View Full Version : How do you escorts and/or prostitutes protect yourself

03-13-2007, 08:07 PM
how do you protect yourself from many of those nutcases out there and prevent something what happen to miram happen to you.I'm assumming many of you girls are non-violent but when push comes to shove what would you do call the cops what?

Would any of you consider carrying a firearm but we all know what carrying a firearm could lead to (sylvia boots case).

Alison Faraday
03-13-2007, 09:26 PM

03-13-2007, 10:08 PM
So the more money you charge the safer you are,correct me if im wrong.

03-13-2007, 10:29 PM

03-13-2007, 10:54 PM
When I saw one provider(twice in one week), I wondered the same thing. Here was this young, small statured, seemingly naive, young woman at the mercy of just about any guy. The naive comment stems from the part that she didn't screen me over the phone in the least way when I first called her for our first tryst. It was just, "when can you come over ... okay bye, see you in an hour...". Any guy could have completed his session with her, knocked her out, and then rummage through for whatever he could find of value from her. I don't know, but the first thing I would consider is staying at a place that is near some well known national bank where one could deposit their money with some modicum of frequency. It's either that, or find a way to take credit and ATM cards from your clients. Another thing I would do is maybe travel with a partner. Safety in numbers cannot be understated. These girls provide a valuable service, but damn is it risky.

Hmmmm, what am I missing?

03-13-2007, 11:01 PM

03-13-2007, 11:10 PM
When I saw one provider(twice in one week), I wondered the same thing. Here was this young, small statured, seemingly naive, young woman at the mercy of just about any guy. The naive comment stems from the part that she didn't screen me over the phone in the least way when I first called her for our first tryst. It was just, "when can you come over ... okay bye, see you in an hour...". Any guy could have completed his session with her, knocked her out, and then rummage through for whatever he could find of value from her. I don't know, but the first thing I would consider is staying at a place that is near some well known national bank where one could deposit their money with some modicum of frequency. It's either that, or find a way to take credit and ATM cards from your clients. Another thing I would do is maybe travel with a partner. Safety in numbers cannot be understated. These girls provide a valuable service, but damn is it risky.

Hmmmm, what am I missing?

The service that was run out of my bedroom had a call center with what they call "the agent"- he handles the appointments, bails you out if you get arrested, and knows the who, where and when of every gig.

I don't see how some girls can do it all solo.

"The agent" = Madame ?

That would solve a lot of what I mentioned, but to many clients such as myself -- who wouldn't harm a flea mind you -- discretion is of paramount importance, with the less people who know, the better. For the provider, it's either you are damned if you do, and damned if you don't in this case.

I too don't know how a girl can go solo? (Maybe she had a bodyguard or boyfriend in a nearby room?)

03-14-2007, 09:48 PM

Many martial arts are designed to protect and defend the slighter build from attack and are not always as full on as expected, it's not all Bruce Lee stuff. Learn some self defence girls. confidence. independance. safety.

You only got one life, one face, one soul.

03-14-2007, 10:26 PM
lol one thing allot of men fail to realize about tgirls is that yes they used to be men LOL, but besides that the greatest protection i would think that a tgirl has, is her body, you would think she might carry a tazer and or mace, but if things got out of hand and she didnt have the mace nor tazer and things started to turn to rape i would presume her natural instinct would be to hit the nuts at first site, then kick his ass. LMAO :lol:

03-15-2007, 12:42 AM
lol one thing allot of men fail to realize about tgirls is that yes they used to be men LOL,

Blackmagic, from your posts i thouht that you knew a little about hormones. Extended hormone therapy and orchiectomies can leave a girl as weak as a kitten or more acurately as weak as a girl. Hormones affect emotions aswell as physical strength, muscle mass, etc. You are so wrong in your assumption that a TS woman is as strong and aggressive as a man. After the balls(testosterone factory) are gone she even smells and tastes like a woman, pheremonally. TS girls are every bit as vunerable as 'G' girls.
I'm afraid there is a LOT you fail to realise blackmagic. Didn't you have some hormone related mishap?

