transplant. :roll:

03-16-2007, 06:04 AM
Here's my regimen:

8:00am Zambuca and Coffee----feeling light and world conquering

10:00am glass of champagne at work--just closed a deal.

Noon: Half bottle of wine with lunch--a little sleepy but recuperating for the second wind of afternoon.

2:00pm: a nice draught of spanish brandy, while writing an analysis of a business deal.

5:00pm: a Makers' Mark Manhattan--loosen tie.

7:00pm: a half bottle of wine with dinner.

After dinner: a nice digestif...port, strega, disaronno--depends on the mood.

I find that this regimen of alcoholesterone keeps me in good trim and makes for a very productive day at work.

you may want to add this to your regimen :)



For shizzy, or get on the waiting list for a liver transplant. :roll:

I already had a liver transplant. I got Mickey Mantle's old liver.

03-16-2007, 08:25 AM
* Deleted *

03-16-2007, 10:34 PM

John O'Dea, M.D.
1950 Sawtelle Blvd.,
Suite 145A
Los Angeles, California 90025

(310) 481-2245 Phone
(310) 481-2226 Fax
Just to chime in with some info on the side here... this guy exists and is legit. Sometimes he rubs people the wrong way. I've heard different girls call him flirty, arrogant, and creepy (but no one reports all three). Some girls like him because he's totally into patient choice and is more likely to encourage higher doses than constantly put the breaks on. The unambiguously cool thing about him is basically that you can get "subdermal pellets" from him so you can stop taking pills every single day... and only think about hormones a couple times a year.

Another thing, if you're flying into LA for pellets, there's two options. Another guy in LA who also does subdermal estradiol pellets is called Dr. Horowitz who is "more legit" in that he doesn't really advertise online, he's cheaper, and (according to the grape vine) he requires letters from a therapist.

Dr. Richard Horowitz
8635 West 3rd Street, Suite 885
Los Angeles, CA

I know lots of people are cool with premarin but it freaks me out because: (1) it's production involves some pretty horrific conditions (pregnant mares in factory farming conditions (http://www.projectcensored.org/publications/2003/23.html) sometimes) and (2) it was the "estrogen" they used in the women's health initiative (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women's_Health_Initiative) which raised long term health issues and (3) it goes into your mouth and through your liver before it ever touches your blood so all the clotting factors and "make you fat" enzymes that the liver can make kick in before you get any magical girl powers first. For happy liver stuff and stable blood levels, personally I stick to injectables or pellets.

Basically there isn't really any kind of coherent scientific understanding of all the kinds of sex hormones (like they have some general categories and some canonical checmical structures and some studies for certain chemicals having such and such gross effects... but they're not really clear on what each one's metabolic breakdown products are, or how the various medical work-alikes are simillar or different, or what receptors exist where in the body to differentially detect any of the halo of chemicals, or what exactly the specific receptors regulate physiology wise...)

And so long as our medical science isn't up to figuring out what's actually going on, my vote is to try a bunch of stuff at various doses until you feel happy and healthy with your setup (and doctor shop if your doctor isn't up for that). Just listen to your body and treat it right. Granted it's sort of a hippy approach, but I'd rather go with that than a medical establishment that treats women's bodies in general like "little men" and treats me like I don't exist or else am an insane freak whose not willing to shutup and let them experiment on me in a ham handed top down way.

I've messed around with blood chemistry a lot (I've tried DHEA and after I was post-op some testosterone for example) and in my experience hormone's have a huge effect on where I end on like the "manic versus depressive" spectrum, my tendency/ability to think in certain ways, my libido (from not really into it and hard to orgasm at all to crazy horny and multiply orgasmic), my grace/clumsiness, my complexion, and how attractive I feel.

Honorable mention: some kinds of progesterone rock - both for libido goodness and for helping the girls grow :-)

03-16-2007, 11:32 PM
Androcur is funny old stuff. It was *apparently* developed in the USA for use in prisons/instiutions on sex offenders and over active males. From what I know it isn't actually licenced in the USA for public use, except in the prisons. I may be wrong there??

I'm pretty sure that it's FDA approval is still in effect, but it hasn't been commercially available in the US for quite some time. It's available in many other countries, including Canada. I think it was developed as a therapy for prostate cancer, although I wouldn't offhandedly dismiss the prison story, either.

03-17-2007, 12:18 AM
For me you have given me a few things to ponder;

I know lots of people are cool with premarin but it freaks me out because: (1) it's production involves some pretty horrific conditions (pregnant mares in factory farming conditions (http://www.projectcensored.org/publications/2003/23.html) sometimes)

Having now read a description of how Premarin is formulated, may
impact my future HRT regimen. I of course knew that it came
from pregnant mare urine, but didn't really fathom the barbarous
conditions under which it was done.

On the topic of administration:

(3) it goes into your mouth and through your liver before it ever touches your blood so all the clotting factors and "make you fat" enzymes that the liver can make kick in before you get any magical girl powers first. For happy liver stuff and stable blood levels, personally I stick to injectables or pellets.

I am not a big fan of injectables, I have had more than my fair share
of sub-cutaneous Estradiol injections to the buttucks, and I don't
think I would be too fond of sub dermal pellets either.

Thus for me, a happy medium is the use of Premarin cream administered


Now given the concerns that have been outlined about Premarin, what
do you see as a downside to vaginal creams such 17beta-estradiol as
a route of administration.

And finally,

I've messed around with blood chemistry a lot (I've tried DHEA and after I was post-op some testosterone for example) and in my experience hormone's have a huge effect on where I end on like the "manic versus depressive" spectrum, my tendency/ability to think in certain ways, my libido (from not really into it and hard to orgasm at all to crazy horny and multiply orgasmic), my grace/clumsiness, my complexion, and how attractive I feel.

Honorable mention: some kinds of progesterone rock - both for libido goodness and for helping the girls grow :-)

My girls have grown enough, in fact my cups runneth over. :)

Thus my question is what has been your experience with either
testosterone, or progesterone for libidinal enhancing purposes.

03-17-2007, 05:36 PM
now...progynova and androcur cause im away from home and i dont have much access to injecting myself...

at home....for a month....Progynon Depot injectable (twice a week) 8 tabs of Estradiol 2 mg each tablet, one tab of androcur (cyproterone acetate)

i know its overdosing LOL thats why i bitch at people a looot LOLJust be careful with Androcur. It's generally prescribed to girls who have definite plans for SRS, and will cause your testicles to atrophy.

i think so yeah i need to be wary of it but i dont think HRT would be complete without an Antiandrogen otherwise you're just drinking loads and loads of female hormones and not doing anything to diminsh ur capacity to produce testosterone which is very beneficial to feminisation...

on the other hand i do take hormone vacations like off one month after two months therapy so i guess it works for me i can still be functional

believe me some of the Thai ladyboys i know even take just Androcur! no more female hormones....but i guess their being POST-OP has something to do with it too....its amazing! they can eat SO MUCH FOOD and they never get fat! how do you explain that? Androcur does not encourage fat deposits? or what?

beats me!

03-17-2007, 07:09 PM
hi girls,

i'm reading the responses here in the board and heard that would make you calm down and not making you a bitchy mood which i really like it .

is the 200 mgs of spiro and 6 mgs of estradiol would help me get hard too and be able to cum a lot?

girl... where can i get them and do i need a doctor's prescription? i really appreciate your response.....thank you and looking forward...


03-17-2007, 07:22 PM

03-17-2007, 10:04 PM
* Deleted *

03-18-2007, 02:15 AM

Just curious - Do you know this first hand or have it on good authority from several people you know?

Just to chime in with some info on the side here... this guy exists and is legit. Sometimes he rubs people the wrong way. I've heard different girls call him flirty, arrogant, and creepy (but no one reports all three). Some girls like him because he's totally into patient choice and is more likely to encourage higher doses than constantly put the breaks on. The unambiguously cool thing about him is basically that you can get "subdermal pellets" from him so you can stop taking pills every single day... and only think about hormones a couple times a year.

Another thing, if you're flying into LA for pellets, there's two options. Another guy in LA who also does subdermal estradiol pellets is called Dr. Horowitz who is "more legit" in that he doesn't really advertise online, he's cheaper, and (according to the grape vine) he requires letters from a therapist.

Dr. Richard Horowitz
8635 West 3rd Street, Suite 885
Los Angeles, CA

Dr Oday is for TS that want reults. The other doctors in LA are not going to give as an agressive regimin.

03-18-2007, 06:29 AM
Having now read a description of how Premarin is formulated, may impact my future HRT regimen. I of course knew that it came from pregnant mare urine, but didn't really fathom the barbarous conditions under which it was done.

I am not a big fan of injectables, I have had more than my fair share of sub-cutaneous Estradiol injections to the buttucks, and I don't think I would be too fond of sub dermal pellets either.

Thus for me, a happy medium is the use of Premarin cream ...

Now given the concerns that have been outlined about Premarin, what
do you see as a downside to vaginal creams such 17beta-estradiol as
a route of administration.
Basically, I have no clue. I hear about so much variation in results and preferences that my attitidue is basically that anyone pushing a one true way is likely to be acting on something other than certified true beliefs and nothing but deep and genuine concern for my personal well being :-P

Try it. If you think it's cool, yay! If you don't... try something else.

The thing I use the research for is to add in a bit of side info to let me know that "how I feel" isn't the *only* major concern. Like I don't think osteo is something you "feel" until your bones are already so weakened that they get hurt when they shouldn't and then you're already in a really bad place. So it's a legitmate worry if you're post-op and aren't taking *some* kind of hormones... so stay on some kind of hormones... it's a warning that "just because it feels OK right now doesn't mean it necessarily is in the long run".

Anything you don't swallow won't go through your liver first. But I always heard that creams were sorta a ripoff if you're trying to get your blood levels up. There are cheaper ways... but they involve pills or needles or something :-(

Like I said, it's really about getting a balance you're personally comfy with.

03-18-2007, 07:30 AM

Please may I request personal accounts of how your hormones affect your moods, if at all? On the whole I'm ok, but there are times of the day (usually late at night) where I can get really down. And I don't like it. I'm guessing it's due to my oestrogen levels dropping, and am just interested to hear what others have to say.