And stop LOLLING! This is not a laughing matter fool. so keep your stupid, ignorant, jokes OUT of this thread

Please P.M. me if you dont like what i wrote, no need to litter up this thread with more back and forth between two posters.

03-15-2007, 02:06 AM
lol one thing allot of men fail to realize about tgirls is that yes they used to be men LOL,

Blackmagic, from your posts i thouht that you knew a little about hormones. Extended hormone therapy and orchiectomies can leave a girl as weak as a kitten or more acurately as weak as a girl. Hormones affect emotions aswell as physical strength, muscle mass, etc. You are so wrong in your assumption that a TS woman is as strong and aggressive as a man. After the balls(testosterone factory) are gone she even smells and tastes like a woman, pheremonally. TS girls are every bit as vunerable as 'G' girls.
I'm afraid there is a LOT you fail to realise blackmagic. Didn't you have some hormone related mishap?

And stop LOLLING! This is not a laughing matter fool. so keep your stupid, ignorant, jokes OUT of this thread

Please P.M. me if you dont like what i wrote, no need to litter up this thread with more back and forth between two posters.


03-15-2007, 02:11 AM
would have been easier to ban the moron... but noooooo....

annnnnd scene.

03-15-2007, 02:12 AM

jen...you rule....hahaha

03-15-2007, 02:13 AM

03-15-2007, 02:21 AM

pretty fucking rude ^^^

03-15-2007, 02:25 AM
One gurl I was with, though a little wisp of a thing, exuded the attitude du jour and, I am quite sure, could have whupped my ass (In a way I certainly would not have appreciated) with one hand tied behind her back had I given her any grief.

Another, a rather well-known vid star, gave me the clear impression that she had a guardian angel (Or major-sized Bruno) not more than a shout away.

It's a dangerous profession in a dangerous world. Cover your bases and your ass and get home safe.

Alison Faraday
03-15-2007, 02:26 AM

pretty fucking rude ^^^

Who cares. I just want money for my SRS and facial surgery. I don't know. I just do this for the money and it all goes in the pot.

03-15-2007, 02:35 AM
yep yep... the first week i started working i made over 3k... sure beat the crap outta my 22.50 job lol

03-15-2007, 05:19 AM
. Extended hormone therapy and orchiectomies can leave a girl as weak as a kitten or more acurately as weak as a girl. Hormones affect emotions aswell as physical strength, muscle mass, etc.

As weak as the general GG population that is... there are some strong GG's out there I wouldn't wanna fight. Its a bell curve.

Now strength is a moot point if an attack is a complete surprise. If I am walking or sitting or standing somewhere and get hit across the back of my head from behind with a baseball bat... all the strength in the world won't mean a thing.

As to carrying weapons (defensive or offensive, doesn't really matter) there is always the concern that you'd lose the weapon in a struggle and have it used on you by the attacker... suppose I have a switchblade and a guy or a group of guys is trying to mug me... if I pull out the blade and they get it away from me, now its a guy or group of guys armed with a single blade while I am unarmed.

Having someone know where you are, and using customers less likely to be a problem (repeats, friends/referrals of repeats etc) is the best pre-emptive move I can think of.

03-15-2007, 06:21 AM
. Extended hormone therapy and orchiectomies can leave a girl as weak as a kitten or more acurately as weak as a girl. Hormones affect emotions aswell as physical strength, muscle mass, etc.

As weak as the general GG population that is... there are some strong GG's out there I wouldn't wanna fight. Its a bell curve.

Now strength is a moot point if an attack is a complete surprise. If I am walking or sitting or standing somewhere and get hit across the back of my head from behind with a baseball bat... all the strength in the world won't mean a thing.