My hormone regime is;

Cycled between; Premarin 5mg (8 * .625mg) daily. OR. Estradiol 8mg (4 * 2mg daily)
Progesterone 200mg

I'm just interested to hear how you get on and what you're taking.

Warm thanks,


Are you aware that creatine is a steroid and is dangerous to you health, take my friend for example, he was a fit and healthy guy but got sucked into the world of bodybuilding and his friend big Ron suggested dat dere cell-tech. Needless to say my friend being the gullible POS he was trusted ronnies advice whilst in awe at his bulging guns.
He started off with 2 scoops a day, he was really excited about dat celltech. well his downfall started with the first scoop he consumed.

He literally started to grow in about a day, this was unbelieveable. As an all natural bodybuilder i was a bit pissed with what i was seeing. Well a week went by and i popped round his house. OMFG i didnt believe it, his guy put on easily 50lbs of LBM, he was now consuming 3 tubs a week and a gallon of water an hour.

A few months on I confronted him about his celltech abuse he just growled and continued to flex in the mirror. The guy was beyond help i just didnt know what to do so i called 911, the police came round, it was big Ron. I forgot he was a cop.
Anyways big Ron told me, if you say anything about dat dere celltech to my superiors he'd snap my neck. At this point i was shitting bricks, i was literally on my own, me and the cell tech boy and a tub of celltech.

i thought the only people i could contact was the guys back on the misc section, these guys were about as usefull as an ashtray for a motorbike.

my last port of call was muscletech head office, they asked me to leave cell-tech boy and he'd be in safe hands. i left that office worrying about celltech boy and what dat dere cell tech was doing to him inside.
i never did see celltech boy again, i really miss that musclehead.
guys when you mess with cell-tech, your messing with a substance that really is beyond our comprehension, if my story has swayed a few opinions then i can sleep easy tonight.

07-08-2007, 07:29 PM

I am comfortable with the efficacy of vaginal administration of
HRT. I am pleased with my endocrine levels and overall health.
That the cream aids in making my vaginal walls soft and pliable,
and that the cream acts as a lubricant is a bonus.

As you have pointed out, I am very dis-pleased with the
barbarous conditions under which Premarin is formulated.

In the mare, the period of gestation lasts an average of 11 -
11.5 months (330-350 days). Thus a mare could conceivabley be
engaged in Premarin production for that entire period.

At foaling, a mare’s daily nutrient requirements increase
significantly. The mares protein and energy requirements almost
double from early gestation to lactation, as do requirements for
calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin A.

If these need are not met, the mare’s ability to raise her
new foal and become pregnant again may be negatively
impacted. A mare will lactate for the fourth, fifth, and sixth

Whether the mares foal may be aborted so as to maximize profit,
and to allow her to beome pregnant again is not known by me.

What is known is that I will be looking at other vaginal
cream HRT options forthwith.




07-08-2007, 10:57 PM
My regimen is 400mg spiro and 4mg progynova, which usually leaves me crying my eyes out by the time 10pm rolls around.
It's probably not the best dose for me, but it's all I can afford right now. :(

01-16-2008, 01:54 PM


01-16-2008, 11:12 PM
Whether the mares foal may be aborted so as to maximize profit,
and to allow her to beome pregnant again is not known by me.

My understanding is that a few foals are sold for entertainment. The majority get turned into glue or dog food.

It's similar to dairy farms where only a couple males are saved and the rest get sold as veal. With factory egg farming, they get a bunch of eggs in to hatch and then the male chicks are turned into fertilizer because they're not considered good as fryers and obviously can't make eggs. With cattle, they ground up dead cows to feed them to the other ones... apparently that's bad because now we have Mad Cow Disease.

Factory farming is bad.

01-16-2008, 11:16 PM
Claire: I didn't know you were taking so much spiro. Don't you constantly have to pee? ^-^

I'm taking 200mg spiro, 4mg estradiol, 2.5mg medoxyprogesterone. When I have money burning a hole in my pocket, I pick up extra E off of Inhouse and go to 6mg or 8mg. I tried 5mg progesterone for a while but that played with my anxiety and such too much but I like that it gives me more energy. I know micronized is better but it's what I can afford.

I'm going to look at switching to shots soon (which I've been saying for two years now...). I can't wait to get an orchi, hopefully next year (2009) unless something comes up.

01-17-2008, 02:51 AM
Whether the mares foal may be aborted so as to maximize profit,
and to allow her to beome pregnant again is not known by me.

My understanding is that a few foals are sold for entertainment. The majority get turned into glue or dog food.

It's similar to dairy farms where only a couple males are saved and the rest get sold as veal. With factory egg farming, they get a bunch of eggs in to hatch and then the male chicks are turned into fertilizer because they're not considered good as fryers and obviously can't make eggs. With cattle, they ground up dead cows to feed them to the other ones... apparently that's bad because now we have Mad Cow Disease.

Factory farming is bad.

I truly had no idea that was the final fate
of those animals.

I may have to become a PETA member.

After I become a vegetarian again. :oops:

But it is truly barbaric.