As to carrying weapons (defensive or offensive, doesn't really matter) there is always the concern that you'd lose the weapon in a struggle and have it used on you by the attacker... suppose I have a switchblade and a guy or a group of guys is trying to mug me... if I pull out the blade and they get it away from me, now its a guy or group of guys armed with a single blade while I am unarmed.

Having someone know where you are, and using customers less likely to be a problem (repeats, friends/referrals of repeats etc) is the best pre-emptive move I can think of.

lol about time you joined the forum :wink:

03-15-2007, 06:55 AM
* Deleted *

03-15-2007, 11:08 AM
lol about time you joined the forum :wink:

I wondered how long you were gonna take to notice I was posting here now ;)

I joined when you said you were gonna post some of my pics here just to see if you were kidding or serious (note I am not giving you consent to upload my pics- if people wanna see me give me a few weeks until I have a computer again).... didn't realize which account was yours until last night. But its all good.

03-15-2007, 11:17 AM

Remeber with firearms that the laws will vary dramatically from state to state... sure girls need protection, I am a gun owner and advocate everyone having at least one firearm... but given the way the prison system works with tgirls (and tguys for that matter) I know I certainly wouldn't wanna end up doing time for violating a gun law.

I.e. NY has no carry nor a conceal license of any kind... with side arms you need a pistol permit/license... which is easy enough to get outside of NYC if you have the money and patience for the process (expect a grand and 8-18 months to get it min.). Transporting a side arm, as a civilian, in any way thats practical for self defense, is against state law. Transporting it requires it be in a locked metal transport case, unloaded, with the ammunition stored elsewhere.

An other thing to keep in mind for protection- if protection can be made to also include staying out of jail (for obvious reasons), is your std status... many (most?) states have min sentences, and/or specific laws etc that come into play if you're found to be a prostitute while carrying hiv/aids.

03-15-2007, 07:42 PM
lol about time you joined the forum :wink:

I wondered how long you were gonna take to notice I was posting here now ;)

I joined when you said you were gonna post some of my pics here just to see if you were kidding or serious (note I am not giving you consent to upload my pics- if people wanna see me give me a few weeks until I have a computer again).... didn't realize which account was yours until last night. But its all good.

LOL well I wouldnt do that to ya, I was joking lol.

yeah ima create another account sooner or later and just lay low. lol

03-16-2007, 05:33 PM
* Deleted *

03-16-2007, 05:48 PM
* Deleted *

03-16-2007, 05:56 PM

03-16-2007, 07:25 PM
lol one thing allot of men fail to realize about tgirls is that yes they used to be men...

There are many T-girls who were never men.
Such TSs were never really boys, and were certainly never men.

WORD! wisdom from Wendy.

03-16-2007, 08:55 PM
how do escorts work the personal security?

if you do outcalls i would always send myself a text message
of the address i was about to go to so that if i went missing
the authorities would know where i last was.

if i was doing incalls i don't know. either i would have another
person in the apt. when i had clients over, or maybe have
security cameras that broadcast to online account. i might
even ask to see the ID of each client and then somehow
get a photo of it before a session.

this is one of the reasons i never got into escorting. i did a
VERY brief stint as online webcam model but even that was
just too disturbing for me and i ended up working in the office
of the company instead.

a friend of mine in Toronto who was an escort was murdered
by a client and it's haunted me ever since.

03-16-2007, 09:43 PM
An TG escort friend of mine has a large screen TV (40" or so) on a camera showing the entrance to her building all the time. She sees anyone who is coming up to her place when (if) she rings them in. Granted, it's possible for people to slip by on someone else's entry when she's not looking, but I think it helps hugely.

I have another TG escort friend of mine was abushed by an attacker just as she opened her apt door one evening; he beat her and sprayed her all over with pepper spray, and she just barely managed to get back inside and lock the door. I got a text message from her at the hospital after it all went down; it took her days to recover. I was so pissed, I wish that I were built like Mega and could meet up with the shithole who attacked her in a dark alley. But my first friend's security system might well have prevented that scene from happening.